HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-09-22 Minutes SANTA CLAUS PARADE - MINUTES OF MEETING www.bowmanvillesantaclausparade.com September 22, 2004 Start Time: 7:10 PM Finish Time: 8:40PM Attendance: Valerie, Roger, Dawn, Tracy, Debbie, Marie Absent: Tammy, Terryl, Rob, Sheri Reviewed minutes of last meeting. Motion to accept minutes by Marie. Seconded by Debbie. All in favour. VALERIE - Chairperson - Handed out copies of Mission Statement and letter from Municipality accepting us as a Committee of Council. - Advised that Sheri will be stepping down from her role as Band co-ordinator this year due to personal circumstances. She will resume her duties next year. Sharon Smith and Marie will share the duties required for bands. Marie will report the progress at our meetings as Sharon will not be attending meetings. On parade day Marie and Susan St. John will be taking care of bands. Sharon will also try to attend the day of parade. - Our Santa float is at the works department in Hampton being repaired. - Has meeting set up with Nancy Taylor from the Municipality along with Debbie Fernandes in order to clarify some issues regarding Certificate of Insurance requirements. - Contacted Bud Henning. He indicated that the float they use for the parade is our property. If it needs a lot of work and money to be fixed he will look into borrowing another float for parade day. - Motion made by Roger to go ahead and cover the cost of repair of the "Henning Float" up to $500. Seconded by Marie. All in favour. - Indicated that Debbie will need a fax machine to accept parade entries. Motion made by Dawn to purchase a fax machine for Debbie. Seconded by Marie. All in favour. - Advised that Tammy is unable to make any meetings on Wednesdays. Looking to move to Monday or another convenient night. Awaiting word from all committee members then will advise new meeting schedule. The Program Meeting however, will remain on the Wednesday before the parade. - Motion made by Dawn to purchase a gift for Betty's departure. Seconded by Roger. All in favour. - Discussion re: children on committee float. Marie may put on her children will need spouse to walk behind. Will report at next meeting. TERRYL— Secretary, report in her absence - Entry form packages to be prepared this week and Debbie to pick up. - Road occupancy permit to be completed and signed by Valerie. TAMMY—Publicity, report in her absence - Suggested putting names and numbers of committee members on website as it may be beneficial for people see who is involved. This may encourage more volunteers. - Will be putting entry form on website for print only. They can then complete and sign and fax to Debbie. - There will not be a band entry form this year on website. Will work on for next year. - Will put Sharon Smith as contact for bands on website. - Future considerations: date of ads in paper, ads on McDonalds placemats, ad after parade indicating float winners. DAWN—Buttons, Costumes - Costumes washed, $60.93 cost. - Working with David Gillespie on buttons and design. Advised him of our theme and ideas. - Spouse is printing and mailing out donation letters. Also will be printing new letterhead and envelopes with return addresses for Terryl and Debbie. Labour no charge. Reimbursed cost of postage of$514.34. Will be looking at printing banners for Roger approx 200. - She has 4 girls lined up for Santa's Helpers (on float). ROGER—Judging/Posters/Rogers Cable/Buttons and Button boxes - Discussed Volunteer of the Year nominations. Motion by Marie to nominate Nick. Seconded by Roger. All in favour. - Has left messages for Rogers Cable re: power supply. Will continue to try and contact them as we would like them to come out to determine if our power source is acceptable and adequate for parade (before parade day). - Needs someone to make up numbers for pylons. Valerie has volunteered to do this. - Valerie will provide extra set of keys for Roger to access Parade building. MARIE— Treasurer - Gave out copies of Year End Statement. - Discussed this year's parade budget. Motion made by Tracy and seconded by Roger to allot $1000. for costumes. Motion made by Marie and seconded by Tracy to allot $7000. for bands. - Invested $5000. in bank account into a GIC. - Question regarding Central Public School and who contacts school for permission to use on Parade Day for bands and washroom facilities. DEBBIE—Floats and Fillers - Will be unable to attend the day of the parade. Terryl is willing to head up floats and fillers that day with help from others. - Will be getting a fax machine for her home in order to accept entries. - Will need some computer help next year setting up a data base for participants. - Pointed out that our application for entry needs to be changed from "maximum of 8 on a float" to "not overcrowded". - Will be changing home answering machine to indicate Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade entry information. TRACY—Minutes, Makeup - Nothing to report Meeting adjourned by Marie. NEXT MEETING MONDAY OCT 49 2004 7 pm At: Tracy's 13 Landerville Lane Bowmanville 905 697 3007