HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-09-26 Minutes Correspondence Item I-27 r. C'b�c: > l SANTA CLAUS PARADE - MINUTES OF MEETING September 26, 2005 Start Time: 7:02 PM Finish Time: 8:00 PM Attendance: Valerie McCormick, Roger Leetooze, Dawn Longmire, Debbie Fernandes, Tracy Bayley-Buckle, Kathy McLaughlin, Rob Flynn, Marie Hammond Absent: Sheri Crago, Terryl Tzikas, VALERIE McCORMICK—Chairperson • Valerie has spoken to Nancy regarding Ron Thompson being volunteer of the year and she said Nancy was very pleased. His name will appear on the trophy and the plaque, this will be a surprise to him. • Nancy will go ahead and refurbish the Santa suit. Wig and beard are fine. Nancy to give bill to committee. This maybe Santa's last parade, he has been doing this job for 19 years. • Roger mentioned that if Santa does retire he has a name of someone that maybe interested in doing this. • Roger made a motion that when Santa does retire to give him the suit, Seconded by Marie, all in favour by committee. • Roger forwarded an e-mail to Valerie regarding Selloffvac's interest in the parade for either a donation or an entry. Valerie will forward mailing info. to Debbie and Terryl. MARIE HAMMOND—Treasurer • The budget was presented: $16,802.89 in bank as of March 31, 2005 —this includes GIC. • $5,000 GIC just renewed. • Roger questioned whether the bank service charges can be waived, Valerie will ask Sheila(RBC Manager) to waive service charges. • Marie stated that we do not want to lose our annual donation from RBC. • Budget was set out for this year's parade (2005)with regards to Bands, Costumes/Makeup and Advertising. • Bands $8,000 • Costumes/Makeup - $1,000 o Advertising - $1,650 • Marie will e-mail budget to Valerie and Valerie will forward to Patti Barrie at the Municipality. TRACY BAYLEY- BUCKLE—Makeup • Nothing to report at this time. DEBBIE FERNANDES—Floats and Fillers • Debbie reported that she does have enough envelopes and has written out envelopes. • The new Clarington High School has contacted her and she will forward information to them. • Terryl will e-mail changes to Entrant's Forms to Debbie. DAWN LONGMIRE—Buttons, Costumes • Dawn stated that she still has to contact Pat Lange re: costumes. • Button Design—they are working on a couple of designs and will bring to next meeting. • Dawn forwarded a bill to Marie for$123.94 for cleaning of costumes. • Kathy is looking after the ad for the costumes. ROGER LEETOOZE —Judging/Posters/Rogers Cable/Buttons and Button boxes • Roger stated that the Banner was found, and there is nothing on the boxes. • Banners for the boxes will be done, but they require a template. • Box Banners will be Laminated and will peel off and stick to boxes. • Rob has a name of someone who can do this, Roger to get a box over to Rob, and Rob will forward to person. Rob will inquire as to the fee for this. • There will be no dates on the banners for the boxes, but the banners for the stores will indicate a date. • It was suggested that we acquire 50 banners for the boxes and 300 for the store fronts. • Roger has 3 judges lines up. Bud has not got back to Roger as of today. • Roger has sent Roger's Cable a second request e-mail,but has not heard back. • Roger mentioned that he can borrow 2 golf carts from Aryen Links and Rob will be able to obtain 4 from Quarry Lakes. • Roger mentioned that the 50th Anniversary of the Parade will be coming soon and would like to do something special. He suggested that we could have real reindeers pull Santa at this parade. Bowmanville Zoo may have a contact for this. It was suggested that 5% of button sales will be put aside every year from now until the 50th Parade, put money into a GIC and accumulate. Roger placed a motion that stated: In order to provide a unique experience to our community for the 50th Annual Parade 5% of button sales, as long as this does not create a deficit in any given year,will be put aside for a Special activity. Seconded by Dawn, all in favour by committee. ROB FLYNN - Traffic Control • Rob to contact Quarry Lakes about golf carts. • Rob to have plastic banners made for button boxes. TERRYL TZIKAS —Secretary • Was absent from meeting. KATHY MCLAUGHLIN—Publicity • Kathy reported that she has contacted Kawartha Pine Ridge School Board and has forwarded e-mail to Bernice Roberts and asked if they could put note in their October and November newsletters regarding costumes. She received a reply back and this has been forwarded to all Public schools and it is up to the Principals to decide if this should go in or not. • Kathy will be putting an advertisement in paper within the next couple of week regarding Floats and Fillers. BOWMANVILLE SANTA CLAUS PARADE Estimated Revenue and Expenses 2005 Parade REVENUES Donations $6,500.00 Button Sales 10,000.00 Municipality of Clarington 0.00 Bank interest 0.00 Total Revenue 16,500.00 Expenses Advertising 1,650.00 Bands 8,000.00 Bank charges 50.00 Banners & Programmes 400.00 Building (including utilities) 250.00 Buttons 3,500.00 Costumes & Materials 1,000.00 Insurance 0.00 Miscellaneous 250.00 Postage 750.00 Stationary 250.00 Supplies 400.00 16,500.00 Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenditures $0.00