HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/15/1963 . . ... . COUNCIL MINUTES .. The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at 7:30 P.M. on Monday April 15, 1963 with his worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. All members present except Councillor Nichols. 1. LORD'S PRAYER: 2. Adoption of Minutes: Moved by Cr. Oke, seconded by Cr. Hughes. THAT the minutes of the meeting held on Monday April 1st, 1963 be received and adopted, "CARRIED" 3. CORRESPONDENCE: Canadian Red Cross Society, Bowmanville & District Branch' "The Executive of the Bowmanville & District Red Cross Branch have asked me to express their thanks to you for your cooperation during the recent canvas._ Would you please pass along our thanks to the Town Council? We are most grateful for their continued support. Their ready granting of our requests for Red Cross Month was most helpful to our campaign. Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Cr. Hooper. THAT the letter from the Executive of the Bowmanville and District Red Cross Branch in respect to Councils co- operation during Red Cross month be received and filed. "CARRIED." Miss Margaret E. McGregor: "Please give your immediate attention to the necessity for providing proper drainage for the surface water on Veteran's Avenue and the part of Prospect Street adjacent to it. Formerly we had no difficulty with the drainage of our land, but when these two streets were built, the drainage was changed, so that every spring the surface water pours off this area, runs through our lot and the one next north of it, and down our driveway to Scugog Street. Topsoil has been washed away, and an established planting of roses and several valuable shrubs destroyed by the water. Twice I have had the driveway gravelled at considerable expense, only to have much of the driveway for as long as five weeks in the spring. This week I had to pay for the services of a garage truck to move my car from the house to Scugog Street; It is not possible to drain the water off the driveway, because when the new side~alk was built on Scugog Street, the builders plugged all the existing drains with concrete. I have spoken three times to members of the Roads and Streets Committee, and also to the former Town Engineer about the need for drainage, and on each occasion I was told that "something would be done." No action has been taken. . The owner of the lot next north on Prospect Street has told me that he intends to build a high terrace around his new house, so that he will "have no trouble with water". The lot to the south has already been built . . . . - 2 - Miss Margaret E. McGregor: (con 't) up, so that the water from the whole area about Veterans' Avenue is to be turned onto our land. May I remind you that my family has paid taxes on this land for forty-nine years? At present I am paying taxes on both frontages, Scugog Street and Prospect Street. I am sure that you will see the necessity for attending to this matter of draining Veterans' Avenue and Prospect Street before next winter." Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the letter from Miss Margaret E. McGregor respecting surface drainage on Veteran's Avenue and part of Prospect Street be referred to the Roads and Streets Committee for investigation and report at the next regular Board of Works meeting. "CARRIED" Bowmanville Branch Canadian Cancer Society: "Again this year, the Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society would like to obtain permission to hold a one hour blitz to distribute educational leaflets and receive contributions to further our work in research, education and Women's Services. We are planning our blitz for Monday evening, April 29th, 1963 from 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Would you please present this petition to Council, at your next meeting, requesting their permission for this blitz. Trusting that we may have your favourable reply, I rem~in. 'I Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Shackelton. THAT Council concur in the request of the Bowmanville Branch Canadian Cancer Society outlined in their letter dated April 1, 1963. "CARRIED" Rehabilitation Foundation: A request was received for financial assistance from the Rehabilitation Foundation. MOved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Fice. THAT the request of the Rehabilitation Foundation contained in their letter of April 1, 1963 be declined as funds for such donation has not been included in the 1963 estimates. "CARRIED" Bowmanville Memorial Park: "I wrote you a few weeks ago regarding a tag-day for Memorial Park Assc. on June 7 and 8th which was authorized by Council. Would it be possible to have council grant us permission to use the Council Chambers on June 8th only for our tag-day. Hoping this will meet with their approval." Moved by Cr. Fice, seconded by Cr. Hooper. . . . . - 3 - THAT the request contained in the communication received from the Memorial Park Association datEd. ,lpril 10, ..1963 be granted. "CARRIED" Mrs. Tom Westlake: "Would you please bring this up at the Council meeting. I would like to know what I can do about my situation. I live at 23 Second Street on the corner of Lamb's Lane and Second. As my husband has his own business and he used a truck for his work and I work to at the business. I use a car to go back and forth to work. We also have two sons which have their own cars. There are people by the name of Martyn at 20 Second Street which have a new house and also a son. So he cannot park there and he insists on parking at our place on the north side of our house., Which we need for our own parking. Would it be possible to have the Council put a sign up private parking only. As we are tax payers to and we need the north side of our house for our family parking. I have went to them 2 or 3 time and expla~ned the situation to them. There reply was that is just t~ bad. Hoping you can help me." Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Shackelton. TH"T Mrs. liestlake be advised that the absence of legislative provision to provide private parking on a public street that Council cannot grant her request contained in the communication dated April 10, 1963.. "CARiUED" 4. BY-LAWS: Moved by Cr. Oke, seconded by Cr. Hughes. THAT leave be granted to bring in a by-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and affix the corporate seal to a certain agreement between the Corporation of the TOlm of Bowmanville and Walter Schleiss. Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Fice. THAT the by-law be read a first time referred to Council in Committee of the Whole and read a second time, Mayor in the Chair. "CARRIED" Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Oke. THnT IN respect to the Schleiss sub-division we authorize the Mayor and Clerk to negotiate a cash deposit as opposed to a 5% land grant by Mr. Schleiss to the Town under the provisions of the sub-division agreement. "CARRIED~' Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr. Hooper. THAT we rise and report Successful second reading of the By-law in Committee of the Whole. "CAHRE:D" Moved by Cr. Hooper, seconded by Cr. Hughes. . .9. - 4 - TH~_ the report of Council in Committee of the Whole on the By-laws be received and adopted, the same be now read a ~hird time engrossed signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed and numbered as follows: "1\ Bv-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute '_Ild :;ffix the ':'.-Jrporate seal to a certain agreement between \.t1" Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville and \valter . ~, ,-, . ~Q B/L 1877../.\ "CARRIED" NEW & UNFINISHBD BUSINESS 1. Liberty Street Storm Sewer - nothing further to report in this respect. 2. Liberty Street Sidewalk - nothing further reported in this respect. 3. F- nk Street Road Allowance -~othing further reported. 4. SC'lgOg Road - Deputy-reeve Stevens advised that the County Road Committee had during their inspection discussed this new road with him asking if Council had any suggestions as to the course this road should take thrOugh Bowmanville that they be made known at an early date. Moved by Dep.Reeve Stevens, seconded by Cr. Hughes. THAT we request the County Road and Bridge Committee to submit any preliminary surveys or drawings of the proposed continuation of the old Scugog Road from the Town's north limit of Highway 401. "CARRIED" 5. Mearns Ave: - nothing further reported in this respect. 6. Dog Control: Moved by Cr. Shackelton, seconded by Cr. Fice. THAT we authorize the insertion in the local period of one month outlining the provisions 1711 respecting the licensing of Dogs within of the Corporation. press for a of By-law the limits "CARRIED" Moved by Cr. Shackelton, seconded by Cr. Hughes. THAT the Dog Control Committee investigate purchase of a new tire for the Dog Control truck and that they be given power to take necessary action. "CARRIED". 7. Matters referred to Roads & Streets Committee: As the Roads and Streets Committee did not meet prior to this meeting no report on the various items referred to them was received. 8. Chain of Office this matter is being investigated by the Clerk-treasurer. E.M.O. : Moved by Cr. Fice, seconded by Cr. Hooper. -- . . . . - 5 - THAT we rescind the resolution passed by this Council respecting an appointment of a Town Official to the Counties Emergency Measures Organization Planning Com- mittee. ItCAl1RIED" 10. Moved by Cr. Hughes, seconded by Cr.. Hooper. THAT we do now adjourn 8:00 P.M. ~~/ ( ItC"RRIEDIt // ./ ./'~ - ~ / -. ~.~