HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/17/1964 . . e .~- Page 4 COUNCIL MINUTES FEB. 17, 1964. The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber on Monday February 17, 1964 with His Worship !1ayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. All members present except Reeve Litte, absent because of illness. I ADOPTION OF MINUT~S - Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the minutes of the meeting held on February 3, 1964 be received and adopted. Carried II cm4MUNICAT IONS: 1. Russell C. Honey - February 4, 1964. "I would appreciate it if you would thank His Worship Mayor Hobbs, The Chairman of the Board of Works, ~~. Stevens, and all members of Council for their considerate reception of the presentation made last week by the re- presentatives and myself when we appeared before the Board. If I can be of any further assistance to Council, in any way, I know you will not hesitate to get in touch with me." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the letter received from Mr. Russell Honey dated February 4, 1964 be received and filed." CARRIED 2. The Railway Association of Canada - Feb. 7, 1964. "The Spring and Summer train schedules of Canadian Rail- ways in 1964 will become effective at 12:01 a.m., Sunday, April 26th, until 12:01 a.m., Sunday, October 25th. In keeping with past practice, the railways are most anxious to accommodate their patrons by setting up schedules which will be most convenient, particularly where suburban train service is involved. If it is the intention of your com- munity to adopt Daylight Saving Time in 1964, we would respectfully solicit your co-operation in the selection of dates which will coincide with the railways' Spring and Summer train schedules. It will be much appreciated if you would advise us at your earliest convenience, whether or not your community will be adopting Daylight Saving Time, and if so, the dates for which it will be effective during 1964." Moved by Con. Hughe9' seconded by Con. Fice. THAT in accordance with the Train Spring and Summer Train schedule we establish Daylight Saving Time in the Town of Bowmanville effective 12:01 A.M. Sunday April 26th until 12:01 A.M. Sunday October 25th, and that the Clerk be authorized to advertise in the usual manner. CARRIED Page 5 - 2 - . 3. Town of Aylmer - Feb. 5, 1964. "Enclosed is a copy of a resolution passed by the Council of the Town of Aylmer regarding the training of members of Municipal Police Departments in Ontario. Should your Council look upon this resolution with favour, you are asked to advise the Honourable Attorney General of Ontario and the Association of Ontario Mayors & Reeves of that decision. II "rdHEB.EAS there appears to be a reluctance on the part of Councils of many smaller Municipalities to send members of their Police Force to the Ontario Police College, because when trained, there is a tendency for the newly trained officer to be attracted to a larger Police Force, and, . WHEREAS if there was provincial legislation to speed up the training of members of Municipal Police Forces, the loss of trained personnel would be reduced; now THEREFOR~ TH~ !,IDNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TalN OF AYLMER RESOLVES: That the Provincial Government be asked to pass legislation to make it compulsory for all probationary constables to attend, and successfully complete, the course of instruc- tions at the Ontario Police College at the end of the pro- bationary period, except in centres where a training course is carried out;" r~oved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the resolution sponsored by the Town of Aylmer re- garding the training of members of Municipal Police De- partments be received and filed. CilRRIED 4. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit - Feb. 7, 1964. . "A meeting of the Board of Health for the United Counties of Northillnberland and Durham was held on Thursday, Feb- ruary 6 at which time the chairman was appointed. The Board of Health for 1964 consists of the following members: Chairman ~tr. L. Gibson, Reeve, ~lillbrook Mr. D. McMaster, Reeve, Murray Township (Warden) Mr. J. G. Honey, Reeve, Cramahe Twsp. Mr. Wm. Lightle, Reeve, Hope Twsp. Mrs. George Edwards, Cobourg (Lieutenant-Governor's representative) Secretary-Treasurer Mr. L. R. Griffith, Cobourg . In accordance with Regulations under the Public Health Act, one member is appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor-in- Council. The other four members are appointed by the Counties Council. It is their responsibility to see that the provisions of the Public Health Act and the Regulations are carried out. I hope that this information will be of interest to the members of your council." ~I-t ~ .... \ - 3 - Page 6 . Moved by.Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT Unit that the letter from the Northumberland Durham Health dated February 7, 1964 outlining the members of department be received and filed.. C;,RRED 5. Building Inspect or - Feb. 10, 1964. .11 have been making repeated j.nspections of our Town Works Garage and find that this building is entirely unsafe in many respects. The beams holding this building together have been cut away to make room to get town equipment in, thus destroying the strength of the frame. I would ask your co-operation as to a solution to this problem. " . Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Leslie. THAT the letter from the Building Inspector be received and referred to the Public Property Committee for their consideration and report. CARdIE:D 6. Bowmanville Midget All Star Hockey Club - Feb. 10, 1964. ilOn behalf of the Midget All Star Hockey Club, I would ask permission from the Town Council to hold a one night Blitz on February 24th, for the purpose of raising funds to assist the Club to pay forTournament expenses. This would be in the form of selling 50~ chocolate bars from door, to door, and we hope to cover the whole t own in one night, with assistance from some of the minor clubs. As most of the Midget games will be out of Town now that play-offs have started there will be a great deal of ex- pense for travel and as we are not a spons9red Club, we feel that we must make an effort to raise $500.00 to cover these expenses." . Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the letter from the Bowmanville Nidget All Star Hockey Club dated February 10, 1964, that we approve of their request to hold a one night Blitz on February 24th for the purpose of raising funds to assist the Club to pay for Tournament expenes, also use of Council Chamber on this date. C"RRIED 7. Bowmanville Police Dept. - Feb. 15, 1964. "Please be advised that I have accepted the Resignation of Police Constable Louis Phillips effective February 28th, 1964. Phillips has accepted a position with better wages and opportunities, according to his letter of resignation. I have notified Mr, K. Hooper, the Chairman of the Police Committee this date." . Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. TH.,T the letter f rom Bernard R. Kitney, Chief Constable respecting the resignation of Police Constable Louis Phillips be received and filed. C;,RRIED Page 7 - 4 - . III BY -LAvrs: Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Stephen. TH"T leave be gran"G ed to bring in the following by-laws: 1. A by-law to amend certain provisions as to the cost of the construction and repairs of watermain con- nections as set out on By-law 877 as amended by By- law 1625. 2. rt by-law to amend certain provlslons as to the cost of construction and repair of sewer connections as set out in By-law 879 as amended by By-law 1624. ivlar ION LOST JV NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESS: e L P.U.C. Matter - Amendment of By-law 1624 and 1625. Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Stephen. THAT the Manager and members of the Public Utilities be invited to attend the next regular session of Board of Works Committee scheduled for Tuesday February 25, 1964 for the purpose of futher discusing the amendments pro- posed to By-laws 1624 and 1625. CAR1UED 2. Liberty Street Storm Sewer - Application has been made to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of By-law 1899. 3. Sturrock Road - Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. . TH"T the clerk be instructed to engage the services of Mr. M. Brown, O.L.S. for the purpose of supplying the description for the conveyance of Sturrock Road to the Corporation. C,\RdIED 4. Bernard Street - nothing further reported in this respect. 5. Durham Street - The clerk advises that in accordanCE; with Councils' direction i\'Ir. N. Brown had been engaged and had sup- plied the necessary engineer's re- port required for our application to the Board of Trans.oort CommissiorlC'I's for a public crossing agroement on Durham Street. The conveyance from Goodyear Tire and Rubber is awaited following which necessary by-law and application will be processed. 6. Beach - .- 7. This matter to be further considered at the Board of works Committee meet- ing. Liberty Street Sidewalk Nothing further reported in this respect. - ~"1 Page 8 - 5 - . 8. Park Land - Nothing further reported. 9. Local Improvement Petitions: 1. Frederick ,we. 2. Duke Street 3. Meadowview Blvd. Mr, Dempsey will attend the Board of Works Committee meeting to discuss these items. 10. Centennial Grants - Councillor Stephen reported on the meeting of the Special CommittG'o appointed to consider a Centennial Grant program had been convened, how- ever as yet no report is ready for presentation. . -=- 11. Town Manager - Nothing further reported in this respect. 12. N.S.A.W.S Siren - R. Honey - Feb. 14, 1964. "Relative to our recent correspondence, r-1r. Hellyer, the Minister of National Defence has advised me that he has informed you that the Department will be reinstituting the audible testing of the warning sirens about midsummer of 1964. Mr. Hellyer probably told you that the testing of sirens was suspended when the Department encountered malfunctions as a result of the freezing up of certain components in the sirens. It was, therefore dcsirable to suspend the testing until it could be reinstituted on a national basis after correction of the difficulty experienced with certain components in the sirens. . I trust that Mr. Hellyer's cownunication to you and this letter will be sufficient information for Council, but if I can be of any further a5$~stance please do not hesitate to let me know." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens. TH~T the letter from ~tr. R. Honey dated February 14, 1964 respecting the N.S.A.W.S. Siren be received and filed. CARnED 13. VJorks Department Shed - This matter has been referrc-d to the Finance Committee and will report. 14. Pine Street Road ll110wance Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Stephen. . TH,lT the clerk be instructed toe ommunicate with IV\r. S. Luxton advising that the Council does not wish to dispose of the Pine Street Road Allowance at this time. Cil.RRIED - 6 - Page 9 . 15. Police Committee:- Councillor Hooper r2ported that a meeting had been held prior to the Council Session for the purpose of opening tenders for a new Police Cruiser. He informed Council that although three requests for quotations had been forward that only one tender had been received this was from Robson Motor Sales as follows: "8 Cylinder Vehicle as per Trade-in with Back up Lights. Transfer all equipment f rom Trade-in to new car. . For Trade - 1963 Pontiac 8 cylinder. Teners to be in by noon February 14, 1964. ~925,OO difference standar transmission ~1100.00 difference automatic transmission above prices include Free lifetime lubrications Free courtesy car while car is in for service." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Leslie. TH,IT the Police Committee be authorized to purchase an automatic Pontiac Sedan from Robson Motors Ltd. at a price of ~1100.00 in accordance with their quotation. C.\RiUED Councillor Hooper presented the following letter of resignation from Constable Louis Phillips. . "Please be advised that on the ".IVi, date, I tender my resignation as a Police Constable for the Town of Bowmanville. I will terminate my employment with the Town on Thursday the 27th day of February. I am sorry to have to leave the employment of the Town, but I have been offered a position, with better wages, and opportunities. " Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. That we accept with regret the resignation of Constable Louis Phillips from the Police Department and that the Committee be authorized to advertise and hire a replacement for the Police Department and that the Committee report the results of their action to Council. C"R,U:r;;D 16. Matters referred to Roads and Streets: 1. Budget: . h summary of the 1963 expenditure on Roads and Streets was considered by the Committee following which it was decided that the 1964 Budget be established at the same amount namely ~106,500.00 for submission to the Roads and Streets Committee. 2. Boulevard Paving: - 7 - Page 10 . This matt8r was discussed by the Committee as a result of the letter from St. Paul's United Church which was re- ferred to the Corrunit.tee by Council. It was decided that a representative of the church be invited to the next Com~ittee meeting to consider the mater further before making any reco~mendation to Council. 3. Other matters to be further considered: 1. Drainage - Olympia Cafe 2. Tree Removal 3. Sid8walk 4. Paving Program 5. Storm Sewer Program . 17. Department of Highway Land - Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. TH"T the property offered by the Department of Highways being a triangle of land situated on the north-west corner of the Baseline and Liberty Street be accepted for use by the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville. C"RRIED 18. Industrial Area - The Clerk advises by Mr. Lycett had be in the Towns' that the survey of the land offered been completed the results of which will hands within the next few days. 19. Industrial Committee: Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. . TH,lT the Industrial Committee be granted $1500.00 ahead of the authorization of th8ir budget in order to proceed with their 1964 advertising program. C"RRIED 20. A.ll.D .1\.,- Councillor Stephen reported that in accordance with Council's direction he had attended the meeting of A.R.D.", to determine whether or not it would be advantageous for this municipality to subcribe to membership, he advised that his consideration of this matter indicated that the Council at the present time should not consider membership, consequently it was; Moved by Con. Stephen, seconded by Con. Hooper. Tii"T no action be taken by the Council of the Town of Bowmanville to participate in the program anticipated by i1. .H. D.)!.. C"R,:UH;D . Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant. THrlT we do now adjourn 8:25 p.m. C,:"RrUED