HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/11/2015Council Agenda
Date: Monday, May 11, 2015
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Council Chambers
The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of Council meetings. If you make a
delegation /presentation to a Council meeting, the Municipality will be audio recording you and will
make the recording public by publishing the recording on the Municipality's website. In addition,
please be advised that some of the Council meetings may also be video recorded.
Meeting Called to Order
Moment of Reflection
Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest
Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council April 27, 2015
a. Ann Harley, A Gift of Art.and James Campbell, Visual Arts Centre of Clarington —
Proceeds of the Mayor's Gala — "For the Love of Art"
b. Sheila Crook - Certificate of Recognition — Nomination as a Global Community
Champion for Women's Economic Empowerment
C. Susan Laing — Certificate of Recognition - 2014 Lieutenant Governor's Ontario
Heritage Award for Lifetime Achievement
Delegations (List as of the time of publication)
a. Eric Bowman, Vice - Chair, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Report
PSD- 026 -15 - Co- ordinated Provincial Review of the Growth Plan for the Greater
Golden Horseshoe; Greenbelt Plan, Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and
Niagara Escarpment Plan Part 1 - Comments on Growing the Greenbelt for the
Agricultural System (Item 3 of Report #1 and Correspondence Item D - 6)
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623 -3379 F (905)623 -3330
Council Agenda - 2 - May 11, 2015
Receive for Information
I - 1 Minutes of the Newcastle Village Community Hall Board dated February 17 and
March 17, 2015
1 - 2 Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington dated April 9, 2015
1 - 3 Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority dated April 16, 2015
1 - 4 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated April 21, 2015
1 - 5 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated April 21, 2015
1 - 6 Minutes of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board dated February 10, 2015
1 - 7 'Pierre Yelle, Assistant Deputy Fire Marshal, Field and Advisory Services, Ministry of
Community Safety and Correctional Services, Office of the Fire Marshal and
Emergency Management — OFMEM Vulnerable Occupancy Compliance Confirmation
1 - 8 D. Bowen, AMCT, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, Regional Municipality
of Durham - Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee (DAAC) Terms of Reference,
2014 Annual Report and 2015 Workplan
1 - 9 D. Bowen, AMCT, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, Regional Municipality
of Durham - Durham Environmental Advisory Committee (DEAC) 2014 Annual Report
and 2015 Workplan
1 - 10 D. Bowen, AMCT, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, Regional Municipality
of Durham - Durham Trail Co- Ordinating Committee (DTCC) 2014 Annual Report and
2015 Workplan
I - 11 Debi Wilcox, Town Clerk, Town of Whitby - Update on Multi- Residential Battery
Recycling Pilot
1 - 12 D. Bowen, AMCT, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, Regional Municipality
of Durham - Update on Energy Planning and Energy Sector Initiatives in Durham
1 - 13 D. Bowen, AMCT, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, Regional Municipality
of Durham - Region of Durham's Comments on Ontario's Climate Change Discussion
Council Agenda - 3 - May 11, 2015
Receive for Direction
D - 1 Laura Mountjoy, Executive Director, The Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre — Request
for Proclamation of "World Diabetes Day" and "Type 1 Diabetes Awareness Month"
D - 2 The Honourable Michael Chan, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration — Nominations
for the Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship
D - 3 Prithi Yelaja, Communications Specialist, The College of Physicians and Surgeons of
Ontario - Council Award
D - 4 D. Bowen, AMCT, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, Regional Municipality
of Durham - Ministry of the Attorney General — Provincial Offences Act Consultation
Paper — "Exploring an Online Administrative Monetary Penalty System for Infractions of
Provincial Statutes and Municipal Laws in Ontario
D - 5 Joy Vaneyk, Chair, Tyrone Community Centre Board of Directors - Appointment of the
2015 Tyrone Community Centre Board of Directors
D - 6 Brenda Metcalf, Chair, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington — Co- ordinated
Provincial Review of Provincial Review of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden
Horseshoe; Greenbelt Plan, Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and Niagara
Escarpment Plan Part 1 and Comments on the Greenbelt for the Agricultural System
D - 7 Dale Leaitch — Request for Exemption to Policy regarding Curb Cuts
Committee Report(s)
General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of May 4, 2015
Staff Report(s)
Unfinished Business
By -laws
Procedural Notice(s) of Motion
Other Business
Confirming By -Law
Council Meeting Minutes
April 27, 2015
If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the
Municipal Clerk's Department at 905 - 623 -3379.
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on April 27, 2015, at 7:00 PM, in the
Council Chambers.
Councillor Woo led the meeting in a moment of reflection.
Roll Call
Present Were:. Mayor A. Foster
Councillor S. Cooke
Councillor R. Hooper
Councillor J. Neal
Councillor W. Partner
Councillor W. Woo
Regrets: Councillor Traill
Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu
Municipal Solicitor, A. Allison
Deputy Chief, M. Berney
Manager of Operations, S. Brake
Director of Engineering Services, A. Cannella
Director of Community Services, J. Caruana
Corporate Initiatives Officer, C. Clifford
Director of Planning Services, D. Crome
Director of Corporate Services and Human Resources, M. Marano
Manager of Special Projects, F. Langmaid, attended until 7:43 PM
Corporate Communications Officer, B. Radomski
Director of Finance/Treasurer, N. Taylor
Municipal Clerk, A. Greentree
Administrative Assistant to the Municipal Clerk, C. Fleming
Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
Councillor Neal indicated that he would be declaring a pecuniary interest with respect
to Items 14 and 31 of Report #1.
Councillor Hooper indicated that he would be declaring a pecuniary interest with
respect to Items 12, 17, 35 and 36 of Report #1.
Councillor Cooke indicated that he would be declaring a pecuniary interest with
respect to Item 32 of Report #1.
Councillor Partner indicated that she would be declaring a pecuniary interest with
respect to Item 27 of Report #1.
Council Meeting Minutes - 2 - April 27, 2015
Mayor Foster indicated that he would be declaring a pecuniary interest with respect to
Item 24 of Report #1.
Councillor Neal announced the following five items:
• He extended congratulations to the South Courtice Neighbourhood Association
for their efforts in cleaning up around Courtice.
• He assisted with the clean -up of one of the trails in Courtice and also helped
with clean -up in Hampton.
• May 7, 2015, Testing of Public Alerting System — Outdoor Siren Activation for
Ontario Power Generation
• Clarington Older Adult Services Survey is available on -line, at all Municipal
Recreation facilities, the Beech Centre, Clarington Public Library branches and
various community locations. He encouraged seniors to participate in the
s u rvey.
• He extended congratulations to the Clarington Concert Band for presenting "A
Salute to the British Isles ".
Councillor Partner announced the following four events:
• Rail Safety Week - April 27 to May 3, 2015
• Orono 4T Seniors Annual Bake Sale and Luncheon, May 11, 2015, 11:00 AM
to 2:00 PM, Durham Seniors Complex, 200 Station Street, Orono
• Evergreen Farm Equipment Open House, May 2, 2015, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
• Newcastle Lions Chicken BBQ, May 2, 2015, Newcastle Community Hall,
seatings at 5:00 PM and 6:30 PM
Councillor Woo announced the following two events:
Roughley Insurance Brokers Ltd. Grand Opening, May 1, 2015, 1:00 PM to
3:00 PM, 160 Baseline Road East, Suite E -3
Clarington Green Gaels Home Opener, April 30, 2015, 7:45 PM, Garnet B.
Rickard Recreation Complex
Councillor Hooper announced the following seven items:
• Historic Downtown Bowmanville's "Annual Maplefest and All that Jazz ", May 2,
2015, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM _
• Grand Opening of Clips and C_ rafts Dog and Cat Grooming, May 2, 2015,
10:00 AM, 16 Division Street
• Grand Opening of Breanna's Sweet Treats Bakery and Cupcake Shop,
April 29, 2015, 11:00 AM
• St. Stephen Catholic Secondary School presentation of "Much Ado About
Nothing ", April 30, May 1, 7 and 8, 2015,7:30 PM
• Clarington Safe Communities Committee Clean -up of downtown and Valleys
2000, May 9, 2015, 9:30 AM to 12:00 noon
Council Meeting. Minutes - 3 - April`27, 2015
• Public Information Presentation on Older Adult Strategy, May 6, 2015, 6:00 PM,
Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex
• Local hockey player, Josh Bailey of the New York Islanders will be competing
this evening against the Washington Capitals
Mayor Foster announced the following five items:
• Blood Donor Clinic, April 29, 2015, Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex
• Youth and Community Leaders Dinner hosted by the Rotary Club of Courtice in
association with the Clarington Older Adult Association, May 2, 2015, 5:00 PM,
Courtice Community Complex
• "No Love Lost Black Magic Art Sale and Auction ", May 2, 2015, 8:00 PM to
10:00 PM, Manantler Craft Brewing Co.
• MS Walk, May 3, 2015, Opening Ceremonies - 9:15 AM, Garnet B. Rickard
Recreation Complex
• Flag Raising Ceremony for the Huntington Disease Association, May 4, 2015,
9:00 AM
Resolution #C- 130 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper
That the minutes of a regular meeting of Council April 13, 2015, be approved.
Steven Usher, SLR Consulting (Canada) Ltd. addressed Council to provide an update
on activities for the Hydro One Clarington Transformer Station and to convey
preliminary findings of the peer review. Through use of a PowerPoint presentation,
Mr. Usher reiterated the objectives of the peer review in assisting Members of Council,
staff, stakeholders and members of the public in understanding complex, technical
documentation from Hydro One and others. He reviewed activities that have occurred
since December including continuing liaison with several members of the public,
Hydro One technical staff and their consultants and working through a variety of
technical issues. He noted that SLR has had the opportunity to review the Permit to
Take Water application and have provided comments through staff to the Ministry of
the Environment and Climate Change and have met with Ministry staff to discuss
concerns and to respond to technical questions. Mr. Usher provided an update on the
drilling of bore holes. He also indicated that their Ecologist has provided comments
on the ecology of the site. Mr. Usher stated he could also respond to any outstanding
questions Council may have on the rotosonic proposal. Mr. Usher reviewed the initial
conceptual geologic block model of the site developed in November and the site
conceptual geologic model developed after the deep hole and other holes have been
drilled and following examination of detailed technical information. He detailed the
pathways of the Mackinaw layer and discussed the existence of the Halton Till.
Council Meeting Minutes - 4 - April 27, 2015
Mr. Usher reiterated that the deep Thorncliffe Aquifer and the wells within it are
protected. He advised of the need to understand how the Till protects the shallow
wells in the Mackinaw layer. Mr. Usher concluded that the Environmental Assessment
(EA) could have been more detailed but noted that the basic premise and sense was
found there and that most of the answers SLR have received to questions asked on
behalf of the Municipality have been reassuring. Mr. Usher expressed concern that no
formal risk assessment was conducted but acknowledged that the assessment is
sometimes not done in this level of an EA. He noted that additional drilling has
backed up Hydro One's assertion of safety but that there are outstanding questions
regarding the sand layer to the east of the site. He also stated that it is reassuring that
Hydro One has reached out to CLOCA and that the reclamation plan is one that
should work.
Steve Usher responded to questions from Members of Council.
There were no delegations scheduled for this meeting.
I - 1 Minutes of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board dated
March 10, 2015.
1 - 2 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory
Committee dated April 14, 2015.
1 - 4 Jeany Barrett, Municipal Liaison, Newcastle's of the World Steering
Committee, providing an update on the status of the Committee and its
accomplishments to date; advising of interest from several other
community members who would be willing to support the Committee;
and, indicating that the Committee would appreciate any help the
Municipality can provide to the initiative to invite representatives of
Newcastle's of the World to the community in 2016.
1 - 5 Ken Nash, President, Nuclear Waste Management Organization
(NWMO) providing a copy of "Progress Through Collaboration ",
NWMO's Annual Report for 2014 as well as a copy of "Implementing
Adaptive Phased Management 2015 to 2019, NWMO's annual five -
year strategic plan and welcoming views on the contents of the Annual
Report and Implementation Plan.
Resolution #C- 131 -15
Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper
That the communications I - 1 to I - 5 to be received for information be approved, with
the exception of Correspondence Item I - 3.
Council Meeting Minutes - 5 - April 27, 2015
1 - 3 Minutes of the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee dated
April 1, 2015.
Resolution #C- 132 -15
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal
That the minutes of the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee dated
April 1, 2015, be received for information.
Correspondence for Direction
D - 1 Councillor Wendy Partner requesting that May 8, 2015, be proclaimed
as "World Ovarian Cancer Day ", in an effort to create and raise
awareness about ovarian cancer and to build a sense of solidarity in
the fight against ovarian cancer.
D - 2 Peter Hoekstra, Celebration Fireworks, requesting permission to host a
fireworks display on June 5, 2015, at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation
Complex for the Clarington Rotary Rib Fest.
(Approved provided the Organizers
apply for and obtain a Fireworks
Permit from the Municipal Clerk's
D - 3 Peter Hoekstra, Celebration Fireworks, requesting permission to host a
fireworks display on July 1, 2015, at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation
Complex for the Clarington Canada Day Celebration.
(Approved provided the Organizers
apply for and obtain a Fireworks Permit
from the Municipal Clerk's Department)
D - 4 Peter Hoekstra, Celebration Fireworks,. requesting permission to host a
fireworks display on September 26, 2015, at 1979 Highway 2,
(Approved provided the Organizers
apply for and obtain a Fireworks Permit
from the Municipal Clerk's Department)
D - 5 Paul Slemon, Route Manager, 2015 Terry Fox Run, advising this year
the 2015 Terry Fox Run will take place on Sunday, September 20,
2015 and requesting permission to hang the Terry Fox run /walk
banner at the west end of town at the bridge from August 29 to
September 20, 2015.
(Installation of banner approved and
Veridian to be advised)
Council Meeting Minutes - 6 - April 27, 2015
Resolution #C- 133 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper
That Correspondence Item D - 1 to Item D. - 5 be approved as per the agenda.
D - 6 Suzanne Barnes, Valleys 2000, requesting the Municipality to consider
snow removal on the main trail in the Bowmanville Valley as it is a
major link for pedestrians travelling to and from the downtown, and as
such becomes compacted into ice /icy snow several inches thick
creating a safety concern; and, advising Valleys 2000 is unaware of
the winter usage of the Soper Creek Trail and will investigate and
potentially monitor the trail in the winter of 2015/16.
Resolution #C- 134 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Woo
That Correspondence Item D - 6 from Suzanne Barnes, Valleys 2000, with respect to
snow removal in the Bowmanville Valley, be referred to staff to prepare a report on the
cost of clearing snow on a per metre basis.
Committee Report(s)
Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report April 20, 2014
Resolution #C- 135 -15
Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner
That the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of April 20, 2015, be
approved, with the exception of Items #4, #12, #14, #17, #24, #26, #27, #31, #32,
#35, #36, #41, #44, and #45.
Item 4
Resolution #C- 136 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke
That Report PSD- 024 -15 be received;
That Council Resolution # C- 172 -14 (Attachment 3) granting G360 Group access to
Townline Road for the purpose of a deep borehole and providing a grant of $25,000 to
the University of Guelph be rescinded;
Council Meeting Minutes - 7 - April 27, 2015
That the Municipality of Clarington provide up to $25,000 to fund the joint proposal of
Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, University of Guelph and McMaster
University (G360 Group) for their proposal "Hydrogeological Assessment of the South
Slope of the Oak Ridges Moraine" dated April 2, 2015 (Attachment 1);
That the project be funded with a transfer from the 2013 Donations Account to the
Consulting Reserve;
That Hydro One be requested to provide site access for the additional rotosonic
borehole and long term monitoring activities as outlined in the proposal in Attachment
1 to Report PSD- 024 -15;
That Steve Usher be requested to prepare a written report to the Enniskillen
Environmental Association based on his presentation of April 27, 2015; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 024 -15 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
Councillor Neal stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 14 of Report #1 as he
he is working on a proposal with the Driftwood Theatre Group and Item 31 of Report
#1 as he is on the Board of Directors of Home Base Durham and left the Council
Chambers during discussion and voting on these matters.
Items #14 and #31
Resolution #C- 137 -15
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke
That Grant Application #15 -14, The Driftwood Theatre Group, be approved in the
amount of $1,500.00;. and
That Grant Application #15 -37, Home Base Durham, be approved in the amount of
Councillor Neal returned to the meeting.
Councillor Hooper stated pecuniary interests with respect to Item 35 of Report #1 as
he is a founding member of the Concerts in the Park (BowmanviiIle) group, Item #36 of
Report #1 due to his involvement with the Orono Agricultural Society, Items #12 and
17 of Report #1 as his band has been booked to play at concerts in both Newtonville
and Newcastle. Councillor Hooper left the Council Chambers during discussion and
voting on these matters..
Council Meeting Minutes - 8 - April 27, 2015
Items #35 and #36
Resolution #C- 138 -15
Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Neal
That Sponsorship Application #15 -S2, Concerts in the Park (Bowmanville), be
approved in the amount of $1,000.00; and
That Sponsorship Application #15 -53, Orono Agricultural Society, be approved in the
amount of $5,000.00.
Items #12 and- #17
Resolution #C- 139 -15
Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Neal
That Grant Application #15 -12, Music Night in the Park (Newtonville), be approved in
the amount of $1,000.00; and
That Grant Application #15 -18, Newcastle Village Concerts, be approved in the
amount of $1,000.00.
Motion Withdrawn
Resolution #C- 140 -15
Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Neal
That Grant Application #15 -12, Music Night in the Park (Newtonville), be approved in
the amount of $1,000.00.
Resolution #C- 141 -15
Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Neal
That-Grant Application #15 -18, Newcastle Village Concerts, be approved in the
amount of $1,000.00.
Motion Lost
Council Meeting Minutes - 9 - April 27, 2015
Resolution #C-142-45
Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Cooke
That Grant Application #15 -18, Newcastle Village Concerts, be approved in the
amount of $750.00.
Councillor Hooper returned to the meeting.
Councillor Cooke stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 32 of Report #1 as
his father completed the application for the Bowmanville & District Navy League and
left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on this matter.
Item #32
Resolution #C -143 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Woo
That Grant Application #15 -38, Bowmanville & District Navy League, be approved in
the amount of $1,000.00.
Councillor Cooke returned to the meeting.
Councillor Partner stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 27 of Report #1 as
she is a Member of the Bethesda Cemetery Board and left the Council Chambers
during discussion and voting on this matter.
Resolution #C- 144 -15
Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper
That Grant Application #15 -33, Bethesda Cemetery Board, be approved in the amount
of $750.00.
Councillor Partner returned to the meeting.
Mayor Foster stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 24 of Report #1 as he is
an associate member of the Lions Club of Courtice and left the Council Chambers
during discussion and voting on this matter.
Councillor Woo assumed the Chair.
Council Meeting Minutes _10- April 27, 2015
Item #24
Resolution #C- 145 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper
That Grant Application #15 -29, Lions Club of Courtice, be denied.
Mayor Foster returned to the meeting and resumed the Chair.
Item #26
Resolution #C- 146 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Woo
That Grant Application #15 -31, The Gathering Place, be approved in the amount of
Item 41
Resolution #C- 147 -15
Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo
Whereas Resolution #GPA- 241 -15 was passed, directing staff to prepare a report on
various meeting schedules by June, 2015; and that staff consider holding Public
Meetings at 6:00 PM before the Council meetings;
And whereas a potential change to meeting schedules will impact any changes
proposed to be made to the existing Procedural By -law as a result of Report
CLD- 006 -15;
Now therefore be it resolved that Item #41 of Report #1, regarding the new procedural
by -law, be tabled pending consideration of the staff report regarding meeting
Item 44
Resolution #C- 148 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke
That Report PSD- 052 -14 be received;
That Addendum to Report PSD- 052 -14 be received;
Council Meeting Minutes - 11 - April 27, 2015
That the application for the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision, submitted by 289143
Ontario Limited to permit the development of 234 residential units be supported, with a
revision to reduce the maximum number of medium and high density units from 160 to
140 subject to the conditions contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD- 052 -14;
That the Zoning By -law Amendment application submitted by 289143 Ontario Limited
be approved as contained in Attachment 3 to Addendum to Report PSD- 052 -14;
That once all conditions contained in the Official Plan and Zoning By -law with respect
to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol are satisfied, the By -law authorizing the
removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be approved;
That the Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Department and
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD -052-
14 and Council's decision;
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 052 -14 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision; and
That Report PSD- 052 -14 be referred back to staff to prepare a site diagram and report
back to the next Council meeting.
Motion lost
Item 44
Resolution #C- 149 -15
Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner
That Report PSD- 052 -14 be received;
That Addendum to Report PSD- 052 -14 be received;
That the application for the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision, submitted by 289143
Ontario Limited to permit the development of 234 residential units be supported, with a
revision to reduce the maximum number of medium and high density units from 160 to
140 subject to the conditions contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD- 052 -14;
That the Zoning By -law Amendment application submitted by 289143 Ontario Limited
be approved as contained in Attachment 3 to Addendum to Report PSD- 052 -14 with a
revision to section 15.4.38 c. vii) (a) of the by -law by reducing the minimum lot area
from 175 to 150 square metres for each townhouse unit;
That once all conditions contained in the Official Plan and Zoning By -law with respect
to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol are satisfied, the By -law authorizing the
removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be approved with a revision to section 15.4.38 c.
vii) (a) of the by -law by reducing the minimum lot area from 175 to 150 square metres
for each townhouse unit;
Council Meeting Minutes -12- April 27, 2015
That the Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Department and
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD -052-
14 and Council's decision; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 052 -14 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
Carried on the following recorded vote:
Council Member
Declaration of
Pecuniary Interest
Councillor Neal
Councillor Partner
Councillor Traill
Councillor Woo
Councillor Cooke
Councillor Hooper
Mayor Foster
Item 45
Resolution #C- 150 -15
Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper
That staff be directed to prepare a report on the costs and benefits of amalgamation of
fire services;
That the Chief consult with Chiefs of other Municipal Fire Departments in the Region
to determine where the feeling of majority of those municipalities are heading; and
That the Chief propose questions and comments to Council that should be included in
Council's request to the study by the Region.
Staff Report(s)
There were no Staff Reports considered under this Section of the Agenda.
Unfinished Business
Resolution , #C- 151 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke
That Jim Boate be nominated as Clarington's 2015 Senior of the Year.
Motion Lost
Council Meeting Minutes -13- April 27, 2015
Resolution #C- 152 -15
Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo
That Margery Freethy be nominated as Clarington's 2015 Senior of the Year.
By -Laws
By -law 2015 -029 was withdrawn due to the tabling of Item #41 of Report #1.
Resolution #C- 153 -15
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal
That leave be granted to introduce By -laws 2015 -030 to 2015 -033
2015 -030 Being a By -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for
the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (289143 Ontario Limited)
2015 -031 Being a By -law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year, to
strike rates and levy taxes for Municipal purposes for the year 2015 and to
provide for the collection thereof
2015 -032 Being a By -law to appoint an individual as a Parking Enforcement Officer for
Private Property (Sean Glover, Michael Van Hemmen, and Jason- Campos)
(2800 Courtice Road, Courtice 571 Longworth Avenue and 253 Sprucewood
Crescent, Bowmanville)
2015 -033 Being a By -law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M -2506 from
Part Lot Control; and
That the said by -laws be approved.
Procedural Notice(s) of Motion
There were no Procedural Notices of Motion introduced under this Section of the
Confirming By -Law
Resolution #C- 154 -15
Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo
That leave be granted to introduce By -law 2015 -034, being a by -law to confirm the
proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held
on the 27th day of April, 2015; and
Council Meeting Minutes -14- April 27, 2015
That the said by -law be approved
Other Business
There was no Other Business considered under this Section of the Agenda.
Resolution #C- 155 -15
Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo
That the meeting adjourn at 8:35 PM.
Municipal Clerk
Draft List of Delegations
May 11, 2015
a. Eric Bowman, Vice - Chair, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington —
Report PSD- 026 -15 - Co- ordinated Provincial Review of the Growth Plan for
the Greater Golden Horseshoe; Greenbelt Plan, Oak Ridges Moraine
Conservation Plan and Niagara Escarpment Plan Part 1 - Comments on
Growing the Greenbelt for the Agricultural System (Item 3 of Report #1 and
Correspondence Item D - 6)
Summary of Correspondence
May 11, 2015
Correspondence to be Received for Information
1- 1 Minutes of the Newcastle Village Community Hall Board dated
February 17 and March 17, 2015. (Copies attached)
1 - 2 Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington dated
April 9, 2015. (Copy attached)
1 - 3 Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority dated
April 16, 2015. (Copy attached)
1 - 4 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated
April 21, 2015. (Copy attached)
1 - 5 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated April 21, 2015.
(Copy attached)
1 - 6 Minutes of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board dated
February 10, 2015. (Copy attached)
1 - 7 Pierre Yelle, Assistant Deputy Fire Marshal, Field and Advisory
Services, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services,
Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management, advising of
legislative requirements pertaining to vulnerable occupancies and
confirming that the Municipality has achieved annual compliance with
the new regulations and Fire Marshal directives intended to improve
fire safety in vulnerable occupancies.
1 - 8 D. Bowen, AMCT, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services,
Regional Municipality of Durham advising Council that on April 22,
2015, Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to
the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee (DAAC) Terms of
Reference, 2014 Annual Report and 2015 Workplan:
"a) That Report #2015 -P -22 of the Commissioner of Planning and
Economic Development be received as the Durham Agricultural
Advisory Committee's 2014 Annual Report;
b) That the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee 2015 Workplan
be approved, as outlined in Attachment 1 to Report #2015 -P -22 of
the Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development; and
Summary of Correspondence - 2 - May 11, 2015
c) That a copy of Report #2015 -P -22 of the Commissioner of
Planning and Economic Development be forwarded to the Durham
Agricultural Advisory Committee, the Durham Federation of
Agriculture, the GTA Agricultural Action'Committee, the Golden
Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance and the area
1 - 9 D. Bowen, AMCT, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services,
Regional Municipality of Durham advising Council that on April 22,
2015, Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to
the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee (DEAC) .2014 Annual
Report and 2015 Workplan:
"a) That Report #2015 -P -23 of the Commissioner of Planning and
Economic Development be received as the Durham Environmental
Advisory Committee's Annual Report on its activities in 2014;
b) That the 2015 Durham Environmental Advisory Committee
Workplan be approved, as outlined in Attachment 1 to Report
#2015 -P -23 of the Commissioner of Planning and Economic
Development; and
c) That a copy of Report #2015 -P -23 of the Commissioner of
Planning and Economic Development be forwarded to the Durham
Environmental Advisory Committee and the area municipalities."
1-10 D. Bowen, AMCT, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services,
Regional Municipality of Durham advising Council that on April 22,
2015, Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to
the Durham Trail Co- Ordinating Committee (DTCC) 2014 Annual
Report and 2015 Workplan:
"a) That Report #2015 -P -24 of the Commissioner of Planning and
Economic Development be received as the Durham Trail Co-
ordinating Committee's annual report on its activities in 2014;
b) That the 2015 Durham Trail Co- ordinating Committee Workplan as
outlined in Attachment 1 to Report #2015 -P -24 of the
Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development, be
approved; and
c) That a copy of Report #2015 -P -24 of the Commissioner of
Planning and Economic Development be forwarded to the Durham
Trail Co- ordinating Committee and the area municipalities."
Summary of Correspondence - 3 - May 11, 2015
1- 11 Debi Wilcox, Town Clerk, Town of Whitby, advising Council that on
April 20, 2015, the Town of Whitby adopted the following resolution
pertaining to an update on Multi- Residential Battery Recycling Pilot:
1. That Council receive report PW22 -15 "Update on Multi- Residential
Battery Recycling Pilot" for information;
2. That Council endorse the multi - residential battery recycling
program at actively participating apartment buildings. For buildings
with low participation levels, staff recommend directing residents to
take their batteries to a drop -off location at a Town facility; and
3. That a copy of Public Works Department Report PW- 22 -15,
regarding the "Update on Multi- Residential Battery Recycling Pilot"
be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the Area
1 - 12 D. Bowen, AMCT, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services,
Regional Municipality of Durham, writing to the Honourable Kathleen
Wynne, Premier of Ontario, advising that on April 22, 2015, Regional
Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to an Update on
Energy Planning and Energy Sector Initiatives in Durham Region:
,,a) That Regional Council reconfirms that Durham Region is a willing
and supportive host for the existing nuclear generating stations at
Darlington and Pickering and the potential new nuclear
development at the Darlington site;
b) That Regional Council reiterates to Ontario Power Generation, the
Nuclear Waste Management Organization and the federal
government, the Region's strong opposition to the long -term
storage of used nuclear fuel and other nuclear wastes at the
nuclear generating stations in Durham Region;
c) That Regional Council encourages the federal government and
Nuclear Waste Management Organization to expedite the process
of finding a permanent storage solution for all of Canada's nuclear
d) That Regional Council commends the federal government for
passing the Nuclear Liability and Compensation Act 2015,
.updating the compensation available to host communities in the
event of a nuclear incident;
Summary of Correspondence - 4 - May 11, 2015
e) That the Region encourages the federal and provincial
governments to recognize that Canada's nuclear energy expertise
should be developed as a key strategic asset which offers the
opportunity to achieve both economic growth and climate change
f) That as the Province renews Ontario's Climate Change plan for
reducing greenhouse gases, the Region encourages the Province
to consider how new nuclear development at Darlington could
support a carbon neutral Ontario in future, by making clean
electricity available to replace fossil fuels in transportation and
g) That in the review of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden
Horseshoe, the Province be requested to formally recognize that
Durham Region's land base is restricted by Ontario's energy
infrastructure, including major hydro transmission corridors and
land associated with and surrounding nuclear generating plants;
h) That the Region forwards a copy of Joint Report #2015 -J -21 to the
Ministers of the Environment Canada and Natural Resources
Canada, the Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Premier of
Ontario, Minister of Energy, Minister of Municipal Affairs and
Housing, the Independent Energy System Operator, Ontario Power
Generation, the Canada Association of Nuclear Host Communities,
the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Durham Nuclear
Health Committee, Durham MPs, Durham MPPs, and Durham
area municipalities."
1 - 13 D. Bowen, AMCT, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services,
Regional Municipality of Durham, writing to the Honourable
Glen Murray, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change,
advising that on April 22, 2015, Regional Council adopted the following
resolution pertaining to the Region of Durham's Comments on
Ontario's Climate Change Discussion Paper:
,,a) That the following recommendations to the Province be endorsed
as a Regional response to EBR 012 -3452, along with providing the
specific responses to Discussion Paper questions posed by the
Province as included in Attachment #2 to Joint Report #2015 -J -20:
Summary of Correspondence - 5 - May 11, 2015
i) That the Regional Municipality of Durham supports the Ontario
Government's proactive approach to climate change mitigation
and adaptation and welcomes the recent focus on
reinvigorating Ontario's strategy on climate change and
developing a Five -Year Climate Action Plan;
ii) That the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change and
other provincial ministries are encouraged to collaborate with
the Region of Durham and other municipalities as new
avenues to demonstrate climate leadership in Ontario are
explored, proposed and /or implemented;
iii) That without diminishing the important focus on mitigation,
more emphasis on climate adaptation and resilience
measures is required at all levels of government;
iv) That Provincial climate change actions and policies should not
result in the need for additional funding by municipalities.
Therefore, consistent with the approach that the Association
of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) is developing, the
Government of Ontario should plan to create dedicated
funding to assist local governments with the task of adapting
infrastructure and services to the new climate realities in
v) That in developing and implementing emissions pricing
mechanisms and /or related policies, irrespective of the
mechanism selected, the Province's decisions should be
based on sound, integrated environmental and energy policies
and evidence -based technical, economic and financial
analysis to, ensure the most effective and efficient solutions,
smart and sustainable investment decisions and the
minimization of opportunity costs;
vi) That any changes to carbon accounting and reporting
requirements, related frameworks or other compliance
requirements should be designed and implemented with a
view to harmonization of related processes and requirements,
avoiding administrative redundancy wherever possible and
recognize municipal actions to date;
Summary of Correspondence - 6 - May 11, 2015
vii) That food security should also be considered as part of the
Province's development of a climate change strategy to
address potential health and nutrition related risks, including
nutritional inadequacies; low birth weight; increased risk of
infections and chronic diseases; and increased difficulties
managing various health risks; and
viii) That a copy of Joint Report #2015 -J -20 be forwarded to the
Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, the eight
local area municipalities in Durham Region; and the
Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO)."
Correspondence for Direction
D - 1 Laura Mountjoy, Executive Director, The Charles H. Best Diabetes
Centre, requesting that November 14, 2015, be proclaimed "World
Diabetes Day" and that the month of November be proclaimed "Type 1
Diabetes Awareness Month ", to raise awareness and advocacy of this
often misunderstood disease and to raise funds to allow the Charles H.
Best Diabetes Centre to continue offering one -of -a -kind support.
(Motion to Proclaim)
D - 2 The Honourable Michael Chan, Minister of Citizenship and
Immigration, advising that nominations are being accepted for the
Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship, an award established in 1973 to
honour Ontarians who, through exceptional, long -term efforts, have
made outstanding contributions to community life; indicating that
nomination forms are available on -line by visiting the Ministry's website
at www.ontario.ca /honoursandawards or by calling 1- 877 - 832 -8622;
and, encouraging members of the public to nominate a deserving
citizen in the community. The deadline for receipt of nominations is
July 17, 2015.
(Motion to post information on the
Municipality's Website)
D - 3 Prithi Yelaja, Communications Specialist, The College of Physicians
and Surgeons of Ontario, advising of the Council Award, an award
honouring outstanding physicians whose performance, based on eight
"physician roles ", identified by Educating Future Physicians of Ontario
is outstanding and comes closest to society's vision of an ideal
physician; forwarding information on the selection criteria and a
nomination form; and, indicating the deadline for receipt of nominations
is October 1, 2015.
(Motion to post information on the
Municipality's Website)
Summary of Correspondence - 7 - May 11, 2015
D-4 D. Bowen, AMCT, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services,
Regional Municipality of Durham, writing to the Honourable Madeleine
Meilleur, Ministry of the Attorney General, advising that on April 22,
2015, Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to
Ministry of the Attorney General — Provincial Offences Act Consultation
Paper — "Exploring an online Administrative Monetary Penalty System
for infractions of provincial statutes and municipal laws in Ontario ":
"a) That the following recommendations be forwarded to the Ministry
of the Attorney General as Durham Region's response to the
`Exploring an online Administrative Monetary Penalty System for
infractions of provincial statutes and municipal laws in Ontario',
Consultation Paper, including:
i) That the Region is supportive, in principle, of examining the
removal of Part II offences from the Provincial Offences Act
(POA) in favour of an Administrative Monetary Penalty (AMP)
system, subject to substantive additional consultation with all
affected stakeholders in order to ensure that the appropriate
processes and infrastructure are in place to support the
ii) That the Region does not support, the removal of any strict
liability or'mens rea' Part I offences from the POA in favour
of an AMP system;
iii) That the Region supports a study on how the existing POA
system and structure can be refined, simplified and
enhanced through the use of technology with a view to
making it more accessible and efficient, having regard to the
recommendations in the Law Commission's report;
iv) That consideration of any reform to the POA system or use
of AMPs for matters currently addressed under Part I must
protect the ability of a citizen to appear in person and make
full answer and defence to an infraction, including
consideration of a due diligence defence;
v) That as a guiding principle, the design, implementation and
administration of an AMP system should not result in an
additional administrative cost for municipalities as a result of
parallel systems and processes;
Summary of Correspondence - 8 -
May 11, 2015
vi) That it is recommended that consideration be given as to
how the existing resources dedicated to the administration of
POA Court matters within each judicial district could be best
utilized for the operation of any proposed AMP regime rather
than creating a new structure; and
b) That a copy of Report #2015 -A -12 of the Commissioner of
Corporate Services be forwarded to the Ministry of the Attorney.
General, Durham's area municipalities, and the Association of
Municipalities of Ontario."
(Motion to endorse)
D - 5 Joy Vaneyk, Chair, Tyrone Community Centre Board of Directors,
advising of the appointment of the 2015 Tyrone Community Centre
Board of Directors as follows:
Joy Vaneyk, Chair
Larry Quinney, Vice -Chair
Cecile Bowers, Secretary
Joanne Skinner, Treasurer
Corrine Van de Grootevheen,
Laurie Lafrance, Member
Paul Rowan, Member
Dave Taylor, Member
Claude Godin, Member
Ed Wilson, Member
Walter Loveridge, Member
Booking Agent/Rental Contact
(Motion to approve appointments to
the 2015 Tyrone Community Centre
Board of Directors)
D - 6 Brenda Metcalf, Chair, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington,
writing in support of Report PSD- 026 -15 regarding the co- ordinated
Provincial Review of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden
Horseshoe; Greenbelt Plan, Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan
and Niagara Escarpment Plan Part 1 and the comments on the
Greenbelt for the Agricultural System; questioning why the agricultural
lands surrounding Bowmanville and Newcastle were not protected;
indicating that Committee members have been recommending distinct
boundaries and buffers between agricultural and urban lands; and,
advising that the support of Council in seeking to have scientifically
based decision - making on what lands should be included in the
Greenbelt is appreciated.
(Motion to advise of actions taken
with respect to Item 3 of Report #1)
Summary of Correspondence - 9 - May 11, 2015
D - 7 Dale Leaitch, advising he does not have enough space in his two -car
driveway to park his family vehicles and requesting an exemption to
the policy to increase a curb cut to allow for easier access to his
(Motion for Direction)
I -1
Meeting of the Newcastle Village Community Hall Board
held on February 17, 2015 at 7 pm in the Council Chambers.
Attendees: C. Abraham
S. DeJong
B. Carmichael
D. Eastman
W. Woo (councillor)
W. Partner (councillor)
G. Bell (secretary)
Regrets From: S. Rogers
Welcome new appointees S. DeJong, D. Eastman and S. Rogers
Election of chair was chaired by W. Partner
B. Carmichael nominated C. Abraham —seconded by D. Eastman
C. Abraham was acclaimed as chair for 2015.
1.1 Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by B. Carmichael
That the minutes of January 2015 are accepted as presented. "Carried"
2.1 PA System — tabled to next meeting
2.2 Village Concerts — S. DeJong reported we now have a committee of four — Bob Forget, Lorraine
Forget, Lloyd Johnson and Bert VanHuven. They have already submitted to Town for grant. File
has been handed over to them to start booking bands and sponsors. Thank you S. DeJong.
3.1 Motion by W. Woo, seconded by S. DeJong
That the financial report be accepted as presented. "Carried"
4.1 Motion by B. Carmichael, seconded by S. DeJong
That the following invoices be paid as presented — $150.00 S. Fogg for supervision
5.1 Newcastle's Of The World — report submitted by S. Rogers (see Attached)
New dates Sept 16 toV 2016 they would like use of the hall
Motion by W. Partner, seconded by D. Eastman
That rental of hall for the 5 days would be $2000.00 including tax to cover our expenses.
5.2 Soper Creek Model Railroad — requesting electrical work (see attached)
Permission to have electrical done through Moore Electric at their expense. C. Abraham will
contact new president.
5.3 Volunteer letter received from Municipality (see attached)
Event will be held on April 15 2015 at Garnet B. Rickard Complex.
Nominate S. DeJong, B. Carmichael, C. Abraham, S. Rogers and P. DeJong
5.4 Invitation from Municipality to attend budget meeting Feb 27 2015 as a delegation. Agreed C.
Abraham will submit a letter high lighting the past years events.
5.5 Wedding cancellation for July 25 2015 Reg Freethy —they eloped due to groom being deployed
— no refund.
6.1 B. Carmichael reported only 34 tickets left for Hotel California. An email will be sent to all
attendees that local restaurants will be offering 10% off if ticket is shown. Publican Brewery is
looking forward to running the beer area on our behalf.
7.1 Report received — copy to Operations Department
8.1 Motion by W. Woo, seconded by W. Partner
That Jordan Clark is to be paid $20.00 for snow clearing on Feb 15 2015. "Carried"
S. DeJong declared a conflict
8.2 Discussed request by NVMHA to give their evening rental to NIPS Council for a fundraiser dance
on April 25 2015. As noted on contract under Conditions section 3 (This permit is not
transferable) — Letter to be sent to NVMHA and NPS Council from chair
8.3 Masons have some concerns about cracks in ceiling and air quality _ will refer to Operations
Dept. to look into this. They are also asking about possibility of a chair lift. This will also need to
be referred to Municipal Operations Department.
8.4 Copy of bylaws given out.
8.5 Copy of Trust Funds balance given.
8.6 Inventory of kitchen was done -we have service for 265.
Meeting of the Newcastle Village Community Hall Board
held on March 17, 2015 at 7 pm in the Council Chambers.
Attendees: C. Abraham (chair)
S. DeJong
B. Carmichael
D. Eastman
S. Rogers
W. Woo — Regional Councilor
W. Partner —Local Councilor
G. Bell — secretary
1.1 Motion by S DeJong, seconded by B. Carmichael
That the minutes of February 17, 2015 are accepted as presented. "Carried"
2.1 PA System for gazebo area — C. Abraham showed a portable system that can be purchased on
Amazon for $350.00.
2.2 Mason's letter — follow up
- Air quality has tested fine
- no report on ceiling cracks
- chairlift /elevator Mark Lanthange from Durham 66 Masons will get back to us with
expectations of how this would be paid for.
2.3 Charlie Trim chair of Newcastle's of the World was pleased with fees for use of the hall Sept 19 -
23 2016.
2.4 NPS Council has booked the evening of April 25 after NVMHA has vacated at 5:30 pm. This is
not a joint venture.
3.1 Motion by W Partner, seconded by W. Woo
That the financial report be accepted as presented. "Carried"
4.1 Motion by D Eastman, seconded by S Rogers
That invoices for supervision S. DeJong 75.00, B Carmichael 75.00, and S. Fogg $225.00 be paid
as presented. "Carried"
5.1 2014 financial report received from Bowling Association.
6.1 Hotel California concert is sold out for 5` year in a row!
- Munch and Mingle will be done by Barry and George Krohn
- liquor is ordered
- volunteers in place
Fall Festival in the works. Expanding street down to Brookhouse. Attendance was
approximately 5000 in 2014.
- Committee may want use of kitchen for breakfast
- Hall participation is Oktoberfest lunch and evening entertainment. Considering a kitchen
party for evening. Still all preliminary plans.
- Balance in fundraising account is $18,500.00
7.1 Report received for information and will copy to Operations Dept.
8.1 Refinishing of auditorium floor slated for week of April 27 with the assistance of Swish.
8.2 Report on kitchen project
- met with Chef Derek of Chanterelle Bistro
- will also meet with a couple of additional companies i.e. a school, catering companies.
- some suggested musts —stainless steel, confection oven, rubber maid dishes trollies
- B. Carmichael would like us to investigate feasibility of walk in cooler — include access from
outside to load.
8.3 Discussed fees for senior groups i.e. ballroom dance on a Sunday to Friday only.
Motion by S. Rogers, seconded by W. Partner
That senior's rate is increased to $275.00 for up to 5 hours. "Carried"
8.4 Water heaters — secretary is talking with Reliance on cost of converting to gas.
1 -2
THURSDAY, April 9th, 2015
John Cartwright
Tom Barrie
Les Caswell
Ted Watson
Henry Zekveld
Mary Ann Found
Eric Bowman
Don Rickard
Jenni Knox, Elgin Greenham, Councillor Partner
Faye Langmaid, Mitch Morawetz
Lindsay Coolidge, Tracy James - Hockin, UOIT
Brenda welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions.
Brenda thanked Ted for his leadership of the committee over the past 2 years.
Adoption of Agenda
015 -10 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Les Caswell
"That the Agenda for April 9th, 2015 be adopted"
Approval of Minutes
015 -11 Moved by Don Rickard, seconded by Eric Bowman
"That the minutes of the March 12th, 2015 meeting be approved"
c ;
Guest: Lindsay Coolidge, Tracy James - Hockin UOIT
Comprehensive university offering over 76 unique market - oriented programs.
46 undergraduate, including 18 pathways programs, 30 graduate programs, both the
Master's and PhD levels.
STEM - intensive faculties:
• Engineering and Applied Science;
• Energy Systems and Nuclear Science;
Health Sciences;
• Science;
• Business and Information Technology;
• Education;
• Social Science and Humanities; and
• Graduate Studies
Almost 50% of UOIT's student population is under - represented youth (Aboriginal,
varying abilities, first generation) and require financial assistance.
200 professors and lecturers, 10,000 growing alumni base. Over 660 international
students from over 55 countries. Campus Master Plan, in collaboration with Durham
Innovative, 21St - century University.
First undergraduate students in September 2003, first graduate students in 2005.
Offers programs that are responsive to industry and community needs, and address
public policy challenges and skills and labour gaps.
Training our students to drive innovation and think like entrepreneurs in order to create
jobs, spur economic growth and contribute to Ontario's and Canada's global
competitiveness. .
Focus on academic pathways between colleges and universities.
A unique diploma -to- degree bridge program that provides numerous opportunities to
apply college credits towards a university degree and expand career options upon
Technology- enriched learning environment, research - intensive, STEM- focused.
Graduate globally competitive citizen leaders with real -world skills, prepared for success
— shop floor ready and boardroom ready.
Institutional priorities: Smart Communities, Sustainable Energy, Advanced
Manufacturing There are many opportunities and mutual benefits when universities
engage and interact with industry and community organizations.
UOIT provides access to:
• Students and graduates.
• Subject area expertise via our researchers
• Specialized equipment, facilities and services
• New technologies and processes
• Continuing education
UOIT looks forward to working with industry and community partners to understand your
industry/sector, work with you on real world problems, expose our students to practical
situations, and enhance our interaction with our community.
Discussion with the Committee focused on how UOIT could better integrate with the
agricultural community. Ideas discussed was making presentations to Ontario Soil and
Crop and commodity groups.
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington April 9th, 2015
Continuing Education for farmers a possible course would be communications and
public relations as farmers have to get their message out.
Research areas included neonics, robotics, drones, data management/analytics,
traceability, allelopathic symbiosis
Rather than each farmer working individually with a student there could be a number of
farmers working with a student, more of an industry approach. This could include the
writing up of the different committee members approach to business as case studies.
Business Arising from Minutes
Greenbelt Review process - Faye reviewed with the group her impressions of the
meeting in Cobourg, who attended and the format of the meetings. The meetings are
Ajax on April 20 and Newcastle on May 4. For specifics and discussion papers see
http: / /www.mah.gov.on.ca /Page 10990. asp x.
Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) Provincial review - Mitch reviewed the purpose of
the MDS Guidelines and Formulae and the proposed changes with the group.
That the Guidelines.and Formulae:
- reflect current land use planning principles and practices
- reflect current technology and approaches within Ontario's livestock industry
- continue to meet the needs of agriculture and rural communities across Ontario.
Key changes proposed:
- Updating the definitions section to harmonize terms with the PPS and Nutrient
Management Act, 2002 (NMA)
- Aligning the review of MDS with other provincial reviews of the NMA and PPS (or as
- Inclusion of a requirement for municipalities to apply MDS to development on
existing lots of record unless they adopt zoning by -law provisions to exempt this
- Clarifying the application of MDS for various types of lot creation
- Updating Table 1 used to calculate MDS setbacks to align with current livestock
production (e.g. new housing systems, different livestock class, etc.)
- ' Clarifying that MDS does not apply to extraction of minerals aggregates and
petroleum resources, infrastructure, and landfills.
Clarifying the roles and responsibilities for preparing an MDS setback calculation
The addition of a cap for MDS ll setbacks between livestock barns and road
Expanding the exemption from MDS to address not only catastrophes, but to
include reconstruction for other reasons
Harmonizing MDS setbacks for anaerobic digester systems located on farms with or
without livestock to match those specified in NMA Regulation
Clarifying that MDS setbacks for agriculture - related uses and on -farm diversified
uses are applied at the discretion of a municipality, through appropriate zoning by-
law provisions
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington April 9th, 2015
New web -based software application to be available to municipalities and other
The Province is accepting comments until May 20th on the proposed changes. They are
hosting a webinar on April 28th that Mitch will be participating in.
Correspondence and Council Referrals
Regional Reports #2015 - EDT -12 and #2015 - EDT -17 from Nancy Rutherford. If anyone
would like to receive the Durham Region Agricultural and Rural Affairs Newsletter
please let Nancy know.
E -mail regarding Organic Meadow being placed under receivership and bankruptcy
Liaison Reports
DAAC — DAAC Tour is set for September 18, 2015, Windermere Farms. DAAC had
same presentation from UOIT.
DRFA — DRFA Farm Connections at the Vipond Arena in Brooklin last few days was
very successful. Thank you to committee members that participated.
Clarinqton Board of Trade — Agricultural Summit was March 17th at Canadian Tire
Motorsport'Park and had 75 in attendance. Looking forward to the 3rd Ag Summit in
2016. AGM is April 23rd, Donald Rickard will be running for President. Young
professionals evening being organized at Manantler Brewery.
Other Business
As a follow -up to the presentation by CLOCA, a letter should be sent thanking Chris for
his presentation and offering assistance on agricultural issues.
Future Agendas
Suggestion that one of the groups protesting treatment of animals be invited so that they
could provide an understanding of how they would like farming and animal treatment to
June — Planning Services on Official Plan; and possibly Communications
July — 407 Pauline VanRoon and Chris Brown
John Cartwright moved to Adjourn
Next Meeting, May 14th, 7:30 p.m. Room 1C at Municipal Administrative Office —
Trans Canada Pipeline — East Mainline
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington April 9th, 2015
1 -3
April 16, 2015
FA 02/15
1. Welcome and Call to Order
The Chair called the Full Authority meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Forrest Rowden, Chair - Town of Cobourg
Ray Benns - Township of Alnwick/Haldimand
Mark Lovshin - Township of Hamilton
John Fallis - Township of Cavan Monaghan
Theresa Rickerby - Town of Cobourg
Louise Ferrie- Blecher - Municipality of Port Hope
Heather Stauble - City of Kawartha Lakes
ALSO PRESENT: Linda Laliberte, CAO /Secretary- Treasurer
Mark Peacock, Director, Watershed Services
Greg Wells, Manager, Planning and Regulations
Mike Smith, Watershed Resources Technician
Ian Jeffrey, GIS /Remote Sensing Specialist
REGRETS: Jeff Lees - K4unicipality of Port Hope
Wendy Partner, Vice -Chair - Municipality of Clarington
Willie Woo - Municipality of Clarington
2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest
3. Minutes of Last Meetinq
FA 06/15
Theresa Rickerby
John Fallis
THAT the Full Authority approve the minutes of the March 19, 2015 meeting.
Minutes FA 02/15 Page 2
4. Adoption of the Agenda
Addition to the Agenda under item 6. Presentation item Port Hope Flood Picture
presentation by Nelson Gardiner.
FA 07/15
MOVED BY: Ray Benns
SECONDED BY: Mark Lovshin
THAT the Full Authority adopt the agenda as presented.
5. Delegations
6. Presentations
a) Port Hope 1980 Flood Picture presentation by Nelson Gardiner
Nelson Gardiner presented slides on the Port Hope 1980 Flood. The members found the
slides extremely interesting and requested copies. The Board thanked Mr. Gardiner for
his presentation.
b) GRCA Flood Forecasting and Warning and Low Water Response Program
Mike Smith, Water Resource Technician, presented a review of the Authority's flood
forecasting and warning system that provides local agencies and the public with advance
notice of flooding and flood emergencies. He also provided information on where the
watershed sits in terms of drought for the upcoming year.
FA 08/15
Heather Stauble
Mark Lovshin
THAT the Full Authority receive the presentation for information.
c) Assessment of Provincial Conservation Authority Floodplain Mapping Status and
Case Studies to Assess Large Scale Geospatial Data and. Hydrology /Hydraulic Models for
Floodplain, Mapping
Ian Jeffrey, GIS /Remote Sensing Specialist and Mark Peacock, Director of Watershed
Services, provided information on a project that the Authority has been engaged by the
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to complete. The project is to assess existing
large scale elevation data sets and how these can be used to address upcoming
floodplain management needs, as well as update the existing inventory of floodplain
mapping in Ontario.
Minutes FA 02/15 Page 3
FA 09/15
MOVED BY: John Fallis
THAT the Full Authority receive the presentation for information.
7. Business Arising from Minutes
8. Correspondence
9. Applications under Ontario Regulation 168/06:
Permits approved by Executive: -
FA 10/15
MOVED BY: Mark Lovshin
THAT the Full Authority receive the permits for information.
10. Committee Reports:
a) Ganaraska Forest Recreational User Committee Minutes
Louise Ferrie - Blecher spoke to the members in regards to the Municipality of Port Hope's
representative on the user committee, Anne Vavra. The Municipality has done some
reorganization to various committees and had decided to step back from the user
committee. Anne has been in touch with the Municipality and it is believed that the
Municipality will be looking at this and will reappoint Anne Vavra back on the committee.
FA 11/15
MOVED BY: Ray Benns
SECONDED BY: Louise Ferrie - Blecher
THAT the Full Authority receive the Ganaraska Forest Recreational User Committee
Minutes from April 2, 2015 for information.
11. New Business:
Ray Benns reported that his fire department took 2 people off the ice in Rice Lake. He
stated that it seems warnings are falling on deaf ears.
12. Other Business
Minutes FA 02/15
13. Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. on a motion by Heather Stauble.
Page 4
Tuesday April 21, 2015 - 5:00 P.M.
Present: Don Mitchell, Chair
Bob Chapman, Vice -Chair
John Aker
Lorne Coe
Joe Drumm
Adrian Foster
Ron Hooper
Joe Neal
John Neal
Gerri Lynn O'Connor
Nester Pidwerbecki
Elizabeth Roy .
C. Darling, Chief Administrative Officer
B. Boardman, Administrative Assistant/Recording Secretary
H. Brooks, Director, Watershed Planning & Natural Heritage
R. Catulli, Director, Corporate Services
G. Geissberger, Marketing & Communications Coordinator
D. Hope, Land Management & Operations Supervisor
C. Jones, Director, Planning & Regulation
P. Lowe, Director, Education & Communication
P. Sisson, Director, Engineering & Field Operations
G. Soo Chan, Director, Grouridwater Resources
R. Wilmot, GIS Systems Supervisor
Heather Allison, BDO Dunwoody
Nigel Allen, BDO Dunwoody
Excused: Shaun Collier
David Pickles
Tom Rowett
The Chair called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m.
DECLARATIONS of interest by members on any matters herein contained - NONE
Res. #46 Moved by J. Aker
Seconded by L. Coe
THAT the Authority minutes of March 17, 2015 be adopted as circulated.
(1) Correspondence from MOECC — Ling Mark
Re: Acknowleding receipt and congratulations on the submission of the amended proposed Source Protection Plan
as well as updated Assessment Reports
(2) Correspondence from Conservation Ontario
Re: Conservation Ontario 101— Webinar from March 26, 2015
cont' d....2
Res. #47 Moved by L. Coe
Seconded by B. Chapman
THAT the above correspondence item be received for information.
Joe Neal arrived at 5:04pm
Ron Hooper arrived at 5:09pm
Adrian Foster arrived at 5:15pm
(1) Staff Report #5287 -15 (Schedule 4 -1)
Re: DRAFT 2014 Audited Financial Statements
Presentation made by N. Allen and H. Allison of BDO Dunwoody. Joe Neal, A. Foster and G. L. O'Connor made inquiries. Questions
answered by N. Allen and H. Allison. Discussion�ensued.
Res. #48 Moved by J. Aker
Seconded by L. Coe
THAT the Auditor's Letter to the Board and Management letter be received; and,
THAT the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2014 be approved as presented
N. Allen and H. Allison were excused at 5:36pm
(i) Staff Report #5280 -15 (Schedule 5 -1 to 5 -2)
Re: Permits Issued for Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alteration to Shorelines and Watercourses —
March 1 to 31, 2015
Res. #49 Moved by L. Coe
Seconded by B. Chapman
THAT Staff Report 5280 -15 be received for information.
(3) Staff Report #5285 -15 (Schedule 5 -3 to 5 -74)
Re: CLOCA Comments for the Provincial Plans 2015 Coordinated Review
Res. #50 Moved by L. Coe
Seconded by B. Chapman
THAT Staff Report 5285 -15, the specific responses in Attachment 4 and associated technical commentary in
Attachments 5, 6 and 7 be endorsed and submitted to the Province of Ontario as CLOCA's response to the first
phase of the 2015 Coordinated Review of the Provincial Plans; and,
THAT Staff Report 5285 -15 be circulated to the Region of Durham, watershed municipalities and neighbouring
conservation authorities.
(1) Staff Report #5251 -15 (Schedule 6 -1)
Re: Wildlife Corridor Protection and Enhancement Plan
John Neal, G. L. O'Connor, Joe Neal, B. Chapman, D. Mitchell, J. Aker, N. Pidwerbecki and J. Drumm made inquiries. R. Wilmot,
H. Brooks and C. Darling responded. Discussion ensued.
Res. #51 Moved by L. Coe
Seconded by B. Chapman
cont'd .... 3
THAT Staff Report 5281 -15 be received;
THAT the Wildlife Corridor Protection and Enhancement Plan be approved,
THAT the recommendations and actions identified in the Wildlife Corridor Protection and Enhancement Plan be
endorsed; and,
THAT CLOCA pursue appropriate funding partners and opportunities to facilitate training and outreach with
watershed partners.
AMENDMENT Moved by B. Chapman
Seconded by J. Aker
THAT Staff Report 5281 -15 be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department as well as local
Municipal Planning Departments.
AMENDMENT Moved by B. Chapman
Seconded by J. Aker
THAT Staff Report 5281 -15 be forwarded to the local Municipalities and the Region of Durham Planning
Departments for consideration and encouraged on how it might be incorporated into their Official Plans. .
(2) Staff Report #5284 -15 (Schedule 6 -2)
Re: Montgomery Creek Restoration Plan — Funding Opportunities
Res. #52 Moved by L. Coe
Seconded by B. Chapman
THAT Report 5284 -15 be received,
THAT CLOCA pursue funding opportunities to support ongoing monitoring, restoration and enhancement
projects in the Montgomery Creeksubwatershed
(1) Staff Report #5286 -15 (Schedule 7 -1 to 7 -3)
Re: Winter /Spring in the CLOCA Conservation Areas
Joe Neal and John Neal made inquiries. P. Sisson responded.
Res. #53 Moved by B. Chapman
Seconded by L. Coe
THAT Staff Report #5286 -15 be received for information.
(1) Staff Report #5282 -15 (Schedule 8 -1 to 8 -4)
Re: HydroOne Transformer Station, Clarington — Durham Region Staff Report Referral
A. Foster made an inquiry. G. Soo Chan responded.
Res. #54 Moved by L. Coe
Seconded by R. Hooper
THAT Staff Report #5282 -15 be received for information and endorsed in principle,
THAT Staff Report #5282 -15 be forwarded to the Region of Durham as input to their Joint Report #2015 -J -2;
THAT subject to the approvals cited above, Staff be directed to prepare a MOA with HydroOne for ongoing
monitoring and maintenance of the MW5 -14 cluster; and,
THAT when completed, Staff bring the draft MOA for approval to the Board along with funding options to
support CLOCAs said monitoring and maintenance
cont' d....4
(2) Staff Report #5283 -15 (Schedule 8 -5 to 8 -6)
Re: Technical Discussion Paper on Proposed Regulatory Changes and Environmental Activity and Sector Registry
Requirements — Short Term Water Taking Activities
Res. #55 Moved by L. Coe
Seconded by R. Hooper
THAT Staff Report #5283 -15 be received for information.
L. Coe requested an update regarding Crystal Beach in Whitby. P. Sisson noted that the Region had put out a Tender for the project
and a permit has been issued.
C. Darling updated the members with regards to budget deliberations with the Region. The Region has requested addition details and
CLOCA will be following up in short order. Board report expected at the May meeting
C. Darling announced that G. Soo Chan will be leaving CLOCA. She has accepted the position of Director of Watershed Knowledge
at Credit Valley Conservation. C. Darling thanked Gayle for her hard work and dedication to CLOCA.
Res. #56 Moved by John Neal
Seconded by J. Aker
THAT the meeting adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 6:12 p.m.
1 -5
Minutes of Meeting
April 21, 2015
Joe Earle Tracey Ali Councillor Hooper Victor Suppan
Paul Davidson Steve Conway Robert Malone and alternate Myno VanDyke
Peter Vogel
Ruth Goff (ex- officio), Kim Vaneyk (ex- officio), Todd Taylor
Brandon Weiler Faye Langmaid
Councillor Hooper welcomed all to the meeting.
Councillor Hopper asked if there was any nominations for chair and vice chair. The
committee felt that since there were many new members it was preferred that Councillor
Hooper chair the meetings on an interim basis until the members have had a few
meetings together.
None declared.
15.04 Moved by Robert Malone, seconded by Joe Earle,
THAT the agenda be adopted.
15.05 Moved by Tracey Ali, seconded by Victor Suppan
THAT the minutes of the Meeting of March 17, 2015 be accepted.
Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) — F. Langmaid and B. Weiler provided the committee
with a brief history of the site, an overview of the Jury Lands Foundation and the work
that has occurred in the past six years since the site has been vacant. The committee
asked about the progress that has been made and the role of the Jury Lands
Foundation in helping adaptively reuse the buildings and the integration of any future
land use plans. The committee requested that the president and other members of the .
Jury Lands Foundation attend a future meeting to provide a presentation on their role in
the adaptive re -use project on the site.
F. Langmaid informed the committee that Clarington Museums had a speaker series
event on Thursday April 30, 2015 by Marilyn Morawetz and Charles Taws on Camp 30.
Municipal Register Discussion — This discussion was started by the previous committee.
B. Weiler provided some background for the new members on the Municipal Register
and the current inventory of properties with heritage attributes and value. The
committee will be engaging in a work plan session, at the May meeting. Further
discussion was deferred until the work plan session has occurred. The work plan
session will allow the committee.to identify goals and objectives for the next four years.
Ontario Heritage Conference 2015 — At the previous meeting T. Ali expressed an
interest in attending the Ontario Heritage conference in Niagara -on- the -Lake. The
committee was supportive of the idea and asked T. Ali to report back at this meeting if
her schedule allowed her to attend and the potential costs. T. Ali is able to attend.
15.06 Moved by Robert Malone, seconded by Joe Earle
THAT the costs incurred by T. Ali for attending the Ontario Heritage
Conference in Niagara -on- the -Lake be approved from the Clarington Heritage
Committee budget.
Bowmanville Community Improvement Program — Councillor Hooper informed the
committee that new plans have been submitted for the 105 Queen Street property
(Former Bowmanville Sr. Public School). The proposal is for phase one of the two
phase development.
Councillor Hooper reported that there was still funding available for CIP grant
applications for 2015 in Bowmanville. There was discussion about making more of the
21 Page
funding available for accessibility projects or creating a new accessibility driven grant
program. The CIP group members suggested that a brochure be prepared with
testimonials by people that have received grants (including their names) since word of
mouth is the best promotion.
Orono Community Improvement Program — F. Langmaid asked if anyone from the
committee that lived in the Orono area was interested in being a representative on the
Orono CIP committee. The current representative is Karen Murphy who is the past
representative and she agreed to continue to represent the Heritage Committee despite
not serving on the Heritage Committee this term. Peter Vogel indicated he would be
willing to act as the representative.
F. Langmaid reported that the next meeting will be a combined meeting with the Orono
CIP group and the Orono BIA. The joint meeting will allow the two groups to inform
each other of current initiatives both groups are working on for Downtown Orono.
Newcastle Community Improvement Program — Next meeting April 22, 2015. M. Van
Dyke reported that he will be providing a presentation on a series of now and then
photos he has been working on.
Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch — T. Ali reported that the next
meeting will be May 20, 2015. The meetings are the third Wednesday of each month.
A new executive committee was elected in March at the Annual General Meeting.
The annual Doors Open event will be held on June 13, 2015. The focus will be on
properties in the Leskard and Kirby areas. There is an opportunity for the heritage
committee to have an exhibit as part of the event if desired. Doors Open is always
looking for more volunteers for their event. They will be handing out information at the
Newcastle Village & District Historical Society — R. Malone and M. Van Dyke provided
an overview of the Newcastle Village & District Historical Society, the archives room in
Newcastle Town Hall where members and the public can get additional information on
properties in Newcastle, education outreach programs that they have and the newest
edition of the newsletter that would becoming out later in the week.
R. Malone reported that their corporate memberships have been on the rise in recent
years and that they are starting a new strategic planning session to provide a road map
for the organization for,the coming years.
31 Page
R. Malone distributed brochures of the self - guided walking tour that will be part of
Clarington Heritage Week celebrations in August.
Museum — The new board has not met yet. At the first meeting they will ask if there is
someone who wishes to represent the Museum Board on the Heritage Committee.
Heritage Week Working Group — Councillor Hooper reported that the Heritage Week
Committee is finalizing its promotional material for this year's event which runs August
10 -16. Included in that is a new branding of Heritage Week with a logo that will be used
in future years.
The week will be centered on guided walking tours and helping to promote the concert
in the park events throughout Clarington. The committee is also working to produce
walking tour brochures and an on -line format that will be available for people to use as
self - guided tours beyond heritage week.
Next Meeting is May 13 at 9:30 in Room 3A with the other partner agencies.
Heritage Conservation District — No news to report
Ontario Heritage Trust Awards — Susan Laing was awarded a 2014 Lieutenant
Governor's Ontario Heritage Award for Lifetime Achievement. Susan has been a
volunteer with the Museum for over 30 years. The information regarding the award will
be forwarded to Council, to allow Council the opportunity to recognize Susan.
407 Designated Properties and Municipal Register Properties — At the last meeting the
committee requested staff consult with the Ministry of Transportation to identify what
steps the Municipality should take with respect to the designated and municipal register
properties that have.or will be demolished by the 407 extension.
F. Langmaid reported that staff had contacted the Ministry of Transportation and the
Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism and both provided similar answers. The
comments indicated that the moment the province took ownership of the properties the
designating by -laws and municipal registry provisions under the Ontario Heritage Act
had no effect. The Ontario Heritage Act is clear that the provisions of the Act do not
effect land that is owned by the Crown.
41 Page
Both Ministries suggested the Municipality repeal the designating by -laws and remove
the properties from the municipal registry. This would update our records, the history of
the properties should be outlined on the website.
15.07 Moved by Victor Suppan, seconded by Steve Conway
THAT Clarington Heritage Committee, based on the ownership and actions of the
Province, recommend to Council the designating by -laws for 1909 Bloor Street and
5416 Solina Road be repealed and that 5531 Bethesda Road, 5681 Acres Road, 5658
Bethesda Road and 7500 Highway 35/115 be removed from the Municipal Register.
Work Plan Session — At the next meeting the committee will go through a planning
exercise to identify the goals and objectives of the committee for the next four years.
Members were asked to consider and identify their interests and ideas on what
initiatives the committee should engage in. The process will help identify a work plan
for longer term goals for the committee to move forward with.
Doors Open Booth — T. Ali asked members to consider if they would be available to staff
a booth for the Doors Open Clarington event June 13, 2015 and report back at the next
meeting. The Heritage Committee has had a booth in previous years promoting
heritage initiatives, selling the heritage books and being present for community
engagement and education purposes. Doors Open also needs volunteers if members
know of anyone interested.
Heritage Resources — In addition to the materials provided by the Ministry to assist
with orientation of new committee members. Staff will provide a presentation on the
reference and resource materials available. This will include mapping, photo inventory,
books, etc.
Victor Suppan made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Next meeting: May 19, 2015, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices in Room 1 C
5 1 P a g e
Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board
Municipalitu of Clarington
Minutes of Meeting — Tuesday February 10, 201 S
(Not yet approved by committee)
In Attendance — Gord Lee, Chair Larry Burke, Vice -Chair
Councillor Woo, Carol Little, Jay Summers, Shea -Lea Latchford, Gord Blaker, Gary
Oliver, Bryan Wiltshire
Regrets — Councillor Partner
1. Call to Order — 7:05 P.M.
2. Adoption o Minutes — Motion # 15 — 004 was proposed: THAT:
That the minutes of January 13, 2015 are corrected to reflect motion
numbers 15 -oo1 and 15 -002 and 15 -003, respectively. Further to this
change, member Gord Blaker's name was duplicated in the attendance
record: With these corrections noted, the minutes were accepted as
Moved by: Shea -Lea Latchford Seconded by: Carol Little
3. Arena manager's Report — Repairs had been required to one of the 6
furnaces in the building causing a temporary disruption to the activities
of Newcastle Family Connection. With no heat upstairs they relocated
their dance program for two evenings. It was suggested by Jay Summers
that the board cover the costs of their relocation rental for the two nights.
Bryan will contact them and make the offer. Then, report back to the
Bryan also advised, the Chamber of Commerce had booked their trade
show at the arena for the week -end of May 22nd, 2o15, The Sea Cadets
Had booked the arena for Sunday May 31st,, 2015 and, A Gift of Art
exhibition was booked for July 11 & 12th, 2015. Bryan had also been in
touch with his contacts from Clarington Lacrosse League and their
summer schedule for our arena is forthcoming.
Discussion on snow removal, ice problems in the parking lot and lighting
on the north end of the building took place. Regional Councillor Woo
offered to discuss these issues with Mr. Horvath, in the Operations Dept.
A report and follow-up on all these issues will be tabled for the next
meeting, in March.
Gary Oliver also brought up the concern of our staff not being identified
properly, while on duty in the arena. This continues to be a problem to
have the proper windbreakers or jackets available with `Arena Staff"
visibly shown for patrons to identify, if needed. Bryan will take this task
on and obtain pricing and jacket selection for our next meeting.
It was also reported by Jay Summers that corrections to the Tim
Horton's signage in the arena was required. As Tim's marketing dept.
had supplied the pantone colours and approved the art work, they will-
cover the cost. It will be rectified this summer, once the ice is out and we
can get a lift truck on the floor to get someone up to the Score Board sign.
4. Financial Report — Account Receivables for February 7, 2015 showed
$63,325.63 outstanding — ($27,207.48, 44% being in the over 30 to 60
day period) . The income statement was minimal with only one month of
sales for 2015. The chair provided income statements for years 2011
through 2014 in preparation for the 2015 budget forecast.
5. New Business - Applications were handed out to all members who
wished to re -apply for a position on the arena board for the new term.
Once Clarington Council has selected the new board members, an
election of office will take place at the March, 2015 meeting.
6. Next Meeting —A meeting for the new board members was tentatively
scheduled for March 10, 2015 - 7. oo B.M. at the arena.
7. Adjournment - Motion # 15 -005 was proposed: THAT:
This meeting is adjourned.
Moved by: Gord Blaker Seconded by: Jay Summers
X, 3
Report #1
Report to Council Meeting of May 11, 2015
Subject: General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting of Monday,
May 4, 2015
1. Delegation of Sheila Hall, Clarington Board of Trade, Regarding an Economic
Development Update
That the delegation of Sheila Hall, Executive Director, Clarington Board of Trade,
regarding an Economic Development Update, be received with thanks.
2. Priority Green Clarington Update No. 3
That Report PSD- 025 -15 be received; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 025 -15 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
3. Co- ordinated Provincial Review of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden
Horseshoe; Greenbelt Plan, Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and
Niagara Escarpment Plan Part 1 - Comments on Growing the Greenbelt for
the Agricultural System
That Report PSD- 026 -15 be received;
That a copy of this Report be forwarded to the Ministries of Municipal Affairs and
Housing, Natural Resources and Forestry, Agriculture and Rural Affairs and
Durham Region;
That the Ministries and the Expert Advisory Panel review the potential to further
protect agricultural lands through the expansion of the Greenbelt based on a
scientific evaluation of the production capability of the lands between the Greenbelt
and urban boundaries in Clarington; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 026 -15 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
Report #1 - 2 - May 11, 2015
4. An Application by Dr. R.J.C.G. Inc.to Rezone Lands at 2021 Green Road for a
Mixed -Use Building
That Report PSD- 027 -15 be received;
That the Zoning By -law Amendment application submitted by Dr. R.J.C.G. Inc., to
permit the construction of a mixed -use building, be approved as contained in
Attachment 4 to Report PSD- 027 -15;
That a by -law to remove the (H) Holding Symbol be forwarded to Council at such
time that the applicant has created an inter - parcel laneway that allows unrestricted
access for vehicular and pedestrian traffic across the subject property and out to
Green Road;
That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report
PSD- 027 -15 and Council's decision; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 027 -15 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
5. Request for Municipal Parking in Orono
That staff be directed to prepare a report on a status update on any existing Orono
parking lot project.
6. Request for Municipal Parking in Orono
That staff be directed to investigate the opening of the Orono Library parking lot for
use by downtown Orono patrons.
7. Cemetery Tariff of Rates for 2015 to 2018
That Report OPD- 005 -15 be received;
That the proposed tariff of rates as outlined in Attachments 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Report
OPD- 005 -15, be approved;
That the Director of Operations be given authorization to purchase a cremation
niche once a need is determined; and
That the cost to purchase the columbarium be financed from the General Capital
Reserve or an alternate funding source satisfactory to the Director of Finance; and
That the proposed changes to the Cemetery By -Law be approved.
Report #1 - 3 - May 11, 2015
8. Development Charges Study and By -Law
That the Development Charges Background Study, April 2015, prepared by
Hemson Consulting Ltd. be approved with the following amendment to the
proposed By -law 2015 -035:
"to exclude larger industrial from Section 29 and that the statutory 50%
Development Charge exemption from existing industrial buildings only apply"
and the development - related capital program included therein be adopted, subject
to annual review through the Municipality's normal capital budget process;
That the Development Charges quantum for both Residential and Non - Residential
charges be approved as follows, subject to annual indexing:
July 1, 2015
Residential Single, Semi and Link $15,702
(per unit) Multiple Unit Building $12,139
Apartment $ 7,512
Non - Residential Commercial and Institutional $64.93
(per square metre) Industrial $35.24
That Council, in approving the Background Study, expresses its intent to ensure
that the increase in the need for services attributable to the anticipated
development will be met and that any future excess capacity identified in the Study
will be paid for by development charges or other similar charges.
That, for completed applications as determined by the Chief Building Official have
been received on or before June 30, 2015 and (where the development charges
have been paid by June 30, 2015), the applicable development charges be
calculated based on By -Law 2010 -108.
That the By -Law attached to Report FND- 007 -15 as Attachment "A" be
recommended to Council for approval to repeal and replace By -Law 2010 -108;
That the Region of Durham and recorded interested parties be provided a copy of
Report FND- 007 -15 and be notified of Council's decision;
That Roy Nichols Motors Ltd. be advised that an exemption to the development
charges for a second story addition is not feasible at this time; and
That 2117416 Ontario Limited and Airco Investments Ltd. be advised that no
exemption will be extended to their lands.
Report #1 - 4 - May 11, 2015
9. Correspondence from Paula J. Tenuta Concerning the Public Meeting
(Agenda Item 5(A)), Regarding Development Charges, Report FND- 007 -15
That, regarding the correspondence from Paula J. Tenuta, BILD, concerning the
Public Meeting (Agenda Item 5(a)), regarding Development Charges, Report
FND- 007 -15, Ms. Tenuta be notified of Council's decision regarding the report.
Summary of By -laws
May 11, 2015
2015 -035 Being a By -law to impose development charges against land in the Municipality
of Clarington pursuant to the Development Charges Act, 1997 (Item 8 of
Report #1)
2015 -036 Being a By -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for
the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Dr. R.J.C.G. Inc.) (Item 4 of
Report #1)
2015 -037 Being a By -law to amend By -law 2012 -061, as amended, being a by -law to
provide for the maintenance, management, regulation and control of the
cemeteries in the Municipality of Clarington (Item 7 of Report #1)
2015 -038 Being a By -law to to appoint individuals as a Parking Enforcement Officer for
Private Property (Bernard Derry and Victor Howard) (2377 and 2379
Highway 2, 100 Clarington Boulevard, Bowmanville, 1420 King Street East,
Clerk's Department
If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal
Clerk at 905- 623 -3379 ext. 2102.
To: Mayor Foster and Members of Council
From: Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk
Date: May 8, 2015
Subject: Council Meeting Agenda — May 11, 2015 -- Update
File: C05.Council
Please be advised of the following updates to the Council Agenda:
Correspondence for Direction (addition)
D - 8 Nicole Wellsbury, Manager, Legislative Services /Deputy Clerk, Town of Ajax,
advising Council that on April 27, 2015, the Town of Ajax adopted the
following resolution pertaining to the David Suzuki Foundation Blue Dot
1. That the Town of Ajax Declaration for The Right to a Healthy Environment,
contained in Attachment No. 1 to this Report, to support the David Suzuki
Foundation's Blue Dot Movement by recognizing the right for all Ajax
citizens' to live in a healthy environment be endorsed; and,
2. That the Town of Ajax Declaration for The Right to a Healthy Environment
and this Report, supporting the Blue Dot Movement's call for all levels of
government to recognize that all people have the right to live in a healthy
environment, be sent to the Prime Minister of Canada, Federal Environment
Minister, Ajax - Pickering Member of Parliament, Premier of Ontario, Ajax -
Pickering Member of Provincial Parliament, Durham Region, City of
Pickering, Town of Whitby, City of Oshawa, Municipality of Clarington,
Township of Uxbridge, Township of Scugog, Township of Brock, Federation
of Canadian Municipalities, Association of Municipalities of Ontario,
Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, Town of Ajax Environmental
Advisory Committee, Durham Region Environmental Advisory Committee,
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Central Lake Ontario
Conservation Authority, Conservation Ontario and the David Suzuki
(Motion for Direction)
By -laws
2015 -035 Attached is a memorandum dated May 7, 2015, from the Director of
Finance/Treasurer, the Director of Planning Services and the Municipal Solicitor
regarding a further proposed amendment to the proposed Development
Charges By -law 2015 -035 relating to the revitalization and transit hub
exemptions. If Council is supportive of the amendment outlined in the
memorandum, staff respectfully requests that the following resolution be
"That the Development Charges By -law Number 2015 -035, Sections 31, 34 and
35 be amended to add the words "masonry- clad" in front of apartment buildings,
mixed -use buildings and retirement residence in these sections."
Attached for Members of ouncil
nne bent e, B.A., CMO
Municipal Clerk
is the Final Consolidated Agenda.
c: F. Wu, Chief Administrative Officer
Department Heads
Council Agenda
Date: Monday, May 11, 2015
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Council Chambers
The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of Council meetings. If you make a
delegation /presentation to a Council meeting, the Municipality will be audio recording you and will
make the recording public by publishing the recording on the Municipality's website. In addition,
please be advised that some of the Council meetings may also be video recorded.
Meeting Called to Order
Moment of Reflection
Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest
Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council April 27, 2015
a. Ann Harley, A Gift of Art and James Campbell, Visual Arts Centre of Clarington —
Proceeds of the Mayor's Gala — "For the love of Art"
b. Sheila Crook - Certificate of Recognition — Nomination as a Global Community
Champion for Women's Economic Empowerment
C. Susan Laing — Certificate of Recognition - 2014 Lieutenant Governor's Ontario
Heritage Award for Lifetime Achievement
a. Eric Bowman, Vice - Chair, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington -- Report
PSD -026 -15 - Co- ordinated Provincial Review of the Growth Plan for the Greater
Golden Horseshoe; Greenbelt Plan, Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and
Niagara Escarpment Plan Part 1 - Comments on Growing the Greenbelt for the
Agricultural System (Item 3 of Report #1 and Correspondence Item D - 6)
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)6233379 F (905)623 -3330
Council Agenda - 2 - May 11, 2015
Receive for Information
I- 1 Minutes of the Newcastle Village Community Hall Board dated February 17 and
March 17, 2015
1 - 2 Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington dated April 9, 2015
1 - 3 Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority dated April 16, 2015
1'- 4 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated April 21, 2015
1 - 5 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated April 21, 2015
1 - 6 Minutes of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board dated February 10, 2015
1 - 7 Pierre Yelle, Assistant Deputy Fire Marshal, Field and Advisory Services, Ministry of
Community Safety and Correctional Services, Office of the Fire Marshal and
Emergency Management — OFMEM Vulnerable Occupancy Compliance Confirmation
1 - 8 D. Bowen, AMCT, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, Regional Municipality
of Durham - Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee (DAAC) Terms of Reference,
2014 Annual Report and 2015 Workplan
1 - 9 D. Bowen, AMCT, Regional Clerk /Director of Legislative Services, Regional Municipality
of Durham - Durham Environmental Advisory Committee (DEAC) 2014 Annual Report
and 2015 Workplan
1 - 10 D. Bowen, AMCT, Regional Clerk /Director of Legislative Services, Regional Municipality
of Durham - Durham Trail Co- Ordinating Committee (DTCC) 2014 Annual Report and
2015 Workplan
1- 11 Debi Wilcox, Town Clerk, Town of Whitby - Update on Multi - Residential Battery
Recycling Pilot
1 - 12 D. Bowen, AMCT, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, Regional Municipality
of Durham - Update on Energy Planning and Energy Sector Initiatives in Durham
1 - 13 D. Bowen, AMCT, Regional Clerk/Directar of Legislative Services, Regional Municipality
of Durham - Region of Durham's Comments on Ontario's Climate Change Discussion
Council Agenda - 3 - May 11, 2015
Receive for Direction
D - 1 Laura Mountjoy, Executive Director, The Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre — Request
for Proclamation of "World Diabetes Day" and "Type 1 Diabetes Awareness Month"
D - 2 The Honourable Michael Chan, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration — Nominations
for the Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship
D - 3 Prithi Yelaja, Communications Specialist, The College of Physicians and Surgeons of
Ontario - Council Award
D - 4 D. Bowen, AMCT, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, Regional Municipality
of Durham - Ministry of the Attorney General -- Provincial Offences Act Consultation
Paper — "Exploring an Online Administrative Monetary Penalty System for Infractions of
Provincial Statutes and Municipal Laws in Ontario
D - 5 Joy Vaneyk, Chair, Tyrone Community Centre Board of Directors - Appointment of the
2015 Tyrone Community Centre Board of Directors
D - 6 Brenda Metcalf, Chair, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington -- Co- ordinated
Provincial Review of Provincial Review of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden
Horseshoe; Greenbelt Plan, Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and Niagara
Escarpment Plan Part 1 and Comments on the Greenbelt for the Agricultural System
D - 7 Dale Leaitch -- Request for Exemption to Policy regarding Curb Cuts
D - 8 Nicole Wellsbury, Manager, Legislative Services /Deputy Clerk, Town of Ajax — David
Suzuki Foundation Blue Dot Movement
Committee Report(s)
1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of May 4, 2015
Staff Report(s)
Unfinished Business
By -laws
Procedural Notice(s) of Motion
Other Business
Confirming By -Law
" I
To. Mayor Adrian Foster and Members of Council
From: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance/Treasurer
David Crome, Director of Planning Services
Andy Allison, Municipal Solicitor
Date: May 7th, 2015
REPORT FND - 007 -16 AND BY -LAW 2016 -035
Further to the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of May 4th, 2015,
Committee provided direction to staff through an amendment to FND - 007 -15 to amend the
proposed Development Charges By -law to exclude larger industrial properties from the
expanded existing industrial development exemption shown in paragraph 29, but rather only
permit the statutory exemption provided under the Development Charges Act. As a result of
the Committee direction, By -law 2015 -035, to be ratified at the Council meeting of Monday,
May 11, 2015 has been amended as follows:
A new subsection 29(6) has been added that reads as follows:
(6) The exemption provided in subsections (1) through (5) above shall not apply to existing
industrial buildings located on land that is in the "large industrial property class" as defined in
subsection 14(1) of O. Reg. 282198 passed under the Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A.31,
however the exemption provided in section 4 of the Act shall apply to such buildings.
Also, for clarity, the words "constructed on a vacant lot" shall be added after the words "new
industrial building" in section 30 pertaining to the exemption for new industrial development.
Staff would also like to propose a further amendment to the proposed Development Charges
Bylaw 2015 -036 relating to the revitalization and transit hub exemptions. Part of the
submission from Weston Consulting noted the additional costs of building with a higher quality
product like masonry. Much of our multi- storey buildings to date have included vinyl siding,
which is a less durable product, can look poor as it ages, requires more maintenance, does not
have the same sound attenuation properties as masonry and is less energy efficient. Staff feel
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO l-1C 3AB T 905 - 623 -3379 F 905- 623 -4169
Development Charges Study and By -law
Report FND- 007 -15 And By -Law 2015 -035
Page 2
that the substantial exemptions provided should only be for projects using higher quality
building materials.
Therefore staff would recommend amending Sections 31, 34 and 35 to add the words
"masonry- clad" in front of apartment buildings and mixed use buildings in these sections.
If Council is supportive of this, a resolution as follows would be appropriate for the Council
meeting of May 11, 2015:
"That the Development Charges By -law Number 2015 -035, Sections 31, 34 and 35 be
amended to add the words "masonry- clad" in front of apartment buildings, mixed -use buildings
and retirement residence in these sections."
Nancy Taylor, CPA, CA, BBA,
Director of FinancetTreasurer.
cc: Department Heads
e , WTI
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If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal
Clerk at 905 - 623 -3379 ext. 2102.
To: Mayor Foster and Members of Council
From: Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk
Date: May 11, 2015
Subject: Council Meeting Agenda — May 11, 2015 — Update
File: C05.Council
Please be advised of the following additional update to the Council Agenda:
Correspondence for Direction (additions)
D - 9 Jeff Goldman, Principal, Durham Custom Homes, writing further to his
delegation to the General Purpose and Administration Committee of May 4,
2015, regarding the matter of development charge incentives for the Gardens
of Farewell Creek Development, 1469 and 1463 Highway 2, Courtice; thanking
Council for their thoughtful deliberation and consideration of the matter,
specifically the in -depth discussion regarding Community Incentive Programs
(CIP's) and the appropriateness of designating these lands within a Community
Incentive Area; indicating that it is of vital importance that any development
incentives be done so expediently as they have a direct impact on project
financing and viability; and, respectfully urging Council to direct staff to move
forward with the process of CIP designation for this zone as quickly as possible
and also enter into discussions with the Developer to identify which CIP
incentives may be most appropriate for these properties
(Motion for Direction)
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banner on Veridian's poles located to the west of the railway overpass in
Bowmanville from May 25 to June 7, 2015, to advertise the Annual Rockin'
Rotary Ribfest taking place June 5 to June 7, 2015.
(Motion to approve installation of
banner and to advise Veridian)
D - 11 Heila Pitter, Outreach Services Manager, Bethesda House, advising of the 7 t
annual men's walk against domestic violence "Walk -A -Mile in her Shoes" on
June 13, 2015; and requesting permission to place a banner on Veridian's
poles located to the west of the railway overpass in Bowmanville from June 8
to June 14, 2015.
(Motion to approve installation of
banner and to advise Veridian)
D- 12 Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk, Municipality of Clarington requesting that
the week of May 31 to June 6, 2015, be proclaimed "National Access
Awareness Week" to assist with promoting the importance of accessibility
awareness and an inclusive barrier -free community.
(Motion to proclaim)
)fie- G "rbentfee, B.A., CMO
unicipal Clerk
c: F. Wu, Chief Administrative Officer
Department Heads