HomeMy WebLinkAboutDarlington By-law Index B S®Lr_V tl-S By-Lays PTO. Res Passed: 1070 Telephone: loodbridge Vaughan 11-ar. 4, 1939 1071 B Taxation Rates June 3, 1939 1072 Taxation Rates schedule 1073 Appointment of Auditors Jan 8, 19LO 1071, Part Commission 1940 1075 Board of Health 1940 1076 Assessor Jan 8, 1940 1077 geed 'inspector Jan 8, 191,0 1078 Sheep Valuators 1940 1079 Bank By-Lar Jan 8, 1940 1080 Fence viewer and Pound Keepers 19?-0 ♦080 l.�.�Y Ta�C oo+ bobs !t1 std 1581 Tax Levy 19LO 1082 Local Lover meat Extension Act 191,0 Dec, 16 1083 _auditors 1941 108L Park Commission 19L1 1085 Board of Health 1941 1086 Assessor 1941 1087 'Weed Inspector 1941 1088 SheepValuator 1941 1089 School Attendance Officer 194-1 Z RemAssessment Roll � RiVi Sion 1941 109 1' 1092 Taxation :� Rates 191,1 1093 School ?attendance Officer 19':2 1094 Change of Location C.P.R. Nov. 15 1941 1G9L Sheep Valuator Jan. 12, 1942 1095 Change of Location C.P.R. Nov. 1, 1941 1095 Need Inspector 1942 1096 Board of Health 191,2 1G97 Park Commission 1942 log^8 1099 ,1Wditor 19_2 1100 tax Levy 191,2 1101 School attendance Officer 1943 1102 1103 ,deed Inspected 191i-3 1101 Local Board of "ealth 19 .3 1105 1106 1107 Tax Levy 1943 1 108 1109 School Attendance Off icer 194.E 1110 Sheep Valuator 194L 1111 ViTeed Inspector 19LL 1112 Board of Health 19111, 1113 Park Commission 194-11; 113 L Federation of Agriculture Levy Jan. 10, 1944 1115 BY-Lt;-,,,,IS 1116 Livestock ,.ct & Poultry 111/ B Tax Levy 1944 117 Closing Roads 17 ?� 18 in Nov. l5, 1944 Ontario Beach Park i 117:8 1119 Board of Health 1945 1120 Sheep Valuator Fed 12, 1945 1121 Park Commission 1945 1122 1123 A Tax Levy 1945 11 Special Levy S.S. No® 8 Sept, 1 ;945 1125 1126 Nomination for Reeve A Council Oct e7, 1945 setting Dates 1126 . Federation of Agriculteral Levy -dug® 7, 1946 1127 1128 1129 1130 Hampton Street Light Apr. 19a6 110 Tax Levy 1946 1131 1132 1133 113 Licensing Regulation of Public Oct. 5, 1946 H,;11 1135 1130' 1137 1138 1139 Slaughterhouse :}pr® 3, 19 ;_7 11�O 1 Ontario Shore Gas Co. July 8, 1947 1142 Tax Levy 1947 11L3 11LL 1145 Bank By-Lair 1945 July 2 1146 Regulation, Keeping of Animals July 2, 192;_8 114.7 Penalty for Breach of ILTunicipal July 2, 1948 By-Law 11,8 Tax Le-,v�r 1948 1149 Penalty for Breach of �Tunieipal Sept 2, 19411.8 By-Law 1150 Dog Tax Oct. 7, 1948 1151 Regulation, Keeping of ALni-malt' 'Tov. 4, 1948 1152 1153 Bank By-La v July 7, 1541 9 1154. Regulation, Keeping of ftnimals Nov. 1949 1155 To Set Date of Inaugural Meeting Dec. 15, 1949 1156 1157 1158 Ontario Shore Gas Co. Indoay 4, 1950 ,me nclme nt 1159 Bank By-Law i:iay 4, 1950 1160 Tax Levy 1950 1161 BY-Lriu 1162 1163 1364 Charging Day Date of Inaug� al Decd 28, ?95O Meeting 1165 1366 1167 1168 1169 Fire Protection Apr, 5, 1951 1,170 Bank By-Lave June 7, 1951 11,71 1172 Debenture-Area Jan. -p: Oct. 1951 G 000.00 1173 assessment Roll Return Sept, 27. 1951 1174 A y-l am 117 a 1175 1176 Payment of Taxes by Instalment A-or. �� 1952 1177 Tax Le°ry Apr. 16, 1952 1178 Fire Protection Leery Apr. 16, 1952 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 Fence Viewers & Po-Ind. Keepers 1,184 1185 Trailer By-Law Feb. 1953 1186 Size Character x Locatio-n ? use. Feb. 1953 of buildings etc. 1187 Virarble 11 Control Feb. 1953 1188 1190 1191 1192 Appt. Fence Viewers Etc. Feb. 1954 1193 Sheep Valuators Feb. 1954 1194_ 1'Teed Inspector Feb. 1954 1195 School Attendenee Officer Feb. 1954 1196 Arpt. Clerk etc. n Deputy Feb. 195L 1197 Road Books Feb. 1954 1198 BruceTosis Ilar. 1954 1199 Pluanbing Inspection etc. Tiar. 1954 2000 Assessor May 1954 2001 Building Insp. May 1954 2002 Debenture By-Lagv q°86,GGG.JG May 1954 2003 Size Character etc. us of building _fay r Sept. 1954 200L_ Erection & Safety of Buildings 1954 2005 Deputy Clerk etc. Sept. 1954- 2006 Trailer Sept. 1954 2007 Lands, Forest ?: Fish Oct. 1954 2008 Road Supr. Feb. 1954 2009 High School Special Rate Oct 3: Nov. 1954 2010 2011 Loading of trucks Dec. 1954_ 2012 Road Feb. 19i5 BY-L_2 2013 Bank Feb. 1955 2012 Bldg. Inspector Feb. 1955 2015 Weed Inspector Feb. 1955 2016 School Att. Off icer Feb, 195= 2017 Livestock Valuators Feb. 1955 2018 Fence Viewers etc. Feb. 1955 2019 .Assessor Mar- 1955 2020A Rate of Taation 1935 2020 Road 71g3z°. 1955 2021 Debenture By-saw " 80,000.00 Apr. '_ June 1955 2022 Amen Byn­Law 2003 June & .Aug 1955 2023 Regulate sVe', etc;, Buildings June 15`5 202L Junk shn-ps etc® 955 02 High S�anl Debenture a 81 Sept y 95. 2026 Bask June 1955 2027 Clerk Treas, etc. .Aug 1955 2028 Area of Sub Division Control Aug 1955 2029 Bark Aug 1955 2030 Law Enforcement Officer vct 1955 2031 Designating through Highway iviar 1956 2032 Bank Dec 1955 2033 Roads Dec 1955 2033 A Releif° Administrator Jan 1956 203L Pence i?iewers � Pound Keepers Jan. 1956 2035 Assessor Feb. 1956 2036 Road Accounts Jan 1956 2037 Clerk Treasure -�: Tax Collector Jan. 1956 2038 Deputy Clerk, Treasurer 'r Tax Coll. Jan. 1956 2039 Bank By-taw Jan 1956 2040 Road By-law Supt. Jan 1956 2011 Road By-Law Feb. 1956 2042 Dog Tax Feb. 1936 202.3 Blue Cross 3c P.S.I. i•2ar. 1956 20L.-L Tax Levy 1956 20L_5 Electrical Contractors .Assoc. 2026 Debenture: 81,600.CO :Aug 1956 2021_7 Solicitor for Township Apr. 1956 20L8 2049 inspector under the Trench 1956 Excavators Act 2050 Plans of Sub-Division ':ay 1956 2051 Pole Tax 2052 1•unsuuers Gas ,x Township .Agreement June 1956 2053 Township School Area amend. 'Lug 1936 2052 Through Highways Aug 1956 2055 Road Supt' Aug 1956 2036 Repeal By-Baw,s 'No. 972, 1141,1158. Au 1956 2057 2058 Bank By-Law A'-19 1956 2'059 Bank By- 59 Sept 1956 2060 Repeal By-Laws No. 2056,973,11 1, Nov. 1956 1158. �r By-LAS 2061 annexation-Bomnanvi1le, Dec. 1956 2062 Bank B.-"-/Lay Dec. 1956 2063 Ban's By-Lavr Jan. 1957 206 Road Supt. Jan 1957 2065 Clerk Treasure and Tox Coll. Jan 1957 2066 Deputy Clerk Jan 1957 2067 Tile Drainage Jan 1957 2068 Restricting Load Feb. 1957 2069. 2070 Assessor 2071 Road. Bxpenditu_r e I'dar. 1957 2072 Supplsmentary "y-Laiv(Road� Tom° 1957 2073 Restricting Loads 7 a I'c'y yLavi a 7 1 2075 Repeal By-Lavv 2067 Hay 1957 2076 Tile Drainage Levy Jan 1957 2077 Bank Tay-Law July 1957 2078 Deputy Treasure Signature July 1957 2079 2080 2081 2082 Repeal 2028 sub. 0ontrol i1Tov. 1957 2083 Bank By-Latin Dec. 1957 208- Re Zion Community Centre. I3ec. 1957 ( exchange of Land) 2085 Temporary zoning By-Lave Jan 1958 2086 Bank By-Law Feb. 1958 2087 Assessor vIar 1958 2088 Fence Viewers Feb 1958 2089 School attendance Office Ilar 1958 20,0 Weed Tnspector apr. 1958 2091 Building Inspector Yar 1958 2092 Livestock Valueatcrs 7eb 1958 2; 93 209L Road By-Lavv a,/ Mar 1958 2095 Con-ni pity Centre Hampton ?.pr 1958 2096 Co=nunity Centre Tyrone Apr. 1958 2097 Tax Lewd 1958 2098 Designating Trrouah Highways Apr 1958 20 9 Debenture By-Law - $23,000 (S. S. #12) 2100 Lmend By-Lavv No. 2085 re-zonin6 June 1958 2101 Debenture By-Law - 845,000 (area) ,r 2102 J, 2103 2104 7 f 2105 Restricting Load on Bridges Sept 1958 10 . - -:;2i o 7 I/ 2109 Boundry Road Agreement - Darlington -- East Whitby 2110 Adopting Official Plan 2111 Zoning By-law 2112 New Dog By-lava 2113 Road Expenditure 2111L (Appt) Road Supt® By-lava 2115 Bookkeeper for Roads Dept. 2116 Appointment of Building Inspector 2117 Livestock Evaluator 2118 Weed Inspector 2119 Deputy Clerk etc. 2120 Appointment of Clerk etc. 2121 Nursing Home By-lava 2122 Supplementary Road Expenditure 2123 Taxation Rates for 1959 2124 By-law to repeal Bylaw 2051 2125 Designing Community Centre Zion 2126 Amending By-law - Zonings 2127 Councillors Allowance t 2128A Closing Lynwood Ave. 2128 Supplementary Road Expenditure 2129 Sale of part of Lynwood Ave. 2130 (By-law 2128) 2131 Debenture By-law - S.S.#20 2132 :Amending By-law - 2111-2126 2133 Re: Tile Drainage 2131E Re: Tile Drainage 2135 Debenture - 1,4emoria1 Hospital 2136 A By-law to Amend Zoning By-law 2111 2137 Debenture By-law - 875,000 2138 By-law to establish Volunteer Fire Brigade No. 1 2139 Bank By-law 2140 Appointment of Assessor 21Lrl Appointment of Need Inspector 2142 Appointment of Livestock Valuator 212+3 Appointment of Deputy Clerk, Deputy Treasurer, & Deputy Tax Collector 21L,.1L Appointment of Clerk, Treas., Tax Collector, Sec. Treas. Planning Board. 21125 Appointment of Road Superintendent 2146 Prohibit the disposal of refuse in the Township 2147 Establish Comm. Centre at Zion 21-48 Establish Cowan. Centre at Hampton 2149 Establish Comm. Centre at Tyrone 2150 Establish Comm. Centre at Solina 2151 Rates for Taxation 2152 1960 Road Expenditure 2153 By-law to Amend By-law 2112 2151E = ;, By-law to prohibit opening of Gravel_pits 2155 By-law - Regulate size of culverts etc. 2156 Re - Supplemertery Roads By-law 2157 By-law - Purchase Salter land for Township Shed 2158 By-law - Amending Zoning By-law 2111 2159 Agreement - Oshawa - Darlington Townline Road 2160 Const. - Overhead Bridge Courtice Rd® - C.P.R. R 2161 Temporary fi�4ncing of Courtice Rd® Overpass 2162 Repair or Renew unsafe structures 2163 Am-nendino- Zoning By-laver No® 2111 2164 Adopt Official Plan 2165 Redivide Polling Sub-divisions 2166 Rem the drainage - Yellowlees 2167 Res the drainage - Hindman 2168 Election Officials - 1960 2169 T)ebentiire - Panic Schools 217^ Road closing, B."', . 2171 High School Courtice 2172 High School _Hillb_ook 2173 Ca:n:.;nittt,e of djastment 2j,7 Bark By-!.,a xr 2x.71 '+S St a.' ii Sh Centre at Solina K'e✓s 2n' -,3(31 217 _':stabl3sh Co_-ia. Centre at "vrone 7eb. 2nd, 1961 2177 Estobli sh Ca=i. Cen re at _7, on Feb. 2n, - 2178 ist;---b 11 s C,r'mmi, Centre at Hazpton Fer-)Q 2nd, l'-6i 2179 �ppo-nt Fencc- `Fiewers F-eb. 2nd, -9^l 2180 .4riro ntment of Deputy-Clerk De-oDut; T-eas=er 1961 2181 del, ireipistrator Feb. 1bt1 19n1 2182 T art Enforcernne _t 01f4 cer Feb. !/: t h ? r 2183 Retire:::ent Allo-y ante I?eb. 16th, 1961 2 8 _ nb lnep et on etc® I'` ch 2nd, q n 21,8) Plamlbing inspection TIarch 2nd, 196 21 86 Rates for taxation arias cp, 16th, 1961 2?87 Ontario E'a3.­:rers® Union I a ch 1!th, 1961 _ _. ���J 10 71 — , _�C1 iJ; C r. -c0 O_ �72r -ire -vUZ°r ;-T Cv1-s'ec 7 C, - -� 'y z -3 A j L to Q J -`-o-r' e''llen'v - j !' 1 S � on _. L. V tsw 6 ;l L �e?;(!s 1�i p e ice.J T)T C ti�.�?e_�!t 't .6 1.,��' -i C 1:} _ , — 2195 Sale of Township Gravel Pit to Cook & Harmer July 20th, 1961 2196 By-LalpT - Am ending Zoning By-Law 2111 August 3rd, 1961 2197 Appointment of Auditor August 3rd, 1961 2198 Debenture Br-law '4>- 675,0OO.OJ High School, Tarp. of Clarke September 7th, 1961 2199 Councillors allowance - reoeal By-law 21=,7 a September 7th, 1961 2200 Agreement - Boi,.Tmanville - Boundary roads September 7th, 1961 2201 Debenture By-law - X35,000.00 S.S. �=7 September 21st., 1961' 2202 By-la-. to designate through T7 �ighways October 5th, 1961 2203 Appointment of Assessor October 5th., 1961 220 By-laz-�7 to amend By-law 2196 Deceruber 7th, 1961 2205 Amended Dog By-law December 21st, 1961 2206 Ban, By-la Januvey Gth, 196 ' 2207 B`,=-law re Council meetings February lst, 1962 2208 Warble Fly Inspector February 16th, 1862 2209 By-law to amend By-law 2.111 February 15th, 1962 2210 By-law to Provide Pensions for Employees. March 15th, 1962 2211 1962 Road Expenditure March 30th, 1962 2212 1962 Rates of Taxation March 30th, 1962 2213 By-law for Widening Courtice Road March 30th, 1962 2214 By-law to amend By-law 2111 May llth, 1962 2215f By-law to amend By-law 2111 May 11th, 1962 2216 By-law to amend By-law 2111 May llth, 1962 2217 Amendment No. 1 to the Official Plan June 15th, 1962 2218 1962 - Roads Expenditure June 15th, 1962 2219 By-law to amend By-law 2111 July 5th, 1962 2220 By-law to amend By-law 2111 July 13th, 1962 2221 Township Lump Caretaker August 20th, 1962 2222 Committee of Adjustment August 2nd, 1962 2223 By-law to amend By-law 2111 August 2nd, 1962 2224 Alfred Allin Subdivision Agreement August 17th, 1c,62 2225 By-law to amend By-law 2111 August 17th, 1962 2226 Appointment of Road Superintendent August 17th, 1962 2227 Fire Protection Agreement, Bowmanvi.11e September 6th, 1962 2228 Building By-law - permits, etc. September 6th, 1962 2229 Dog Control Services October 1.7 th, 196 ? 2235 Ambulance Service with Donald Harvey November 5th, 1962 T� 2231 Bank By-law January 3rd, 1963 2232 Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System February 7th, 1963 2233 Official Plan Amendment No. 2 February 21st, 1963 2234 Debenture By-law, X61,000.00 Area March 21st, 1963 2235 Amendment to By-law No. 2230 March 7th, 1163 2236 Alexander A. Emmett, Exchange of Properties March 7th, 1963 2237 1963 Road Expenditure March 21st, 1963 2238 Supp. Road Expenditures March 21st, 1963 2239 By-law to Amend By-law 2111 March 21st, 1963 2240 1963 rates of Taxation March 21st, 1963 2241 Ernest Hockaday Sub-division Agreement April 4th, 1963 22142 Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System May 2nd, 1963 2243 By-law to repeal By-laws 2210 and 2232 May 2nd, 1963 2244 Appointment of Weed Inspector May 16th, 1963 2245 By-lash; to Amend By-latiaT 2111 June 6th, 1963 2246 By-law to Arend By-1 a1,,T 2111 July 18th, 1963 2217 Authorization of Agreement between Ont. dun. Employees Bd. & To`;Tnship of Darlington August lst, 1963 4,L8 !µppointlTent of Cemetery Board September 5th, 1963 2249 By-law to Amend By-law 2239 November 7th, 1963 2250 Tile Drainage re Tink November 14th, 1963 2251 By-law to Amend By-la,,,T 2111 December 192 1963 225 Bank By-lave January 2nd, 1964 2253 By-law to Amend By-law 2111 January 2nd, 1964 2254 'Appointment of Clerk-.A.dministrator January 15th, 1961; 2255 Appointment of Deputy-Clerk January 15th, 196L 2256 Appointment of Treasurer January 15th, 1964 2257 Maintenance,, Management, Regulation., Control & Taking over certain Cemeteries as ToT°nship Property. March 5th, 1964 2258 Appointment of Assessor Repeal By-la-v= no. 220-, March 5th, 1964 2259 1964 Road Expenditure March 5th, 1964 . 2260 1961- Supp® Road Expenditure March 5th, 1964. 2261 Appointment of Road Superintendent March l9th, 1964+ 2262 1961+ rates of Taxation March 19th, 1964-® 2263 By-law to amend By-lair 22 51 March 19th, 1964. 2264- By-law to amend By-lash= 2194- March 19th, 1961-. 2265 By-law re Agreement - Don. Harvey April 16th, 1964- 2266 By-law re Agreement - Pollard May 7th 1964. 2267 Appt. of Building inspector etc. May 7th7 1961-. 2268 Re: closing Rd. Allowance, (Lot 16-17, Conc. 9) May 7th l 1964 . 2269 Re: closing Rd. Allowance (Lot 14-15, Conc. 5) May 7th, 1964 2270 Rea Forestry May 7thl 196) 2271 2272 Res Rd. Allowance (Lots. 14-15, Conc. 5) June 4th.a 1964 . 2273 Hawkers & Peddlers. (1 & 2) June 4th, 1964-® 2274 By-la7AT to amend By-law 2257 August 6th, 1964. 22 7; Re - Purchase Cecil Mills Land for gravel - See 2286 - 2276 Re maintenance of Solina Cemetery August 20th 1964-. 2277 Fire Protection Agreement Bol, manville September ?rd, 1964. 2278 Elmer D. & Mary Pollard Sub-division agreement Se-otember 17th, 1964 . 2279 By-law to amend By-la7,•4r 2111 October lst, 1964. 2280 Beckell _- C.N.R. October lst, 196L;-. 2281 Mumford Road Allowance October lst, 1964- 2282 Speed limits (To==*nship) October lst, 1964a 2283 Amend Sub-division Agreement By-law 2241 Ernest Hockaday October lst, 1964. 2284- By-law authorizing purchase of land re widening Base Line November 5th, 1964. 2285 Tile Drainage re Taylor November 19thl 1964 . 2286 Purchase Cecil Mills Land. _ Gravel November 19th 1964. 2286A Conveyance of Closed Road - Wood December 3rd, 1964-, 2287 By-Law to amend By-law 2111ea� December 17th7 1964-® 2?83 Bank By_La=. Jponuary 7t= 28sa Commemorate Confedernt on One Hundreth AnpnJ versa-ry January llth� l96 2290 Aunt. of Building Inspector etc® February 4th 1965. 2291 Members of Council cello?,trances Februa-v ?8 th l 196 2292 Widening & Improvement Base Line Line Development Rd. Expropriating of Certain Lands. 2293 1965 Road Expenditure March 24, 1965 2294 1965 Supp. Road Expenditure March 24, 1965 2295 1965 rates of Taxation March 24,196 5 2296 By-law to amend By-law 2111 May 6, 1965 (H. Huisman) 2297 Re: Separate certain lands from Twp. May 6, 1965 School Area (S.S.#1 & #5 to Clarke) 2298 Appt. of Acting Treasurer July 15th, 1965 2299 Amendment to Official Plan July 29th.' 1965 2300 By-law to amend By-law 2111 (Mitchell' s Corners) July 29th, 1965 2301 By-law to amend By-law 2111 (Lot 1, Conc. 1, Gibsons) July 29th, 1965 2302 By-law to amend By-law 2111 (L. 7, C. 7, Greenbelt) August 5th, 1965. 2303 Tile Drainage re Edward Gibson August 19th, 1965. 2304 Tile Drainage re James G. & Garnet B. Rickard August 19th, 19656 2?05 By-law to amend By-law 2111 September 2, 1965 (L. 31 - C. 2, Trullts) 2306 By-law to amend By-law 2111 October 21st, 1965 (L. 30 - C. 5, Lakeland Broadcasting) 2307 By-law to amend By-law 2111 October 28th9 1965 (St. Mary' s Cement) 2308 Re: Pits & Quarries October 28th, 1965 2309 Appointment of By-law Enforcement November �-th, 1965 Officer, Building Inspector & Trench Excavation Inspector. 2310 A By-law to provide for the levy November I-th, 1965 of a Special Rate re cost of Courtice High School 2311 Provincial Park By-law November 18th, 1965; 2312 Appointment of Assessor November 18th, 1965, 2313 Bare By-law January 6th, 196E6.. 2 14 re Nat_ona,l Building Code of Canada® T a _ .ar 7 i 9'6a G ot _ v 2315 hem aegulation of Traffic January 6th, 1966. i�lV -Ap-rDointment of Fence lce Ui s;, r� 1 p o� var T O1 rd? 1 y lc-6 0. 2317 Ey-lavl, to a„ end By-law 2305 ;L. 31 -� 2, .ruils s) 1�e rua u% 17th. 1966. 2318 By-la-v to azi end By-law 2306 (L® 30 e 0® [, Lakeland Broadcasting) F ebr nar u,, 17 th s 1966. 2319 Agreement Ontar _o De-oar tme_r!t of Lan, and Forests Oentrennial Project, February 1 -th7 CO. 2320 By-law to Repeal By-law 2308 March 3rd, 1966. (Pits & Qivarries) 2321 Re: Operation of Pits & Quarries March 3rd, 1966. 2322 Agreement with St. Mary' s Cement Company Limited March 3rd, 1966. 2323 1966 rates of Taxation March 3rd, 1966. 2321+ 1966 Road Expenditure March 28th? 1966. 2325 By-law to amend By*law 2111 April 7th, 1966. (Lot 33, C. 2. Leask T.V. To4er) 2326 Bank Borrowing By-law April 15th, 1966. (M. j. Hobbs Elementary School) 2327 1966 Supp. Road Expenditure April 15th, 1966. 2328 Aj),pointtzent Road Supt. INlay 5th, 7 2329 By-law to mend By-la�;, 2111 Yjay Stj-! 1; -f 2 Bank By-law = a"� x-967 23 .7 Agreement re provision of Lands for garbage disposal William G. Tripp (L. 191 C. 3) January 26th, 1967 Riii 23LF8 Appointment Deputy Treasurer March 2nd, 1967 2349 Members of Council Allowances (Repeal By-law 2291) March 2nd, 1967 2350 1967 Rates of Taxation March 2nd, 1967. 2351 1967 Road Expenditure March 16th, 1967® 2352 Ambulance Agreement March 16th., 1967® 2353 By-law to close Old Bridge on Nash Road (Pt. Lots 32 & 33, Conc® 3) and provide sale to abutting owners April 6th, 1967® 2351-,' Widening & Improvement Pt. Lots 17 & 18, 3rd & nth Conc. , and expropriation of certain lands. April 6th, 1967. 2355 Appointment Road Superintendent April 6th, 1967® 2356 1967 Supp. Road Expenditure May I-th, 1967® 2357 Appointment of Treasurer June lst, 1967- 2358 By-law to ameed By-law 2338 June 15th, 1967 (Pearce & Gamble) 2359 Amended Dog By-law June 15th, 1967 (2112, 2153 & 2205 repealed) 2360 By-law to close Pt. Simpson Ave. , Village of Hampton. July l9th, 1967® 2361 By-law to amend By-law 2319. (Agreement Ont. Depart. Lands & Forests , Centennial Project) July 19th, 1967. 2362 By-Law to emends By-law 2111 (Pt. Lot 13, Conc® Broken Front Snell Oil) September 7, 1967 2363 2361- - Widening & Improvement Waverly Road and expropriation of certain lands. g September 7, 1967 2365 Agreement with St. Mary' s, re use of land for temporary roadway. September 7; 1;67® G JC=C yr .� cC.:.o� nity T el CjJiione Col eV't^mDer � w- - l.Ff 'fir nv "Z^y hn p oles a etc. 2367 T }, v .ra' G -�i:��.�di'?''_°ii�.. �.G'. �o ` lie of �C:'<'c^i., ©ctGtiei 196" . G 8 A,fiend: e ?t tv' v��=ng %yr—I a a"n No. Cll 1 L'��..AS J1R iv� � _;T'--laz•T to iip`�oint- Special Legal, �0 e r 7o6 rl-. 2 3701 137— y ? i„ C. �J l��ti �� _np 1?c�.t�on to t=�e ��n ,. a nyc ,al Board for 7;u eting 0-7der Oct 2371 Appointment of Treasurer November 2nd., 1967. 2372 B y-law to Amend No. 2282 December 19th, 1967. (Speed limits) 7 2373 9 6 8 Ban By-1 aw Jan.!-,,,, 1968 2374 Agree,.',1.ent-0shawa-:j)arl4-ngton To-v�-nline(amending 21�59 ) Jan. L, 1968 2 11 (a. Fraser' Jan.22,1968 ,75 Amend By-law 'i I ) 2376 Amend By-law 2362(Shell oil) Jan.22,1968 _3 2 `'7 Road "�,, t Feb.15,1968 Di T �4� 23`8 vide o-]-ling Sub-divisions Feb.!-, ,-,,,, Close roads(Lo-Its -�2 33 Con3. ) March- 7, 1968 2380 Close Roads (Lots 1 4 1_5,B.F.Con. ) March 7,1968 2J81 1968 Road EXpendit ture March 21, 1-968 Sup ID 7 1968 238 Road --pendit-ure 1968 Ka r c h - 2383 196 Taxation Rates A-P--i14 968 2384 Repeal By-laws 2330 & 2340 May 42�7 1968 2-�85 By-law -License Salvage Shops etc® iV-law 202-4 '-'eDealed - May 27 1968 2386 Regulate--Fireworks & sale May 2, 1968 ,1387 Razing Strut Est® Bldg. Ma J, 172 1968 2388 Debenture---Enniskillen June 20;1968 2389 Repeal By-law 2265-Ambulance June 20, 1968 2390 Amend By-law 2282 July 179 1968 2391 Amend By-law 2383 Aug. 155 1968 2392 Sub-division Agreement 71968 2893— Tile Drainage Christl Sept. 1968 23>y Amend By-law 2111'Westlake' Sept® , 1968 239 Amend 3, y-law 2111(3yam)" Sept. 5s 1968 2396 Amend By-law 2111(TEarntsera) Sept. ' lq68 2397 Election Oct. 179 1968 2398 Needs Study Agreement D. ®0. Oct. 21. 7 _'_968 C"Q Amend By-law 2111 2396(Kamstr---; ,) Nov. 22s 1968 24 0 0 Amend 3y-law 2111( 0.M.3. ) Nov. 22 9 6-8 2401 end :may-lair 2111 (2386) Nov. 22 1968 2402 Bank By-law Jan® 2 5 i969 2402 A =Ippoint Left® Treasurer Dec. 197 1968 2403 Communi t-y Centre (_Base Llne) Jan -jI_0' ,19b_'9 240L C 0 rf-mu-,-i i t y centre Ray on Jan 16, 1969 UoLnmunitv env re 7 lQ/9 Solina 6, '0 Prohibit refuse on THigh7vTays Feb. 7, 1969 24 07 Counci 1 Mee t-ints Feb. 7, 1969 2409 Fence Viewers 2'L11-08 B 1 a r,k- 2 41C Road Superintendent Mlar.21,7969 2411 Road Expenditures March 2-1, 10j,,1 9 21+12 Road Expenditures Supp. March 25, 1969 2412-4-, Setting Fires April 3A 69, 2 Ll-� I - Through Highways April 18 , 1969 2L-,I+ Release _,Igreement Lpril -78. 11969 2415 Salvage Yards May 25 1969 2416 1969 Tax Rates May 9, 1969 21+16 A A�_nn Q/' exation Agreement(Rowmanville, Mp 17 i f2 _/09 2L17 Amend By-law 2111 June 10, 1969 2418 Amend 133y-law 2111. June lCj',, 196011 2419 Amend 3y- -law 2282 (Speed) June 10, 1969 2420 St. Mary' s Sub-Division June 18, 1969 2421 Central Telephone Oct. - � X969 2422 Amendment No. 5,0fficial Plan Nov 7. 1969 2423 Tile Drain (Kemp) Nov 7, 1969 2424 Tile Drain. -Ian heuvelen Nov 7, 1969 2425 Street Lighting Dec. 71; 1969 24215 Amend By-lair 2111(Beech) Dec. 57 1969 2427 Tile Drain (Smith) Dec. 52 1969 2428 Roads--Lands to Hockney Dec. 195 1969 2429 Post Office Lot Dec. 197 1969 2430 0urrent Loan Jan. 2, 1970 2431 BoV�-manvill.e Fire Feb. 202 1970 2432 Interim Levy Feb.205 1970 2433 emend By-law 2111-Reiger) mar. 6 , 1970 2'4 34 Amend 2111 (Kortekaas) Mar 6, 1970 2437 Roads 1,070 Mar. 20, 1970 2436 Road Sup-. 1970 filar. 20,1970 0 237 1970 Estimates Aril � 1970 2438 Amend 2111(3,yam April 17, 1970 243e Amend = 2379 Kennel License April 17, 1970 2440 -A--opt. Road Supt. April 17, 1970 2L41 Amend 2438 Byam) May 1, 1970 24?e-2 Amend 2111 ( yam) June :r, 1970 2443 Res Agreement--Goldstein & Penicka June 199 1970 24449 end By-law 2282,as amended July 35 1970 2445 Amend 3y-law ;2111 as amended Jule 32 1970 2446 Auth. .agreement-0shawa-Boundary Road August 219 1970 2447 Tile Drainage (Wadsworth) Sept. 4, 1970 2448 Tile Drainage (Zekveld) Sept. 18 , 1970 2449 Appt. Treasurer (Br- den)Re-oeal Sept. 18, 1.970 ° � 2450 Regulate Setting of Fires 2371 Sept. 18, 1970 2451 Auth. purchase of lands(Kapuscinski) Sept. 182 1970 2452 Tile Drainage --Best Oct. 29 1970 2453 Amend By-law 2111 as amended Oct. 29 1970 2454 Provide for Nom. & Election 1970 Oct. 16 , 1970 2455 Tile Drainage (Lloyd Smith) Nov. 6, 1970 2456 Tile Drainage (Schoonderbeek) Nov. 69 1970 2457 Provide erection. of Signs at Intersections Nov. 67 1970 2458 Auth. Agreement-Osh. Area 3: Plan. Study Nov. 202 1970 2459 Release of Interest(Lamb-Knecht) Nov. 2071970 2460 Provide Plumbing Insp. & Fees Dec. 177 1970 24.61 Bank Borrowing Jan. 4, 1971 2462 Further amend By-law 2lll(Goldstein) Jan. 49 1971 2463 Roads Expenditures 1971 Feb. 52 1971 2464 Repeal 24-4-0, (Short) Rd Supt. Feb. 25, 1971 24-65 Appoint Road Supt. (Dunham) Feb. 25, 1971 2466 Auth. sale of Laud ( ' . esburger) March 5, 1971 24-67 Further amend By-late 2111 March 5, 1971 (16) 2468 Supp® Road Expenditures 1971 march 19; 1971 2469 Auth® Annual All. Ylembers of Council �Ia.rch 19, 1971 2470 Adopt Amendment # 6 to Official Plan April 29 1971 21471 Further amend By—law 2111 as amended April 2, 1971 2472 Adopt Est® & Rates for 1971 April 16, 1971 2473 Auth. Exec, of Agreement-Participation Osh® Area Plan & I)ev .�Study April 16, 1971 2474 Amendment No. 7 to Official Plan 2475 Dept. of Lands and Forests 2476 Amend By-law No. 2111 2477 Agreement -- Osinchuk 2478 Supplement expenditures on roads 2479 Tile Drainage (Crago) 2480 Agreement O.A.P.A.D.S. 2481 Cemetery Restoration (Tyrone) 2482 Tile Drain (100,000.00) 2483 Lot .Inspection 2484 Road Closing 2485 Road Closing (Station Rd) 2486 Speed Limits 2487 Through highways 2488 Bank borrowing 2489 Rating By-law 2490 License-registration--dogs, livestock 2491 Amend By-law #2194 as amended--Subcredit & holidays 2492 Appoint a Weed Inspector - Grills 2493 Close Guideboard Rd. West 2494 Close Van Dam Rd. 2495 Amend By-law No. 2111 2496 Amend By-law No. 2282 - speed limits 2497 Estimates 1972 2498 Sale of Land -- Lorne Lamb 2499 Amend By-law No. 2111 2500 Agreement - Hydro-Electric Power--Hampton Street Lights 2501 Amend By-law No. 2111 2502 Inspector (Trench Excavator Act) 2503 Amend By-law No. 2194 as amended by No. 2264 2504 Re: Voting at Municipal election - Question "Arena" 2505 Rating By-law (TIle Drainage) 2506 Bank borrowing for 1973 2507 To set times for meetings of Council 2508 Amend By-law No. 2111 as amended and to repeal By-law No. 2501 2508A To adopt rules of procedure 2509 Appoint an acting clerk 2510 Authorize payment of an annual allowance, an expense allowance for members of Council , and to repeal By-law No. 2469 2511 Adopt estimates of all sums required for the year 1973. 2512 Authorize the sale of lands no longer required for municipal g q p purposes 2513 Regulate the erection and use of sings on Township roads. --.-....---- . 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 . 2528 2529 . . . ,I Ii , ---.----.---..--..------ ,I Authorize the sale of lands no longer required for municipal purposes. " " Regulate the erection and use of signs on the Township roads. Ii ,1 Amend By-law No. 2111. Impose a special rate. Amend By-law No. 2111. Amend 8y-law No. 2111. Amend By-law No. 2379 and provide for the sale of parts of the stopped up road allowance between lots 32 and 33, Con. 3 of Township of Darlington. Amend By-law No. 2111. Stop and close the original Road Allowance line between the north halves of lots 26 and 27, Con. 5 of Township of Darlington. ! Stop up and close part of the original Road Allowance lying between lots 34 and 35 , Con. 2 of the Township of Darlington. i Amendment No.8 to the Official Plan of the Darlington Planning Area Authorize the entering into an agreement with Tyrone Community Centre Board. Imposing special annual drainage rates upon land Amend By-law No. 2111 as amended. Authorize the destruction of certain records of the Corporation. ': " \1 :: 'I !,i I ! ~