HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-04-07 Minutes f i SANTA CLANS PA E MINUTES OF. MEETING April 7, 2009 Start Time: 7:02 p.m. End Time: 8:30 p.m. Attendance: Roger Letooze, Kathy McLaughlin, Val McCormick, Dawn Longmire, Marie Hammond, ,Terry] Tz]kas, Lisa Kowa], Janine Comeau Legion Member Present: Ted Walton, Button Co-ordinator from Legion Motion: "TO accept Minutes of previous meeting' Motion made by: Terryl Seconded by: Roger All in favour - passed !Le ion • Ted Walton was present for Button Sales Ideas • Incentive to Button Sellers - break into 3 groups with Team Leader with a competition among themselves • Still need Brochures - brochures need to be handed out • Ted to make sure brochures are handed out • Idea for Button Sellers -- wear signs laminate and wear stating that "Button Supports Parade" • For the 501h, design a button from K-5 contest • Post signs in stores and Government offices after Thanksgiving • In school Newsletter Insert article about Button Sales Advertise with Remax etc. - Ted can talk to them. Advertise at bottom of Remax ad, Just a thought • SNAP - Kathy to have SNAP to Costume handout • People of floats want to buy buttons at beginning of Parade • Ted will come to another meeting In September discussion with Committee • Contest Idea - Municipality Prize Button considered a Lotery, this would have to be a registered Charity and a Charity for a year • Special Button In Button boxes, find lucky button and win a prize. we cannot do prizes, because we are not a Registered Charity • Municipality -- donations receipts need to be sent to only to Committees and not companies. Marie to buy a receipt book and send receipts only to organizations etc. Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Memorial Clubhouse etc. • Val to email Marie name and phone number of Ladies Auxiliary for Marie to forward receipt • Should we stick with 9,000 Buttons, to be discussed at next meeting • Invite Ted Walton to a September meeting Committee Float • Schools - maybe have students work on Float as part of Community Service Hours Maybe have Janet Lange look at - Lisa to call her and ask her • Dawn had sample of Button for 2009 Parade - Should Santa be more cartoonie. Decision was made to go with this button maybe reduce Santa • Dawn has contacted her Costume person and she is ready to do costumes again this year. Dawn would like to know her budget for this year. Maybe have snowflakes and or Candy Cane costumes and look at redoing Care Bears costume Motion: "To provide Costume Maker a cheque for $1,000.00 to get started on Costumes" Motion made by : Dawn Seconded by: Terryl All in favour -- passed • Dawn stated that Lorne cannot do Donation Letters this year Next Meeting: Wednesday September 15, 2009 7:00 p.m.