HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-113-97I/ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DN: MOEE.GPA ry REP RT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File #� Date: Monday, September 8, 1997 Res. CA - A-])-q7 Report #: PD- 113 -97 File #: PLN 17.14 By -law # Subject: PROCEDURE FOR ASSESSING THE POTENTIAL FOR SITE CONTAMINATION AND REQUIREMENTS FOR RESTORATION FILE NO.: PLN 17.14 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD- 113 -97 be received; 2. THAT the document entitled "Procedure for Assessing the Potential for Site Contamination and Requirements for Restoration" attached to this report as Attachment No. 1, be endorsed by Council. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 In June of 1996, the Ministry of the Environment and Energy (MOEE) released a document entitled Guideline for Use at Contaminated Sites in Ontario. This Guideline replaced the following MOEE documents: • Guidelines for the Decommissioning and Cleanup of Contaminated Sites in Ontario (1989); • Interim Guideline for the Assessment and Management of Petroleum Contaminated Sites in Ontario (1993); o Proposed Guidelines for the Cleanup of Contaminated Sites in Ontario (1994); and Interim Position on the Cleanup of Contaminated Sites in Ontario (1994). The Guideline has established new rules to govern the cleanup of contaminated sites and also incorporates a diminished role for the Ministry in the process. 1.2 The Durham Regional Planning Department prepared a framework for assessing the potential for site contamination and the Regional requirements for remediation. This framework was subsequently endorsed by Regional Council in March of 1997 through the consideration of Commissioner's Report 97 -P -40. 1.3 Clarington staff have also prepared a Procedure to implement MOEE's Guideline for planning applications submitted to the Municipality. The Procedure, consistent with the Region's approach, is attached to this report as Attachment No. 1. The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the Guideline and to seek Council's endorsement of the Procedure. 2. OVERVIEW: GUIDELINE FOR USE AT CONTAMINATED SITES IN ONTARIO 2.1 Prior to June of 1996, the Ministry assessed development sites for the potential of contamination and reviewed and approved decommissioning plans and final clean -up reports using the Guidelines which were in effect at the time. 2.2 The new Guideline differs from the previous 1989 and 1994 versions in the following manner: • the new Guideline provides three approaches for site remediation known as generic, background and site specific risk assessment whereas earlier versions contained only the generic approach; 641 ■D REPORT NO. • the Guideline establishes new rules regarding public notification and communication with respect to site remediation strategies; and • the Guideline incorporates a diminished role for the province in reviewing documentation and certifying that a site has been cleaned up and is suitable for the proposed land use. 2.3 Through the recent Provincial Delegation of Review, the Municipality did not assume responsibility for assessing decommissioning reports. However, the Province has taken the position that if the planning matter is site specific, the "approval authority" is responsible for the assessment. 2.4 The implication is that, the Municipality would be responsible for the review of decommissioning reports submitted in conjunction with applications to amend the Comprehensive Zoning By -law. In addition, although the Region of Durham is the approval authority for amendments to the Clarington Official Plan, decommissioning reports should be reviewed at the local level, prior to being forwarded to the Region, so that Council is aware of all implications in order to make an informed decision. Since the Municipality cannot rely upon technical advice from the MOEE, an alternative method of obtaining this information must be found. 2.5 As an approval authority, the Municipality has an obligation under Section 2 of the Planning Act "to have regard to" matters of provincial interest including the protection of public health and safety. Policy 3.2.2 of the Provincial Policy Statements expresses a clear expectation that municipalities will ensure that contaminated sites are restored and made suitable for any use proposed within a development application. The MOEE's new Guideline also makes several references within Section 9 to the role of the Municipality in addressing site ��r REPORT • PAGE 2 contamination through the review of a development application proposing a change in land use. 2.6 The Municipality has incorporated policies into its Official Plan which indicates that where lands have been identified as potentially contaminated, development would not be permitted until the site is assessed and appropriate plans are made for remediation. 2.7 Although the Planning Act, the Clarington Official Plan and the MOEE's new Guideline require the Municipality to have regard to the remediation of contaminated sites, there is not a specific procedure to ensure that contaminated sites are identified and restored. As a result, it is necessary for the Municipality to establish a procedure to assess the potential for site contamination and the requirements for the restoration of the site. 2.8 The proposed Procedure is included in this report as Attachment No. 1 and satisfies the Municipality's responsibility "to have regard for" matters of provincial interest as stated in the Planning Act and the Provincial Policy Statements. It also fulfils the expectation of the public and the Province with respect to the Municipality's role as an approval authority in protecting public health and safety. 3. APPROACHES TO SITE RESTORATION 3.1 As previously noted, the new Guideline contains three methods by which a contaminated site may be restored. The selection of an approach, or combination of approaches, is a decision made by the proponent and may be based on a number of factors including the present and desired physical site conditions, the intended reuse of the site and the administrative processes which accompany each approach. The following provides a brief synopsis of each of the approaches. REPORT O PD-1 13-97 PAGE 5 Generic Approach: This approach is essentially the same as that contained in the 1989 and 1994 versions of the Guideline. Soil and groundwater conditions are to be restored to chemical parameters or criteria established by the Ministry. These parameters were established with the goal of providing protection to human health, ecological health and the natural environment against any possible adverse effects from any on -site contaminants. Background Approach: This approach uses soil and groundwater criteria which represent approximate "background" or "ambient" soil conditions across the Province. These parameters were established following a province -wide sampling program and the approach also includes a process for consultants to establish their own parameters which better reflect local conditions. Site Specific Risk Assessment Approach: This approach differs from the two previous approaches in that it does not involve the restoration of a site on the basis of established soil and groundwater parameters. Instead, the approach involves the consultant assessing the risk which would be posed to humans, plants, wildlife and the natural environment by exposure to the contaminants. After determining the level of risk, the consultant may recommend the clean -up of the site or engineered measures to manage, control the movement of, or reduce the concentrations of the contaminants, although this may result in the retention of contaminants on the site. This method essentially offers alternatives to property owners to excavation and off -site disposal of contaminants. 3.2 However, the Site Specific Risk Assessment approach is not without its liabilities. The use of this approach would require the Planning and Development 0 REPORT NO. PD- 113 -97 PAGE 6 Department to have expertise in toxicology and an understanding of health management and ecological risk management. Staff currently do not have this expertise. In addition, it is unclear as to the Municipality's potential for liability when engineering solutions are proposed as a result of an application which requires the approval of Council. 3.3 As a result of these concerns, the Regional framework does not currently allow for the Site Specific Risk Assessment approach. Staff concur with this course of action and the Procedure has been prepared accordingly. 4. MUNICIPAL PROCEDURE 4.1 In order to facilitate the effective implementation of the Guideline, staff have prepared a Municipal Procedure modeled on the Region's approach. The Procedure consists of five main sections as follows: • Introduction • Identification of Potentially Contaminated Sites • Peer Review of Detailed Site Assessments and Remedial Works Plans • Submission of Record of Site Condition • Conclusion 4.2 The first section provides a brief introduction to the Municipal Procedure, background of the Ministry's Guideline and a summary of the Clarington Official Plan policy for development on potentially contaminated lands. 4.3 The second section details the manner in which potentially contaminated sites will be identified through the development approval process. This would involve the completion and submission of the Site Screening Questionnaire, a sample of which is included as Appendix "A" to Attachment No. 1. REPORT O PD-113-97 PAGE 7 The Site Screening Questionnaire will be attached to the application forms for amendments to the Clarington Official Plan and the Comprehensive Zoning By- law. The Questionnaire is to be completed and signed by both the property owner and a Professional Engineer. The Questionnaire is then reviewed to determine whether a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is required. A Phase 1 ESA may subsequently determine that the site is suitable for the proposed use or may recommend the preparation of a Phase 2 ESA. 4.4 The third section of the Procedure details the requirement that any Phase 2 ESA be subject to a Peer Review. This review will be undertaken by another qualified consultant, selected by the Municipality, or jointly by the Region and the Municipality. The review will also be undertaken at the expense of the applicant. The purpose of the Peer Review is to determine if the consultant has adequately characterized the extent of contamination and to review the appropriateness of any decommissioning or remedial work plan. The Peer Review is to be undertaken by another qualified consultant since neither the Region nor the Municipality has staff which are capable of undertaking such a review. 4.5 The fourth section details the submission of a Record of Site Condition. This Record of Site Condition is completed by a qualified engineer and is submitted as an assurance that the subject site has been cleaned -up in accordance with the decommissioning or remedial work plan, as peer reviewed. The Record of Site Condition was designed by the MOEE and will not be subject to further review if it clearly states that the site is suitable for the proposed use. A sample Record of Site Condition is included as Appendix "B" to Attachment No.1. 0 REPORT NO. PD- 113 -97 PAGE 8 5. CONCLUSION 5.1 Staff has to prepared a Procedure which will allow for the effective implementation of the Clarington Official Plan and MOEE's Guideline for Use at Contaminated Sites in Ontario. It is noted that the Municipality of Clarington is the first area municipality within Durham Region to formalize such a procedure. This procedure is consistent with the Framework adopted by the Region. 5.2 Should the Procedure be endorsed by Council, Appendices "A" and "B" to the Procedure will be attached to the following development application forms: • Clarington Official Plan Amendment • Zoning By -law Amendment Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Director of Planning and Development WM *DJC *FW *cc W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer Attachment No. 1 - Procedure for Assessing the Potential for Site Contamination and Requirements for Restoration. Appendix "A" to Attachment No. 1 Development Applications Questionnaire for Appendix "B" to Attachment No. 1 August 22, 1997 Record of Site Condition for the MOEE's Guideline for Use at Contaminated Sites in Ontario" ATTACHMENT NO. 1 Approved by Council .1997 MUNICIPALITY Of CLARINGTON PROCEDURE FOR ASSESSING THE POTENTIAL FOR SITE (ONTRMIhATION AND REQUIREMENTS FOR RESTORATION 64.8 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PROCEDURE FOR ASSR Q CONTAMINATION AND UIREMENTS FOR RES TO SITE 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 In June of 1996, the Ministry of the Environment and Energy (MOEE) released a document entitled Guideline for Use E dated Sites in Ontario. This Guideline replaced the following MOE ocuments • Guidelines for the Decommissioning and Cleanup of Contaminated Sites in Ontario (1989); • Interim Guideline for the Assessment and Management of Petroleum Contaminated Sites in Ontario (1993); • Proposed Guidelines for the Cleanup of Contaminated Sites in Ontario (1994); and, • Interim Position of the Cleanup of Contaminated Sites in Ontario (1994). 1.2 The Clarington Official Plan came into force (with the exception of certain referrals and deferrals) on October 31, 1996. Section 4.8.15 addresses the issue of development on lands which may be potentially contaminated as follows: 4.8.15 Where lands have been identified as potentially contaminated, development shall not be permitted until the following has been submitted and found to be satisfactory to the Municipality in consultation with the Province: a) documentation of present and past uses of the site and surrounding lands to provide initial information on the type of contaminants which may be present on the site and their possible location; b) analysis of soils, and ground and surface waters where required, based on all present and previous concentration 'tof to document the presence, types contaminants; c) a remedial action plan in accordance with provincial guidelines if the site analysis identifies the presence of contaminants in concentrations above acceptable concentrations as established by the Province; and 1 4 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PROCEDURE FOR ASSESSING THE POTENTIAL FOR SITE CONTAMINATION AND REQUIREMENTS FOR RESTORATION d) the provision of necessary financial security by the proponent, if required, to ensure the decommissioning of the site. 1.3 This Procedure has been prepared to facilitate the effective implementation of the MOEE Guideline and the Clarington Official Plan. 2. IDENTIFICATION OF POTENTIALLY CONTAMINATED SITES When an application is filed with the Municipality of Clarington Planning and Development Department for either: a site specific amendment to the Clarington Official Plan or a site specific amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning By -law, the application shall be considered incomplete unless it is accompanied with either: • a completed Site Screening Questionnaire; or. • a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA). The Site Screening Questionnaire is completed to determine the merits of preparing a Phase 1 ESA. For minor rezoning applications, the Director of Planning may require only the property owner to complete the Site Screening Questionnaire. A Phase 1 ESA may subsequently determine that the site is suitable for the proposed use or may recommend the preparation of a Phase 2 ESA. Both the Canadian Standards Association and the Consulting Engineers of Ontario have produced documents to assist and guide consultants in the preparation of Phase 1 and Phase 2 ESAs. The components of a Phase 1 ESA are as follows: • a records review; • a site visit; • interviews; and • an evaluation of the information gathered. 2 3. 4. 5. MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PROCEDURE FOR ASSESSING THE POTENTIAL FOR SITE CONTAMINATION AND REQUIREMENTS FOR RESTORATION Should the Phase 1 ESA determine that a Phase 2 ESA is not required, the development application may proceed to the development review process and ultimately to Council for consideration. PEER REVIEW OF DETAILED SITE ASSESSMENTS AND REMEDIAL WORK PLANS Any Phase 2 ESA is subject to a Peer Review to be undertaken by another qualified consultant, selected by the Municipality, or jointly by the Region and the Municipality. The review is undertaken at the expense of the applicant and will determine if the work performed by the consultant has adequately identified and /or characterized the extent of contamination. The Peer Review will also determine the appropriateness of any decommissioning or remedial work plan. SUBMISSION OF RECORD OF SITE CONDITION Should the Peer Review determine that the work performed by the consultant was adequate, the Planning and Development Department will require the submission of a Record of Site Condition to be completed by a qualified engineer. This Record is submitted as confirmation that the subject site has been cleaned -up in accordance with the decommissioning or remedial work plan, as contained in the peer reviewed Phase 2 ESA. The Record of Site Condition was designed by the MOEE and will not be subject to further review if it clearly states that the site is suitable for the proposed use. Following the submission of the Record of Site Condition, the development application may proceed through the development review process and ultimately to Council for consideration. CONCLUSION Once the Site Screening Questionnaire, Peer Review and /or Condition processes have been completed, the development proceed to approval, although this approval may be subject to policies or conditions requiring the implementation of the Remedial Work Plan. 3 Record of Site application may the inclusion of Peer Reviewed IPALITY OF APPENDIX "A" TO ATTACHMENT NO. 1 31q;iu�yton Schedule "A" ONTARIO SITE SCREENING QUESTIONNAIRE For Development Applications This form must be completed for all development applications where a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment in accordance with the Ministry of Environment and Energy's Guideline for Use at Contaminated Sites in Ontario is not provided to the Municipality of Clarington. Location of Subject Lands: Lot(s): Concession(s): Former Town, Village or Township: 1. Is the application on lands or adjacent to lands that were previously used for the following: a) Industrial Uses? Yes No b) Commercial uses where there is a potential for site contamination, eg., a gas station or a dry cleaning plant? c) Lands where filling has occurred? Yes No Yes No d) Lands where there may have been underground storage tanks or buried waste on the property? Yes No e) Lands that have been used as an orchard, and where cyanide products may have been used as pesticides? Yes No f) Lands or adjacent to lands that have been used as a weapons fire range? Yes No 2. Is the nearest boundary of the application within 500 metres (1640 feet) of the fill area of an operating or former landfill or dump? Yes No 3. Is there any existing or previously existing buildings and /or building materials remaining on site which are potentially hazardous to public health (e.g., asbestos, PCB's etc)? Yes No 4. Is there any other reason to believe that the lands may have been contaminated based on previous land use? Yes No If the answer to any of Questions 1 through 4 was Yes, a Phase 1 and 2 Environmental Site Assessment, in accordance with the Ministry of Environment and Energy's Guideline for Use at Contaminated Sites in Ontario, is required. Please submit two copies with your application. 5. Has an Environmental Site Assessment been prepared for this site within the last 5 years, or is an Environmental Site Assessment currently being prepared for this site? Yes No (If Yes, please submit two copies of the Phase 1 Assessment with the application). Declaration: (This form must be completed, signed and stamped by a Professional Engineer, and the Property Owner. However, for applications to the Committee of Adjustment, it is only necessary for the form to be completed and signed by the Property Owner.) To the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this questionnaire is true, and do not have any reason to believe that the subject site is contaminated. Consulting Engineer: Name (Please Print) Signature Name of Firm: Address: Telephone: Date: Fax: Property Owner, or Authorized Officer: Name (Please Print) Signature Name of Company (of Applicable): Address: Telephone: Date: Fax: 6 °)3 APPENDIX "B" TO ATTACHMENT NO. 1 Schedule A — Record of Site Condition fa the "Guideline for Use u Contaminated Sites in Ontario". July 1996 (Guideline) part 1: Property ownership Section 167 of the Environmental Protection Act (R.S.O. 1990) states: "No person shall hinder or obstruct a provincial officer in the lawful performance of his or her duties or furnish a provincial officer with false information or refuse to furnish the provincial officer with information required for the purposes of this Act and the regulations." To: insert of Provincial Officer insert name of District Office insert address of local MOEE office From: Name of property owners — Insert municipal address Legal description of property including plot plan number assessment roll number, etc. A Certificate of Status and a certified copy of the most recent deed/trartsfer for the property must accompany this Record of Site Condition Part 2: List of reports This is to certify that information pertaining to the noted property, as outlined in the following reports, has been nrenared and/or reviewed by a consultant retained by the owner. Is there an additional list of consultant Ntoreports attached to this Record of Site Condition? (Do not tnctuae repons) o Yes 6 -4 Schedule A — Record of Site Condition for the 'Ou1&Une for Use at Contamk%W suet% May 1996 (Guideline) Part 3: Summary of site conditions Is this a potentially sensitive site? Has there been any restoration of the site? Approach used: ❑ Background ❑ Full depth ❑ Stratified The site consists of material which is ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No O Site specific risk assessment (complete Part 4) ❑ coarse textured ❑ fine textured The site is suitable for the following use(s) as outlined in this guideline: Land: O Agricultural Groundwater: • ResidentiaVParkiand • Industrial/Commercial • Sensitive use Was the municipality notified? Part 4: Summary of risk management measures ❑ Level 1 ❑ Level ❑ Potable ❑ Nonpotable ❑ Yes ❑ No Provide a summary of any risk management measures and/or engineered controls which have been designed and implemented to allow reuse of the site. Was public consultation undertaken as part of the risk assessment/risk management process? ❑ Yes ❑ No Is an agreement outlining respective responsibilities of the proponent and municipality required? ❑ Yes ❑ No Is there additional information on the risk management measures used attached to this Record of Site Condition? (Do not include reports) ❑ Yes ❑ No I- 6D D Schedule A — Record of Site Condition for the "Guideline for Use at Contaminated Sites May 1996 (Guideline) Part 5: Final site profile ' ' attach plan view of the site showing locations of bore holes, sample sites and risk management measures. ' soil concentrations should be reported in Wg and groundwater concentrations should be reported in µgo-. upper concentration limit to be listed if the site specific risk assessment approach was used, otherwise the J Schedule A — Record of Site Condition for the "Guideline for Use at Contaminated Sites ". May 1996 (Guideline) Part 6: Affidavit of consultant I [Name of consultant] Of the Municipality of in the , MAKE OATH AND SAY AS FOLLOWS: I am the (position/title) of ( company) and have personal knowledge of the matters set out below. 2. 1 /comfy) was retained or employed as the principal consultant to undertake or supervise the assessment and, if necessary, the restoration of LP�R X;ids &� (f1property„). 3, 1 am / °m not .tPlerP rhrtt which does not a .p&) employed or retained by the owner of the property or company operating on the property in any other capacity. 4. I had the expertise required to perform these services. The details of my expertise and the expertise of those subcontractors who performed services at the property are set out in the report(s) noted in Part 2 of the Record of Site Condition. 5. All subcontractors employed in the assessment and restoration of the_propeM (strike out and initial if no restoration was undertaken al-the pWpatVj warranted to me that they possessed the expertise required to perform the services for which they were employed and carried out. 6. The assessment activities and restoration activities (strike out and initial (fno restoration was undertaken at the propr.M) at the property requiring the application of scientific principles have been undertaken or supervised by a natural scientist qualified to perform such services. 7. The assessment activities and restoration activities (strike out and initial if no restoration was undertaken at the pro ep rrv) at the. property requiring the application of engineering principles have been undertaken or supervised by an engineer qualified to perform such services. 8. The assessment activities and restoration activities (strike out and initial if no restoration wckc undertaken at the v_, roQertvl at the property has been completed in accordance with the MOEE "Guideline for Use at Contaminated Sites ", May 1996, for the uses set out in Part 3 of the Record of Site Condition and the Property meets the criteria set out in the Guideline for that use. 9. 1 have prepared and/or reviewed the report(s) identified in Part 2 of the Record of Site Condition and am not aware of any soil, ground water or sediment contamination on or within the property which would interfere with its safe use for the categories set. out in Part 3 in the Record of Site Condition. 10. The site specific risk assessment (SSRA) was reviewed by an independent consultant who warranted to me that they possessed the expertise required to perform such review. (strike out and initial if no SSRA was undertaken at the property) 11. 1 acknowledge that public authorities and future owners, occupants and others may rely on this statement. SWORN BEFORE ME at the in the A Commissioner, etc. this day of of