HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-06-19 1 Clarington Anti-Black Racism Task Force Minutes June 19, 2024 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm Present: Dione Valentine Angela Anderson Rochelle Thomas Lauren Reyes-Grange Nadia Nembhard-Hunt Hawa Mire Absent: Joseph Adesanya Also Present: Pinder DaSilva, Municipality of Clarington Donnalee Smith, CLMA Meeting started at 7:37 pm once quorum was reached. 1. Land Acknowledgement Land Acknowledgement read by D. Valentine 2. Welcome and Introduction of new members D. Valentine and Task Force members welcomed to Donnalee Smith, the new representative from Clarington Libraries, Museums and Archives (CLMA). 3. Review and approval of agenda Moved by R. Thomas; seconded by A. Todd That the meeting agenda for June 19, 2024 be approved No declaration of interest by Task Force members Carried 4. Review and approval of previous meeting minutes Moved by R. Thomas; seconded by L. Reyes-Grange That the minutes of the May 1, 2024 meeting be approved. Carried 5. Membership update (resignation and new member recruitment) C. Honigan has resigned from the CABRTF. The recruitment posting is being shared on social media from June 1-30th. Currently have 11 applications. The DAC will be appointing a new member once posting closes and P. DaSilva provides DAC members the summary of all applicants. New member will join the September meeting. 6. Guest Speaker Initiative – Next Steps H. Mire shared that she had brought forward this idea a few meetings ago as she felt there would be value in having people from the Black community who can come and speak on important happenings in the community impacting Black individuals. This would allow the Task Force can stay informed and up-to-date. Having speakers provides an opportunity for Task Force to partner with them and have them advocate for the Task Force and the work that is being done by the Task Force. Suggestions included: • Natasha from Oshawa Archelogy Society who could provide insight into urban black settlement in Clarington • D. Valentine asked D. Smith if the Library has any speakers. D. Smith shared that CLMA doesn’t have any speaker like Natasha; stated that the museum has more historical artifacts so she will see if there is a speaker who could speak to that, especially if it aligns with the urban black settlement. D. Smith will find out if the CLMA can find some of that data related to Black community settlement. • D. Valentine shared that she is part of the DRPS Diversity committee and there has been conversations regarding lack of DRPS recruitment of young black people – perhaps they could speak on that topic. • Speakers specific to Black youth and Black health: o Dr. Andrew Thomas – Clarington family doctor and the past Chair of the Black Physician Assoc. of Ontario o Connect with the EDI team at Lakeridge health to see if they have any presentation related to health stats on black community members in Clarington ( • L. Reyes-Grange – could DRPS present on topics specific to hate crime, especially towards the Black community in Clarington. Specifically, what is being done about it and how are the calls/intakes handled regarding such a complaint. 7. 2023 Work Plan – Next Steps P. DaSilva will add a column that tracks progress with target date and coordinate meetings for each working group. Pamphlet for CABRTF – P. DaSilva to see how many pamphlets she has left and provide some to those members wanting them. P. DaSilva shared the plan to create the anti-racism and anti-discrimination social media campaign. Creating quarterly content for What’s Up in Clarington? May need to combine this with the IDEA social media content as Clarington has so many other committees and need to ensure there is a system in place to highlight the work that all the committees are doing. P. DaSilva will take back the idea of ensuring that equity deserving groups/committees are highlighted in the What’s Up in Clarington newsletter to the Communication team. 8. Community and Municipality Update P. DaSilva shared that Durham Youth Pride would be taking place at Regional HQ on June22nd and encouraged Task Force members to come out and join the festivities. Moved by R. Thomas; seconded L. Reyes-Grange That the meeting be adjourned at 9:10 pm. Carried