HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-10-12 Minutes . SANTA CLAUS PARADE - MINUTES OF MEETING October 12, 2010 Start Time: 7:00 p.m. End Time: 7:45 p.m. Attendance: Roger Letooze, Kathy McLaughlin, Robin Lacey, Terryl Tzikas, Janine Comeau, Jen Ashby, Dawn Longmire, :• Previous Minutes from September 28, 2090 were accepted with one change Motion made by. Dawn 4. Seconded by: Janine All in Favour— Passed Terryl Tzikas — (Acting) Chairperson • Website Maintenance needed to be taken over with a Credit Card. Roger has _ volunteered to do this. Thanks Roger. Committee owes Val and Mark McCormick monies for the Website Marie to forward to Val • There will be no charges for road closure this year KATHY MCLAUGHLIN -- Publicity • Ad in paper for Floats and Fillers on October 7, 2010 and Costumes on October 28, 2010. • There is a free ad in Bowmanville Up Close • Donation letters have been compiled by the UPS store and have been mailed out TRACEY BAYLEY-BUCKLE — Make Up • Absent from meeting MARIE HAMMOND — Treasurer o Has a cheque for Terryl to sign JEN ASHBY— Bands • Five bands booked • A band from Port Hope interested Jen will follow up DAWN LONGMIREIROBIN LACEY — Buttons, Costumes • Tom Lenahan will attend next meeting. His police check is in the works • Greg Belanger--who was our Marshall has moved to Woodstock, need new Marshall. Marie will step into this role this year. • Thump Nee Bit- gave new phone number to Jen • Need a sunshade for Commentators. Do we purchase? Alison has one she will check • Went through costumes, Flag bearers will require new sweatshirts as the mice have eaten holes in these. Five will need to be replaced. Purchase a tote to place these into for next year. Motion to purchase 5 red hoodies and 5 black hoodies plus a tote Motion by: Marie Seconded by. Kathy All in favour—passed • Buttons —go ahead and order ROGER LETOOZE — Judging/Posters/Rogers Cable/Buttons and Button boxes • Website all updates have been completed JANINE COMEAU — Floats and Fillers • Emails have been forwarded to participants from last year and also some were mailed out • Golf Carts—we will not be receiving any from Archibalds s Next Meeting: Tuesday October 26, 2010 7:00 p.m.