HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-11-03 Minutes SANTA CIAUS PARADE - MINUTES OF MEETING November 3, 2008 Start Ties: 7-20 p.m. End Tire; 8:45 p.m. Attendance: Roger Letooze, Kathy MCLaughlin, Val mccormick, Debbie Fernandes, Dawn Longmire, Marie Hammond, Tracy Bayley-Buckle, ` erryl T lkas Pre vious Nimltes were rays wetf assn by.- Seconelealby Marie ff in fa Vollr z PASSED VALERIE MCCORMICK-Chairperson Sign Permit complete Val Gardiner to rrmtat with Mike Ken Anyan to be Parade announcer rd Weir confirmed to lead parade Spoke to Phil Broome at Municipality of Clarington for vehicle to pull our float and open Court House Receipt from Santa for Police Check Conversation with Mike Ha k b rg r - confirmed with Cindy Flemming of Municipality f Clarington that we are not going against Charter of Rights and Freedom in the Canadian Constitution d volunteers for parade day Val and Seas to core to Program Meeting Must call Roy Nichols to confirm number of vehicles Roger- can you pick up generator on parade morning What vehicle Will Roger use to set up pylons and number stakes Donation from for $500.00 KATHY MCLAUGHLIN - Publicity • Another ad will be Placed in paper for 2" COStume pick UP for November 9, 2008 • Ad for button will appear in paper fol' November 12, 2008 TRACEY BAYLEY-SUCKLE - Make Up • Eight volunteers for make up • Has not bought drinks yet will get numbers first IS KOWAL- Volunteer CO-Ordinator 0 Absent from meet-Ing. MARIE HAMMOND - Treasurer • Donation in so far $5,130.00 • Still expecting some more • Marie has four drivers SHERI CRAGO- Bands • Nine bands so far lined Lip and one Of Debbie's • Toronto Signals not here this year DAWN LONGMIRE - Buttons, COStumes _A� Royal Bank - Courtice has been advised that we Will be arriving around 2. 10 2:30 p.m. on Parade Day to deposit monies Happy with new COstumes this year Posters Still working on, no button on Poster,just changed date Costume hand out did not go well, will try a second date of November 9, 2008 with Tracy, Valerie, all Kathy handing out the costumes ROGER LETOOZE -JudginglPosterslRogers Cable/Buttons and Button boxes Requires programs to give to Clarington Project Tables and Chairs - Roger to get to 13M0 early Picked up stakes already Open Shed Saturday morning When/Where buttons delivered to Legion, Dawn to keep a bag for handout before Parade. Dawn to check with David re delivery time Boxes to Legion pick up WednesdaV for dellverV Thursday * Orono times -act in paper next year * Upgraded ,truck requires a 20 amp battery * BatterY EXperts Would like to receive a donation letter * Rogers would like Posters as soon as possible TERRYL TZIKAS - Secretary All Permits are sent out All It Bev Oda will be there. Bev Out Of town Terryl will provide, numbers for Positioning of floats 0 Terryl and Val will get together before Parade Day to CRSCuss Chairperson job on that day DEBBIE FERNANDES- Floats and Fillers 0 Twenty seven floats confirmed, (eleven fillers and 16 floats) 10 Has left some messages to other participants if they will be in Parade Next Meeting, Monday November 10, 2008, 6.30 P.M. (Program Meeting) Will have meeting at 6:30 P.M. and the program meeting Bring munchies. Motion to aojourn: Tracy Seconded by: Debbie Next Meeting at Valerie McCormick's (Program Meeting)