HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/21/1963 F 4. . e . .; COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4 The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at 7:30 P.M. on Monday October 21, 1963 in the Council Chamber Town Hall with His Worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. All members present except Councillors NiChols and Shackelton. I. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: - ~fuved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr; Hooper. THdT the minutes of the meeting held on Monday October 7th, 1963 be received and adopted. ttCARRIEDtt II DEPUTATIONS AND PETITIONS:. 1. Domestic Oil Transmission Systems Ltd.:- Representative of the Domestic Oil Transmission Systems appeared before Council to advise that in accordance with Councils direction they had approached the Bowmanville Planning Board to bring them up to date and to obtain their approval to the proposed installation of a Oil Transmission System within the sub-divisions on north Liberty Street. They advised that Planning Board had agreed that the underground storage tanks could be located in a Residential Zone and would be recommending a Zoning Qhahge to permit this location. They advised that their purpose for being present at this meeting was to obtain preliminary approval by Coucil to easements throughout these sub-divisions for their transmission lines. Following considerable discussion it was, Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Reeve Little. TH,J.T in respect to the request by Domestic Oil Trans- mission Systems for easements within the Schleiss and Ossam Sub-divisions be granted in principle subject to formal approval of detailed plans by the Board of Works Committee. ttCARR.IEDtt 2. HendT'Y Investments:- The clerk reported that a request for a further opening of Frank Street had been received from Hendry: Investments. He advised that in consideration of the Town opening a further 260 feet that Hendry Investments had agreed to certain conditions consistent with the conditions in the standard form of Sub-division Agreement. As sewer and water had been installed on Frank Street and further that the Town's Engineer confirmed the fact that no storm sewer would be required in this 260 feet, it would be only necessary for the owner to provide a base and pave- ment, curbs, and gutters. It was Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Oke. TH.~T the Clerk be authorized to present a by-law at this meeting for the purpose of authorizing the ~,yor and Clerk to sign the necessary agreement with Hendry.'.Inve'St- ments in respect to their request for a further extension of Frank Street. "CARRIEDtt ''f e - 2 - Page 5 3 . H. Knapp:_ Mr. H. Knapp appeared before Council levelling certain charges against Council members in respect to items which he contended were irregular when asked if the purpose of his accusations were to unseat members of Council, Mr. Knapp answered affirmatively and was ad- vised by His Worship the Mayor that Council had no authority to sit in judgement and advised that necessary legal procedures be instituted by Mr. Knapp. III COMllfUNIC"T rUNS:_ Museum Board:_ . "The Museum Board would like to advise you that the date of Tuesday, October 29th at 7:30 P.M., as set by the Council for a visit to the Museum and to hold a jOint meeting, is quite acceptable. We would like to express Our thanks for your co-opera_ tion." Moved by Dep-rteeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THrlT the letter from the Bowmanville Museum Board dated October 11, 1963 be received and that we ask the Museum Board if they would be prepared to meet at 7:00 P.M. on the 29th rather than 7:}0 P.M. as a Board of Works meeting is scheduled on that date at 7:30 P.M. "C11.R:UED" Richard J. Roscoe:_ . "This letter is to bring to your attention and to that of the members of your Town Council that I am displeased with the amount of bicycles allowed to be displayed on the north side of King Street between Division Street and Temperance Street; and also of the waste water nearby, being allowed to use the sidewalk as a means of drainage. I am asking the Town Council to take the necessary steps in order to have these problems dealt with immediately, as these are both unpleasant and inconvenient to the public." Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. eke. That the letter received from Richard J. Roscoe dated October 15, 1963 be received and that a request for co-operation be sent to the Bicycle store asking for their assistance and that the OWner of the restaurant be requested to arrange for the disposal of the roof water in some other manner than across the sidewalk. "C,lRRIED" . The Canadian Council of Christians and Jews Inc.:- It My reason for again soliciting the support of your Municipality for the above Council is the encouragement that we received last year from other Municipalities to whom we appealed for help. Our authority for seeking your help is contained in the Provincial Statutes for a Municipality to make such a grant. " Page 6 . - 3 - THE MUNICIF:lL "CT ------------SECTION 377. Sub-Section 2$. "ill granting aid to any charitable institution or out-of-door relief to the resident poor. R.SIO.,1950 c. 243, S. 3$6, pars. 22, 23." The enclosed circular tells something of the ways and means employed in urging Canadians - regardless of race or religious affiliation, to work and live together in mutual tolerance and understanding: and it tells how the activities of the Council are financed. We do hope you will decide to help us. This may be done by forwarding your grant in the enclosed envelope, and you can be certain the monies collected will be care- fully administered. e Thanking you for your careful consideration of this urgent appeal." Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Cr. Hooper. That the letter received from the Canadian Council of Christians and Jews requesting a grant, be received and filed. "C.\RRIED" City of Waterloo:- Resolution was received f rom the City of viaterloo asking for Councils endorsation of very strong opposition of the announced intention of the Government of Canada to include the City of Brantford as a "Designated Depressed Area'" , e Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Fice. That the resolution from the City of \i/aterloo be received and filed. "CARRIED" Bowmanville Planning Board:- "The Bowmanville Planning Board recommend to Council That an additional "Permitted Use" paragraph be added to the Residential Zone, Section 9, of our Zoning By-law 1587 as amended, to read thus:- "Underground supply tanks for doma.st'ic' fuel oil dis- tribution through buried pipe-line mains." This recommendation originates from a request from the Domestic Oil transmission systems of 937 Warden Ave., Scarborough, Ontario, who desire to install a 15,000 underground pipe-lines, in lot No. 42 of the Schleiss sub-division. e The intention of this company is to serve by an under- ground pipe system, the Schleiss and Ossam subdivisions and possibly the Carruthers subdivision when developed. The pipe-line main from the Schleiss to the Ossam sub- division is being proposed to be laid along Liberty St. north rather than through the Cawker property. " - 4 - Page 7 . As you no doubt are aware easements will have to be allowed to this co~pany for their pipe-line mains. The narrow right-of-way into this lot should be their responsibility, the fencing of the property if necessary and the upkeep and general appearance of the same." Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Hughes. That the recommendation of the Bowmanville Planning Board respecting an amendment of the Permitted Uses in a Residential Zone be adopted and that the necessary amending by-law be presented for Councils consideration~ "CARRIED" e Mrs. Dorothy Mutton:- ""lhat is being done or been done regarding the black smut from the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. For the last two mornings October 16 & 17th you could not see my car for black smut. Should I foot the bill every time this happens (especially if I have just had it done)." Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Cr. Oke. That the letter received from r1rs. Dorothy li[utton be notified of Goodyear's intention and action to recti- fying this situation. "CllRRIED't IV BY -Ltl\{S: _ Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. -, TH,\.T leave be granted to bring in the fOllowing By-laws. 1. 1\ By-law to amend by-law No. 1587. 2. ,\. By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and affix the Corporate seal to a certain agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Bawmanville and Hendry Investments Limited. "CARRIED" Moved by Cr. Oke, seconded by Cr. Hughes. THAT the by-laws be read a first time, referred to Council in Committee of the Whole and read a second time, Mayor in the Chair. "C,\.RRIED" Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Hooper. TH"T we rise and report successful second reading of the by-laws in Committee of the Whole. "C,iR,UED" Moved by Cr. Fice, seconded by Cr. Hooper. . TH"T the report of Council in Committee of the vlhole on the by-laws be received and adopted, the same be now read a third time, engrossed, signed by the lfuyor and Clerk sealed and numbered as follows: 1. A By-law to amend Zoning by-law No. 1587 __ B/L 1889 .~ .fl .~ ,.. - 5- Page 8 2. A by-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and affix the corporate seal to a certain agreement between"tho Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville and Hendry Investments Limited. -----------B/L 1890. "CARRIED" V NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS:- 1. Liberty Street Storm Sewer: Advice awaited from the Ontario Municipal Board in res- pect to this subject. 2. Liberty Street Sidewalk: Nothing further reported in respect to this subject. 3. Beach: A report and subsequent meeting with government officials in respect to the beach is awaited. 4. Parkland: Nothing further reported in this respect. 5. Zoning By-law Amendments: Zoning By-law amendments are being proceeded with in accordance with procedures out- lined by the' Ontario Municipal Board. 6. Bernard Street: The matter of the DeJong ccmmittment in respect to servicing this street is pre- sently being handled by the Town's Solicitor. 7. Fire Hall Drain: This matter being con- sidered by the Public Property Committee and the Roads and Streets Department. 8. Sturrock Road: This subject presently in the hands of the Town Solicitor for necessary action. 9. P.U.C. Charges: This matter to be reDorted on at the next regular Coun~il Session. 10. Matters referred to Roads & Streets Committee: 1. John H. Hockley 2. J. H. Alldread 3. Sidewalk repair 4. Dust problem Baseline - This matter has been looked after and will be remove0 from t he agenda. 5. Trees 6. Policy on paving of boulevards and driveway approaches. 7. Signs .. 11. Weeds :. after. This ~atter being looked " " . ~ - 6 - Page 9 ~. 12. Armist ice Day: Councillor Oke reported that her Committee had met and that it was decided that Armistice day would be observed on Saturday November 9th, 1963 with the service being held at 10:30 a.m. Council was also advised that in the event of rain the service would be held in t he Town Hall auditorium. 13. Ontario Street Sidewalk Petition: The Clerk advised that he had discussed the recently received petition with the first named thereon, namely ~rrs. Buttonshaw, who advised that this petition was to be accepted by Council as an indication of the residents wish that the sidewalk be constructed as a project by the Roads and Streets department as opposed to a local improvement according it was: . Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Councillor eke. THAT the sidewalk petition submitted by ratepayers on the west side of Ontario Street between Liberty and Lambert Streets be referred to the 1964 Roads and Streets Committee for consideration during the ' preparation of their 1964 program. "CARRIED" 14. Tree Planting: Deputy Reeve Stevens raised the question of whether or not the Roads and Streets Committee had planned for the planting of new trees this year. He was informed that no pro- vision had been made in the current estimates however a recommendation in this respect would go to the 1964 Roads and Streets Committee. e 15. Catch Basin Queen and Ontario Streets. ~ Councillor Hooper advised that he had been requested by a ratepayer to have this matter checked, accordingly, it was: 16. ~ved by Councillors Hooper, seconded by Cr. Hughes. THrlT the matter of the catch basin problem at the corner of Queen and Ontario Streets be referred to the Roads and Streets Committee for investigation and report. "CARRIED" County Road Commission: Reeve Little reported that the County Road Commission had requested a meeting with members of Bowmanville Town Council for the purpose of discussing the loca- tion of the new county road (Scugog Street) through the Corporation, it was: Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Councillor Oke. THAT a meeting of Council with the County Road Commission be arranged for 10:00 A.M. on Saturday the second day of November next. "CJlRRIED" - " I. . . . . . VI Page 10 - '1 - ,lDJOURNMENT : Moved by Councillor Fice, seconded by Cr. Hughes. THAT we do now adjourn 8:50 P.M. "CARRIED"