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Council Agenda
Date: Monday, March 23, 2015
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Council Chambers
The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of Council meetings. If you make a
delegation /presentation to a Council meeting, the Municipality will be audio recording you and will
make the recording public by publishing the recording on the Municipality's website. In addition,
please be advised that some of the Council meetings may also be video recorded.
Meeting Called to Order
Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest
Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council March 2, 2015
Aleena Luetchford - Certificate of Recognition - Gold Medal Award for the 50m
Butterfly at the Speedo Eastern Canadian Open
2. Tim and Sharyn Sargent — Certificate of Recognition — "Canadian Jersey Cow of the
Year" Award
There are no Delegations listed as of the time of publication
Receive for Information
I - 1 Minutes of the Newcastle Village Community Hall Board dated January 20, 2015
1 - 2 Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee (DNHC) dated January 23, 2015
1 - 3 Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington dated February 12, 2015
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623 -3379 F (905)623 -3330
Council Agenda - 2 - March 23, 2015
Receive for Direction
D - 1 The Honourable Erin O'Toole, MP — Durham — Request for Proclamation of "National
Health and Fitness Day"
D - 2 David J. Crome, Director of Planning Services, Municipality of Clarington — Request for
Proclamation of "School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day"
D - 3 William Stratton, Chair, Day of Mourning Committee, Durham Labour Council -
"National Day of Mourning"
D-4 John Vogels and Laurel Gould — Request for Extension to Temporary Living Quarters
D - 5 Mayor Simpson, City of Quesnel, British Columbia — "Ride Across Canada"
D - 6 The Honourable Jeff Leal, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs - 2015
Premier's Award for Agri -Food Innovation Excellence Program
D - 7 Dan Caudle, President, Pride Durham Inc., - Request for Proclamation of "Pride Week"
and Flag raising
Committee Report(s)
1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of March 9, 2015
Staff Report(s)
Unfinished Business
By -laws
Procedural Notice(s) of Motion
Other Business
Confirming By -Law
Council Meeting Minutes
March 2, 2015
If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the
Municipal Clerk's Department at 905 - 623 -3379.
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on March 2, 2015, at 7:00 PM, and
reconvening at 4:00 PM. on March 5, 2015, in the Council Chambers.
Councillor Neal led the meeting in prayer.
Roll Call
Present Were:
Mayor A. Foster
Councillor S. Cooke
Councillor R. Hooper
Councillor J. Neal
Councillor W. Partner
Councillor C. Traill
Councillor W. Woo
Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu
Municipal Solicitor, A. Allison
Director of Engineering Services, A. Cannella
Director of Community Services, J. Caruana
Corporate Initiatives Officer, C. Clifford
Director of Planning Services, D. Crome
Director of Operations, F. Horvath
Director of Corporate Services and Human Resources,
M. Marano
Corporate Communications Officer, B. Radomski
Director of Finance/Treasurer, N. Taylor
Director of Emergency & Fire Services, G. Weir
Municipal Clerk, A. Greentree
Administrative Assistant to the Municipal Clerk, C. Fleming
Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
There were no pecuniary interests stated for this meeting.
Councillor Neal, on behalf of the Museum, thanked Mavis Carleton, Julie Cashin-
Oster, Clayton Morgan and John Witheridge, former members of the Clarington
Museums and Archives Board, who were not returning to serve for the new term.
Council Meeting Minutes - 2 - March 2, 2015
Councillor Partner announced the following seven events:
• Oak Ridges Moraine Partnership for 2015, through EcoSpark, Earthroots,
Ontario Nature and STORM Coalition, is hosting a meeting focussing on the
Oak Ridges Moraine, the Greenbelt and the Niagara Escarpment Plans,
March 9, 2015, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM, Orono Town Hall
• Orono United Church Ham and Scalloped Potato Dinner, March 10, 2015,
5:30 PM. Tickets $20 for adults and $7 for youth
• Orono Crown Lands Trust Annual General Meeting, March 10, 2015,
St. Saviour's Anglican Church, Meet and Greet, 6:30 PM, Annual General
Meeting, 7:00 PM, Orono Town Hall
• March Break Camp for children aged four to ten years old in Newcastle,
March 16, 2015
• March 21, 2015, kick -off to Spring event featuring Rainstone, Kendal
Community Hall. Tickets $15, available at the Post- office
• Free Community Safety Meeting on Identity Theft, in partnership with Durham
Regional Police Service, Newtonville Community Hall; March 26, 2015,
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
• Free Community Safety Meeting on Home and Vehicle Protection, in
partnership with Durham Regional Police Service, Newtonville Community Hall,
May 28, 2015, 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Councillor Woo announced the following two events:
•: Fundraising events in support of Markus Baksh, Clarington Toros Minor
Bantam A player - March 3, 2015 "Boston Pizza Celebrity Server Night" and a
concert featuring Joe Zambon, Brian Watts, The Modern Disciples, Father Paul
Massell and John Von Zuben, March 6, 2015, St. Joseph's Catholic Church,
7:00 PM
• Grand opening of the Nygard Fashion Outlet, Bowmanville Mall, March 6, 2015,
ribbon - cutting ceremony at 10:00 AM
Councillor Hooper announced the following five events:
• March 2, 2015, Clarington Eagles Junior "C" Hockey Team vs. the Uxbridge
Bruins, kick -off to the Junior "C" Cougar Cup in Uxbridge. Best of seven series
with games in both Uxbridge and at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex
• Historic Downtown Bowmanville BIA "Girls Night Out ", Ladies Shopping Night,
April 2, 2015
• Clarington Older Adult Association's St. Patrick's Day Luncheon, March
17, 2015, 11:30 AM and Open Mic, March 29, 2015, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM;
Clarington Beech Centre
• Scott Woods Band, Old Time Country and Fiddle Music, Cross Canada Tour -
Fiddling in the key of .... eh ?, April 21, 2015, Hope Fellowship Church,
7:00 PM
• Grand opening of Brewers Pantry, Home Brewing Supplies Store,
March 6, 2015, 1:00 PM, 116 King Street West, Bowmanville
Council Meeting Minutes - 3 - March 2, 2015
Mayor Foster announced the following three events:
March 3, 2015, Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Clarington "Bowl for Kid's Sake ",
Community Bowl Week, Newcastle Community Hall Bowling Alley, 5:00 PM to
8:00 PM
Trafalgar 24, Driftwood Theatre's Signature Gala Event, March 6, 2015;
Trafalgar Castle, Whitby.
Durham Hospice "Beach Ball —Viva Mexico" Gala in support of Durham
Hospice's Programs and Services, March 7, 2015, Ajax Convention Centre
Mayor Foster announced that the Municipality of Clarington has received an award for
Exceptional Achievement in a Municipality from the United Way Durham Region, in
recognition of the tremendous fundraising efforts of the Municipality for 2014.
Resolution #C- 058 -15
Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo
That the minutes of a regular meeting of Council February 9, 2015, be approved.
Roger Anderson, Chair, Regional Municipality of Durham, appeared before Council to
present an update on Regional activities. Mr. Anderson highlighted accomplishments
of 2014 including the Region's 40th Anniversary celebration, opening of the North
Oshawa Paramedic Station, swearing -in of a new police chief, first direct election of
the Regional Chair, retirement of the last non - accessible Durham Regional Transit bus
and awards for Economic Development and Waste Management, Mr. Anderson
advised of Provincial and Federal funding for affordable housing, Regional Council's
investment in infrastructure for road rehabilitation, improved transit service,
modification of the Regional Road network and review of Provincial policy and plans
affecting Durham stakeholders. Mr. Anderson provided an overview of 2015 key
initiatives including the restructuring of Regional Council, the potential for streamlining
fire protection through service amalgamation and the rationalization of regional and
local roads. Mr. Anderson reviewed the Region's 2015 budget which proposes a 1 %
tax increase, noting funding for infrastructure was a key element and highlighted
investments to be made in Clarington. Mr. Anderson summarized by stating that the
Region recognizes the need for strong partnerships with its area municipalities, in
order to face challenges and to deliver excellent service to its communities, and that
he looks forward to another term working together.
There were no delegations scheduled for this meeting.
Council Meeting Minutes - 4 - March 2, 2015
1- 1 Minutes of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board dated
January 13, 2015
1 - 2 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated February 17, 2015
1 - 3 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated
February 18, 2015
1 - 4 Jade Holliwell, Stakeholder Relations Coordinator, Strategic
Communications, Metrolinx, advising of a new Metro linx- facilitated
paratransit agreement promoting easier and. more convenient cross -
boundary travel for people who use mobility aids.
1 - 5 Patrick Howlett, President, Camp BUCKO, thanking Mayor Foster for
supporting the 2014 Clarington Fire Fighters Golf Tournament where
$5,914.78 was raised for Camp BUCKO; forwarding a souvenir picture of
Camp BUCKO 2014; and, advising Camp BUCKO will be celebrating their
20th Anniversary in 2015 of providing support to young burn survivors.
1 - 6 D. Bowen, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, Regional
Municipality of Durham; writing to Dr. Colin Carrie, MP Oshawa, advising
that on February 11, 2015, Regional Council adopted the following
resolution pertaining to the Annual Review of Regional Housing Programs
and Related Financial Analysis for the 2015 Business Plan:
"a) That given that there is no federal funding commitment to address
capital and operating costs associated with affordable housing
programs and given that the Province continues to devolve social
housing responsibilities to municipalities via the Province's framework
for housing and homelessness services under the Housing Services
Act, 2011, wherein municipal Service Managers are responsible for
the broader service system, addressing needs through the
development of Provincially- mandated local housing and
homelessness plans, with no specific performance measures,
timelines and sustainable funding to achieve the Province's Long -
Term Affordable Housing Strategy, the Province of Ontario be
requested to:
i) Ensure that no further downloading of roles, responsibilities and
expectations to municipal Service Managers continues in the
provincial design and /or consolidation of housing and
homelessness programs without the required long -term
sustainable funding to administer these programs;
ii) Assume full funding responsibility and continue to guarantee
contingent liability and /or provincial indemnification;
Council Meeting Minutes - 5 - March 2, 2015
iii) Publish a financial forecast for social housing that contains project
details such as rent supplement agreements and expiry dates in ,
order to support municipal planning and budgeting over a ten -year
time - frame, given the mandatory Provincial requirement for
municipalities to develop, implement and monitor their ten year
Housing and Homelessness Plans;
iv) Negotiate with the Federal government to commit to a housing
framework that includes adequate, stable, long -term Federal
funding and encourages its housing partners and stakeholders,
including municipal governments, to work with the Federal
government to secure this commitment;
v) Provide a full disclosure of the use of annual Federal funds
received on a program basis, from the Federal government under
the Social Housing Agreement;
vi) Continue to advocate with the Federal government to reinvest the
legacy savings resulting from expiring Federal funding
agreements into Ontario's social housing portfolio to ensure a
source of stable long -term funding;
b) That the following be confirmed as specific actions with respect to the
funding and administration of the Province's Community
Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI):
i) In order to maximize CHPI funding, Regional staff be authorized
to issue a Request for Proposal early in 2015 to solicit interest for
additional delivery agencies that meet the objectives of the
program, the Durham Housing Plan 2014 -2024, At Home in
Durham, and the Region's reporting and financial accountability
ii) The Regional Chair and Regional Clerk be authorized to enter into
contracts with service delivery agencies for the provision of CHPI
funded services for 2015 and future years and that the
participating agencies be directed to segregate funds to ensure
reporting and accountability requirements in a manner satisfactory
to the Commissioner of Finance;
iii) In order to ensure all available provincial funding is fully expended
within the budget year, the Commissioner of Social Services,
Commissioner of Finance and CAO be authorized to reallocate
CHPI funding between the four service streams within the budget
year in order to best meet any changing program needs, up to the
levels provided in the Region's Budget Management Policy
(Section 11) with a year -end report to Council; and,
Council Meeting Minutes - 6 - March 2, 2015
c) That a copy of Report #2015 -J -12 of the Commissioners of Finance
and Social Services be forwarded to all Durham Region MPs, MPPs
and municipalities."
1 - 7 D. Bowen, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, Regional
Municipality of Durham, advising Council that on February 11, 2015,
Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to the Age -
Friendly Community Planning and Grant Program Application:
"a) That staff be authorized to proceed with preparing an application for
funding under the Ontario Seniors' Secretariat Age - Friendly
Community Planning Grant Program;
b) That staff initiate an Age - Friendly community planning process,
subject to the receipt of provincial funds under the Ontario Seniors'
Secretariat Age - Friendly Community Planning Grant Program and
Regional budget funding, with the intent to develop an action plan for
Durham, in co- operation with local municipalities and community
stakeholders; and
c) That a copy of Joint Report #2015 -J -11 be forwarded to the area
1 - 8 The Honourable Glen Murray, Minister of the Environment and Climate
Change (MOECC), advising that the Province has re- introduced a
strengthened Great Lakes Protection Act to protect and restore the Great
Lakes to keep them drinkable, fishable and swimmable; advising the
action taken builds on the recently signed Canada - Ontario Agreement on
Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health; and, encouraging
Council to provide comments on the Ontario Environmental Registry by
April 19, 2015.
1 - 9 The Honourable Shelly Glover, P.C., M.P., Minister of Canadian Heritage
and Official Languages, advising of the launch of the World War
Commemorations Community Fund, a year -long funding initiative
beginning on April 1, 2015, and ending on March 31, 2016; indicating that
funding is available to a wide variety of organizations including schools,
not- for - profit and volunteer organizations, municipal, provincial, territorial
governments and their institutions, in the form of grants and contributions
for community -based commemorative and educational projects that foster
a greater awareness and understanding among Canadians of the
importance of the World Wars in our country's history; and, indicating the
application. deadline is April 2, 2015. Further information and application
form is available at www. canada150 .gc.ca/eng/1422453656425.
Council Meeting Minutes - 7 -
March 2, 2015
1 - 10 Matt Setzkorn, Executive Director, Ontario Farmland Trust, forwarding
information about the 2015 Ontario Farmland Forum, a day of networking,
learning and creative - thinking about new tools, partnerships and
grassroots approaches to strengthen farmland protection in Ontario, being
hosted by the Ontario Farmland Trust, in partnership with the University of
Guelph, on March 27, 2015' at the Durham Banquet Hall & Convention
Centre, Oshawa.
Resolution #C- 059 -15
Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill
That the communications I - 1 to I - 10 to be received for information be approved.
Correspondence for Direction
Correspondence Item D - 8 was received as a hand -out.
D - 1 Donny Potts, PFLAG Durham Region, requesting that May 17, 2015, be
proclaimed the "International Day Against Homophobia/Transphobia ", to
send a message of acceptance, openness and hope; and, that the
municipality hold a flag- raising ceremony on May 15, 2015, and fly the
Rainbow Flag from May 15 to May 22, 2015.
(Proclaimed and permission granted to
fly the Rainbow Flag from May 15 to
May 22, 2015)
D - 2 Gayle Krull, Community Services Assistant, Durham Region Branch,
Canadian Red Cross, requesting that the month of March be proclaimed
"Red Cross Month" to raise public awareness about the work of the Red
Cross and to celebrate the Organization's 75th Anniversary in Durham
Region; and, requesting that the municipality hold a flag- raising
ceremony and approve the Red Cross flag to be flown for the month of
(Proclaimed and permission granted to
fly the Red Cross Flag during the month
of March)
D - 3 Stephen Covey, President, Operation Lifesaver, advising that Public -
Rail Safety Week will be held from April 27 to May 3, 2015, to raise rail
safety awareness and to highlight the ongoing commitment of the rail
industry, its member companies and their employees to make the rail
network even safer; and, requesting that Council support "Public -Rail
Safety Week" to raise public awareness on reducing avoidable
accidents, injuries and damage caused by collisions at level crossings or
incidents involving trains and citizens.
Council Meeting Minutes - 8 - March 2, 2015
D - 4 Kevin Tunney, Tunney Planning Inc., requesting that the applications
submitted by 289143 Ontario Limited for proposed Draft Plan of
Subdivision and Rezoning to permit a 234 unit residential development
(Files S -C- 2012 -0001 AND ZBA 2012 -0008) referred by the General
Purpose and Administration Committee (GPA) to the March 9, 2015,
GPA meeting, be tabled until the March 30, 2015, GPA meeting to
accommodate a scheduling conflict.
(Files S -C- 2012 -0001 and
ZBA 2012 -0008 referred to the
March 30, 2015, GPA meeting)
D - 8 Ornella Richichi, Executive Vice - President, Land Development,
SmartCentres, forwarding comments on Report PSD- 013 -15 —
Application by Dr. R.J.C.G. Inc. to Rezone lands at 2021 Green Road for
a Mixed Use Building. (Item 5 of Report #1)
(Correspondence referred to Item 5 of
Report #1)
Resolution #C- 060 -15
Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper
That Correspondence Items D - 1 to D - 4 and Hand -out Correspondence
Item D - 8 be approved as per the agenda.
D - 5 Jaron Dyble, Regulatory Project Manager, Eastern Mainline Project,
TransCanada Pipelines Limited, forwarding a copy of the Notification of
Application to Participate (ATP) in a National Energy Board (NEB) public
hearing for TransCanada's Eastern Mainline Project; advising that
anyone wishing to participate in the NEB hearing must apply to do so
through the application process; and, indicating the application and a
description of the Eastern Mainline Project are available on the Board's
website at www.neb- one.gc.ca. The deadline to submit an application to
participate is noon, March 3, 2015.
Resolution #C- 061 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Woo
That staff be directed to file an Application to Participate in the National Energy
Board hearing for the TransCanada Eastern Mainline Project.
Council Meeting Minutes - 9 - March 2, 2015
D - 6 Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk, Municipality of Clarington, requesting
Council to appoint a representative to the Durham Youth Council Board
of Directors.
Resolution #C7062 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper
That Councillor Cooke be appointed as Council's representative to the Durham
Youth Council Board of Directors.
Carried as amended
(See following motion)
Resolution #C- 063 -15
Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Partner
That the foregoing Resolution #C- 062 -15 be amended to add:
That Councillor Neal be appointed as Council's alternate representative to the
Durham Youth Council Board of Directors.
Resolution #C- 062 -15 was then put to a vote and Carried as amended.
D - 7 Jeff Brooks advising that the ash trees on the boulevard along
Sagewood Avenue are showing signs of Emerald Ash Borer infestation
and that many, if not all, will die this year; and, respectfully requesting
that the boulevard trees on Sagewood Avenue be identified for removal
and replacement during 2015 and that appropriate funds be allocated
within the Municipality's 2015 budget.
Resolution #C- 064 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Partner
That Correspondence Item D — 7 from Jeff Brooks, with respect to removal and
replacement of boulevard trees on Sagewood Avenue, be referred to staff.
Council Meeting Minutes -10- March 2, 2015
Committee Report(s)
Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report February 23,
Resolution #C- 065 -15
Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Traill
That the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of February 23, 2015
be approved, with the exception of Items #1(a) and #1(c).
Item #1 a
Resolution #C- 066 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Woo
That Report OPD- 001 -15 — 2014 Winter Budget Report, be received for information.
Item #1 c
Resolution #C- 067 -15
Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Partner
That Report CLD- 009 -15 — 2015 Volunteer Celebration Event, be received for
Mayor Foster announced that the Municipality is re- advertising in the newspaper and
on the Municipal website to fill remaining vacancies on various Council Boards and
Committees, and that the deadline for applications is March 23, 2015.
Council Meeting Minutes ` - 11 - March 2, 2015
Report #2 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report February 27,
1. 2015 Current and Capital Budget
That Report FND -003 -15 be received;,
That Council approve the 2015 Operating and Capital budget as outlined in Schedule
"A" , at an estimated tax levy impact of 3.36% (exclusive of tax policy impacts), as
detailed in Report FND- 003 -15 with the following amendments:
a. Item #74, PanAm Games, be deleted in the amount of $10,000;
b. The EMS Admin Phone /Fax budget as stated on Page 63 of the draft budget
binder, Account #100 -28- 130 - 00000 -7132, be reduced by $15,000, from
$70,000 to $55,000, with $10,000 being reallocated to emergency related
grants administered through the Fire Administration budget section;
c. Item " #75, New Year's Eve Event, be increased from $2000 to $4000 for
community events, with no less than $2000 being spent on the New Year's
Eve Event;
d. The Clerk's — Livestock Expense, Account #100 -19- 130 - 00000 -7242, be
changed from $30,000 to $20,000;
e. The H/R — Bank S/C Other, Account #100 -16- 160 - 00000 -7303, be changed
from $74,725 to $65,000;
f. Item #45, CLD- Increased Tax Levy to Capital (the Municipal Law
Enforcement Vehicle to replace the 2005 Pontiac Pursuit,
Project #19- 191- 14001), be deleted from the 2015 budget and deferred to
the 2016 budget;
g. The Special Equipment for Hall Boards, Account
#100 -36- 370 - 10195 -7204, be reduced from $28,600 to $18,600;
h. The Info Tech — H/W Mtnce Contract, Account #100 -16- 162 - 00000 -7146, be
changed from $55,000 to $45,000;
i. The Info Tech — S/UV Mtnce Contract, Account #100 -16- 162 - 00000 -7148, be
changed from $250,000 to $225,000;
j. That $150,000 per annum, from the tax levy, to be transferred to a reserve
fund for the creation of washroom facilities at the Clarington Fields;
That the following items, listed as Priority "B" in Report FND- 003 -15 as itemized in
Schedule "B" of Report FND- 003 -15; be approved:
Council Meeting Minutes - 12- 'March 2, 2015
a. Item #8, Proposed New Staff, with an annual cost of $335,000 with the hiring
start date of September 1, 2015, except for the student positions, which will
begin on or about May 1, 2015, resulting in a 2015 tax levy impact of
b. Item #8, Proposed New Staff — Senior Planner 2 (3 year contract for Zoning
By -law), with an annual cost of $90,000 with the hiring start date of October
1, 2015, to be funded from a reserve fund at the discretion of the Treasurer;
c. Item #15, Building Maintenance —Annual Envelope Improvements, be
approved in the amount of $10,000 and funded through the 2015 tax levy;
d. Item #21, CIP, be approved in the amount of $9,000 and funded through the
2015 tax levy;
e. Item #5, Increase in Transfers to Engineering Parks Capital Reserve Fund,
be approved in the amount of $25,000 and funded through the interim
payment from the Ontario Ice Storm Assistance Program;
f. Item #6, Increase in Transfers to Facility /Parks Maintenance Reserve Fund,
be approved in the amount of $25,000 and funded through the interim
payment from the Ontario Ice Storm Assistance Program;
g. Item #7, Increase in Transfers to Community Services Department Reserve
Fund, be approved in the amount of $25,000 and funded through the interim
payment from the Ontario Ice Storm Assistance Program;
h. Item #17, Brush/Tree Removal, be approved in the amount of $5,000 and
funded through the interim payment from the Ontario Ice Storm Assistance
i. Item #18, Block Tree Pruning, be approved in the amount of $15,000 and
funded through the interim payment from the Ontario Ice Storm Assistance
j. Item #19, Rural Road Trees, be approved in the amount of $5,000 and
funded through the interim payment from the Ontario Ice Storm Assistance
k. Item #3, OPD- Additional Rural Road Resurfacing, be approved in a
one -time amount of $200,000 funded through the interim payment from the
Ontario Ice Storm Assistance Program for $100,000, and through the Rate
Stabilization Fund for $100,000;
I. Item #1, Electronic Agendas (Hardware and Software), be approved in the
amount of $42,000 and funded through the Impact Escrow Account Fund;
m. Item #2, ESD- Diesel Vehicle Exhaust System Upgrade, be approved in the
amount of $50,000 and funded through the Fire Equipment Reserve Fund;
Council Meeting Minutes -13- March 2, 2015
n. Item #10, ESD- Station 1 Kitchen and Various Improvements, be approved in
the amount of $10,000 and funded through the Fire Equipment Reserve
o. Item #11, ESD- Training Supplies, be approved in the amount of $5,000 and
funded through the 2015 tax levy;
p. Item #12, Part -Time Firefighter Training Pay Increase, be approved in the
amount of $60,000 and funded through the 2015 tax levy;
q. Item #20, Priority Green, be approved in the amount of $12,000 and funded
through external contributions;
Item #13, ENG- Street Lighting Inventory and Design Review, be approved in
the amount of $50,000 and funded through the 2015 tax levy;
s. Item #16, Building Maintenance — ES1 Controls, be approved in the amount
of $5,000 and funded through the 2015 tax levy;
t. Item #14, Building Maintenance- Station 5 Bay Doors and Preventative
Maintenance for Overhead Doors, be approved in the amount of $10,000
and funded through the 2015 tax levy;
That the balance of the interim payment from the Ontario Ice Storm Assistance.
Program be transferred to the Operations Fleet Reserve Fund for $200,000 and the
Fire Fleet Reserve Fund for $63,428.61 to reflect the extensive wear and tear on
these fleet vehicles in addressing the ice storm response and cleanup;
That Schedule "C ", External Agencies 2015 Increase, of Report FND- 003 -15, be
approved as listed, at an estimated tax levy impact of 0.30% with the exception of the
a. That the 2015 budget request from the Clarington Older Adult Centre, in the
amount of $310,OQO be approved, with the additional increase portion over
the 2014 approved budget in the amount of $55,000 to be held back by the
Municipality until such time as the Older Adult Community Strategy has
been addressed by Council;
That Schedules "D ", "E" and "F" outlining Reserve and Reserve Fund Contributions
and new Reserve /Reserve Funds be approved;
That approximately $800,000 be drawn from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund to
offset the tax rate impact;
That Council approve the transfer of $1 million to the Fire Equipment Reserve Fund
and $1 million to the Operations Fleet Reserve Fund from the Rate Stabilization
Reserve Fund;
That the financing of Capital projects, as outlined in the documents attached to
Report FND- 003 -15 be approved;
Council Meeting Minutes -14- March 2, 2015
That the external agencies, referred to in Schedule "C" be advised of Council's
decision regarding their grant request;
That Council authorize the Mayor's Golf Tournament to take place for 2015 to 2018, at
no cost to the tax base with the net proceeds from the Mayor's Golf Tournament to be
directed to Big Brothers and Sisters of Clarington (2015), Clarington Museums (2016),
the Clarington Project of Oshawa /Clarington Community Living (2017) and the
Bowmanville Hospital Association (2018);
That any cash flow shortfall in the Development Charges Reserve Funds be interim
financed from the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund and General Municipal
Reserve Fund, to be repaid, with interest, as cash flow permits;
That Lennis Trotter and Mike Chesson be advised of the Fire Chief's decision with
respect to Council's direction regarding their request for funding support for the
Children's Safety Village;
That Report FND- 003 -15 be adopted by resolution in accordance with provisions of
Ontario Regulation 284/09 of the Municipal Act, 2001; and
That the appropriate By -laws to levy the 2015 tax requirements for Municipal,
Regional and Education purposes be forwarded to Council for approval, once final tax
policy information is available.
Resolution #C- 068 -15
Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Traill
That the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of February 27,
2015, be approved.
Carried as amended later in the meeting
(See following motions)
At the call of the Chair, the following items were pulled to be considered separately:
• (c) - Schedule "A ", Item #75, New Year's Eve Event
• Q) - Washroom Facilities at the Clarington Fields
• (a) - Schedule "B ", Item #8, Proposed New Staff
• (b) - Schedule "B ", Item #8, Proposed New Staff - Senior Planner
• (c) - Schedule "A ", Item #15, Building Maintenance —Annual Envelope
• (k) - Schedule "B ", Item #3, OPD — Additional Rural Road Resurfacing
• (r) - Schedule "B ", Item #13 — ENO-Street Lighting Inventory and Design
• Special Events /Community Grants
• Schedule "A ", #53!-. Post Employment Actuarial Liability
Council Meeting Minutes -15- March 2, 2015.
• Schedule "A ", #51 - Proposed New Staff = Accessibility for Ontarians With
Disabilities Act Co- Ordinator (H &S also)
• Schedule "A ", #54 - Corporate Design, Printing, Advertising
• Schedule "A ", #72 - Bowmanville Museum Veranda 'and Pillars
• Corporate Services /Human Resources Consulting Account
#100 -16- 160- 00000 -7160
• Corporate Services /Human Resources Travel Account
#100 -16- 160- 00000 -7202
• Corporate Services /Human Resources Staff Development
Account #100 -16- 160 - 00000 -7203
• Corporate Services /Communications & Tourism Printing
Account #100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7188
• Corporate Services /Communications & Tourism Corporate Advertising
Account #100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7189
• Corporate Services /Communications & Tourism Internal Branding
Account #100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7190
• Corporate Services /Communications & Tourism Special Events
Account #100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7192
• Corporate Services /Communications & Tourism Tourism Material Distribution
_Account #100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7198
• Corporate Services /Communications & Tourism Travel Expense
Account #100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7202
• Corporate Services /Communications & Tourism Staff Development
Account #100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7203
• Corporate Services /Information Technology Consulting
Account #100 -16- 162- 00000 -7160
• Corporate Services /Information Technology Staff Development
Account #100 -16- 162 - 00000 -7203
• Planning Services /Administration Consulting
Account #100 -50- 130 - 00000 -7160.
Item #1(c) - Schedule "A ", Item #75 - New Year's Eve Event
Resolution #C- 069 -15
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal
That Schedule "A" of the foregoing Resolution #C- 068 -15 be amended to read as
Council Meeting Minutes -16- March 2, 2015
That Schedule "A ", Item #75, New Year's Event be increased from $2,000 to $8,000
for, community events, with no less than $2000 being spent on the New Year's Eve
Event; with $2,000 being funded from the tax levy, and $6,000 funded from the
Economic and Industrial Development Reserve Fund.
Item #1(i) - Schedule "A ", Clarington Fields Washrooms
Resolution #C- 070 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke
That Schedule "A" of the foregoing Resolution #C- 068 -15 be amended to read as
That the creation of washroom facilities at the Clarington Fields be referred to the Five
Year Capital Plan.
Motion lost on the following recorded vote:
Council Member
Declaration of
Pecuniary Interest
Councillor Neal
Councillor Partner
Councillor Traill
Councillor Woo
Councillor Cooke
Councillor Hooper
Mayor Foster
Resolution #C- 071 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke
That Schedule "A" of the foregoing Resolution #C- 068 -15 be amended to read as
That $150,000 per annum be transferred to the Engineering Park Capital Reserve
Fund and that the creation of washroom facilities at the Clarington Fields be
transferred to the Five Year Capital Plan; and
That the Director of Engineering Services report back at the April General Purpose
and Administration Committee meeting on the parks development priorities.
Council Meeting Minutes -17- March 2, 2015
Resolution #C- 072 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke
That Schedule "A" of the foregoing Resolution #C- 068 -15 be amended to read as
That $150,000 per annum from the tax levy be transferred to the Engineering Park
Capital Reserve Fund; and
That staff be directed to report back to the first General Purpose and Administration
Committee meeting in April following the Strategic Plan meeting regarding options,
including washrooms at the Clarington Fields.
Carried on the following recorded vote:
Council Member
Declaration of
Pecuniary Interest
Councillor Neal
Councillor Partner
Councillor Traill
Councillor Woo
Councillor Cooke
Councillor Hooper
Mayor Foster
Resolution #C- 073 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke
That Council recess for ten minutes
The meeting reconvened at 9:21 PM
Council Meeting Minutes -18- March 2, 2015
Item # (a) - Schedule B, Item # 8 - Proposed New Staff
Resolution #C- 074 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
That Schedule "B" of the foregoing Resolution #C- 068 -15 be amended to read as
That Item #8, Proposed New Staff, with an annual cost of $200,000 be approved with
the hiring start date of September 1, 2015, except for any student positions, which will
begin on or about May 1, 2015, resulting in a 2015 tax levy impact of $85,000.
Motion lost of the following recorded vote:
Council Member
Declaration of
Pecuniary Interest
Councillor Neal
Councillor Partner
Councillor Traill
Councillor Woo
Councillor Cooke
Councillor Hooper
Mayor Foster
Item # (b) - Schedule B, Item # 8 - Proposed New Staff - Senior Planner 2
Resolution #C- 075 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
That Schedule "B" of the foregoing Resolution #C- 068 -15 be amended to read as
That the Senior Planner 2 (3 year contract for Zoning By -law) be approved with an
annual cost of $90,000 with the hiring start date of September 1, 2015; to be funded
from the $335,000 tax levy Proposed New Staff funding envelope.
Motion lost on the following recorded
Council Meeting Minutes - 19 - March 2, 2015
Council Member
Declaration of
Pecuniary Interest
Councillor Woo
Councillor Cooke
Councillor Hooper
Councillor Neal
Councillor Partner
Councillor Traill
Mayor Foster
Item # W — Schedule B Item # 3 — OPD —Additional Rural Road Resurfacing.
Resolution #C- 076 -15
Moved by. Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
That Schedule "B" of the foregoing. Resolution #C- 068 -15 be amended to read as
That Item #3, OPD- Additional Rural Road Resurfacing, be approved in a one -time
amount of $200,000 funded through the interim payment from the Ontario Ice Storm
Assistance Program for $100,000, and through the tax levy for $100,000.
Motion lost on the following recorded
Council Member
Declaration of
Pecuniary Interest
Councillor Neal
Councillor Partner
Councillor Traill
Councillor Woo
Councillor Cooke
Councillor Hooper
Mayor Foster
Special Events /Community Grants
Resolution #C- 077 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
That the foregoing Resolution #C -068 -15 be amended as follows:
Council Meeting Minutes -20- March 2, 2015
That the total expenditure for the Municipal Grant Program be reduced from $100,000
to $60,000 for community events; and, that $10,000 of the $40,000 transferred from
the Communications/Tourism division be allocated for special events as part of the
Community Services Budget.
Motion lost on the following recorded
Council Member
Declaration of
Pecuniary Interest
Councillor Neal
Councillor Partner
Councillor Traill
Councillor Woo
Councillor Cooke
Councillor Hooper
Mayor Foster
Item #(51) - Schedule "A ", Proposed New Staff - Accessibility for Ontarians With
Disabilities Act Co- ordinator (H & S also)
Resolution #C- 078 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke
That Schedule "A" of the foregoing Resolution #C- 068 -15 be amended to read as
That the Proposed New Staff — Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
Co- Ordinator (H & S) be deleted from Schedule A; and,
That it be considered as part of the new staffing envelope of the annualized $335,000
tax levy.
Motion lost later in the meeting
(See following motion)
Resolution #C- 079 -15
Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner
That the question be now put.
Council Meeting Minutes -21 - March 2, 2015
The foregoing Resolution #C- 078 -15 was then put to a vote and lost on the following
recorded vote:
Council Member
Declaration of
Pecuniary Interest
Councillor Neal
Councillor Partner
Councillor Traill
Councillor Woo
Councillor Cooke
Councillor Hooper
Mayor Foster
Corporate Services /Human Resources Consulting Account #100 -16- 160 - 00000 -7160
Resolution #C- 080 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
That Schedule "A" of the foregoing Resolution #C- 068 -15 be amended as follows:
That the Corporate Services /Human Resources Consulting Account
#100 -16- 160 -00000 -7160 be reduced from $7,500 to 0.
Motion lost
Corporate Services /Human Resources Travel'Expense
Account #100 -16- 160 - 00000 -7202
Resolution #C- 081 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke
That Schedule "A" of the foregoing Resolution #C- 068 -15 be amended as follows:
That the Corporate Services /Human Resources Travel Expense
Account #100 -16- 160 - 00000 -7202 be reduced from $2,500 to $1,000.
Carried on the following recorded vote:
Council Member
Declaration of
Pecuniary Interest
Councillor Neal
Councillor Partner
Councillor Traill
Councillor Woo
Councillor Cooke
Councillor Hooper
Mayor Foster
Council Meeting Minutes -22- March 2, 2015
Corporate Services /Communications/Tourism Printing
Account #100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7188
Resolution #C -082 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
That Schedule "A" of the foregoing Resolution #C- 068 -15 be amended as follows:
That the Corporate Services /Communications/Tourism Printing Account
#100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7188 be reduced from $117,025 to $100,000 for 2015.
Motion lost on the following recorded
Council Member
Declaration of
Pecuniary Interest
Councillor Neal
Councillor Partner
Councillor Traill
Councillor Woo
Councillor Cooke
Councillor Hooper
Mayor Foster
Corporate Services /Communications/Tourism Corporate Advertising
Account # 100 =16- 161- 00000 -7189
Resolution #C- 083 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
That Schedule "A" of the foregoing Resolution #C- 068 -15 be amended as follows:
That the Corporate Services /Communications/Tourism Corporate Advertising Account
#100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7189 be reduced from $185,500 to $150,000 for 2015.
Motion lost on the following recorded
Council Member
Declaration of
Pecuniary Interest
Councillor Neal
Councillor Partner
Councillor Traill
Councillor Woo
Councillor Cooke
Councillor Hooper
Mayor Foster
Council Meeting Minutes -23- March 2, 2015
Corporate Services /Communications/Tourism Internal Branding
Account #100 -16- 161 - 00000- 7190
Resolution #C- 084 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
That Schedule "A" of the foregoing Resolution #C- 068 -15 be amended as follows:
That the Corporate Services /Communications/Tourism Internal Branding Account
#100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7190 be reduced from $5,000 to $1,000 for- 2015.
Motion lost
Corporate Services /Communications/Tourism Special Events
Account #100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7192
Resolution #C- 085 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
That Schedule "A" of the foregoing Resolution #C- 068 -15 be amended as follows:
That the Corporate Services /Communications/Tourism — Special Events Account
#100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7192 be reduced from $14,125 to $10,000 for 2015.
Motion lost
Corporate Services /Communications/Tourism - Tourism Material Distribution
Account #100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7198
Resolution #C- 086 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
That the foregoing Resolution #C- 068 -15 be amended as follows:
That the Corporate Services /Communications/Tourism — Tourism Material Distribution
Account #100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7198 be reduced from $6,500 to $1,000 for 2015.
Council Meeting Minutes -24- March 2, 2015
Corporate Services /Information Technology Staff Development
Account #100 -16- 162 - 00000 -7203
Resolution #C- 087 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
That the Corporate Services /Information Technology Staff Development Account
#100 -16- 162 - 00000 -7203 be reduced from $7,500 to $3,000 for 2015.
Motion lost on the following recorded
Council Member
Declaration of
Pecuniary Interest
Councillor Neal
Councillor Partner
Councillor Traill
Councillor Woo
Councillor Cooke
Councillor Hooper
Mayor Foster
Resolution #C- 088 -15
Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal
That the foregoing Resolution #C- 068 -15 be amended as follows:
That $30,000 be allocated toward the hiring of four firefighters in 2016 as per the Fire
Master Plan.
Motion lost
Mayor Foster confirmed that before calling the vote on the Main Motion, as amended,
each member of Council would be provided an opportunity to make their closing
comments on the 2015 Budget.
Councillor Neal provided his comments on the 2015 budget.
Resolution #C -089 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow for the introduction of a motion to
extend the adjournment hour.
Motion lost
Council Meeting Minutes -25- March 2, 2015
Resolution #C- 090 -15
Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Hooper
That Council recess until 4:00 PM, March 5, 2015 in accordance with the Rules of
The meeting reconvened at 4:00 PM, March 5, 2015. All members of Council were in
Members of Council presented comments on the 2015 Budget.
Resolution #C- 068 -15 was then put to a vote and Carried as amended on the
following recorded vote to reflect a tax levy impact of 3.35% for municipal services and
0.30% for external agencies:
Council Member
Declaration of
Pecuniary Interest
Councillor Cooke
Councillor Hooper
Councillor Neal
Councillor Partner
Councillor Traill
Councillor Woo
Mayor Foster
Staff Report(s)
There were no Staff Reports considered under this Section of the Agenda.
Unfinished Business
Resolution #C- 091 -15
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Partner
That the presentation of Roger Anderson, Chair, Regional Municipality of Durham, be
received with thanks.
By -Laws
There were no By -laws considered under this Section of the Agenda.
Council Meeting Minutes -26- March 2, 2015
Procedural Notice(s) of Motion
There were no Procedural Notices of Motion introduced under this Section of the
Other Business
There was no Other Business considered under this Section of the Agenda.
Confirming By -Law
Resolution #C- 092 -15
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke
That leave be granted to introduce By -law 2015 -019, being a by -law to confirm the
proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held
on the 2nd day of March, 2015 and reconvening on the 5t" day of March, 2015; and
That the said by -law be approved.
Resolution #C- 093 -15
Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill
That the meeting adjourn at 4:17 PM, March 5, 2015.
Municipal Clerk
Summary of Correspondence
March 23, 2015
Correspondence to be Received for-information
1- 1 Minutes of the Newcastle Village Community Hall Board dated
January 20, 2015. (Copy attached)
1 - 2 Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee (DNHC) dated
January 23, 2015. (Copy attached)
1 - 3 Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington dated
February 12, 2015._ (Copy attached)
Correspondence for Direction
D-- 1 The Honourable Erin O'Toole, MP — Durham, requesting that the first
Saturday in June (June 6, 2015), be proclaimed "National Health and
Fitness Day" to increase awareness among Canadians of the
significant benefits of physical activity and to encourage Canadians to
increase their level of physical activity and participation in recreational
sports and fitness activities.
(Motion to Proclaim)
D - 2 David J. Crome, Director of Planning Services, Municipality of
Clarington, requesting that May 4, 2015, be proclaimed "School
Crossing Guard Appreciation Day" in recognition of the valuable
service and dedication to child safety provided by Clarington's School
Crossing Guards.
(Motion to Proclaim)
D - 3 William Stratton, Chair, Day of Mourning Committee, Durham Labour
Council, advising that on April 28, 2015, the Durham Region Labour
Council will be observing the National Day of Mourning at Oshawa City
Hall; advising in 1991, An Act Respecting a Day of Mourning for
Persons Killed or Injured in the Workplace proclaimed April 28 of each
year as a "National Day of Mourning "; requesting that April 28, 2015,
be proclaimed as "Day of Mourning" and that flags be lowered, where
possible, on Municipal Buildings in honour and remembrance of those
killed at the workplace. An invitation was extended to all Members of
Council to attend the Durham Region Labour Council ceremony.
(Motion to refer correspondence to
Item 12 of Report #1)
Summary of Correspondence - 2 - March 23, 2015
D-4 John Vogels and Laurel Gould, requesting an extension to July 1,
2015, for use of a house trailer as living quarters at 6040 Darlington
Manvers Townline Road during construction of a new residential
dwelling to replace their home which was destroyed by fire in
February, 2014.
(Motion to approve extension to the use
of a house trailer as temporary living
quarters at 6040 Darlington Manvers
Townline Road until July 1, 2015,
subject to the signing of a further Letter
of Undertaking)
D - 5 Mayor Simpson, City of Quesnel, British Columbia, advising of the
Ride Across Canada, a cross - country horseback journey to raise
awareness of veterans .in the community and the unique challenges
they face; indicating the ride will commence in Victoria, B.C. on
April 11, 2015, will stop in Caarington along the way, and will reach
St. John's, Newfoundland in November; requesting information
regarding regulations, permits, by -laws and route suggestions and
waiving of fees for any required permits; and, indicating that further
information about the Ride Across Canada can be found on the
Communities for Veterans Foundation website at
(Motion to refer correspondence to
D - 6 The Honourable Jeff Leal, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural
Affairs, advising that applications are being accepted for the 2015
Premier's Award for Agri -Food Innovation Excellence Program, a
program to recognize and foster the spirit of innovation that thrives in
Ontario's agricultural sector and encourages the development of rural
communities, farms, agri -food processors and agri -food organizations
by adding value to existing products, creating jobs and driving
economic growth; forwarding the 2015 Program Guidebook and
Application form providing details on eligibility, innovation categories,
assessment criteria and the application and selection process; and,
requesting Council to encourage outstanding agriculture and agri -food
innovators to submit an application by 5:00 p.m. on April 10, 2015.
(Motion to place correspondence on the
Municipal website)
Summary of Correspondence - 3 - . March 23, 2015
D - 7 Dan Caudle, President, Pride Durham Inc., advising that Pride Durham
Inc. will be hosting their Annual Pride Celebrations in Durham Region
between June 1 and June 7, 2015; requesting that the week be
proclaimed "Pride Week "; and, requesting that the Pride Flag be raised
for the week in support of Clarington being a welcoming and diverse
community making LGBTQ constituents feel welcome.
(Motion to Proclaim and to grant
permission to raise the Pride Flag
during June 1 to June 7, 2015)
Meeting of the Newcastle Village Community Hall Board
held on January 20 2015 at 7 pm in the Council Chambers.
Attendees: C. Abraham (chair)
S. DeJong
S. Rogers
B. Carmichael
Regrets From: W. Woo (Regional Councilor)
W. Partner (Local Councilor) .
P. DeJong
1.1 Motion by B. Carmichael, seconded by S. DeJong
That the minutes of November 2014 are accepted as presented. "Carried"
2.1 Sidewalk clearing by B & D Tractor — custodian has reported their work is good but may need to
address clearing to be done in a more timely fashion.
2.2 PA system for gazebo C. Abraham and B. Carmichael will continue to investigate.
2.3 Village Concerts committee is needed to apply for municipal grant. S. DeJong has a lead will
check into this. Advertise on Chamber and BIA websites for volunteers.
3.1 Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by S. Rogers
That the financial report be accepted as presented. "Carried"
Motion by S. Rogers, seconded by B. Carmichael
That approval is given to withdraw from GIC funds if needed to meet financial obligations.
4.1 Motion by B. Carmichael, seconded by S. Rogers
That the following invoices be paid as presented - S. DeJong supervision $150.00'and S. Fogg
supervision $75.00. "Carried"
5.1 Christian Crossroads letter requesting quote for rental of hall 4 hours on a Sunday (see attached)
5.2 CBOT Membership $226.00 Motion by S. Rogers,.seconded by B. Carmichael
5.3 Portable Stairs for auditorium received email from R. Groen advising we discontinue use of
portable stairs. He will continue to investigate possibility of up to code portable stairs. Also
advised request to have lamp posts replaced to match street lights - suggested we wait for
results of Streetscape.
5.4 Soper Valley Train Assoc. open house received invite one day prior to event. Suggested that a
letter be sent to executive to advise of any public events for the year.
5.5 Feathers Studio request for quote on seniors dance. As this is a business fee stands at $50.00 /hr
5.6 Email from Tim Welsh (see attached)
5.7 Newcastle Santa Parade letter of thanks (see attached)
5.8 Letter from Mayor Foster (see attached)
5.9 Chamber of Commerce donation $250.00
5.10 February 13/14 2015 booking notice of cancellation — no refund
5.11 Orono Times article — comments from Marie Hubbard received for information (see attached)
6.1 B. Carmichael reported - approximately 180 tickets sold to date for Hotel California. Holding
meeting next week to discuss details and push last of the ticket sales. Will be speaking with
Durham College culinary chef to see if we can use their Newcastle students for serving at event.
Also discuss fall brunch event with them. Working on final list of volunteers — S. Rogers will be
7.1 Update on Newcastle's of the World — Charlie Trim will be chairing this committee. S.Rogers will
sit on committee to represent the hall.
7.2 Lamp pole fixed at front of hall
7.3 Furnace filters have been installed
7.4 Sewage pump replaced with larger size in furnace room off bowling alley. May be causing issue
with breakers —custodian is monitoring.
7.5 Custodian asking for back up company to Risebrough Refrigeration in case they can't supply
parts immediately. Check with Municipality for additional contacts.
7.6 Secretary suggested update of job descriptions should be done.
8.1 Report received —will be copied to Department of Operations.
LOCATION Durham Regional Headquarters
605 Rossland East
Meeting Room 1 G
Whitby, Ontario
DATE January 23, 2015
TIME 1:00 PM
HOST Health Department
F %s 1 5 ?015
MEMBERS Dr. Robert Kyle, Durham Region Health Department (DRHD (Chair)
Mr. Ken Gorman, DRHD
Ms. Mary -Anne Pietrusiak, DRHD (Presenter)
Mr. Raphael McCalla, Ontario Power Generation (OPG)
Mr. Phil Dunn, Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
Mr. Loc Nguyen, OPG
Mr. Carl Ferencz, Public Member
Mr. Marc Landry, Public Member
Mr. Hardev Bains, Public Member
Dr. Barry Neil, Public Member
Mr. Brian Devitt, DRHD (Secretary)
Mr. Bernie Beaudin, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)
Mr. Warren Leonard, Durham Emergency Management Office
(DEMO) (Presenter)
Ms Jennifer Knox OPG (Presenter)
Mr, Jim Coles, OPG (Presenter)
N_ -
Mr. Glenn Pringle, OPG
Mr. Steve Lesiuta, OPG
ORIGIN,`,i Tom.
Ms. Dorothy Skinner, Durham Region Planning and EcR991 "Picu Cu'xC':I_
Development Department
Ms. Amy Burke, Municipality of Clarington
Mr. Chris Beveridge, Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ri" dVIDUtricp 'r''j.`.',�`''Ir
Health Unit
Mr. Lorne Coe, Regional Councillor, Town of Whit
y sERVicES sr,v;cr5
Ms. Renee Cotton, Durham Nuclear Awareness (DN
Ms. Janet McNeill, DNA
❑ pl_AP!r'iI;;C: a? SOLICITOR
Ms. Gail Cockburn, DNA
Ms. Theresa McClenaghan, Canadian Environmental Law
Mr. Shawn - Patrick Stensil, Greenpeace Canada
Ms. Linda Gasser, Whitby Resident
Ms. Lydia Skirko, Observer
Mr. A.J. Kehoe, Durham Region Resident
REGRETS Mr. Alex Heydon, Public Member
Dr. Tony Waker, University Of Ontario Institute of Technology
Dr. David Gorman, Public Member
Mr. Dave Nodwell, Ontario Office of the Fire Marshal and
Emergency Management
Robert Kyle opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.
Robert thanked his Health Department staff for arranging the meeting today.
1.0 Adoption of the DNHC Agenda
The Revised Agenda was adopted.
2.0 Adoption of the DNHC Minutes of the November 14, 2014 meeting
The Minutes were adopted as written.
3.0 Correspondence
3.1 Robert Kyle's office received the minutes for the Pickering Nuclear Generating
Station (NGS) Community Advisory Council meetings for September, October
and November 2014.
3.2 Robert Kyle's office received a newsletter from the Nuclear Waste Management
Organization (NWMO) concerning The NWMO Observes Geological Features in
Phase 2 Communities dated November 2014.
3.3 Robert Kyle's office received an information release from OPG that the Joint
Review Panel for the Deep Geological Repository Project proposed for Low and
Intermediate Level Waste has given notice that the Panel has closed the record for
the Environmental Assessment of the Project and no additional comments or
information will be accepted by the Panel dated November 18, 2014.
3.4 Robert Kyle's office received a letter from Miguel Santini, Director, Pickering
Regulatory Program Division, CNSC, providing information of the proportion of
pressure tubes (13 %) inspected at Pickering Nuclear as a result of a question
raised in the November 14"i DNHC meeting and the Miguel's letter was dated
November 19, 2014.
3.5 Robert Kyle's office received an information release from Vanessa Hughes,
Manager, Corporate Relations and Communications, OPG, concerning a heavy
water leak at Pickering's Unit 7 and clean -up on November 21st including the
resulting notifications of the event and the information release was dated
November 26, 2014,
3.6 Robert Kyle's office received an invitation from the Port Hope Area Initiative
Management Office (PHAI MO) to attend a meeting concerning the Citizen
Liaison Groups (CLG) for the Port Hope Project and Port Granby Project to be
held on January 20th at the Port Hope Recreation Centre at 62 McCaul Street,
Port Hope from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. and the invitation was dated. December 19,
3.7 Robert Kyle's office received a letter from the PHAI MO inviting interest from
the community to serve as members of the Port Granby CLG that would require a
commitment for two years and attending four meeting .per year dated December
19, 2014.
4.0 Presentations
4.1 Joint Report by Ontario Power Generation, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission,
Ontario Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management (OFMEM) and
Durham Emergency Management Office concerning the Exercise Unified Response
and Lessons Learned held in May 2014 at the Darlington Nuclear Generating
Jim Coles, Director, Emergency Management and Fire Protection, OPG, provided a
detailed presentation on the Exercise Unified Response including a 12 minute
Jim was assisted with his presentation and answering questions by:
Bernie Beaudin, Emergency Management Program Officer, CNSC
Warren Leonard, Director, DEMO
Jim explained that the Exercise was the largest ever conducted in Canada involving
more than 2,000 participants from 54 organizations including several international
nuclear agencies over 3 days from May 26 to 28, 2014.
The Rationale for the Exercise was:
• To prepare for a severe accident as a result of the Fukushima Task Force
Report and recommendation.
• To validate the integration of the OPG Nuclear Emergency Plan with off -site
agency plans such as the Regional Municipality of Durham, OFMEM and
many other organizations.
The Tier 1 Objectives of the Exercise were:
• To demonstrate that the emergency response of the participating
organizations can ensure the safety of the public and the environment.
• To.test the interoperability of the participating organizations and integration
of emergency response.
• To prepare for a joint evaluation of the interoperability and integration of the
participating organizations.
Each participating organization identified its own set of Tiers 2 and 3 Objectives to
be evaluated internally.
Jim provided a detailed explanation of the events over the three day Exercise that
• Day One Scenario Events were:
o Large loss of coolant accident occurred on reactor Unit 4
o Safety systems operate as per design and successfully mitigated the
o. Shift Manager declared an Abnormal Accident and completed off -site
o Site Management Centre was assembled and briefed
o Incident was subsequently upgraded to an On -Site Emergency
o A shutdown sequence was planned for remaining units
o Shortly after noon, a tornado hit the Darlington Nuclear site
o Extensive damage was done with a station blackout
o Stand -by generators failed to start and all cooling water intake
structures were severely damaged
o All reactor units tripped and emergency coolant injection on Unit 4 was
o Emergency Operations Centre staff were relocated to Common
Secondary Control Area
o Emergency Response Team deployed the Emergency Mitigation
Equipment (EME) to resupply the station with electricity and feed -
o The EME was towed by trucks to the fore bay and the turbine building
o The EME resupplied the boilers with feed -water on Units 1, 2 and 3
o The EME was successful and averted the possibility of a severe
accident on Units 1, 2 and 3
o Unit 4 Heat Transport System was depressurized and no cooling
through the steam generators
o The EME injected feed -water into Unit 4 Moderator System
o Air ingress occurred through Vacuum Building Airlock 1
o Containment pressure was predicted to go positive at about 2100 hours
. on Day 2
• Day 2 Scenario Events were:
o Upgrade to General Emergency because of the anticipated radiological
o Full activation of the Provincial and Durham Region Emergency
Operations Centres
o Automatic evacuation of the 3 km Contiguous Zone
o Further sector evacuations were based on projected dose
o On -site response was focused on the Severe Accident Management
o Off -site planning for protective actions was based on plant status
information and dose projections
o Ontario Ministry of Health and Long -Term Care ordered KI pill
o Province and Durham Region discussed implementation of evacuation
orders for specific sectors
o Contamination leaked to the environment overnight
o Emergency power was restored after midnight
o Airlock 1 seals were repaired
o Containment system was restored and further releases were not
expected for several days
® Day 3 Scenario Events were:
o Activities focused on the Orono Emergency Worker Centre activation
and off -site actions to protect the public
o After the release, police and emergency workers were able to enter the
evacuated zones for security and assurance monitoring
o Teams were deployed from the Emergency Worker Centre
Jim listed the Inter - Agency After Action Best Practices of Lessons Learned that
• Confirmation calls made by sender following transmission of key information
to confirm receipt.
• Command documents issued by the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre
were effective when communicating protective action decisions and
maintaining situation awareness.
• The joint operations of the Environmental Radiation and Assurance
Monitoring Group demonstrated effective unified operations.
• The Emergency Medical Assistance Team demonstrated ability to add
capacity to the local hospital and reassure worried members of the public.
• Health Canada's electronic mapping platform for sharing and displaying
radiation survey information demonstrated the usefulness of the web -based
Geographic Information System's functionality for situational awareness and
decision making.
• Confirmation and coordination of calls between organizations engaged in
public communication and pre - scripted emergency bulletins.
Jim listed the Key Findings and the Opportunities for Improvement of Lessons
Learned that included:
• Notification protocols are not sufficiently developed and harmonized to meet
the needs of all responding organizations.
• Trained and effective Liaison Officers are essential to have effective
communication and coordination of activities.
• Critical decision making processes must be optimized between all response
• Further guidance, as it relates to severe accidents, is required to clarify roles
of utility, municipal, provincial and federal response organizations with
shared responsibilities for protecting the public, the environment, food and
• A review and update of dose assessment and control procedures is required to
clearly define roles and responsibilities for the management of dose
assessment results.
• Emergency plans will benefit from additional clarity and alignment on dose
limits and .responsibilities for the radiation protection of workers responding
in an emergency.
• Develop a process and plan to advise the public, municipalities and private
agencies of their rights and claims to financial compensation.
• Emergency plans will benefit from improved alignment on the use of dose
modeling tools.
• Roles and responsibilities needed to be better defined to improve radiological
surveys and assessment strategies, analysis capabilities etc. during each phase
of the emergency.
• Emergency plans will benefit from additional clarity on the role of the
Nuclear Power Plant in public messaging issued by the Province.
• Messaging to the public needs to be simplified and should not increase public
fear and anxiety.
Jim's concluding comments of the Exercise were:
• Organizations at every level were able to test their Exercise Objectives.
• Organizations demonstrated that they can respond effectively to a severe
nuclear accident in order to protect the public, environment and
• Organizations will continue to collaborate and incorporate lessons learned
into their corrective action processes and further enhance their nuclear
emergency plans.
For more information on the Exercise Unified Response, Jim Coles can be
contacted at jim.colesoaopg.com and the slides used in the presentation are attached
as Appendix 1.
4.2 Report by DEMO on Durham Region's Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Program
Preview for 2015
Warren Leonard, Director, DEMO, provided a presentation on their program plans
for 2015 for nuclear emergency preparedness.
Warren provided some basic information about DEMO that included:
+ DEMO is responsible for the effective mitigation, preparedness, response and
recovery in case of any emergency in Durham Region.
• Nuclear emergency planning is a part of the overall emergency preparedness
in Durham Region.
• DEMO's emergency management program includes developing plans,
training staff, conducting exercises and providing public education.
• Local municipalities also have nuclear emergency plans but they are
coordinated and conform to the DEMO plan.
• OPG's major responsibilities are restoring the NGSs to a safe state and
providing support to off -site exercises.
Plan Reviews and Updates for 2015 will include:
• Revisions to the Durham Region Emergency Master Plan.
• Revisions to the Durham Nuclear Plans from the Exercise Unified Response.
• On -going implementation of the Emergency Plan structure.
Public Education Activities for 2015 will include:
• Upgrading the DEMO webpage so it is consistent with Durham Region's re-
design and to achieve AODA disability compliance.
• Establishing DEMO's visual brand.
• Re- designing the information brochure and distributing it throughout Durham
• Continuing to produce information videos.
• Expanding seasonal emergency preparedness themes on the Web, Twitter,
Facebook, You Tube and PSA's.
Public Alerting Activities for 2015 will include:
• Testing the alerting system in'the spring and fall for the 3km and l Okm zones.
• Purchasing an updated telephone database for emergency alerting.
• Overseeing the siren inspection contract for preventative and restorative
• Continuing participation in the 3 -10 km Provincial Working Group.
• Conducting the 5 year siren upgrade /repair planning and research project.
Training and exercises for 2015 will include:
• "Celebratory Spirit ", a provincial exercise in preparation for the Pan Am
Games, will be a table top exercise.
• Regional exercises to focus on Pan Am Games scenarios.
• Participating in 8 local municipal exercises.
• Providing training courses for Basic Emergency Management, Incident
Management 200 and the Emergency Operations Centre.
Operation and Events for 2015 will include:
• Participating in the consequence management monitoring of the Pan/Parapan
Am Games for the Ajax ball diamonds, Oshawa GM Centre and Whitby
Abilities Centre.
• Potential to host a Public/Private Partnership Symposium.
• Participating in the Darlington NGS Licence Renewal Hearings.
• Completing the Regional Emergency Operations Centre upgrades.
Warren Leonard or his associates will continue to update the DNHC on DEMO'S
activities and plans for nuclear emergency preparedness in Durham Region on an
annual basis and the slides used in his presentation are attached as Appendix 2.
4.3 Report by DRHD on their Health Neighbourhoods Project
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak, Epidemiologist, DRHD, provided a presentation on the
launch of the Health Neighbourhoods in Durham Region. The highlights of Mary -
Anne's presentation were:
• Health Neighbourhoods Project in Durham Region was launched on January
22, 2015 with a presentation by Mary -Anne to the Health & Social Services
• The DRHD divided Durham Region into 50 neighbourhoods, each with an
average population of 12,000, in order to better understand how health status
varies across the Region.
• The Project provides information to help support strong, safe and equitable
neighbourhoods and improve health and well -being of all residents.
• Mary -Anne showed how information is available on the website, including
reports, Indicator Summaries, Neighbourhood Profiles and Map Viewer.
• In terms of reports, there is a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document,
and Overview Report Which describes the Project and some of the patterns of
health seen across the Region and the Guide to Health Neighbourhoods
describes the methods.
• There are feature reports on Early Child Development and on Smoking that
focus on specific indicators.
• There are 62 indicators in this release, each with an Indicator Summary that
features a map, tables and an indicator page with `What you need to know ".
• There are Neighbourhood Profiles for all 50 Neighbourhoods, as well as each
of the municipalities and Durham Region as a whole.
• The Profiles consist of a table that features all 62 indicators with a
comparison to Durham Region and a descriptive map that shows the roads
and main physical features of the Neighbourhood.
Mary -Anne explained that the Map Viewer opens to the Point of Interest tab that
has a map of Durham Region where users can click on different Points of Interest
such as childcare facilities, schools, parks etc. Clicking on the icon opens a pop -up
window with the name and additional information about the Point of Interest. Other
tabs display indicators and maps that include:
• The Demographic tab will access 21 demographic indicators that include:
o Population growth
o Population age groups
o Income
o Education
o Unemployment
o Commuting
o Recent immigrants
o Visible minorities
• The Early Childhood tab will access 7 indicators on school readiness and 3
indicators about senior kindergarten children from the Parent Kindergarten
• The Health tab will access 31 indicators on a wide range of topics that
o Self -rated health
o Life expectancy
o Birth outcomes
o Teen pregnancy
o Breastfeeding
o Well -baby visits
o Asthma
o Injury
o Smoking
o Obesity
o Vegetable and fruit consumption
o Alcohol use
o Physical activity
o Flu shots
o Cardiovascular disease hospitalizations
o Incidence of 5 infectious diseases
In summary, Mary -Anne reported that the Health Neighbourhoods Project is the
first time comprehensive health information has been made available at the
neighbourhood level in Durham Region. The website provides health and social
services organizations, school boards, municipalities and communities with
information they can use to take action to improve the health of Durham Region
Mary -Anne Pietrusiak indicated more information on the Health Neighbourhoods
in Durham Region Project can be accessed at durham.ca/neighbourhoods and the
slides used in her presentation are attached as Appendix 3.
5.0 Communications
5.1 Community Issues at Pickering Nuclear
Jennifer Knox, Manager, Public Affairs, Darlington Nuclear, provided an update on
Community Issues at Pickering Nuclear and the highlights were:
• Pickering Nuclear employees have worked 195 days since the last lost -time
• Pickering Units 1 and 5 are undergoing planned maintenance outages and the
other units are operating at or close to full power.
• Pickering achieved its second longest generating run of 523 days when Unit 5
was shut down for maintenance. In 1994, Pickering Unit 7 set a world record
by operating 894 days without a shutdown.
• Pickering Nuclear has operated for 45 years and has produced 750 terawatt
hours of electricity enough to power the entire province for 5 years at the
current levels of consumption.
• The next Pickering Neighbours newsletter will be distributed in March.
Vanessa Hughes, Manager, Public Affairs, Pickering Nuclear, can be reached at
(905) 839 -1151 extension 7919 or by e -mail at vanessa.hughes@opo g com for more
5.2 Community Issues at Darlington Nuclear
Jennifer Knox, Manager, Public Affairs, Darlington Nuclear, provided an update on
the Community Issues at Darlington Nuclear and the highlights were:
• Darlington Nuclear employees have worked 257 days without a lost -time
• Darlington Units 1, 2, 3 and 4 are operating at or close to full power.
• The next Darlington Neighbours newsletter will be distributed in March.
Jennifer Knox, Manager, Public Affairs, Darlington Nuclear, can be reached at
(905) 697 -7443 or by e -mail at jennifer.knoxgop .com for more information.
5.3 Corporate Community Issues at OPG
Jennifer Knox, Manager, Public Affairs, Darlington Nuclear, provided an update on
Corporate Community Issues and the highlights were:
• OPG- will be participating at the annual Canadian Nuclear Association
conference in Ottawa in February.
• OPG will continue to partner in the `Bring Back the Salmon' program with
the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters.
• OPG is planning the March Break program which will include educational
and environmental programs for families across the Region with many
community partners.
• OPG and the Moose Cree First Nation have recently completed construction
on the Lower Mattagami, Hydroelectric Project which is Northern Ontario's
largest project in the past 50 years and will add 438 MWs of electricity.
6.0 Other Business
6.1 Topics Inventory Update
Robert Kyle indicated the Topics Inventory will be revised to include the
presentations made today and will be attached to the Draft Minutes as Appendix 4.
6.2 Future Topics for the DNHC to Consider
Robert Kyle indicated the topics for discussion at the next DNHC meeting on
January 23, 2015 or future DNHC meetings may include:
• Progress Report from NWMO concerning their Site Selection Project
• Progress Report from OPG concerning their storage of Used Nuclear Fuel at
Pickering and Darlington NGSs
• Progress Report from OPG on the Flashlight Public Education Document
distributed in May 2014
7.0 Next Meeting
Date April 17, 2015
Times 12:00 PM Lunch served
1:00 PM Meeting begins
Host Health Department
Location Durham Regional Headquarters
Meeting Room LL -C
605 Rossland Road East
Town of Whitby, Ontario
8.0 Adjournment at 3:45 PM
Exercise Unified Response
and Lessons Learned
Presenter: Jim Coles,
Director Emergency Management & Fire Protection
Durham Nuclear Health Committee
January 23, 2015
■ Fukushima Task Force Report recommendations
• Prepare for a severe accident
— -- - --
■ OPG Exercise Unified Response 2014
: --
• BDBA severe accident with offsite
radiological consequences
• Validate on -site improvements
• Validate the integration of the OPG
Nuclear Emergency Plan with off -site
agency plans e.g. Regional Municipality of
Durham and the Office of the Fire Marshal
f s;
and Emergency Management
: a _5
s , ...
Exercise Unified Response
■ OPG led initiative for a full scale
nuclear emergency response
■ Participants included CNSC, Health
Canada (HC), Public Safety Canada
(PS), the Regional Municipality of
Durham, and the Ministry of
Community Safety and Correctional
Services (MCSCS)
■ Primary purpose was to test the
preparedness and integration of
stakeholder nuclear emergency
ONTARIO"rui to
_# Public Safety
n Canada
Exercise Objectives.
Tier 1 Objectives:
• Demonstrate that the emergency
response of the participating
organizations can ensure the safety
of the public and the environment;
• Test the ,interoperability of the
participating organizations, and
integration of emergency response;
• Prepare a joint evaluation of the
interoperability and integration of the
participating organizations.
Further to the joint evaluation, each organization identified its own set
of Tier 2 and 3 objectives to be evaluated internally.
Exercise Video
Public Safety
Federal Organizations
and Agri -food Canada (AAFC)
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd (AECL)
!Canada Border Services Agency (C BSA)
Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Department of Justice (DOJ)
Department of National Defense (DND /CF)
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
(DFO) /Canadian Coast Guard (CCG)
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade &
Development (DFATD)
Employment and Social Development
Environment Canada (EC -CMC)'
Wealth Canada (HC)
Industry Canada (IC)
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Public Health Agency Canada (PHAC)
Public Safety Canada (PS) &
Government Operations Center (GOC)
Privy Council Office (PCO)
Transport Canada (TC)
Provincial Organizations
Ministry of Agriculture and Food (MAF)1
Ministry of Rural Affairs (MRA)
Ministry of Government Services (MGS) !i
Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Ministry of Health and Long Term Care
Services (MCSCS) (MOHLTC)
Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency
Management (OFMEM)
Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
Ministry of Community and Social Services
Ministry of Labour (MOL)
Ministry of `transportation (MTO)
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Ho
Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR)
Ministry of Energy (ENERGY) Independent Electricity System Operator'
Ministry of Environment (MOE) Ontario Power Generation (OPG)
Regional / Municipal Organizations
City of Oshawa (includes Fire)
City of Peterborough
City. of Pickering (includes Fire)
City of Toronto
Conseil Scolalre Viamonde
Durham. Chief Administrative Officer
Durham Corporate Communications
Durham Corporate Services
Durham District School Board
Durham District Separate School Board
Durham Emergency Medical Services
Durham Emergency Management Office
Durham Regional Police Service
Durham Social Services
Durham Transit
Durham Works Department
Durham Health [Department
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
Lakeridge Health (Bowmanville Hospital)
Municipality of Clarington.(Includes Fire)
Durham Planning & Economic Developmer
Regional Fire Coordinator
Town of Ajax
International Organizations W-
- ■ International participation:
• Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission interface with US
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) and
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA);
• Health Canada notification to International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA); and
• Ontario Power Generation interface with Institute of
Nuclear Power Operations (INPO).
°°""""�"' - ° "' • SAFETY • INTEGRITY • EXCE¢LENCE • PEOPLE & CITIZENSHIP �b���6Ffn-flI
Day One Scenario Events
• Large Loss of Coolant Accident on
reactor Unit 4
• Safety systems operated per
design and successfully mitigate
the accident
• Shift Manager declared an
Abnormal Incident and completed
off -site notifications
• Site Management Centre (SMC)
assembled and briefed
• Incident subsequently upgraded to
On -Site Emergency
• A shutdown sequence was
planned for remaining units
Day One Events Continued
• Shortly afternoon, a
tornado hit the
Darlington site
• Extensive damage and a
.station blackout
• Stand -by generators fail
to start and all cooling
water intake structures
are severely damaged.
• All reactor units trip, and Emergency Coolant Injection on
Unit 4 is lost.
• Emergency Operations Centre staff relocated to Common
Secondary Control Area
Day One Events Continued s=
■ Emergency Response Team deployed Emergency Mitigation
Equipment (EME) to resupply the station with electricity and
feed - water
• The EME was towed by trucks to the fore bay and the turbine
■ EME resupplied the boilers on Units 1, 2 and 3 with feed -water
■ This action averts the possibility of a severe accident on those
Overnight Events
■ Emergency Mitigation
Equipment (EME) successful
on Units 1, 2 and 3
• Unit 4 Heat Transport
System depressurized and
no cooling through steam
■ EME injected feed -water into
Unit 4 Moderator system
■ Air ingress through Vacuum
Building Airlock 1
■ Containment pressure predicted to go positive at about 2100 hrs
Day Two Events
■ Upgrade to General
Emergency because of
anticipated radiological
■ Full activation at Provincial
and Regional Emergency
Operations Centres
■ Automatic evacuation of 3km Contiguous Zone
of Further sector evacuations based on projected dose
Day Two Events
■ On -site response now
focused on severe accident
management guidelines
■ Off -site planning for
protective actions based on
plant status information and
dose projections
■ Ministry of Health and Long
Term Care ordered KI pill
■ Province and Region discuss implementation of evacuation
orders for specific sectors
Overnight Events
• Contamination leaked to the
environment overnight
• Emergency power restored
after midnight
• Airlock 1 seals repaired
• Containment system
restored and further releases
not expected for several
Day Three Scenario Events
■ Activities focus on Emergency Worker Centre activation and
offsite actions to protect the public
■ After the release, police and emergency workers will enter
the evacuated zones for security and assurance monitoring
• Teams are deployed from the Emergency Worker Centre
Lessons Learned
Inter- AgencyAfterAction Report Best practices:
■ Confirmation calls by sender following transmission of key
■ Command documents issued by the Provincial Emergency
Operations Centre are effective when communicating
protective action decisions and maintaining situation
■ The joint operations of the Environmental Radiation and
Assurance Monitoring Group demonstrated effective unified
Lessons Learned
Inter - Agency After Action Report Best Practices Continued:
■ Emergency Medical Assistance Team demonstrated ability to
add capacity to local hospital and reassure worried members
of the public;
■ Health Canada's electronic mapping (EMAP) platform for
sharing and displaying radiation survey information
demonstrated the usefulness of web -based Geographic
Information System functionality for situational awareness and
decision - making; and
■ Coordination calls between organizations engaged in public
communication and pre - scripted emergency bulletins.
Lessons Learned
Key findings and opportunities for improvement:
• Notification protocols are not sufficiently developed and
harmonized to meet the needs of all responding organizations;
• Trained and effective Liaison Officers are essential to effective
communication and coordinating activities;
• Critical decision making processes must be optimized between
all response agencies;
■ f=urther guidance, as it relates to severe accidents, is required
to clarify the roles of utility, municipal, provincial, and federal
response organizations with shared responsibilities for
protecting the public, the environment, food, and water;
Lessons Learned : '° ft� 4/"
Key findings and opportunities for improvement continued:
■ Review and update dose assessment and control procedures
to clearly define roles and responsibilities for the management
of dose assessment results;-
■ Emergency plans would benefit from additional clarity and
alignment on dose limits and responsibilities for the radiation
protection of workers responding in a nuclear emergency;
■ Need a process to advise the public, municipalities, and private
agencies of their rights and claims to financial compensation;
Lessons Learned
Key findings and opportunities for improvement continued:
■ Emergency plans would benefit from improved alignment on
the use of dose modeling tools;
■ Need to better define roles and responsibilities for radiological
surveys and assessment strategies, analysis capabilities, etc.,
during each phase of the emergency;
■ Emergency plans could benefit from additional clarity on the
role of the Nuclear Power Plant in public messaging issued by
the Province; and
■ Messaging to the public needs to be simplified and should not
increase public fear and anxiety.
■ Or g anizations at every level were ONTARIO""WrR
able to test their exercise objectives GENERATION
■ Organizations demonstrated that
they can respond effectively to a
severe accident in order-to protect
the public, infrastructure, and the
■ Organizations will continue to
collaborate and incorporate lessons MW
learned into their corrective action
processes and further enhance puCanadaety
nuclear emergency plans
Appendix 2
• Revisions to Durham Region Emergency Master Plan.
• Revisions to Durham Nuclear Plans from Exercise Unified
• On -going implementation of Emergency Plans structure.
• Plans project to finalize Emergency Support Functions.
• Publish Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment.
Public Education
• DEMO webpage upgrade consistent with Regional re-
design and to achieve AODA compliance.
• Establish DEMO visual brand.
• Re- design information brochure; produce and distribute
• Continue to produce informational videos.
• Expand seasonal emergency preparedness themes on the
web, Twitter, Facebook, You Tube and PSNs.
Public Alerting
9 Public alerting spring /fall testing in 3km and 10km zones.
* Purchase updated telephone database for emergency
Oversee siren inspection contract for preventative and
restorative maintenance.
8 Continued participation in 3 -10km Provincial Working
• 5 year siren.upgrade /repair planning and research.
Training & Exercises
m Table top exercise "Celebratory Spirit ".
* Regional Exercises — Pan Am scenarios
* S local municipal exercises.
41 Basic Emergency Management course.
• Incident Management System 200 course.
• Emergency Operations Centre course.
Operations & Events
• Pan Am 2015 consequence management monitoring:
Ajax ball diamonds
Oshawa GM centre
Whitby Abilities Centre
• Public / Private Partnership (P3) symposium.
Darlington licence renewal hearings.
REOC upgrades.
at .
The Launch of Health
Neighbourhoods in
Durham Region
Presentation to
Durham Nuclear Health Committee
Mary -Anne Pietrusiak, Epidemiologist
January 23, 2015
Health Neighbourhoods
.c" AV AU�.t wmm
ti Cnn6
bc�—". —Jv
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1.177 IT
The Health
Health Neighbourhoods Project
• Comprehensive health status information for 50
Health Neighbourhoods in Durham Region.
• Available at durham.ca /neighbourhoods.
• Reports: Frequently Asked Questions, Overview,
The Guide to Health Neighbourhoods, Feature
Report on Early Child Development, Feature Report
on Smoking
• A Map Viewer — Points of interest, maps of indicators
• Neighbourhood Profiles — 50 Neighbourhoods +
Municipalities + Durham Region.
• Indicator Summaries for 62 indicators.
�y %fiLF @;S.X;t
, it, .
The Health Neighbourhoods project presents 62 indicators for rag Health Neighbourhoods in
Durham Region to better understand patterns of health in our communities. The ultimate goat is
to support strong, safe and equitable neiahbourhoods that improve the health and well-being of
all residents across Durham Region.
Frequentty Asked Questions (FAQs)
Overview Report
A Guide to Health Neighbourhoods
:. Feature Reports
,-j Early Child Development
•�j smoking
Map Vlewer
An interactive reap thatviews information by Health Neighbourhood.
Indicator Summaries
Each 4-page sure mary includes a Durham Region reap for that indicator.
tables that provide rates for each Neighbourhood and municipality, and
indicator notes to explain the data.
Health Neighbourhoods Home I Map Viewer I Profiles I Indicators
Neighbourhood Profiles
Indicators are summarized and compared to Durham Region for each
Neighbourhood, Municipality and for Durham Region. Includes a
descriptive map with roans, schools, trails and other points of interest
Indicator Summaries
Each 4-page sure mary includes a Durham Region reap for that indicator.
tables that provide rates for each Neighbourhood and municipality, and
indicator notes to explain the data.
Health Neighbourhoods Home I Map Viewer I Profiles I Indicators
MRDwfMR ion
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Indicator Summaries for Durham Region
Demographic Indicators
4ge *;roup�
-1-orrn-2, t-nq to
Early Child Development Indicators
Health Indicators
5f.r4f-Rated Hea[to
Example of an Indicator
Summary — 4 pages with
map, tables and notes
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Example of an Indicator
Summary — 4 pages with
map, tables and notes
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Neighbourhood Profiles of Durham Region
Durham Region Profile
Map Viewer indicator Summaries Health Neighbourhoods
Health Neighbourhoods Home Map Viewer Profiles indicators
GCGSSifJlfeiy4 r
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Neighbourhood Pros of
Durham Region
Durham Region Profile
- :q
i Pickering
. . ... ................. .__._..... .
' Pickering Profile
Frenchman's Bay (P1)
f West Rouge (P2)
Arnberlee (P3)
+ Pickering City Centre (PS)
Brock Midge Pickering (P4)
i Pickering North (1117)
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Frenchman's 1Say
A Health Neighbourhood - Pickering 1 (1311 11 �,
Example of an
Profile — 4 pages
with tables on first
3 pages and
descriptive map on
last page. r
=ORA 1—My
**Mh WwAtal"I
C.."Wd A.
4,- K- som
Frenchman's 1Say
A Health Neighbourhood - Pickering 1 (1311 11 �,
Example of an
Profile — 4 pages
with tables on first
3 pages and
descriptive map on
last page. r
The Map Viewer.
Community FzAk—y
Healthcare Facilitv
Place of I'Vorship
Recreation Facility
Senior Residence
i Recreation Park
Community Trail
Consei vatioa Area
Oak Ridges Trail
Trans Canada Tridl
Waterfront Trail
'and and Consenation Area
Fm anyinquides regarding the —,6, �to
intuaidve map o.- data please
Fm anyinquides regarding the —,6, �to
intuaidve map o.- data please
P.dir is of Interest Demographics Ea Child Ekve1
rlY opmerrt Health
¢ Childcare
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Transportation 8 :Outer• Ct ^�
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PoPadation age groups
Population Aged 0-14
c PoPUk -flan aged 0-4
C1 PoPUtation Aged5, -9 i
c; Population Aged 10-1 _
E_Y P'Gpukti —Aged 15 -1�
r' PoPUL -Ition Aged 20-24
PoprJrtion aged25 -zq
r , PoPUL -IiDn aged 3n-39
Popu:Eatiouagad40 49
t -n Popid tionaged50-59
! ,, Popuktion aged 6o-64
f : ,, Population aged 65+
Education .
Tis,Ne Minorities
es ;;.11 iN
Neighbourhood Boundaries
Population Aged 0 -14
12-9% to 15.0%
15.1 Sa to 17.1%
18-2% to 19.3Q-S
202% to 24.1 %
{ 24.6° to 30.0
Neighbourhood Boundaries
Child-friendly neighbourhood
T-.- 44,4% - 67.7*::
68.3% - 75.70*
76.8% - 80.3%
60.6% - 87.5%
87.8% - 92.6%
Percentage of senior Wndergarten children
'whose parents consider their neighbourhood to
be child friendly.
Data Source:
Senior Kindergarten Children Living in a Mid-
Friendly Neighbourhood r,2012): Source:
Kindergarten Parent Surrey (KPS;s, 201.2,
Durham Region.
For any Inquiries regarding the interactive UAM
map or data please contact Corporate GIS
ch-Uhrim IkikF a CI
Kbidergmteu Parent Surv-4ey
Pzrent-rated health of SK
U diei ii alkaIIg or bWng to
Neighbourhood Boundaries
Child-friendly neighbourhood
T-.- 44,4% - 67.7*::
68.3% - 75.70*
76.8% - 80.3%
60.6% - 87.5%
87.8% - 92.6%
Percentage of senior Wndergarten children
'whose parents consider their neighbourhood to
be child friendly.
Data Source:
Senior Kindergarten Children Living in a Mid-
Friendly Neighbourhood r,2012): Source:
Kindergarten Parent Surrey (KPS;s, 201.2,
Durham Region.
For any Inquiries regarding the interactive UAM
map or data please contact Corporate GIS
ch-Uhrim IkikF a CI
Self-mated health
'i, Sel agpS is+
Lite F-qpectzncy
Teen P.regamc-,
Tpgetable mdr-ruit consumption
pbydcal activity
Czrdio;-ascularDis easp
Neighbourhood Boundaries
Points of Interest Demoqraptfts, JE1104cfilld Nvelopment
Self-rated health
(4! SeN-Fewd healtiz, ages i5+
TO W 11 01
Manning (W4), Whitby
Self rated health
Durh2r,,; RE-dr, -4: 60.0%
MarrirG pmN=
V#,^:jthV Pre,
Tean Prepanev
in cbildrm,
vegetable zmd F=itConsumption
Alcohol use
Infect-aus Diseases.
Neighbourhood Boundaries
Self-rated health: I$+
36.7% - 54.3 %'
54.5% - 58_6%
62 1% - 64.9%-
fla,. 65-2% -99C 0%
TO W 11 01
Manning (W4), Whitby
Self rated health
Durh2r,,; RE-dr, -4: 60.0%
MarrirG pmN=
V#,^:jthV Pre,
d "y
Some General Findings —
Overview Report
vo' Young families most concentrated in north and east Ajax,
north Whitby, north Oshawa, and north Bowmanville.
Some indicators show striking east -west differences. West has
higher populations of recent immigrants and visible minorities,
higher income levels, and longer commutes to work. East
Durham Region residents are more likely to have an injury that
results. in an emergency department visit, and babies with a
birth weight that is too high.
v" Neighbourhoods in downtown Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, and
Oshawa tend to have lower incomes, more seniors, fewer
young people and important health challenges.
Income has a big impact on health. Neighbourhoods with the
lowest incomes tend to have poorer health.
Rural Neighbourhoods have lower birth rates, smaller
populations of young children, more seniors, and fewer visible
minorities and recent immigrants. They also have higher rates
of enteric diseases and emergency department visits for
injuries. Adults tend to eat more vegetables and fruit.
M "X"
� First time comprehensive health information has
been available publicly at Durham Region
Neighbourhood- level.
The project provides information to help support
strong, safe and equitable Neighbourhoods and
improve the health and well -being of all residents.
Provides the health &social service
organizations, municipalities, and communities
with information they need to take action.
� We welcome you to explore the Health
Neighbourhoods website and maps.
Appendix 4
2000 Annual Review of Darlington and
April 20, 2001
Mike Taylor
Pickering Nuclear
2001 Public Dose from Pickering &
June 21, 2002
John Coleby
Darlington Nuclear
Radiological Environmental,
June 21, 2002
John Lamarre
Monitoring Program for
June 13, 2003
John Lamarre
Darlington and Pickering Nuclear
April 16, 2004
Iry Benovich
June 18, 2005
Iry Benovich
June 16, 2006
Jane Borromeo
June 15, 2007
Jane Borromeo
June 13, 2008
Frank Bajurny
June 17, 2011
Cammie Cheng
AECB Regulations /DELs/Targets
Sept. 27, 1996
Rob Maloney /Robi Chatterjee
AECL - Medical Isotope Production
June 18, 2010
Dr. Jean - Pierre Labrie
Aerial Gamma Survey
November 19, 1999
Ernie Koehl
March 24, 2000
Ernie Koehl
September 22, 2000
Bob Grasty
Annual Summary/Assessment of
May 23, 1997
Ron Maruska
Environmental Radiologic Data
July 4, 1999
Ron Maruska
Bill C -27 (Nuclear Fuel Waste Mgmt.)
November 23, 2001
Kurt Johansen
January 18, 2002
Ken Nash
September 20, 2002
Cliff Barua
January 17, 2003
Ken Nash
June 13, 2003
Elizabeth Dowdeswell
Chronic Emissions Monitoring at PNGS
June 22, 2001
Frank Bajurny
CNSC Emergency Prep
Jan 18, 2013
Bernie Beaudin
CNSC "Lessons Learned" - Fukushima
November 18, 2011
Philip Webster
November 16, 2012
Philip Webster
CNSC Report Cards on Pickering &
November 19, 2004
Ian Grant/Tom Schaubel/
Darlington NGS
Garry Schwarz/Gerry Moriarty
November 18, 2005
Garry Schwarz/Tom Schaubel
November 20, 2009
Philip Webster
November 18, 2011
Philip Webster
November 16, 2012
Philip Webster
November 15, 2013.
Francois Rinfret
November 14, 2014
Miguel Santini
CNSC Transport of Steam Boilers from
January 14, 2011
Philip Webster
Bruce Power to Sweden
CSA Standards for NGS
June 19, 2009
Iry Benovich
Contaminated Groundwater PNGS
November 7, 1997
Gord Spielmann
December 1, 1997
John Stephenson /cord Spielmann
April 16, 1999
Laurie Swami /Jamie Laurie
Copper & Zinc Emissions
May 23, 1997
Rod Clarke
July 11, 1997
Bob Ferguson /Helen Howes
Darlington Boiler Tube Leak
February 2, 1998
Ernie Koehl
Darlington Heavy Water Leak
August 21, 1998
Ernie Koehl
Darlington Tritium Release to MISA Lagoon
September 21, 2001
Jane Borromeo
November 22, 2002
Dave Austin
Darlington Tritium Removal Facility
September 17, 2010
Liette Lemieux
June 14, 2013
Ken Hamilton
March 7, 1997
Ernie Koehl
DNGS & PNGS Airborne Dosimetery
September 24, 1999
Ernie Koehl
DNGS CNSC Report Card (2007)
September 12, 2008
Philip Webster
DNGS Nuclear Ecological Effects Review
June 21, 2002
Don Wismer
DNGS - Emergency ETE
November 19, 2010
Scott Forsythe
DNGS Offsite Environmental Monitoring
March 7, 1997
Ernie Koehl
Programs and Results
DNGS Operational Issues
November 17, 2006
Gregory Smith
June 19, 2009
Stu Seedhouse
January 13, 2012
Brian Duncan
DNGS 2002 Environmental Progress
November 14, 2003
Dave Austin
DNGS /PNGS Onsite Air /Liquid Emission
May 23, 1997
Rod Clarke /Laurie Swami/
Monitoring Programs and Results
Ernie Koehl
Drinking Water System and Quality
June 4, 1999
Lloyd Murray
Darlington Nuclear
December 5, 1997
Rod Clarke
- Waste Management Facility
April 20, 2001
Kurt Johansen
June 22, 2001
Kurt Johansen
September 21, 2001
Kurt Johansen
November 23, 2001
Kurt Johansen
January 18, 2002
Cliff Barua
April 19,-2002
Cliff Barua
June 21, 2002
John Peters
September 20, 2002
Cliff Barua
November 22, 2002
Cliff Barua
January 17, 2003
John Peters
April 11, 2003
John Peters
June 13, 2003
Brian Devitt
September 12, 2003
Cliff Barua
November 14, 2003
John Peters
January 16, 2004
Cliff Barua
April 16, 2004 -
Cliff Barua
June 18, 2004
John Peters
September 17, 2004
Cliff Barua
November 19, 2004
Cliff Barua
January 14, 2005
Cliff Barua
April 15, 2005
Don Terry
June 17, 2005
Cliff Barua
September 16, 2005
Cliff Barua
January 13, 2006
Pat Lucas
June 16, 2006
Mike Haynes
January 12, 2007
Mike Haynes
November 16, 2007
Nick Mihalic
April 18, 2008
Mike Allan
January 16, 2009
Nick Mihalic
November 20, 2009
Nick Mihalic
January 13, 2012
Terry Doran
Darlington Refurbishment
September 17, 2010
John Peters
April 15, 2011
Donna Pawlowski and Bill Robinson
September 16, 2011
Dietmar Riener
November 18, 2011
Donna Pawlowski
April 13, 2012
Allan Webster
September 14, 2012
Dieter Reiner
April 19, 2013
Donna Pawlowski
November 15, 2013
Gary Rose
April 4, 2014
Allan Webster and Neil Mitchell
November 14, 2014
Roy Martin
Darlington Relicensing and Pubic Hearing
June 15, 2012
Jim Coles and Herminia Roman
New NGS - Darlington B Project
November 17, 2006
Donna Pawlowski
January 12, 2007
John Peters
April 20, 2007
John Peters
June 15, 2007
Davinder Valeri
September 14, 2007
Laurie Swami
November 16, 2007
John Peters
April 18, 2008
Laurie Swami
June 13, 2008
Laurie Swami
September 12, 2008
John Peters
November 14, 2008
John Peters
January 16, 2009
Donna Pawlowski
April 17, 2009
Laurie Swami
June 19, 2009
Tomasz Wlodarczyk
September 18, 2009
Laurie Swami
November 20, 2009
Laurie Swami
April 16, 2010
Donna Pawlowski
September 17, 2010
John Peters
April 15, 2011
Albert Sweetnam
November 18, 2011
Donna Pawlowski
April 13, 2012
Allan Webster
September 14, 2012
Dieter Reiner
April 19, 2013
Donna Pawlowski
Darlington Joint Review Panel Process
June 18, 2010
Debra Myles
September 16, 2011
Debra Myles
Darlington Vacuum Building Inspection
9 9 p
June 13 2008
Frank Ba'urn /Mike McFarlane
1 Y
June 19, 2009
Tho -Dien Le
Durham College & OPG Partnership
September 16, 2011
Susan Todd
Durham Region's Solid Waste
November 19, 1999
Peter Watson
Management System
Durham Strategic Energy Alliance
June 16, 2006
Doug Lindeblom
November 16, 2007
Doug Lindeblom
EMO - Prov Ontario Emerg Management
January 18, 2013
Dave Nodwell
Emergency Planning at Darlington
September 14, 2012
Theresa McClenaghan
Environmental Testing of Tritium in
February 2, 1998
Ron Maruska
Exercise Unified Response at Darlington
January 23, 2015
Jim Coles
2014 Joint Presentation
Warren Leonard
Greenpeace Fukushima Lessons Learned
November 16, 2012
Shawn - Patrick Stensil
Heavy Water Inventory
February 27, 1998
Gord Spielmann
April 24, 1998
Laurie Swami
August 21, 1998
Ernie Koehl /Mike McLeod
ICRP Recommendations
June 21, 1996
Dave Whillans
Independent Analysis of Tritium
February 27, 1998
Ron Maruska
April 24, 1998
Brian Devitt
August 21, 1998
Brian Devitt
February 5, 1999
Brian Devitt
April 16, 1999
Brian Devitt
June 4, 1999
Dr. Bob Drimmie/Tony Wong
September 24, 1999
Dr. Bob Drimmie/Tony Wong
Interim Abnormal Tritium Release
August 8, 1996
Laurie Swami
Notification Protocol
OPG Protocol for Abnormal Tritium
April 16, 2004
Dave Austin /Gordon Reidt
Release from PNGS or DNGS
Internal Station Controls
February 5, 1999
Laurie Swami
Irradiated Fuel Bay Liner Defect
February 27, 1998
Gord Spielmann
April 24, 1998
Laurie Swami
August 21, 1998
Laurie Swami
April 16, 1999
Laurie Swami
ITER Canada Project
April 20, 2001
Dr. Peter Barnard /Dr. Murray Stewart
September 21, 2001
Katherine Moshonas
November 23, 2001
Katherine Moshonas
January 18, 2002
Katherine Moshonas
April 19, 2002
Katherine Moshonas
June 21, 2002
Katherine Moshonas
September 20, 2002
Katherine Moshonas
January 17, 2003'
Katherine Moshonas
April 11, 2003
Katherine Moshonas
September 12, 2003
Katherine Moshonas Cole
January 16, 2004
Dr. Murray Stewart
[TER Canada Project (Tour)
April 20, 2001
Dr. Murray Stewart
Japan's Nuclear Crisis
April 15, 2011
Dr. Tony Waker
Ministry of Energy Provincial Vision of
June 18, 2004
Garry McKeever
Electricity Sector
Ontario Long -Term Energy Plan (2013)
September 12, 2014
Cedric Jobe
Ministry of the Environment Inspection of
September 18, 2009
Andj Dominski
June 18, 2010
Michael De Villers
Nuclear Fuel Waste Disposal (NWMO)
March 7, 1997
Ken Nash
April 24, 1998
Peter Stewart- Guille
November 14, 2003
Donna Pawlowski
January 16, 2004
Donna Pawlowski
April 16, 2004
Brian Devitt
June 18, 2004
Donna Pawlowski
September 17, 2004
Pat Patton
November 19, 2004
Dr. Gerry Gold
November 19, 2004
Pat Patton
January 14, 2005
Brian Devitt
April 15, 2005
Brian Devitt
June 17, 2005
Joe Hunwicks
June 17, 2005
Dr. Gerry Gold
June 17, 2005
Brian Devitt
September 16, 2005
Janice Szwarz/Kathryn Shaver
November 18, 2005
Pat Patton /Sean Russell
June 15, 2007
Pat Patton /Sean Russell
April 18, 2008
Cynthia Summers
November 14, 2008
Mike Krizanc
April 17, 2009
Peter Simmons
November 20, 2009
Peter Simmons
April 16, 2010
Peter Simmons
June 18, 2010
Peter Simmons
November 19, 2010
Peter Simmons
April 15, 2011
Peter Simmons
September 16, 2011
Peter Simmons
January 13, 2012
Jamie Robinson
September 14, 2012
Jo -Ann Facella
April 19, 2013
Jo -Ann Facella
April 4, 2014
Jo -Ann Facell
Nuclear Preparedness in Durham Region
September 20, 2002
Ivan Ciuciura
September 12, 2003
Ivan Ciuciura
September 17, 2004
Ivan Ciuciura
November 18, 2005
Ivan Ciuciura/Mike Morton
November 17, 2006
Ivan Ciuciura
September 14, 2007
Ivan Ciuciura
September 12, 2008
Ivan Ciuciura
September 18, 2009
Ivan Ciuciura
November 19, 2010
Ivan Ciuciura.
January 13, 2012
Ivan Ciuciura
January 18, 2013
Ivan Ciuciura
January 18, 2013
Linda Gasser
January 17, 2014
Warren Leonard
January 23, 2015
Warren Leonard
Nuclear Station at Bruce Power -
September 14, 2007
Terry Squire
Community Committees
Nuclear Waste Storage at Bruce NGS
April 15, 2005
Terry Squire
Long -Term
September 14, 2007
Terry Squire
Nuclear Waste Transportation
November 14, 2003
Ann McLay
January 16, 2004
Mike Allan
ODWO for Tritium
June 21, 1996
Ron Maruska
Ontario Power Authority
April 21, 2006
Andrew Pietriewcz
November 16, 2007
Andrew Pietriewcz
Ontario's Long -Term Energy Plan.
April 15, 2011
Paula Lukan
OPG Deep Geological Repository
June 17, 2011
Terry Doran
September 14, 2012
Gord Sullivan
November 14, 2014
Jerry Keto
OPG Emergency Preparedness
November 19, 2010
Rick Bell
January 18, 2013
Jim Coles
January 17, 2014
Jim Coles
OPG Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
January, 17, 2014
Kevin Powers
April 4, 2014
Kevin Powers
OPG Fukushima Response
April 13, 2012
Mario Elliott
November 16, 2012
Mark Elliott
OPG Investment Strategy - PNGS - DNGS
April 16, 2010
Bill Robinson
OPG Nuclear Waste Projections & Plans
November 17, 2006
Mike Garamszeghy
OPG Public Disclosure Policy
September 14, 2012
Scott Berry
September 12, 2014
Cheryl Polk
June 19, 2009
Andrea Brown
June 18, 2010
Tho Dien -Le
June 17, 2011
Cammie Cheng
June 15, 2012
Cammie Cheng
June 14, 2013
Carina Cautillo & Cammie Cheng
September 12, 2014
Carina Cautillo
OPG Report on Power Outage
September 12, 2003
Horst Paetzold
Aug 14 - 15/03
OPG Restructuring
April 19, 2002
Pat O'Brien
April 15, 2005
John Shaw
January 12, 2007
Jacquie McInnes
June 19, 2009
Jennifer Knox
OPG Transportation of Nuclear Waste
June 15, 2012
Pauline Witzke
OSART - Pickering 'A' Unit 4
September 17, 2004
John Coleby
April 15, 2005
John Coleby
January 13, 2006
John Coleby
Pickering 'A' Financial Plan
April 21, 2006
John Coleby
Pickering 'A' Restart Update
April 19, 2002
Pat O'Brien / Frank Bajurny
November 22, 2002
Pat O'Brien
April 11, 2003
Phil LeSauvage
June 17, 2005
Scott Berry
Pickering 'A' Return to Service
November 19, 1999
Kurt Johansen
Environmental Assessment
March 24, 2000
Kurt Johansen /Doug Chambers
September 22, 2000
Kurt Johansen
November 24, 2000
Kurt Johansen
January 19, 2001
Kurt Johansen
April 20, 2001
Kurt Johansen
Pickering 'A' Safe Shutdown of Units 2 & 3
January 13, 2006
Randy Leavitt
June 13, 2008
Laurie Swami
January 14, 2011
Scott Guthrie
Pickering NGS 'A' Licence Renewal
June 22, 2001
Kurt Johansen
September 21, 2001
Kurt Johansen
November 23, 2001
Kurt Johansen / Brian Devitt
Pickering NGS Performance and Reliability
June 15, 2012
Glenn Jager
September 13, 2013
Mark Elliott
Pickering Nuclear Staff Training
January 19, 2001
Mark Elliott
April 20, 2001
Pat O'Brien
PNGS DRL for Sewage
June 19, 2009
Iry Benovich
PNGS Environmental Policy
May 24, 1996
Rod Clarke
PNGS Environmental Review Project/
October 30, 1998
Judy Ryan /Laurie Swami /Brian Devitt
Environmental Action Plan
February 5, 1999
Judy Ryan /Laurie Swami /Brian Devitt
April 16, 1999
Laurie Swami
PNGS 'Hold Point' Licence Condition - OPG
April 4, 2014
Mark Elliott
PNGS 'Hold Point' Condition - CNSC
November 14, 2014
Miguel Santini
PNGS Waste Management Facility
April 19, 2002
John Peters
June 21, 2002
John Peters
September 20, 2002
Cliff Barua
November 22, 2002
John Peters
January 17, 2003
John Peters
April 11, 2003
John Peters
June 13, 2003
Brian Devitt
September 12, 2003
Cliff Barua
November 14, 2003
John Peters
January 16, 2004
Cliff Barua
April 16, 2004
John Peters
June 18, 2004
John Peters
September 17, 2004
Cliff Barua
November 19, 2004
Cliff Barua
January 14, 2005
Cliff Barua
April 15, 2005
Don Terry
June 17, 2005
Cliff Barua
September 16, 2005
Cliff Barua
January 13, 2006
Pat Lucas
June 16, 2006
Mike Haynes
January 12, 2007
Mike Haynes
November 16, 2007
Nick Mihalic
April 18, 2008
Mike Allan
January 16, 2009
Nick Mihalic
November 20, 2009
Nick Mihalic
January 13, 2012
Terry Doran
Safety of Used Nuclear Fuel Dry Storage
-April 16, 2004
Cliff Barua
Port Granby Low Level Nuclear Waste
September 21, 2001
Sue Stickley /Gary Vandergaast
November 23, 2001
Janice Szwarz
January 18, 2002
Sue Stickley
April 19, 2002
Sue Stickley
September 20, 2002
Bernard Gerestein
November 22, 2002
Sue Stickley
January 17, 2003
Sue Stickley
April 11, 2003
Sue Stickley
June 13, 2003
Bernard Gerestein
September 12, 2003
Sue Stickley /Dr. Duncan Moffett
November 14, 2003
Judy Herod
January 16, 2004
Sue Stickley /Dr. Duncan Moffett
April 16, 2004
Sue Stickley
June 18, 2004
Sue Stickley
September 17, 2004
Sue Stickley
November 19, 2004
Sue Stickley
January 14, 2005
Sue Stickley
April 15, 2005
Sue Stickley
September 16, 2005
Sue Stickley
November 18, 2005
Sue Stickley
January 13, 2006
Sue Stickley
April 21, 2006
Sue Stickley
June 16, 2006
Sue Stickley
September 15, 2006
Sue Stickley
November 17, 2006
Mark Gardiner
January 12, 2007
Sue Stickley
April 20, 2007
Sue Stickley .
September 14, 2007
Sue Stickley
April 18, 2008
Sue Stickley
September 12, 2008
Sue Stickley
April 17, 2009
Sue Stickley
June 19, 2009
Sue Stickley
September 18, 2009
Sue Stickley
January 15, 2010
Janice Szwarz
April 16, 2010
Sue Stickley
September 17, 2010
Judy Herod
November 19, 2010
Judy Herod
January 14, 2011
Gary Vandergaast
June 17, 2011
Mark Giles
November 18, 2011
Judy Herod and Buddy Taylor
April 13, 2012
Laura Boksman and Judy Herod
November 16, 2012
Judy Herod
September 13, 2013
Judy Herod
November 14, 2014
Glenn Case
Port Granby Project - Municipality of
November 22, 2002.
Sue Stickley
January 17, 2003
Janice Szwarz
June 13, 2003
Janice Szwarz
November 19, 2004
Janice Szwarz
September 15, 2006
Janice Szwarz
Port Granby - Expo '02
November 22, 2002
Brian Devitt
Radioiodine in Ash
June 18, 2004
Iry Benovich
November 19, 2004
Dave Austin /Lloyd Murray
April 15, 2005
Iry Benovich /Lloyd Murray
January 13, 2006
Iry Benovich /Lloyd Murray
June 14, 2013
Tho -Dien Lo
Real Time Monitoring Data - Web Page
September 21, 2001
Frank Bajurny
Health Canada & OPG
November 23, 2001
Frank Bajurny
January 18, 2002
Frank Bajurny
June 21, 2002
Frank Bajurny /John Lamarre
June 13, 2003
John Lamarre
September 12, 2003
Dr. Barry Neil
January 16, 2004
Frank Bajurny
April 16, 2004
Dave Austin
June 18, 2004
Dave Austin
September 17, 2004
Dave Austin
November 19, 2004
Dave Austin
January 14, 2005
Dave Austin
April 15, 2005
Brian Devitt
June 17, 2005
Brian Devitt
September 16, 2005
Brian Devitt
November 18, 2005
Ed Korpach
Refurbishing Nuclear Power Facilities
June 16, 2006
Laurie Swami
September 15, 2006
Jeff Leal
,Refurbishing Pickering B
September 15,2006
Donna Pawlowski
November 17, 2006
Donna Pawlowski
January 12, 2007
John Peters
April 20, 2007
Donna Pawlowski
June 15, 2007
Laurie Swami
September 14, 2007
John Peters
November 16, 2007
John Peters
September 12, 2008
John Peters
November 14, 2008
John Peters
January 16, 2009
Donna Pawlowski
April 17, 2009
Laurie Swami
January 15, 2010
Bill Robinson
Pickering B - Evacuation Time Studies
November 14, 2008
Scott Forsythe
Restructuring of Ontario Hydro
December 1, 1997
Bob Ferguson
Security Upgrades at OPG NGSs
September 12, 2003
Stan Harvey
January 15, 2010
Paul Nadeau
Seismic Hazard Investigations and OPG
September 20, 2002
Clive Alexander
Procedures in case of Earthquakes
Near Nuclear Plants
Solid Waste Management
October 24, 1997
Ernie Koehl
Tour of Ajax Water Supply Plant
June 4, 1999
Lloyd Murray
Tour of DNGS
April 26, 1996
Ernie Koehl
June 17, 2005
Brian Devitt
Tour of Duffin Creek WPC Plant and
September 24, 1999
Doug Suppelsa /Lloyd Murray
Environmental Lab
Tour of OPG Environmental Laboratory
October 30, 1998
Laurie Swami /John Richardson
September 23, 2005
Dr. Dave Whillans
Tour of PNGS
November 1, 1996
Rod Clarke
April 15, 2005
Scott Berry
September 23, 2005
Dr. Dave Whillans
Tour of UOIT
September 14, 2012
Tony Waker
Tritium in Drinking Water - ODWAC
November 20, 2009
Jim Merritt
Tritium in Drinking Water - OPG
September 13, 2013
Raphael McCalla
Tritium in Groundwater Study - PNGS &
March 24, 2000
Frank Bajurny
September 22, 2000
Frank Bajurny
November 24, 2000
Frank Bajurny
January 19, 2001
Frank Bajurny
April 20, 2001
Frank Bajurny
June 22, 2001
Frank Bajurny
September 21, 2001
Frank Bajurny
November 23, 2001
Frank Bajurny
January 18, 2002
Frank Bajurny
June 21, 2002
Frank Bajurny
June 13, 2003
Frank Bajurny
June 13, 2008
Frank Bajurny
September 17, 2010
Tho -Dien Lo
June 17, 2011
Tiasi Ghosh
June 15, 2012
Soo Chae
September 13, 2013
Soo Chae
September 12, 2014
Dave Chin- Cheong
Tritium Leak at DNGS
January 15, 2010
Glenn Jager
Tritium Leak at PNGS
April 26, 1996
Rod Clarke
UNSCEAR Report Review
Radiation Dose Assessment Model
June 22, 2001
Doug Chambers
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
(UOIT) Nuclear Programs
April 21, 2006
Ed Waller -
April 20, 2007
Anthony Waker
April 17, 2009
Anthony Waker
April 16, 2010
Anthony Waker
January 14, 2011
George Bereznai
September 16, 2011
Tony Waker
September 14, 2012
Tony Waker
September 13, 2013
Tony Waker
September-12, 2014
Tony Waker
Water Pollution Control System
September 24, 1999
Doug Suppelsa/Lloyd Murray
Epidemiology & Radiation
June 21, 1996
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
September 17, 2004
Doug Chambers
CNSC Licensing Process for the new
April 19, 2002
Ramzi Jammal
Cancer Treatment Facility
CNSC Port Hope Studies
September 18, 2009
Rachel Lane
CNSC Radicon Study
November 15, 2013
Rachel Lane & Elias Dagher
CNSC Reorganizational Structure
September 20, 2002
Jim Blyth
CNSC Study on Cancer and General
September 20,_2002
Rachel Lane
Mortality in Port Hope 1956 -1997
CNSC Tritium Studies
January 18, 2008
Rachel Lane
September 17, 2010
Kevin Bundy
Canadian Cancer Statistics 2002
June 21, 2002
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
Cancer At A Glance - DRHD Report
January 16, 2009
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
Cancer Care Ontario - "Insights on Cancer"
September 16, 2005
Gordon Fehringer
Cancer Care Ontario - New Project for Risk
June 15, 2007
Dr. Eric Holowaty
January 18, 2008
Dr. Eric Holowaty/Todd Norwood
Cancer Care Ontario - Tritium Risk at
November 16, 2012
Dr. Eric Holowaty /Susitha '
Cancer Radiobiology and Risk
January 24, 1997
Doug Boreham/Sara Carlisle
Chemical & Radiation Protection Standards
September 21, 2001
Robert Kyle
April 19, 2002
Doug Chambers
Child Health in Durham Region
February 5, 1999
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
Childhood Asthma
April 16, 1999
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
Childhood Leukemia in Durham Region
October 30, 1998
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
May 26, 2000
Sue Fraser /Dave Whillans
Snapshot on Healthy Newborns
April 16, 2004
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
Community Perception of Water Quality
April 16, 1999
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
Darlington Pre - Baseline Health Study
March 24, 2000
Robert Kyle
Diagnostic Medical Procedures
September 14, 2007
Dr. Curtis Caldwell
Down Syndrome in Durham Region
January 27, 1998
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
August 21, 1998
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
Dr. Alice Stewart / Oxford Childhood
November 23, 2001
Prof. David Hewitt
Leukemia Study
DRHD - DineSafe Program
January 16, 2009
Ken Gorman
DRHD - Epidemiology & Evaluation Unit
November 14, 2003
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
DRHD - Health Neighbourhoods
November 19, 2010
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
January 23, 2015
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
DRHD - H1N1 Planning
November 20, 2009,
Ken Gorman
DRHD - West Nile Virus 2003
November 14, 2003
Ken Gorman
DRHD - Radiation & Health Report
Nov. 22, 1996
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
January 24, 1997
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
June 18, 2004
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
September 17, 2004
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
November 19, 2004
Rachel Lane
January 14, 2005
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
April 15, 2005
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
June 17, 2005
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
September 16, 2005
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
November 18, 2005
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
January 13, 2006
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
April 21, 2006
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
June 16, 2006
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
September 15, 2006
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
November 17, 2006
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
January 12, 2007
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
April 20, 2007
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
November 15, 2013
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
DRHD Preparedness for Pandemic
January 13, 2006
Ross MacEachern
November 19, 2010
Sherri Deamond and Regina Elliott
Environmental Impact from the Use of
April 19, 2002
Ramzi Jammal
Radioisotopes in Nuclear Medicine
European Committee on Radiation
November 14, 2003
Doug Chambers
Health Canada Nuclear Emergency
April 19, 2013
Claude Bouchard
Health Effects of Electrical and Magnetic
June 13, 2008
Dr. David Agnew
Health Effects of Chernobyl Nuclear
April 24, 1998
Peter Waight
Non - Cancer Health Effects of Radiation
November 23, 2001
Dave Whillans
OCR, Health Studies, Data and Study
Design Limitation
January 19, 2001
Eric Holowaty
Ontario Cancer Registry
November 24, 2000
Eric Holowaty
OPG Financial Partnership with UOIT
April 21, 2006
Jacquie McInnes
OPG - Health Physics Studies
April 15, 2005
Dr. Dave Whillans
OPG - Microdosimetry
June 17, 2005
Dr. Dave Whillans
OPG - West Nile Virus 2003
November 14, 2003
Diane Westcott
Polonium -210 Exposure in England
June 15, 2007
Dr. Dave Whillans
Port Granby Human Health & Safety
January 14, 2005
Dr. Duncan Moffatt
Port Hope Health Concerns Committee
January 17, 2003
Faye More
Proposed AECB /Health Canada Cancer
September 24, 1999
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
Surveillance Project
May 26, 2000
Sue Fraser
April 20, 2001 •
Robert Kyle
June 22, 2001
Marc -Erick Theriault/
Dr. Robi Chatterjee
September 21, 2001
Robert Kyle
Proposed Radon Guidelines by Health
September 15, 2006
Dr. Anar Baweja
Provincial Radiation Health Response Plan
September 14, 2007
Phil Graham
April 18, 2008
Mark Breen
April 13,2012
Adam Miller
April 19, 2013
Adam Miller
April 4, 2014
Adam Miller
Radiation and Health
April 11, 1997
Bliss Tracy
November 7, 1997
Rosalie Bertell
December 1, 1997
Norm Rubin
April 11, 2003
Fergal Nolan
Radiation and Health Studies
August 8, 1996
Lesbia Smith
Radiation Dose Methodologies
January 18, 2008
Dr. Doug Chambers
Radiation Exposures from Medical Imaging
June 19, 2009
Dr. Robert Bradle
Radiation Monitoring Around NGS in
January 16, 2009
Jean - Francois Mercier
Snapshot of Neural Tube Defects
June 22, 2001
May-Anne Pietrusiak
Snapshot of Cancer
Aril 11, 2003
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak
Tritium Hazard Report
January 18, 2008
Dr. Ian Fairlie
Tritium Guideline Changes
November 14, 2008
Dr. Anar Baweja
January 15, 2010
Dr. Doug Chambers
January 18, 2008
Dr. Doug Chambers
Communications Strategy
May 24, 1996
Ross Fitchett
June 21, 1996
Robert Kyle
August 8, 1996
Robert Kyle
Sept. 27, 1996
Robert Kyle
January 24, 1997
Robert Kyle
March 7, 1997
Robert Kyle
April 11, 1997
Robert Kyle
Community Issues at Darlington Nuclear
November 23, 2001
Peter Burnham
January 18, 2002
Peter Burnham
April 19, 2002
Phil LeSauvage
June 21, 2002
Phil LeSauvage
September 20, 2002
Don Terry
January 17, 2003
Phil LeSauvage
April 11, 2003
Phil LeSauvage
June 13, 2003
Phil LeSauvage
September 12, 2003
Phil LeSauvage
January 16, 2004
Jacquie McInnes
April 16, 2004
Don Terry
June 18, 2004
Don Terry
September 17, 2004
Phil LeSauvage
November 19, 2004
Don Terry
January 14, 2005
Phil LeSauvage
April 15, 2005
Don Terry
June 17, 2005
Scott Berry
September 16, 2005
Scott Berry
November 18, 2005
Don Terry
January 13, 2006
Gregory Smith/Vanessa Hughes
April 21, 2006
Jacquie McInnes
June 16, 2006
Jacquie McInnes
September 15, 2006
Don Terry
November 17, 2006
Gregory Smith
January 12, 2007
Jacquie McInnes
Community Issues at Pickering
April 20, 2007
June 15, 2007
September 14, 2007
November 16, 2007
January 18, 2008
April 18, 2008
June 13, 2008
September 12, 2008
November 14, 2008
January 16, 2009
April 17, 2009
June 19, 2009
September 18, 2009
November 20, 2009
January 15, 2010
April 16, 2010
June 18,.2010
September 17, 2010
November 19, 2010
January 14, 2011
April 15, 2011
June 17, 2011
September 16, 2011
November 18, 2011
January 13, 2012
April 13, 2012
June 15, 2012
September 14, 2012
November 16, 2012
January 18, 2013
April 19, 2013
June 14, 2013
September 13, 2013
November 15, 2013
January 17, 2014
April 4, 2014
September 12, 2014
November 14, 2014
January 23, 2015
September 21, 2001
November 23, 2001
January 18, 2002
April 19, 2002
Rita Pasquarelli
Jacquie McInnes
Neal Kelly
Jacquie McInnes
Jacquie McInnes
Vanessa Hughes
Rita Pasquarelli
Jennifer Knox
Don Terry
Jennifer Knox
Don Terry
Jennifer Knox
Don Terry
Vanessa Hughes
Vanessa Hughes
Don Terry
Don Terry
Don Terry
Jennifer Knox
Don Terry
Jennifer Knox
Scott Berry
Cheryl Johnston
Jennifer Knox
Jennifer Knox
Jennifer Knox
Don Terry
Scott Berry
Scott Berry
Don Terry
Scott Berry
Jennifer Knox
Donna Pawlowski
Donna Pawlowski
Kevin Powers
Chuck Lamers
Jennifer Knox
Scott Berry
Jennifer Knox
Pat O'Brien
Pat O'Brien
Pat O'Brien
Pat O'Brien
June 21, 2002
Phil LeSauvage
November 22, 2002
Pat O'Brien
January 17, 2003
Phil LeSauvage
April 11, 2003
Phil LeSauvage
June 13, 2003
Pat O'Brien
September 12, 2003
Phil LeSauvage /Frank Bajurny
November 14, 2003
Pat O'Brien
January 16, 2004
Phil LeSauvage
April 16, 2004
Scott Berry
June 18, 2004
Phil LeSauvage
September 17, 2004
Phil LeSauvage
November 19, 2004
Don Terry
January 14, 2005
Phil LeSauvage
April 15, 2005
Don Terry
June 17, 2005
Scott Berry
September 16, 2005
Scott Berry
November 18, 2005
Don Terry
January 13, 2006
Don Terry
April 21, 2006
Jacquie McInnes
June 16, 2006
Jacquie McInnes
September 15, 2006
Don Terry
November 17, 2006
Vanessa Hughes
January 12, 2007
Jacquie McInnes
April 20, 2007
Rita Pasquarelli
June 15, 2007
Jacquie McInnes
September 14, 2007
Neal Kelly
November 16, 2007
Jacquie McInnes
January 18, 2008
Jacquie McInnes
April 18, 2008
Vanessa Hughes
June 13, 2008
Rita Pasquarelli
September 12, 2008
Jennifer Knox
November 14, 2008
Don Terry .
January 16, 2009
Jennifer Knox
April 17, 2009
Don Terry
June 19, 2009
Jennifer Knox
September 18, 2009
Don Terry
November 20, 2009
Vanessa Hughes
January 15, 2010
Vanessa Hughes
April 16, 2010
Don Terry
June 18, 2010
Don Terry
September 17, 2010
Don Terry
November 19, 2010
Jennifer Knox
January 14, 2011 .
Don Terry
April 15, 2011
Jennifer Knox
June 17, 2011
Scott Berry
September 16, 2011
Cheryl Johnston
November 18, 2011
Jennifer Knox
January 13, 2012
Jennifer Knox
April 13, 2012
Jennifer Knox
June 15, 2012
Don Terry
September 14, 2012
Scott Berry
November 16, 2012
Scott Berry
January 18, 2013
Don Terry
April 19, 2013
Scott Berry
June 14, 2013
Jennifer Knox
September 13, 2013
Donna Pawlowski
November 15, 2013
Donna Pawlowski
January 17, 2014
Kevin Powers
April 4, 2014
Chuck Lamers
September 12, 2014
Jennifer Knox
November 14, 2014
Scott Berry
January 23, 2015
Jennifer Knox r
Hanford Health Information Network
March 24, 2000
Robert Kyle
May 26, 2000
Dave Whillans
September 22, 2000
Dave Whillans
Municipal Drinking Water Quality Fact
May 26, 2000
Tony Wong
OPG Nuclear Report Cards
February 2, 1998
Robert Kyle
April 24, 1998
Pat O'Brien
March 24, 2000
Bob Strickert
May 26, 2000
Ernie Koehl
April 20, 2001
Pat O'Brien
June 22, 2001
Pat O'Brien
September 21, 2001
Pat O'Brien
November 23, 2001
Pat O'Brien
January 18, 2002
Pat O'Brien
April 19, 2002
Pat O'Brien
June 21, 2002
Phil LeSauvage
November 22, 2002
Pat O'Brien
Pickering NGS Information Centre
February 5, 1999
Brian Devitt
Renovations /Displays
November 19, 1999
Ross Fitchett
March 24, 2000
Ross Fitchett
May 26, 2000
Tony Wong
September 22, 2000
Scott Berry
November 24, 2000
Scott Berry
Proposed Revisions to the DNHC
Information Pamphlet
Radiation Monitor
Community Advisory Council (CAC) and
DNHC Communication Links Update
DNHC Effectiveness Workshop
DNHC Terms of Reference
Future DNHC Meetings - 2004
Future DNHC Meetings - 2005
Future DNHC Meetings - 2006
Future DNHC Meetings - 2007
Future DNHC Meetings - 2008
Future DNHC Meetings - 2009
January 19, 2001
April 20, 2001
September 20, 2002
November 22, 2002
May 24, 1996
Sept. 27, 1996
February 27, 1998
April 21, 1998
April 20, 2001
June 22, 2001
November 23, 2001
April 24, 1998
August 21, 1998
October 30, 1998
February 5, 1999
November 24, 2000
November 23, 2001
January 18, 2002
April 19, 2002
November 14, 2003
January 16, 2004
April 16, 2004
June 18, 2004
April 21, 2006
June 16, 2006
September 15, 2006
November 17, 2006
September 12, 2008
November 14, 2008
January 16, 2009
April 16, 2010
June 18, 2010
January 13, 2012
April 13, 2012
January 17, 2014
April 4, 2014
September 12, 2014
January 17, 2003
September 17, 2004
September 16, 2005
September 15, 2006
September 14, 2007
September 12, 2008
Scott Berry
Pat O'Brien
Brian Devitt
Brian Devitt
Brian Devitt
Bob Potvin
Brian Devitt
Brian Devitt
Pat O'Brien
Alex Heydon
Youssef Mroueh
Durham Nuclear Health Committee
Robert Kyle
Robert Kyle
Robert Kyle / Brian Devitt
Robert Kyle
Robert Kyle
Brian Devitt
Robert Kyle
Ken Gorman
Robert Kyle
Brian Devitt
Brian Devitt
Robert Kyle
Brian Devitt
Robert Kyle
Robert Kyle
Robert Kyle
Robert Kyle
Robert Kyle
Robert Kyle
Robert Kyle
Robert Kyle
Robert Kyle
Robert Kyle
Brian Devitt
Brian Devitt
Brian Devitt
Brian Devitt
Brian Devitt
Future DNHC Meetings - 2010
September 18, 2009
Brian Devitt
Future DNHC Meetings - 2011
September 17, 2010
Brian Devitt
Future DNHC Meetings - 2012
September 16, 2011
Brian Devitt
Future DNHC Meetings - 2013
September 14, 2012
Brian Devitt
Future DNHC Meetings - 2014
September 13, 2.013
Brian Devitt
Future DNHC Meetings - 2015
September 12, 2014
Robert Kyle
Terrorism Issues
November 23, 2001
Pat O'Brien
Tour of Darlington NGS
September 16, 2011
Brian Devitt
Tour of Pickering Nuclear Groundwater
Monitoring Wells
April 19, 2002
June 21, 2002
Brian Devitt / Frank Bajurny
Brian Devitt / Norma Drummond
Tour of Port Granby for DNHC
Members -
November 22, 2003
June 17, 2011
Brian Devitt / Ken Shrives
Brian Devitt
Word / Meetings /DNHC/Topicslnventory.doc January 2015
MEMBERS PRESENT: John Cartwright
Tom Barrie
Les Caswell
Ted Watson
Jenni Knox
REGRETS: Mark Bragg, Councillor Partner
STAFF: Faye Langmaid, Mitch Morawetz
iruary 12th 2015
Brenda Metcalf
Tim Sargent
Eric Bowman
Don Rickard
Elgin Greenham
GUESTS: Kathy Macpherson and Sarah Petrevan from Friends of the Greenbelt
Foundation, Dennis Yellowlees from the Greenbelt Council, Councillor Hooper
(8:07 pm), Laura Wood from CBOT and Julie Curran and Tony Janssen from the
Scugog Chambers of Commerce.
Ted welcomed all to the meeting.
Adoption of Agenda
015 -03 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Don Rickard
"That the Agenda for February 12th, 2095 be adopted.
Approval of Minutes
015 -04 Moved by Eric Bowman, seconded by Don Rickard
"That the minutes of the January 8th, 2014 meeting be approved"
Guests: Kathy Macpherson, Sarah Petrevan and Dennis Yellowlees — Greenbelt
10 year review
The Greenbelt 10 year review is principally to look at the effectiveness of the Greenbelt
Plan and consider modifications to improve the effectiveness of it. The review is to be
coordinated with the review of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, the Niagara
Escarpment Plan and the Growth Plan. An announcement is to come on February 28th
regarding the strategy for the review including consultation with the public and
stakeholders. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing will lead the review process
with input from the other Ministries. Consultation with the public and stakeholders
should occur before the summer so that the Ministry will have time to review all
comments received and come forward with an Environmental Bill of Rights posting in
the fall.
The committee passed a resolution in 2031 that would support adding lands currently in
the whitebelt areas to the Greenbelt. The Municipality will need to work on this and
ultimately have the Region endorse any proposal to include whitebelt lands within the
Greenbelt. The Committee and Clarington Council will need to push strongly for this to
make it happen. The Region has already been working towards this review and through
its work has identified the need for flexibility within the Greenbelt Plan and policies.
Ted Watson commented that there needs to be a setback between development and
farms if the farms close to development are to be protected and remain viable.
Proposals for new development could be required to include an Agricultural Impact
Assessment if they are outside the urban area.
Committee members asked if there is Greenbelt funding available to support events
such as Farm Connections or the CBOT Agricultural Summit — yes, there could be.
Dennis Yellowlees commented that the coordinated review should be concluded within
the year and that it is highly unlikely that the Plans being reviewed will be amalgamated.
He said that it is recognized that there is a need to support farmers in addition to
protecting farmland. Members commented that there is a need to think beyond the next
generation or two - something that is currently absent from the plans and the minds of
most people today.
Ted thanked Kathy, Sarah and Dennis for and other guests for joining us.
Business Arising from Minutes
Ted presented the Committee's "year in review" to the General Purpose and
Administrative Committee in January. The presentation was well received.
Neonics letter has been endorsed by Clarington Council and submitted to the
Environmental Bill of Rights and sent to the Ministers of Agriculture and Environment.
Correspondence and Council Referrals
Letter from Kathy Macpherson regarding preparing for the Greenbelt Plan review.
Council thanked Chair and Committee for "year in review" presentation.
Ontario Farmland Trust - Farmland Forum on March 27th - registration is now available.
Liaison Reports
DAAC -- Last meeting the committee discussed the future of roads and road upgrades
in the Region.
DAAC Tour is set for September 18, 2015.
DRFA -- Private members bill regarding Trespass has reached second reading.
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington February 12th, 2015
DRFA has been invited to have a table at the CBOT Ag Summit.
April 7th to 9th is Farm Connections at the Vipond Arena in Brooklin.
Clarin ton Board of Trade — Agricultural Summit is March 171h at Canadian Tire
Motorsport Park.
Meeting held with four Deans and other staff from UOIT - discussion on the type of
research projects that students from many different faculties could engage in using the
agriculture sector as a resource and study area. Electronics, computer programming,
mechanical, engineering, remote sensing, auto -steer where all touched on as part of the
discussion. The Deans will take the message back to their faculty and provide contacts.
There was acknowledgement from the Deans that more could be done to have students
develop interest in the agricultural sector to develop the understanding of how
integrated the sector is with many other professions and that there is growth potential.
Other Business
Congratulations to Tim Sargent and family for the top Jersey cow award.
Durham Labour Market Plan — Letter and survey sent to members of the committee.
Council will be recommending Committee appointments on Feb 231d which will go to
Council for ratification on March 2nd. Faye will notify committee members.
Future Agendas
April — Lindsay Coolidge from UOIT
May — Trans Canada Pipeline — East Mainline
Eric Bowman moved to Adjourn
Next Meeting, March 12th, 7:30 p.m, Room 1C at Municipal Administrative Office -
Chris Darling from CLOCA and Mark Peacock from GRCA
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington February 12'", 2015
Report #1
Report to Council Meeting of March 23, 2015
Subject: General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting of Monday,
March 9, 2015
Receive for Information
(a) ESD- 001 -15 Emergency Services Activity Report - 2014
2. Delegation of Oliver Ward, Manantler Craft Brewing Company Inc., Regarding
Manufacturer's Limited Liquor Sales Licence Application Form
That Council supports the issuance of the Manufacturer's Limited Liquor Sales
Licence Application to Manantler Craft Brewing Company Inc., to be located at 182
Wellington Street, Bowmanville.
3. Land transfer to Central Lake Ontario Conservation at Bowmanville Marsh for
Water Control Structure
That the lands at the mouth of the Bowmanville Marsh be declared surplus;
That the Bowmanville Marsh parcel be transferred to the Central Lake Ontario
Conservation for the construction of a water control structure as outlined in the
Bowmanville Marsh Habitat Restoration Project;
That Staff work with the Central Lake Ontario Conservation to finalize the alignment
of the lands being transferred and prepare a Memorandum of Understanding to the
satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services and Director of Engineering
Services; and \
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 018 -15 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
Report #1 - 2 - March 23, 2015
4. An Application by Averton Group to Develop 146 Residential Units
That Report PSD- 014 -15 be received;
That the applications to amend the draft approved Plan of Subdivision 18T -95030
and Zoning By -law 84 -63, submitted by Averton Group, continue to be processed
and that a subsequent report be prepared, and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 014 -15 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
5. An Application by Jeffery Homes Inc. to Rezone Lands in a Draft Approved
Plan of Subdivision
That Report PSD- 015 -15 be received;
That the application to amend Zoning By -law 84 -63, submitted by Jeffery Homes
Inc., continue to be processed and that a subsequent report be prepared, and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 015 -15 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
6. Recommendation report for a rezoning application by Sharon Melville to
replace two existing dwellings with one new detached dwelling within the
floodplain of the Soper Creek
That Report PSD- 016 -15 be received;
That the Zoning By -law amendment application, submitted by Sharon Melville, be
approved as contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD- 016 -15;
That the (H) Holding Symbol on the amended zoning for the subject property, be
removed upon issuance of a Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority
Development Permit for the proposal on the subject property;
That the Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Department and
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report
PSD- 016 -15 and Council's decision; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 016 -15 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
Report #1 - 3 - March 23, 2015
7. Proposed applications by Pollux Developments Inc. to permit a 115 Unit
Residential Development
That Report PSD- 017 -15 be received;
That the application for the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision, submitted by Pollux
Developments Inc. to permit the development of 115 residential units, be
supported, subject to the conditions contained in Attachment 2 to Report PSD -017-
15 and the Region of Durham is satisfied that the necessary forms and insurance
have been submitted with respect to the Phase 1 Environmental Assessment;
That the Zoning By -law Amendment application, submitted by Pollux Developments
Inc., be approved as contained in Attachment 3 to Report PSD- 017 -15;
That, once all conditions contained in the Official Plan and Zoning By -law with
respect to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol are satisfied, the By -law
authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be approved;
That the Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Department and
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report
PSD- 017 -15 and Council's decision; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 017 -15 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
8. Sidewalk Snow Removal and Clearing
That Report OPD- 002 -15 be received; and
That all interested parties listed in Report OPD- 002 -15 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
9. Purchasing By -Law - Update 2015
That Report COD - 004 -15 be received;
That the updated By -law attached to Report COD - 004 -15 as Attachment 1 be
passed; and
That any interested parties listed in Report COD - 004 -15 be advised of Council's
Report #1 - 4 - March 23, 2015
10. Review and Renewal of Corporate Purchasing Card Services
That Report COD - 005 -15 be received;
That the Municipality of Clarington, at no charge to the Municipality, enter into a
Client Supplier Agreement with the Bank of Montreal (BMO) for Corporate
Purchasing Card Services in accordance with all terms and conditions of the
Ontario Education Collaborative Marketplace (OECM) Master Agreement that
expires May 31, 2018, with an optional two -year extension; and
That any interested parties listed in Report COD - 005 -15 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
11. Bridge & Culvert Repairs
That Report COD - 006 -15 be received;
That All Services Inc., Courtice, Ontario, with a total bid amount of $301,932.10
(net H.S.T. Rebate), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms,
conditions and specifications of Tender CL2015 -1, be awarded the contract for the
Bridge and Culvert Repairs as required by the Municipality of Clarington,
Engineering Department;
That the total funds required in the amount of $332,500.00 (net HST Rebate),
including construction cost of $301,932.10 and $30,567.90 contingency, be drawn
from the following accounts:
Structures Rehabilitation 110 -32- 330 - 83275 -7401 (2014) $ 235,000.00
Roadside Protection Program 110 -32- 330 - 83338 -7401 (2014) $ 88,000.00
Bridge Maintenance 100 -36- 380 - 10200 -7112 (2014/15) $ 9,500.00
That all interested parties listed in Report COD - 006 -15 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
12. 2015 Day of Mourning
That Report COD - 007 -15 be received;
That Tuesday, April 28, 2015 be proclaimed as the 2015 Day of Mourning; and
That permission be granted to lower the flag in 2015, and future April 28th dates, in
recognition of workers who have been killed or injured.
Summary of By -laws
March 23, 2015
By -laws
2015 -020 Being a By -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for
the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Sharon Melville) (Item 6 of
Report #1)
2015 -021 Being a By -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for
the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Pollux Developments Inc.)
(Item 7 of Report #1)
2015 -022 Being a By -law to provide policies and procedures for the procurement of goods
and services (Item 9 of Report #1)
2015 -023 Being a By -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for
the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (K. D. Singh) (Approved by
Council on June 14, 2004)
Clerk's Department
If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal
Clerk at 905-623-3379 ext. 2102.
To: Mayor Foster and Members of Council
From: Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk
Date: March 20, 2015
Subject: Council Meeting Agenda — March 23, 2015 — Update
File: C05.Council
Please be advised of the following correction:
Correspondence to be Received for Information
1 - 3 Attached please find the minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee
of Clarington dated February 12, 2015, which inadvertently were not
printed in the Council Agenda.
Attached for Mem4of cil is the F inal Consolidated Agenda.
Ane ntree, ,
Municipal Clerk
c: F. Wu, Chief Administrative Officer
Department Heads
1 - 3
THURSDAY, February 1211, 2015
MEMBERS PRESENT: John Cartwright Brenda Metcalf
Tom Barrie Tim Sargent
Les Caswell Eric Bowman
Ted Watson Don Rickard
Jenni Knox Elgin Greenham
REGRETS: Mark Bragg, Councillor Partner
STAFF: Faye Langmaid, Mitch Morawetz
GUESTS: Kathy Macpherson and Sarah Petrevan from Friends of the Greenbelt
Foundation, Dennis Yellowlees from the Greenbelt Council, Councillor Hooper
(8:07 pm), Laura Wood from CBOT and Julie Curran and Tony Janssen from the
Scugog Chambers of Commerce.
Ted welcomed all to the meeting.
Adoption of Agenda
015-03 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Don Rickard
"That the Agenda for February 12th, 2015 be adopted.
Approval of Minutes
015-04 Moved by Eric Bowman, seconded by Don Rickard
"That the minutes of the January 8th, 2014 meeting be approved"
Guests: Kathy Macpherson, Sarah Petrevan and Dennis Yellowlees — Greenbelt
10 year review
The Greenbelt 10 year review is principally to look at the effectiveness of the Greenbelt
Plan and consider modifications to improve the effectiveness of it. The review is to be
coordinated with the review of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, the Niagara
Escarpment Plan and the Growth Plan. An announcement is to come on February 28th
regarding the strategy for the review including consultation with the public and
stakeholders. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing will lead the review process
with input from the other Ministries. Consultation with the public and stakeholders
should occur before the summer so that the Ministry will have time to review all
comments received and come forward with an Environmental Bill of Rights posting in
the fall.
The committee passed a resolution in 2011 that would support adding lands currently in
the whitebelt areas to the Greenbelt. The Municipality will need to work on this and
ultimately have the Region endorse any proposal to include whitebelt lands within the
Greenbelt. The Committee and Clarington Council will need to push strongly for this to
make it happen. The Region has already been working towards this review and through
its work has identified the need for flexibility within the Greenbelt Plan and policies.
Ted Watson commented that there needs to be a setback between development and
farms if the farms close to development are to be protected and remain viable.
Proposals for new development could be required to include an Agricultural Impact
Assessment if they are outside the urban area.
Committee members asked if there is Greenbelt funding available to support events
such as Farm Connections or the CBOT Agricultural Summit—yes, there could be.
Dennis Yellowlees commented that the coordinated review should be concluded within
the year and that it is highly unlikely that the Plans being reviewed will be amalgamated.
He said that it is recognized that there is a need to support farmers in addition to
protecting farmland. Members commented that there is a need to think beyond the next
generation or two - something that is currently absent from the plans and the minds of
most people today.
Ted thanked Kathy, Sarah and Dennis for and other guests for joining us.
Business Arising from Minutes
Ted presented the Committee's "year in review" to the General Purpose and
Administrative Committee in January. The presentation was well received.
Neonics letter has been endorsed by Clarington Council and submitted to the
Environmental Bill of Rights and sent to the Ministers of Agriculture and Environment.
Correspondence and Council Referrals
Letter from Kathy Macpherson regarding preparing for the Greenbelt Plan review.
Council thanked Chair and Committee for "year in review" presentation.
Ontario Farmland Trust - Farmland Forum on March 27th - registration is now available.
Liaison Reports
DAAC — Last meeting the committee discussed the future of roads and road upgrades
in the Region.
DAAC Tour is set for September 18, 2015.
DRFA— Private members bill regarding Trespass has reached second reading.
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington February 12th, 2015
DRFA has been invited to have a table at the CBOT Ag Summit.
April 7th to 9th is Farm Connections at the Vipond Arena in Brooklin.
Clarington Board of Trade —Agricultural Summit is March 17th at Canadian Tire
Motorsport Park.
Meeting held with four Deans and other staff from UOIT - discussion on the type of
research projects that students from many different faculties could engage in using the
agriculture sector as a resource and study area. Electronics, computer programming,
mechanical, engineering, remote sensing, auto-steer where all touched on as part of the
discussion. The Deans will take the message back to their faculty and provide contacts.
There was acknowledgement from the Deans that more could be done to have students
develop interest in the agricultural sector to develop the understanding of how
integrated the sector is with many other professions and that there is growth potential.
Other Business
Congratulations to Tim Sargent and family for the top Jersey cow award.
Durham Labour Market Plan — Letter and survey sent to members of the committee.
Council will be recommending Committee appointments on Feb 23rd which will go to
Council for ratification on March 2nd. Faye will notify committee members.
Future Agendas
April — Lindsay Coolidge from UOIT
May— Trans Canada Pipeline — East Mainline
Eric Bowman moved to Adjourn
Next Meeting, March 12th, 7:30 p.m. Room 1C at Municipal Administrative Office -
Chris Darling from CLOCA and Mark Peacock from GRCA
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington February 12th, 2015
Council Agenda
Date: Monday, March 23, 2015
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Council Chambers
The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of Council meetings. If you make a
delegation/presentation to a Council meeting, the Municipality will be audio recording you and will
make the recording public by publishing the recording on the Municipality's website. In addition,
please be advised that some of the Council meetings may also be video recorded.
Meeting Called to Order
Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest
Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council March 2, 2015
1. Aleena Luetchford — Certificate of Recognition - Gold Medal Award for the 50m
Butterfly at the Speedo Eastern Canadian Open
2. Tim and Sharyn Sargent— Certificate of Recognition — "Canadian Jersey Cow of the
There are no Delegations listed as of the time of publication
Receive for Information
1 - 1 Minutes of the Newcastle Village Community Hall Board dated January 20, 2015
1 - 2 Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee (DNHC) dated January 23, 2015
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330
Council Agenda - 2 - March 23, 2015
1 - 3 Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington dated February 12, 2015
Receive for Direction
D - 1 The Honourable Erin O'Toole, MP — Durham — Request for Proclamation of "National
Health and Fitness Day"
D - 2 David J. Crome, Director of Planning Services, Municipality of Clarington — Request for
Proclamation of"School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day"
D - 3 William Stratton, Chair, Day of Mourning Committee, Durham Labour Council -
"National Day of Mourning"
D - 4 John Vogels and Laurel Gould — Request for Extension to Temporary Living Quarters
D - 5 Mayor Simpson, City of Quesnel, British Columbia — "Ride Across Canada"
D - 6 The Honourable Jeff Leal, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs - 2015
Premier's Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence Program
D - 7 Dan Caudle, President, Pride Durham Inc., - Request for Proclamation of"Pride Week"
and Flag raising
Committee Report(s)
1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of March 9, 2015
Staff Report(s)
Unfinished Business
Procedural Notice(s) of Motion
Other Business
Confirming By-Law
Clerk's Department
If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal
Clerk at 905-623-3379 ext. 2102.
To: Mayor Foster and Members of Council
From: Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk
Date: March 23, 2015
Subject: Council Meeting Agenda — March 23, 2015 — Update
File: C05.Council
Please see the following additional items for the Council Agenda of March 23, 2015
Correspondence for Direction
D — 8 Kevin Tunney, Tunney Planning Inc., requesting that the applications
submitted by 289143 Ontario Limited for proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision
and Rezoning to permit a 234 unit residential development
(Files S-C-2012-0001 AND ZBA 2012-0008) tabled by the Council to the j
March 30, 2015, GPA meeting, be referred to the April 20, 2015, GPA
(Files S-C-2012-0001 and ZBA2012-0008
referred to the April 20, 2015, GPA meeting)
D - 9 Peggy Brain, forwarding comments on Report OPD-002-15 — Sidewalk Snow
Removal and Clearing. (Item 8 of Report#1)
(Motion to refer correspondence to Item 8 of
Report #1)
(A_nne Greentree, B. ., CMO
Municipal Clerk
c: F. Wu, Chief Administrative Officer
Department Heads
Summary of Correspondence - 3 - March 23, 2015
D - 7 Dan Caudle, President, Pride Durham Inc., advising that Pride Durham
Inc. will be hosting their Annual Pride Celebrations in Durham Region
between June 1 and June 7,2015; requesting that the week be
proclaimed "Pride Week"; and, requesting that the Pride Flag be raised
for the week in support of Clarington being a welcoming and diverse
community making LGBTQ constituents feel welcome.
(Motion to Proclaim and to grant
permission to raise the Pride Flag
during June 1 to June 7, 2015)
D — 8 Kevin Tunney, Tunney Planning Inc., requesting that the applications
submitted by 289143 Ontario Limited for proposed Draft Plan of
Subdivision and Rezoning to permit a 234 unit residential development
(Files S-C-2012-0001 AND ZBA 2012-0008) tabled by the Council to
the March 30, 2015, GPA meeting, be referred to the April 20, 2015,
GPA meeting.
(Files S-C-2012-0001 and
ZBA2012-0008 referred to the April
20, 2015, GPA meeting)
D - 9 Peggy Brain, forwarding comments on Report OPD-002-15 — Sidewalk
Snow Removal and Clearing and expressing her disapproval of the
Council's decision; she feels that is it not the responsibility of the
homeowners to clear the residential sidewalks and that the
Municipality should be providing sidewalk snow clearing services for all
of the sidewalks in the Municipality of Clarington. She feels that the
homeowners without sidewalks are privileged and those who have
sidewalks are forced to provide free labour for the Municipality. She
feels the fines are unreasonable and provided several examples of
residents who are unable to clear their sidewalks for various reasons
and feels the homeowners with sidewalks are not treated with the
same respect as those without sidewalks.
(Motion to refer correspondence to Item
8 of Report #1)