HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-10-06 MinutesI�ANTA CLAUS MRAOL GA k I I-18ITTY1 N & I ftyl A I all 1 1, Iii I U49-I&XI Attendees: Kathy McLaughlin Roger Letooze, Tracey Bayley -Buckle, Jen Ashby, Jen Laughlin, Jeff Laughlin, Bill Heathcote, Terryl Tzikas Regrets: Allison Dart Motion: "To accept the minutes from the September 22, 2015 Meeting Minutes" Motion-, Jen: Ashby 2 Nd - Tracey Bayley -Buckle All in favour — passed Ter[y] Tzikas (Chairperson). * Have Brad Black added to Website as Legion Representative * Receipts from Jennifer Laughlin to be given to Allison Dart. * Barn Clean — up will be October 181h, 2015 @ 11;00 a.m. * Memorial Clubhouse is good to go * Sign at Building may need to be covered up * Ron Thompson will be Santa again for us. Len Laughlin Button Co OrdinatorL* • Tinman Pants are being repaired this years • Bernstain; Bears (Marnma and Pappa), costumes are being cleaned: and updated for this year • New Elf costumes will be in a size 10 and two size 6's • Fredit Auto Body has 3 of the first 4 Reindeeers completed and will take the other 4 when finished first four.. Reigns of reindeers will need to be replaced , maybe with a leather. • Painting for Committee Float for 12 Days of Christmas is under way • Rogers — had the wrong date for coverage of Parade, Jen will make Sure that they will be attending • Button — Jen provided a print of our button. • • Motion: "To accept design of the 2015 Santa Parade Button" • Motion. Kathy McLaughlin 2 Nd . Jen Ashby All in favour— passed • • Coffee & Cakes — will provide a Professional Photographer for this years parade, and we will have ALL rights to pictures. • Jen contacted St. Marys Cement to provide candy for our volunteers to Ihand out, a discussion was held and this will be a no go . Jeff Laughlin (Website, Coordinator) • Jeff will look after Volunteers this year. Thank you Jeff. He will also answer all emails sent to Facebook. • Quite a lot of interest on the website Tracey Bayley -Buckle (Costume/MakeUp Coordinator): • Nothing to Report at this time. Jen Ashby (Bands)- • Bowmanville High School is quite happy to receive the $250.00 this year • Toronto Signals will be attending this year • Thrump N Bit will not be attending • Durham Regional Police and Cobourg Legion will also be attending Kathy McLaughlin (Secretary o Letters will be sent out in the next week, was still waiting for letterhead to be printed 0 Allison Dart (Treasurer). - Nothing to Report at this time. Roger Letooze (Event Support Coordinator )- • Will be contacting Bob's Towing and Quarry Lakes • Buttons and programs will need to be at Legion the Friday before Parade day Motion toAdjourn: Roger Letooze Next Meeting -. Tuesday Occober28,2D1SRoo nn1A