HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/27/2015Council Agenda Date: Monday, April 27, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of Council meetings. If you make a delegation /presentation to a Council meeting, the Municipality will be audio recording you and will make the recording public by publishing the recording on the Municipality's website. In addition, please be advised that some of the Council meetings may also be video recorded. Meeting Called to Order Invocation Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest Announcements Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) Minutes of a regular meeting of Council April 13, 2015 Presentations a. Steven Usher, SLR Consulting (Canada) Ltd. '- Proposal for a Rotosonic Monitoring Site at the Hydro One, Clarington Transformer Station (Item 4 of Report #1) Delegations There are no Delegations listed as of the time of publication Communications Receive for Information 1- 1 Minutes of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board dated March 10, 2015 1-2 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee dated April 14, 2015 1 - 3 Minutes of the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee dated April 1, 2015 1-4 Jeany Barrett, Municipal Liaison, Newcastle's of the World Steering Committee — Quarterly Report CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623 -3379 F (905)623 -3330 Council Agenda - 2 - 1 April 27, 2015 1 - 5 Ken Nash, President, Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) - Annual Report for 2014 and Five -year Strategic Plan Receive for Direction D - 1 Councillor Wendy Partner — Request for Proclamation of "World Ovarian Cancer Day" D - 2 Peter Hoekstra, Celebration Fireworks — Request for Fireworks Permit for Clarington Rotary Rib Fest D - 3 Peter Hoekstra, Celebration Fireworks — Request for Fireworks Permit for Canada Day Celebrations D-4 Peter Hoekstra, Celebration Fireworks — Request for Fireworks Permit for Event at Van Belle's Flower and Garden Centre D - 5 Paul Slemon, Route Manager, 2015 Terry Fox Run — Request for Installation of Banner D - 6 Suzanne Barnes, Valleys 2000 — Snow Removal in the Bowmanville Valley Committee Report(s) 1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of April 20, 2015 Staff Report(s) Unfinished Business 1. 2015 Senior of the Year Award Nominations (Supporting documentation distributed under separate cover) (a) Jim Boate By -laws Procedural Notice(s) of Motion Other Business Confirming By -Law Adjournment Council Meeting Minutes April 13, 2015 If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal Clerk's Department at 905 - 623 -3379. Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on April 13, 2015, at 7.00 PM, in the Council Chambers. Councillor Traill led the meeting in prayer. Roll Call Present Were Mayor A. Foster Councillor S. Cooke Councillor R. Hooper Councillor J. Neal Councillor W. Partner Councillor C. Traill Councillor W. Woo Also Present: Acting Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Corporate Services and Human Resources, M. Marano Municipal Solicitor, A. Allison Director of Engineering Services, A. Cannella Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Corporate Initiatives Officer, C. Clifford Director of Planning Services, D. Crome Director of Operations, F. Horvath Recreation Services Manager, S. Meredith, attended until 11:08 PM Community Development Co- ordinator, E. Mittag, attended until 11:08 PM Corporate Communications Officer, B. Radomski Communications Co- ordinator, J. Stycuk, attended Director of Finance/Treasurer, N. Taylor Director of Emergency & Fire Services, G. Weir Municipal Clerk, A. Greentree Administrative Assistant to the Municipal Clerk, C. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest There were no pecuniary interests stated for this meeting. Announcements Councillor Woo announced the following two events: untill1:08 PM Fleming • Newcastle Horticultural Society "Spring Luncheon ", April 15, 2015, 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM, Newcastle Community Hall Council Meeting Minutes - 2 - April 13, 2015 • Model Railroad Flea Market, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, April 18, 2015, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, St. Francis of Assisi Parish Councillor Traill announced the following two events: Bethesda House "Annual Spring Fling Fundraising Dinner and Auction ", May 14, 2015, Clarington Beech Centre Samuel Wilmot Nature Trail Clean -up, April 25, 2015, meet at Admiral's Walk at 9:00 AM Councillor Hooper announced the following six items: • Community Services Department staff member Justin Valckx was presented with the prestigious Ruby Downing Award at the Clarington Toros Night • He, along with Councillor Woo, attended the judicial appointment of the Honourable Susan J. Woodley as a judge of the Superior Court of Justice • Scott Woods Band, Old Time Country and Fiddle Music, Cross Canada Tour — Fiddling in the key of .... eh ?, April 21, 2015, Hope Fellowship Church, 7:00 PM • "A Musical Tour ", Classical Music from Around the World, featuring David Shewchuk, Violinist and David McEvoy, Pianist, April 25, 2015, Rehoboth Church • "A Salute to the British Isles" presented by the Clarington Concert Band, April 18, 2015, 7:00 PM, Harmony Creek Community Centre • He extended appreciation to volunteers of the Clarington Older Adults Association for the great job in cleaning up the Beech Centre grounds Councillor Neal congratulated Madam Justice Woodley on her appointment as a judge of the Superior Court of Justice. Councillor Partner announced the following five events: • "Chicken Pot Pie Supper and Silent Auction ", April 18, 2015, 5:30 PM, Orono United Church • Firehouse Bistro "Open House ", Orono, April 23, 2015, 5:30 PM • Clean -up of the Beachfront, April 25, 2015, meet at Admiral's Walk, Port of Newcastle, 10:00 AM • Newcastle School and Community Council Adult -only "Spring Fling ", April 25, 2015, 8:00 PM, Newcastle Community Hall • Annual "Spaghetti Fundraising Dinner and Live Auction ", April 25, 2015, Orono Town Hall Mayor Foster announced the following four items: • Girl Guides Reaffirmation of Canadian Citizenship, April 14, 2015, 6:30 PM, Council Chambers • Municipality of Clarington Volunteer Recognition Event, April 15, 2015, Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex • "Cones for Community ", hosted by Courtice Rotary, April 18, 2015, 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM, Enniskillen General Store Council Meeting Minutes - 3 - April 13, 2015 • Tim Calhoun, Senior Training Officer, Clarington Emergency and Fire Services, has received the CMM3 Fire Training Designation Mayor Foster announced that Meeting Rooms 1A and 1 C have been set up with live streaming of tonight's Council meeting to accommodate members of the public who are unable to access the Council Chambers due to capacity issues. Minutes Resolution #C- 102 -15 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Partner That the minutes of a regular meeting of Council March 23, 2015, be approved. Carried Presentations The presentations scheduled for this meeting have been re- scheduled to May 11, 2015. Delegations Resolution #C- 103 -15 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal That the Order of the Agenda be altered to hear the delegation of Barb Singleton prior to the delegation of Ted Brown. Carried Derek Lang addressed Council in opposition to Report PSD- 019 -15 - Applications for a Draft Plan of Subdivision, an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning By -law Amendment (H & H Properties Inc.). Mr. Lang stated he has resided in the neighbourhood for 25 years and is concerned with the increase in traffic, the environmental impact and feels the proposed density is not compatible with the existing neighbourhood of single - family dwellings. Mr. Lang indicated that speed and volume of traffic in the area is already of concern and the proposed development will intensify safety concerns. He advised that Centrefield Road and Nash Road are often used as an alternate route when Highway 2 is congested, making the entire area dangerous. Mr. Lang stated he is not against development of the community but does not agree with the high density proposed. He questioned how long construction is expected to take place and where the staging area for construction vehicles will be located. Mr. Lang confirmed that 75 homes were polled regarding the proposed development, noting only three residents chose not to sign the petition opposing it. Council Meeting Minutes - 4 - April 13, 2015 Allan Tibbles, Vice - President, Clarington Older Adult Association Board of Directors addressed Council concerning Report CSD- 003 -15 — Clarington Older Adult Strategy. Through use of a PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Tibbles provided the Clarington Oder Adult Association's (COAA) response to the strategy. He indicaed the COAA is opposed to being absorbed by the Municipality and expressed concern they were not provided with an opportunity to offer an alternate vision prior to the report being published. Mr. Tibbles highlighted financial information and diversity of activities offered advising the cost to provide social, recreational and fitness needs of nearly 2400 seniors was equivalent to $88 per person, per year. Mr. Tibbles addressed recommendations in the report noting the Centre currently meets or exceeds the expectations in every category except parking. He stated the Association believes the cost to the taxpayer will significantly increase if the Municipality takes over and that they have a great solution that will satisfy everyone. Mr. Tibbles reviewed the COAA's 2 -year vision which included requesting the Municipality to provide dedicated space in Orono, Solina, the Courtice Community Complex and the Newcastle & District Recreation Complex to provide outreach to the smaller communities and to provide a broad range of services, the implementation of a new Membership scheme with the establishment of a new "Action Card ", the potential for partnerships and requesting a senior member.of the Community Services Department to join the Board to assist with implementation of the outreach centres. Mr. Tibbles suggested that the staff structure remain the same during the trial period. He advised that should their solution not prove successful after two years the Association would accede and hand over operations. Mr. Tibbles summarized by stating the vision supports the needs of the growing demographic with no significant increase in costs and felt it would be a win - win situation for everyone. Allan Bayliss, Treasurer, Clarington Older Adult Association Board of Directors, addressed Council concerning Report CSD- 003 -15 — Clarington Older Adult Strategy. Through use of a PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Bayliss provided cost and staffing comparisons between the Oshawa Senior Citizens Centre, which is Municipally - governed, and the COAA which is self - governed. He advised the COAA received a $310,000 grant from the municipality and reviewed a break -down of expenses and revenue. Mr. Bayliss stated that $100,000 is allocated solely on maintaining the Beech Centre, leaving $210,000 to spend on programs. He noted the Lions Club has a long- standing agreement for operating the bar and is the Club's largest source of revenue. Mr. Bayliss acknowledged that the report praises the work of the COAA in how it performs and what it achieves. He stated members are confused in that if the Association is doing such a great job, why change it. Mr. Bayliss suggested that the Association be allowed to continue their good works but be given the support and cooperation needed to achieve greater goals. He respectfully requested the COAA's participation in all aspects of the Community Services Department's evaluation process should it proceed. Council Meeting Minutes - 5 - April 13, 2015 Barb Singleton addressed Council concerning Report CSD- 003 -15 — Clarington Older Adult Strategy. Ms. Singleton stated she is a new Board member this year and has been a member of the Clarington Older Adult Association (COAA) for just over three years. Ms. Singleton advised the Centre has 218 volunteers who contributed 22,500 volunteer hours last year and helped raise $42,000. She indicated that this year's fundraising goal is $60,000. Ms. Singleton questioned if any thought had been given to the impact the report would have on the volunteers and fundraising efforts. She confirmed that Allan Tibbles, Allan Bayliss and she were the only delegations speaking on behalf of the Board and that other speakers would be addressing Council as concerned residents. Resolution #C- 104 -15 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That Council recess for ten minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 8:42 PM Ted Brown addressed Council concerning Report CSD- 003 -15 — Clarington Older Adult Strategy. Mr. Brown indicated that he is a volunteer at the Clarington Older Adult Centre and enjoys the experience because of the feeling of warmth, connection and caring that is evident at the Centre and his loyalty to the staff and the organization itself. Mr. Brown stated he has been actively involved both professionally and personally in the community with many organizations and feels the COAA is the best - run organization he has belonged to and it has very capable employees. Mr. Brown indicated the Association's membership is over 2300, and the programs are successful and attract new members. He stated he is very concerned this could change and urged the Municipality not to take over the Centre but support the seniors and work with the Executive to expand the services. Taylor Murray addressed Council in opposition to Report PSD- 019 -15 - Applications for a Draft Plan of Subdivision, an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning By -law Amendment (H & H Properties Inc.). Ms. Murray stated her family moved to Tooley Road six years ago and noted the uniqueness of having a rural road running between two subdivisions. Ms. Murray indicated that over the past six years she has met many people in Courtice who know Tooley Road as the street with the big lots and houses. She stated her mother worked two separate careers to provide for their lifestyle on Tooley Road and does not want to see what she and the community have worked for disappear into the sea of cookie - cutter development. Ms. Murray feels the culture of Tooley Road should be preserved for the future of Clarington and future development should complement the current neighbourhood. Council Meeting Minutes - 6 - April 13, 2015 John Van Seters addressed Council in opposition to Report PSD- 019 -15 - Applications for a Draft Plan of Subdivision, an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning By -law Amendment (H & H Properties Inc.). Mr. Van Seters stated he has been a resident of Tooley Road for six years, noting that one of the things that attracted his family to the area was its character, trees and open spaces. Mr. Van Seters indicated that his family is not opposed to development, but are opposed to this plan as it does not fit in with the surrounding area. Mr. Van Seters read quotes from Roger Bouma, local real estate professional indicating that single - family homes are still the most popular in Durham Region. Mr. Van Seters stated that over 400 people signed a petition opposing the development at this site and that the development will be a slap in the face to longer -term residents. He respectfully requested Council not to support the application and expressed appreciation to the many friends and neighbours for coming out tonight in support of his delegation. Kristina Vizza addressed Council in opposition to Report PSD- 019 -15 - Applications for a Draft Plan of Subdivision, an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning By -law Amendment (H & H Properties Inc.). Ms. Vizza stated she has lived her entire childhood on Tooley Road and is concerned because of the mix of 80 townhouses proposed. She is unsure of what is actually being approved as reference has been made to 80, 82, 84 or 86 units and the agents for the developer could not provide the answer. Ms. Vizza stated that she understands the concept of intensification but that the proposed development on Tooley Road does not fit intensification. She advised that new development should be compatible with the existing community and that current residents want to see single- detached homes on the vacant lots. Ms. Vizza is also concerned with the two exits on Tooley Road and the negative impact on traffic and the impact of increased population on water supply. She noted over 500 constituents have signed a petition opposed to the development and she submitted a copy of the petition. Ms. Vizza noted this issue_ has connected the local community and its passion to preserve Tooley Road. Wendy Kamstra addressed Council in opposition to Report PSD- 019 -15 -Applications for a Draft Plan of Subdivision, an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning By -law Amendment (H & H Properties Inc.). Ms. Kamstra provided a personal account of her reasons for purchasing a home on Tooley Road, how the proposed development would affect her son's care and wellbeing, and her need to protect this investment for his future. She expressed concern that the development would change the face of the road and disrupt the quietness of the area. Ken Ferguson addressed Council in opposition to Report PSD- 019 -15 - Applications for a Draft Plan of Subdivision, an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning By -law Amendment (H & H Properties Inc.). Mr. Ferguson stated he has lived on Centrefield Drive for 30 years and has watched the community grow. He stated that residents are saying "no" to high density development due to the increase in traffic which will add to the current congestion, accidents and near - misses experienced on a daily basis. He' expressed concern that wildlife will be displaced, wetland habitat and flora will be affected and the investment that area residents have made in their properties will diminish. Mr. Ferguson stated that these types of developments often become rental units and expressed concern that they will not be well maintained. Council Meeting Minutes - 7 - April 13, 2015 He stated that there is a perception by the residents that this is a done deal and hopes that this is not the case. Mr. Ferguson confirmed that residents are opposed to the development as proposed, and requested that single - family homes be developed as approved in 2002. Don Welsh, Member, Clarington Older Adult Association, addressed Council concerning Report CSD- 003 -15 — Clarington Older Adult Strategy. Mr. Welsh provided a history of the establishment of the Clarington Older Adult Association (COAA) at its current location, noting the older adults had opposed this location for reasons that have been problems ever since, including lack of parking. Mr. Welsh quoted several statements referenced in the strategy. He stated the issue of space could have been previously addressed to accommodate the large influx seniors based on data available at the time but this was not done. Mr. Welsh stated the Municipality could build a facility that would have a large room that could be used by the community. He stated he could not see the benefit of changing the composition. of the board or staffing at this time, and suggested that the Municipality fix the real problem - the lack of parking and lack of facilities and consider changes only once these issues have been addressed. Coby Booth addressed Council concerning Report CSD- 003 -15 — Clarington Older Adult Strategy. Ms. Booth expressed concern that should the Municipality assume the responsibility of providing older adult services it will be a costly enterprise, as many volunteers will not continue to donate their time and unionized staff will be required to do the work of the volunteers. She stated fundraising efforts will also decrease and the cost to run the COAA will increase. She advised that the Board and staff are well- qualified to run the Centre and requested that Council consider the two -year plan put forward by Mr. Tibbles. Resolution #C- 105 -15 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Council recess for five minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 9:57 PM Communications I - 1 Minutes of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board dated March 11, 2015 1 - 2 Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee dated March 12, 2015 1 - 3 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated March 17, 2015 1 - 4 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated March 17, 2015 Council Meeting Minutes - 8 - April 13, 2015 1 - 5 Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority dated March 19, 2015 1 - 6 David Newland, Director General, Directorate of Nuclear Cycle and Facilities Regulation, Regulatory Operations Branch, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), responding to Council's correspondence of December 23, 2014, requesting the Port Hope Area Initiative and the CNSC review and comment on information presented by Preet Khurana, on behalf of the South East Clarington Ratepayers' Association (SECRA); advising that CNSC has requested that CNL review the validity and implications of Mr. Khurana's concerns and if results of the review have meaningful impacts on the conclusions, the dust management plan (i.e. wind speed measurements) would be revised. 1 - 7 Melodee Smart, Administrative Assistant, Works Department, Regional Municipality of Durham, forwarding copies of the following documents, in accordance with the Notice of Approval to Proceed with the Undertaking regarding the Amended Environmental Assessment for Durham and York Residual Waste Study, Condition 3 Public Record: • Letter to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change dated February 9, 2015, regarding Submission of Ambient Air Monitoring 2014 4th Quarter Report • Quarterly Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Report for the Durham York Energy Centre — October to December 2014 • Letter to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change dated February 9, 2015, regarding Submission of January 2015 Complaint and Inquiry Logs • January 2015 Project Team Direct Contact Log • Letter to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change dated February 9, 2015, regarding Submission of December 2014 Complaint and Inquiry Logs • December 2014 Project Team Direct Contact Log • Letter to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change dated February 3, 2015, regarding Submission of November 2014 Complaint and Inquiry Logs • November 2014 Project Team Direct Contact Log; and advising that the documents are also available on the EFW project website at http: / /www.durhamyorkwaste.ca /. Council Meeting Minutes - 9 - April 13, 2015 1 - 8 Line (Lynn) Millette, Emergency Management Coordinator, Durham Emergency Management Office, Regional Municipality of Durham, advising that the Region of Durham will be conducting its annual spring testing of the public alerting system within the 10- kilometre area around the Darlington and Pickering Nuclear Generating stations; indicating that the public alerting system consists of two components — outdoor sirens installed within three kilometres of the nuclear generating station and an automated telephone dialing system for indoor notification within the 10- kilometre area; and, advising that the indoor notification testing will take place on May 6 and the outdoor siren activation will take place on May 7, 2015, during regular business hours. Resolution #C -106 -15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the communications I - 1 to I - 8 to be received for information be approved. Carried Correspondence for Direction Correspondence Items D - 4 (r) (s) (t) (u) (v) (w) (x) and (y) and D -10 were received as hand -outs. D - 1 Jade Harper, Executive Director, Victim Services of Durham Region, requesting that April 19 to 25, 2015, be proclaimed "National Victims of Crime Awareness Week" in order to raise awareness of services available to victims of crime in Canada and the services and laws in place to help victims and their families. (Proclaimed) D - 2 The Honourable Mario Sergio, Minister Responsible for Seniors Affairs, advising that June marks the 31St anniversary of Seniors' Month in Ontario; and, requesting that June be proclaimed "Seniors' Month" in recognition of the important roles and contributions that seniors make to our communities. (Proclaimed) D - 3 Karen Bastas, Event Coordinator, Vice - President, Newcastle Business Improvement Area, requesting permission to host a fireworks display at the Newcastle & District Recreation Complex on Wednesday, July 1, 2015. (Approved provided the Organizers apply for and obtain a Fireworks Permit from the Municipal Clerk's Department) Council Meeting Minutes -10- April 13, 2015 D - 4 Correspondence has been received from the following individuals in opposition to transferring the responsibility of the provision of older adult recreation services to the Community Services Department: a. P. McRobbie b. C. McDonald C. N. Kelman d. J. Sinacori e. J. Bedford f. M. Shackleton g. S. & E. Hallett h. H. & B. Collmorgen i. L. Abrams j. C. Patel k. E. Harper I. D. Duncan m. B. Lees n. M. Sugg o. G. McArthur p. R. Cameron q. M. Howe r. D. & N. Trimble S. L. Pim t. A. Hendriks U. H. Westley v.. J. James w. H. Allington x. M. Keith y. N. Sabine (Correspondence referred to Report #1) D - 5 The Honourable Michael Chan, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade, advising that nominations for the Lincoln M. Alexander Award 2015 are being accepted until May 31, 2015 to recognize young Ontarians who have demonstrated exemplary leadership in contributing to the elimination of racial discrimination; and, advising that nomination forms and information outlining details of the program are available at www.ontario.ca /honoursandadwards. (Information to be placed on the Municipal website) D - 6 The Honourable Mario Sergio, Minister Responsible for Seniors Affairs, advising of the 2015 Senior Achievement Award Program, a program highlighting the significant voluntary and professional achievements made by individuals after they have reached the age of 65; advising the selection criteria and procedures are available at www.ontario.ca /honoursandawards; and, encouraging the nomination of a special senior in the community. The deadline for nomination is June 15, 2015. (Information to be placed on the Municipal website) Council Meeting Minutes - 11 - April 13, 2015 D - 7 The Honourable Mario Sergio, Minister Responsible for Seniors, advising that 2015 will mark the 31 st Anniversary of "Seniors' Month" which celebrates the contributions seniors make to their communities and Province and extending an invitation to Council to participate in the 2015 Senior of the Year Awards by nominating one outstanding local senior who, after age 65, has enriched the social, cultural or civic life of the community without thought of personal or financial gain. Nomination forms are due by April 30, 2015. Only Municipalities are eligible to nominate seniors for this award. (To be advertised and solicit nominations for Council's consideration) Resolution #C- 107 -15 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill That Correspondence Item D - 1 to Item D - 7 and Hand -out Correspondence Item D - 10 be approved as per the agenda, with the exception of Item D - 10. Carried D - 10 The Canadian Society of Landscape Architects advising of the eighth annual observance of "World Landscape Architecture Month" in April and encouraging the Municipality to look for opportunities to celebrate landscape architecture in April and throughout the year. Resolution #C- 108 -15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Council proclaim April 2015 as "World Landscape Architecture Month ". Carried D - 8 Deb Bowen, AMCT, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, Regional Municipality of Durham, advising that on March 4, 2015, Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to the budget allocation for a fire services study: "That notwithstanding the budget allocation for a fire services study, that prior to any study being conducted the matter of fire amalgamation be circulated to the Area Municipalities for comments and input." Council Meeting Minutes -12- April 13, 2015 Resolution #C- 109 -15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Correspondence Item D - 8 from Deb Bowen, AMCT, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, Regional Municipality of Durham, with respect to a study being conducted on the matter of fire amalgamation, be referred to the April 20, 2015, General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting. Carried D - 9 Jennifer Guzzi, Manager, Real Estate Leasing, LCBO, expressing opposition to the exterior historical images requested by the Municipality for the new LCBO store at Highway 2 and Darlington Boulevard in Courtice as part of the site plan; indicating the proposed images do not align with the LCBO's approved marketing and corporate brand image which has been consistently applied to their existing and new stores across Ontario; suggesting the concession made by the Applicant (Courtyard Property Investments Inc.) to display such exterior historical images was the result of a communication error and is not agreeable to the LCBO; and, respectfully requesting the Municipality to endorse the LCBO's wish to define a brand image, which best reflects their business objective and customer experience. Resolution #C- 110 -15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Correspondence Item D - 9 from Jennifer Guzzi, Manager, Real Estate Leasing, LCBO, with respect to the exterior historical images requested by the Municipality for the new LCBO store at Highway 2 and Darlington Boulevard, be referred to staff. Carried Committee Report(s) Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report March 30 /April 9, 2015 Resolution #C- 111 -15 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Traill That the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of March 30 /April 9, 2015, be approved, with the exception of Items #3, #4, #5, #7 and #1(c). . Carried Council Meeting Minutes - 13 - Item #3 Resolution #C- 112 -15 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner That Report CSD- 003 -15 be received; April 13, 2015 That the Clarington Older Adult Strategy (Attachment 1 to Report CSD- 003 -15) be approved in principle; That the Clarington Older Adult Centre Board provide detailed information and appropriate documents both confidential and otherwise, as requested by the Community Services Department, in order to allow for full impact analysis for Council consideration;. That staff report back on an implementation plan, timeline and the financial impact of transferring the responsibility of the provision of older adult recreation services to the Community Services Department and other options to be explored; That staff report back with a recommended Terms of Reference for a Clarington Older Adult Committee; That the Older Adult Steering Committee members be thanked for their contributions to the process; and That all interested parties listed in Report CSD- 003 -15 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried as amended later in the meeting (See following motions) Resolution #C- 113 -15 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the foregoing Resolution #C- 112 -15 be amended in Paragraph two by replacing the words "approved in principle" with the words "considered by Council." Carried on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Neal d Councillor Partner d Councillor Traill d Councillor Woo V Councillor Cooke d Councillor Hooper V Mayor Foster V Council Meeting Minutes -14- April 13, 2015 Resolution #C- 114 -15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the foregoing Resolution #C- 112 -15, be referred back to staff for a comprehensive survey of seniors community wide on the satisfaction level with the COACB; That the COACB be requested to provide their business plan to deal with gaps identified in the consultant's report; and That staff report back with the survey results and the COACB submit their COAA Business Plan by the end of May. Motion Withdrawn Resolution #C- 115 -15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the foregoing Resolution- #C - 112 -15, as amended, be further amended to add "That staff undertake a comprehensive survey of seniors, community wide, on the satisfaction level with the COACB; That the COACB be requested to provide their business plan to deal with gaps identified in the consultant's report; and That the survey findings and plan be considered by staff and provided to Members of Council." Carried later in the meeting Resolution #C- 116 -15 Moved by Councillor Partner seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Council to speak to. Resolution #C- 115 -15 a second time. Carried Council Meeting Minutes - 15 - April 13, 2015 The foregoing Resolution #C- 115 -15 was then put to a vote and carried on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Neal V Councillor Partner V Councillor Traill d Councillor Woo d Councillor Cooke V Councillor Hooper d Mayor Foster V The foregoing Resolution #C- 112 -15 was then put to a vote and carried as amended. Resolution #C- 117 -15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That in accordance with Section 10.12.34 of the Procedural By -law, the meeting be extended until 11:15 PM. Carried Item #4 Resolution #C- 118 -15 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner That Report PSD- 019 -15 be received; That the applications to amend the Clarington Official Plan, Worden East Neighbourhood Design Plan, Zoning By -law 84 -63 and an application for Draft Plan of Subdivision, submitted by H & H Properties Inc. for the development of 80 residential units, continue to be processed and that a subsequent report be prepared; That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD- 019 -15 and Council's decision; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 019 -15 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried later in the meeting (See following motion) Council Meeting Minutes -16- April 13, 2015 Resolution #C- 119 -15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the foregoing Resolution #C- 118 -15 be amended to add: "That the developer be requested to hold a further Public Information Centre, which would include the presentation of a simulation of the development using simulation software, and that the Municipality co- operate in preparing the simulation." Motion lost on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Neal V Councillor Partner V Councillor Traill d Councillor Woo d Councillor Cooke d Councillor Hooper d Mayor Foster d The foregoing Resolution #C- 118 -15 was then put to a vote and carried. Item #5 Resolution #C- 120 -15 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner That Report PSD- 020 -15 be received; That staff consider the public comments received in the further processing of the application to amend the Clarington Official Plan, submitted by the CAPREIT Limited Partnerships, to include the subject lands within the urban area in order to permit the expansion of the Wilmot Creek Adult Lifestyle Community; That all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 020 -15 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision; and That staff be directed to write a letter to CAPRIET Limited to confirm meeting dates, and to confirm, in writing, that the work orders in excess of $50,000 have been issued for the infrastructure concerns that have been raised. Carried Council Meeting Minutes -17- April 13, 2015 Item #7 Resolution #C- 121 -15 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report EGD- 006 -15 be received; That Council endorse the recommendations contained within Report EGD -006 -15; That Staff be authorized to charge any set -up costs, which are expected to be approximately $1,500, to account 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7516, Works Associated with Development; and That all interested parties listed in Report EGD- 006 -15 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried later in the meeting Resolution #C- 122 -15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That in accordance with Section 10.12.34 of the Procedural By -law, the meeting be extended for 15 minutes. Carried The foregoing Resolution #C- 121 -15 was then put to a vote and carried. Item #1 c Resolution #C -123 -1 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That Report FND- 004 -15 - Mayor and Council Remuneration and Expenses For 2014 be received for information; and That Councillor Neal's donation of a portion of his Veridian remuneration back to the Municipality be noted in Report FND- 004 -15. Carried Staff Report(s) There were no Staff Reports considered under this Section of the Agenda. Council Meeting Minutes -18- April 13; 2015 Unfinished Business Resolution #C- 124 -15 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That the motion to appoint individuals to the Orono Arena Board of Clarington be lifted from the table. Carried Council now had the following motion before them: Resolution #C- 125 -15 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That the following individuals be appointed to the Orono Arena Board of Clarington for a term ending December 31, 2018 or until a successor is appointed: Grant Taullie Thompson Orono Agricultural Society Representatives: Michael DiLella Elaine Dillon Orono Athletic Association Representatives: Laverne Boyd Gord Lowery Carried as amended (See following motion) Resolution #C- 126 -15 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That the foregoing Resolution #C- 125 -15 be amended to delete the name of "Grant Taullie Thompson "; and That the Municipality re- advertise to fill the vacancy. Carried The foregoing Resolution #C- 125 -15 was then put to a vote and carried as amended. Council Meeting Minutes _19- April 13, 2015 By -Laws Resolution #C -127 -15 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal That leave be granted to introduce By -laws 2015 -025 to 2015 -027 2015 -025 Being a By -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Jeffery Homes Inc.) 2015 -026 Being a By -law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M -2066 from Part Lot Control [Baywood Homes (Napa Valley 5) Inc.] 2015 -027 Being a By -law to amend municipal street names in the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Energy Drive and Megawatt Drive); and That the said by -laws be approved. Carried Procedural Notice(s) of Motion There were no Procedural Notices of Motion introduced under this Section of the Agenda. Other Business There was no Other Business considered under this Section of the Agenda. Confirming By -Law Resolution #C- 128 -15 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor, Neal That leave be granted to introduce By -law 2015 -028, being a by -law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held on the 13th day of April, 2015; and That the said by -law be approved. Carried Council Meeting Minutes -20- April 13, 2015 Adiournment Resolution #C- 129 -15 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the meeting adjourn at 11:21 PM. Mayor Carried Municipal Clerk Summary of Correspondence April 27, 2015 Correspondence to be Received for Information I - 1 Minutes of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board dated March 10, 2015. (Copy attached) 1 - 2 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee dated April 14, 2015. (Copy attached) 1 - 3 Minutes of the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee dated April 1, 2015. (Copy attached) 1 - 4 Jeany Barrett, Municipal Liaison, Newcastle's of the World Steering Committee, providing an update on the status of the Committee and its accomplishments to date; advising of interest from several other community members who would be willing to support the Committee; and, indicating that the Committee would appreciate any help the Municipality can provide to the initiative to invite representatives of Newcastle's of the World to the community in 2016. 1 - 5 Ken. Nash', President, Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) providing a copy of "Progress Through Collaboration ", NWMO's Annual Report for 2014 as well as a copy of "Implementing Adaptive Phased Management 2015 to 2019, NWMO's annual five - year strategic plan and welcoming views on the contents of the Annual Report and Implementation Plan. Correspondence for Direction D - 1 Councillor Wendy Partner requesting that May 8, 2015, be proclaimed as "World Ovarian Cancer Day ", in an effort to create and raise awareness about ovarian cancer and to build a sense of solidarity in the fight against ovarian cancer. (Motion to Proclaim) D - 2 Peter Hoekstra, Celebration Fireworks, requesting permission to host a fireworks display on June 5, 2015, at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex for the Clarington Rotary Rib Fest. (Motion to approve provided the Organizers apply for and obtain a Fireworks Permit from the Municipal Clerk's Department) Summary of Correspondence - 2 - April 27, 2015 D - 3 Peter Hoekstra, Celebration Fireworks, requesting permission, to host a fireworks display on July 1, 2015, at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex for the Clarington Canada Day Celebration. (Motion to approve provided the Organizers apply for and obtain a Fireworks Permit from the Municipal Clerk's Department) D-4 Peter Hoekstra, Celebration Fireworks, requesting permission to host a fireworks display on September 26, 2015, at 1979 Highway 2, Courtice. (Motion to approve provided the Organizers apply for and obtain a Fireworks Permit from the Municipal Clerk's Department) D - 5 Paul Slemon, Route Manager, 2015 Terry Fox Run, advising this year the 2015 Terry Fox Run will take place on Sunday, September 20, 2015 and requesting permission to hang the Terry Fox run /walk banner at the west end of town at the bridge from August 29 to September 20, 2015. (Motion to approve installation of banner and Veridian to be advised) D - 6 Suzanne Barnes, Valleys 2000, requesting the Municipality to consider snow removal on the main trail in the Bowmanville Valley as it is a major link for pedestrians travelling to and from the downtown, and as such becomes compacted into ice /icy snow several inches,thick creating a safety concern; and, advising Valleys 2000 is unaware of the winter usage of the Soper Creek Trail and will investigate and potentially monitor the trail in the winter of 2015116. (Motion for Direction) 1 -1 Newcastle Memorial Arena Ma tagement Board Municipality of C'larin tOn Minutes of Meetina — Tuesday March 10, 2015 (Not vet approved by committee) In Attendance — Gord Lee, Chair, Arena Manager, Bryan Wiltshire Carol Little, Gord Blaker, Gary Oliver, Susan White, Shea -Lea Latchford, Regional Councillor, Willie Woo, Local Councillor, Wendy Partner. Re ,atets — Jay Summers 1. Call to Order — 7:10 P.M. The chair welcomed all the returning committee members and introduced and welcomed to our new member Susan White. As this was the first official meeting of the new committee for the 2015 through 2018 term, Councillors' Woo and Partner were asked to hold an election of office for the positions of Chair and Vice - Chair. Prior to the election, Acknowledgement was given to former committee member and vice — chair, Larry Burke. Larry did not re -apply for this term. Recognition was given to his 20 years serving on the management board 1995 TO 2014. Nominations for Chair— Gord Lee was nominated to return as the chair. No other names were brought forward. Nominations were closed. Gord Lee was returned to the position of Chairman for the serving term of this management board. Nominations for Vice -Chair — Two members were nominated for Vice- Chair; Gary Oliver and Gord Blaker. Gary declined the opportunity to participate in the election for the position. No other names were brought forward. Nominations were closed and Gord Blaker was elected as vice - chair. Request for a recording secretary was brought forward; with no volunteer. coming forward. The chair will continue to record the minutes for the time - being. 2. Adoption of Minutes — Motion # 15 -006 was proposed - THAT: The minutes of February, 10,'2015 be accepted, as presented Moved by: Shea -Lea Latchford Seconded by: Gary Oliver (2) 3. Arena Manager's Report — Bryan advised the heater for the Olympia Room had been replaced by the municipality's Operations Department and the room was now functioning at normal temperatures. The hockey, season was quickly coming to an end; one Newcastle Rep team remained in the playoffs and the house league teams were winding down their season. Minor Hockey ice contracts continued through to the last week -end of March. Our Herman Valckx Memorial Volunteer Appreciation Public Skate was scheduled for Sunday March 29th, 2015 and the Valckx family had acknowledged they would be in attendance. Bryan was also attempting to put together a midget alumni game for April 4th. However, it is getting more difficult to get enough of our former midget players back on skates for an exhibition game. In previous years, both of these events raised funds for the Durham Region Heart and Stroke Foundation, in memory of Mr. Valckx. Bryan also advised of the ice removal plans for April 4th, week -end, the start-up of the Men's Ball Hockey for April 12th and Clarington Minor Lacrosse's schedule would commence mid April. Further, he brought us up to date on the jackets and sweaters ordered for staff. We will be able to start the fall season with all our staff being recognizable to the public. 4. Financial Report —Accounts Receivables were provided for Y.T.D. Feb. 28th, showing $76,660.45 outstanding — 55% ($40,515.00 current). Bryan brought the committee up to date on payments that had been received since month -end. An income statement Y.T.D. was also provided. However, with this the first meeting of the newly appointed board, there was no forecast budget approved, as yet. Regarding the 2015 -16 budget forecast, discussions took place and an increase in ice rates was brought forward. Utility Services continue to increase; minimum wages will increase again in the fall and our payroll was still to be determined for 2015. With Bryan being excused from the meeting, his wages were discussed, as well. Councillor Partner provided information from the municipality's H.R. Dept. on current wage increase policies in force. With this information provided, Motion# 15 -007 was proposed: THAT: The chair meets with our arena manager for a job evaluation and wage discussion: Also, that a 1 Y2 to 2% ceiling be placed on wage increases, if merited. (3) Further, ice rates for the fall, spring 2015 -16 seasons are increased by 4 -5 % and our budget forecast be completed for year 2015. Moved by: Gord Blaker Seconded by: Councillor Partner Further to this motion, the chair suggested and invited Gord Blaker, the newly elected vice -chair to take part in the meeting with Bryan. 5. Round Table Open Discussion - The chair advised that the municipality had removed a considerable amount of snow from our parking lot, providing us with a much better winter parking situation. Also, additional lighting had been installed on the north wall of the building — two items that had been required and requested. Gord had sent a thanks to Mr. Horvath for looking after these. At Sue White's request, Bryan would make arrangements to give her a tour of the building at her convenience. They would arrange a time, convenient to both. Discussion took place on the declining sales at our snack bar. Suggestions were requested to be brought forward from all. Further discussions on the snack bar will take place at our next two summer meetings. Minimum wage increasing again in the fall will add more costs to our snack bar payroll. There is a need to find a few unique food products to attract customers. 6. Next Meeting —Tuesday April 14, 2015 — 7:00 P.M. 7. Adiournment — Motion # 15- 008 — Moved by: Councillor Woo CARRIED Seconded by: Carol Little Present: (Voting) Absent: Draft minutes — Not vet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD TUESDAY APRIL 14, 2015 7:OOPM Kate Potter Patrick Bothwell Melanie McArthur Jim Cleland Michael Apt Leo Blindenbach Suzanne Land Councillor Corinna Traill Brian Reid 1. ELECTION OF COMMITTEE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR o Being the first meeting of this term the committee was ask to elect a Chair and Vice Chair. Brian Reid was elected as Chair and Kate Potter was elected as Vice - Chair. 2. AGENDA MOVED: by Suzanne Land SECONDED by Leo Blindenbach THAT: the agenda for April 14, 2015 be accepted CARRIED 3. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Approval of Minutes MOVED: by Kate Potter SECONDED by Melanie Mac Arthur THAT: the minutes of November 11, 2014 be approved. CARRIED I -2 :ibVi A ikpril 2015 Minutes 3- ITEMS/UPDATES Grants Transportation Diesel Spill The committee was provided an update on the clean -up related to the December 16, 2014 tanker truck accident on the 401 that resulted in a diesel spill of approx. 14,500 litres. Some of the diesel fuel made it into the Wilmot Creek. EFI Global is the company hired by the insurer to manage the clean -up. EFI Global has provided an interim Environmental Report which details the accident and the clean -up efforts to date. A Project summary was passed out at the meeting. The full report will be included in the distribution of the April SWNA minutes. A site inspection with EFI, Clarington, GRCA and MOE is planned for April 17 to identify any remaining concerns. The committee questioned whether any environmental fines would be levied against the transport company. If so could those fines be directed to SWNA related projects since the Nature Area was directly affected by the spill? Brian Reid suggested that in lieu of fines perhaps some of the SWNA trails could be improved by the insurer or their client. Since MOE would be responsible for levying any fines, P. Windolf will discuss with MOE at the April 17 meeting. Fall 2014 Waterfront Trail Construction Project There are a few remaining deficiencies from the trail construction that occurred in the fall of 2014. The trail is open for use, the outstanding deficiencies will be rectified this spring once the site is dry enough to access with equipment. SWNA Photo Contest Last fall the committee discussed ways to increase interest and participation in the annual photo contest. It was recommended that moving the deadline for the contest to the late summer or fall would give photographers the opportunity to take photos in all seasons. The Visual Arts Centre (VAC) was contacted regarding availability for the photo exhibition in October and November. The VAC indicated that two dates, October 9 and November 12 were available. The committee preferred November 12 so the VAC will be asked to confirm and book Nov. 12 for the opening of the photo exhibition Toronto Street Construction Project The Region of Durham will be constructing a new sewer connection to their Toronto Street Treatment Plant in 2016. During construction the section of Waterfront Trail along Toronto Street would be have to be closed. Funding has been approved in the 2015 capital budget to permanently relocate the trail off road and connect it to the existing trail behind the sewage treatment plant. This will eliminate the need to close the trail during construction and will SWNA April 2017 kfhiu es also remove the on -road section of the Waterfront Trail from Toronto Street. Design is being done by Clarington engineering staff and construction is expected to begin in the summer. Birds of Prey Event The Newcastle Lions have generously provided $500 in funding to allow the SWNA Committee to arrange a public education event themed around Birds of Prey. The Mountsberg Raptor Centre has provided a very good educational session at the SWNA before, however there is a local falconer that may be able to provide a similar show. The Ontario Falconry Centre will be contacted to see what type of show they could provide. The preferred date is Saturday June 20 in the morning. P. Windolf will provide an update at the May meeting. Spring Clean -Up Now that the snow has melted, litter is visible throughout the SWNA. The committee decided to do a site clean -up on Saturday April 25 starting at 10:00AM. That's the same day that Leo Blindenbach has scheduled a clean -up in the Port Of Newcastle. After some discussion it was decided that two meeting places will be offered for residents who want to participate, the.Toronto Street parking lot and the Admiral's Walk Clubhouse. Leo will direct some of the volunteers from the Admiral's Walk to the Toronto Street parking lot. Brian Reid, Patrick Bothwell and Councillor Traill have confirmed they will be at the Toronto Street parking lot to guide the volunteers. Councillor Traill will be there at 9:OOAM in case there are early arrivals. OPG /Scouts Planting project On Saturday May 2 from 9:OOAM to noon a group of Scouts and parents have volunteered to plant 300 7400 bare root trees just south of the railway line at Toronto Street. This is the second consecutive year that OPG has organized this event. Committee members are encouraged to attend if they are available. Last year the planting was completed by 11:OOAM. Some trees will also be planted on the bank where the trail has been removed and relocated. 4. OTHER BUSINESS Vehicles continue to access the SWNA via the hydro access point just south of the transition lines. A cable to close off that access point has been unlocked for a long time. OPG will be contacted to see if they can reinstate the cable or provide a gate at this location to eliminate the unauthorized vehicular access. Operations will be asked to provide three 45 gallon garbage cans for committee members to monitor and empty. One for the barrier beach, one for the Waterfront Trail at Toronto Street and the third for the Waterfront Trail at the pedestrian bridge. 5. MOTION TO ADJOURN MOVED: by Leo Blindenbach SECONDED by Patrick Bothwell SWNA April 20!5 tl'liF1ULes THAT: the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Adjournment 8:30PM Next Meeting: Tuesday May 12, 6:30 PM at the SWNA Toronto Street parking lot. Please note the May 12 meeting will be ON -SITE Notes prepared by: P.Windolf Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee 1-3 April 1, 2015, 6:00 P.M. Meeting Room 1A Present: Shea -Lea Latchford Sally -Barrie John Sturdy Andre O'Bumsawin Jacquie Watchorn Councillor Partner arrived at 6:11 p.m. Also Present: Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk Michelle Chambers, Committee Coordinator Tim Van Leeuwen Maureen Reed Anne Greentree welcomed the Committee and provided a brief introduction. The new members of the Committee were asked to introduce themselves and provided some back ground, information with respect to being a member of the Accessibility Advisory Committee. Ms. Greentree provided an overview of how the meeting will be conducted. She continued by explaining that these are open meetings and members of the public are welcome to attend and observe. 1. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Shea -Lea Latchford, seconded by Andre O'Bumsawin THAT the minutes of the meeting of September 3, 2014 be approved. "CARRIED" 2. Presentation None 3. Business Arising From Minutes (a) Marshall Hohmann recipient of Region of Durham's 2014 Accessibility Awards The Accessibility Advisory Committee had previously nominated Marshall Hohmann for Region of Durham's 2014 Accessibility Awards and he was the successful recipient. Anne Greentree provided some details regarding the award ceremony and the recipients. Clarington Accessibility - 2 - April 1, 2015 Advisory Committee 4. New Business (a) Election of Chair Anne Greentree distributed the Clarington Boards and Committees Orientation Package and provided a brief overview of the Advisory Boards and Committees of Council. She highlighted the goals and expectations of these Boards and Committee and noted that the minutes are submitted to Council for their consideration. Ms. Greentree explained how the Chair of the Committee can bring an issue forward to Council to be adopted by resolution. She noted that this is an Advisory Committee and has limited power. She reviewed information in the package including: conflicts of interest, openness and transparency to the public, length of the meetings, and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Ms. Greentree explained the flow of the meetings, passing of resolutions, minutes, and distribution of the agendas. She advised the Committee that they will need to take two separate training sessions including Serve - Ability and Municipality of Clarington Integrated Accessibility Standards Training module. Councillor Partner opened nominations for the position of Chair, explaining that this is for a four -year period, and Shea -Lea Latchford indicated that she was interested in being the Committee Chair. Moved by Sally Barrie, seconded by Andre O'Bumsawin That Shea -Lea Latchford be appointed as Chair for the Committee's term.' "CARRIED" Andre O'Bumsawin and Jacquie Watchorn indicated that they would be interested in the position of Vice - Chair. Andre O'Bumsawin withdrew his nomination. Moved by Shea -Lea Latchford, seconded by Andre O'Bumsawin That Jacquie Watchorn be appointed as Vice -Chair for the Committee's term. "CARRIED" (b) Correspondence Email from Paul Wirch, Planning Services, dated November 27, 2014, regarding accessibility to retail stores Anne Greentree reviewed the question from Paul Wirch, Planner, with respect to whether dropped curbs or raised curbs with accessible curb cuts are preferred at retail locations. A discussion took place regarding the Clarington Accessibility - 3 - April 1, 2015 . Advisory Committee benefits of each option and the Committee decided that the preferred option would be to have dropped curbs along the entire frontage of retail store locations. ii. Letter from Donna McLarty, Town Clerk, Town of Richmond Hill regarding Teleconferencing of AAC Meetings Anne Greentree reviewed the correspondence from the Town of Richmond Hill requesting that the Accessibility Advisory Committee meetings be permitted to be conducted via teleconference. Anne suggested discussing this issue and deciding on a resolution at the next meeting. A discussion took place regarding the request including: losing the face -to -face contact, allowing the meetings to be more accessible, benefits for individuals with hearing and vision impairments. Ms. Greentree committed to undertaking additional research for the Committee's consideration. iii. Letter from Behishta Mushtaq, Chair of Durham Deaf Accessibility Committee regarding captioning of televised Council and Committee meetings Ms. Greentree provided some back ground information regarding.this correspondence. She explained that municipalities video their Council meetings in various methods. There has been a request to have the Council meetings include closed captioning or signing during the video feed. She added that Clarington now has a contract set up with a signer should another request to provide signing interpretation be received. She noted that Rogers Television has responded by advising that they intend to have closed captioning available during the 2015 -2016 fiscal year and it will be mandatory by 2021. (c) 2015 -2018 CAAC Workplan Ms. Greentree discussed creating a CAAC Workplan and reviewed the proposed draft work plan. She added that she is hoping to brainstorm and create a workplan at the next meeting. Shea -Lea Latchford noted that the Committee should take some time to brainstorm and collect ideas for the next meeting and discuss some possible events and awareness promotion. Ms. Greentree noted that Clarington had previously hosted an Accessibility Challenge, involving members of the community, in downtown Bowmanville and a similar event at Clarington Central High School. She continued by explaining that when she attended the accessibility awards they noted that several accessibility committees worked with local business. She added that she is hoping the Committee can choose some local businesses to work with and assist with accessibility. . Clarington Accessibility - 4 - April 1, 2015 Advisory Committee Sally Barrie noted that they did have goals that they worked towards previously as she was on the Committee and she is hoping to make businesses more aware of accessibility issues. Jacquie Watchorn reported on research she had done regarding grants for the Municipality with respect to accessibility. Anne Greentree responded my noting that currently she does have these applications on her desk and she will review them and advise. She added that the City of Pickering received some funding in 2014. Anne Greentree suggested that the Committee bring items forward to the next meeting to assist in developing the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee's workplan. 5. Regional Update (a) Regional AAC Chairs Group Minutes of Meeting of February 18, 2015 (b) Regional AAC Chairs Group Minutes of Meeting of January 27, 2015 (c) City -of Pickering AAC Minutes of Meeting of February 19, 2015 Anne Greentree explained that each Municipality in the Region of Durham has their own Accessibility Committee. She added that she will notify Shea -Lea Latchford when the next Region of Durham Accessibility Chairs meeting will be. Sally Barrie advised that the Region of Durham decided at the last meeting that the Chairs will meet twice a year. Councillor Partner asked about "browse aloud" on our website. Ms. Greentree advised that Clarington will be having browse aloud on the website and will hopefully provide a demo at the next Committee meeting. Anne Greentree reviewed the requirements of the Site Plan Review Committee. Shea -Lea Latchford and Andre O'Bumsawin indicated that they would be interested in participating in these meetings. 6. Other Business (a) - Accessibility Coordinator for the Municipality of Clarington Anne Greentree advised the Committee that the Municipality of Clarington is in the process of recruiting for an Accessibility Coordinator. Clarington Accessibility -5- Advisory Committee 7. . Date of Next Meeting May 6, 2015 at 6:00 PM. 8. Adjournment April 1, 2015 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Andre O'Bumsawn That the meeting adjourn.. "CARRIED" The meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m. Chair Secretary Report #1 Report to Council Meeting of April 27, 2015 Subject: General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting of Monday, April 20, 2015 Recommendations: 1. Receive for Information (a) EGD- 007 -15 Report on Building Permit Activity for January, February, and March 2015 (b) EGD- 008 -15 Review of Lot Grading and Drainage (c) EGD- 009 -15 Clarington Fields Washroom 2. Petra Schwirtz & Steve Simic, Clarington Tourism Marketing Board, Regarding Growing Tourism in Clarington That the delegation of Petra Schwirtz and Steve Simic, Clarington Tourism Marketing Board, regarding the Draft Proposal and Discussion Paper on Growing Tourism in Clarington, be referred to the Strategic Plan; and That Council consider undertaking a report to study options for the delivery of Tourism Services. 3. Applications by 1127009 Ontario Inc. (Headgate Developments Inc.) for Draft Plan of Subdivision and Rezoning for 24 Single Detached Dwellings with Rezoning to Permit Development of the Plan of Subdivision That Report PSD- 023 -15 be received; That staff consider the public comments received in the further processing of the applications for plan of subdivision (S -C- 2014 -0003) and to amend the Zoning By- law (ZBA 2014 -0031) submitted by 1127009 Ontario Inc. (Headgate Developments Inc.) for the development of 24 single detached dwellings and that a subsequent recommendation report be prepared; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 023 -15 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623 -3379 Report #1 - 2 - May 4, 2015 4. Proposal for a Rotosonic Monitoring Site at the Hydro One, Clarington Transformer Station That Report PSD- 024 -15 be received; That Council Resolution # C- 172 -14 (Attachment 3) granting G360 Group access to Townline Road for the purpose of a deep borehole and providing a grant of $25,000 to the University of Guelph be rescinded; That the Municipality of Clarington provide up to $25,000 to fund the joint proposal of Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, University of Guelph and McMaster University (G360 Group) for their proposal "Hydrogeological Assessment of the South Slope of the Oak Ridges Moraine" dated April 2, 2015 (Attachment 1); That the project be funded with a transfer from the 2013 Donations Account to the Consulting Reserve; That Hydro One be requested to provide site access for the additional rotosonic borehole and long term monitoring activities as outlined in the proposal in Attachment 1 to Report PSD- 024 -15; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 024 -15 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 5. Purchasing or Renting a Washroom Facility Trailer That staff be directed to prepare a report on the potential time and financial ramifications of renting versus purchasing a portable washroom trailer. 6. 2015 Community Grant Requests and Sponsorship Opportunities That Report CSD- 004 -15 be received; That Council consider all submitted grant requests; That Council consider all submitted sponsorship opportunities; That staff be directed to develop criteria and a process for a Municipal Sponsorship Program and report back; and That all applicants listed in Report CSD- 004 -15 be advised of Council's decision. Report #1 - 3 - May 4, 2015 7. Brownsdale Community Centre Hampton Community Association Kendal Community Centre Newtonville Community Hall Orono Town Hall Solina Community Centre Tyrone Community Centre That Grant Application #15 -01, Brownsdale Community Centre, be approved in the amount of $3,000.00. That Grant Application #15 -02, Hampton Community Association, be approved in the amount of $3,000.00. That Grant Application #15 -03, Kendal Community Centre, be approved in the amount of $3,000.00. That Grant Application #15 -04, Newtonville Community Hall, be approved in the amount of $3,000.00. That Grant Application #15 -05, Orono Town Hall, be approved in the amount of $3,000.00. That Grant Application #15 -06, Solina Community Centre, be approved in the amount of $3,000.00. That Grant Application #15 -07, Tyrone Community Centre, be approved in the amount of $3,000.00. 8. Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade That Grant Application #15 -08, Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade, be approved in the amount of $1,500.00. 9. Pride Durham That Grant Application #15 -09, Pride Durham, be approved in the amount of $1,500.00. 10. Architectural Conservatory of Ontario — Clarington Branch That Grant Application #15 -10, Architectural Conservatory of Ontario — Clarington Branch, be approved in the amount of $3,000.00. Report #1 - 4 - May 4, 2015 11. Newcastle Village and District Historical Society That Grant Application #15 -11, Newcastle Village and District Historical Society, be approved in the amount of $1,500.00. 12. Music Night in the Park (Newtonville) That Grant Application #15 -12, Music Night in the Park (Newtonville), be approved in the amount of $1,000.00. 13. Clarington Concert Band That Grant Application #15 -13, Clarington Concert Band, be approved in the amount of $1,000.00. 14. The Driftwood Theatre Group That Grant Application #15 -14, The Driftwood Theatre Group, be approved in the amount of $1,500.00. 16. Great Canadian Town Band Festival That Grant Application #15 -15, Great Canadian Town Band Festival, be approved in the amount of $1,000.00. 16. Lakeshore New Horizons That Grant Application #15 -16, Lakeshore New Horizons, be approved in the amount of $750.00. 17. Newcastle Village Concerts That Grant Application #15 -18, Newcastle Village Concerts, be approved in the amount of $750.00. 18. Newcastle Art Show Inc. That Grant Application #15 -19, Newcastle Art Show In., be approved in the amount of $2,500.00. Report #1 - 5 - May 4, 2015 19. Bowmanville Gardens Allotment Bowmanville Ecology Garden Bowmanville Horticultural Society Newcastle Horticultural Society Orono Horticultural Society That Grant Application #15 -20, Bowmanville Gardens Allotment, be approved in the amount of $500.00; That Grant Application #15 -21, Bowmanville Ecology Garden, be approved in the amount of $500.00; That Grant Application #15 -22, Bowmanville Horticultural Society, be approved in the amount of $500.00; That Grant Application #15 -23, Newcastle Horticultural Society, be approved in the amount of $500.00; and That Grant Application #15 -24, Orono Horticultural Society, be approved in the amount of $500.00. 20. Bowmanville Creek Conservation Group That Grant Application #15 -25, Bowmanville Creek Conservation Group, be approved in the amount of $1,500.00. 21. Bethesda House That the Grant Application for Bethesda House be referred to the Policy Report on Sponsorship. 22. Big Brothers and Sisters of Clarington That Grant Application #15 -27, Big Brothers and Sisters of Clarington, be denied. 23. Feed the Need Durham That Grant Application #15 -28, Feed the Need Durham, be approved in the amount of $3,000.00. 24. Lions Club of Courtice That Grant Application #15 -29, Lions Club of Courtice, be denied. Report #1 - 6 - May 4, 2015 25. Luke's Place Support & Resource Centre for Women & Children That Grant Application #15 -30, Luke's Place Support & Resource Centre for Women & Children, be denied. 26. The Gathering Place That Grant Application #15 -31, The Gathering Place, be approved in the amount of $1,500.00. 27. Bethesda Cemetery Board That Grant Application #15 -33, Bethesda Cemetery Board, be approved in the amount of $750.00. 28. Bowmanville Figure.Skating Club That Grant Application #15 -34, Bowmanville Figure Skating Club, be approved in the amount of $1,000.00. 29. Clarington Swim Club That Grant Application #15 -35, Clarington Swim Club, be approved in the amount of $1,000.00. 30. Oshawa Camaros Baton Club That Grant Application #15 -36, Oshawa Camaros Baton Club, be approved in the amount of $1,000.00. 31. Home Base Durham That Grant Application #15 -37, Home Base Durham, be approved in the amount of $1,000.00. 32. Bowmanville & District Navy League That Grant Application #15 -38, Bowmanville & District Navy League, be approved in the amount of $1,000.00. 33. Soper Valley Model Railroad Association That Grant Application #15 -39, Soper Valley Model Railroad Association, be approved in the amount of $750.00. Report #1 - 7 - May 4, 2015 34. Newcastle & District Chamber of Commerce That Sponsorship Application #15 -S1, Newcastle & District Chamber of Commerce, be approved in the amount of $500.00. 35. Concerts in the Park (Bowmanville) That Sponsorship Application #15 -S2, Concerts in the Park (Bowmanville), approved in the amount of $1,000.00. 36. Orono Agricultural Society That Sponsorship Application #15 -S3, Orono Agricultural Society, be approved in the amount of $5,000.00. 37. Orono Town Hall That Sponsorship Application #15 -S5, Orono Town Hall, be approved in the amount of $500.00. 38. Community Living Oshawa /Clarington That Sponsorship Application #15 -S6, Community Living Oshawa /Clarington, be approved in the amount of $1,500.00. 39. Bowmanville Hospital Foundation That Sponsorship Application #15 -S7, Bowmanville Hospital Foundation, be approved in the amount of $3,500.00 as a lump sum to be distributed as per Staff direction. 40. Habitat for Humanity That Sponsorship Application #15 -S8, Habitat for Humanity, be denied and allow them to reapply. 41. Procedural By -law and Related Policies — Improvement and Efficiency Amendments That Report CLD- 006 -15 be received; That, in the interest of improving communication flow and providing for greater efficiencies during meetings, the Procedural By -law 2011 -016 be repealed and a new procedural by -law be approved (Attachment 1 to Report CLD- 006 -15) with the following changes to the proposed Procedural By -law: Report #1 - 8 - May 4, 2015 That announcements by Members of Council be limited to meetings that are televised; That each member of Council have a total of five minutes to announce or comment on community events and activities; That all communications be included on the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting Agenda; That communications shall be included in it's entirely unless it is impracticable to do so in which case it shall be included in a manner as determined by the Municipal Clerk; That a motion to refer or commit, or any amendment to it, is debatable and shall include: a) The name of the committee or person to whom the matter is to be referred, and b) The terms for referring the matter and the time or period, if any, on or within which the matter is to be returned; That, Section 9.2.2, Delegations, be amended to add the following to the end: "unless a majority of the Members present vote to hear the delegation "; That Section 9.2.4, Request to Speak — Required, be amended to delete "agenda item "; That, notwithstanding 7.2.1, when a Member declares on a matter(s) at a Council meeting, later in the meeting when the confirming by -law is on the floor, the Member's declaration is understood and the Member may remain in the room in which the meeting is taking place and participate in the vote on the confirming by -law; That, Other Business, be amended to allow Members, to ask questions of Department Heads pertaining to any matter, including those not necessarily listed on the agenda in both General Purpose and Administration Committee and Council meetings; That the Order of Business for the Committee meetings be amended such that the "Other Business" section of the Agenda is considered prior to the adoption of the Agenda. Report #1 - 9 - May 4, 2015 42. That, where Council deems it appropriate to communicate its position to municipalities beyond those in the Region of Durham, the resolution be forwarded to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and /or the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) rather than each individual municipality; That the proposed amendments to Policy F9, Proclamations, as outlined in Section 2.11 and Attachment 2 of Report CLD- 006 -15, be approved. That Staff are encouraged to adopt a best practice, such that potential delegates be forwarded to the appropriate department to discuss their issues; and That the authority to appoint private parking enforcement officers be delegated to the Municipal Clerk. Boundary Road Rehabilitation That Report COD - 009 -15 be received; That Coco Paving Incorporated with a total bid amount of $432,992.72 (net H.S.T. Rebate) being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2015 -7 be awarded the contract for Boundary Road Rehabilitation as required by the Municipality of Clarington, Engineering Department; That the total funds required in the amount of $476,000.00 (net HST Rebate) including construction cost of $432,992.72 and $43,007.28 contingency be drawn from the following account: Boundary Road Rehabilitation 110 -32- 330 - 83435 -7401 $ 476,000.00 That all interested parties listed in Report COD - 009 -15 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 43. Sound System in the Council Chambers That Staff be directed to provide a report regarding the options for improving the current sound system in the Council Chambers, at a timeline convenient to Staff. Report #1 _10- May 4, 2015 44. Applications by 289143 Ontario Limited for a proposed draft plan of subdivision and rezoning to permit a 234 unit residential development That Report PSD- 052 -14 be received; That Addendum to Report PSD- 052 -14 be received; That the application for the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision, submitted by 289143 Ontario Limited to permit the development of 234 residential units be supported, with a revision to reduce the maximum number of medium and high density units from 160 to 140 subject to the conditions contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD- 052 -14; That the Zoning By -law Amendment application submitted by 289143 Ontario Limited be approved as contained in Attachment 3 to Addendum to Report PSD - 052-14 with a revision to section 15.4.38 c. vii) (a) of the by -law by reducing the minimum lot area from 175 to 150 square metres for each townhouse unit;. That once all conditions contained in the Official Plan and Zoning By -law with respect to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol are satisfied, the By -law authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be approved with a revision to section 15.4.38 c. vii) (a) of the by -law by reducing the minimum lot area from 175 to 150 square metres for each townhouse unit; That the Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD- 052 -14 and Council's decision; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 052 -14 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 45. Fire Amalgamation Study That staff be directed to prepare a report on the costs and benefits of amalgamation of fire services; and That staff be directed to request the Region of Durham staff to provide a framework for the amalgamation as it pertains to: • urban - rural services • full time — volunteers • cost and tax effects • any other relevant matters Summary of By -laws April 27, 2015 By-laws 2015 -029 Being a By -law to govern the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington, its General Purpose and Administration Committee and Special Committees, and to repeal By -law 2011 -016, as amended (Item 41 of Report #1) 2015 -030 Being a By -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (289143 Ontario Limited) (Item 44 of Report #1) 2015 -031 Being a By -law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year, to strike rates and levy taxes for Municipal purposes for the year 2015 and to provide for the collection thereof 2015 -032 Being a By -law to appoint an individual as a Parking Enforcement Officer for Private Property (Sean Glover, Michael Van Hemmen, and Jason Campos) (2800 Courtice Road, Courtice 571 Longworth Avenue and 253 Sprucewood Crescent, Bowmanville) A7 Clerk's Department If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal Clerk at 905- 623 -3379 ext. 2102. To: Mayor Foster and Members of Council From: Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk Date: April 24, 2015 Subject: Council Meeting Agenda —April 27, 2015 -- Update File: C05.Council Please be advised of the following updates to the Council Agenda: Unfinished Business 2015 Senior of the Year Award Nominations (addition) (b) Margery Freethy (Supporting documentation distributed under separate cover) By -law (addition) 2015 -033 Being a By -law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M -2506 from Part Lot Control Attached for Members of Council is the Final Consolidated Agenda. 36VV, (_ C6 ne Greentree, B.A., CMO Municipal Clerk CAGIcf c: F. Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Department Heads Council Agenda Date: Monday, April 27, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers NO "A'alk The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of Council meetings. If you make a delegation /presentation to a Council meeting, the Municipality will be audio recording you and will make the recording public by publishing the recording on the Municipality's website. In addition, please be advised that some of the Council meetings may also be video recorded. Meeting Called to Order Invocation Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest Announcements Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) Minutes of a regular meeting of Council April 13, 2015 Presentations a. Steven Usher, SLR Consulting (Canada) Ltd. - Proposal for a Rotosonic Monitoring Site at the Hydro One, Clarington Transformer Station (Item 4 of Report #1) Delegations There are no Delegations scheduled for this meeting. Communications Receive for Information 1- 1 Minutes of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board dated March 10, 2015 1-2 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot. Nature Area Management Advisory Committee dated April 14, 2015 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L'IC 3A6 T (905)623 -3379 F (905)623 -3330 Council Agenda - 2 - Aril 27, 2015 1-3 Minutes of the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee dated April 1, 2015 1 - 4 Jeany Barrett, Municipal Liaison, Newcastle's of the World Steering Committee — Quarterly Report 1-5 Ken Nash, President, Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) - Annual Report for 2014 and Five -year Strategic Plan Receive for Direction D - 1 Councillor Wendy Partner — Request for Proclamation of "World Ovarian Cancer Day" D - 2 Peter Hoekstra, Celebration Fireworks — Request for Fireworks Permit for Clarington Rotary Rib Fest D - 3 Peter Hoekstra, Celebration Fireworks — Request for Fireworks Permit for Canada Day Celebrations D - 4 Peter Hoekstra, Celebration Fireworks -- Request for Fireworks Permit for Event at Van Belle's Flower and Garden Centre D - 5 Paul Slemon, Route Manager, 2015 Terry Fox Run — Request for Installation of Banner D - 6 Suzanne Barnes, Valleys 2000 — Snow Removal in the Bowmanville Valley Committee Report(s) 1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of April 24, 2015 Staff Report(s) Unfinished Business 1. 2015 Senior of the Year Award Nominations (Supporting documentation distributed under separate cover) (a) Jim Boate (b) Margery Freethy By -laws Procedural Notice(s) of Motion Other Business Confirming By -Law Adjournment Clarington Transformer Station Interim Peer Review Findings Presentation to Council by: Steven Usher, P.Geo. April 27, 2015 Peer Review Objectives •To assist the municipality, residents and stakeholders in clearly understanding current and ongoing findings. Tonight’s Objectives •Update Council on Activitiesand convey preliminary conclusions Activities Since December •Continued liaison with public, Hydro One •Review PTTW application •Met with MOECC on PTTW •Supplementary Drilling (2x) by Hydro One •Ecologic Review •Supported RotoSonicProposal Submission Initial Conceptual Geologic Model of Site Site Conceptual Geologic Model Peer Review Findings •ESR based geology on regional information only •Our opinion that EA could have been more detailed •No formal risk assessment in EA •Additional drilling and discussion have focused on specific issues, Hydro One now have provided additional and needed information •Seven technical questions on PTTW application, are progressively being answered, not there yet, MOECC not yet issued approval •Ecology review concludes remedial plans are generally acceptable, with CLOCA help Questions ?