HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-89-80 V ( ) CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 12, 1980. REPORT NO. : P-89-80 SUBJECT: Proposed Staging Policies Courtice Urban Area BACKGROUND: On February 11, 1980, staff forwarded draft staging policies, for the Courtice Urban Area, to various Regional and Town Departments for comment. The proposed policies were prepared in accordance with the provisions of Section 6,8.2 (iii) of Amendment 12 to the Darlington Official Plan. The draft policies, as circulated, are included as Attachment 1 to this report and the results of our circulation are summarized below: Durham Regional Planning and Works (i) Section 6.8.2 (iii) (c) as proposed would allow the Council of the Town of Newcastle to review and adjust the annual limit placed upon residential development and adjust that limit without further amendment to the existing Official Plan. Section 6.11.2 of the proposed Amendment No. 12 to the Darlington Official Plan provides some flexibility in the interpretation of numerical figures. It is suggested that only minor deviations to the 200 unit be allowed with- out amendment. It may also be appropriate to clarify whether the 200 unit figure in proposed Section 6.8.2 (iii) (b) is intended to represent a maximum number of residential units per year. Staff note that the 200 limit figure is intended to be reviewed on an annual basis and should not in the opinion of Newcastle staff be "fixed" by subsequent Official Plan amendment. !i a 2 - (ii) It is also noted that Section 6.8.1 (iii) of the proposed Amendment No. 12 to the Darlington Official Plan emphasises that the staging of development would be in relation to the Community Central Area. Therefore, it would perhaps be approp- riate to include a similar policy statement in the proposed amendment regarding staging policies. (Staff note that this concern will be addressed.) (iii) It is noted that Table III indicates a considerable range in fluctuation in the annual population increase that would appear to be difficult to justify in some instances. Therefore, it is suggested that this table be summarized or perhaps deleted in its entirety. (Staff note that Table III which was based upon Regional data was provided for information only and is not meant to form part of the amendment.) (iv) Staff of the Regional Works Dept. have indicated the following: (a) Staff do not completely agree that 2.9 persons per unit should be used at this time to determine the per- mitted number of dwelling units. However, by monitoring the population at regular intervals, adjustments could be made to insure an acceptable population growth over the entire urban area. (Staff note that the 2.9 p.p.u. is based upon provincial projections and local studies.) (b) Due to the possibility of a large number of lots being created by land severances, will such severances be allowed in addition to the number of units set out in the staging policies? (Staff note that severances are not to be included and this shall be clarified.) (c) Prior to approval being given for registration of any por- tion of a Plan of Subdivision, a joint review by Regional and Town Staff should be initiated to determine that no unnecessary expenses will be incurred by the Town or the Region as a result of the proposed phasing of registration. (Staff note that this concern shall be taken into account) (d) We assume that where development is lower than the annual rate permitted within any particular neighbourhood, the residual number of permitted units could be allocated to other neighbourhoods to bring the annual total up to 200 units. (Staff note that since the number of approved lots is based upon a proportional allocation, it is not intended that they be transferable.) - 3 - Town of Newcastle Works Dept. (i) Is the number of building permits a transferable item? (Staff have noted previously that it is not intended that the unit distribution be transferable since it is based upon a proportional allocation.) (ii) If the total number of permits issued in any given year is less than 200, can the balance be carried forward to the next year? (Staff note that since the staging controls approvals of lots, not building permits, it is conceivable that not all the lots will be built upon and some residual may, of nec- essity be carried forward.) (iii) It is understood, from Table II, that the data presented is for the entire Town, with an average of 235 building permits being issued. With the development that may come in other areas, it is felt that the annual limit of 200 permits may be somewhat high. Perhaps off-setting the number of permits each year may be feasible. (Staff note that Table II was for information purposes only and reflects historic growth since 1974 and is ex- tremely misleading owing to the fact that no major new plans have been registered since that time. For that reason, an annual limit, based upon current population pro- jections has been selected.) Town of Newcastle, Treasurer While I am in favour of rationalizing the growth in Courtice over a period of years, it would seem foolish from an economic viewpoint to proceed this slowly with the rather large capital investment being made prior to development taking place. I believe that this area should be developed as quickly as the market can absorb it. (Staff note that while an early return on investments is highly desirable, we need to ensure that the Town is capable of adequately meeting the needs of the growing urban area. Given present drafz approvals, the opportunity exists to develop some 1200 new units in the first year alone. This may greatly exceed the amount which the market is capable of absorbing.) COMMENTS: Based upon our review of the comments received through circulation, we have revised our proposed policies for staging development within the Courtice Urban Area and have included the revised policies as Attachment 2 to this report. 4 - At this time, the draft staging policies are provided for the Committee's information. It is suggested that prior to the policies being given formal consideration, that staff review and discuss the staging policies with major property owners and development interests within the Courtice Urban Area. RE COlvDiENDATI ON: That the Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That report P-89-80 be received; and that 2. Staff be authorized to convene a meeting with major property owners from the Courtice Urban Area, in order to discuss the proposed staging policies as contained in Attachment 2 to staff report P-89-80. Respectfully submitted, r TTE:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. May 5, 1980 Director of Planning ATTACHMENT NO. 1 to REPORT P-89-80 . AMENDMENT NO. TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON, NOW PART OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Purpose of The purpose of this amendment is to introduce detailed Amendment policies for staging urban development within the Courtice Major Urban Area. Proposed This amendment to the Official Plan for the former Planning Amendment Area of the Township of Darlington is based upon a review of development proposals within the Courtice Major Urban Area and the need to ensure the orderly progression of that development in a manner which reinforces development of the Courtice Community Central Area. Location of The area subject to this amendment is defined as the Courtice Amendment Major Urban Area as delineated by Schedule 2 to the Official Plin for the former Township of Darlington. The Official Plan for the former Township of Darlington is hereby amended by: i) Deleting in its entirety Section 6.8.2(iii) ; ii) Adding the following revised Section 6. 8.2(iii) : a) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the policies of this section shall not apply to plans of subdivision which received draft approval prior to Council adoption of these policies. b) Residential development within the Courtice Major Urban area shall be limited to 200 units, per annum, allocated over neighbourhoods la, lb, 2a, 2b, and 3a, on the basis of the proportion of the neighbour- hood population to the total population for those nei- ghbourhoods; less the population of any draft approved plans within those neighbourhoods. c) The Council of the Town of Newcastle shall annually review the annual limit placed upon residential de- velopment and may adjust that limit without further amendment. d) Approvals of draft plans of subdivision may be recom- mended by the Council of the Town of Newcastle, but registration of these plans shall be phrased in accord- ance with the maximum allowable units per neighbourhood per annum. Page 2 e) In those instances where more than one plan of subdivision has received draft approval within a neighbourhood, then the maximum allowable number of units for that neighbourhood shall be allocated to those plans on the basis of the proportion of the population generated by that subdivision to the over- a1.1 neighbourhood population. f) Residential development within neighbourhoods 2c, 3b, and 3c shall only proceed when development within the other naiglibourhoods has been substantially completed. At such time, Council shall establish an appropriate annual limit and development will be permitted to proceed in accordance with the foregoing policies. g) Unit allocation by neighbourhood shall be as follows: 1A - 52 units/annum 1B -- 28 units/annum 2A - 50 units/annum 2B - 43 units/annum 3A - 27 units/annum '\V APPENDIX A TABLE I Percentage of Total Population by Neighbourhood Neighbourhoods la, lb, 2a, 2b and 3a Percentage of Nhbd. Share of Nhbd. Nhbd. Pop. T Total Annual Unit Limit la 2800 26.0 52 lb 1500 14.0 28 2a 2700 25.0 50 2b 2375 21.5 43 3a 1455 13.5 27 TOTAL 10780 100 200 units Does not include population of draft approved plans. Source: Amendment 12 to Darlington Official Plan. TABLE II Newcastle Residential Dwelling Units 1974-1979 1974 - 314 Average - 235 units/annum 1975 - 420 1976 - 299 1977 - 203 1978 - 117 1979 - 62 Note: Figures represent- total number of residential units for Town. Source: Newcastle Building Permit Records. 1✓, �S') TABLE I:II Poi ti1afton/Unit Demand Courtice 1980 - 1993 Annual Year Population Increase 1979 2000 1980 2600 600 1981 3300 700 1982 4000 700 1983 4700 700 1984 5420 720 1985 5870 450 1986 6480 610 1987 6890 410 1988 7190 300 1989 7540 350 1990 7900 360 1.991 8270 370 1.992 8840 570 1993 9420 580 Average Annual Increase: 530 persons/annum Assume 2.9 p.p.u. 183 units/annum For the purposes of Table I, assume a total annual growth for Courtice of 200 units/annum Source: Town of Newcastle Planning & Development Department SUBDITTTSTON A"IVITY SUBDI'VISION TOTAL UNIT COTJ�jT & POP GROSS 2 SIB S MIiISSTON DATE • Tot. S.£. S,§, T.H. I I. Unit ACRES 98-7 ac. 177 1 18-T-77001 39.9 ha. �r&, 1.7177 2 80.4 ac. 176 163 141 9 A93 1829 56-3- -7,-,4-7 -2. 7 V�i �y 6/77 16.1 ac. 23 93 121 460 70- IST-7704-1 6.5 ha. April 12/77 4 44.8 nC. 137 18--T-76048 1-8.1 hP, 2&,6 Aug us 11- 17/76 5 1-06.6 ac. 40« 6 I - i-� 667 Jill 55,9 ?2.6 18-L-77028 I -arch 17/77 6 8- ac. io 38 5.4 1 7.1 ha. Oct. 7 2.38 ac, , I C: 7?3 7 .96 Ea. Feb. 15177 -3 58. 7 ac. 18 T-2-5&&9 2'1.0" hP_ 61.9 24.9 I H, arc. 7 . -L -L tj T T CO-Ul,,T- PCIP, GROSS DEENSIB S2 RSSI DATE To t. S.F. S,&. I.E. I. Units T-T P —RES I Z U ac. 333 J46 b na. I ul-le 1/70' U 30.z ac. 42 52 94 357 29.2 na 18T-79038 12-23 . March 3 79 T 0 T A L 3487 12,871 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 to REPORT P-89-80 AMENDMENT NO. to the Official Plan for the former Township of Darlington now part of the Town of Newcastle Purpose of Amendment The purpose of this amendment is to in- troduce detailed policies for staging urban development within the Courtice Major Urban Area. Proposed Amendment This amendment to the Official Plan for the former Planning Area of the Township of Darlington is based upon a review of development proposals within the Courtice Major Urban Area and the need to ensure the orderly progression of that development in a manner which reimforces development of the Courtice Community Central Area. Location of Amendment The area subject to this amendment is defined as the Courtice Major Urban Area as delin- eated by Schedule 1 to Amendment No. 12 of the Official Plan for the former Township of Darlington. The Official Plan for the former Township of Darlington is hereby amended by: (i) Deleting in its entirety Section 6.8.2 (iii) ; (ii) Adding the following revised Section 6.8.2 (iii) ; 6.8.2 (iii) a) Nothwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the policies of this subsection 6.8.2 (iii) shall not apply to plans of sub- division which received draft approval prior to Council adopt- ion of these policies, or to infilling - b) Residential development within the Courtice Major Urban Area shall be limited to 200 units, per annum, allocated to neighbourhoods /a, /b, 2a, 2b and 3a, on the basis of the proportion of the neighbour- hood population to the total pop- ulation for those neighbourhoods, less the population of any draft approved plans within those nei- ghbourhoods. IV._(5) 2 - c) The Council of the Town of Newcastle shall annually review the limit placed upon residential development and may adjust the limit without further amendment to this plan. d) Approvals of draft plans of sub- division may be recommended by the Council of the Town of Newca- stle, however, when considering recommending draft approvals, Council shall assign a first pri- ority to those plans which rein- force the development of the Cour- tice Community Central Area. Re- gistration of these plans shall be phased in accordance with the maxi- mun allowable number of units per neighbourhood per annum. Prior to approval being given for regis- tration of any portion of a draft approved plan of subdivision, Town of Newcastle and Durham Region staff shall undertake a joint re- view to ensure that the Town or Region shall not suffer from any undue financial impacts as a re- sult of the proposed phasing of registration. e) In those instances where more than one plan of subdivision has re- ceived draft approval within a neighbourhood, then the maximum allowable number of units for that neighbourhood shall be allocated to those plans on the basis of the proportion of the population generated by a subdivision to the overall neighbourhood population. f) Residential development within neighbourhoods 2c, 3b, and 3c shall only proceed when develop- ment within the other neighbour- hoods has been substantially com- pleted. At such time, Council of the Town of Newcastle shall establish an appropriate annual limit and development shall be permitted to proceed in accord- ance with the foregoing policies. 3 - g) Unit allocation by neighbourhood shall be as follows: lA - 52 units/annum 1B - 28 units/annum 2A - 50 units/annum 2B - 43 units/annum 3A - 27 units/annum