HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-028-01 ~ . TIlE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Date: REPORT GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # ~ JUNE 18,2001 Res. #0111- 37-YDj Meeting: Report No.: WD-28-0l Our FileNo.: B.01.12.5l By-Law # Subject: ALL-WAY STOP REQUESTS AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF: CHURCH STREET AND DIVISION STREET; CHURCH STREET AND ONTARIO STREET; TEMPERANCE STREET AND WELLINGTON STREET; AND DIVISION STREET AND WELLINGTON STREET, BOWMANVILLE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-28-0l be received; 2. THAT the requests for all-way slops at the above noted intersections be denied; 3. THAT one metered parking space on Temperance Street, south of Wellington Street, be removed to improve visibility; and 4. THAT Staff continue to monitor the intersections for volumes, motor vehicle collisions, sight triangle obstructions or other safety concerns. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No.1: Key Map No.2: Detailed motor vehicle collision history No.3: All-way stop warrants from the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices 699016 REPORT NO.: WD-28-01 PAGE 2 2.0BACKGROUND 2.1 Requests were received to review intersection safety at a number of intersections near the Municipal Administrative Centre in Bowmanville, including a petition from residents of 95 Wellington Street requesting an all-way stop at Temperance Street and Wellington Street. 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 Intersection of Church Street and Division Street Church Street is classified as a collector roadway from Liberty Street to Scugog Street. Church Street currently has two all-way stops, one at Temperance Street and the other at George Street. The proposed Division Street all-way stop, if approved, would create three consecutive all-way stop conditions. The volume count at the intersection of Church Street and Division Street, which showed an p.m. peak intersection volume of 388 vehicles, is below the warrant figures established in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices to recommend an all-way stop. The warrant for an all-way stop on a collector road is 500 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of a day as specified in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices warrants (see Attachment No. 3). A review of the motor vehicle collision history, detailed as Attachment No.2, does not show a consistent collision problem. Records show; one during 1997, one during 1998, and 3 during 1999, in which the drivers stopped but failed to yield to oncoming traffic causing right angle collisions. During 2000, only one collision occurred and this was a rear-end type rather than a right angle collision. Up until June 1,2001, only one collision has occurred. In comparison, the intersection of Church Street at Temperance Street, which is an all-way stop, has been accident free for a number of years, while Church Street at George Street, which is also an all-way stop, has had four collisions since 1997. Based on the Provincial guidelines, Staff are not recommending implementation of an all- way stop at the intersection of Church Street and Division Street. 699017 REPORT NO.: WD-28-0l PAGE 3 3.2 Intersection of Church Street and Ontario Street Church Street is classified as a collector roadway from Liberty Street to Scugog Street. Church Street currently has two all-way stops, one at Temperance Street and the other at George Street. Ifboth the Division Street and Ontario Street intersections were changed to all-way stops, per local requests, it would create four consecutive all-way stops. The volume count at the intersection of Church Street and Ontario Street, during the peak p.m. period, was 310 vehicles. This is below the warrant figures established in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices to recommend an all-way stop. The warrant for a collector road is 500 vehicles per hour for any 8 hour period. This request for an all-way stop was prompted by two collisions within seven days during June 2000. In both cases, the northbound drivers were charged with failing to stop. Although it was not a factor in the collisions, Staff have improved visibility by cutting back a private hedge that was encroaching upon the southeast quadrant to improve sight lines from a stopped position. Other than the two collisions within seven days during June 2000, the intersection has been accident free for the past 4 years. Based on the Provincial guidelines, Staff are not recommending implementation of an all- way stop at the intersection of Church Street and Ontario Street. 3.3 Intersection of Temperance Street and Wellington Street This intersection is at the junction to two local roads. At the p.m. peak hour, the intersection traffic volume of 232 vehicles is below the warrant figures established in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. An adult crossing guard is not presently warranted at this location, however a student patrol program is in place. The warrant for the intersection of two local roads is 350 vehicles for anyone hour period. The motor vehicle collision history shows; one during 1997, none during 1998, one during 1999 and two during 2000. There have been no collisions during 2001 up to June 1st. To improve safety, stop bars have been applied to Wellington Street and a yellow centre line was applied to Temperance Street during December 2000. The application of a centre line 699018 REPORT NO.: WD-28-01 PAGE 4 will give it a narrowing effect which, combined with parked vehicles, should further reduce the already low speeds. Metered parking spaces on Temperance Street are the legal distance of 10 metres south of Wellington Street but can hinder vision, particularly if occupied by vans. The collision during 1997 is the only report in which parked .vehicles and a wooden construction fence were noted as contributing factors. When motorists on any roadway are confronted with visibility problems caused by parked vehicles or other obstructions, they are required to slowly creep into the intersection until their vision of oncoming traffic is improved. If an all-way stop were introduced, staff would recommend removal of one or more metered parking spaces from the east side of Temperance Street to ensure the stop sign is visible. Based on the Provincial guidelines, Staff are not recommending implementation of an all- way stop. Staff will continue to monitor this location annually to determine if an adult guard is warranted in the future. 3.4 Intersection of Division Street and Wellington Street This is the intersection of two local roads. During the p.m. peak hour, the intersection traffic volume of 145 vehicles is below the warrant figures established in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The motor vehicle collision history shows; none during 1997, none during 1998, one during 1999 and two during 2000. There has been one collision during 2001, up to June IS', which occurred on March 2nd when a vehicle slid in poor road conditions into a northbound vehicle. Sight lines are acceptable with vegetation being trimmed by adjacent property owners. Based on Provincial guidelines, Staff are not recommending implementation of an all-way stop. The warrant for the intersection of two local roads is 350 vehicles for anyone hour period. 3.5 Review by Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee At a meeting on May 17, 2001, members of the Committee reviewed the motor vehicle history and vehicle counts for the intersections near the Municipal Administrative Centre. 699019 REPORT NO.: WD-28-01 PAGE 5 The Committee members also visited the intersections and made the following recommendations: . None of the intersections under review should be changed to all-way stops. They also recommended that property owners at the intersections be provided with information about municipal by-laws concerning sight triangles to ensure that vegetation does not become a problem. . Intersection of Temperance Street and Wellington Street sight lines should be improved by removing one metered parking space on the west side of Temperance Street, south of Wellington Street. . At the intersection of Church Street and Division Street, visibility of the stop sign for southbound motorists is acceptable, despite the placement of the hydro pole. It was noted that the B.I.A. should be restricted from placing flowers or flags in front of or near the stop sign, which could cause a distraction for motorists. The Municipal By-law Officer should review the legality of the yellow sign in front of Trinity United Church. 4.0 CONCLUSION 4.1 Based on Provincial guidelines, which consider intersection volumes, visibility and motor vehicle collisions; Staff are not recommending implementation of all-way stops at any of the requested intersections listed in this report. Staff supports the recommendation made by the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee to remove one metered parking space on the west side of Temperance Street, south of Wellington Street, to improve visibility. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~~ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works o~~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer RDB*SA V*ce 06/06/01 699020 , " \ I '~ I I ~!0~ &4h.9IOI) ,~ JI - "" t ~ ,J,"'~ _~ "' / ,:- " g ~ . ) -' Ill]i t _ ~ I~(,r/,C'~ &1 ,,' R / /~~s.J 0 l',._: ~ // Carlisle ~~ Jg R' I, :::i <V'J> '" / I. . ~ II...... ' , I~ I '/ I ~ /,q '.& I~ IA~. If 1icJ' /I~~ . / / <Ii 'v' ;<0 . . I '...:; .:-, I~I #- I .~~ II; R I/~ o , "N. I-J //:::t /~/ . /:.. 4<:- / , /'0 ~ ", < //.p / ~ o~f II / . (/ , 1- , l-ll I~ , I / L. '-, 'I II II I ---- J 1\, ! ') ( II II \ \ , \ \ \ \ , , I I r~ ! --~ '--------- ,I II / / / / / --, 'i I II L_~ L i-Ii . II I II L_~ \ ~ 1------" ~ \ , . @ /'( w~~ 8 'DRAWN BY: J.R.M REPORT WD-2B-01 ATTACHMENT NO.1 DATE: JAN, 2001 i, -~ 699021 MOTOR VEHICLE COLLISION HISTORY Church StreetIDivision Street 1997 97-48221 1998 98-51288 1999 99-30977 99-113945 99-121636 2000 00-85639 97/05/17, 18:45, Saturday, southbound driver stopped but failed to yield and struck side of eastbound vehicle 98/05/26, 13 :07, Tuesday, southbound driver stopped but failed to yield to westbound vehicle 99/04/01, 20:10, Thursday, southbound driver stopped but failed to yield to eastbound vehicle 99/10/26, 13:05, Tuesday, northbound driver stopped but failed to yield to westbound vehicle 99/11/15,15:22, Monday, southbound driver stopped but failed to yield to eastbound vehicle 00/08/10, 14:45, Thursday, eastbound vehicle stopped to make left turn, rear-ended by eastbound vehicle 2001 up to June 1 01-23157 01/03/05 08:30, Monday, southbound vehicle stopped but failed to yield to westbound vehicle Church Street/Ontario Street 1997 None 1998 None 1999 None 2000 00-57806 00/06/07, 16:50, Wednesday, northbound age 70, failed to stop striking eastbound vehicle 00/06/13, 14:25, Friday, northbound age 73, failed to stop striking westbound vehicle 2001 none up to June 1 00-61678 699022 ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: WD-28-01 MOTOR VEHICLE COLLISION HISTORY PAGE20F2 Temperance Street/Wellington Street 1997 97-22824 1998 None 1999 99-46894 2000 00-32924 00-83381 97/03/08, 14: 10, Saturday, westbound driver stopped but failed to yield to northbound vehicle 99/05/13, 15:30, Thursday, eastbound driver stopped but failed to yield to northbound vehicle 00/04/05, 13:10, Wednesday, westbound driver stopped but failed to yield to northbound vehicle 00/08/05, 12:45, Saturday, eastbound driver failed to stop striking northbound vehicle 2001 up to June 1 none Division Street/Wellington Street 1997 None 1998 None 1999 99-103405 2000 00-75092 00-094981 99/09/28, Tuesday, eastbound driver failed to stop striking northbound vehicle 00/07/17, Monday, eastbound driver stopped but failed to yield to northbound vehicle 00/08/31, Thursday, westbound driver stopped but failed to yield to southbound vehicle 2001 up to June 1 00-22049 01/03/02, Friday, westbound driver applied brakes but slid through intersection striking northbound vehicle 699023 ") .-"'. Part A ) Division 2 - Regulatory Section 40 25 20 STOP 40 25 20 40 25 20 Ra-1 (60x60) cm COLOUR: White Refl. Legend & Border, Red Refl. Background Ra-101 (75x75) cm COLOUR: White Refl. Legend & Border. Red Rell. Background Ra-1101 (120x120) cm COLOUR: White Refl.Legend & Border, Red Rell. Background BLANK NO: M.T.O. B-23b FONT: Highway Gothic C SUPPORT: Steel BLANK NO: M.T.O. B-23 FONT: Highway Gothic C SUPPORT: Wood (10x10) cm BLANK NO: M.T.O. B-61 FONT: Highway Gothic C SUPPORT: Wood (15x15) cm A 2.11 "STOP" Sign (Ra-1, Ra-101, Ra-1101, Ra-lt) Guidelines and Warrants for "Stop" Signs "Stop" sign control results in delay to motorists and may increase some types of collision experience. "Stop" signs should. Iherefore. not be used indiscriminately. "Stop" signs are not intended to be used as speed control devices. Their usage shouid be limited to the control of right-of-way conflicts. In general, "Stop" signs should only be used where traffic engineering studies considering such factors as traffic speeds. traffic volumes, restricted sight lines and collision experience indicate that the usage of "Stop" signs is warranted. "Stop" signs shall not be used on the same approach to intersections where traffic control signals are operat- ing. ~rtable or part-time "Stop" signs shall not be used except in emergency or temporary situations, such as in conjunction with Traffic Control Persons or at inter- sections where traffic signaJs are inoperative. January 1995 699024 ATTACHMENT NO.: 3 REPORT NO.: WD-28-01 Part A t - i ~----'" Division 2 - Regulatory Section The following guidelines and wamlnts for .Stop" sign control are recommended for use at rural and urban intersections: 1 . On a county road, city street or township intersecting with a King's Highway. 2. On a minor street or road entering a through street or highway. 3. At unsignalized intersections in a signalized area, except where they would intertere with traffic signal progression. 4. At intersections where the application of the normal right hand rule would be unduly hazardous. 5. Where three or more right angle collisions per year have occu rred and methods of reducing the collision experience, such as sight line improvements, street lighting. parking prohibitions, enforcement, geometric revisions, and a Yield sign, have been tried and found to be inadequate. A 2.11.01 One and Two-Way "STOP" Sign Controls When two major highways intersect. and there is no priority to determine which direction should be stopped. a traffic study should be conducted. A 2.11.02 All-Way "STOP" Sign Controls The following guidelines and warrants for All-Way .Stop" sign controls are recommended for use at rural or urban intersections. All-Way "Stop" sign controls may be used: 1. a) At two roadways with simIlar volume demand and operating characteristics. The approaches should bedirectly opposing (i.e. not offset), should preferably approach at right angles (i.e no skewed approaches) and have an equal number of lanes. " b) As an interim measure where traffic control' signals are warranted but cannot be implemented immediately. c) At locations having a high accident frequency where less restrictive measures have been tried and found inadequate. For the purposes of this warrant, a high accident frequency is an average of four accidents per year for a three year period. Only those accidents susceptible to reliefthrough multi-way .Stop" control will be considered (i.e. right angle and turning type collisions). Included in this warrant are those locations where visibility problems exist which limit the safe approach speed to less than 15 kilometres per hour. thereby creating an unreasonable accident potential. Special advance warning or overhead flashing lights may be necessary to augment the control if vertical or horizontal alignment is a factor. ,~-..... d) As a means of providing an introductory period to accustom drivers to a reversal of intersection control. Installation under this warrant shall be in conformance with Section A2.11.04 of this manual. l~ 2. On arterial roads and major collector streets the following volume warrant may be used: a) a total vehicle volume on all intersection approaches exceeding 500 vehicles per hour for each of any eight hours of the day and. b) a combined vehicular and pedestrian volume on the minor street exceeding 200 units per hour (all vehicles plus pedestrians wishing to enter the intersection) for each of the same eight hours. with an average delay to traffic on the minor street (either vehicles or pedestrians wishing to enter the intersection) of greater than thirty seconds and. January 1995 699025 o . Part A n Division 2 - Regulatory Section c) a volume splitthat does not exceed 70130. Volume on the major street is defined as vehicles only. Volume on the minor street includes all vehicles plus any pedestrians wishing to cross the major roadway. 3. On roads and streets not considered to be either arterial or major collector streets. a) a total vehicle volume on all intersection approaches exceeding 350 for the highest hour recorded and, b) a volume split does not exceed 75/25 for three- way control or 65/35 for a four-way control. Volume is defined as vehicles only. All-Way "Stop" sign controls should not be used under the following conditions: 1. Where the protection of pedestrians, school children in particular, is a prime concern. This concern can usually be addressed by other means. 2. As a speed control device. 3. On roadways where progressive signal timing exists. 4. On roadways within urban areas having a posted speed limit in excess of 60km/h. 5. At intersections having less than three, or more than four. approaches. 6. At intersections that are offset. poorly defined or geometrically substandard. 7. On truck or bus routes. except in an industrial area, or where two such routes cross. 8. Orr multi-lane approaches where a parked or stopped vehicle on the right will obscure the "Stop" sign. 9. Where traffic would be required to stop on grades. ,'" 10. As a means of deterring the movement of through traffic in a residential area. 11. Where visibility of the sign is hampered by curves or grades, and insufficient safe stopping distance exists. 12. Where any other traffic device controlling right-of- way is permanently in place within 250 m, with the exception of a Yield sign. Where it has been determined by the presiding Road Authority that an All-Way. "Slop" is warranted, the sign may be supplemented with an "All-Way" tab (Ra-1t) directly below the "Stop" sign. A 2.11.03 Location of "Stop" Signs 2.5 .10 2.5 [A~L-WAYI Ra-1t (15x30) cm COLOUR: Red Rell. Legend & Border, White rell. Background BLANK NO: Special FONT: Helvetica Bold Condensed SUPPORT: As per Ra-l January 1995 699026