HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-11-28 Minutes SANTA CLAUS PARADE - MlNum OF MEETING a November 28, 2005 Start T'in e: 7:15PM finis Time: 8,35 P Attendance: Valerie McCormick,Roger L eetooze, Tracy Bayley-Buckle, t y cLaugl in, Sheri Crago, Terryl Tzikas, Debbie Fernandes Absent: Rob Flynn,Marie Hammond,Dawn Longinire Minutes N ere react and Roger inotioned to crce t the minutes and seconded by Debbie, All in agreement, VALERIE McCORMICK—Chairperson Valerie mentioned that two floats were handing out Cancty Caries directly from the vehicles and this caused gees lrr the parade. People should av large begs or containers they can carry filled with candy. Next year discuss rules about handing out candy. There was a huge delay between Sponge Bob and fire Trucks Marley Drivers were driving around too much rr in between the other floats. There seemed to be a problem with Jerusalem Lodge and Whir Smith, the issue regarding the hockey sweatshirts and the reaction from the entrants, Valerie received two phone calls from members of,Jerusalern edge.regarding our rules. We need to discuss this when updating our rules next year. Valerie to call Rob aboirt stickers for button boxes, Update committee fret Valerie to urchase inflatable snownan for our float. * Valerie stal-Cd that in the past when the parade is celebrating a five-year anniversary we do not have a the rne for that year, * Valerie ran into David Gillespie after the parade and he suggested having a picture of Santa on our buttons, Valerie called Santa and asked him, if he would be comfortable with his picture or our buttons and.be, said"yes." Committee felt It was appropriate to have -picture of Santa on our 45"'Anniversary parade button. * Valerie to contact Charlie Trim to book meeting room for next year"s parade meetings. Corninittee felt it was not necessary for a committee member to bring desserts to our meetings, MARIE HAMMOND-Treasurer * Marie was not present,but Valerie submitted a,report on her behalf * Total donations for this year were $6,490 and total button sales were S10,368.71 1plus $7.00,,\merican), Also $25.00 from Roger. * Marie would like to vote by proxy regarding the parade route, She is against the parade route changing. She feels the 'tradition" related to this route is vcref important. As ivell, in order to facilitate a change,Marie believes the finnancial casts would be high and she does not see the value in these costs. Her main question would.be why are we changing it" Does flow of traffic/slow down of parade outweigh many years of community and family history'? Not to mention, the logistics of�where floatslbands, disperse, how do costuynes get returned, no building to utilize etc. TRACY BAII,EY-BUCKLE Tracy stated that the make up went,well and they were done early. Make up looked vei�i good The drinks w.-litwe,11, 330 bags left over, and will order drinl(s morn rkeids earlier for next year's parade DEBBIE FERNANDES-Moats and Fillers, * Debbie thought this was a good parade * There seemed to be a.lot of cars going Lip and do%vti street before parade * Police may have been coo ffused, Civilian cannot direct traffic, maybe give suggestions in writing to Police' * People were also asking for buttons and programs DAWN LONGI%fl-RE-Buttons,Costumes * DaNvn could not make the meeting, Valerie reported fir Dawn * E)awn felt the parade was excellent, a great day weath-er wise and lots of lovely entTles/floats. Great turnout of volunteers, went smoothly, She would like,to thank Valerie for her great coaching and leadership * She noticed a large gap before the Clarington Emergency Sen,ices, * Need more help at the end of the parade to help with traffic control. The floats need to ensure that they do not stop and hold up the parade route, Maybe a police officer at end of route. * Look into providing extra balTiers to ensure limited parking at the Memorial Park cl ubhouse, They Nvere completed blocked in and were unable to have a direct path to the vehicle to get the costurnes off the children., A parade goer got quite, upset that they could not park-their car wherever they wanted and was watchin the 9 parade with five kids from the van, * Makeup again looked great, inew clown.makeup was more vibrant. * She has a bill to submit for the makeup and some mending notions, * The co stir nes were quite dirty due to the wet-vess of the route, Will arrange for cleaning. * She would like to see the committee float updated, possibly something ilifiattable, and the reindeers need to be cleaned up on Santa float. ROGER I.,EETOOZE —Juding[Posters/Rogers Cable/Buttons and Button boxes * Roger stated that there were a lick of visibility of button sellers * 2 inen selling * 'reenagers were handing out programs * Roger suggested that the b-satton sellers wear Red touques, • Motion by Roger to purchase 30 Santa hats for button sellers • Valerie to purchase the Santa hats, * BuUon boxes are at the shed. * Maybe drop buttons by 1,000 to I owe.r prices. * Bovoilanville Legion would like to lead the parade. * Clarington pr ject must beat the beginning of parade TERRYL TZIKAS —Secretary * err mentioned that the Toastmasters were throwing or dropping candy on the road and cl ildren.were rwuung out to get it. * Terry] had to ask Jerusalem add to turn hockey shirts inside out due to loggos, Blair Smyth was extremely rude to Terryl, * Terryl approached the Red Hats and asked thein to remove baraner. * Pocket Bikes were handing out flyers and fridge magnets throul-hout the crowd, — Valerie to follow up with a phone call to the after the parade, * There -was lots of space in behween t1oats, will need more walkers for spacing * Fillers -make tip looked good * Fish costumes were good * Terry].is creating a list,of volunteers * HOGS—need reminder alsout not wearing anything that, shows their crest * John 0"Foole was sitting in the front seat i6th the driver so the crowd on the drivers side did not really get to see him * Clarington Central Scbool were-wearing coyote sweatshirts, these were taken off ,when Terryl requested but may,need followup next year * Around the hospital the crowd really edged out on the road, could we maylb have barrels down there and put caution tape across those roads to keep them back * Salvation An -- selfing food * A&P selling food * For the last two items (Salvation Army and A&P)they were on their Property, and thev weren't working the crowd or taking-up space her people could watch. * Bev Oda—had a sign or the side of her van with their name on it, KATHY MCLAUGHLIN—Publicity * Thought the parade was great, * Would like to see the parade route "he sarne and not change it. SHERI CRAGO--Bands St. John spoke to Shen' problem with Fire trucks * Fire trucks need to get to start of parade earlier * Temperance Street was not closed off, fix this for next year * Terryl to send list of road closures to Valerie * She already has a c plc of bands lined up for next-year, Rob Flynn 0 aNbsefit NEW BUSINESS Parade Route: it was decided to keep the parade route the s a:r n-e- era ore barrels and caution tape or Li betty Street and a the stTeet comers, On committee float have bamner saying it's the 45h Anniversary, Next meeting Septemtber 2 5, 2006 Room I C at.Town Hall