HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-11-01 Minutes 1 0 �� II SANTA CLAUS PARADE - MINUTES OF MEETING www.bownianvillesaiitaclatisiiarade.com November 1, 2004 Start Time: 7:10 PM Finish Time: 9:15 PM Attendance: Valerie McCormick, Tammy Johnson, Roger Leetooze,Dawn Longmire, Terryl Tzikas,Debbie Fernandes,Rob Flynn, Tracy Bayley-Buckle, Marie Hammond Absent: Sharon Smith Reviewed minutes of last meeting. Motion to accept minutes by Roger. Seconded by Rob. All in favour. VALERIE McCORMICK—Chairperson Valerie talked to Ron Baker,and confirmed that the Municipality will drop off the pylons at the Youth Centre between 7:00 am to 7:30 am parade morning. Valerie talked to Constable Cory Walsh about the intersection at Church and Liberty and he said he will ensure a police officer is there -we do not need to hire one. He has also requested 20 to 25 auxilliary police. The Committee does not have to pay for float repairs. The Municipality will pay for the repairs through the Fleet Budget.Valerie offered to pay for the cost of materials, however, the biggest expense was the labour costs. E-mailed Nancy Taylor about insurance concerns with regards to the golf carts we borrow on Parade Day. Nancy said not to worry about insurance just give the carts a visual check to ensure there are no obvious deficiencies. Bought table and chairs for commentators for a total cost of$110.37. Valerie has not received permit yet and asked Terryl if she should contact someone. Terryl to discuss when it is her turn. Valerie asked Roger to arrange for rental and pick up of generator for the Committee float. 1 Valerie has friend who is a police officer and she has volunteered to help with the parade.We will place her and her son at the end of the parade to direct the floats and the bands. Two girls from a local baton club have won Pre-teen Oshawa and Teen Oshawa and would like to be in the parade in a vehicle with a driver. Stated that this is okay. They must obtain their own vehicle and driver and no advertising. Valerie spoke to Brenda Lloyd from the Henning family and Brenda stated that they would not be in the parade this year as they could not obtain a trailer early enough to get a good start on their float. They may be in the parade next year as a filler. Debbie suggested we ask Bud Henning if he would like to be a judge this year. Roger will inquire. Motion made by Marie and seconded by Tammy to let the Henning Family have use of our committee float starting next year so that they can continue to participate in the parade. All in favour. Valerie thanked Brenda for the large donation made by the Memorial Park Association as Valerie knew they are involved with this committee. Brenda stated that they gave the large donation since they had the funds available and to help with our float repairs. Brenda also stated that the donation was made in memory of Marian Henning. Motion made Marie and seconded by Tammy to have this stated on the back of our programs this year. "We would like to thank the Memorial Park Association for the generous donation made in memory of Marian Henning."All in favour. Valerie requested cheque for$250.00 payable to the Legion. Legion to give receipt stating- services rendered for button sales. TERRYL TZIKAS —Secretary Informed us that because we are a Committee of Council we now have available to us any services such as photocopies etc. Roger Anderson will not be in the parade. Mayor Mutton will be attending. Bev Oda will be in parade. Garth Gilpin from B.I.A. will be arranging for clean up after the parade. Bank of Montreal will let us use their driveway. John O'Toole has not replied. St. John's Ambulance will be attending. Fire Department will be attending along with ATV's and aerial truck. Requested volunteers names be given to her so thank you letters can be sent to them. Has e-mailed Canada Post and no reply as yet. 2 TAMMY JOHNSON—Publicity Ad in paper this Wednesday for costume handout, $ 721.00 Schools have agreed to do announcements this week about costume handout. A press release was sent out about the parade. DAWN LONGMIRE—Buttons, Costumes New costumes for this year completed by Pat Lange. A friend has also made scarves for Harry Potter costumes. Costume hand out coming up Nov 7th 12pm to 2pm. Ad should be in paper this week Wednesday Nov 3ra Banners being printed will drop off at Roger's once ready. Bill for costumes, $48.58. Make up supplies $41.92. ROGER LEETOOZE —Judging/Posters/Rogers Cable/Buttons and Button boxes Judges all in place. Discussion regarding who needs golf carts. We will have six available. 1. Roger 2. Tammy 3. Dawn 4. tba 5. tba 6. tba Chris has not called back from Rogers Cable. Discussion regarding parade route and where we will need traffic control and people to help ensure parade moves smoothly. 1. King and Scugog—Don Welsh 2. By the commentators—Eddie 3. The Legion—Tammy 4. Cowan to A&P—Lorne 5. Hospital- Terryl SHARON SMITH—Bands, report via Valerie Has six band so far and awaiting confirmation from several others. 1. Bowmanville Legion Pipe Band with Colour Party, $600. 2. Bowmanville Central Public School 3. Whitby Brass Band, $700. 4. Militia, $400. 5. Cobourg Concert Band, $1000. 6. Oshawa Legion Pipe Band, $100 3 i MARIE HAMMOND—Treasurer Had new signature card for Bank signed by Marie, Valerie and Terryl. New signature authorities, "any two of three to sign"to be effective immediately. Money boxes for button sales to be obtained from Dawn and Valerie. Total donations to date$6100. Marie apologized for not having been able to attend last meeting. She however, expressed that she was very upset with the issue brought up by Roger of his perception of the practice of purchasing refreshment tickets for the Legion button sellers to be similar to skimming. A discussion was had and previous arrangements to now give a cheque to the Legion for a donation is satisfactory. Roger apologized if he had personally hurt people but again stated that he was unable to get across his point during meetings. DEBBIE FERNANDES—Floats and Fillers Lots of phone calls for information on floats and fillers. Entries coming in and more still to come. The Zoo stated that they will be in parade however,no paperwork as of yet.No word from the Bowmanville Eagles. Debbie has called them but no return phone call. Had a call from Clarington This Week regarding info on the Parade. Valerie to follow. ROB FLYNN - Traffic Control Rob will arrange for pick up of golf carts. Arranged for meeting with Roger and Marl-,and Lorne this Saturday Nov 6th at 7pm. To discuss traffic details. TRACY BAYLEY- BUCKLE—Minutes, Makeup Has contacted most people to help with makeup. Dawn shopped for some makeup supplies. Still more to purchase for makeup. Meeting adjourned by Marie. NEXT MEETING NOVEMBER WEDNESDAY s 6:30 pm At: Valerie McCormick's 3 Wrenn Blvd.,Bowmanville, ON #905 623 9804 4