HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-10-18 Minutes COUNCIL INFORMATION I-4 SANTA CLAUS PARADE - MINUTES OF MEETING www.bowmanvillesantaclausparade.com October 18, 2004 Start Time: 7:15 PM Finish Time: 9:35 PM Attendance: Valerie McCormick, Tammy Johnson,Roger Leetooze, Dawn Longmire, Terryl Tzikas,Debbie Fernandes,Rob Flynn Absent: Tracy Bayley-Buckle, Marie Hammond Reviewed minutes of last meeting. Motion to accept minutes by Roger. Seconded by Rob. All in favour. VALERIE - Chairperson - Ron Balser will drop off pylons for the Parade route on Parade day AM and pick up also. Request made by Roger to drop off in one large pile at Youth Centre. Ron Baker requested when picked up to leave small amounts at each intersection. Valerie to ensure with Ron that the pylons can be dropped off by 7:00 AM. Valerie's spouse, Mark will be modifying the old numbered stakes for use inside each pylon. - Safety concern at Liberty and Church St. Discussion to move Parade so as not to cross Liberty St. Discussed several options such as moving Parade forward, going north and/or south on Brown St., doubling up on Church St.,putting only Santa across Liberty. Once Parade program meeting done we will have better idea of length of Parade and can then make modifications. Valerie will also be looking into hiring a Police Officer to man that intersection. - Valerie to contact Cory Welsh from the police department to discuss the Police Department's participation in the parade this year -police car at beginning of Parade, VW Beetle and ATVs. Also to ask him about having an Officer at the corner of Church and Liberty. - Contacted Phoenix Transportation and they will not be in the Parade this year. Debbie to let Valerie know if they do end up sending in an entry form and she will contact them to discuss throwing candy from bus - Incorporated Militia of Upper Canada is interested in being in the Parade this year. If they are available we will place them at the very beginning of the Parade to help eliminate delays once the Parade is moving. - Contacted commentators and Mike is not available for the Parade this year. Discussed other individuals with Doug and in the end contacted Valerie Gardiner to commentate with Doug. - Reviewed Roger's Video's website for pictures of their robot mascot and the robot is only seen on the children's page. Dawn went to the store to see if the robot was visible and easily identifiable and Dawn did not see the robot in the store at all. Decision made to allow robot in the Parade this year with no logos. If any complaints then will not be allowed in the Parade in the future. - Halenda's Meats called inquiring about having their mascot (a large sausage) in the Parade giving out balloons. Said"no" as this mascot is easily identifiable and not appropriate for a Santa Claus Parade. - Municipality has completed work on the Santa Float. They looked at the Henning Float and stated that they could not repair it and disposed of it for us. Will start to work on the Committee Float the week of October 18. Contacted the Henning Family to let them know that the float could not be repaired. They were not upset as they have access to another trailer. Valerie let them know that they can still work on their float in the Parade building. - Received e-mail from Nancy Taylor indicating that thus far the repairs on the floats total approximately$1000. This total includes labour and materials. Valerie sent e-mail to Andrew to confirm that this is the total cost for both floats not just the Santa Float. Have not heard back from him yet. - In future may have to consider budget for float repairs. TERRYL—Secretary - Will attempt to contact CP Police to man Railroad tracks. If unsuccessful,we will need to nominate someone to man the tracks to ensure no one parks/stops on them. - All letters sent out and currently waiting for replies. - Roger Anderson is unable to participate in the Parade. - St. Johns Ambulance intends to participate, as they have indicated Santa Claus Parade as a registered event. - Central Public school has been secured. - Road occupancy permit completed by Terryl. Currently waiting for it to be forwarded to Valerie. - Re: issue of garbage pick up at end of Parade. Terryl sends letter to BIA and as their contribution/donation they arrange for people to pick up garbage. Last year BIA was unable to arrange for this and Terryl's children were paid for garbage pick up. - Fire Department contacted Terryl and have been referred to Debbie for follow up. - Has contacted BMO to use driveway for commentators/Parade use. TAMMY—Publicity - Ad went in the newspaper for Floats and Fillers. Cost $229.50. There were 2 spelling mistakes and ad ran again for no charge. - Robin Burns has been contacted at McDonald's. Robin will put Parade information on placemats. i - Has contacted KPR school board. Costume hand out info to go into school newsletters. - www.bowmanvillesantaclausparade.com, domain name expired. Tammy has renewed for one year. Cost $21.00. Will need to be reimbursed. The original invoice went to Betty's address in error. In future it will go to Tammy. - Please add CanHost to back of program as they are now our website sponsor. - Website hits: 107 unique visits thus far, last November we had a total of 535 unique visits. Has access to other details regarding website activities. - Will put acknowledgement on website for last years Floats and Fillers winners. • Senior Float—"A Child's Victorian Christmas" -Victorian Par Tea Tyme • Junior Float—"How the Grinch Stole Christmas"—St. Elizabeth Catholic Elementary School • Filler—"Amy's Miniature Horses"—Amy McQuaid DAWN—Buttons, Costumes - Costumes in progress. Bill submitted for supplies thus far, $391.64 - Two button samples passed around. Decided on Vintage Santa with cream background and red lettering. Will keep other button sample for possible future use. - Cost of supplies for letterhead and envelopes $ 85.60 to be reimbursed. - Vest inventory should be 17. Only have 11 at Parade building. Looking for other 6 vests. Rob and Terryl and Tammy indicated they have theirs. Please notify Dawn if you have a vest in your possession. ROGER—Judging/Posters/Rogers Cable/Buttons and Button boxes - Still working on obtaining judges. - Roger inquired about obtaining vehicles for dignitaries. Valerie to contact Roy Nichols. - Will contact Chris at Rogers Cable to inquire as to whether they provide their own extension cords. - Discussion regarding timing of placement of Banners for Parade in local businesses. Indicated had always been after Remembrance Day. Decided that Banners should be given to the stores immediately after Applefest for them to place in windows. Dawn's spouse to print banners as soon as possible. - Wanted to ensure treasurer will have coin rollers and rubber bands for Parade Day. - Raised issue with regards to insurance for golf carts. Valerie to e-mail Nancy Taylor for guidance. - Confirmed with Rob that if Quarry Lakes cannot deliver golf carts, Rob will pick UP. Re-opened issue with regards to purchasing beverage/liquor tickets for Legion members who sell buttons on Parade Day. Discussion followed: • Previously discussed issue at prior meetings. • Roger stated that he was unable to state his true concerns due to other Committee members taking him off topic. • Roger approached an individual at the Municipality to discuss the fact that the Committee purchases liquor tickets for the Legion members from the button sales and he considers this to be similar to "skimming". • Roger stated that the individual at the Municipality agreed with him and said that the tickets could be purchased prior to the Parade without a receipt and the cheque could state for"Services Rendered • Roger stated that he was concerned that we should have a proper accounting and paper trail of this transaction. • Valerie was speaking for herself and Marie who had previously attended meetings where this topic was addressed. Valerie stated that they were surprised that this was his true concern as the previous discussions seemed to revolve around purchasing the tickets in advance to control disbursement of the tickets on Parade Day. • Dawn also stated that she was not aware that bookkeeping and"skimming"were the issues. • As this has been a long standing tradition to provide the Legion members with liquor tickets on Parade Day we did not perceive this as "skimming" and were continuing this practice in good faith. • As a Committee we have decided that it is not appropriate to provide liquor tickets due to the fact that our Parade is a family event. However, we still want to express our appreciation to the Legion for their hard work. • A motion was made by Rob to give the Legion a cheque for $250.00 for"Services Rendered". Seconded by Debbie. All in favour. This will alleviate the Committee from being associated with the purchase of liquor tickets. • Valerie concluded this discussion by requesting that in the future if a Committee member is taken off topic or unable to express their concern they should attempt to stop the discussion and bring the conversation back to their original issue. SHARON SMITH—Bands, report in her absence - Has possession of large plaque and will drop it off at Hooper's Trophies. - Has arranged for 2 golf carts from Ayren Links golf course. - Band secured as of Oct 15 • Whitby Brass Band • Oshawa Legion Band • Cobourg Concert Band MARIE—Treasurer, report in her absence - Bank account needs new signing authorities nominated as still states Val Gardiner. We will change to "Any two of three to sign". The three people authorized to sign will be Marie,Valerie and Terryl. - Donation received from Memorial Park Association for$1000. - Total to date approx. $5000. DEBBIE—Floats and Fillers - Has had a lot of calls regarding floats and fillers. - Has mailed out all the entries along with extras as requested. - Clarington Tigercats interested in participating, aware of no logos. - Ross Raycroft on scooter along with a lady helping has indicated he would like to participate. Sent out entry forms. - Brownies may participate in parade and wanted to know if they can hand out candy. They may hand out to the children however, no throwing. - Fred Johns intends to be in Parade driving a 1953 Police Car. He does not usually complete an application. He will need to complete at least the declaration indicating he has vehicle insurance. - Ron Cowan inquiring as to driving an Antique tractor with a trailer. The tractor is not plated and he does not have insurance. Debbie will e-mail Nancy Taylor for guidance. - Blue Line taxi interested in participating, entry form mailed out. Aware no logos. ROB- Traffic Control - Requested O.V.E.R.T.'s phone number from Terryl. TRACY—Minutes,Makeup , report in her absence No report made. Meeting adjourned by Terryl. NEXT MEETING MONDAY Nov I st, 2004 7 p At: Terryl's 36 Queen St. Bowmanville 905 697 9655