HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-10-20 MinutesTowmanville, Santa Claus Parade Minutes: Octobei- 2(.- .h 20115
AWndeevAllis't,ni Dart, Bill fleatheote, Jeff Laug[din, Jennifer U.njgfifin, ftoger Leto ozWS,
,rer'ryl Tzi�kas,'f'iracey Bayley-flucIde
Motion: To accept the mirrutes from the October 6, 2015 Meeting Minutes
Wopased:jeniiifer Latighfin 2,,d :'Traoey B,,iy1ey-BtIckle
AH in favour - passed
JennNer Laughlin (Creative Director):
Reindeer Update: Rvindeer reniDdeling c(,mtinttes, mAl beHnishe�] by thenext
(Hkey" The coniniAtee ids entRUI FKAeniiid isstie with, Ihe vvill
review, ivil,h, Fred (Fred's AU -to Body) to ensiarvthe issue is. Potential iSSUe with
paint on reindeer backs, Jen i i ifeir will v(,rvievv'�Ilnd ""Issess in pel'-sorl.
Leather Rehis: Wed has reannumuded Wat ive ecaisider using mAi afwasiw! WH the
reindeer rehis. Jennifer has Wed hux) alternative arrangements for ttie rt'�ins, It is
possjbk,,to have Wwnd nvw feather reins ImUt Onchuhng beUs and accouvrmento Or
app"n. $50(1"rbis solution vvould last for maj'137 yr earsand be good conipleinent (o the
U[Klated Reindeer.
Motion, ru hold off for I year getfirig the riew reins, and look for an alterinative for, this year
Proposed: Roger Letooze, 21"1": Allison Dart
Sticker for outdoor signs: re,. -no suggested that she tna,, be able get sUckem rnade at
vowkAnnArto send Acker requireTMAS tDIdid TyL JonniR!rto(A)Lalncp3otet;if'Pei iyI
is unable u') have the sfiickers aiadc,.
Float: 12 Days of (IGUnasneine I near emnpledmi Ical m-tist Kaitlyn Desjardins
expeds to Wive 17110 'l h-Waagert""ixly for inst"'111'ahon "vivithin "t Week"
Jeff Laughlin jechinical Director):
Facebook., zN11"erryl's re("Jm"�St P'rivil(,"ges for additional A.dinins has bemi rmkmvd to
ensure OULt only,leffhas the abilky to p(mt and resp,-)nd to on th4,Parad(�
F'aceboak t,mge,,
Sponsorship lefter: �vffl post on Lhe website
AppleFest Update: App�eFest ovas fin: ,,!a1C'C'CSS. SJightl Ianirle'r $I(..)o Was' n"'tised. F'r'orvi
With[ visitors we vivere jAeasentb, suprimal to Imu,'m that tlu-° Pa.rades diate
6ange mms not, oflarge to t JIM& Solue people d H qpiestion the date change
but, %voift has Avady been spre,,W nn nn_d nt,,any people alremly had Made dRy nuaked or)
their cahmidais.
Faicebook Ads: proposed h,,,,tving adverfisin,g, for about $250-pluo, Tergi menUoned
hat she has an .n spent $,,um of the advertising Widget m a and L/2 1_)g
ail with Cherrington "Mis Week'whicb Will kning suldRioria] suippoll to
the paradn Jeff'oviVii] review the. andvertising npdor�s to sec,vvhat t�tq)es ofand lnen %ve may,
be able W hwget to die kx.rat raarket. We may 1xi able t(# n'iix s'otm, (,',alls fi-'w vol un
then sivitch to rernh"Aers about the parade as the date neam. NuThook Ads ave
genmaly inexpenive and can be ldyfhly taigemi.
Bill Hnen' hcate (Assistant Event Coordinator):
Mickers: Has askiml that stickers Whe signs he delivered befimv Ns vcmfl-m'.nr istas that is
the date hen is aiming to distribute signs muml lopm.
Signs: vivorking o'n pert"nit for the Ist of Novell"11)er
Barn Sigru BeHeves it vvH1 be to n overlhe Parade sign it the lx�'irn r-,'Rher d. N.n°i9nll pr
11iscussed qAhnns vAth RtMer.
Roger Leto (Event Skippmt Coordinator):
Battery: j,,',)urehased battery, Mr„ ann ala rnlcmplmne, hi Mfison'�.,,; binder
Parade CminieFAStar: Val abh,'� to do co'niniet'itary, buL Cbarles, is not ava.flalfle tbislyear,
AWson W ask Sue St Mui if she vw)ukl Hke W Mkp ink Me We this year. If she i,"'i
unable to %ve vvill likely apInuach Rogers; Cabba ur smiw Rogers Wts vvhO may two able to
fi��'Ap (fl"I'ey hav("'Ifots m camera but nr,)t tXnnn.ndd the pa'rad� ",� as Will as solne
of our ot% potential
Ifacey Baylen,ickle (Costurne/Makeup Coordinator):
Barn: Cleaned
Cu stnen ne: Missint; "G(,xxJ Witch" eosttvrne.
Terryl'Tzikas (Chairpersm"i),
DonaUons: i daruati(,mi. recvived Of $500
FlOatS: 22i'loat's to da Le
Bands. Slzkuidsbutne
bleMing to buHd 2015 Prcgir,,,.mi Oi.-der has been cliosen.
Date: Monday gth.
placc�-, 'F('�rryl's lAort'se Z1,9 Mck"rimirlon Cresc%
Motion: Acljouni byllryl Was �n,,O :,rrac,(.,,.y Ba�,yley-Bpuckk,! and cor4irnied by unanhv[(,,A,,Is cionsent
Next hleedng: Tuezxia), Nlolv(,m.1'1Xl' 31"' 2015 11C