HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-10-22 Minutes mow. SANTA CLAUS PARADE -- MINUTES OF MEETING October 22, 2007 Start Time: 7:05 p.m. finish Time: 8:45 p.m. Attendance: Valerie McCormick,Dawn Longmire, Kathy McLaughlin, Tracy Bayley-Buckle,Roger Letooze, Terryl Tzikas,Debbie Fernandes, Terryl Tzikas, Lisa Kowal, Sheri Crago,Marie Hammond •, Previous Minutes were accepted by Debbie, Seconded by Roger: All in favour—passed VALERIE McCORMICK—Chairperson • After interviewing Santa,Rick Patterson will be our new Santa • We will be issuing a cheque in the amount of$15.00 to Rick for his Police check. It was decided that a Police check will be done every year for Santa • Terryl to send e-mail regarding permit and supplies to Val • Roy Nichols is lined up for parade. Marie to obtain drivers • Sign for parade,there is no need for letter to Council as Engineering Department has approved it. Must complete a Sign Permit. • Gord Weir will be the driver for Ken Hockin our Parade Announcer • Kathy to reserve table at Bobby C's for December 5`h @ 6:30 p,m for Wrap Up meeting, ® l3owmanville Eagles called about being in the parade. They thought it was a rumour that companies and organizations could not wear clothing with advertising or logos. • ACISS will be a new participant in the parade this year with 2 floats and 1 filler. They would also like to do a food and toy drive. a Newcastle Parade asked to use our button boxes and our Santa float. We have small button boxes we do not use that we could give to them. Discussion about Santa float and Committee decided not to lend our float to another parade. lf the float was to get damaged who would repair it?Reindeer were very expensive. ® Val received a message from Staff Sergeant Sayer with regards to Auxiliary Police for traffic control for the parade. Sayer made a comment about the parade going"smooth"then we should get enough Auxiliary Police. Val will be calling Mayor Abernethy tomorrow to discuss situation from last year and about what is happening this year. MARIE HAMMOND—Treasurer • Donations so far total $4,400.00 • $1,000,00 from Memorial Park • Has draft budget prepared TRACY BATLEY- BUCKLE—Makeup • Has not heard from Reids Dairy yet • Has more numbers for make up volunteers DEBBIE FERNANDES—Floats and Fillers • Durliam Girls Choir will be in parade • Has heard from nine people for Floats and Fillers DAWN LONGMIRE—Buttons, Cost-times • Dawn will be picking up Hoodies=for Flag Carriers and Committee at a total of 1,01 ;60 frcirii Sprit 5156 rt Wear • Make up has been ordered at a total of$96.72 ROGER LEETOOZE —Judging/Posters/Rogers Cable/Buttons and Button boxes • Has three Judges • Everything else in progress • IIas concerns regarding Ilwy 2 bridge---horrendous traffic. Maybe traffic should be blocked at Hwy#2 and Roenick. Don't know what we can do, maybe have officer down further. TERRYL TZIKAS —Secretary ® Central School has been booked for bands for that morning • OVERT will not be able to help on Parade day with traffic control in staging area on Church Street. KATHY MCLAUGHLIN—Publicity • Ad in paper for Costume Pick up, ad was put in paper one week early by mistake by paper, but will be in paper the following week. Ad will be in twice. SHERI CRAGO- Bands • $8,00.00 budget for bands this year + Eight bands booked so far + Sheri will not be able to attend Parade Day + Val to e-mail Greg to see if he is available as Marshal on Parade Day • Marie to organize bands in Sheri's absence. LISA KOV4'AL--Volunteer Co-Ordinator • Ad in paper,there were no responses • Give Lisa names of floats and maybe get recruits from this • Lisa will attend Costume pick up and maybe get some volunteers that day • She is still looking for hats • Asked to meet with Val to discuss information to be put on website for recruiting volunteers. NEW BUSINESS • It was decided that we will not pursue the History book as this will be a financial concern for Parade Committee and our mandate is to organize the parade. • Val will call Roger and discuss reasons with him. ➢ Motion to end meeting by Terryl, Seconded by Tracy. All in favour— passed Next meeting: Monday November 5, 2007 7:00 p.m. Library,room 1 C