HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-74-84 R E.P®R`r NOYlIE y5 t CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE jL. " 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 29, 1984 REPORT NO. : TR-74-84 SUBJECT: TENDER T84-15, VEHICLE TENDER RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended to Council : 1 . That this report be received; and 2. (a) That Council approve purchasing three half-ton trucks in accordance with Tender T84-15 (Section A) from Holiday Ford Sales (1980) Ltd. , Peterborough , with a total bid of $32,658.54 being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms and specifications, OR (b) That Council approve purchasing three half-ton trucks in accordance with Tender T84-15 (Section A) from Cowan Pontiac-Buick Ltd. , Bowmanville, with a total bid in the amount of $27,622.05 being the lowest bidder and that Council direct staff to make appropriate arrangements for fuelling said vehicles; and 3. That Winslow-Gerolamy Motors Ltd. , Peterborough, with a total bid in the amount of $75,206.02 being the lowest responsible bidder of Tender T84-15 (Section B) be awarded the contract to supply two only 35000 G.V.W. Cab & Chassis as required by the Town of Newcastle; and 4. That Cowan Pontiac-Buick Ltd. , Bowmanville, with a total bid in the amount of $11 ,596.66 being the lowest responsible bidder of Tender T84-15 (Section C) be awarded the contract to supply one only 10000 G.V.W. Cab & Chassis as required by the Town of Newcastle; and 5. That the funds be drawn from the approved 1984 Public Works capital budget account. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Tenders were publicly advertised and invited for three only half-ton Pick Up Trucks, two only 35000 G.V.W. Cab & Chassis, and one only 10000 G.V.W. Cab & Chassis as required by the Department of Public Works. -2- The bids were received and tabulated as follows: Section A (3 only Half-ton Pick Up Trucks) Bidder Total Bid Amount Cowan Pontiac-Buick Ltd. $27,622.05 (Unleaded Fuel) Bowmanville, ON Holiday Ford Sales (1980) Ltd. 32,658.54 (Regular Fuel ) Peterborough, ON Section B (2 only 35000 G.V.W. Cab & Chassis) Bidder Total Bid Amount Winslow-Gerolam Motors Y Ltd. $75,206.02 Peterborough, ON Holiday Ford Sales (1980) Ltd. 83,641 .90 Peterborough, ON Section C (1 only 10000 G.U.W. Cab & Chassis) Bidder Total Bid Amount Cowan Pontiac-Buick Ltd. $11 ,596.66 Bowmanville, ON Holiday Ford Sales ( 1980) Ltd. 12,460.15 Peterborough, ON i Comments - Section A As in the past, considering the fact that the Public Works Department has only diesel and regular leaded gasoline fuelling facilities, the specification included a provision for regular gas engines. The bid from Cowan Pontiac-Buick Ltd. , Bowmanville is the lowest by a considerable amount, however, it provides a truck which operates on fuel not dispensed at our Public Works Depots. The following will present an analysis of the cost structure for both vehicles. -3- COMPARATIVE COST ESTIMATE FOR HALF-TON TRUCKS ENGINE FUEL COST ITEM LEADED UNLEADED A. Capital Cost (excl . P.S.T.) $10,174.00 $ 8,605.00 B. Annual Cost of Capital 1,220.88 1 ,032.60 Cost @ 12% C. Annual Maintenance same D. Annual Fuel Cost 2,685.00 3,075.00 E. Revenue from Disposal 1,000.00 11000.00 F. Life Depreciation (5 yr.) 9,174.00 7,605.00 G. Annual Depreciation 1,834.80 1,521.00 Total Annual Cost/Truck (B+C+G) $5,740.68 $5,628.60 Costing Basis for Above: Current Fuel Prices: Leaded - $1.79/gal . Unleaded - $2.05/gal . Mileage/Truck/Year 30,000 miles Fuel Consumption 20 M.P.G. From the above, it appears that based upon the lower capital cost, the unleaded fuel vehicle provides a better economy by about $110.00 per year. -4- Assuming that Council elects to purchase unleaded fuel vehicles, the possibilities for fuelling must be considered. These include: (a) Install unleaded fuel dispensing facilities at the Public Works Depots; (b) Convert the present leaded dispensing facilities to unleaded; (c) Purchase unleaded fuel at retail outlets. Alternative (a) is not cost-effective since each installation of a new storage tank and pump would cost between $6,000 and $10,000. We are presently on a program of replacing all heavy vehicles which run on gas with those using diesel fuel . Conceivably, in about three years the only vehicles owned by the Public Works Department using gas would be half-ton trucks and items such as chain saws, etc. Thus, at that time, we could discontinue using regular leaded fuel and purchase unleaded fuel . The extra dispensing facilities would then become redundant. Alternative (b) for at least the next few years also does not present a cost effective proposal . Although the regular gas consumption by the Public Works Department fleet is decreasing each year, we presently use about 50,000 gallons per year. At a difference in cost of $.25 per gallon between leaded and unleaded gas, this represents an annual cost differential of about $12,500 per year. Thus, replacing the existing regular leaded gas at the depots with unleaded gas is not advisable. c Alternative (c) presents what is probably the most feasible of the alternatives, however, it has its own disadvantages. Firstly, administration through use of credit cards, term purchase orders, et-c. , would require more administration and could be open to criticism from certain taxpayers. Secondly, such a procedure would place the Town in a position where it is subject to the daily fluctuations in retail fuel prices and thus we would not enjoy a standard tendered price. The driver could be placed in the position of seeking out the best gas prices, as we all do. Finally, the convenience of regular fuelling practices at a standard location could be lost resulting in a less efficient use of time. As indicated previously, from an annual cost analysis viewpoint, the unleaded fuel vehicle is least costly. However, from the standpoint of providing fuel for such vehicles, the Town is at a disadvantage and would probably lose the annual cost -5- saving in capital of about $110.00 per vehicle. Staff could, however, if directed by Council , make arrangements, possibly through some variation of the alternatives presented, to accommodate unleaded fuel vehicles. Comments - Section B & C After review and analysis of the low responsible bidders, it was mutually agreed by Purchasing and the Public Works staff, that Winslow-Gerolamy Motors Ltd. , Peterborough, and Cowan Pontiac-Buick Ltd. , Bowmanville, be awarded the contracts to supply two only 35000 G.V.W. and one !only 10000 G.U.W. Cab & Chassis, respectively. Respectfully submitted, r John R. Blanchard a� Deputy Treasurer 14Z4 J R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng. Director of Public Works JRB/RGD/lb