HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-11-07 Minutes r4W SANTA CLAUS PARADE - MINUTES OF MEETING November 7, 2005 Start Time: 7:01PM Finish Time: 8:10 PM Attendance: Valerie McCormick, Roger Leetooze, Dawn Longmire, Tracy Bayley- Buckle, Kathy McLaughlin, Marie Hammond, Sheri Crago, Rob Flynn, Terryl Tzikas Absent: Debbie Fernandes, Motioned to accept the minutes by Sheri seconded by Dawn. All in agreement. VALERIE McCORMICK—Chairperson • Valerie stated that the new sign is on building. Kelly and Rob Forbes installed the sign. She had called the Municipality to have the sign put up, however, they did not return her phone call. • This sign was donated. Rob would not accept any money for materials to make the sign. Made stickers for Committee members and a small sign for side door of building. Also made store banner design. • Called Ron Baker to discuss intersection at King and Liberty. He will have 12 barrels left at the corner and Val will pick up caution tape to help close off the northeast corner and southwest corner for crowd control. • Confirmed with Ken Hockin (parade announcer) he will attend parade and contacted Gord Weir (Fire Chief) to drive his car for Ken to start the parade. • Mark has checked sound system on Santa float and it is in good working order. • Talked to Bill and Jackie at Fire station about radios. The radios all have new batteries this year. Jackie will charge them November 17 & 18 and Val will pick them up the afternoon of November 18/05. She will check to see if they are working. • While Val was at the parade building she started looking at old programs we have on the wall. There were about 8 with Ede Cole's name on them. On six of them Ede was spelled "EDE" and on two "EDIE". Therefore, we will continue to spell Ede as "EDE" on our Volunteer of the year award. • Val received a phone call from Mrs. Martin of Ontario Power Generation and they will be giving a donation this year. Please write on program— Ontario Power Generation—Darlington Nuclear. • A donation has been received from Pita Pit and Burger King. • Sue St. John will volunteer this year for traffic control. • Robert McFadden contacted Val and would like to be Santa. Val will keep his name and number on file. • Marge Tippins contacted Val and said that she has a collection of buttons. The oldest is from 1976. Valerie is going to have Tammy put on our website that we are trying to collect all 44 buttons and list the years we are missing. It would be nice for the Committee to have a complete set. • Andrew Piggot confirmed that Municipality has check out our floats and they are in good condition. • Graydon Brown will go to Parade Building at 9:00 am on parade morning and help Municipal truck hook up to Committee float. Roger to get generator for committee float and Val to bring extension cord. MARIE HAMMOND— Treasurer • Marie mentioned that donations are down this year and that $3700 is all she has so far. TRACY BAYLEY- BUCKLE—Makeup • Tracy has 4 volunteers so far and is still placing more phone calls. • Tracy and Dawn have ordered new make up for Clowns this year. • Tracy will contact Reids Dairy for drinks on parade day for children. • Michael Jordon has volunteered to hand out drinks at end of parade. DEBBIE FERNANDES—Floats and Fillers • In Debbie's absence Val stated that she has 37 Floats and Fillers for parade day DAWN LONGMIRE—Buttons, Costumes • Costume hand out was last Sunday and there was a line up when they arrived. • Still need Flag Carriers would like 5 more but two would be enough. • We will have 300 banners at a size of 8.5 X 11 printed. ROGER LEETOOZE —Judging/Posters/Rogers Cable/Buttons and Button boxes • Ayren Links will provide 2 golf carts. • Ayren Links has also donated for a band and the cheque is in the mail. • Trophies are on order. • Roger and Rob would like to see D & S's name on program as they worked on button boxes. • Roger to rent generator for Committee float. • Motioned by Roger that we should recognize 4BZ Signs and Durham Graphics on our programs for their graphics on our new sign and store banners. Seconded by Terryl. • Roger is still working on a finding a third Judge. TERRYL TZIKAS — Secretary • John O'Toole, Bev Oda and John Mutton will be at parade. • BIA will do clean up after parade. • Post Office will wear their uniforms on parade day. KATHY MCLAUGHLIN—Publicity • Kathy stated that the ad is on the McDonalds placemat. • Previously contacted Jennifer at the paper and they would try and get to parade building when costumes were handed out. • Contacted KX 96 and they will put announcement on radio for the parade. • Contacted Jennifer Cook of the Municipality regarding advertisement in the Community Section of paper for Food & Toy Drive by Durham Regional Police. SHERI CRAGO—Bands • 11 Bands have been booked at a cost of$7600. • St. Stephens will be on their Float so this will be 12 bands. • Sheri has sent out Confirmation letters. ROB FLYNN— Traffic Control • Rob has contacted Quarry Lakes and they will provide 4 Gators. • He will provide a truck and flatbed for pick up of these. NEW BUSINESS • Parade Route: It was decided to hold off on vote for parade route until wrap up meeting. Take a poll on parade day of the crowd to see their opinion. Next meeting November 16, 2005 Time 6:30 pm. At Dawns home: 151 Rhonda Blvd.