HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-18-01 < THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee "--' ./' File #: j-()';? Res.#:{]J/!-:J.t;7-tJ I Date: Apriln,2001 Report #: TR-18-01 File #: By-Law #: Subject: 2001 CURRENT BUDGET REPORT Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: . l. THAT Report TR-18-01 be received; 2. THAT Council approve the 2001 Operating Budget at a target maximum 3.5% increase operating levy over the 2000 levy (exclusive of Bill 140), as described in TR-18-01 and Priority Attachment #1 attached; 3. THAT the attached schedules outlining the Operating Expenditures (Attachment #2), Reserves (Attachment #3) and Reserve Fund (Attachment #4) balances and Unallocated ReservelReserve Fund balances (Attachment #5) be approved; 4. THAT the garbage flat rate be approved for 2001 at the same rate as 2000, at $145 per household; 5. THAT the garbage charges be included in the general levy in 2002, eliminating the flat rate charge, if the Provincial changes to the tax bill and the OPTA system render the flat rate option ineffective; 6. THAT if the Municipality ofClarington is not permitted to charge a service fee for each tax transaction to recover approximately the annual bank charges associated with processing the tax payments by credit cards, that this option for tax payment be discontinued except for future internet payment options; 901 . Report TR-18-01 2001 Current Budget Report Page 2 7 . THAT Council endorse in principle, a two year strategy by setting the tax levy target for 2002 and 2003 at a maximum 2.5% and 1.5% respectively; 8. THAT the external agencies referred to in this report and identified in the attached priority schedule, be advised of Council's decision regarding their grant request; 9. THAT the Beech Centre be authorized to access the principle value of the Reserve Fund set aside for their operating support, for their capital requests, in the amount of $20,000; and 10. THAT the appropriate By-Laws to levy the 2001 tax rates for Municipal, Region and Education purposes will be forthcoming to Council for approval, once information received. Background: 1.0 Operatinl!: Tax Levv 2001 1.1 Staff is recommending to Council an increase in the overall levy at 3.5% of the 2000 levy of$16.8 million. This value includes an approximation of growth at 2.5%. The final tax rate will be determined when the Provincial impacts are known. Any adjustment required, due to final growth numbers, to keep the operating impact at 3.5% will be made through the Rate Stabilization Reserve. 2.0 Reassessment 2.1 The final numbers are subject to adjustment based on the growth figures. At this point it is not possible to quantify the growth due to the affect of reassessment. The current ratio of commercial/industrial to residential growth is 11 % to 89%. The existing tax base is reliant almost entirely on residential growth. Unfortunately residential growth generally does not pay for itself because it requires significant municipal services, such as roads, parks, winter control, garbage collection, etc. 2.2 The 2001 reassessment brought to the homeowners market value from the prior 1996 value to a 1999 base. The average home in Clarington is valued at $175,000 in the 1996 market, multiplied by the tax rate of .0042084 generates $736 in tax revenue to Clarington. That same home on the 1999 base year market value increases it to $196,000 on the average 12% reassessment impact. This 12% includes growth, which is estimated at 2.5%. Therefore the net effect of reassessment is approximately 9%. The $196,000 home in 2001 using the 2000 tax rate of .0042084 generates taxes of $803, an additional $66 per household. Although the rate cannot be fmalized until ~r the effects of Bill 140 are known because the proposed operating budget at 3.5% does not use up 9[\]2 Report TR-18-01 2001 Current Budget Report Page 3 all the 9% reassessment room, based on information available at this time and using prior years rates, the tax rate will be reduced by 5.7%. 3.0 The Tax Base 3.1 Municipalities in general appear to be feeling the effects of continued growth with insufficient resources to effectively absorb the cost of providing services required by growth. The recent history of near zero percent budget increase has forced many municipalities to drain their Reserves and Reserve Funds to support operating costs. The result is that they are now forced to go to the taxpayer to make up the shortfall that the Reserve Funds can no longer support. It is not a sustainable tax support since once that Reserve is depleted, the contribution that has been relied on plus current growth impact are transferred to the taxpayer. 3.2 The Municipality of Clarington is in the fortunate position of having a relatively healthy Reserve Funds and does not rely excessively on their support to artificially maintain a stable tax base. Clarington has drawn on the Rate Stabilization Reserve annually approximately $800,000 to$I.1 million over the past few years, while maintaining some contributions back to the Reserve and Reserve Funds so as not to deplete the totals. This method has provided a stable base, while still utilizing the Reserves responsibly. 3.3 The proposed Current Budget at 3.5% requires a draw of approximately $1.3 million from the Rate Stabilization Reserve slightly higher than previous years. This will permit a reasonable rate increase while providing an increase in some of the essential services such as fire prevention and building inspection. It also provides for a gradual support to reserve funds, such as those used to purchase Public Works fleet for snow removal and reserve funds for the replacement and upgrade of park playground equipment. As Council is aware, the fleet purchases in the past were subsidized up to 80% in some cases by Provincial grants. These grants are no longer provided by the Province. In addition, playground equipment has come under much scrutiny over the past year, and although it is a costly undertaking, Clarington is making every effort to maintain the playground equipment in a safe state. If tax base support of these reserve funds is not maintained, any individual year's requirements for purchases in the future, such as fleet, could affect the tax base by 6% for this one area alone in any given year. 4.0 Reserves and Reserve Funds - Unallocated 4.1 The Reserves and Reserve Funds have been reflected on a separate schedule (Attachment #5) to identify those funds that are unallocated and available for future use by Council resolution. The funds that are earmarked for specific purposes, and those that are legislated in their use, are separated and a notation of their intended use is identified in the comment section. 903 Report TR-18-01 2001 Current Budget Report Page 4 4.2 The estimated unallocated funds total approximately $10 million (Attachment #5). The Working Funds Reserve are currently required through By-Law #88- 159, to be maintained at 5%-10% of the current year's municipal tax levy. This amounts to approximately $1.5 million. The annual balance in uncollected taxes is approximately $7 million. It is recommended that the Working Funds ReservelRate Stabilization Reserve balance be maintained at 50% of this level to provide proper coverage in the event these revenues are not realized for a number of years. The combined affect of these two items is a recommended minimum balance of $5 million in Working Funds/Rate Stabilization Reserve. The remaining $5 million are recommended to be available to apply to future tax rates. This $5 million will provide approximately three to four years of stability for the tax base, drawing at the average of $1.3 to $1.5 million per year. If those funds are used to a greater degree than recommended, the tax base will be required to support that amount once the reserves are depleted. The above recommendations would be consistent with guidelines established under Section 367(3) ofthe Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, C.M. 45. 5.0 Recent Tax Rate Historv & Downloadine 5.1 The Municipal tax base was heavily supported in the past by Provincial grants. In 1995 the Municipality of Clarington received a total of $4.0 million. Over the past five years, the direct municipal support grants have been completely eliminated, with the exception of the Community Reinvestment Fund grant in 2000 of $116,000. The Province has indicated that they will continue this grant in 200 I. There are some residual grants to the Library and Museums, totaling $77,658 that are expected to continue. However, these grants have been reduced from $296,000 in 1995. 5.2 The reduction of these grants were to be offset by reduction in the education tax rates established by the Province. It is difficult to quantify the true impact since many of the downloading costs are not tangible or evident on the bottom line; for example the fann tax rebate program that was fully funded by the Province has been transferred to the local level. The municipality must calculate a reduction to 25% of the tax rate and the differential that was funded by the Province is now transferred to the balance of the rate base. This is a direct impact to the homeowner, but is difficult to quantify. The education rate reduction did offset some of the local grant reductions and the balance of the $4.0 million grant losses were accommodated through service level adjustments and holding the line on controllable expenditures, such as staffing vacancies that were not filled. All this was accomplished while at the same time, maintaining a zero percent tax rate over the past eight years, since 1993. 904 Report TR-18-0 I 2001 Current Budget Report Page 5 6.0 Credit Ratio!! 6.1 The Municipality of Clarington's Reserve Fund balances and stable tax base contributes in a significant manner to the Region of Durham's triple "A" credit rating. This rating helps Clarington, as well as the area municipalities, obtain beneficial interest rates when debenture financing capital projects such as those outlined in the 2001 Capital Budget and the Development Charge capital program. It is anticipated that a stable tax plan combined with dependable reserve fund balances will maintain the municipality's anchor value in the Region's credit assessment. 7.0 Garba!!e Rate 7.1 The 2000 garbage flat rate was $145.00. It is recommended that the rate be maintained at $145.00, reflecting a zero percent change. This is accomplished in part by the Region of Durham maintaining the tipping fee for disposal at the prior year's rate of $86.00 per tonne. 8.0 Credit Card Tax Payment Option 8.1 The Municipality of Clarington was innovative in providing as many options as possible for its residents to make tax payments. The use of credit cards as an option for paying taxes was introduced in the late 1980's, when the economy was depressed, in order to promote tax payments. It provided a benefit to taxpayers in that they could obtain "points" while paying their taxes. The program helped to bring in tax payments that otherwise would not have been made. However, with the popularity of the program, the service fee cost to the Municipality has increased to approximately $100,000 per year. It is recommended that if it is permitted under the Banking Contract, some ofthis cost be offset by introducing a service fee. All indications at this stage are that fees are not permitted without violation of any credit card contract. This option will continue to be explored. The credit card option is proposed to be maintained for future movement into e-commerce. It is proposed that the Municipality investigate, with the hope to introduce, the option of tax payments over the Internet. If this method is to be introduced, credit card payment will be a required option. 9.0 Priority Recommendations 9.1 Attachment #1 identifies the major impacts on the 2001 Operating Budget. It outlines the non-controllable impacts, such as salary adjustments from collective agreements, significant increase in cost of heating, etc. All Priority # 1 requests that are required to maintain the existing service levels are required to accommodate growth in this past year. 905 Report TR-18-01 2001 Current Budget Report Page 6 9.2 The departmental priorities include addition of a Fire Prevention Officer in 2001 and a Training Officer/Technical Support Officer who will assist in maintaining the training of the forces at the required level. This position will also be responsible to maintain the Crisys dispatch data at a sufficient level to provide appropriate information to the fire crews on a call-out. 9.3 The Public Works Department has included a staffing request for a Building Inspector in order to accommodate growth and maintain the same service standard. They have also recommended filling the Landscape Architect position that reflects the vacancy of three positions, which were not filled in the horticulture area over the past several years. 9.4 There is a provision for a Human Resources Manager and associated costs for computer etc. Clarington is the only municipality of its size, in a reference group of approximately 85 municipalities that does not have a Human Resources Division. This function has been carried out between the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer and the Treasurer. This has saved the municipality significant expenditures over the years. However, the municipality can no longer function efficiently without this support. 9.5 The expansion to the Courtice Complex that was approved in the Capital Budget also provides for an introduction of some of the operating costs for the expansion. 9.6 Priority recommendations also include additional expenditures toward sidewalk maintenance and repairs, as well as gravel patching and winter control. 10.0 Three Year Proiected Impact / and Corporate Plan 10.1 Attachment # I outlines known impacts for 200 I, as well as for the years 2002 and 2003 and the anticipated impact on the tax base. These projections are provided to guide Council in decision making, and to indicate some of the impacts of recommendations in the proposed budget that transfer into the next year's tax base. From the known impacts, there is also a suggestion that the future two years require significant revenue injections to maintain the tax impact at a reasonable level. There is some accommodation made for the revenue to be received from the Port Granby interest income, and an estimated revenue associated with maintained level of assessment growth. 10.2 It is recommended that a tax target be established for 2002 and 2003 establishing an overall three year tax plan that will provide a stable environment for the residents of Clarington and will allow staff to budget in such a manner to assist in achieving realistic tax targets, exclusive of any unforeseeable Provincial Impacts. Attachment # I identifies significant adjustments or revenue increases that will be required of staff in order to 906 . . Report TR -18-0 I 2001 Current Budget Report Page 7 achieve the targets recommended (see line 58 year 2002/2003). In order to achieve 2.5% in 2002; $350,000 reductions are required and 1.5% in 2003 will require $720,000 savings. These projections are taking into account projected growth contributions as well as estimates of new revenue sources, such as Port Granby interest income. The startup costs associated with the approved South Courtice Community Park Complex project are reflected in 2002 at $50,000 and $200,000 in 2003. The Director of Community Services anticipates that this facility will be self-supporting when it becomes operational. 11.0 Externals 11.1 The external agencies such as the Library, Museums etc are listed on the Attachment # I. for Council to consider their requests on an individual basis. 11.2 The Beech Centre is requesting a draw of $20,000 on the principle balance in the Reserve Fund that is setup to provide them with interest for use if needed in operating the Centre. 12.0 Bill 140 12.1 As Council is aware, the Provincial legislation, which caps the impact of taxes on the multi-residential, commercial and industrial classes, may have an impact on the residential base. Bill 140 provides the "capped" classes with a "fixed" impact of no more than 5%. Therefore, depending on the relationship of the regional tax class to the Provincial prescribed ratio, there may be a transfer of impact to the residential base. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, o~~~ arie Marano, HBSc., AMCT, CMO., Treasurer. Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. MMlNTlhjl Attachments 907 Item' ____L~_o_t!_~~_u":l~ers ,are _~s_ti~t_~s_ of ov_e~~_I_I__i~cts] -'~:"::" Administration: 1 N aliations (CUPE/FlrejiPart t~~El_incl, @ 20012.5% plus benefit/CPP/Ule ate 2 Staff - Mana sr Human Resour!;Els_ (incl,computerfoffice elc) plus HIR Ie ai-Fire Arbitration etc 3 Conlin ncy - 4 Eliminalion of Prcipertv-M~magemenl [)ivisi';-n{netl _ __ __ __ _______ ________ _--+---_____ 5 Prif1ting_~ r:'~iniliati"es 10 Mkt Tourism, Mun.Direc!,?ry/D.nElrrtationManu1!'IIMaps 6 Munlr;ipal~p_ecial Projects - irtCl_l!ackvard Festival, new festivaVevents to reportto Counc~l__ 7_ T@nsfertoReserves-(SickCredit future buy oulof si~kaccu!T1ulatic.n) -- 8 Transfer to Reserve Fund -Industrial & Economic Development 9 fu~sfel--loReserves - for flIlure Land A uisilion arkland,waterfront etcl 1O,91erks: i-; I Reduclion of Election Exoensss-Trlet Finance & Unclassified Administration: ; ----12 Municipal Capital Works[VFund fTaxC9mp_on~_nt of DevChg_)[reduced prior yrs for paveme IFrom 30010 400,000) 13 Increase Transfers-to Reserves - GIS re mtnc contract/computer repl- commitment prior years [From 60-75+10n 14 Transf~_to Debenture Retirement Reserve Fund- i'-~ d_eb~r~_~yment . . r _From 25 10 75,000 15 Tcansfer to Insur<'in<:e ReS8.rve Fund - re self Insured losses _.. _ _ __ __ --f From 2~ 10 5~0~ ___ _u 16 Svstems - Corporate Applications Support T_echnici_a!1_ _... _. ._ .._ .. _ .. _. ._ ..1.... __n ___ L .-_ 17 Elimination of Visa ODtion for tax Davment -look to establish internet oooortunitie~ICONSIDERA TlON-l- mFire: - ., ,," -- . .'- . . II I 18 _Incr~a~~ _In Part-lime firefighters (Including Increase In _Part ..nme Captaln~om~nSalion) I HI Add. "_F'ire Prevenllon Officer ( 113 Year incl. Benefits,$20,()l:)Q)& Trainingl!:e:ch,Support (112 ':'r 25,000) 20 Transfer to Reserve - Fire E UI ment & Vehicles From 30 10 40.000 Public Works: 21 Landscape Architect par'K design ~_tc _(to re~la,;e3J~~~ons eliminated oVE!r QfIstl 22 B_uilding InSflector - growth related inspections (6 months salary + Benefits) 23- Liaht EquiPment Operator Addilional _::l_rKlW PIoU9h Route added based on flI:.owth 2~ ::l""nior Sn_CIW Clearing - add~ional properties ( re Contract renewal. Tf:!_r:'der Price _In(:~easl:'!~) 25 Increase Transfer to Buildil1g Services Reserve - Building Maintenance/Repairs 26 Parks MIne Reserve Fund - increase Trsf,_f:l._e__PI<ly~und Equip Replacer,T1_ent(50 to 100) 27 Fleet transfer to Reserve Fund - (Net) impact on tax with PrOVincial Grant elimination 28 Cemetery transfer to reserve established 29 Sidewalk Maintenance - Growth related increased cost 30 Additional Gravel Patehi IResurfacin acc#720S-411 &WinterMtnc 7210 CommunitvServlc:es: . .. n _......n__.. __ ____._ _n ..._ 31 Transfer to Reserve FlX1d for ProQram-EquipmentlLand & Copital Requirements 32 South Courtice Communti Park Com lex ~ start up cosis beginning-iOO2 (Prcjeei8pprove-d 2001 Cap~al Budget) 33 f3E!crE!at_ion_Pr~ Co-ordina~or - existing part-time pos~k>n to full lime 34 Fitness Centre Expansio~earoneratinn ex ense _}5 Fitness Centre Exoansion - 2 facilit 0 rators staff & cashiers - 112 ear Plannlna: ~lg::s~~~%~a~:l(l-ncllJ(jr)g.()MBapp-~-I-)- Other-General _. .__.. _ _ _u ___.._n_ . .. ._..._ - 38 Library - transfer to reserve for debt & fo;'- paji.;in-~iio_t_f~~e _r~l!e!l1_l3!:!t?_ (pe:Admin3~O) 39 Estimated Net Normal Bu eta Increases, Trainiriii-Heat, Insurance, Pay Equity GST Et I estimate:d_ ____4.0 NOle:1IJginCIHeal_55,000ISnowRe~lmlCCOnlr.151R&M6IdS-251CPP.EI.EHT-75-TOT250 Revenue/Reduction in Ex nses' _L 41 Province - Communil Reinvestment Fundina - maintained! Future - additiOnal interest PTGra~~I3~__ _____ - :; ~_T~r;lt~li~}lw:{i:::rd;~::~:t:ognilion ---------------- - .- -..--t--------- ------- ~~::;l___ 44 SUrPIll~~lied-increase..@.~1-'J.2!5k~01,_J25miUion - .._u_. - __ ~oo[ioo) ----- (~~5,000) 45 ~~~.~'_X;:~v~lll,J_e_~ources - ie: Marketing & Tourism spo"-sor!l_hipl\feri~ianpividerl~ po_ssi~le_ . 32 500 Sub-total revenue 1 00 :~I~::'C~-T~~~~e:~~~e~=n!:~;rl~~i;:_~I~~A::~~I~~]__ L~-U%Ef (460.000) ~~::~. ~=-__ capil --- --.-J Net Impact on Revenue Sources : "fl;.C82' 500 48 MUNIClPALONLY. OPERAllNG : NET IMPACT ON TAX BASE 1582 500 1 ~ ......:. "!:::.:.::::..:.,:':'..:::::::':::':::::::':::':.::::.:::: :".::.:.:...:.......:.,...:..........'..::.... '...'. ,.:',.....,.:.::,:......:'..,.:.:.,..,..:.,.:..i..:. .,,:'.':':':': <. ..;..,.,~ ,.,...... ' , B I PRIOR YEAR GRANT 2001 %OYerPriorY, ---- __ :4_9I"ilJr.!'_ry_ __ 1,251,447 1,310,755 4.74 59,308 48,795 ES 50; Bowmanville Museum 69,591' 73,000 4.90 3,409 . ---- 51 Clarke Museum _~~=_==__~-=------ 68,984----:--- _~!l1~4 0.00 S-:;:'"VlsualArtsCentre-- -47,0'00-' 50,000 6.38 3,000 ~~diTransit 91,300 105,500 15.55 14,200 54 Beech Centre 10,000 Net of $5,000 in Grant Process for Year 2001 5,000 1,000 -S5NewcasU-; ToWn.LHall $20,000 Net of $5,000 ----;nGrant-P-rOcess for Year 2001 15,000 15,000 __56-Comrrllj~-Care I $7,500 Net of-it;:?QOO in Grant Process for Year 2001 . 2~~ _n.__ --- 2,500 - u___ ~ i ~ Ul:rary capital 55,000 _om __m 63 Sub-total . 394,074 _ ~ Growth Applied to Capital (280 000) m__. - -- ----------'- -~~5 TOTAL CAPrrAl IMPACT ~_ _ ~~. -- -i-- -------- 68 .9U Ul 4ri 10, 2001 m:OBTMLlINE;_ 2001 TAX LEVY OVERALL IMPACT ANAL VSIS 1m-pact b:.- Department - Major Changes I i - J ---~N,,=:=..I ' , , Not""""" OPERAllNG: Additional EXDonditures orior vear Base: -- ---- 500.000 70,000 100,000 ---, (85,000) - I From 40 10 55,000 From 30 10 40,000 From 7510 90,000 58,000 44,500 15,000 10,000 15000 -- 180 000 100,000 25,000 50.000 25,000 ,- i100~OO 35.000 45,000 10000 I AtT~'1 ,1>1.., IEM1 2002 KNOWIMPACTS 500,000 __500,000 - ----- 15,000 15,000 25000 15,000 25,000 25000 100 000 100,000 -~ SO,ooO 50.000 35):)00 85,000 15000 73,500 20,000 -- -- 55,000 -- ----- 25,000'-- - ---u25,060 35,000 55,000 , -----, 25,000 50:600 --n----,oo:ooo 1~~-n 66,000 150000 -" , ,--, 50:000 -- --, 25,000 -- 43,000 -56066- - 10,000 ___. 80000 - 40.000 320,000 ____ , Inl.., RlF v~; --,- - 25,000 75,000 100,000 _1~ 25000 75.000 106.000 - 50,000 50,000 5O,9_QQ - 200.000 45,000 45,006 615"000 50,000 " 12,000- 1:2,000 -- (159,090 j~ 100,000 1oo,CXJO ____it25,OOOl (225,000 100,000 100,000 17 u?~ 300.000 (275,000 __ (150,OOO) 494,002 832,503 ,,-- ~l.l:O,OOO 150,000 - Prior Year Difference 16,850,281 1111,095 114,074 _______m__ '10 Levy only Inc.. O.68_C!\~IT!,!-~PPROVED TR'()5'()1 "'.'_'.1 6.6 I -5.86% [levy Incr. Of 6.8 less Growth & ~_dj:l Proposed 17.961,376 I IMPACT IF REASSESSMENT APPLIED TO LEVY . J " c ~ E ~ u --~I - ~I III :t o 5 !!! e: :t o (J Q ~ II. ~ 15 13 a: .., ~ 15 ~ E E 1; ~ , (!) ;!; .-; ffi a.; o .. 8 ~ III "'g ,~ OJ ,... '" ~ !5 l:! 013 . I ~I I Jl I, ~I j-1 it i Iln. I I II~ I~I I II II ~ ; IS! ~II' \ ; 0) I-U ,!-4Lr II~~ I ;1' ~, c I -~, II ,Mr, 1- : ' I I 1L illl . ; I '. " ++-{ 1 ~4~- ' , I !. ' 18 , II~ -I ! Ilgr-0il 1 ,~ I ' : N , , o o o o M 81~ cri r-: ~ .... ~ l- I ill . :l! ~ o " .... I 'g' r I if Q -~-.~ :s: "-< ~ . iiii ~r!!;! 16' 1;:,Q :H E ~~- ...Jog tiO~ ~ .- (.) L.. 111) (/) , 1;) 'E; E C 'c ~ 1j ~;~'E' , 0 ~ ~ 2!!::i --'C E :';::;:::0 wlIl Qj OJ ~ ~ OJ c a:::o:::C'lI Q;:co :515€ UJ'~U Q) Q).CI:l .... CI:l Q) oo.<!) Oa..UJ m ~ t) Ie.!) ~ 0; E >:0. >:.Q '" ~ .... ~, Q,O I' II . I I I '" .... N ,.: ;;; o o o o M "~ o ;;; .s '" 5l Gl N .. ~ ~ " z ~ W 0.. o ,0 l- I/) -z o ;:: :J '" ,ii: .... z o u -,' ;!: o I- , GENERAL 4 INOUSTRIALfECG.DEVELoPMENT 25 MUNICIPAL CAPITAL WORKS 34 DEBENTURERETIREMEr.JT_ 50 IMPACTIESCR6"';- 4if MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ENTERPRlS 27 GENERA~ MUNICIPAL 40 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Sul>:-TotalGeneral 60 ICLARINGTONIREGION STN,_AACC n CLERK'S 3 PARKING LOT 42'- ANIMAL SERVICES CAPITAL -1 FIRE - 41 ,=IREEQUI~ENT R ADS&PARKS 6 ROADS CAPITAL 7 PARKLAND CASH IN LIEU 32 ENGlNEERING8oINSPECTION 33 ROAOElCONTRIBUTIONS -~-- P_UBLICWORKEl?-PA!3KSCAPITAL 38 PR<2PERTY MGMT CAPIl~ 39 CEMETERIESC_",PITAL__ _ _ 44 COVE RD, W!,_S_T~!DE CREEK,~~,~~ 43 PUBLICWOR,K_I'l,E':ql!IP~ENT Sub_Total _ COMMWlify SERVICES 16 IRRCSITEDEVELOPMENT 19 : ARENA ~ CAPIT-AL },] 'i:OOMMUNITY ?E~VICES CAPITAL Sub-Tntal PLANNING 12 WESTSIDEIBO'N_M",NVILLEM,~~f:l'n _14 N'CSTLEWATERFRONT Sub-Total iOSRARY __-======---=--- 18 COUR'IIf!':.!oIBRAR.i..__ _n -i 80 UBRAF<_Y M",IN ~!,_ANCI-! --"'-USEUMS/CEiiETERfE THER 71 OLDER ADULTS CTR-OPERATING 72 ~_OLDERADULTS CTR -CAPITAL 73 _ OLDERADULTSCTR-FURNITURE 82 MUSEUMCAPITAL_BOINMANVILLE 84 MUSEUMCAPITAL-CLARKE 86 'i-VRONECDMMUNITYCENTRE - 88 BOWMANVILLEB,LA' ---- 90--- O"'R~INGTONCEMETERY CAPITAL 98 BONDHEADCEMETERY --99 ___~I-!I"_",GUETRUST o,H.R.P_LoANS Sub-Tolal Sub.Total ',- i ~. ~",,*'$:_, GENERAL GOVERN_~E,N! _ LIBRARY FIRE PROTECTION INDOOR RECREATION PARKDEV&FACILITIES__ PUBLIC WORKS ROADS&RELATEO SEWERMlATER~RAINCONTRa. 51 ---52-- 53 54 -j-n-55 56, + -;~ -r:?~~lgl:!~elopmeni Charges TOTAL RESERVE FUNDS L@ssLibrary&Mus"'-Jrns_noting@neralledl!e' TOTAL RESERVE FUNDS NOTES " #_2 " .. " ~ 280:481 3,874,250 1,220.152 2,353,998 1,884,000 4,874,376 1529,323 16016581 4017531 }71,070 147,843 182,794 478,036 _2.084,953 1.308,871 ~,~33,173 622,159 10,000 __}~,324 1,234-165 7811516 550,200 41,462 1168164 1759825 1'7:836 46145 63981 707,386- 60,175 32,6.09_ 58,843 7,749 335,479 ~681 1,000 ---13,968 4721 517,622 32,330,116 (107) ~54 324,846 (194,619 96,879 __?_1.~085 .J,~(IO.676 1,906,706 34 736 622 j936,302) (1,739,400) (85,000) (252,500) (715,000) (319.950} (45,OOO) (6.000) (5,000) (4,104,1521 (3,933,718) (866,100) (474,805) 15,274,623) 9 378 775 t ~- j----- -4OO:006! (79,279)i-____150,QC!Q._ , (350,000)! I i:------- {88,OOO)r 40,000' ! __ 10,'066----- 1 j-n 0-----' ---- , t- (15O,000)! I (3O,OOO)i- j- 1----------- . 10.0,000 r ! 1---------- r I 100,000 r------ 1------- i---=--- r ! I r !- t i ~ 6,000 , _-_-_~,O_QQ__.---- ,---- L- t--- 10,000 1 ! ! (697,279 l..___ (20,OOCl)' (128,510):- t l- i i- t (148,510 645 769 95,000-' [75~75J (1J91,411)~~i~-1- _)_,1~!,!!!.~ 51,00.0 (9,327,775J 1,457,000 I TolaIRIF & Re, II j , ----~==------ - Reoommended Consolidalelhe lunds in Munic'~1 Enlerp,rise Reserve Fund W~h General Muni<:ipal__R!,",,~Fund -1>01" Iu.-.dsto be us@<! fo' Municip!14 W>de Cap~al Requ~""",nls, Fund remoins ol'e~ for.F_in,anoial_:sl~,,,,!!,,nl__Pu~_o~_,o!:,"L IRepo<lAdmin33-t19 Pfo...oed Io'<ncre..... in debenlu~ 50,OOl) IN ?Ol?O,,_&J~~O in Mur_e~.rs to 2003 ror debenlure paymenlfur Main earsnch Libra-y.($50 in Accfll760B-l-J0'I) plJ. add~i()n to nOfmallransferlhrou h Aoc,#7007 Close Prop Management RIF _ b.lan~oLS_31_~,flE;Y ~!~_b~ PW__ Parks & Corrmunity SeNce< Capt,.1 RIF R 00 Tr--03-01 -Ho.Road~2Iighls:_,!"c_.ppro~~O_!)!)!)OJ_,_R~!'-"'trJ'!N':!,__",,__~an31101 Transferthrou h7007 $625 ~"n,Ca~,_,^!orlls_<1.50I(l~l!tR,,!~em,100lC<>~~~_____ I Court;ceCOITfro.m' ParllProecl-fu1ured,_furMunicl I contriMlion 10 non-Devel """,tC"ar@comoneolol roectCIS05--Ql'1.2net$200rnQ1Tax 300,000)'N<>te4 40,000 , future Lon orthus 175,000'-- KLANOCAsH-L1EU NGIN&INsPECTION OADSCONTRI8'"NS .'.'{_~,=,-Af!.KSCAPITAL lnclude~-'!!d~!~ PROPERTYMG~T Q<.F'_I!~_L ~~ETE_~lESCAPITAL coy~ RD. WEsTSI~..._.__ PU8LICWORKS_FLEET Sub Tot.1 200,000 Fl<Hl1YI i ! I I I .---f- ---,-,,-,- -- -....""'.' ~~.~.-'"'! I 1,172,000 1,100,000) --r- I , D~_~t:I'?9Yl:':~E:NT LIBRARY FIRE PROTECTION INDOORRECR PRKDEV&FA.CI PUBLIC WORKS RDS & RELATED sEWERM'ATER 1172000 (3,516,427) 24 564 258 Feb',6/01 t-- ~ w c), ~l I 01 01 "'I i , ! I , i ~ . ~ z W " :I: " '" ~ '" " '" ri: ~ ~ "" ~i W' "' ~- ~ W '" i! " ,------ c z :> .. w u z ~ ill J ~ , , ! l ! I! I I I I: -t- _.J_,_ --rtt+--I-1-'-,--- I " " I I <( ~ I I ~ ,~ 8 ~i '<( w oc g: I~ ~ ~ 8 ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :,g ~ [5 a! '5 oc ~ oc ~ ~ 8 ~ LL W ,<f.I ~ W i ocl~" Iii: : i I I , ~ o ~ .,; ~ ~ .,; u .;~ fi~ ~.~ I , 1) ~! ~ ~I~ ~: w <i - Z :::!! rr ::.:: I-- D.- I- II:: 0 9 ~1;1 ::!; ~ i~I'18 ~ Cl rr llJ W :.:: w :.:: :::) ~ ~ ~ ~ . ... U~\HI~ ~. ~'oc~ftit:i.. 00- ..."",.,..;..<.N"" >...>,'.......... -.. f I , 0 ! 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I I ' . x I~I~ ~.~ vdl~ ~~ ~1~[j~ Ilrl ~fl~' -I! tl ~ ~ I. i5 w u !z z!!:! z wi at: :;x: III ~ Z';:: =' DC:: III => Iz 0 ~:i ~ ~~; !!:! ffi' i=,~ u... en ~ ~~ --..J > ~UG6~Ldf-U ,~ 18 b ~ :> is c:: <( ~ ili , -J. ~ c:: a::~ s;;; ~ ~ f- ;3 11Il,c::~:~g~~~W~ go' o 'ii~_ Q; 0 ~'m,o iE,', ",z',' w~~"~~~w.3 z, _ CJ 0.. _ 52 ~ - III a:: 0:: ,1'h~~~,~~I'~~I~~ . 1"rt 11 " ~10,2001dn;OBTMU~ 2001 TAX LEVY OVERALL IMPACT ANALYSIS 1m act b De artm-ent - Ma or Cha-r,ges-- Item' Nel' PERATlNG -or ear as&: """""""',- Administration' _ ,,_ _, _ _ _ _ _ 1 N~otiationsjC_UPE/Fire)lPart time incl, @2001 2,5% p_lus benefitfCPP/VIC etc __-==r=.. - 2 ?,taff _ Manager_ Htrnan R~s(JJrces - (incl,computerfoffiCli! ete) plus H/R legal-Fire Arbitration etc ''_ 3Contin~ncy~___~_ _ "'" "_~,_ 4 Elimina_t_ion.of_Property ~an8\1ement I?lVisl~n (net)_ __ _ _ ,_, ,. ' _ 5 Printing_, n~ -initiative!; to Mkt Tourism, Mun_Direetol)'/Orientation ManualfMaps ~ -6, M, unk:ipal_?pec.~1 Projects - incl Backyard F!;lstill,al, n~ f~tillalfevent5: to report to Cou~r:;il_ , 7 Trar1sferto Reserves - (SICk Credlt~future buyout of Sick accumulation) __ _ __ From 40_to 55,000 B -Transfer to Reserve Fund- Industna-I_1lo E~nomlc Developm-ent, " _ ,_ ! From 30_t~40,OOO 9 Transfer to Reserves for future Land Ac uisition arkland waterfront etc From 75 to 90,000 10 Clerks: 11 ,Reduction of Election Ex nses net Finance & Unclassified Administration: __ __ ,__, __ __ _ _1__ --- ~"2 ~nici~1 CapitallNorks RfFlX'Id(Ta:<,Gomponentgf DevChQ.}[redu<::_ecjj:Irioryrs f~'pavE!.~3~~t04GO,000J 13_ Increase Tr:ansfers,to Res~rve,',__- GIS, re rl!t~c eontr,aclfcompute,LrePI - comm!t_rTlent,R!',ior years, [From 60-T5+IO]} _!4 Trar)Sfer to Dl;lbentU!8 Retlrem8flt Reserve Fund-re debt repayment , , ~m 2510 75,(1,00 15 Tr~nsf~ to Insur~rl_ee _R~serve FurKI re self insured lo_~ses ___ '_, __, _ I From_ 2510 50,000 _ 16 SysterT1s~ Corporate App~ICatlons Support_Tecl1nloa_n '" " ,__ ' 17 Elimin-ation of Visa 0 tion for lax a menl. look to establish internet 0 ortunities CONSIDERA TlON El!:!i "'," ,,___ - -181 Increase in_ Part-time firerighters (Includii1\l increase in Part Time Captain Compe_nsatiori) -19,Add _ Fire Prevention offlcer(lf3 Year incl,_Bene!its $20,000) &_Tr?iningfTechSupport (lf2 Yr - 25_6!Jq) 20 Transfer-to Reserve Fire E ui ent & Vehicles - From 30 to W,OOO Public Works: 21 Landscape Archltect- park deslQn etc (to replace 3 POSitionS ellmtnated over past) I 22 B~ector_QrawthrelatedlnSPectlons(6monthssalary+ Benefits) 231 Ltght EqUiPment Operator - Add~tonal Snow ~ Route added based on ~owth " S,,,cr SC~ C,.."c, ,,"',oe" pmp.'do' ( "Coole,,' "c~", Toed" P"re ''''''''j_ 2~ Increase Transfer to BUlldlnQ Services Reserve BUlldl11Q Maintenance/Repairs _ 26 Parks Mtnc Reserve Fund -Increase Trsf ~ Playground Equ~Replacement(50to 1001 27 Fleet transfer to Reserve Fund - (Net) - Impact on tax w~h Provlnctal Grant elimination 28 Cemetery transfer 10 reserve estabitshed 29 Sidewalk Maintenance Growth related Increased cost 30 Additional Gravel Patchin i Resurfacin acc #7i09-411 & Winter Mtne 7i10 Communllv Services: _ .__ }_1 Transferto f3:eserve~':J.nd for Program Equiprr1_enULand_~c;apit~I~f3.equirements-- _ _ :::::r- 32 South Courtice Com_muntiy,F_'ark Complex - start UP costs beginninl1.2002 (proiect approved}OO1 C".pital Bu et) 33,Rec:r13ation ProQram Co-Ordinato~_~ existinQ part-tirT1_e_Rosition tofLIU-time . __-------1 ;34.FitnessCo:!ntre_l:~nslon1f2yearOJperati~o:! 35 Fitness Centre Ex nsion 2 facilit 0 erators staN & cashiers - 1/2 ear PI_nnina: 36Consu~ing & legal (Includi~OMB ape~ 37'Crossin Guards, ,- Other . General 3_8 library - transferto res!;!rve for debt & for par\<;ing lot future requirements (per Actnin33.:oo) 39 Estirnat~d Net: -Normal BUI:I:Q8taf):!ncreases. Training, Heat, Insurance, P~y Equity. GST Et _ estimated 40 Note: 1139 inct Heat-55.000ISnow Rem,Cootr,-25 fO-35lP\1one hnes_20imtc wnlr.151R&M Bid $_25JCPP_ELEHT-75~TOT250 500.000 (85,000) ..lO,OOO 1_00,000 58-000 44:500 1"5,000 10,000 15000 00000 l00,gOO 25,000 50.000 25.000 100000 35.000 4~J:OOO 10000 55,000 25,000 55.000 25,000 50,000 100,009 10000 66.000 150.000 -SO,OOO 25,000 43,000 50000 10,000 30000 40.000 320.000 ;,f,\)jO~IO!I' Revenue/Reduction in Ex enses: 41 Pn:wince - Community Re.iro.~~stment Funding - maintainedlFuture - additiQl"l~Unterest PT,Granby__L"LRW 42 Omers Hollday-tncreased revenue recognition -~- 43 PI L / & Rt of Way Linear Properly Tax 44 Surplus Applied - Increase @1$1 125k to 1 225mll1ton (1300000) 45 New Revenue Sources Ie Marketl & Tourtsm sponsorshlpNendlan Dtvtdend pOSSible 1 Sub-total revenue 46 Growth - estimated valle contrbuted by f,J'OWih [NET OF CAPITAL APPLICATION) -..' U'Ifo a (48lI,OOO) 47 Reduc:e1!ansf~r to WOrki Funds replayg~ourKIs (one lilTle in 2l.XlQ..~~_ _, ---+-, ___ Net Impact on Revenue Sources , '___j__ 48MUMaPAL ONLY - OPERATING: NET IMPACT ON TAX BASE I ! (100,0Cl0) (695,000 (175,000 32 500 1 ... (180,000 (300,000 1<:1::' -, B 49 Library 50 Bowmanville Museum 51 Clar1l.e Museulll~ - 5i Visual Arts Centre 53 Handi Transit- - 54 Beech C~ 55 Newcastle Town Hall 56 Commu~ltY-61re _ _ - Sub-total PRIOR YEAR GRANT 12!?_1_A47i 69,591 68,984 47_000 _ , 91.300 10,000 Net of $5,1:0) in -Grant Process for Year 2001 $20,000 Net of $5,000 in Grant Process for Year 2001 $7_,500 Nelof $5~600 i_l]_ Grant Proce~s for Year 2Oq1 ............. ................ . ......... :>:~:~:~iati~:: :::~~~~:~::::-: 2001 %OYerPriorY, 59,308 _~,409. 3Jxio 14.200 1,000 15,,000 2,500 71,917 4,74 4,90 0.1:10 6,38 - -1"5.55 48,795 ES 1,310,755 _ 73,000-1 68,984 ; SO,OOO 105,500 ~,OoO 15,0(){j" 2,_~OO 48,70$ -+- CAPITAL IMPACT ON TAX BASE OveraM Tax Increase tIYough capital Ulrarycapital Sub-total Growth Applied to Capital TOTAL CAPITAL IMPACT 3,4:17,601 339,074 55,000 394,074 (280 000) 67 68 6. I"roposedL; Prr()!Yearl Difference IMPACT IF REASSESSMENT APPLIED TO LEVY lli.M..l 2002 KNOWIMPACTS 500,000 SOD,OOO 15,000 15,000 15,000 ----- 25,000 25,000 25000 100j:iOO 100,000 100,000 50,000 SO,OOO 35,000 85,000 73,500 15,000 20000 _ 25,000 35,000 15.000 2~,_000 25000 75,000 75,000 11?J,000 100,000 50,000 56,000 50,000 _~OO,OOO 45,000 45,OO::l 60:000 50,000 12,000 12,000 tntet (l50,OOO) 100,000 (225,OCXJ 100,000 11__ 300,000 __11SO,OOO (150,(){)0) 10:),600 225,000 (100,000 11-- R" Ve,i J~75,~ ~" 494,002 832,503 300,000 150,000 I i t-t\ : ~ >- I 11 II) :2: 0 5 !!! e: ~ (J ~ ~ ffi ~ ~I e ell ~ ffi l3 It , Cl ! .- 15 ll. E 0 E 1; .. f g .. 0: "' ~ 5 II: W ~ III 1\15 W!ill! II: " \liS I~ I 1m lo~-,_u,_, ~ lill ~lJjl I ~~J]' 'Ii I :s "E c'~ f.{ ~ o <>> I1)"E 10 a. ~ E E u !1: E ..... ~ ~ <( ! 'Wi-; ~ ~'al~' ~~~ !!!LU ,<>:<>: ~ <>: ,- ~ -- ':0:0 ~ ~ ~ ~ (,!) ~~C9 UC,.w . 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OMMUNITY ERVICE 16 RRC SITE DE~LOPMENT 19 ARENA_CAPITAL - ~;;OMMMUNITYSERVICES.CAPITAL I Sub.Tobl I PLANNING _.12 WESTSIDEIB'::J\VMANY~LlE MARSH 14 N'CSTLEWATERFROOI s..1>:!~ LIBRARY . 18 ;COUlmCELl8RARY 80 _ L1BRARY-~NBRAN~-- MEUM METERfES/OTHER 71 '2LOER.AJ:)UlTSCTR-OPERATII\IG 72 OLDE~ADULTS_c:TR-CAPITAL 73 OLDERADULTSCTR.FURNITURE _ -8~USEUMCAPITAL-BOWMANVIL_~E 84 MLJi!~UMCAPITAL-S::_LARKE 'I',~, ,-,r,o,' ~C:::~~L~~~~I:'!CENTRE DARLlNG!9.~ CEMETERY -~APITAL 98 _BONDHEADCEMET_ERY -- - 99 MONTA_GLJETRUST ,OHRP. LOANS ! Is..., Tot.,:"." ._-~{"?;':.-~<%:'-0~~:::?'; ~t--+---z~~~~L=V_~RNMENT _'-- __i~~!:Iii~-PROTECr~==------= - ~ INDOOR RECREATION -55 --PARKDEV;~_F/..cILlTIES 56 PUBLlCWQRKS --L 57 -- ROAD-S&RELATED 58 SE_WERiWATERIORAIN CONTRO! 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