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Council Agenda Date: January 18, 2016 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers, 2nd Floor Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Inquiries & Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please contact: Cindy Fleming, Administrative Assistant to the Clerk, at 905-623-3379, ext. 2101 or by email at cfleming(a-),clarington.net. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Audio Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of Council meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation at a Council meeting, the Municipality will be audio recording you and will make the recording public by publishing the recording on the Municipality's website. In addition, please be advised that some of the Council meetings may be video recorded. Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net l , i 1 Call to Order 2 Moment of Reflection 3 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest 4 Announcements 5 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) 5.1 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council December 14, 2015 6 Presentations 6.1 Mayor Foster — Annual Address 7 Delegations 8 Communications — Receive for Information Council Agenda Date: January 18, 2016 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 5-1 8.1 Debi A. Wilcox, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, Region of Durham - 8-1 Aggregate Levies 9 Communications — Direction There are no Communications for direction as of the time of publication. 10 Committee Reports 10.1 Advisory Committee Reports 10.1.1 Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington dated December 10, 2015 10.1.2 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee dated December 8, 2015 10. 1.3 Minutes of the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee dated September 2, October 7, and November 3, 2015 10-1 10-5 m Page 1 Council Agenda Date: January 18, 2016 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 10.1.4 Minutes of Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade Committee dated January 20, April 21, 10-22 September 8, September 22, October 6, October 20, November 3, and December 1, 2015 10. 1.5 Minutes of the Orono Arena Community Centre Board dated June 23 and 10-45 October 27, 2015 10. 1.6 Minutes of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board dated 10-54 November 10, 2015 10. 1.7 Minutes of the Clarington Museums Board dated November 11, 2015 10-57 10.1.8 Minutes of the Abandoned Cemetery Committee dated December 3, 2015 10-63 10.2 General Government Committee Report of January 4, 2016 10-66 10.3 Planning & Development Committee Report of January 11, 2016 10-74 11 Staff Reports 12 Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion 13 Unfinished Business 13.1 Item 18 — EFW -ACC Monitoring Program (General Government Committee Report 13-1 of November 30, 2015) 14 By-laws 14.1 2016-001 Being a By-law to to establish certain lands as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington, to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington, and to name them (Item 5 of the General Government Committee Report) 14.2 2015-002 Being a By-law to to provide for the maintenance, management, regulation and control of the cemeteries in the Municipality of Clarington (Item 7 of the General Government Committee Report) 14.3 2015-003 Being a By-law to regulate the clearing away and removal of snow and ice from the roofs of buildings and from sidewalks within the Municipality of Clarington and to amend By-law 93-144 (Item 9 of the General Government Committee Report) Page 2 Council Agenda Date: January 18, 2016 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 14.4 2015-004 Being a By-law to regulate the placement of election signs (Item 11 of the General Government Committee Report) 14.5 2015-005 Being a By-law to designate the property known for municipal purposes as 1640 Concession Road 9, Municipality of Clarington as a property of historic or architectural value or interest under the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18 (Approved by Council November 23, 2015 ) 14.6 2015-006 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (H & H Properties Inc.) (Approved by Council September 8, 2014) 14.7 2015-007 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (South Bowmanville Ltd.) (Item 7 of the Planning & Development Committee Report) 15 Procedural Notices of Motion 16 Other Business 17 Confirming By -Law 18 Adjournment Page 3 Council Minutes December 14, 2015 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on December 14, 2015, at 7:00 PM, in the Council Chambers. Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor S. Cooke, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor W. Partner, Councillor C. Traill, Councillor W. Woo Staff Present: F. Wu, A. Allison, T. Cannella, J. Caruana, D. Crome, L. Gordon, F. Horvath, M. Marano, G. Weir, A. Greentree, C. Fleming 1 Call to Order Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 2 Moment of Reflection Councillor Neal led the meeting in a moment of reflection. 3 . Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest Councillor Neal indicated that he would be declaring a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 1(p) of the General Government Committee Report. Councillor Partner indicated that she would be declaring a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 11 of the General Government Committee- Report. May Foster indicated that he would be declaring a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 11 of the General Government Committee Report. 4 Announcements Members of Council announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. 5 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting Resolution #C-319-15 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo That the minutes of a regular meeting of Council November 23, 2015, be approved. Carried -1- 5-1 Council Clarington Minutes December 14, 2015 Resolution #C-320-15 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Order of the Agenda be altered to consider Delegation 7.2 following Delegation 7.3. Carried 6 Presentations 6.1 Ted Baker, Chair, Energy From Waste — Waste Management Advisory Committee, addressed Council to present the Committee's Annual Report. Mr. Baker indicated that this would be his final presentation to Council as per the Committee's Terms of Reference. He stated the application process has commenced for the new term and encouraged members of the public to apply to new postings. Through use of a PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Baker provided an update on the Committee meeting schedule which included four regularly -scheduled meetings which were very well attended. He noted the Region has been much attuned to providing information to the Committee by way of multiple presentations from staff on 2015 initiatives and the Committee also received several presentations from members of the public. Mr. Baker noted 2015 was a very busy year with Committee members attending various events in local communities, including the Durham Waste Fair held on August 29, 2015, the launch of a new Regional mobile app and tours of the Niagara Falls, New York EFW facility, the Appliance Recycling ARCA Canada, and the first site tour of the Durham/York Energy Centre on November 17, 2015. Mr. Baker summarized by noting that the Emission Stack Test is awaiting final regulatory approval; waste volume is down slightly year over year; and a special meeting will be held in January to review protocols for release of information. Ted Baker responded to questions from Members of Council. Resolution #C-321-15 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Traill That Ted Baker, Chair, Energy from Waste — Waste Management Advisory Committee (EFW-WMAC) be thanked for presenting the Committee's Annual Report; and That Members of the Energy from Waste — Waste Management Advisory Committee be thanked for their efforts on the Committee over the term of their membership. Carried -2- 7 Delegations Council Minutes December 14, 2015 7.1 Dr. Robin Jeffery addressed Council concerning Item 13 of the General Government Committee Report — Report CLD -020-15 — Parking Meters on Church Street. Dr. Jeffery advised that she had distributed a letter outlining her position and that she was of the understanding that a motion would be forthcoming later in the meeting to defeat the Committee recommendation to install parking meters on Church Street, Dr. Jeffery confirmed -that she had never suggested the installation of parking meters on Church Street as a way to address parking concerns on the street. Dr. Jeffery responded to questions from Members of Council 7.2 Kristopher Bargenda addressed Council concerning Item 13 of the General Government Committee Report — Report CLD -020-15 — Parking Meters on Church Street advising that he lives on Church Street and does not support the installation parking meters in front of his home. Kristopher Bargenda responded to questions from Members of Council. Resolution #C-322-15 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal That the Order of the Agenda be altered to consider Item 13 of the General Government Committee Report at this time. Carried 10. Committee Reports 10.2 General Government Committee Report of November 30, 2015 Item 13 — Parking Meters on Church Street Resolution #C-323-15 Moved by Councillor -Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal That Report CLD -020-15 be received for information. Carried -3- 5-3 k 7 Delegations (cont'd) 7.3 Confidential Delegation — Confidential Legal Matter Resolution #C-324-15 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councilloffraill Council Minutes December 14, 2015 That in accordance with 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing a matter that deals with advice that is subject to solicitor -client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. Carried The meeting reconvened in open session at 8:37 pm. The Mayor advised that one item was discussed in "closed" session in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, and two resolutions were passed on a procedural matter. 8 Communications — Receive for Information 8.1 Nigel Bellchamber, Amberley Gavel Ltd. — Report Regarding the Investigation of the Closed Meeting of Council for the Municipality of Clarington on February 26, 2015 Resolution #C-325-15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Woo That correspondence Item 8.1 from Nigel Bellchamber, Amberley Gavel Ltd., with respect to Report Regarding the Investigation of the Closed Meeting of Council for the Municipality of Clarington on February 26, 2015, be received for information. Carried 9 Communications — Direction 9.1 Maria Abi-Ghanem, Project Coordinator, SLN-Aecon Joint Venture — Darlington Refurbishment Retube and Feeder Replacement Project (RFR) - Request for Exemption to Noise By-law Resolution #C-326-15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That correspondence Item 9.1 from Maria Abi-Ghanem, Project Coordinator, SLN- Aecon Joint Venture — Darlington Refurbishment Retube and Feeder Replacement Project (RFR), requesting an exemption to By-law 2007-071 for the period January 13 to May 31, 2016, be approved. Carried 5-4 Council Ciaringon Minutes December 14, 2015 9.2 Robert Malone — Report PSD-061-15 — Application by 564069 Ontario Inc. to Construct a 5-Storey, Mixed-Use Building on Beaver Street South, Newcastle Resolution #C-327-15 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That Correspondence Item 9.1 from Robert Malone, with respect to an Application by 564069 Ontario Inc. to construct a 5-Storey, Mixed-Use Building on Beaver Street South, Newcastle, be referred to Item 4 of the Planning & Development Committee Report. Carried 10 Committee Reports (cont'd) 10.1 Advisory Committee Reports 10.1.1 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated November 17, 2015 10.1.2 Minutes of the Clarington Museums Board dated November 11, 2015 10.1.3 Minutes of the Orono Arena Community Centre Board dated June 23, 2015 Resolution #C-328-15 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill J That 10.1.1 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated November 17, 2015 10.1.2 Minutes of the Clarington Museums Board dated November 11, 2015 10.1.3 Minutes of the Orono Arena Community Centre Board dated June 23, 2015, be received for information. Carried 10.2 General Government Committee Report of November 30, 2015 Resolution #C-329-15 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the recommendations contained in the General Government Committee Report of November 30, 2015 be approved, on consent, with the exception of items #1(p), #11, and #18. Carried -5- 5-5 Council Minutes December 14, 2015 Councillor Neal stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 1(p) of the General Government Committee Report as he is a Director of Home Base Durham and left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on this matter. Item 1(p) - Judy Mead, President, Autism Home Base Durham — Thank You for Community Granit Resolution #C-330-15 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Woo That Item 1(p) — Correspondence from Judy Mead, President, Autism Home Base Durham, expressing appreciation for the Community Grant, be received for information. Carried Councillor Neal returned to the meeting. Councillor Partner stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 11 of the General Government Committee Report as it pertains to the Orono Santa Claus Parade as she is the Chair of the Orono Santa Claus Parade Committee and left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on this matter. Mayor Foster stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 11 of the General Government Committee Report as it pertains to the Bowmanville Figure Skating Club as his son is working on a contract for Skate Canada and left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on .this matter. Councillor Woo assumed the Chair. Item 11 — Sponsorship Requests for Bowmanville Figure Skating Club, Clarington Zone Hockey Association, Newcastle Santa Claus Parade, Tyrone Community Centre and the Orono Santa Claus Parade Resolution #C-331-15 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Report CSD -015-15 be received; That the sponsorship request for the Bowmanville Figure Skating Club in the amount of $2500.00, be approved; That the sponsorship request for the Clarington Zone Hockey Association in the amount of $1200.00, be approved; That the sponsorship request for the Newcastle Business Improvement Association in the amount of $300.00, be approved; Irve 5-6 That the sponsorship request for the Orono Downtown Business Improvement Association in the amount of $300.00, be approved; and That all interested parties listed in Report CSD -015-15 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried Mayor Foster and Councillor Partner returned to the meeting. Mayor Foster resumed the Chair. Item 18 — EFW -ACC Monitoring Program Resolution #C-332-15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That Item 18 of the General Government Committee Report of November 30, 2015, be tabled until the next Council meeting. Carried 10.3 Planning & Development Committee Report of December 7, 2015 Resolution #C-333-15 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Traill That the recommendations contained in the Planning & Development Committee Report of December 7, 2015 be approved, on consent, with the exception of Item #3. Carried Item 3 — An Application Priority Green Clarington Green Development Framework and Implementation Plan Resolution #C-334-15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report PSD -060-15 be received; That Council endorse the green development framework described within the Priority Green Clarington: Green Development Framework and Implementation Plan (Attachment 1 to Report PSD -060-15); -7- 5-7 Council Minutes December 14, 2015 That Council authorize Staff to submit Attachment 1 and the related supporting studies to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities in accordance with the final report requirements of our Green Municipal Fund Grant Agreement; That Council authorize Staff to implement the 2016-2017 action plan contained in Report PSD -060-15 (Attachment 1, Section 7); That Council authorize Staff to apply for funding opportunities to support the action plan items, where identified; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -060-15 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried later in the meeting Resolution #C-335-15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the foregoing Resolution #C-334-15 be amended by adding: "That the Municipality of Clarington request that builders consider using alternatives to shingled roofs". Motion Withdrawn The foregoing Resolution #C-334-15 was then put to a vote and carried. 11 Staff Reports There were no Staff Reports introduced under this Section of the Agenda. 12 Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion There was no Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion introduced under this Section of the Agenda. 13 Unfinished Business There was no Unfinished Business considered under this Section of the Agenda. Councii Minutes Claringtoil December 14, 2015 14 By-laws By-law 2015-087 was withdrawn due to Item 13 of the General Government Committee Report being received for information. Resolution #C-336-15 Moved by Councillor Hooper,. seconded by Councillor Cooke That leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2015-084 to 2015-086 and 2015-088 to 2015-090 14.1 2015-084 Being a By-law to establish, lay out and dedicate certain lands as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington, and to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington (Item 8 of the General Government Committee Report) 14.2 2015-085 Being a By-law to establish, lay out and dedicate certain lands as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington, and to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington (Item 9 of the General Government Committee Report) 14.3 2015-086 Being a By-law to require payment of fees for services and amend Schedule B of the Fee By-law 2010-142 (Item 10 of the General Government Committee Report) 14.4 2015-088 Being a By-law to authorize an Interim Tax levy for 2016 (Item 16 of the General Government Committee Report) 14.5 2015-089 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Gyaltsan Property Management Inc.) (Item 4 of the Planning & Development Committee Report) 14.6 2015-090 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Zemer Holdings Ltd.) (Item 6 of the Planning & Development Committee Report); and That the said by-laws be approved. Carried x'11 5-9 Council Clarington. Minutes December 14, 2015 15 Procedural Notices of Motion There were no Procedural Notices of Motion introduced under this Section of the Agenda. 16 Other Business There was no Other Business introduced under this Section of the Agenda. 17 Confirming By -Law Resolution #C-337-15 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke That leave be granted to introduce By-law 2015-091, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held on the 14th day of December, 2015; and That the said by-law be approved. Carried 18 Adjournment Resolution #C-338-15 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill That the meeting adjourn at 9:00 PM. Mayor 5-10 Carried -10- Municipal Clerk 7M777)))) DURHAM REGION The Regional Municipality of Durham Corporate Services Department - Legislative Services 605 ROSSLAND RD, E. PO BOX 623 WHITBY ON L1 N 6A3 CANADA 905-668-7711 1-800-372-1102 Fax:905-668-9963 www.durham.ca Matthew L. Gaskell Commissioner of Corporate Services "SeFvie �iicelrence focour CgamUnities" December 18, 2015 The Honourable Bill Ma Minister of Natural sources and Forestry 99 Wellesle feet West Suite 6 , 6th Floor, Whitney Block Toronto. ON M7A 1W3 RE: Aggregate Levies O Fi'I • L00 DISTRIlltd T1 N REVIEWED BY ORIGINAL. T E)COUNCIL % COUNCIL ❑ FILE DIRECTION INFORMATION COPY TO: J ❑ MAYOR ❑ MEMBERS ❑ CAO OF COUNCIL ❑ COMMUNITY ❑ CORPORATE O EMERGENCY SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES ❑ ENGINEERING ❑ MUNICIPA OPERATION.": SERVICES CLERK'S PLANNING ❑ SOLICITOR © TREASURI. SERVICES O OTHER MUNICIPAL CLERK'S,FILE Honourable Sir, please be advised that the Tri Finance & Administration, Planning & Economic Development and Works Committees of Regional Council considered the above matter and at a meeting held on December 16, 2015, Council adopted the following recommendations of the Tri Committees: "That the Region of Durham meet with the Minister.of Natural Resources and Forestry at the first opportunity to request an increase in aggregate levies; That the Region express the importance of an increase in aggregate road tonnage recovery costs; That the Region submit a municipal delegation request to meet with the Minister at the Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Conference in February 2016; and That a copy of this resolution be sent to Local MPPs, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and Durham's area municipalities:" v Debi A. Wilcox, MPA, CMO, CMM III Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services DW/tf c: Please see attached list If this information is required in an accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 1-800-372-1102 ext. 2009. 8-1 -2- c: P. Vanini, Executive Director, Association of Municipalities of Ontario M. deRond, Clerk, Town of Ajax T. Gettinby, CAO/Clerk, Township of Brock A. Greentree, Clerk, Municipality of Clarington S. Kranc, Clerk, City of Oshawa D. Shields, Clerk, City of Pickering K. Coates, Interim Clerk; Township of Scugog D. Leroux, Clerk, Township of Uxbridge C. Harris, Clerk, Town of Whitby G. Anderson, MPP (Durham) J. Dickson, MPP (Ajax/Pickering) J. French, MPP (Oshawa) The Honourable T. MacCharles, MPP (Pickering/Scarborough East) L. Scott, MPP (Haliburton/Kawartha Lakes/Brock) R.J. Clapp, Commissioner of Finance C. Curtis, Commissioner of Works A. L. Georgieff, Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Thursday, December 10th, 2015 Members Present: Elgin Greenham Brenda Metcalf Les Caswell Mary Ann Found Jenni Knox Henry Zekveld Tom Barrie Eric Bowman Ted Watson John Cartwright Don Rickard (left at 8:00) Regrets: Councillor Partner Guests: Sara Monuz, Inspector for Investigations SPCA; Curry Clifford, CAO office Staff: Faye Langmaid Brenda welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions. Adoption of Agenda 015-25 Moved by Les Caswell, seconded by Eric Bowman "That the Agenda for December 10th, 2015 be adopted" Carried Approval of Minutes 015-26 Moved by Eric Bowman, seconded by John Cartwright "That the minutes of the November 12th, 2015 meeting be approved" Carried GO Train Don Rickard and Chair of the Clarington Board of Trade (CBOT) and Curry Clifford as representative of the Municipality's efforts to secure a commitment from the Provincial Government to bring the GO Train to Clarington (stations in Courtice and. Bowmanville) spoke to the resolution that had been circulated to the Committee. Curry has been working CBOT surrounding municipalities and many other agencies on bringing together support for the GO Train. There is also an economic study occurring that will support the request. Clarington Council has identified the expansion of GO services 10-1 and transit in general as a major initiative for this term of Council. GO carried out an Environmental Assessment about track alignment, station locations and interconnections with Regional Transit in 2010 but has not committed the funds to implementing the recommendations. After a questions and answer session Don and Curry left the meeting to attend a CBOT function. The committee after further discussion later in the meeting passed the following resolution: 015-27 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Ted Watson "Whereas the Municipality of Clarington is seeking to assist the provincial government to realize its objective of transit oriented development, and Whereas a key means of achieving this objective is the extension of GO Train service to Bowmanville, and Whereas achieving this objective serves to significantly advance the objective of preserving farmland, another key provincial and local objective Therefore be it resolved that.- The hat. The Agriculture Advisory Committee of Clarington, recognizing a strong alignment between our objective of retaining the very productive farmland that surrounds the urban areas in Clarington with the objectives of the Municipality of Clarington Council, its neighbouring municipalities, the Durham Youth Council, Durham post- secondary educational institutions and the business community to extend GO Train service to Bowmanville as set out in the 2010 approved Environmental Assessment, hereby urges Clarington Council pursue with the Province of Ontario the extension of GO Train service to Bowmanville." CARRIED Sara Munoz, Inspector for Investigations with SPCA Sara provided an overview of the governance, legislation, role, and funding of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. SPCA is a not-for-profit, charitable organization partially funded by the Provincial Government (12% for investigations). Investigations relate to the prevention of cruelty to animals and the promotion of animal welfare. Sara provided a definition for the difference between animal welfare and animal rights. SPCA investigations are complaint driven. The process for a'complaint is outlined in attachment 1. There are two livestock investigators for Ontario, they are trained for enforcement of the SPCA Act and to recognize an animal is distress. Training is at the University of Guelph. There are 6-7 sub livestock officers who address hobby farms. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington December 10th, 2015 10-2 A recent development, over the last couple of years, is the liaison with commodity groups and Memorandum's of Understanding that the SPCA has with different commodity groups. It is now typical that a representative of the commodity group will attend with the SPCA investigator as the purpose is education before enforcement. When visiting a farm all bio -security precautions are followed. Transportation of animals is addressed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency not the SPCA. Charges laid under the SPCA Act go into the Court system, with restitution to SPCA for work done (housing of animals off site) but not for the investigation or prosecution. For SPCA Certification has been developed and administered by the British Columbia SPCA. Sara provided a handout on the process for certification, including the membership fees, etc. The certification is a "beyond codes of practice" measure that can be used for marketing much like "certified organic" or other similar certifications. A number of the very large food industry buyers are beginning to look for these types of certifications or "traceability" to the source of the product. The only farm in Ontario currently certified by SPCA is near Keene. The certification works with the practices already occurring on the farm and is a point system. Points are assigned for different animal welfare factors and then a score tallied. There is no prescribed way of sheltering, disease control, feeding, etc. rather it is a cumulative way of recognizing excellence in animal welfare. The committee thanked Sara for her excellent presentation. The one message they would like her to carry back to her. managers is that it would be helpful for SPCA to provide more education and particularly for complainant. This would be a benefit to the agricultural community as many do not -understand "normal farm practices" and animal welfare, rather it is being viewed through the lens of animal rights and anthropomorphism. Business Arising from Minutes Tour of Colborne processing facility — CBOT arranged a tour on December 1St. Those in attendance found the tour very useful and learned a great deal from Joe Mullin the Facility manager. The facility is for rent to any one that wishes to carryout value-added activities. They have sterile kitchen facilities and staff, lab facilities (for nutritional analysis), package, flash freezing, labelling and assistance with graphic design. Everything needed to get you to market with value-added products and build a business case for manufacturing of your product. Parade of Lights —Parade attendance was outstanding. One issue was a health incident and that.the paramedics and ambulance had to get through which delayed the parade. Eric will have a debriefing meeting with Police and see what improvements and crowd control can be implemented. Agri -Tourism- Sub -committee, on Agri -tourism has met and will report back at January meeting. Minutes of sub -committee meeting will be circulated with the agenda. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington December 10th, 2015 10=3 Correspondence, etc. Greenbelt Panel Review and public consultation report was e-mailed to all members. Liaison Reports Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee —no report Durham Region Federation of Agriculture —Farm Connections, 21 schools have registered. High School program is scheduled for March 9th. Looking for volunteers. Applications for the education trailer have been submitted to Greenbelt- Foundation. Farm Connections is proceeding for elementary schools in the April, the high school program has been rescheduled to March. Clarinqton Board of Trade — nothing further Other Business "did,you know" - at each meeting that committee members will select an item to circulate to their colleagues (agriculture community contacts) to help spread the word. For this meeting Faye will circulate the presentation by SPCA so that you can forward to others. Future Agendas Faye has contacted Kim Rudd, new MP (for Ward 4 area of Clarington) and Erin O'Toole, Lizzie Clarke from the Greenbelt Foundation. Felt that she could not add anymore than what we had already learned from Kathy MacPherson (who attended earlier this year). Durham Farm Fresh was suggested. John Cartwright moved to Adjourn Next Meeting, January 14th, 7:30 p.m. Room 1C at Municipal Administrative Office Ken Towle and Mark Peacock from Ganaraska Region Conservation. Authority regarding invasive species. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington December 10th, 2015 10-4 Draft minutes — Not yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD TUESDAY DECEMBER 8, 2015 7:00 PM Present: Suzanne Land James Hodge Melanie McArthur Jim Cleland Regrets: Taullie Thompson Kate Potter Absent: Dyan Amirault Patrick Bothwell Paul Davidson Brian Reid Councillor Corinna Traill Leo Blindenbach + 1. AGENDA MOVED: by James Hodge SECONDED by Melanie McArthur THAT: the agenda for December 8, 2015 be accepted CARRIED 2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Approval of Minutes MOVED: by Suzanne Land SECONDED by Patrick Bothwell THAT: the minutes of November 10, 2015 be approved. CARRIED 10-5 `i', ,T,\ Decotil;,f M 15 \stir{rtes 3. ITEMSIUPDATES 2016 Trail Construction Project Peter Windolf presented a plan showing the proposed trail alignment and bridge crossing location for a new woodland trail that will connect the Waterfront Trail to the existing trail along the north side of the sewage treatment plant. The design for this trail is being done by Clarington Engineering's design team..One of the main goals in the design is to have grades that do not exceed 8% for accessibility. The valley that this trail passes through sometimes floods in the spring and fall. The plans will now be reviewed with the GRCA prior to finalizing the trail and bridge location. It is anticipated the project will be tendered in the winter for spring construction. The timing of the project may be influenced by the fisheries window if it requires "in water" works. The committee would like to organize an official opening in 2016 as a way to increase awareness and use of the SWNA. Special Events in 2016 As discussed at the November meeting GRCA Biologist Ken Towle has been asked to lead a walk to identify and educate the public about invasive plants. The event would highlight the ecological damage and the toxic effects of some invasive plants found at the SWNA. The committee suggested a weekend date in July or August. Ken Towle will be contacted about his availability so that the date can be confirmed. The event would be hosted by the SWNA committee and advertised on the municipality's web site and through Clarington's social media platforms. Brian Reid will investigate the possibility of hosting and event with noted wildlife photographer Bill Bickle. Although the event would not be specifically about the SWNA, it would help promote the area by highlighting some of the flora and fauna that could be found at the SWNA. The event would be a presentation of his photography at a venue with seating. Possible locations could include the Newcastle Library or the Council Chambers. Brian Reid will report back at a future meeting. Birdhouse removal on Toronto Street side 18 bird houses were removed on the Toronto Street side of the SWNA. Many nests were found in the original birdhouses again this year. A local resident has been building birdhouses and installing them at various locations around the SWNA, however only one of eight was occupied in 2015 probably due poor locations. Some were located next to trails or are too low to attract nesting birds. Those birdhouses will relocated next spring to more appropriate locations around the SWNA. 1 T �'1_1- � =F7?l':'cY _Lt11 11 N I71fitt`fs Plant removal at the SWNA It was noted that some people having been cutting branches off coniferous trees, apparently for festive displays. The committee acknowledged that it would be very difficult to police such activity however a temporary notice will be made up to install on the Kiosks to discourage this from happening. Winter Meeting Schedule There will be no SWNA meeting in January or February. The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday March 8. The chair will contact the committee by e-mail should an issue arise that requires their attention. 4. OTHER BUSINESS Brian Reid mentioned that the cable to control vehicular access just south of the apple orchard on Toronto Street was down and vehicles are entering the SWNA through that gate. Hydro One will be asked to repair the cable as the access point is on their property and is intended for their service vehicles. 5. MOTION TO ADJOURN MOVED: by Patrick Bothwell SECONDED by Melanie McArthur THAT: the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Adjournment 8:15 PM Next Meeting: Tuesday March 8, 7:OOPM in 1A Notes prepared by: P.Windolf 10-7 Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee September 2, 2015, 6:00P.M. Meeting Room 1A Present: Andre O'Bumsawin Tim Van Leeuwen Maureen Reed John Sturdy Sally Barrie Shea -Lea Latchford Also Present: Jeannette Whynot, Accessibility Coordinator Slav Potrykus, Traffic Coordinator, Engineering Department Regrets: Councillor Partner Jacquie Watchorn Adoption of Minutes Moved by Andre O'Bumsawin seconded by Maureen Reed That the minutes of the meeting of June 3, 2015 be approved. W-1NAL=1111 1. Presentation Updates to barrier -free parking spaces in municipal lots Jeannette introduced Slav and provided context for the presentation the AAC was to receive. Beginning in 2016 the AAC will be consulted on the development/redevelopment of all recreational trails, accessible on -street parking, rest areas on exterior paths of travel and outdoor play spaces. It was noted that although the Municipality of Clarington does not have to consult the AAC on off-street parking lots, Clarington wants to consult the AAC as much as possible, above and beyond the requirements outlined in the AODA. Slav advised the AAC that the operations department has a yearly budget for maintenance of municipal lots, which .includes repainting. Although the maintenance budget for this year has been largely used, there may be opportunities next year to use this budget to make some minor changes to the municipal parking lots around the Municipal Administrative Centre (MAC). Om Clarington Accessibility - 2 - September 2, 2015 Advisory Committee Slav outlined the following changes: King Street Lot: • Maintain the current 2.Om access isle; • Designate a 3.Om Type B parking space to the east of the abovementioned access aisle; • Designate a 1.5m access isle to the east of the Type B space; and • Designate a 3.4m van accessible, Type A space Division Street Lot: • On the West side of the lot develop two 3.Om Type B parking spaces with a 1.5m access aisle between the two spaces; • Access aisle will connect with the current curb cut through the median, providing access to the King Street lot; and • On the East side, designate two 3.7m van accessible spaces with a 1.6m access aisle. Silver Street Lot: • Reconfigure the two existing barrier -free parking spaces to include: o One 3.Om Type B space; o One 1.5m access aisle; and o One 3.5m Type A space Bibles for Missions Lot: • Currently, there are no barrier -free parking spaces in the municipal portion of this lot; • Remove three regular spaces from the South side of the lot; • Designate one 3.Om Type B space; • Designate one 1.5m access aisle; and • Designate one 3.5m Type A, van accessible space Church Street Fire Hall — West Lot • Reconfigure the two existing barrier -free parking spaces to include: o One 3.Om Type B space; o One 1.5m access aisle; and o One 3.5m Type A space • Clarington Accessibility - 3 - September 2, 2015 Advisory Committee • Once an access aisle is developed, one pre -cast curb will be removed and the path of travel will be altered to ensure a smooth transition from parking lot to exterior path of travel. Church Street Fire Hall — East Lot • Currently there are no barrier -free spaces in this lot; • On the West aisle closest to the building, place one 2.8m Type B space and 1.5m access aisle; • On the adjacent aisle, place one 3.6m Type A space and 1.5m access aisle; • Due to site restrictions, it was noted that the Type B space cannot be added until the entire parking lot is resurfaced and the slope issue can be addressed. Church Street — On -Street Parking • It is proposed that a 12.5m "specialized transportation zone" (or similar phrase) be established on -street, in front of the old fire hall on Church St. • The Clarington Project runs an adult day program for individuals with developmental disabilities. Consequently, there are a large number of drop offs. • However, given that this facility only has two barrier -free parking spaces, drivers often have to disembark passengers in unsafe areas or areas that are further away from the building. • The proposed drop-off zone would include appropriate signage and "hatched" markings on the pavement. • Two unpaid, on -street parking spaces would be removed to accommodate this drop-off zone. Newcastle Hall Parking Lot • Currently there is one oversized (7m) barrier -free parking space; • It is proposed that this space be designated with two Type B parking spaces and one 1.5m access aisle. One space will be 2.75m and the other will be 2.85m; • It is also proposed that one Type A space be designed. The existing access aisle will be utilized. • It was noted that 3 barrier -free parking spaces exceeds the requirements Clarington Accessibility - 4 - September 2, 2015 Advisory Committee of the AODA, but given that this facility is used by a diverse population for a variety of uses, it is recommended that the extra spaces be provided. Mill Street Parking Lot - Newcastle • Currently, there are two barrier -free parking spaces in the North East corner of this lot; • It is proposed that these spaces be reconfigured to allow for: o One 3.4m Type A space; o One 1.5m access aisle; and o One 3.Om Type B space Once the presentation had finished, the committee was asked for any comments and/or feedback. The committee was supportive of the presentation and did not have any issues with the proposed changes. Moved by Andre O'Bumsawin, seconded by Tim Van Leeuwen That the Presentation be received CARRIED 3. Business Arising From Minutes (a) Festivals Guide Andre provided an update on the festivals guide project. He advised the committee that he and Jeannette had met and reviewed several examples of festivals guides focusing on accessibility. It was explained that he will be working on a draft "checklist" to give to event organizers when they receive their permits from the Clerk's department and that later he will work on developing a longer version that better explains how these features benefit all people. Andre advised he hoped to have a finalized "checklist" in January so to ensure that it can be given out to event organizers for all of next year's festivals. (b) Disability Awareness Presentations Jeannette advised the committee that in response to the work plan item, awareness presentations, that she had made with Maureen Reed and they had subsequently begun work on a series of 15-20 minute awareness presentations. Maureen advised the committee that the first presentation will focus on "universal design". The goal is to have committee members comfortable with presenting these presentations. The committee was advised that once a draft presentation 10-11 Clarington Accessibility - 5 - September 2, 2015 Advisory Committee Was ready, Jeannette and Maureen would go over it with everyone for feedback and approval. (c) ServiceOntario Advocacy Letter Jeannette advised the committee that the letter is still being drafted and that the committee will see the letter at the next AAC meeting. The committee was further advised that a Freedom of Information (FOI) request may occur to gain further insight into the accessibility of this location and whether or not ServiceOntario required this private location to meet accessibility standards through its procurement process. The committee was supportive of this idea and felt it was a very good step to take in light of the ongoing issues relating to the Bowmanville ServiceOntario location. 4. New Business (a) Taxicab Consultations — accessible on -demand service in Clarington Jeannette advised the committee that the November or December AAC meeting will be, in part, a public consultation on the need for accessible on -demand taxi service in Clarington. The committee was advised that Clarington has an obligation under the AODA to conduct this type of consultation with the AAC and members of the public. Currently there are no accessible on -demand taxis in Clarington. It was explained that through the consultation this could change or remain the same. Some committee members noted that they felt there was a need for this type of service. Sally advised the committee that the organization she works for has their own accessible van and they frequently receive requests to use it for other trips, which they cannot do. The committee asked if the taxicab companies in Clarington would be advised of the consultation. The Accessibility Coordinator advised that the meeting will be advertise and that the Municipality will do its due diligence in making sure that interested parties are aware of the meeting. (b) Universal Design Standards for Municipal Facilities Jeannette provided an overview of a project to develop a universal design guide for municipal facilities. The committee was given a brief history of other municipal guides available and the reason why Clarington requires this type of resource. Jeannette advised the committee that Clarington plans to adopt the 2015 guide published by the Town of Oakville and that she will ensure that all relevant departments (engineering, planning, operations, etc.) all have a chance to review and comment on the guide before it's formally adopted. Additionally the committee was told they once it is closer to completion, they will have the 10-12 Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee 5. N. 7. 10-13 opportunity to review and endorse it. (c) StopGap Community Ramp Project Overview September 2, 2015 Committee members provided a copy of StopGap's Community Ramp Project Handbook and were asked to review the program closely in preparation for a more detailed discussion and motion at the next meeting. Jeannette advised the committee that in response to the committee's desire to improve the physical accessibility of "downtown" businesses, this was one option they could consider. The committee was advised this booklet was for information gathering only and that a discussion on whether or not to proceed with this project will occur at the next AAC meeting in October. Regional Update (a) Joint AAC Form Committee members were advised that the annual Joint AAC forum will be Wednesday September 23, 2015 from 5-8 pm at the Region's headquarters. Members were given a copy of the agenda for the event and advised to RSVP their attendance as required on the agenda. Other Business Tim advised that he went to a new memorial bench in Whitby which had an access space for people with disabilities beside the bench. Jeannette advised the committee that this type of design will become more common going forward as it is one of the requirements of the Design of Public Spaces Standard. Committee . members were pleased to learn that they will be consulted on such things going forward. Committee was advised that the Clarington Project will receive a Durham Accessibility award at the Regional AAC meeting on Sept 23, 2015 Date of Next Meeting October 7, 2015 at 6:00 PM. Adjournment Moved by Sally Barrie, seconded by Andre O'Bumsawin That the meeting adjourn. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 6:50, p.m. Clarington Accessibility - 7 - September 2, 2015 Advisory Committee Chair Secretary 10-14 Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee October 7, 2015, 6:00 P.M. Meeting Room.1A Present: Andre O'Bumsawin Tim Van Leeuwen Maureen Reed John Sturdy Shea -Lea Latchford Jacquie Watchorn Also Present: Jeannette Whynot — Accessibility Coordinator Basia Radomski - Corporate Communications Officer Regrets: Councillor Partner Sally Barrie Adoption of Minutes Moved by Andre O'Bumsawin seconded by John Sturdy That the minutes of the meeting of September 2, 2015 be approved. CARRIED 1. Presentation Clarington's re -launched website Basia Radomski presented the newly redesigned Clarington website. The Committee was shown how to use BrowseAloud, sign up for. notifications and how to navigate the website. Maureen Reed asked for assistance from the Communications Department in finding free tools local businesses can use to make their websites accessible. Jeannette and Basia agreed to research the request and provide more information. Tim Van Leeuwen asked if the Municipality had any plans to launch an App for phones that will notify residents of important notices. Basia advised the Committee there are no plans at this time for a municipal App and that residents who want notifications should sign up for them through the website. 2. Business Arising From Minutes (a) ServiceOntario Advocacy Letter 10-15" Clarington Accessibility - 2 - October 7, 2015 Advisory Committee In response to the Committee's direction for an advocacy letter to be sent on behalf of the AAC to the Government of Ontario, Jeannette provided the Committee a copy of the letter to be sent. Two minor adjustments were requested by the Committee. Jeannette advised that the changes will be made and the letter will be sent by the end of the week. (b) StopGap Community Ramp Project Jeannette advised the Committee that she will be attending an Accessibility Coordinator's conference next week and one of the key agenda items is StopGap: Moved by Maureen Reed, seconded by John Sturdy That the discussion of the StopGap Community Ramp project be deferred until the November 2015 meeting CARRIED (c) AAC Presentation — Universal Design Maureen Reed and Jeannette presented to the Committee their current Universal Design presentation.The Committee was advised that the presentation is still being developed and resources are being sourced, but feedback was welcome at this time. The goal of the presentation is that all Committee members, who are comfortable giving presentations, will be trained on the content of this, and other presentations, so that anyone on the AAC is able to give a presentation. Maureen advised the Committee that a finalized presentation will be shown/taught to the Committee in the coming months. 3. New Business (a) AODA 10th Anniversary Jeannette advised the Committee that the Government of Ontario's formal 10th Anniversary package is available through their website, or directly from her, upon request. (b) Public Consultations in 2016 Jeannette provided an overview of consultation requirements for the Design of Public Spaces Standard (DOPS). Presentation included examples of how 10-16 Clarington Accessibility -3 = October 7, 2015 Advisory Committee consultations may happen beginning in 2016. (c) Assistive Communication Devices at the Municipality The Committee was presented an initiative to ensure that in-person communications at the Municipal Administrative Centre are accessible to people with disabilities and those whose primary language is not English. Jeannette advised the Committee that an iPad, Apps and accessories could be purchased for approximately $1000 and would vastly increase the Municipality's ability to effectively communicate with everyone, regardless of ability or language. The iPad would be left at the front desk and could be made available to other departments upon request. If successful, additional devices could be purchased for other facilities in the future. Moved by Andre O'Bumsawin, seconded by John Sturdy, That the Accessibility Advisory Committee purchase an assistive communication device for the Municipality of Clarington CARRIED (d) Text 9-11 Service The Committee was informed that text 9-11 service is now available in the Region of Durham. Information on the new program was given to Committee members. Everyone was advised that this service is for the deaf, deafened and hard of hearing, and speech impaired communities and that people who qualify for the service must register prior to being able to text 9-11. Committee members asked how the service was being communicated to the people of Durham. Jeannette asked Committee members to identify groups or organizations that should be aware of this new service, and that she would liaise with Durham Regional Police Service to ensure the message has been widely communicated. 4. Regional Update (a) Regional AAC Meeting and Joint AAC forum A brief overview of the recent Joint AAC Annual Forum held on September 23rd was given to the Committee. 10-17 Clarington Accessibility - 4 - October 7, 2015 Advisory Committee 5. Other Business (a) November 4th AAC Meeting is the same night as the Metrolinx Regional Accessibility Forum Moved by Andre O'Bumsawin, seconded by Tim Van Leeuwen That the November AAC meeting be held on Tuesday November 3rd, 2015 to allow AAC members the opportunity to attend the Metrolinx Accessibility Forum. CARRIED (b) Taxi by-law updated' The Committee was advised that changes to the municipal taxi by-law were adopted by Council on September 21, 2015. (c) Barrier -free Canada Campaign The Committee was provided information on Barrier -Free Canada, which is a campaign that is lobbying for a Canadians with Disabilities Act. 6. Date of Next Meeting Tuesday November 3, 2015 at 6:00 PM. 7. Adjournment Moved by Maureen Reed, seconded by Tim Van Leeuwen That the meeting adjourn. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Chair Secretary Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee November 3, 2015, 6:00 P.M. Meeting Room 1A Present: Andre O'Bumsawin Tim Van Leeuwen John Sturdy Jacquie Watchorn Councillor Partner Sally Barrie Also Present: Jeannette Whynot — Accessibility Coordinator Mark Berney - Deputy Fire Chief Regrets: Shea -Lea Latchford Maureen Reed Adoption of Minutes Moved by Andre O'Bumsawin seconded by John Sturdy That the minutes of the meeting of October 7, 2015 be approved. CARRIED 1. Presentation Clarington's Think Ahead program Deputy Fire Chief Mark Berney presented the Think Ahead program to the Committee. Think Ahead allows families of children with disabilities, and adults with disabilities to connect with the Clarington Fire Department. The program allows persons with disabilities to advise the Fire Department of their needs in case of emergency. It further allows the Fire Department to develop custom evacuation plans and problem solve other barriers in case of emergency. The Committee was very impressed with the Think Ahead program. The Committee will explore ways to spread the word about this potentially lifesaving program. 2. Business Arising From Minutes (a) StopGap Community Ramp Project Presentation Jeannette Whynot, Accessibility Coordinator presented the Community Ramp H1135U, Clarington Accessibility - 2 - October 7, 2015 Advisory Committee Project from StopGap. This included an overview of what the project typically is, the pros and the cons of the Committee adopting such a project. The Committee was informed that after a careful review of their Terms of Reference, adopting such a project is out of scope for the Committee. It was therefore advised'that the Committee focus on initiatives that are consistent with their mandate Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Andre O'Bumsawin That the presentation be received for information CARRIED (b) ServiceOntario Advocacy Letter Jeannette advised the Committee that the letter, including their recommended changes, was sent to the Government of Ontario in October. To -date, only one response had been received, which was from MPP Granville Anderson. A copy of was letter was distributed to the Committee. The Committee was advised that responses from the other individuals who had been sent a copy of the letter are not expected any time soon: 3. New Business (a) Correspondence The Committee was provided correspondence from a local resident who was urging the federal government to establish a national accessibility infrastructure fund with the provinces and territories. The goal is to provide funding so places of business (public/private/non-profit) are physically accessible to people -with disabilities. The Committee'was also provided correspondence from a local resident who is concerned about the accessibility of the Bowmanville ServiceOntario location. The Committee and Accessibility Coordinator discussed possible next steps. Moved by Andre O'Bumsawin, seconded by John Sturdy That the Accessibility Advisory Committee submit a Freedom of Information (FOI) request on contracts between the Government of Ontario and the Contracted ServiceOntario location in downtown Bowmanville. CARRIED `UM11 Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee BRIE October 7, 2015 4. Regional Update (a) Regional AAC Update Sally Barrie was unable to attend the last Regional AAC meeting; no updates. 5. Other Business C� 7. 10-21 Date of Next Meeting Wednesday December 2, 2015 at 6:00 PM. Adjournment Moved by Andre O'Bumsawin, seconded by Bally Barrie That the meeting adjourn. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 7:25p.m. Chair Secretary 'itl'.tiTA CLAUS 1'ABALE BQWMANVILLE SANTA CLAUS PARADE MINUTES JANUARY 20, 2015 Attendees: Terry! Tzikas, Roger Letooze, Tracey Bayley -Buckle, Jen Ashby, Jen Laughlin, and Jeff Laughlin, Allison Dart Motion: "To accept the minutes from the December 2, 2014 Meeting" Motion: Jen Ashby 2Nd: Jeff Laughliln All in favour passed Meeting Discussion • Look at Committee Members duties and what they are doing • Make Up Coordinator need help with makeup. We have lots of time to look into this, Tracy looking after • Next Meeting Review Committee Duties, Kathy to forward to all Committee Members • Buttons - May look at a Community Design button • Santas Float - Bushings need to be looked at. Reindeer are rusting and are in need of a paint, Also look at Sleigh. Couple of places to look at for this job in Bowmanville (Fred's Auto Body) (523-6353), Jen to contact them Budget - Will look at Budget at next meeting Electrical Switch -- Needs to be looked at at the Barn, Tracy will contact Municipality. 10-22 Meeting Dates: DATE ROOM Tuesday January 20, 2015 1C Tuesday February 17, 2015 1A Tuesday March 24, 2015 1C Tuesday April 21, 2035 1A Tuesday May 19, 2015 - IA Tuesday June 15 2015 IA Tuesday September 8, 2015 IA Tuesday September 22, 2015 IC Tuesday October 6, 2015 1C Tuesday October 20, 2015 1A Tuesday November 3, 2015 1C Tuesday November 17, 2015 program Meeting Motion to Adjourn: Tracy 2"d Jen Laughlin Next Meeting: Tuesday February 17, 2015 Room 1A 10-23 • I .I7�ss.3:135� vr*ciii'$, `i i 35.�t15; „tt a_udg- i;--2014 d"r"yniid t3 i RENTNUE 61 • III . 2.. .. .. t �}-�+ y . uiions c? Vp lili?`cf. i4i3 Cz . 059--334: 74 i. - i'x LOC 97 " no d .=::i�CZ.tE�l�i_�Z�_ 4'1i x.99 5L3€)jam.. ..t`c'cii�ou .f' ` ;� i}.'�`c-',-'.:43.i�l �.ef1 .+t7. f.P j .•i.1 `•�. F 3 p }ter' ii:it� i.:ci i - �. > i 10-24 BOWMANVILLE SANTA CLAUS PARADE MINUTES APRIL 21, 2015 Attendees: Terryl Tzikas, Roger Letooze, Tracey Bayley -Buckle, .lim-4y, Jen Laughlin, and Jeff Laughlin, Allison Dart, Kathy McLaughlin, Bill Heathcote Motion: "To accept the minutes from the January 20, 2015 Meeting" Motion.- Tracey . 2Nd: Bill All in favour — passed Tracey Bayley -Buckle — Costume Coordinator, Make Up Coordinator • Still trying to get a hold.of the Electrician, not sure if building has-been looked at yet • Key for building — Terryil has given her key to Tracey, • Tracey will have more keys cut Jennifer Laughliln — Button Coordintor, Creative Director • Has the cheque from Janet Lange, but is missing $12.00 but she has this • Fred's Autobody — has a quote of $5,000.00 for reindeer and sled repair. Will look at this at a later date, see how much money we make from Maplefest • Maplefest —will have a silent Auction, with donations from businesses slated for May 2nd ail approved to do this this year • UPS Mailbox — keep our mailbox, new location is beside Hanks on King Street. Programs are good to go at new location Roger Leetooze — went. Support Coordinator • Rogers Cable has been contacted and application completed 10-25 • Jen and Jeff will take over contact with Rogers Cable Bill Heathcote — Assistant Event Coordinator • We are down to about 60 signs and he is on track with this Terryl Tzikas — Chairperson • Date of parade has changed this year and will be held on Saturday November 14t''. The date has been decided by Durham Regional Police and the Municipality. Ter ryl and Kathy met with Martin from Durham Regional Police to discuss and cannot be changed this year. This could be an impact on parade date in the coming years, Could effect Legion with their help on Parade day, Signs will need to be changed at the barn. Still in discussion with Martin. • Route—Terryi will meet with Slav to discuss route for end of parade: Come up with idea where floats can turn. Maybe contact church on Liberty to ask permission to use their parking lot, • Municipal*Grant—have asked For $3,000.00 but may only receive $1,500.00 • Rob Flynn — met with Val would like to join our Committee again Kathy McLaughlin — Publicity Coordinator, Secretary • Is still waiting for confirmation on date to send out letters to St, Johns Ambulance and dignitaries • Mission Statement — will revise and if anyone has any comments forward to Kathy, if there is none will send out to everyone and bring a copy for everyone at the next meeting. 10-26 B+v}1t MANVILLE SANTA CLAUS PARADE BUDGET -2015 PARADE REVENUE Donations $ 6,770.55 Button Sales 8,813.75 TOTAL REVENUE $ 15,884.30 EXPENSES Buttons $ 2,500..00- ,500:00Advertising Advertising(Metroland Media) _ 1,500.00 School Rental 113.00 Printing Expenses 700.00 Banners 100.00 Bands 8,000.00 Stamps 275.00 Santa Float Upgrades 5,000.00 _ Committee Float Upgrades _350.00 Miscellaneous Expenses (generator rental, photocopies) 100.00 Costumes 1,0_00.00 Veridian 290.00i TOTAL EXPENSES $ . 19,838.00 NU�< t G/S SAXTA CL.., S I AR.-\DL- BOWMANVILLE SANTA CLAUS PARADE MINUTES SEPTEMBER S, 2015 Attendees: Kathy McLaughlin Roger Letooze, Tracey Bayley -Buckle, Jen Ashby, len Laughlin, Jeff Laughlin, Allison Dart Regrets: Terryl Tzikas Motion: "To accept the minutes from the April 21, 2015 Meeting Minutes Motion: Tracey Bayley -Buckle 2Nd: Allison Dart All in favour— passed Terryl Tzikas (Chairperson): In Terryl's absence she had a few questions: o Update on Bank Account—Allison has not received the cheque, but will check the mailbox and is still awaiting the $700.00 from .len Laughlin from Mapletest. Motion: "To put the $1,500.00 received from the Municipal Grant towards repairing Santas Float" Motion: Jen Ashby 2"d: Tracey Bayley -Buckle All in favour— passed o Donation Letter — donation letter was reviewed and agreed to use. Jen will insert the address of the UPS office. The idea of sponsorship was agreed by the Committee not to go ahead with o New driver for Float —Jen will ask Graydon Brown's grandson if he would like to pull Santas Float a Legion contact—will be Brad Black Q Signs — Bill was absent at this meeting and Jen agreed to bring forward a design for us to look at for next meeting. o Keys for Barn—Tracey is still working on this. 10-28 Jen Laughlin (Button Co Ordinator): Change Theme —Jen asked if the theme could be changed this year, as there was not enough time to work on the Float. It was agreed by the Committee to leave the theme name as it is. Rogers information has been sent in. Jeff Laughlin (Website Coordinator): Will speak with Terryl regarding taking over the Floats and Fillers. Tracey Bayley -Buckle (Costume/MakeUp Coordinator): Keys to be done. Will be going to the Barn in the next week to check that the Electrical problem has been fixed and if it has not, will contact the Municipality. Tracey will not be here for Parade day. Jen Ashby (Bands): Has heard from the.Concert Bank of Cobourg. Kathy McLaughlin (Secretary): Central School has been booked for an -amount of $185.00. May have to review to see if we really require this as it is quite expensive. Updating the list for donations. Allison Dart (Treasurer): Will check the mailbox to see if there is any mail. Roger Letooze (Event Support Coordinator): Has a contact name for the Legion Representative, this will be Brad Black. Wagon has not been fixed yet. Motion to Adjo.urn: Tracy 2" d Jen Laughlin Next Meeting: Tuesday. September 22, 2015 Room 1A 10-29 BOWMANVILLE SANTA CLAUS PARADE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 22, 2015 Attendees: Kathy McLaughlin Roger Letooze, Tracey Bayley -Suckle, Jen Ashby, Jen Laughlin, Jeff Laughlin, Allison Dart, Terryl Tzikas Motion: "To accept the minutes from the September 22,.203.5 Meeting. Minutes" Motion: Tracey Bayley -Buckle 2"d: Allison Dart All in favour— passed Terryl Tzikas (Chairperson): o Will contact Legion and Ron Hooper regarding the change of date for Parade o Forms for Floats an Filler, will put these back on the Website, Terryl is working on this Jen Laughlin (Button Co Ordinator): • Has contact Metro and they will be participating in Parade for the Food Banks Anything collected will be split between the three Food Banks, • Has contacted Rekkers and they will donate a wreath for Santas Float and we will in turn donate to Bethesda House • Applefest — will set up a table in front of Coffee and Cakes store. Would like to rent a Cotton Candy machine at a cost of $125.00, Motion: "Obtain Cotton Candy Machine for $125,00 for Applefest" Motion; Jen Laughlin 2"d: Kathy McLaughlin All in favour — passed • Buttons—Buttons will be ready for October 18",. Same price as last year 10-30 • Costumes -- Bowmanville Fabric will work on costumes this year and will be making three elf costumes for $350.00 (2 adult and 3 children) • Will need to purchase wigs for the Frozen costume • Letterhead —the cost of the letterhead and envelopes_will be $436.80 for 1,000 sheets, find out the price for 500 sheets and envelopes • Fred's Auto Body — has met with Fred and he will start working on the Reindeer tomorrow • Committee Float — Pictures of the 12 days of Christmas made out of wood, will make for less than $350.00 • Make up students from Art N Techniques may be on board to lend a hand this year • Rogers TV—Taping of parade, proposal has been sent will follow up • Lawn sign — we will change for this year Jeff Laughlin (Website Coordinator): Jeff will be responding to all Facebook questions, and website will be updated with date and Floats and Fillers forms Tracey Bayley -Buckie (Costume/Makeup Coordinator): • Keys are cut. Still contacting the Town regarding the Electricity. Barn needs a good clean, Will require the costume area cleaned up. . Jen Ashby (Bands): • Jen's dad will pull the Committee Float again • Has not spoken to Kyle Graydon about pulling Santas Float • Bands — four confirmed — Durham College, Whitby Brass Band, Concert Band of Cobourt and the Sudbury Saints. • Has not heard back from Toronto Signals as of yet • BHS Band — we usually donate to them $150.00 they would like $500.00 this year as they will be doing some travelling to Chicago. - Motion" "Off, er Bowmanville High School Bank $250.00 this year for 2015 parade" Motion: Roger Letooze 2°d: Jen Laughlin All in favour —Passed Kathy McLaughlin (Secretary): o Waiting for Letterhead to send out sponsor letters and letters will be sent to dignitaries, o Will not be putting advertisement in paper this year only the Thank you ad will be in paper at end of parade_ o Volunteer of the year this year will be Kevin Anyan Allison Dart (Treasurer): Has not seen the cheque from the Municipality. Has some money from Maplefest but is still waiting for the rest of the money from Jeff and Jen Laughliln. Roger Letooze (Event support Coordinator): ► Wagon will not be completed this year. Motion to Adjourn: Roger Letooze Next Meeting. Tuesday October 6, 2015 Room 1C 10-32 I& SANTA CLAUS PARA01" BOWMANVILLE SANTA CLAUS PARADE MINUTES OCTOBER 6, 2015 Attendees: Kathy McLaughlin Roger Letooze, Tracey Bayley -Buckle, len Ashby, len Laughlin, Jeff Laughlin, Bill Heathcote, Terryl Tzikas Regrets: Allison Dart Motion: "To accept the minutes from the September 22, 2015 Meeting Minutes" Motion. Jen Ashby 2Wd. Tracey Bayley -Buckle All in favour— passed Terry) Tzikas (Chairperson); o Have Brad Black added to Website as Legion Representative • Receipts from Jennifer Laughlin to be given to Allison Dart. o Barn Clean — up will be October 18th, 2015 @ 11;00 a.m< o Memorial Clubhouse is good to go a Sign at Building may need to be covered up o Ron Thompson will be Santa again for us. Jen Laughlin (Button Co Ordinator); Tinman Pants are being repaired this years • Bernstain Bears (Mamma and Pappa), costumes are being cleaned and updated for this year • New Elf costumes will be in a size 10 and two size 6's • Fredit Auto Body has 3 of the first 4 Reindeeers completed and will take the other 4 when finished first four.. Reigns of reindeers will need to be replaced , maybe with a leather. • Painting for Committee Float for 12 Days of Christmas is under way 10-33 • Rogers — had the•wrong date for coverage of Parade, Jen will make sure that they will be attending • Button — Jen provided a print of our button.' • • Motion: "To accept design of the 2015 Santa Parade Button" •. Motion: Kathy McLaughlin 2Nd: Jen Ashby + All in favour— passed • Coffee & Cakes — will provide a Professional Photographer for this years parade, and we will have ALL rights to pictures. • Jen contacted St. Marys Cement to provide candy for otir volunteers to hand out, a discussion was held and this will be a no go. Jeff Laughlin (Website Coordinator): • Jeff will look after Volunteers this year. Thank you Jeff. He will also answer all emails sent to Facebook. • Quite a lot of interest on the website Tracey Bayley -Buckle (CostumeJMakeUp Coordinator): • Nothing to Report at this time. Jen Ashby (Bands): • Bowmanville Nigh School is quite happy to receive the $250.00 this year • Toronto Signals will be attending this year • Thrump N Bit will not be attending • Durham Regional Police and Cobourg Legion will also be attending Kathy McLaughlin (SecretaDth o Letters will be sent out in the next week, was still waiting for letterhead to be printed 0 Allison Dart (Treasurers: • Nothing to Report at this time. Roger Letooze (Event Support Coordinator): Will be contacting Bob's Towing and Quarry Lakes • Buttons and programs will need to be at Legion the Friday before Parade day 10-34 Motion to Adjourn: Roger Letooze Next Meeting: Tuesday October 20, 2015 Room 1A 10-35 Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade Minutes: Oetober loth 201 Attendees: Allison Dart, Bill Hea_tbcote, Jeff Laughlin, Jennifer LLtuglaIiai, Roger Letooze, Terryl Tzika.s, Tracey Bayley -Trickle Motion: To accept the minutes from the October 6, 2015 Meeting Minutes Proposed:Jennifer Laughlin 2"d:Tracey Bayley -Buckle All in favour - passed Jennifer Laughlin (Creative Director): Reindeer update: Reindeer remodeling continues, will be finished by the next meeting (likely). The committee identified potential issue with the antlers, Jennifer will review with Fred (Fre(rs Auto Body) to ensure the issue is resolved. Potential issue with paint ren reindeer backs, Jennifer will review <.Intl assess in person. Leather Reins: Fred has recommended that. we consider using non abrasive for the reindeer reins. Jennifer has looked into alternative arrangements for the reins. It is possible -to have brand neer leather reins built (including bells and accouterments) for approx. $sou. This solution would last for many years and be a good complement to the updated Reindeer. Motion: To hold off for 1 year getting the new reins, and look for an alternative for this year Proposed: Roger Letooze 2110: Allison Dart Passed Sticker for outdoor signs: Terryt suggested that she may be able get stickers made at wo, k- Jennifer to send sticker requirements to Tef`ryl. Jennifer to obtain eluates if `i"err l is unable to have the stie-kers made. Float: 12 Days of Christmas Theme. is near completion. Local artist Kaitlyn Desjardins expects to have Float images reedy for installation `within a week, 10-36 Jeff Laughlin (Technical Director): Facebook: At Terr3Ts request privileges for additional Adinins has been reduced to ensure that only Jeff has the abiht,- to post and respond to messages on the, Parade I I Facebook page. Sponsorship letter: ov-ill post on the website AppleFest Update: AppleFest was a success. Slightly under $,100 was raised. From interacting with visitors we were pleasently suprised to learn that the Parades date change was not of large concern to the public. Some people did question. the date change but, word has already been. spread and. many people already had Parade day marked on, ffieir calendars. Facebook Ads: proposed having advertising for about $22504300, Te rryl mentioned that she has already spent 000 of the advertising budget on a advertorial and 1/2 pg ad ivith Clarington 11is iVeekvvhicb will bring additional recognition and support to I the parade. Jeff will review the advertising options to see what types of ads we may be able to target to the local market. We may be able to mix some calls for voluriteers then. switch to reminders about the parade as the date nears. Facebook Ads are generally inexpensive and can be highly targeted. Bill Heathcote (Assistant Event Coordinator): Stickers: Has asked that stickers for the signs be delivered before November ist as that is the date he is aiming to distribute signs around town, Signs: working on permit for the ist of No-vernber Barn Sign: Believes it will be possible to cover the Parade sign at the barn rather easily. Discussed options with Roger, Roger Letooze (Event Support Coordinator): Battery: purchased battery for Santa's microphone, stored in Allison's binder Parade Commentator: Val able to do coranientary but Charles is not available this year. Mison will ask Sue St. John if she would like to step into the role this year. if she is unable to we will likely approach Rogers Cable or some Rogers s bosts who may be able to na help (they have lots of experience on camera but ina", not know the parade as'"ill as sorae of our other potential commentators). Tracey Bayley -Suckle (Costume/Makeup Coordinator): Barr: -Cleaned Costume: N.1issing "Good Nkritvh"costume. 1 10-37 Terryl Tzikas (Chairperson): Donations: i donation received Of',,5()O Floats: 22 floats to date Bands: 8 Bands Mixt need. tea add offidal Clarington Concert Bandtivvbicb puts budget aver by lee is to build 201_; llrogrmu Order hm been chosen. Date: ANIonday November 9th Time: -/Pill Place: Iferryl's HoLlsc-, 49 AjIcCrimmon Cresc. Motion-, Acii(-,Li-jabyrf-,rrvl'FZilctIS 211d,,I'raceyB«g,ley-Bticlde�iii(leonfil-niedUA, uiAmiimouscoi)seat Next Meeting: 17uesday lNovember -,3�d 2m,,3 Room iC 10=38 SANTA CLAUS PARADE BOWMANVILLE SANTA CLANS PARADE MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 2015 Attendees: Kathy McLaughlin Roger Letooze, Tracey Bayley -Buckle, len Ashby, Jen Laughlin, Jeff Laughlin, Allison Dart, Terry Tzikas, Jen Laughlin, Jeff Laughlin, Bill Heathcote Motion: "To accept the minutes from the October 20, 2015 Meeting Minutes,: Motion: Kathy McLaughlin 2Nd: len Ashby All in favour— passed Terryl Tzikas (Chairperson): • With Bands, Floats we have approximately 58 entries, this does not include our Costumes • Discussion on moving monies from the Budget to cover other items-: L 10-39 Motion: "To put up the Banti Budget to $8,900.00" Motion: Allison Dart 2nd: Kathy McLaughlin All in favour — passed Motion: "To upgrade our Facebook Advertising for a cost of $250.00" Motion: Jen Laughlin 2nd: Tracey Bayley -Buckle All in favour— passed Motion: "To purchase leather reigns for Santas Float at a cost of $500..00" Motion: Tracey Bayley -Buckle 2"d: Allison Dart All in favour— passed Jen Laughlin (Button Co Ordinator): Costume Handout going well • Will be picking up new costumes from Pat next week • Fred from Fred's Auto Body has dropped off last Reindeer and will pick up sleigh • All paintings have been completed for our Committee Float • Date is confirmed with Rogers Cable — and we will go with an Announcer from Rogers to work with Val McCormick + Will be obtaining a quote from a. new Printer for programs and will provide at Program Meeting on Monday Jeff Laughlin (Website Coordinator): Volunteers are going well has eleven signed up • Website —seems to be lots of interest. Consider Advertising on Facebook, Look at after Parade, this. advertising can reach 5,000 people everyday cost for next two weeks would be $250.00. Tracey Bayley -Buckle (Costume/Makeup Coordinator): We have the Firehall this year • Costume hand out went well no need to advertise • Jen Ashby (Bands): Eight bands confirmed • Still waiting to hear back regarding Kyle Brown • Will require an increase in budget. It was decided that this budget would go up to $8,400.00 Kathy McLaughlin (Secretary): Ontario Power Generation will be donating but the cheque will be late and will be a donation of $500.00. • Pingles Farm will also be sending in a cheque but will be late • Digniataries have been contacted and they will be walking, so all cars that were requested from Roy Nichols have been cancelled • Have obtained Permit from the Region Allison Dart (Treasurer): Donations are coming in and as of today there is $2,200.00 Roger Letooze (Event Support Coordinator): Bobs Towing has been contacted Quarry Lakes is good to go • Trophies have been ordered and are not complete yet • Float has been checked and it is good to go 10-40 Bill Heathcote (Assistant Event Coordinator): All signs are up and the sign at the Barn has been changed Motion to Adjourn: Kathy 2°0 Roger Next Meeting: Program Meeting, Pot luck Terryl Tzikas home Monday November 9, 2015 7:00 p.m. 10-41 .- y d SAN-rA Cr.,at`15 PAILAM BOWMANVILLE SANTA CLAUS PARADE MINUTES DECEMBER 1, 2015 WRAP UP MEETING Attendees: Terry( Tzikas, Roger Letooze, Tracey Bayley -Buckle, len Ashby, Jen Laughlin, and Jeff LaughliN Parade Success/Complaint • Would like to see Bowmanville Bands at beginning of Parade • Lots of good entrants • People had great time at Parade • Line Up spacing was good • Walking groups line up at Firehall • Metro was too slow • Have Announcer start earlier 10:30 —10:25 * . Need more Auxiliary Police (Liberty Street did not get shut down) • Terry will meet with Police Liason to discuss policing on streets • Three entries were handing out flyers (Curves, Pettey Hare, and Janet Lange). They were reminded of this. Pettey Hare was fine with this, Curves was spoken to as well and was ok with this. Janet Lange's group was spoken to this as well and were very rude to Committee member and swore at her. Motion: "to not allow Janet Lange Art Design and Amanda Lockhart in any Parade's going forward" Motion: Roger Letooze 2nd: Jen Laughlin All in favour - Passed 10-42 Programs • Looked very nice • Multiple mistakes - need to review, one donor was missed off program. They were added onto our Thank you in paper • Give seven days for entrants to have paperwork in, and there will be no new entries after that date • Year of Parade must be in Program Sponsors and Donations • Only donors names will be added to Program = 5,000 programs were printed and buttons needed to be kept out for Committee on day of Parade • Programs handed out were not handed out enough. Roger will talk with Brad about Flyers being handed out. Buttons • Amount of Buttons — look at next year maybe decreasing the amount of buttons Santa = Will be coming back again next year, enjoyed having the new driver. = Microphone was god and loud. Thanks to Ron Hooper, will ask him to do this for next years Parade. Traffic Control/Auxiliary Police • Terry will meet up with Martin regarding Parade date and number of Auxiliary Police present • Will meet with him in January • Ron Hooper and Legion will be forwarding a letter as well to Durham Regional Police regarding the upcoming dates in the future. Entrant Issues • Keeping the pace was a major issue • Handing out brochures • Pacers required would be great (volunteers need for this) • Look at using both sides of Church Street for line ups at beginning of Parade • Look at using student from Durham College or Fleming College who are enrolled in Police Foundations to help with Pacing. Kathy will contact the Colleges. Treasurers Report • Have report with each and every meeting ie. Opening Balance/Income/Closing Balance • As of December 1, 2015 our Balance is $32,185.71 10-43 Minutes Kathy will ensure that the Minutes are sent out earlier Fundralsing Will attend Maplefest in 2016, will need volunteers from Committee to attend 2016 Meting dates • Tuesday April 5, 2016 — Room 1C • Tuesday September 13, 2016 — Room lA « Tuesday September 27, 2016 — Room 1C « Tuesday October 11; 2016 — Room 1A • Tuesday October 25, 2016 — Room 1C • Tuesday November 8, 2016 — Room 1A Next Meeting: Tuesday April 5, 2016 — 7:00 p.m. Room 1C 10-44 MINUTES ORONO ARENA COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD June 23, 2015 Present: John Witheridge Elaine Dillon Gord Lowery Laverne Boyd Wendy Partner Willie Woo Jackie Moore Guests: Allan Lagace Murray Dennis Regrets: Rorie Woods Michael Di Lella Call to order by Wendy Partner at 7:45 p.m. Agenda: presented by: Jackie Moore Moved to accept: John Witheridge Seconded: Elaine Dillon Passed Minutes from April 21, 2015 meeting: presented by Jackie Moore Motion to accept as received: Elaine Dillon Seconded: Gord Lowery Passed Election of Officers: Nominations for Secretary: John Witheridge nominated Jackie Moore No more nominations Jackie Moore will stand as Secretary Passed Nominations for Chairperson: Laverne Boyd nominated John Witheridge No more nominations John Witheridge will stand as Chairperson Passed 10-45 Financial Report distributed June 22, 2015 by email and attached to this report. Motion to receive the financial report without prejudice for April 30, 2015 — Laverne Boyd Motion to accept as received: Laverne Boyd Seconded: Jackie Moore Passed New Business: Discussion was held on the Incident of Saturday, June 13, 2015. Information was very limited therefore the board is waiting on more information to come forward. Wendy Partner informed the board that Andy Allison, Municipal Solicitor, is in the process of changing the by-laws for all the Municipal Boards. In the very near future, there may be a change to By -Law 2007-036 that establishes the Orono Arena Community Centre Board. The board asked to discuss this after more information has come forward and the Chairperson, John Witheridge has spoken with Andy Allison, Municipal Solicitor. John Witheridge will call a special meeting of the Board once more information has been gathered. Frederick Horvath, Director of Operations, invited the Board to the Community Buildings Information Meeting. Elaine Dillon, member of the Orono Arena Community Centre Board and Allan Lagace, Chairman of the OAAA attended the meeting held on Saturday, May 30, 2015. It was a long day but very good information was received. In the near future, Jeanette Whynot will conduct an Accessibility audit. Wendy Partner to notify us when the audit schedule is produced. Motion to adjourn at 8:45 pm: John Witheridge Seconded: Laverne Boyd Passed Next Meeting: October 20, 2015 at 7:30 pm. John Witheridge Chairperson 10-46 Orono Arena And Community Centre Salanea Shout As at Apr 30� 2015 ASSET CURRENT ASSETS T*anri DeImwE Bonk A - Psydole bank -Operating —urr, +;;rift; Total Ar -counts Remivable Accounts Recelvoble YX Adjust... AV,_fj 0t,i FKaiyable TOTAL CORRENT ASSETS FIXZD ASSETS Prank -re 4 Eviorne-m! p,caurti Depte,;_ I;= & =quits Fttmiturs & �quipnwgl! Net TOTAL FIXE J A38 P -TS TOTAL ASSET LIABILITY CURRENT LIA81Ll'11ES A,ecaun#a P;IPW s A,nnuntG Paya bte YE A ustmf+nts . Ac,crgarl Liablitie;} Accounts Payable vacatloA Parable 'Vocation Payable Ernpla�-es adualon., R;Ip ale EI Payable CPP Payabt6 Federsi rnuomc Tax Payable Parrslon P;yabW F?ee Gan Payabf,a- Tat -.NJ VII's Payabf4 G S T On Salas G S TO , Prjrchasos G b T Fta<'!ritwd 3STP;ay.;kl HST Paid on Pufehase3 TOTAL Ct RRr;WrLIABILITIES TOTAL LIA131LITY 8QUITY RETAINED EARN114GS Term C)"Osil. Retairied Earnings Current Eern'Na TOTAL RETArueu r:ARNINU TOTAL EQUITY LIAR R.11`#E$ AMO EQUITY 3,p73.�PJ •3,274:41 0.00 0.00 8100 1, 3$'1.9,9 1,513,16 r . 1.28 18£x,43$. i77 0-flp �3paoo 3,173.90 18r;,4s$.Y ••'1s4't.�5] 4� -4;-998.16. �7.fl1} 13;B:ra;.67 17.596:53 2,457.08 1$,£133.30 -36?* A7-6.40 ,7J 14 53 -3s.00 ��2.347.�t3 -12.307.$11 13191 1411.' 145.94 51.,7TTf.79 240,17714 ZC,t7�1T7.1�1 10-47 Orono Areata .And Community Centre cornparaf+ve IM,41ne Statement Actual Jan 01, 201-5 to Ape '31x, n15 REVENUE Hank inlergst R_evextrue Ren al - Fix Rentai ftr~ntal- Amesa FI00f R(Mtai Reht3l - 804th Rental . Hall %lauting Room Rental i3A.1=.B. Re€Ul- i3.A.F.B.Ra€ water D,AF . Ref. Supplies Qa5 P,v la 3kabng We EqWprnont Onnington conthchu Skate Sharper, wisceilane4us ponations Soard A.d". rising TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REWME EXPENSE COST CR OPERATIONS. Arena Mainienance Arena Supplies Fdet & Dues 6oclskeeptra� Bank Chatga-- S Sundry Exp, Cats Ptopone FOO Olympia G2vbrino Ttar;IQr ►�ieirEierian: Grounds Maintenance Hvdro Ice Pquini Re se Te!ephone Water Office S ppaes Miscellanew5 Tr$ining wage% - El Expense P0,0ion Poya44. CPR Expense Bat411611y SaiiaD� Nd for 2011 WC:.P_, Exoon.w Pgr411 Expense: Too 1'tOTAL COST OF OPERATIONS iO!fel-. �.XP NSe NET INCOME l 413,857.JQ 1,M6.35 9,[[76,59 1,755:71 Via 1,266,7q, 0.00 tb i ,84Z 2e Q-00 3,076 Ur 3,Ri0.t70 225 =�Q fk.#1[s [1.tA7 g,d5i1.04 ti.t]r� 161,-0 6.}g 161,�i55.3€i 2-'411,72 1,590. -*9 70.00 995.Cit 11,249.33 0,,0511M Q,GQ Q.Ot1 189.65 1, i Sff.r.Y,t 20.969.[114 4,935>i" 1,1!31.28 1,105.22 2,440.30 0M 223.12 1,213.97 5542 E2,303.35 1QB,c58.f�7 51,7ST :1�5 .dual ,FBM 01. 2014 tLI Apr 3Q, 22014 Q.40 148,1.50 1,CI o 00 2,7 0 --Do 5,$e12.00 75,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 2,476.00 Q.QU 2500 DAM, 3.500.0113 7.7Q .. 9s4.5H3,5t7 �1#id<tH3.5C 5,0717.85 1,23458 50110 516,8 73.4[1 0,20.5$ 0.€30 123.45 15 r]0 1 <53Q.4Q 54,052,61} 393.44 1,273,16 9T7 315 2.3',14.13 25.40 0.00 Q.M G.GU 54,065.22 1,403.57 1.204.00 1.A46.56 0.M 1.2.91 50,181.3n . , 113,St3G.46 113, 6Q5.4ti 51,1'57,04 f'�ra:nl t31M 1.$1 -100.00 11.$5 -43.52 200.')0 111.50 0.00 0.fsts GAD -41-41 0,017 =aLc.�O 0 r>€5 t�.00 ©.00 -11.95 -1.°5 -52.44 61.55 -1 S3Q,t19 92.49 1,602M #i-72 00 -t 04.00 25,63 -4.37 -38.42 1,169.50 -13.50 1,318 5.91 -X00,00 0.00 01.00 g.00 .9.63 -4.08 653.87 21.3T Q.c70 21,57 1.31 .3. 39 -Z,39 1.25 MINUTES ORONO ARENA COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD October 27, 2015 Present: John Witheridge Elaine Dillon Gord Lowery Laverne Boyd Wendy Partner Willie Woo Jackie Moore Rorie Woods Michael Di Lelia Guests: Murray Dennis Regrets: Call to order by John Witheridge at 7:30 p.m. Agenda: presented by: John Witheridge Moved to accept: Laverne Boyd Seconded: Michael Di Lelia Passed Minutes from June 23, 2015 meeting: presented by John Witheridge Motion to accept as received: Laverne Boyd Seconded: Willie Woo Passed Financial Report distributed June 22, 2015 by email and attached to this report. Motion to receive the financial report without prejudice for September 30, 2015 — Elaine Dillon Seconded: Gord Lowery Passed Willie Woo questioned the Pensions and some discussion was held on the topic. Rory will investigate and get back to us. 10-49 Correspondence: Distributed October 27, 2015 and emailed earlier, the Facilities Strategy from George Acorn. Motion to accept as received the Facilities Strategy report: Willie Woo Seconded: New Business: Wendy Partner Passed Wendy Partner presented ideas on how to move forward on who runs the arena. We need to develop a strategy for the Arena Board.to move forward. To do this I think we should set up a meeting with the Arena Committee (OAAA) to define our respective roles and how to -improve our roles to move things forward in the Orono Community Once we have done this we will need to go back to the Municipality to get a draft agreement where we can make any further changes to these agreements that is felt are needed, then our Municipal Solicitor will draft the final document for both parties to sign... When we do meet, we need to decide if there is truly a need for this Board to,exist since the OAAA for all practical purposes runs the facility. Ask ourselves, Is there "Value Added" by having this Board? One Option is The Municipality can just as easily set up a municipal capital facilities agreement between the Municipality and the Athletic Association that would deal with everything (e.g. insurance, ownership of the land/building, accountability). The public would not see anything different in terms of service delivery. The only real change would be that Municipal staff would be responsible for seeing that things are being managed well by the Athletic Association under a Municipal Capital facilities `A Agreement as opposed to our Board doing it through the service contract that currently exists It could, but it would not necessarily have to be a Board of Council but it would be something that the Municipality would have to discuss with the Athletic Association if Council decided that it was the best way to ga. Staff will have to take whatever direction the Board gives them. 10-50 Discussion was held on how to move forward and it was decided that a meeting including all parties must be held in the near future. Wendy Partner will work with Andy Allison to set it up. Openly discussed dissolving the Orono Arena Board and having the OAAA reporting directly to the Municipality with the possibility of Fair Board members attending the monthly meetings. Wendy Partner stated that the Municipality does not want to take over the Orono Arena, that is not their intent. Municipal Capital Facilities Agreement need to be written by 3 parties together and decide to dissolve the Arena Board. Investigate setting up a new structure involving these parties: • OAAA • Fair Board • Arena Board Municipality — Willie Woo, Wendy Partner, Fred Horvath, Director of Operations and Andy Allison, Municipal Solicitor, and possibly the Mayor Wendy Partner to talk to Andy to set up the meeting of the Fair board, Orono Arena Board, OAAA and , Andy, Fred and Mayor Wendy Partner notified us that the schedule for the accessibility audit will not be produced until next week some time. . Last meeting Wendy had stated this will be happening in the near future. Motion to adjourn at 8:40 pm: Willie Woo Seconded: Gordy Lowery Passed Next Meeting: Will set one up when one is needed. John Witheridge Chairperson a 10-51 Orono Arena And Community Centre Balance Sheet As at Sep 30, 2015 ASSET CURRENT ASSETS Petty Cash Term Deposit Bank A - Payable Bank -Operating account Cash, Total. Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable Y/E Adjust... Accounts Receivable Receivables: Net TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS FIXED ASSETS Furniture & Equipment Accum Deprecc Furn & Equip Furniture & Equipment: Net TOTAL FIXED ASSETS TOTAL ASSET LIABILITY CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Accounts Payable YE Adjustments Accrued Liabilities Accounts Payable Vacation Payable Vacation Payable Employee eductions Payable EI Payable CPP Payable Federal income Tax Payable Pension Payable Rec Gen Payable. Total WCB Payable G S T On Sales G S T On Purchases G S T Remitted G S T Payable HST Paid on Purchases TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITY EQUITY RETAINED EARNINGS Term Deposit Retained Earnings Current Earnings TOTAL RETAINED EARNINGS TOTAL EQUITY LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 10-52 250.00 119,204.61 -2,291.67 -7,432.03 109,730.91 0.00 -3,D73,90 3,073.90 3,073.90 109,730.91 4,64/.00 -3.27r-.61 1369.39 1,369.39 111,100.30 0.00 0.00 455.84 1,395.23 1,981.65 15.988.59 -4,998.16 -2,592.58 0.00 13, 896.67 2,306.56 19,821.31 2,553.47 16,83130 -42,652.43 -7,714.53 -36.00 -13,810.16 -16,392.55 -16,392.55 133.91 148,245.94 -20,887.00 127,492.86 127,492.85 111,100.30 i Page 1 Orono Arena And Community Centre Comparative Income Statement REVENUE REVENUE Bank Interest Revenue Rental -Ice Rental Rental -Arena Floor Rentat Rental - Booth Rental - Hall Meeting Room Rental D.A.F.B. Ref BFI D.A.F.B.Ref water D.A.F.B. Ref- Supplies Gas Public Skating Fund Raising Ile Equipment Clarington contricbu Skate Sharpen Miscellaneous Donations Board Advertising TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE EXPENSE COST OF OPERATIONS Arena Maintenance Arena Supplies Fees 3 Dues Audit Fees Bookkeeping Bank Charges & Sundry Exp. Gas Propane For Olympia Gasoline Tractor Maintenance Grounds Maintenance Hydro Ice. Equipment Refuse Telephone Water Advertising Office Supplies Miscellaneous Training Wages EI Expense Pension Payable CPP Expense Balancing Source Ded for 2011 WC6 Expense Payroll Expense: Total TOTAL COST OF OPERATIONS OTAL EXPENSE JET INCOME Actual Jan 01, 2015 to Sep 30, 2015 92.25 161 984.25 0.00 3,076.00 8,452.00 350.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 1,450.00 0.00 000 0.00 2,657.11 0.00 1,850.00 179.411.61 179.411.61 6,581.88 6,640.08 0.00 900.00 1,309.79 1,339.36 8,522.75 0.00 0.00 189.95 1.750.00 33,721.21 26.542.53 1,160.76 2,995.15 5,199.75 290.00 548.42 1.274.98 767.66 Actual Jan 01, 2014 to Sep 30, 2014 2.940.00 151.376.50 4,955.00 2,750.00 9,416.OD 250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 2,4.75.00 407.25 0.00 25.00, 0.00 3,500.00 4,260.00 182,364.75- 182.364.75 82,364.75 182.364.75 10,368.11 6,901.78 50.00 0-00 956.92 163.40 7,721.07 0.00 256.82 150.00 1,830.00 37.565.12 3,832.59 2,024.60 2,689:61 5,066.16 25.00 613.20 43.04 0.00 81,275.07 84,845.35 2.177.83 2,239.40 12,342.57 1.604.00 3,14627 2,657.60 0.00 0.00 1.622.60 2,019.91 100,564.34 93,366.26 200,298.61 173.623.68 200,298.61 173,623.68 -20,887.00 8,741.07 Percent -96.86 6.68 -100.00 11.85 -10.24 40.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 -41,41 -100.00 0.00 -100.00 0.00 -100.00 -56.57 -1.62 -162 -36.52 -3.79 -.1'00.00 0.00 3688 719.68 10.38 0.00 -100.00 26.63 -4.37 -10.23 592.55 •42.67 11.36 2:64 1,060.00 -10.56 2,862 31 0.00 -4.21 -2.75 669.49 18,39 0.00 -19.67 7.71 15.36 15.36 -338.95 Page 1 10-53 Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board Municipality of Clarington Minutes of Meeting - Tuesday November 10, 2015 (Not yet approved by Arena Board Members) In Attendance - Gord Lee, Chair Carol Little, Shea -Lea Latchford, Gary Oliver, Sue White, Willie Woo, Bryan Wiltshire Regrets — Gord Blaker, Vice Chair, Jay Summers, Councillor Partner 1. Cal to Order - 7:05 p.m. 2. Adoption of Minutes — Motion # 15-124 was proposed: THAT: The minutes of September 8th, 2015 be accepted, as presented. Moved by: Gary Oliver Ce1_1C1. l;U Seconded by: Shea -Lea Latchford 3. Arena Manager's Report - Shinny Hockey on Saturday Nights is progressing slowly. Currently we are averaging 5 -to- 6 people. Considering the staff is on hand at that hour cleaning up, it was determined we will continue with the program at least through December and January, also continue to advertise in the Village Voice and take a look at the participation numbers at the end of January. Cimco Refrigeration had provided Bryan with any analysis report on the condition of the Brine and Glycol currently in our system. The company is recommending replacement of both chemicals. Quotations were also provided and indicated a cost of $1,708.17 plus labour. Labour would be done on a time and material basis. The chair advised: Recent labour charges we had experienced from Cimco were at $110.00/hr. Labour from Cimco start with travel time from their Mississauga office. In some cases, if two specialists are required, two trucks are dispatched and two travel times charged. Bryan had discussed 10-54 (2) The necessity of this service and the costs with Mr. Horvath; requesting some financial assistance from the Operations Department -Unfortunately, none will be forthcoming. It was determined by the members we will hold off until the season ends, Bryan will attempt to get another opinion on the necessity of their advice and then proceed, if necessary. This will at least place it in the 2016 budget. We are estimating, with labour our expenditure would be around $3,500.00 to have the work completed. The chair advised he had received a letter from Peter Hazelton, President of the N.V.M.H.A. outlining their current problems with ice scheduling. Their request was for additional week — night, prime -time ice. Obviously, this would necessitate us taking ice from the Clarington Girls Hockey League, the other user of prime -time week -night ice in our arena. Between the two minor hockey groups, they have all our prime -time ice, with NVMHA having the lion's share of the available ice time: Both organizations have too much Saturday ice due to Game scheduling and tournaments, etc. It is a current problem with all the ice pads in Clarington; not just ours: The board members requested we bring both parties to a meeting; Newcastle Village and the Clarington Girls; give them -an opportunity the present their needs and suggestions. We tentatively scheduled January 10th, 2016 at 3:p.m. The chair will contact both parties and extend the invitation. Also brought to the members, by the chair was Gord Blaker's inspection report from his monthly tour of the building with Bryan. No problem areas were evident. 4. Financial Report - Accounts receivable were at $58,800.30, 72%, ($42,286.28) were current. Over 90 days was $2,486.81; most being from the Gift of Art summer show at the arena. The chair had been in touch with her and the money was forthcoming. The balance of the receivables were in the 30 to 60 days, ($14,027.21) Income statement for Y.T.D. (Oct.311t.) showed a deficit of ($9,375.18) on revenue of $204,041.61. All revenue streams appeared to be on target, except the snack bar sales and our summer rentals were off by $2,600.00. S. New Business - New and current business agendas were covered in the Arena Manager's Report, above. 10-55 (3) 6. Next Meeting — December meeting not in effect — Christmas Dinner for board members and their significant other to be scheduled. Motion # 15 —125 was proposed: THAT: Larry Burke and his wife June be invited to our Christmas Dinner Party,( Larry had served on the arena board from 1995 until his retirement.in 2014; twenty years). Councillors Woo and Partner will arrange for a Certificate of Recognition, signed by Mayor Foster, to be presented to Larry. The dinner will be at Massey House Restaurant — date to be arranged. Moved by: Wendy Partner CARRIED 7. Adiournment - Motion # 15 —126 — Motion to Adjourn Moved by: Carol Little CARRIED Seconded by: Willie Woo Seconded by: Sue White 10-56 Clari glo11 Museum% To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and programmes that inspires future .generations and enlivens our communitv BOARD MEETING Nov. 11, 2015 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present: B. Seto M. Adams (ED) S. Laing M. Moraw.etz K. Warren J. Sturdy Regrets: S. Elhajjeh S. Cooke W. Woo 1. Call to Order: B. Seto called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: S. Laing O. Casimiro T. Thompson Seconded by: O. Casimiro THAT: the agenda be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED 3. Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed. 10-57 4. Correspondence: M. Adams, Executive Director (ED), read a very complimentary letter from MP Erin O'Toole regarding the event in council chambers for the unveiling of the Charles Bowman family portrait offering thanks and congratulations on acquiring the portrait for the museum collection and for the wonderful unveiling ceremony. 5. Announcements: M. Adams, Executive Director (ED), announced that Mayor Adrian Foster, MP Erin O'Toole, MPP Granville Anderson, Councillor Stephen Cooke, Councillor Willie Woo and Councillor Joe Neal were able to attend the invitational farewell event for Charles Taws and, as everyone there, thoroughly enjoyed the evening. 6. Approval of Minutes: Moved by: J. Sturdy Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Board meeting of November 11, 2015 minutes be approved as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 7. Business Arising from Minutes: Nothing was brought forward. 8. Executive Director's Report: M. Adams, Executive Director (ED), reviewed the report noting that 2015 has been a year of transition in many regards. One major accomplishment of note for the year is that Visitor/Outreach Numbers have increased significantly surpassing 10,000 by the end of Nov. which is well above the target for the full year set at 8000+. The number of Events, Programs and Outreaches in 2015 increased significantly, requiring a significant effort by all staff. This impacted Visitor Numbers positively. Social Media and Web Site interaction are closely monitored and also showed impressive gains in 2015. 10-58 Of note, on an interim bases, the Curatorial / Archive responsibilities for Nov and Dec 2015 will be handled by M. Adams, with assistance from other staff as assigned. There is a Christmas luncheon planned for staff prior on Dec. 22 to be held at Bistro 238. The 2015/2016 event and program schedule was distributed as updated, and of note, the Mayor's Golf fundraiser in 2016 has named the museum as recipient of funds raised which is very much appreciated. M. Adams is in discussions with Community Development at the Municipality to utilize aspects of the sports displays from the current Clarington Competes sports exhibit at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre in recreation centres across the municipality to extend the reach and life of the exhibit. Proudly the Charles Bowman Family Portrait unveiling was a huge success on Nov 5, 2015 with considerable media attention and support in the council chambers. The annual Edwardian Christmas Open House is planned for Dec 4' along with a new partnered "Edwardian Night Before Christmas" narrated tour of the historic Bowmanville Museum fully trimmed for the Christmas season. The museum is working with the Beech St. Theatre company for this new program offering. Tickets are V2 and will be offered Dec 11, 12, and 13' with a matinee and two evening performances at 7 & 8 p.m. each of these days. Regarding fundraising, sponsorship and marketing, the 2015 events were tracked and used to build the plan for 2016, and the Municipality Grant has been filed with a 5% increase requested as part of the 2016 budget process. Membership presently is 76 with requests for. renewals having been sent out to existing members and some responses still pending. Pivotal items for M. Adams, Executive Director, with regards to staffing and volunteers will be curatorial, archive, education and development with a focus as year end is nearing to complete tax receipts as needed for donations. Events organized recently by volunteers working with staff have been exceptional and should be noted. Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: board move into camera at 7:50 p.m. MOTION CARRIED Discussion with no motions made. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by:. J. Sturdy 10-59 THAT: board move out of camera at 7:57 p.m. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Executive Director's report be accepted as submitted. MOTION CARRIED After some discussion about Membership. Moved by: ,0. Casimiro Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: effective January 2016, all new board members will be given a complimentary membership for one year. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: O. Casimiro THAT:' all board directors are required to renew their 12 month membership by January of each year. MOTION CARRIED 9. Committee Reports: a) Finance Report — O. Casimiro asked that the report be moved to the end of the committee reports. Consensus to do so. b) Collections Report — This committee touches on the "core"' of what the museum is and reports to M. Adams, Executive Director. The procedure was reviewed as presented in the report. It is the Curator's responsibility to research and accession in the long term, while presently M. Adams will fulfill that role with assistance from other staff, who collectively have in excess of 30 years experience in Curatorial and Archivist capacities. Terms of Reference will also be reviewed and updated by the committee. Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: J. Sturdy THAT: the Collections Report be accepted as submitted. MOTION CARRIED iliII�i7 c) Membership Report — M. Adams led a discussion including comments that the rates need to be reviewed as well as the process for attracting new members and membership retention, including corporate memberships. Of note, there are many in-kind contributions by community business partners of far greater value than corporate memberships. Currently staff members are using a management spreadsheet but are planning to migrate back to the "Past Perfect" system. d) Property Report — O. Casimiro noted that the last meeting held was near the end of June 2015. Currently Rob Groen, Municipality of Clarington Building and Property Supervisor, and M. Adams, Executive Director, have been working to complete promised work planned for 2015 with the biggest challenge being the HVAC in both the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage, Centre and the Bowmanville Museum. The 2016 capital budget will be worked on next including an action plan regarding Health and Safety training. S. Laing asked about humidity control at the Bowmanville Museum and for the archives. M. Adams is looking into options for both as the current portable humidifiers may not be sufficient or economical. e) Heritage Committee Report — K. Warren represents the museum board on the Heritage Committee and has committed to working on one of two subcommittees, Education & Outreach. They are considering a Geocaching structure partnering with the museum as has been done elsewhere. There are some challenges in such a program. a) Finance Report - O. Casimiro started by stating that the books are.coming back to the museum from the municipality in early 2016 once they complete the 2015 Financials. Moved by: O. Casimiro Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Board approve the Finance Committee moving forward with Request For Proposals (RFP) for a Bookkeeper. MOTION CARRIED The budget proposal was submitted after a great deal of work as required by Nov. 13, 2015. $290,956.00 was requested which represents a 5% increase over last year. With the books and processes updated through the municipality over the past year, along with a new chart of accounts and 10-61 budgeting tools developed, the current years results will be used as a baseline for budgeting in future. The Finance Committee appreciates the patience of the Board regarding the budget details which will be presented at a future meeting after the Finance Committee works through all the details and uses the new tools. Moved by: O. Casimiro Seconded by: J. Sturdy THAT: the Finance Report be accepted as presented. MOTION CARRIED 10. New Business: M. Adams ED reported that the CMOG requirements for 2016 are being worked on and include the required 3 year Strategic Plan review. He asked that a committee be struck to work on the Strategic Plan. Consensus that such a committee be set up for the 201.6 work. 11. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting The next meeting will be held, Wednesday January 13, 2016 at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre starting at 7 p.m. Proposal that February meeting take place at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery in Oshawa. 12. Adjournment: S. Laing moved the meeting be adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives WIMM ABANDONED CEMETERY COMMITTEE December 3, 2015, 3:30 p.m. Meeting Present: Jim Lowe Laura Suchan Todd Taylor Nancy Trimble Kim Vaneyk Councillor Ron Hooper Also in attendance: Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk Ken Mercer, Parks Lead Hand Teresa Aide, Cemetery Services & Records Clerk Absent: John Bate, Elected Chair Angie Ball, Co -Chair Bob Genosko,' Parks Supervisor In the absence of John Bate, Chair and Angie Ball, Co -Chair, Councillor Hooper chaired this meeting. 1. Minutes Moved by Nancy Trimble, seconded by Todd Taylor That the Minutes of the October 8, 2015 Abandoned Cemetery Committee be approved. Carried 2. New Business a) Data Collection — Update Nancy supplied a sample copy of the genealogical data to be migrated into the excel spreadsheet which included 4 columns, last name, first name, year of death and stone number. Angie will be forwarding a test copy shortly for Teresa to import into Stone Orchards. We will work on one cemetery at a time and Teresa will update the Committee with the progress of the data entry project. 10-63 Abandoned Cemetery Committee - 2 - b) Collection of Missing Data and Symbol/Emblem and Photos December 3, 2015 Laura, Nancy, Anne and Teresa all have a collections of photos from the'. cemeteries. It was agreed that they will download the pictures on a thumb drive for inventory. Teresa will inquire on the size of the field in Stone Orchards. Teresa will update the Gravestone Inventory Data Collection Form and forward a copy to the Committee. c) The Committee deliberated the data collection processes and agreed that a standard protocol must be established to ensure that each member is recording that same data in a consistent manner. A draft protocol will be developed and provided to members. d) Cemetery Maintenance — At this time there is no active cleaning at any location. Anne suggested that Clarington's active and abandoned cemeteries follow same procedures for maintenance. Ken informed the Committee that in the active cemeteries they do not clean any headstones, they only repair or lay down stones that are unsafe, they work on general ground maintenance and pruning. Nancy suggests preserving stones digitally and letting nature take its course with the stones. Anne informed the committee that the mapping component on the website is a huge undertaking and is not expected to go forward in 2016. Agenda item for next meeting will be the Trulls Cemetery, obelisk laying on the ground; estimated cost to repair is $2,000. Also deferred to next agenda is a recommended protocol for headstone and grave maintenance or repair for the Committee review. Anne and. Operations Staff will prepare the protocol and will ensure it is consistent with other communities. 10-64 Abandoned Cemetery Committee - 3 - December 3, 2015 3. Other Business a) Ken informed the Committee that the posts are in at the Hampton Cemetery and installation should be completed shortly. 4. Next Meeting The next meeting will be scheduled in March, 2016, Teresa will email the Committee in February with the date of the meeting. 5. Adiournment Moved by Todd Taylor, seconded by Nancy Trimble That the meeting adjourn at 5:20 PM. Carried 10-65 Garingon General Government Committee Report to Council Report to Council Meeting of January 18, 2016 Subject: General Government Committee Meeting of Monday, January 4, 2016 Recommendations: Receive for Information (a) 8.1 Minutes of the Kawartha Conservation Authority dated October 28, 2015 (b) 8.2 Minutes of the Newcastle Community Hall Board dated October 20, 2015 (c) 8.3 Gun Koleoglu, Our Horizon — Climate Change Warning Labels on Gas Pumps. (d) 9.7 Councillor Don Kett, Township of Scugog, Director, Kawartha Region Conservation Authority — Greenbelt Municipalities (e) CLD -003-16 2015 Accessibility Annual Status Update (f) Confidential E -Agenda Software Project Report - CLD -005-16 2. H.S. Hughes, Mayor, Township of Oro Medonte — Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) That the following Township of Oro-Medonte resolution, regarding Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington: Whereas the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte recognizes that pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act ("MFIPPA"), it has an obligation to provide a right of access to the public to information under its control, with limited and specific exemptions and to protect the privacy of individuals with respect to their personal information held by the Township; Page 1 Garington General Government Committee Report to Council And Whereas Ontario Regulation 823 issued under MFIPPA sets out the fees that may be charged to and collected from those persons making a request for access to records; And Whereas the amount of the fees set out in Ontario Regulation 823 were established over 20 years ago and have not been updated and do not reflect anywhere near the actual costs incurred; And Whereas such fees do not cover the actual costs incurred in responding to requests for information and for providing access to records in accordance with the provisions of MFIPPA; And Whereas in the last year the Township has incurred almost $60,000 in net costs, including for computer forensic assistance and for legal advice, in responding to requests and in simply issuing fee estimates for access to requested records; And Whereas after considerable staff time and costs incurred to issue various fee estimates for access to requested records, 3 fee estimates were appealed to the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, pursuant to MFIPPA, and the requester subsequently chose not to proceed with the appeals and chose to not proceed with any of the 3 requests; And Whereas in such situations there is no mechanism in MFIPPA or in Ontario Regulation 823 that would allow the Township to recover any of the substantial fees incurred, leaving such costs as a burden to the Township's taxpayers; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Oro- Medonte resolves that correspondence, under the Mayor's signature, be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to request a review and update of the fees provisions in MFIPPA and in Ontario Regulation 823 to ensure that they are more reflective of current and actual costs incurred in responding to requests for access to requested records and to ensure they include provisions for the collection of all or park of the costs involved in preparing fee estimates for requesters; That such letter be circulated to County of Simcoe, Cities of Barrie and Orillia, Simcoe County Municipalities, all other Ontario Municipalities, Patrick Brown, Simcoe North MPP, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario for their support. Page 2 10-67 Clarington General Government Committee Report to Council 3. Kim Coates, Interim Municipal Clerk, Township of Scugog — New Business/General Information: High Speed Internet That the following Township of Scugog resolution, regarding high speed internet, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington: Whereas Canada is reported as being unable to compete with global economy being hampered by the inability to connect efficiently and effectively; And Whereas Canada needs to compete globally to achieve higher employment opportunities and economic growth; And Whereas Canada is a country rich in natural resources but high unemployment, due in part to lack of opportunities for international trade and commerce; Therefore be it resolved that the Township of Scugog calls on Durham Region and its member municipalities to challenge the provincial and federal governments through AMO and FCM to bring Canada into the global market through expanding efficient and effective high speed internet to not only large urban centres, but also our vibrant rural areas. 4. Jason'Hagan, LAS Program Manager, Association of Municipalities of Ontario — One Investment Program That the following Association of Municipalities of Ontario resolution, regarding One Investment Program, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington: Whereas municipalities are required to invest their reserves in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001 and Ontario Regulation 438/97 (as amended), which specifically outlines allowable investments; And Whereas to ensure the sustainability and sound stewardship of the municipality's investments, the municipality is of the opinion that changes should be made to the Municipal Act, 2001 and Ontario Regulation 438/97 (as amended), to allow for the prudent investment of reserves, if those investments are professionally managed and part of a broader investment strategy; Page 3 Clarftwn General Government Committee Report to Council And Whereas the Prudent Investor Standard is an industry accepted best practice in effectively managing a portfolio of investments, and the Standard applies to investments, not in isolation, but in the context of the portfolio of investments and as part of an overall strategy, that should incorporate acceptable risk and return objectives suitable to the stakeholders; And Whereas the Province is proposing to confer "Prudent Investor" status on the City of Toronto to enable greater diversification in portfolio management; And Whereas the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), Local Authority Services (LAS), and the Municipal Finance Officers Association of Ontario (MFOA), have long requested that the Prudent Investor Standard apply to municipal investments that are invested with The One Investment Program; And Whereas in 2005, municipalities were granted the ability to invest in longer-term corporate bonds and Canadian equity investments via only the One Investment Program, and the One Investment Program has demonstrated strong investment returns for municipalities within these 'new' investment sectors; And Whereas the institutional portfolio managers utilized by the One Investment Program recommend that the Prudent Investor Standard approach is a more appropriate approach to investing; And Whereas the operating municipal investments under the Prudent Investor Standard is precluded by the Municipal Act, Eligible Investments, in its current form; and Therefore be it resolved that Council support the request of AMO, LAS, and MFOA to amend Ontario Regulation 438/97 (as amended) of the Municipal Act, 2001, to allow for municipalities to invest in a fashion consistent with the Prudent Investor Standard, if such investments are through the One Investment Program. Page 4 ffirington General Government Committee Report to Council 5. Bond Springfield Subdivision Phase 4, Courtice, Plan 40M-2474 `Certificate of Acceptance' and `Assumption By-law', Final Works Including Roads and Other Related Works That Report EGD -001-16 be received; That the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to.issue a `Certificate of Acceptance' for the Final Works, which includes final stage roads and other related Works, constructed within Plan 40M-2474; That Council approve the by-law attached to Report EGD -001-16 assuming certain streets within Plan 40M-2474 and adjacent Plans 40R-18124 and 40R-26039 as public highways; and That all interested parties listed in Report EGD -001-16 be advised of Council's decision. 6. Orono Parking Study Update That Report EGD -002-16 be received; That agreements between business owners be formalized to provide off-street private shared parking for employees as well as patrons and customers where possible; That the Municipality continue to provide parking enforcement to assist with long term parking violators; and That the Orono Downtown Business Improvement Area board of directors, the Orono Community Improvement Plan committee members and other interested stakeholders be advised of the parking study update results. 7. Cemetery By -Law Amendment That Report OPD -001-16 be received; and That the draft amending By-law (Attachment #1 to Report OPD -001-16), be approved. Page 5 10-70 Claftwn General Government Committee Report to Council 8. Emerald Ash Borer Update That Report OPD -002-16 be received for information; That Council acknowledge an over -budget expenditure of $99,141.20 in the 2015 . Operations Department brush/tree - contract account, that has been offset by the Operations Department 2015 gravel patch/resurfacing account, to provide for the removal and replacement of approximately two hundred and forty Ash trees affected by the Emerald Ash Borer beetle; That Council provide pre -budget approval for the 2016 brush/tree — contract account, in the amount of $123,521.21, net HST, to proceed with the award of an existing tender for the removal of another eight hundred and thirty infected Ash trees throughout the municipality; That Council provide direction on the approval of a $125,000 budget in the brush/tree — contract account, from 2017 to 2019, inclusive, to continue with the removal of the remaining Ash trees in the municipality; That Council consider, during the 2016 budget process, an additional budget of $188,000 in the 2016 brush/tree — contract account to replant an estimated six hundred Ash trees that will be removed from boulevards; That Council consider, during the 2017 to 2019 budget process, an additional budget of $188,000, in the brush/tree — contract account, until all of the twenty-five hundred boulevard Ash trees have been replaced. 9. Snow Removal By-law Amendment That Report CLD -001-16 be received; That the costs for the Municipality to remove snow, slush or ice from any sidewalk where the owner/occupant has failed to remove it, be amended to reflect the fees detailed in Report CLD -001-16; That the draft by-law, included as Attachment 1 to Report CLD -001-16, be approved; and That all interested parties listed in Report CLD -001-16 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. umm Clarington General Government Committee Report to Council 10. Feral Cat Trap Neuter Return That Report CLD -002-16 be received; That Council approve a Trap Neuter Release (TNR) program, in principle; That the Animal Services Manager and Shelter Staff be authorized to work with TNR interest groups and utilize established working group's findings to establish a TNR program that is suitable to all of Clarington's Residents; and That all interested parties listed in Report CLD -002-16, and any delegations, be advised of Council's decision. 11. Election Signs That Report CLD -004-16 be received; That the By-law, attached to Report CLD -004-16, as Attachment 1 to regulate Election Signs, be approved with the following amendment: That Section 16(d) of the proposed By-law, be deleted. That By-law 2010-015, being an amendment to By-law 2009-123, be repealed; and That all interested parties listed in Report CLD -004-16 and any delegations be advised of Council's actions. 12. John Howard Society — Lease Extension- 132 Church Street, Bowmanville Community Living Oshawa/Clarington — Lease Extension- 132 Church Street, Bowmanville That Report COD -002-16 be received; That approval be granted for the Municipality to extend the lease agreement with the John Howard Society for the existing leased space at 132 Church Street, Bowmanville, in the amount of $15,129.5 per year (inclusive of H.S.T) for a five year period commencing on January 1, 2016 and subject to a yearly rate increase based on the Consumer Price Index, All Items, Ontario (most recent month)the Lease Extension for the John Howard Society for the existing leased space at 132 Church Street, Bowmanville, in the amount of $15,129.5 per year for the term of January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2020, be approved; Page 7 10-72 Claftwn General Government Committee Report to Council That approval be granted for the Municipality to extend the lease agreement with the Community Living Oshawa / Clarington for the existing leased space at 132 Church Street, Bowmanville, in the amount of $15,129.5 per year (inclusive of H.S.T) prorated on a month by month period commencing on January 1, 2016 until they are able to relocate; and That the Mayor and the Municipal Clerk be authorized to execute the lease extension agreements with the John Howard Society and Community Living Oshawa / Clarington. 13. Well Interference on the West Side of Regional Road 57 Whereas there seems to be some issues regarding well interference to existing residents on the west side of Regional Road 57 (Old Scugog Neighbourhood); Now therefore is be resolved that Staff organize a Public Information Centre (PIC), as soon as possible, to discuss the impacts that development on the east side of Regional Road 57 has (or will have) on the existing residents; and That the developers, Regional staff representation who could give comments, as well as appropriate municipal staff, the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change representation, and residents be invited to discuss the issues that are now impacting residents. Im 10-73 Garington Planning &Development Committee Report to Council Report to Council Meeting of January 18, 2016 Subject: Planning & Development Committee Meeting of Monday, January 11, 2016 Recommendations: 1. Receive for Information (a) PSD -004-16 Environmental Stewardship, 2015 Annual Report (b) PSD -005-16 Heritage Incentive Grant, 2015 Annual Report 2. Brenda Metcalf, Chair, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington, Regarding an Annual Update That the delegation of Brenda Metcalf, Chair, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington, regarding an annual update, be received with thanks; and That the Agricultural Advisory Committee, Councillor Partner, and Staff be thanked for their efforts working on agricultural matters. 3. An Application by Heather Holt to Permit One Additional Single Detached Dwelling by Reductions in Lot Frontage and Yard Setback Requirements That Report PSD -001-16 be received; That the proposed application for Rezoning ZBA2015-0024 continue to be processed including the preparation of a subsequent report; That staff consider the public comments received in the further processing of the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Heather Holt to permit one additional single detached dwelling by allowing reductions in lot frontage, and yard setbacks; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -001-16 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Page 1 10-74 Chrington Planning & Development Committee Report to Council 4. An Application by Lanarose Properties Ltd. (The Kaitlin Group) to Permit Four Single Detached Dwellings and One Block for Five Townhouses in Bowmanville That Report PSD -002-16 be received; That the applications for Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision and amendment to Zoning By-law 84-63, submitted by Lanarose Properties Ltd. to permit four single detached dwellings and one block for five townhouse units continue to be processed and that a subsequent report be prepared; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -002-16 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 5. Community Improvement Annual Report for 2015 That Report PSD -003-16 be received; That Staff be authorized to commence a review of the Bowmanville, Newcastle and Orono Community Improvement programs with respect to their effectiveness, the area of coverage and potential improvements to effectively implement the overriding objective of ongoing revitalization of historic downtown areas; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -003-16 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 6. Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board of a Decision of the Committee of Adjustment of November 5, 2015 That Report PSD -006-16 be received; and That Council concurs with the decision of the Committee of Adjustment made on November 5, 2015 for Application A2015-0044 and that staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decision of the Committee of Adjustment. Page 2 10-75 0arington Planning & Development Committee Report to Council 7. Applications by South Bowmanville Ltd. for Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Rezoning to Permit 60 Single Detached Dwellings That Report PSD -007-16 be received; That the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision S -C-2014-0001 submitted by Weston Consulting on behalf of South Bowmanville Ltd. be supported subject to conditions as contained in Attachment 2 to Report PSD -007-16; That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by South Bowmanville Ltd. be approved as contained in Attachment 3 to Report PSD -007-16; That once all conditions contained in the Zoning By-law with respect to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol are satisfied, the By-law authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be approved; That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD -007.-16 and Council's decision; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -007-16 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 8. Clarington Transformer Station — Additional Professional Services That Phase 1 of a Tritium Assessment, as outlined in correspondence from Steve Usher, SLR Consulting, dated January 5, 2016, contained as Attachment 5 to Report PSD -008-16, be approved; That Phase 1 be funded from the Hydro One Commitment; and That Phase 2 and 3 of a Tritium Assessment be given pre -budget approval from the 2016 Budget. 9. Kawartha Pine Ridge School Board Surplus Property Sale — Ontario Street School —116 Ontario Street. Bowmanville That Report PSD -009-16 be received; That the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board be advised that the Municipality has no interest in purchasing Ontario Street Public School; Page 3 10-76 Cj~11 Planning &Development Committee Report to Council That the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board be informed that the Municipality owns the Victoria Street unopened road allowance (0.2 ha) and is not willing to relinquish its ownership rights; and That the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 10. Courtice Main Street Community Improvement Plan That Report COD -001-16 be received; That approval be granted for the Municipality to award Request for Proposal RFP2015-12 for the provision of Courtice Main Street Community Improvement Plan to Dillon Consulting Limited, being the highest ranked proposal meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of the aforementioned Request for Proposal; and That the funds required in the amount of $59,245.38 (net HST Rebate) be drawn from the following account: Unclassified Administration Professional Fees 100-21-211-00000-7161 $59,245.38 10-77 Page 4 Unfinished Business Excerpt of the December 14, 2015 Council Minutes Item 18 — EFW -ACC Monitoring Program Resolution #C-332-15 Moved .by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That Item 18 of the General Government Committee Report of November 30, 2015, be tabled until the next Council meeting. Carried Excerpt of the General Government Committee Report of November 30, 2015 1, EFW -ACC Monitoring Program That, to reaffirm that the existing Energy from Waste Facility Environmental Monitoring Program meets all regulatory requirements and exceeds Regional Council approved monitoring plans: a. The Regional Municipality of Durham undertake an additional stack test as early as possible in 2016; , b. The third party, independent and impartial testing agent approved by the Commissioner of Works be retained to carry out an additional stack test; and c. An independent report of data collected and analysed be presented to the Regional Council and the Municipality of Clarington. 13-1 Clerk's Department If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal Clerk at 905-623-3379 ext. 2102. To: Mayor Foster and Members of Council From: Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk Date: January 15, 2016 Subject: Council Meeting Agenda — January 18, 2016 — Update File: C05.Council Please be advised of the following updates to the Council Agenda: 7. Delegations (See Final Agenda) Attached, for Members of Council is the Final Consolidated Agenda. 10.2 General Government Committee Report of January 4, 2016 Item 12 — John Howard Society — Lease Extension —132 Church Street, Bowmanville (Report COD -002-16) Please be advised that reference was inadvertently made to "inclusive of HST" throughout Report COD -002-16, when, in fact, it should have read "exclusive of HST" and the amount of "$15,129.5" referenced in the recommendation should have read 115,129.51". Therefore, it is respectfully recommended that Item 12 of the General Government Committee Report of January 4, 2016, be pulled and replaced with the following recommendation, as corrected: That Report COD -002-16 be received; That approval be granted for the Municipality to extend the lease agreement with the John Howard Society for the existing [eased space at 132 Church Street, Bowmanville, in the amount of $15,129.51 per year (exclusive of H.S.T) for a five year period commencing on January 1, 2016 and subject to a yearly rate increase based on the Consumer Price Index, All Items, Ontario (most recent month) and the Lease Extension for the John Howard Society for the existing leased space at 132 Church Street, CLERK'S DEPARTMENT MEMO Fg-,TeTW Bowmanville, in the amount of $15,129.51 per year for the term of January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2020 be approved; That approval be granted for the Municipality to extend the lease agreement with the Community Living Oshawa / Clarington for the existing leased space at 132 Church Street, Bowmanville, in the amount of $15,129.51 per year (exclusive of H.S.T) prorated on a month by month period commencing on January 1, 2016 until they are able to relocate; and That the Mayor and the Municipal Clerk be authorized to execute the lease extension agreements with the John Howard Society and Community Living Oshawa / Clarington. 14 By-laws Please be advised that By-laws 2016-002 to 2016-007 were inadvertently listed as "20157002 to 2015-097" in the Agenda. I apologize for this oversight. ie, G�deflree nicipal Clerk CAG/cf c: F. Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Department Heads Agenda Date: January 18, 2016 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers, 2nd Floor Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Inquiries & Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please contact: Cindy Fleming, Administrative Assistant to the Clerk, at 905-623-3379, ext. 2101 or by email at cflemingc@,clarington.net. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Audio Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of Council meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation at a Council meeting, the Municipality will be audio recording you, and will "make the recording public by publishing the recording on the Municipality's website. In addition, please be advised that some of the Council meetings may be video recorded. Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net 1 Call to Order 2 Moment of Reflection 3 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest 4 Announcements 5 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) 5.1 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council December 14, 2015 6 Presentations 6.1 Mayor Foster — Annual Address 7 Delegations Council Agenda Date: January 18, 2016 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 7.1 Clint Cole — Clarington Transformer. Station — Additional Professional Services (item 8 of the Planning & Development Committee Report) 8 Communications — Receive for Information 5-1 8.1 Debi A. Wilcox, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, Region of Durham - 8-1 Aggregate. Levies • W = There are no Communications for direction. 10 Committee Reports 10.1 Advisory Committee Reports 10.1.1 Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington dated 10-1 December 10, 2015 10. 1.2 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee dated 10-5 December 8, 2015 10. 1.3 Minutes of the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee dated September 2, 10-8 October 7, and November 3, 2015 Page 1 Date: January 18, 2016 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 10.1.4 Minutes of Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade Committee dated January 20, April 21, 10-22 September 8, September 22, October 6, October 20, November 3, and December 1, 2015 10.1.5 Minutes of the Orono Arena Community Centre Board dated June 23 and October 27, 2015 10.1.6 Minutes of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board dated November 10, 2015 10,1,7 Minutes of the Clarington Museums Board dated November 11, 2015 10.1.8 Minutes of the Abandoned Cemetery Committee dated December 3, 2015 10.2 General Government Committee Report of January 4, 2016 10.3 Planning & Development Committee Report of January 11, 2016 11 Staff Reports 12 Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion 13 Unfinished Business 10-67 10-63 10-66 10-74 13.1 Item 18 — EFW -ACC Monitoring Program (General Government Committee Report 13-1 of November 30, 2015) 14 By-laws 14.1 2016-001 Being a By-law to to establish certain lands as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington, to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington, and to name them (Item 5 of the General Government Committee Report) 14.2 2016-002 Being a By-law to to provide for the maintenance, management, regulation and control of the cemeteries in the Municipality of Clarington (Item 7 of the General Government Committee Report) 14.3 2016-003 Being a By-law to regulate the clearing away and removal of snow and ice from the roofs of buildings and from sidewalks within the Municipality of Clarington and to amend By-law 93-144 (Item 9 of the General Government Committee Report) Council Agenda Date: January 18, 2016 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 14.4 2016-004 Being a By-law to regulate the placement of election signs (Item 11 of the General Government Committee Report) 14.5 2016-005 Being a By-law to designate the property known for municipal purposes as 1640 Concession Road 9, Municipality of Clarington as a property of historic or architectural value or interest under the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18 (Approved by Council November 23, 2015 ) 14.6 2016-006 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (H & H Properties Inc,) (Approved by Council September 8, 2014) 14.7 2016-007 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (South Bowmanville Ltd.) (Item 7 of the Planning & Development Committee Report) 15 Procedural Notices of Motion 16 Other Business 17 Confirming By -Law 18 Adjournment Clerk's Department If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal Clerk at 905-623-3379 ext. 2102. To: Mayor Foster and Members of Council From: Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk Date: January 18, 2016 Subject: Council Meeting Agenda — January 18, 2016 — Update File: C05.Council Please be advised of the following updates to the Council Agenda: 9. Communications — Direction (Addition) 9.1 John Cherry, Ph.D, P.Eng, Distinguished Emeritus Professor, University of Waterloo, Director, University Consortium for Groundwater Contamination Research, University of Guelph — Tritium/He3 Testing For Municipality of Clarington (Motion to refer correspondence for consideration during discussion of Item 8 of the Planning & Development Committee Report) Anne G re e n t rel§) Municipal Clerk CAG/cf c: F. Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Department Heads January 18, 2016 Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 Attention: Mayor Foster and Members of Council Re: Tritium/He-3 Testing for Municipality of Clarington Mayor Foster and Members of Council: D!STRI UTION REVIEWED Sjm�d"— Original To: $ - '41COUndiDiroollon UGODirection QPDDhollon 0 Council Information 0Gla Information oPoinformation Copy To: • mayor Q Members of C1 Ward Councillors Council • CAO a Clerks C3 Communwilons • Community LlCorporate Cl Emergentry Services Services Services Q Engineering a Finance 0 Legal Services Services t3` Operations \bPlanning Services wolher-�YA, %lunicipal Clerk's File L,---- I strongly recommend that a comprehensive tritium study be conducted at and near the Clarington Transformer Site as I have advocated for the Past two years. However, because six tritium values have already been obtained by the local residents and because these values raise important unresolved questions about the understanding of the site hydrogeology, there is even more urgency now to proceed with a comprehensive tritium'* study. Given the SLR conceptual model, if flow is coming from 6 km north and age of water is approx. 75 years, tritium value,in the deep well should be below the detection limit of 0.8 TU.* The study is needed to improve and verify the site hydrogeological model. The current version of this 'model is preliminary and needs better verification that requires tritium and some other types of data mentioned below. The local residents have, on their own initiative, collected and paid for six tritium analyses done at the U -Ottawa lab. These results have provided a good start to a comprehensive study. These six values can be referred to as Phase I tritium study. Phase 2/Stage 1 Phase 2 study can be done in stages; each would be designed based on the results of the previous stage. Steve Usher has proposed 20 samples for the next stage and that may be appropriate at this point in time if the selection of sampling wells is properly designed. Therefore I will assume 20 wells sampled for Phase 2/Stage 1. All tritium analyses should be done in the U -Ottawa lab along with other isotopes {oxygen -18 and deuterium). I recommend that the next stage involving these 20 samples be designed by an expert team comprised of Clark, Cherry and Gerber, Doug, Taylor would be an ex officio member because he has exceptional local knowledge and is most helpful in tracking down information from the local residents about their wells. He can represent the EEA. If there is any disagreement about any of the details, the decision should be 'majority vote including Clark, Cherry and Gerber. When the analysis results are available from the laboratories they will be provided to Steve Usher and Hydro One in a timely manner for their reconsiderations. Clark, Cherry and Gerber will provide a report to Clarington Council that indicates what the results mean for the understanding of the site groundwater conditions. There 'are three categories of wells that should be included in this stage; the 20 wells would be selected from these three categories: 1. Local residents' wells- the wells selected should have good information about their design and locations to avoid wells that are most likely to give results influenced by wellbore leakage. If need be, to keep cost down, these wells can be sampled by a team of local residents as was the case for the six resident wells already sampled {good notes and photos can be made part of the official records). 2. Monitoring wells at the deep -hole site- the cluster of 5 wells referred to as the MW5-14 wells, each of these wells is at a different depth. The sampling of these wells will require some purging. The procedure for this should be specified by the tritium expert team, 3. 12 wells that are part of the Stantec quarterly groundwater monitoring program- the samples can be taken at the same time as the quarterly so that the sampling cost will be nearly zero. These wells are all shallow, less than ab6ut 50 feet, so only a few of these would be included as representative wells of the 12. The sampling can be done by Stantec when the quarterly sampling is done and therefore the extra cost for sampling should be minimal. The Phase.2 'study should include re -sampling of some of the six wells done previously. This resampling would provide samples for tritium -helium analysis to better determine the age of the groundwater in these wells. I expect that it will not be difficult to get agreement on which wells out of these three categories should be included in the next phase. There are two parts to all tritium studies. The first part is the sample collection and the second is the lab analyses. A good approach can be to sample some extra wells beyond the 20 budgeted for analysis. The lab analyses can be done in stages to optimize cost of the lab analyses which is likely the most important part of the budget. For example, the lab could do 10 tritium samples first and based on the results from these, the other 10 samples would be selected from say. the remaining 15 samples available because " extra " samples were taken. The tritium -helium sampling will need to be done by a University of Ottawa technician. However, there is an important additional action that should be part of the tritium study which is the collection of water samples in other bottles so that other analyses can be done for the same well. In other words, when the tritium sampling is done, additional bottles should be filled for analysis of. oxygen -18 and deuterium (stable isotopes of water; tritium is the radioactive isotope of water) chloride, nitrate and sulphate dissolved organic carbon (DOC) Before it is finalized, we propose that the report on this work to be prepared by the tritium study team with review and input from the University of Guelph and McMaster research group and Steve Usher, We review this endeavor as a collaboration between University of Guelph, McMaster University, University of Ottawa and Cloca and Clarington Municipality. These constituents are needed to help discern the origin of the water, in particular, to discern whether or not the water is consistent with groundwater that has gotten into the well by normal groundwater flow or by leakage down along the well casing because the well is not properly sealed. Also, these constituents are indicators of the presence of water impacted by human activities such as road salting, agriculture and others and therefore they are indications of well vulnerability. The cost of the analyses is low if appropriate labs are selected. Instructions will be provided by the tritium study team concerning the bottles and related procedures. We estimate that the total cost of this proposed study should be in the range of 20-25K. The professional time of Cherry, Clark and Gerber will be contributed at no charge. This estimate can be fine- tuned when the tritium study team prepares a detailed work plan. In Mr, Usher's report to Clarington on January 11, 2016 PSD -008-16; Section 3.5, he quotes the Ministry of Environment & Climate Change as follows " ...the current program is satisfactory and [MOECC] does not consider the tritium levels found in the local wells to be unexpected ... the tritium concentrations indicated that the groundwater recharge, corresponding to the lower concentration of tritium found in the wells, is likely coming from up -gradient sources.a number of kilometers to the north of the site. " My colleague, Dr. Clark and I strongly disagree with this interpretation of the initial tritium results. This interpretation is incorrect. We believe the tritium tests conducted on the local private wells, to date, do not support the current conceptual model. This clearly points to the need for further tritium and also tritium/helium testing to develop a conceptual model that supports the data, John Cherry, Ph.D, P.Eng Distinguished Emeritus Professor, University of Waterloo Director, University Consortium For Groundwater Contamination Research, University of Guelph Cc Dr. Ian D Clark, P. Geo. Presentation to Clarington Council re Tritium/ He -3 Testing January 18, 2015 Introduction Good evening Mayor Foster, Members of Council, staff and public. My name is Clint Cole and I am a member of the Enniskillen Environmental Association. Thank you for the opportunity to speak tonight. We are here tonight to speak to the SLR proposal dated January 5, 2016 and the City report dated January 11, 2016. Thank you for your support at last week's Planning and Development Committee meeting to move forward on this important testing even if only in the first phase. As we continue to debate the need for additional scientific testing to protect our groundwater, we should remember the following: 1. The world's freshwater supply has now moved from sustainable to unsustainable according to CBC 2. The United Nations Charter of Rights and Freedoms to which Canada is a signatory obligates governments to protect their citizens from third party contamination of drinking water. 3. Several highly -regarded experts in this field of study have reported that the CTS site is located on a complex water aquifer that is not well understood despite what the single peer SLR consultant and the proponent's consultant believe. 4. OPG recently announced the Pickering Nuclear Station will remain operational until at least 2024. Hydro One had justified their urgency to complete this project by 2017 to replace the Pickering station. Current Status 11 of the 25 private wells in the Hydro One groundwater monitoring program are contaminated with coliform and a -coli. ■ Farewell Creek, which is in close proximity to the 3 contaminated shallow wells, shows a reading of 80+ coliform and 26 a -coli. Mr. Brant Gill from Stantec (paid by Hydra One) says that the sudden increase in contamination is not related to the Hydro construction. He suggests the contamination is from fecal matter from livestock or decaying vegetation. He also states the contaminated wells are in a separate watershed, The location of the underground water divide has never been scientifically established. ■ CLOCA advises it has no mandate to determine why the farewell Creek is contaminated ■ To date, connectivity of sands still has not been refuted. The EEA has completed 6 tritium tests - 4 deep wells ✓ 1 intermediate well ✓ 1 shallow well 5 out of the 6 wells are not protected against the four toxins that will be produced by the transformer station. The sixth well only has moderate protection. ■ Mr. Steve Usher from SLR cannot investigate the source of contamination. This is not part of his contract stipulated by Hydro One. ■ $186,000 has been paid to SLR Consulting which includes a conceptual model. The tritium results do not support the SLR conceptual model. ■ Based on Steve Usher's conceptual model, if flow is coming from 6 km north and age of water is approx. 75 years, according to Dr. Clark and Dr. Cherry- experts in tritium interpretation, tritium value in deep well should be 0. Mr. Usher also advised residents that tritium values in the deep well would be "0". This has not been the case. ■ Mr. Usher's conceptual model has never been subjected to a peer review. It is only one person's opinion. (The following information is only if asked by council) Tritium Test Results: Round 1 Round 2 Shallow 47.1 Deep 2.1 (198 ft) Intermediate 38.3 Deep 1.5 (190 ft) Deep 21.2 Deep 0.8 (250 ft) Summary Hydro One paid for a third party independent to interpret technical reports for the Clarington Transformer Station. Since technical reports are no longer being generated, the community requests the remaining funds be used for the tritium/He-3 testing. This will have a far greater impact on Clarington's future groundwater supply, The experts, Cherry, Clark and Gerber, are the most qualified participants for this testing program with impeccable credentials, years of experience and knowledge of this area Clarington residents have contributed thousands of hours and dollars to ensure the safety of Clarington's drinking water. It would be unconscionable not to proceed with the recommended testing for the health of this community, There are grave concerns that irreparable damage will be caused by this megaproject. How will Clarington council defend their failure to act when science and expert opinion was available, strongly recommended and relatively inexpensive? Let's adopt Hydro One's mission statement and "do the right thing" for the environment, Let's get the testing done. We don't want to see this lead to an inquest. Recommendations 1. Council undertake the tritium/He-3 testing as outlined in Dr. Cherry and Dr. Clark's proposal dated January 18, 2016. Their proposal is approximately 1/3 cost of Mr. Usher's proposal. 2. We ask council to conduct a cost analysis to bring municipal water to the residents in proximity to the Clarington Transformer Station.