HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-10-04 Minutes SANTA CLAUS PARADE - MINUTES OF MEETING www.bowmanvillesantaclausparade.com October 4, 2004 Start Time: 7:10 PM Finish Time: 9:1OPM Attendance: Valerie, Tammy, Roger, Dawn, Tracy, Debbie, Marie Absent: Terryl, Rob Reviewed minutes of last meeting. Motion to accept minutes by Tammy. Seconded by Marie. All in favour. VALERIE - Chairperson - Contacted Andrew Pickett of Municipality re: Santa Float. There are extensive repairs that they are doing. Will be completed soon. When it comes back to us we will need to check the state of the float in case we need to repair the snow on it. - Advised Municipality (Andrew Pickett)that we will authorize up to $500 to be spent to repair the Henning float. - Purchased a fax machine for Debbie plus cartridges and an extra warranty. Cost $255.46. - Contacted Bell Canada for fax number. The fax number is 905 697 2176. The cost of the fax line (Identicall) is $5 per month. Motion made by Dawn to keep Identicall year round so that we may use same fax number year over year for continuity. Seconded by Roger. All in favour. - Valerie would like each committee member to e-mail her a list of theirs and their spouses/partners duties they perform on Parade Day. She will then compile a master list in order to help us determine any shortfalls and/or any holes that need to be filled on Parade Day. - Advised that we need a table and chairs for parade day for the commentators to sit at. Motion made by Roger to purchase a folding banquet type table and chairs. Seconded by Marie. All in favour. - We will need some people for the intersection of Liberty and Church St. We will look into O.V.E.R.T. doing it. - Inquired about walkie talkies. Tammy will contact Bill for them - We also need an awning for the commentators to sit under. Instead of picking up one from Rickard Arena, Dawn will lend her awning for Parade Day. - Debbie to pick up end rolls of paper to use for covering up logos on floats Parade Day. - Tammy will make up numbers for the floats and fillers for Parade Day. - Discussion re: budget for Publicity and Advertising. Motion to spend a maximum of$1500 by Dawn. Seconded by Roger. All in favour. - Spouse of Santa Claus has advised he needs a new beard. Unsure where to obtain. Previously he has had a "real hair" beard. We are to email any websites we find that may sell such an item. Roger will also look into as his son has a catalogue. - Valerie looked up in previous years' minutes all the winners of the Edie Cole Memorial Award. They are as follows: • 1997 —Bud and Marion Henning • 1998 — Ted Dadson • 1999 — Graydon Brown • 2000 —Pat Lange • 2001 —Mike Slocum and Doug Moore • 2002 —Don Welsh • 2003 — Sharon Smith • 2004 —Nick Van Seggelen - We are still trying to locate the big plaque. - Valerie has started to get calls from the donation letters sent out. - Tim Horton's will be donating 8 packs of 40 Timbits for the children volunteering in the Parade. - Rogers' Video would like to put in a filler and have their mascot (a Robot) in it. Valerie advised them no logos allowed. She will look into it further as we do not want the mascot to be easily identifiable as an advertisement for Rogers. - For many years we have had problems with Phoenix Transportation throwing candy from the bus on the Parade route. Valerie is going to personally call them before the Parade this year to advise this is unacceptable and that this will be their last Parade if they continue to throw candy. She will search the bus herself at the beginning of the Parade. If candy found, then she will confiscate and return to them at the end of the Parade. - She will await the Eagles to call her. If they do call she will advise that they are welcome to put an entry into the Parade (with no logos). However, we will be unable to assign them any duties as previous years it has caused many problems. (ie: trashing programs, throwing up behind buildings, buttons being given away, etc.) - In future we will send letters to any participants that do not abide by the rules and regulations. This letter will be sent out after the Parade. TERRYL— Secretary, report in her absence - Has contacted Central Public School for use of the facilities. - Road occupancy permit in progress. - Will be sending out letter to Dignitaries. TAMMY—Publicity - Floats and Fillers ad will go in the paper on Sunday October 10tH - Community ad will (try to) go in the paper on Wednesday October 13tH - Will do press release regarding story on Parade/Floats and Fillers/Costumes/Volunteers needed. - Has updated website to include info regarding this years Parade. - Will contact McDonalds for ad on placemats. - Will do follow up story on Float and Filler winners after Parade and send to newspaper. - We need more volunteers for garbage pick up for after the Parade. DAWN—Buttons, Costumes - Costumes being made for this year are Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, Eeyore, Piglet and 3 or 4 Harry Potter costumes. Will look into scarves for Harry Potter costumes. - Discussed ad in newspaper for costume hand out. Tammy will put in newspaper Wednesday November 3rd. Costume handout will be Sunday November 7tH _ 12pm to 2pm. Also, discussed advising schools of costume handout. Tammy will take care of contacting them. She will also contact High Schools closer to Costume hand out day to remind them. If costumes are then still available we will put out another call for volunteers to the High School. - Spouse printed and mailed out donation letters. Also printed new letterhead and envelopes with return addresses for Terryl and Debbie. Minimal charge for materials to be submitted next meeting. No charge for labour. - No button samples as of yet, next meeting. ROGER—Judging/Posters/Rogers Cable/Buttons and Button boxes - Has made contact with Chris from Rogers Cable. He will come out to inspect power supply. - Trophies ordered. Hoopers' Trophies to be added to donation list as they do not charge for them. - Looking into golf carts/gators from Quarry Lakes. If they can't deliver will have to look into other arrangements. - Will be getting pylons from Dollar Store. - No word from Ayren Links re: golf carts. Will follow. MARIE— Treasurer, reporting on Bands (info from Sharon Smith) - No information yet regarding Bands. - E-mailed our financial statements to Patty Barrie. - Donations are starting to come in. Thus far $645.00 - Marie's girls (3 or 4) will be on committee float this year, along with Dawn's son Evan and niece Sara. DEBBIE—Floats and Fillers - Almost all the parade entry packages have been mailed out. The rest to be completed in the next couple of days. - Fax machine up and running in her home. - Had meeting with Nancy Taylor from the Municipality along with Valerie. Received further clarification with respect to requirements surrounding certificates of insurance. She stated the reasons for insurance are primarily for third party liability. The Parade goers are the third party. We have to protect them from any harm. We must use our best judgement and decide whether certain floats/fillers/bands can harm the bystanders when insisting on a certificate of insurance . When speaking with Parade participants we will advise them that part of the reason we need a certificate of insurance is to ensure that they are responsible individuals/groups in order that we may protect the bystanders and preserve the credibility of our Parade. TRACY—Minutes, Makeup - In process of contacting makeup volunteers for Parade Day. - Need to shop for new makeup supplies. Meeting adjourned by Tammy. NEXT MEETING MONDAY OCT 18th, 2004 7 pm At: Rob's 2 Inglis Ave Courtice 905 432 3775