HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-05-01Ciarftwn Clarington Anti -Black Racism Task Force Minutes May 1, 2024 7:30 pm — 8:30 pm Present: Joseph Adesanya Dione Valentine Angela Anderson Rochelle Thomas Lauren Reyes -Grange Nadia Nembhard-Hunt Regrets: Samantha Aitken, CLMA Carlene Honigan Hawa Mire Also Present: Pinder DaSilva, Municipality of Clarington Tenzin Shomar, Guest Chair (Diversity Advisory Committee) Meeting started at 7:45 pm once quorum was reached. 1. Land Acknowledgement Land Acknowledgement read by T. Shomar 2. Welcome and Introduction of new members Welcomed the three Diversity Advisory Committee (DAC) members who were appointed and re -appointed to ABRTF to represent DAC: • L. Reyes -Grange for a term ending Dec 31, 2024 (re -appointed) • R. Thomas for a term ending Dec 31, 2024 (re -appointed) • D. Valentine for a term ending Dec 31, 2026 (new appointment) 3. Selection of Chair and Vice Chair Recommended that prior to taking nominations that more information be provided on the role of the Chair and Vice -Chair. T. Shomar shared what the role is based on his experience with DAC (facilitate and manage the meetings; general leadership to the Task Force; ensure the Task Force sets the workplan and achieves deliverables while working within their Terms of Reference; meet with Municipal staff liaison to set the agenda items). P. DaSilva reaffirmed the information provided by T. Shomar. Floor opened for nomination for Chair of ABR based on the election rules and processes. 1 R. Thomas nominated L. Reyes -Grange; L. Reyes -Grange has declined the nomination L. Reyes -Grange nominated D. Valentine — D. Valentine accepted the nomination All in Favour Carried Floor opened for nomination for position of Vice Chair based on election rules and processes D. Valentine nominates L. Reyes -Grange; L. Reyes -Grange accepted the nomination All in Favour Carried 4. Review of Agenda and previous meeting minutes Moved by L. Reyes -Grange; seconded by J. Solway That the agenda of the meeting for May 1, 2024, be approved. Carried No declaration of interests declared by any members. Moved by L. Reyes -Grange; seconded by J. Solway That the minutes of April 2, 2024 be approved. Carried D. Valentine requested that she receive the action items/deliverables that were achieved last year by ABR Task Force and the minutes from the January and April 2024 meetings be sent to her, so she can see the work that has been done and planned. P. DaSilva to send year end actions that were accomplished in 2023 and the January and April 2024 minutes. 5. Terms of Reference for ABR Task Force Task Force members advised that the new Terms of Reference for ABRTF were approved by DAC including the additional change that the Task Force had requested — that 75% of Task Force members must be part of the Black community. Advised one additional change was approved to the composition of members from 5 Citizen members, 1 youth, and 2 DAC members to 5 Citizen members and 3 DAC members. Member asked how the work that the ABR is doing aligns with other municipalities? It was shared that there is a proposed plan for all municipalities and the Region to hold a DEI symposium where ideas and collaborative actions plans could be developed. Also shared that the DEI department staff meet and work together with the Region DEI staff. Discussed the need to get in front of key leaders at places like the Region of Durham, Durham Region Police Services and other businesses to talk about ABR challenges and the change that is needed. Shared with the Task Force that this is on the Municipality anti -racism plan that is currently being developed by the working group with representatives from Clarington, the Region and members of DAC and ABR. 6. 2024 Meeting Schedule Explained that as per the new Terms of Reference, the Task Force is required to meet a minimum of 5 times/year. ABRTF has already met in January, April and May. Typically, there are no meetings in July and August unless there are specific topics and initiatives that require. Asked if the Task Force would like to meet in June or wait until September. Members agreed that given there is a new Chair and Vice -Chair and to keep the momentum going, it is best if there is one more meeting in June before the summer break. When the Task Force meets again in the fall, one of the discussion items will be Black History Month and the Vendor Village. 7. Finalize 2024 Work plan Discussion on the following work plan items was deferred to June 2024 meeting to allow for a more fulsome conversation. • Making Municipal social media more diverse, relevant and reflective of the community through a social media editorial calendar. (L. Greyes-Range and R. Thomas) • Diversity Recruitment Plan (H. Mire and A. Anderson) • What's up in Clarington (R. Thomas and L. Greyes-Range) 8. Guest Speaker Initiative — Deferred to next meeting. Moved by D. Valentine; seconded N. Nembhard-Hunt That the meeting be adjourned at 8:35 pm. Carried