HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-09-08 Minutes"Q C SANFA CLAUS R\R.AIDE Attendees: Kathy McLaughlin Roger Letooze, Tracey Bayley -Buckle, Jen Ashby, Jeri Laughlin, Jeff Laughlin, Allison Dart ReRrets: Terryl Tzikas Motion: "To accept the minutes from the April 21, 2015 Meeting Minutes" Motion: Tracey Bayley -Buckle 2"'d: Allison Dart All in favour — passed Ter I TzikasChair person • In Terryl's absence she had a few questions: o Update on Bank Account — Allison has not received the cheque, but will check the mailbox and is still awaiting the $70 .00 from Jen Laughlin from Mapletest. Motion: "To put the $1,500.00 received from the Municipal Grant towards repairing Santas Float" Motion: Jen Ashby 2"°a: Tracey Bayley -Buckle All in favour — passed * Donation Letter — donation letter was reviewed and agreed to use. Jeri will insert the address of the UPS office. The idea of sponsorship was agreed by the Committee not to go ahead with * New driver for Float — Jen will ask Graydon Brown's grandson if he would like to pull Santas Float * Legion contact — will be Brad Black c) Signs — Bill was absent at this rrieeting and Jen agreed to bring forward a design for us to look at for next meeting. C) Keys for Barn —Tracey is still working on this. en Lau, �hfin (Aqtton Co Ordinator): Change Therne —Jen asked if the theme could be changed this year, as there was riot enough time to work on the Float, It was agreed by the Committee to leave the theme name as it is. Rogers information has been sent in. Jeff Latm izhhn (Website Coordinator): Will speak with Terryl regarding taking over the Floats and Fillers. Tracey Bayley -Buckle (Costume/MakeUp Coordinator): Keys to be done. Will be going to the Barn in the next week to check that the Electrical problem has been fixed and if it has not, will contact the Municipality. Tracey will not be here for Parade day. Len Ashb y Bands Has heard from the Concert Bank of Cobourg. Kath v McLaughlin (Secreta!y): Central School has been booked for an amount of $185.00. May have to review to see if we really require this as it is quite expensive. Updating the list for donations. Allison Dart (Treasurer): Will check the mailbox to see if there is any mail, R. ger Letooze (Event Support Coordinator): Has a contact name for the Legion Representative, this will be Brad Black. Wagon has not been fixed yet. Motion to Adjourn: Tracy 2"" Jen Laughlin Next Meeting: Tuesday September 22, 2015 Room 1A