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Post -Meeting Agenda
Date: March 13, 2023
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Council Chambers or Microsoft Teams
Municipal Administrative Centre
40 Temperance Street, 2nd Floor
Bowmanville, Ontario
Inquiries and Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for
accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please contact: Lindsey Patenaude,
Committee Coordinator, at 905-623-3379, ext. 2106 or by email at Iatenaude@clarington.net.
Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the
Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131.
AudioNideo Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio and video record of Council
meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation at a Council meeting, the Municipality will be
recording you and will make the recording public by publishing the recording on the Municipality's
website, www.clarington.net/calendar.
Cell Phones: Please ensure all cell phones, mobile and other electronic devices are turned off or
placed on non -audible mode during the meeting.
Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net
The Revised Agenda will be published on Friday after 3:30 p.m. Late items added or a change to
an item will appear with a * beside them.
Call to Order
Moment of Reflection
Land Acknowledgement Statement
Declaration of Interest
Presentations / Delegations (10 minute time limit)
6.1 Presentation to Acknowledge the Retirement of Jaki MacKinnon,
Bethesda House
*6.2 Presentation of the 2022 Clarington Golf Classic Proceeds to the
Bowmanville Hospital Foundation
*6.3 Delegation by Libby Racansky, Regarding Item 8.2 of the Joint
Committees Minutes dated February 27, 2023
Reports/Correspondence Related to Presentations/Delegations
Consideration of Minutes
8.1 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
8.1.1 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council dated February 13,
8.1.2 Minutes of a special meeting dated February 27, 2023
8.2 Advisory Committee Minutes
8.2.1 Minutes of the Newcastle Arena Board dated February 7, 2023
8.2.2 Minutes of the Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade Committee
dated February 8, 2023
8.2.3 Minutes of the Clarington Diversity Committee dated February
23, 2023
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8.3 Standing Committee Minutes
8.3.1 Minutes of the Joint General Government and Planning and 33
Development Committee dated February 27, 2023
8.3.2 Minutes of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting 44
dated March 6, 2023
9. Communications
10. Staff Reports and Staff Memos
11. Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion
12. Unfinished Business
13. Confidential Items
14. By-laws
14.1 2023-014 - By-law Being a by-law to delegate authority to the Director of
Planning and Infrastructure Services
(Item 5.1.1 of the Joint Committees Minutes - Report LGS-008-23)
14.2 2023-015 - Being a by-law to establish certain lands as public highways
(Item 9.2.1 of the Joint Committees Minutes - Report LGS-009-23)
14.3 2023-016 - Being a By-law to amend Traffic By-law No. 2014-059
(Item 9.2.3 of the Joint Committees Minutes - Report LGS-011-23)
14.4 2023-017 - Being a by-law to appoint a Director of Emergency and Fire
Services/Fire Chief for the Municipality of Clarington, and to repeal By-
law 2021-068 which appointed Mariano Perini
(Item 9.4.5 of the Joint Committees Minutes - Report CAO-008-23)
14.5 2023-018 - Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington
(Item 5.3.1 of the Planning and Development Committee Minutes -
Report PDS-014-23)
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14.6 2023-019 - being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington
(Item 7.1 of the Planning and Development Committee Minutes - Report
14.7 2023-020 - Being a by-law to establish, lay out and dedicate certain
lands as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington, to assume
certain streets within Clarington as public highways in Clarington, and
to name them
(Item 9.1 of the Planning and Development Committee Minutes - Report
15. Procedural Notices of Motion (For Consideration at Subsequent Meeting)
16. Questions to Department Heads / Request for Staff Report(s)
16.1 Newcastle School (Councillor Zwart) 53
(Councillor Zwart plans to move motion to suspend the rules to consider
the attached motion regarding a new Newcastle school)
*16.2 West Side Drive Extension (Councillor Rang)
*16.3 OLT Appeals (Councillor Anderson)
*16.4 Bowmanville Avenue Off -Ramp (Councillor Traill)
*16.5 Allocating Money to Community Halls (Councillor Woo)
17. Confirming By -Law
18. Adjournment
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Patenaude, Lindsey
From: Patenaude, Lindsey
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 11:02 AM
To: Patenaude, Lindsey
Subject: FW: Council decision on flooding and update on issues
From: Libby Racansky <libbyrac@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2023 4:25 PM
To: Council<councilOutside@clarington.net>; Richardson, Karen <KRichardson@clarington.net>; Salazar, Carlos
Subject: Council decision on flooding and update on issues
Council decision on flooding and update on issues
1. 1 would like to express our thank you to Councillor Anderson and Wu for voting Yes at
the Region on the fact that additional developments forced on us by the Region or
Province is and will not only create more unhealthy unsafe environmental impacts on
residents but also financial stress on taxpayers.
Courtice north areas like Farewell Heights, the areas around Nash Road, Hancock
Neighbourhood or Darlington Ward are hit the most due to the covering up groundwater
recharge/discharge by impermeable surfaces like roof, road or by removal of all or almost
all vegetation. The same conditions are visible on private properties outside of
subdivisions that have flooding, pooling and runoff and or dryness of their own wetlands.
This should not happen.
2. We were very disappointed by the vote by Mayor Foster who is now satisfied with the
removal of 1000's of hectares of fertile soil from added development. He also supported
protection of Heritage property and trees owned by Vinson but he didn't support our
request to protect the Heritage Farmhouse in Hancock Neighbourhood along with its much
older but healthy trees. We are hoping that he will change his mind.
3. Too bad that I was not notified as an interested party from the beginning of this
application or was not allowed to become a delegate on behalf of the residents living in
Claret's subdivisions and assessment on the impact of curb and gutters, downspouts,
flooding our sidewalks and roads and our ditches. One small word NOT added in this
report by mistake makes all the difference.
The Works were re -inspected at that time, and all deficiencies have not been
rectified to the satisfaction of the ... But, anybody can make mistakes. Our staff will do
the inspection and prepare the Report. For that we are grateful, because we really need
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Anyway, Flooding continues at all Claret's subdivisions, in our Park that was built on
developer's behalf. It is not the fault of the construction company who only followed the
developer's studies either.
4. Open House for new transmission line could help Darlington Ward. At least they
and even OPG were interested in our submission to them using CLOCA's maps.
5. After this being said I am asking you: Now What? My suggestion that the Council
requests the federal government for financial help to rectify these crucial and life
threatening conditions was referred to CLOCA. I hope that all of you are realizing that
we or CLOCA do not have funds to retrofit these problems on our own.
Because of not suitable grading for all these houses, our sidewalks that should be
walkable are skating rinks, in spite of resident's and our municipal clearing of snow
during the day time.
With climate changes, runoff from properties freezes over night and this makes these
sidewalks and roads unsafe for the public to walk on. Salt doesn't help, it only
contaminates our groundwater, Black Creek and Lake Ontario our municipal water supply.
Last week, I fell on Gay Street backwards, blacked out, and now have a concussion.
Luckily, my dog, who is leashed around my waist, woke me up after laying there
unconscious for an unknown time. I could have died. This should not happen. Every
walker has to be cautious and be afraid to walk on these Roads and sidewalks. We
always ask each other, is it safe to walk on our sidewalks today? Where else should
we go to do our needed exercise?
Courtice North did not have funding in our Budget to help this cause. Only Courtice
south did. We would have to use our cars to get to their Park to walk our dogs or do any
exercises. It is important for you to know this: Our Park looks large, but it is a service area
for Bell, Hydro One, Natural gas and sewage pipes, wires and 12 deep manholes to
inspect sewage lines. There is one walkway for the whole Neighbourhood to walk on.
6. Therefore, please, REQUEST federal government, just like many other Municipalities
have done so. Why Not? Federal government spent thousands of dollars to protect
Oshawa Second Marsh from being covered up by siltation coming from upstream -
meaning our watershed; federal EA process and their recommendations for Hwy 418 were
not followed and neither were our recommendations.
Climate change and the health of communities will not be achieved without proper steps.
Federal government is protecting fisheries and Endangered species who are under attack
Now we have European starlings and house sparrows which we never had here before.
They will eat our and or farmer's fruits, nuts, vegetables, crops, corn, etc. We need to get
back wildlife that consumes mosquitoes, ticks, etc. as it was before urbanization of
wetlands and groundwater recharge areas.
Funds could be used for these improvements:
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At least the downspouts could be redirected toward the wetlands owned by the residents,
not by developers. Berms could be constructed below the wetlands to stop runoff to
sidewalks. Trees that were removed by developers close to these wetlands could be
replanted. Ditches that are within Municipal Right Of Ways could be looked at. Crystal A
we are using could be substituted for a more friendly option. Few Eco-passages are
needed for wildlife, so that they can cross our busy roads. On Nash Road, Crossing for
students to take buses on the other side of the Road bus stop or for residents to get to
Moyse Park could be built above this eco-passage.
Similar letter could be sent to Province asking them that the Blackbird, not the Province,
who received millions of dollars from them to retrofit flooding on Nash Road and on private
properties. Trees could be planted along cold -stream Black Creek. This could prevent
siltation and salt running directly to this Creek.
We need to get rid of standing water in ditches which is creating breeding grounds for
mosquitoes, ticks, red ants and variants of Covid 19 that make us sick.
If we would get some financial help, then CLOCA can advise us what, when and
how to do things.
Act, while there is time. Your decision will become your legacy, especially for future
Thank you,
Libby Racansky
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If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility
Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131
Council Minutes
Date: February 13, 2023
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Location: Council Chambers or Microsoft Teams
Municipal Administrative Centre
40 Temperance Street, 2nd Floor
Bowmanville, Ontario
Members Present: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor S. Elhajjeh,
Councillor L. Rang, Councillor C. Traill, Councillor W. Woo,
Councillor M. Zwart
Staff Present: M. Dempster, G. Acorn, S. Brake, R. Cowan, R. Maciver, T.
Pinn, C. Salazar, J. Gallagher, M. Chambers
Other Staff Present: M. Machacek, M. Pick
1. Call to Order
Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
2. Moment of Reflection
Councillor Elhajjeh recited the moment of reflection at the end of the announcement
section of the agenda.
3. Land Acknowledgement Statement
Councillor Elhajjeh led the meeting with the Land Acknowledgement Statement.
4. Declaration of Interest
There were no disclosures of interest stated at the meeting.
5. Announcements
Members of Council announced upcoming community events and matters of
community interest.
6. Presentations / Delegations
7. Reports/Correspondence Related to Presentations/Delegations
8. Consideration of Minutes
ClaringtonFebruary 13, 2023
Council Minutes
8.1 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Council Minutes
8.1.1 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council dated January 23, 2023
8.1.2 Minutes of a special meeting dated February 3, 2023
8.2 Advisory Committee Minutes
8.2.2 Minutes of the Clarington Diversity Committee dated November 24, 2022
Resolution # C-021-23
Moved by Councillor Anderson
Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh
That Items 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.2.1 and 8.2.2 be approved on consent with the exception
of item 8.2.1.
8.1.2 Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee dated January 12, 2023
Resolution # C-022-23
Moved by Councillor Woo
Seconded by Councillor Zwart
That the minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee dated January 12, 2023,
be approved.
8.3 Standing Committee Minutes
8.3.1 Minutes of the Special General Government Committee meeting dated
January 20, 2023
Resolution # C-023-23
Moved by Councillor Elhajjeh
Seconded by Councillor Rang
That the minutes of the Special General Government Committee of January 20,
2023, be approved on consent.
8.3.2 Minutes of the Special General Government Committee meeting dated
January 27, 2023
Resolution # C-024-23
Moved by Councillor Anderson
Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh
That the minutes of the Special General Government Committee of January 27,
2023, be approved on consent.
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February 13, 2023
Council Minutes
8.3.3 Minutes of the Special General Government Committee meeting dated
January 30, 2023
Resolution # C-025-23
Moved by Councillor Rang
Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh
That the Minutes of the Special General Government Committee meeting dated
January 30, 2023, be approved on consent with the exception of Item 7.1.
Item 7.1 - Report FSD-004-23 - 2023 Operating and Capital Budget
Resolution # C-026-23
Moved by Councillor Traill
Seconded by Councillor Woo
That Report FSD-004-23 and any related delegations or communication items, be
That the 2023 Draft Budget Book be amended to reduce the transfer from the Tax
Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund by $940,000;
That the 2023 Draft Budget Book be amended to reflect the required tax levy
request from the Historic Downtown Bowmanville Business Improvement Area, and
that Council approves the 2023 Budget for the Bowmanville BIA outlined in Report
That Council approves the 2023 Operating and Capital Budgets, as amended
including "external agencies", reserve and reserve fund contributions and the
financing of capital projects as outlined in the 2023 Draft Budget Book (Attachment
#1 to Report FSD-004-23), as directed in FSD-004-23 with the following
a) That Staff add a contribution to the expansion of Charles H. Best
Diabetes Centre from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund in the
amount of $25,000 and that this amount be included in the 2024 to 2026
b) Whereas, a group of residents approached Council in 2022 for
assistance in developing a cricket pitch in Courtice;
And whereas under the direction of Council staff of the Public Works
Department secured the use of the sportsfield at Holy Trinity Catholic
School through the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and
Clarington Catholic District School Board;
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ClaringtonFebruary 13, 2023
Council Minutes
And whereas funding was also approved by Council to purchase a
storage bunker and a portable cricket pitch mat to assist with the field
And whereas another group of residents have now expressed a similar
request for Council's assistance in developing a cricket pitch in
Now therefore be it resolved:
1. That the Public Works Department be directed to assist the
Bowmanville group with locating a suitable field location in
Bowmanville or Newcastle for cricket play;
2. That subject to Council's approval of an estimated $20,000 that the
Public Works Department coordinate the procurement of a storage
bunker and a portable cricket pitch mat for the field set-up to be
funded from the Tax Rate Stabilization Fund; and
3. That all interested parties be notified of Council's decision.
c) That Staff add a contribution to the Future Staffing Reserve Fund to the
operating budget from the tax levy in the amount of $170,000.
d) That, for proposed staff funded by the tax levy, the budget be based on a
nine month period with the corresponding reduction directed to the Tax
Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund (approximately $566,700).
e) That Staff be directed to distribute the 2023 Capital and Operating line by
line Budget to all Members of Council who want it.
f) That Staff reduce the contracted services budget for the Strategic Plan in
the Office of the CAO Strategic Initiatives Division and correspondingly
reduce the transfer from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund in the
amount of $20,000.
g) Whereas, on January 17, 2022, a major winter storm created significant
operational challenges with Sidewalk Snow Clearing throughout
And whereas, at the January 24, 2022 regular Council meeting, staff of
the Public Works Department were directed to report back on the status
of sidewalk snow clearing operations;
And whereas, at the February 7, 2022 Joint Committee meeting, Council
approved $300,000 in capital funding to purchase equipment for
municipal staff to clear sidewalks on arterial class roadways;
And whereas, due to supply chain issues associated with the Covid 19
pandemic, it was determined that suitable equipment was temporarily
unavailable and the cost to provide this service internally was well
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ClaringtonFebruary 13, 2023
Council Minutes
beyond available levels of staffing resources and the approved capital
And whereas, on January 26, 2023, another major winter storm caused
delays with the clearing of main arterial sidewalks or in some areas
roadway ploughing operations have covered sidewalks already
maintained by residents;
Now therefore be it resolved:
1. That an additional $600,000 in capital funding from the Capital and
$250,000 in staffing resources be supported in the fourth quarter such
that the Public Works Department can acquire the necessary
resources to clear arterial sidewalks during the 2023/2024 winter
2. That these additional resources also be used to help expedite snow
removal operations in locations with limited storage space or where
resident sidewalks have been inadvertently covered by roadway
ploughing operations; and
3. That all interested parties be notified of Council's decision.
That Staff be directed to request the 2023 budgets for the Orono BIA and the
Newcastle BIA for approval at a subsequent meeting prior to the striking of the tax
That any cash flow shortfall in the Development Charges Reserve Funds be interim
financed by the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund and General Municipal
Reserve Fund, to be repaid with interest, as cash flow permits;
That Report FSD-004-23 be adopted by resolution in accordance with provisions of
Ontario Regulation 284/09 of the Municipal Act, 2001;
That the Deputy CAO/Treasurer is authorized to fund projects which have been
previously approved in the 2019 to 2022 budgets and not completed with funding to
be from the appropriate reserve or reserve fund;
That the appropriate by-laws to levy the 2023 tax requirement for Municipal, Region
of Durham and Education purposes be forwarded to Council for approval, once final
tax policy information is available;
That Financial Services review the current Budget Control Policy and provide
recommendations, if applicable, to Council including the development of multi -year
budgets and a dedicated infrastructure levy; and
That all interested parties listed in Report FSD-004-23 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
Yes (6): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Elhajjeh, Councillor Rang,
Councillor Woo, and Councillor Zwart
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No (1): Councillor Traill
February 13, 2023
Council Minutes
Carried as amended, later in the meeting on a recorded vote (6 to 1)
Resolution # C-027-23
Moved by Councillor Woo
Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh
That the foregoing Resolution #C-026-23 be amended by adding the following to
the end of paragraph four:
h) That the 2023 Budget be amended to provide $100,000 for Physician
Recruitment funded by the Economic Development Reserve Fund; and
That Staff report to Council on the framework, goals, objectives and
processes for this recruitment prior to any funding being provided.
Resolution # C-028-023
Moved by Councillor Traill
Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh
That the foregoing Resolution #C-026-23 be amended by adding the following to
the end of paragraph four:
i) That Account 100-13-170-00000-7188 - Communications- Printing, remain
at the 2022 Budget amount of $93,175.00 and that the amount to be funded
from the Tax Levy, be reduced by $66,800.
Yes (1): Councillor Traill
No (6): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Elhajjeh, Councillor Rang,
Councillor Woo, and Councillor Zwart
Motion Lost on a recorded vote (1 to 6)
Resolution # C-029-23
Moved by Councillor Rang
Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh
That the foregoing Resolution #C-026-23 be amended by adding the following to
the end of paragraph four:
i) That the 2023 Budget be amended to increase the contribution to the
Clarington Public Library, Museum and Archives by $68,480 for the funding
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ClaringtonFebruary 13, 2023
Council Minutes
of two additional full-time equivalents to be funded from the Tax Rate
Stabilization Reserve Fund.
Resolution # C-030-23
Moved by Councillor Zwart
Seconded by Councillor Rang
That the foregoing Resolution #C-026-23 be amended by adding the following to
the end of paragraph four:
j) That the 2023 Budget be amended to reduce the grant to the John Howard
Society by $27,570 and that the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund draw
be correspondingly reduced.
Resolution # C-031-23
Moved by Councillor Traill
Seconded by Councillor Anderson
That the ADP invoice showing future increases for ADP be provided to Council.
Yes (1): Councillor Traill
No (6): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Elhajjeh, Councillor Rang,
Councillor Woo, and Councillor Zwart
Motion Lost on a recorded vote (1 to 6)
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Council Minutes
Resolution # C-032-23
Moved by Councillor Traill
Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh
That the foregoing Resolution #C-026-23 be amended by adding the following to
the end of paragraph four:
k) That Account 100-19-191-00000-7161 - MLE Prof Fees, remain at the
2022 Budget amount of $10,000.00 and that the amount to be funded from
the Tax Levy, be reduced by $20,000.
Yes (1): Councillor Traill
No (6): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Elhajjeh, Councillor Rang,
Councillor Woo, and Councillor Zwart
Motion Lost on a recorded vote (1 to 6)
Resolution # C-033-23
Moved by Councillor Traill
Seconded by Councillor Anderson
That the foregoing Resolution #C-026-23 be amended by adding the following to
the end of paragraph four:
k) That Account 100-19-192-10100-7505 - Pkg Enforce - Small Equip,
remain at the 2022 Budget amount of $3,000 and that the amount to be
funded from the Tax Levy, be reduced by $2,500.
Yes (1): Councillor Traill
No (6): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Elhajjeh, Councillor Rang,
Councillor Woo, and Councillor Zwart
Motion Lost on a recorded vote, later in the meeting, see following motions
(1 to 6)
Resolution # C-034-23
Moved by Councillor Elhajjeh
Seconded by Councillor Anderson
That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Committee to
speak to the foregoing Resolution #C-033-23 for a second time.
The foregoing Resolution #C-033-23 was then lost on a recorded vote.
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Resolution # C-035-23
Moved by Councillor Zwart
Seconded by Councillor Woo
That the Council recess for 10 minutes.
February 13, 2023
Council Minutes
The meeting reconvened at 11:05 a.m. with Mayor Foster in the Chair.
Resolution # C-036-23
Moved by Councillor Traill
Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh
That the foregoing Resolution #C-026-23 be amended by adding the following to
the end of paragraph four:
k) That Account 100-21-162-00000-7412 - Info Tech-Trsf to RF, remain at
the 2022 Budget amount of $100,000 and that the amount to be funded from
the Tax Levy, be reduced by $100,000.
Yes (1): Councillor Traill
No (6): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Elhajjeh, Councillor Rang,
Councillor Woo, and Councillor Zwart
Motion Lost on a recorded vote (1 to 6)
Resolution # C-037-23
Moved by Councillor Traill
Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh
That the foregoing Resolution #C-026-23 be amended by adding the following to
the end of paragraph four:
k) That Account 100-21-210-00000-7505 - Finance - Other Equp Purch,
remain at the 2022 Budget amount of $3,500 and that the amount to be
funded from the Tax Levy, be reduced by $13,500.
Yes (1): Councillor Traill
No (6): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Elhajjeh, Councillor Rang,
Councillor Woo, and Councillor Zwart
Motion Lost on a recorded vote, later in the meeting, see following motions
(1 to 6)
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Council Minutes
Resolution # C-038-23
Moved by Councillor Elhajjeh
Seconded by Councillor Anderson
That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Committee to
speak to the foregoing Resolution #C-037-23 for a second time.
The foregoing Resolution #C-037-23 was then lost on a recorded vote.
Resolution # C-039-23
Moved by Councillor Traill
Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh
That the foregoing Resolution #C-026-23 be amended by adding the following to
the end of paragraph four:
k) That Account 100-36-380-10350-7112 - Other Fence-Misc Oper Supply,
be reduced by $9,000 for a total of $15,500 and that the amount to be
funded from the Tax Levy.
Motion Withdrawn
The Committee recessed for their one hour scheduled break in accordance with the
Procedural By- law.
The meeting reconvened at 1:01 p.m. with Mayor Foster in the Chair.
Resolution # C-040-23
Moved by Councillor Traill
Seconded by Councillor Anderson
That the Council recess for 20 minutes.
The meeting reconvened at 1:45 p.m. with Mayor Foster in the Chair.
The foregoing Resolution #C-026-23 was then put to a recorded vote and carried as
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February 13, 2023
Council Minutes
8.3.4 Minutes of the Joint General Government and Planning and Development
Advisory Committee dated February 6, 2023
Resolution # C-041-23
Moved by Councillor Woo
Seconded by Councillor Zwart
That the minutes of the Joint General Government and Planning and Development
Committee Minutes of February 6, 2023, be approved on consent, with the
exception of item
Carried Appointment to the Durham Transit Advisory Committee
The vote was conducted to appoint Pranay Gunti as the citizen representative to
the Durham Region Transit Advisory Committee, in accordance with the
Appointment to Boards and Committees Policy, for a term ending December 31,
2026, or until a successor is appointed.
9. Communications
10. Staff Reports and Staff Memos
11. Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion
12. Unfinished Business
13. Confidential Items
14. Direction on whether February 17th Special Meeting is required
Resolution # C-042-23
Moved by Councillor Anderson
Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh
That the Special Council Committee meeting, tentatively scheduled for February 17,
2023, is no longer required.
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15. By-laws
February 13, 2023
Council Minutes
15.1 2023-010 -Being a by-law to amend Nuisance By-law No. 2011-099
15.2 2023-011 - Being a By-law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-
2627 from Part Lot Control
Resolution # C-043-23
Moved by Councillor Anderson
Seconded by Councillor Rang
That leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2023-010 to 2023-011; and
That the said by-laws be approved.
16. Procedural Notices of Motion
17. Questions to Department Heads / Request for Staff Report(s)
18. Confirming By -Law
Resolution # C-044-23
Moved by Councillor Anderson
Seconded by Councillor Woo
That leave be granted to introduce By-law 2023-012, being a by-law to confirm the
proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting
held on the 13th day of February 2023; and
That the said by-law be approved.
19. Adjournment
Resolution # C-045-23
Moved by Councillor Rang
Seconded by Councillor Anderson
That the meeting adjourn at 2.13 pm.
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If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-
ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131
Special Council Meeting
Date: February 27, 2023
Time: 2:09 PM
Location: Council Chambers or Microsoft Teams
Municipal Administrative Centre
40 Temperance Street, 2nd Floor
Bowmanville, Ontario
Members Present: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor L. Rang,
Councillor C. Traill, Councillor W. Woo, Councillor M. Zwart
Regrets: Councillor S. Elhajjeh
Staff Present: R. Maciver, T. Pinn, C. Salazar, J. Newman, L. Patenaude
Other Staff Present: L. Backus, J. O'Meara, A. Tapp, N. Zambri
1. Call to Order
Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 2.09 p.m.
2. Moment of Reflection
Councillor Zwart led the meeting in a moment of reflection.
3. Land Acknowledgement Statement
Councillor Zwart recited the meeting in the Land Acknowledgement Statement.
4. Declaration of Interest
There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting.
5. Presentations/Delegations
5.1 Ari Soberano, 3253 Liberty Street North Limited Partnership, Regarding
PDS-009-23 Housing Pledge 13,000 Units by 2031 in Response to Minister's
Ari Soberano, 3253 Liberty Street North Limited Partnership was present via
electronic means, Regarding PDS-009-23 Housing Pledge 13,000 Units by 2031
in Response to Minister's Order. Ari was present on behalf of the landowners in
the Soper Springs Secondary Plan. A. Soberano provided an overview of the
timeline of both the Soper Creek Subwatershed Study and Soper Springs
Secondary Plan.
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Special Council Minutes February 27, 2023
Ari expressed concerns regarding Staff availability and meeting deadlines. A.
Soberano questioned the status of the application and the next steps. Ari stated
that it is unfair for Staff to delay the Secondary Plan and requested Committee to
instruct Staff to adhere to the schedule initially put forward to allow for completion
by September 2023. A. Soberano also requested that Council include Soper
Springs as part of the 13,000 units pledge and answered questions from
Members of Committee.
5.2 Mustafa Ghassan, Delta Urban Inc., Regarding PDS-009-23 Housing Pledge
13,000 Units by 2031 in Response to Minister's Order
Mastafa Ghassan, Delta Urban Inc., was present via electronic means regarding
Report PDS-009-23 Housing Pledge 13, 000 Units by 2031 in Response to
Minister's Order. Mastafa was present on behalf of the Farewell Heights
Landowners Group, who make up approximately 75 per cent of the lands in the
Farewell Heights Secondary Plan. M. Ghassan thanked Staff for their time and
effort in creating the report and meeting provincial guidelines. Mastafa confirmed
that Farewell Heights can contribute to the pledge and added that they are
confident they can provide homes by 2031. M. Ghassan provided an overview of
the development and existing infrastructure and noted that 800 homes can start
to be built immediately provided they have received all approvals. Mastafa
explained that they are working with Staff to initiate the Secondary Plan and are
hopeful it will start in the next couple of months and be completed within a year
timeframe. M. Ghassan concluded by explaining they have engaged Regional
Staff to understand the servicing requirements in the area.
6. Staff Reports
6.1 PDS-009-23 Housing Pledge for 13,000 Units by 2031 in Response to
Minister's Order
Resolution # C-046-23
Moved by Councillor Anderson
Seconded by Councillor Rang
That Report PDS-009-23 Housing Pledge for 13,000 Units by 2031 in Response
to Minister's Order, and any related delegations and communication items, be
That the action items in Report PDS-009-23 (Attachment 1), be endorsed as
Clarington's Housing Pledge to support the acceleration of housing supply in
Ontario, subject to the following conditions:
a. That the Province and the Durham Region deliver the infrastructure
improvements to support the Provincial target of 13,000 units for
Clarington by 2031;
b. That the Municipality not be penalized financially or otherwise, for
failing to meet the identified as the housing targets are subject to
market conditions, supply, labour issues, etc.; and
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Special Council Minutes February 27, 2023
c. That the Province consults and engages with local municipalities on
future legislative changes in order to understand the financial and
logistical implications to deliver housing units quickly;
That a copy of this report and Council's resolution be sent to the Honourable
Minister Steve Clark, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing by March 1, 2023,
and a copy also be sent to the Region of Durham, area municipalities and the
AMO; and
That the Mayor be authorized to sign the Clarington Housing Pledge on behalf of
7. Confirming By-law
Resolution # C-047-23
Moved by Councillor Zwart
Seconded by Councillor Rang
That leave be granted to introduce By-law 2023-013, being a by-law to confirm
the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a special
meeting held on the 27th day of February, 2023; and
That the said by-law be approved.
8. Adjournment
Resolution # C-048-23
Moved by Councillor Zwart
Seconded by Councillor Anderson
That the meeting adjourn at 2.49 p.m.
Page 22
Newcastle Memorial Arena Manazement Board
Municipality of Clarin,aton
Minutes ofMeetinz — Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Not vet approved by the Board)
In Attendance — Dave Bouma - Chair Bryan Wiltshire — Arena Manager
Shea -Lea Latchford, Todd Taylor, Jim Vinson, Sue White, Councillor Margaret Zwart
Absent — Gary Oliver, Omar Patel
Meeting opened at 7:03 p.m. with the Land Acknowledgement
Election of Board Officials — The following were elected: Chair - Dave Bouma, Vice -Chair —
vacant, Treasurer — Todd Taylor, Secretary — Shea -Lea Latchford
1. Agenda - Motion #23- 04
Moved by Todd Taylor, seconded by Sue White THAT: The Agenda be accepted.
2. Acceptance of Minutes - Motion #23-05
Moved by Dave Bouma, seconded by Jim Vinson THAT: The minutes of January 10, 2023,
be approved after correction.
Manager's Report — Safety: Brian has scheduled a staff meeting for February 131h to
review all areas of operation for the Arena. Rentals/ Revenue: All board advertisements
have been invoiced for the first three (3) months and all were informed of the upcoming
renovations. We will store the boards and reinstall them after the renovations are complete.
Ice rentals for Family Day are at capacity and only a few times are available for March
Break. Repairs/Maintenance: On January 161h Brian was doing his routine check when he
noticed the ammonia gas detector level was slightly elevated. He vented the room and upon
inspection a small leak was detected. Cimco was called immediately, and the leak was
repaired and the system checked to ensure there were no other leaks. All staff have
remained vigilant in salting walkways. The sprinkler system backflow has been installed.
The gender -neutral room will be changed to a janitor closet.
Page 23
Staff: All staff will be laid off April 15t and Brian is anticipating he will lose the majority of
his staff due to the length of the renovation. Inspections/Operation: The annual sprinkler
inspections by the Municipality are scheduled for February 16th and 23rd. ORFA Updates:
There are no updates to report. Other: Bryan presented the Board with quotes for the
replacement of the Olympia.
3. Financial Report — Todd presented the budget for 2023, taking into account the anticipated
revenue losses due to the renovation.
Motion #23-006
Moved by Dave Bouma, seconded by Jim Vinson THAT: We accept the budget as
Motion #23-007
Moved by Todd Taylor, seconded by Sue White THAT: We set aside the funding for a
natural gas filling station. ($25,000.).
Motion #23-008
Moved by Todd Taylor, seconded by Sue White THAT: We accept the Bereavement Leave
Policy as presented.
Risk Management: Sue completed a walk through with Bryan on February 2nd and noted
the following: First Aid Certificate — Although Bryan has a digital copy on his phone, he
needs to request a hard copy from the Municipality. The header trench inspection that Bryan
performed in August still lacks documentation. However, Bryan did make the appropriate
notes in the logbook. Defib training has not been completed but will be rescheduled after we
open after the renovation. During the monthly fire checks, a deficiency with the emergency
lighting was found but no follow-up. Sue will follow up with Bryan regarding the ORFA
updates to ensure the arena's practices meet the ORFA recommendations. As reported in the
Manager's report an ammonia leak was found, and repaired and all the required
documentation was in the log book.
4. New Business - Olympia — Deferred until the next meeting.
Construction Update — Contractor has been selected and the renovations
are set to start on April 1 st.
Page 24
5. Round Table — A round table discussion followed.
6. In Camera — The Arena Manager roles and responsibilities were discussed. At a minimum
of once per year, the Newcastle Arena Board Chair or designate(s) will review, with the
Arena Manager, the performance of the Arena Manager with respect to their roles and
responsibilities. The review will be documented. The Arena Manager will be provided an
opportunity to provide written input on their performance and accomplishments and to
request professional development opportunities prior to the performance review.
7. Adiournment - The meeting was adjourned by the Chair at 9:16 p.m.
Next Board Meeting — Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Page 25
Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade
General Meeting Minutes- February 8th, 2023
Attendees: Jonathan, Carolyn, Brenda, Janet, Crystal, Katherine, Michelle,
Jenn, (Kelly and Rick by phone)
Chairing: Katherine
Recorders: Michelle (audio recording), Jenn (detailed notes taken),
minutes generated by Kelly using audio and notes.
Called to order (no timetaker to record time)
Agenda items: 1. Chairs notes
2. Treasurer's report
3. Positions to be discussed
4. New business (open to floor)
Agenda item 1. Chairs notes
Discussion 1. Website, float entries via email committee emails. Action: update
facebook page and roles
Discussion 2. Santa breakfast
Action: third party (licensed kitchen) prepared food, seek donations
Discussion 3. Approval to issue tax receipts
Action: Municipality to issue receipts to donator and money to us
Discussion 4. Grant in review (email sent by Katherine)
Action: Treasurer to follow up in March
Discussion 5. Walkies purchased and tested by Johnathan
Action: n/a
Discussion 6. Broken trailers.
A. Both in poor shape/need of replacement
B. Santa float deemed not road worthy, Katherine leans toward prioritizing santa
float, Jonathan indicted wheel issues with committee float
C. Cheapest way to get rid of old trailers and materials
Action: Rick and Jonathan to further assess and research best options
Page 26
Agenda item 3 Positions to be discussed
Discussion 1. Committee roles;
Clarification of roles, voting, democracy of committee and requirement of operating
procedure, full disclosure
MOTION: by Kelly to add a Vice Chair, seconded by Jenn, vote taken, 7/10, motion
MOTION: by Jonathon to use new role list, seconded by Brenda, vote taken, 10/10:
motion passed. (additions below in bold)
New Roles assumed by way of volunteering for roles.
A. Chairperson: Katherine
B. Vice Chair: Brenda
C. Correspondence and recording (secretary): Kelly
D. Treasurer: Jonathan (Brenda assists)
E. Floats and Bands coordinator: Crystal, Katherine, Brenda
F. Publicity/events coordinator: Michelle and Jenn
G. Traffic control coordinator: Carolyn, Jenn, Jonathan
H. Costumes and make up coordinators: Janet and Crystal
I. Volunteers/filler coordinator: Janet and Crystal
I Fundraising/sponsorship coordinator: Katherine
Agenda item 2. Treasurer's report
Discussion 1. Banking info - Jonathan, Katherine, Brenda are the only people with
access to committee banking information. Current balance $16,155.64.
Action: n/a
Discussion 2. Fundraising letters need to be sent out by April 1.
Action: bowmanvillesantaclausparadena gmail.com to be used
Discussion 3. Proposal to change webhost
Canhost - 10 emails, paid up until Oct, cost $100/yr, limited widgets, same storage
Hostupon-unlimited email addresses, $71.40 USD/yr, variety of widgets, same storage
Action: MOTION: Katherine to switch to Hostupon, Janet seconds, vote 7/7 (remaining
committee members) motion passed.
Discussion 4. Domain name "Bowmanvillesantaclausparade.com"
Action: MOTION: by Janet to use Bowmanvillesantaclausparade.com, Seconded by
Jenn, 7/7 motion passed. Emails will follow roles as people in the roles change they will
be given access to the email for continuity sake.
Discussion 5. Website access. Web designer/maintainer and publicist need access.
Page 27
Action: MOTION: by Michelle for Designer/maintainer (Jonathan) and Publicity
coordinator (Michelle) to have access only. Jonathan seconds motion, 7/7 motion
Discussion 6. Parade day helpers and float entries.
Action: Unanimously agreed to suspend formal registration until Sept 1. Emails can be
sent to the main email before Sept 1.
Discussion 7. Potential conflicts of interest with unsavoury/criminal business entrants.
Vetting or denial process to protect integrity of parade. Right of refusal
Action: Ask Corina Trail Re: legal ramifications, protecting integrity of parade. Revisit
float agreement/terms of service ensure ethics clause is in it. Katherine to send out
email with terms and conditions agreement.
Agenda item 4. New business/open to floor
Discussion 1. One costume outstanding, not retrieved from volunteer yet. Volunteers,
budgets for costumes, etc Seek donated materials.
Action: Crystal and Janet to take lead, Jenn to get contact info from St. Stephens
Discussion 2. Date for Next meeting.
Action: Wednesday March 22, 2023 location to be determined.
Discussion 3. Breakfast with Santa (revisited)
Action: approach Oympia, sunset grill, Bowmanville family restaurant, St. Joseph's
knights of columbus, Stacked, monster
Tentative date November 12th, 2023
Keep it simple: sausage/bacon/pancakes or have the restaurant determine.
Discussion 4. Parade route - major complaints.
Action: Tabled for future meeting
Meeting adjourned.
(Secretary's note, timetaker will be assigned at next meeting)
Page 28
Clarington Diversity Advisory Committee
Thursday, February 23, 2023, 7:00 PM
Via Microsoft Teams
If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility
Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext 2131
Present: Councillor Granville Anderson
Pranay Gunti
Ron Hooper
Meera McDonald
Lyndsay Riddoch
Aaliyah Ruddock
Andaleeb Shafi
Tenzin Shomar
Also Present: Erica Mittag — Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Anti -Racism
Regrets: Lauren Reyes -Grange
Yasmin Shafi
Dione Valentine
The meeting called to order at 7:06 p.m.
1. Land Acknowledgment Statement
• Meera shared Clarington's Land Acknowledgment Statement
2. Welcome and Introductions
• Meera welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for their interest
and commitment to being involved in the Diversity Advisory Committee
• Committee Members took turns introducing themselves
3. Declarations of Interest
Meera explained that Members must share if any agenda items may result in
a conflict for themselves or a family member, or their business
There were no declarations of interest shared by Members
Page 29
4. Adoption of Agenda
Erica requested to amend the agenda to include under Other Business:
Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Anti -Racism and Accessibility Training Plan for
Moved by Ron Hooper, seconded by Councillor Anderson
That the agenda of the meeting of February 23, 2023, be approved as
5. Adoption of Minutes
Councillor Anderson questioned if Members had to be present at the
November 24, 2022, Diversity Advisory Committee Meeting to approve the
Erica will check with Clerks and will bring their response and the Committee
can consider the minutes at their next meeting, if applicable.
6. Overview of Diversity Advisory Committee
• Erica shared an overview of the Diversity Advisory Committee including the
Mission and Vision Statement, past successes of the Committee, ongoing
7. Committee Elections
• An overview of the positions for election were shared along with a description
of each role. Meera and Lyndsay shared insight into the roles they have
played on the Committee.
• Members are asked to consider if they would like to put their name forward for
any of the positions and share their interest with Erica ahead of the next
meeting, especially if they are unable to attend.
The positions include Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Anti -Black Racism
Subcommittee Representative, Community Safety Council Representative
Moved by Lyndsay Riddoch; seconded by Pranay Gunti
That the elections of the Committee positions be deferred to the next meeting
of the Committee
Page 30
8. Anti -Black Racism Subcommittee
Members reviewed proposed draft changes to the Terms of Reference for the
Anti -Black Racism Subcommittee.
Erica will update the Scope of Activities to include connection and
communication of Clarington issues with the Durham Region Anti -Racism Task
Erica will confirm some questions with Clerks and will bring information back to
the next meeting:
o Recruitment of members — is there a process to follow to recruit members
for a working group?
o Through updating the Terms of Reference, are they able to rename to
Subcommittee to Task Force for consistency with other similar entities
across the Region?
o Ensure there is no contradiction between the Committee's Terms of
Reference where Subcommittees are identified, and the proposed
Reporting and Communications of the Subcommittee
9. Other Business
• Erica encouraged Members to attend the first in -person Clarington Celebrates
Black History Month on Saturday, February 25, 2023, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00
p.m. at the Clarington Public Library — Bowmanville Branch.
• Meeting Schedule confirmed as the fourth Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
Next meeting will be Thursday, March 23, 2023. Erica will confirm if meeting
will be held hybrid or virtually only using Microsoft Teams.
• Members discussed sharing a public announcement about the appointment of
Committee members. It was felt this would be a positive news item. Once
elections are held, an announcement will be drafted, with permission of the
• Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Anti -Racism and Accessibility (IDEAA) Training
Plan for Council.
o In the fall of 2022, Senior Leadership approved an IDEAA Training Plan
for Staff. The training sessions for staff are geared for supporting their
staff's learning, awareness to create a supportive workplace.
Page 31
o Staff are proposing that a similar plan be recommended for Council to
provide them with knowledge and background to support community
o This proposal includes phasing these training opportunities within the first
18 months of a Term of Council and include in the Council Code of
Conduct to ensure sustainability.
Moved by Tenzin Shomar; seconded by Pranay Gunti
That the Diversity Advisory Committee supports a recommendation to
implement an Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Anti -Racism and Accessibility
training program for Council to be completed within the first 18 months of
each Term of Council and include the opportunity to invite Senior Leadership
to participate where applicable.
That the Diversity Advisory Committee recommends staff investigate the
opportunity to share a similar condensed model for members of Advisory
Committees and Boards of Council.
Moved by Pranay Gunti; seconded by Lyndsay Riddoch
That the meeting be adjourned.
Next meeting: Thursday, March 23, 2023, at 7:00 PM
To be confirmed — Hybrid or via Teams
Page 32
If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the
Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131
Joint General Government and Planning and Development
Date: February 27, 2023
Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Council Chambers or Microsoft Teams
Municipal Administrative Centre
40 Temperance Street, 2nd Floor
Bowmanville, Ontario
Members Present: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor L. Rang,
Councillor C. Traill, Councillor W. Woo, Councillor M. Zwart
Regrets: Councillor S. Elhajjeh
Staff Present: M. Dempster, J. Newman, L. Patenaude, G. Acorn, S. Brake, R.
Maciver, T. Pinn, C. Salazar, D. Speed
Other Staff Present: L. Backus, K. Ferguson, B. Grigg, J. MacLean, S. Meyers, J.
O'Meara, L. Reck, T. Ricciardi, B. Rice, A. Tapp
1. Call to Order
Councillor Anderson called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
2. Land Acknowledgement Statement
Councillor Rang led the meeting in the Land Acknowledgement Statement.
3. Declaration of Interest
There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting.
4. Announcements
Members of Committee announced upcoming community events and matters of
community interest.
5. Public Meetings
5.1 Public Meeting for an Official Plan Amendment - Delegation of Approval
Authority to Pass By-laws
There was no one present in support of or in opposition to the application.
The public meeting concluded at 9:46 a.m.
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Joint General Government and Planning and Development Committees Minutes -
February 27, 2023
5.1.1 PDS-008-23 Public Meeting and Recommendation Report — Municipally -
initiated Official Plan Amendment (OPA 132) and Delegation of Powers By-
law Amendment
Resolution # JC-012-23
Moved by Councillor Woo
Seconded by Councillor Zwart
That Report PDS-008-23 and any related communication items, be received;
That the municipally -initiated Official Plan Amendment 132 (OPA 132) in
response to Bill 13, Supporting People and Business Act, 2021, be adopted;
That the Director of Planning and Infrastructure Services be authorized to finalize
the form and content of OPA 132, resulting from Council's consideration, public
participation, agency comments and technical considerations;
That Council pass a by-law to delegate to the Director of Planning and
Infrastructure Services the following additional Functions:
Removal of Holding "H" Symbols;
Temporary Use Zoning By-law Amendments; and
Housekeeping By-laws for the purposes of making clerical or other
changes to assist in the interpretation of a Zoning By-law; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-008-23 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
6. Presentations/Delegations
6.1 Delegation by Carion Fenn, Carion Fenn Foundation/Durham Black
Network, Regarding Black History Month
Carion Fenn, Carion Fenn Foundation/Durham Black Network was present via
electronic means regarding Black History Month. Carion made a verbal
presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. C. Fenn provided an
overview of the Foundation and Durham Black Network. Carion explained the
partnership with the Municipality of Clarington and Clarington Public Library for
their Black Experience Townhall that is focused on healthcare and mental
wellbeing. C. Fenn displayed a slideshow remembering Olga Lambert, who was
part of the Black Experience Townhall and noted the winners of the Olga
Lambert Black Excellence Award. C. Fenn stated that they hosted a Black Open
Mic event, for those to share encounters with anti -black racism and answered
questions from Members of Committee.
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Joint General Government and Planning and Development Committees Minutes -
February 27, 2023
Resolution # JC-013-23
Moved by Mayor Foster
Seconded by Councillor Rang
That the Delegation by Carion Fenn, Carion Fenn Foundation/Durham Black
Network, regarding Black History Month, be received with thanks.
6.2 Delegation by Wendy Bracken, Regarding Update on the Proposed Clear
Bag Pilot in Clarington
Wendy Bracken was present via electronic means regarding an Update on the
Proposed Clear Bag Pilot in Clarington. Wendy made a verbal presentation to
accompany an electronic presentation. Wendy expressed concerns regarding the
decision of the Durham Works Committee to terminate and defer the Clarington
Clear Bag Pilot to 2025. W. Bracken requested that Committee vehemently
oppose the termination of the clear bag pilot and the removal of the reduced bag
limit from four to three. Wendy added that Committee should insist that a clear
bag policy be included as part of the rollout for the expanded green bin and blue
box transition. W. Bracken stated that Durham Region has legal obligations for
aggressive waste diversion in the Host Community Agreement. Wendy explained
that 40 Ontario municipalities have implemented a clear bag policy.
Suspend the Rules
Resolution # JC-014-23
Moved by Councillor Zwart
Seconded by Councillor Rang
That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the delegation for an
additional 2 minutes.
Wendy explained the need for clear bags in Durham and the synergies that exist
between clear bags, enhanced green bin launch, and blue box transition and
answered questions from Members of Committee.
Resolution # JC-015-23
Moved by Councillor Zwart
Seconded by Councillor Rang
That the Delegation by Wendy Bracken, regarding an Update of the Proposed
Clear Bag Pilot in Clarington, be received with thanks.
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Joint General Government and Planning and Development Committees Minutes -
February 27, 2023
6.3 Delegation by Linda Gasser, Regarding Update on the Proposed Clear Bag
Pilot in Clarington
Linda Gasser was present via electronic means regarding an Update on the
Proposed Clear Bag Pilot in Clarington. Linda made a verbal presentation to
accompany an electronic presentation. L. Gasser provided an overview of the
history of the clear bag pilot, expressing concerns about the decision of Durham
Region to terminate the pilot. Linda explained the importance and purpose of
clear bags and stated that residents should be motivated to sort and participate
in diversion programs. L. Gasser stated that other municipalities have
implemented a clear bag program and explained that clear bags are an important
tool to prepare for the impacts of multiple program changes and garbage
minimization. Linda stated that Clarington must ensure all new buildings include
appropriate infrastructure for residents to sort/separate all materials and
answered questions from Members of Committee.
Resolution # JC-016-23
Moved by Councillor Zwart
Seconded by Councillor Rang
That the delegation by Linda Gasser, Regarding an Update on the Proposed
Clear Bag Pilot in Clarington, be received;
That Clarington Council is vehemently opposed to the termination of the clear
bag pilot as well as the removal of the reduction of bag limit from 3 — 4; and
That this resolution be forwarded to the Region of Durham.
Yes (6): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Rang, Councillor Traill,
Councillor Woo, and Councillor Zwart
Absent (1): Councillor Elhajjeh
Carried on a recorded vote (6 to 0)
7. Reports/Correspondence Related to Presentations/Delegations
8. Communications
Resolution # JC-017-23
Moved by Mayor Foster
Seconded by Councillor Rang
That Communication Items 8.1 and 8.3, be approved in accordance with the
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Joint General Government and Planning and Development Committees Minutes -
February 27, 2023
8.1 Minutes of the Newcastle Village Community Hall Board dated January 17,
Resolution # JC-018-23
That Communication Item 8.1, Minutes of the Newcastle Village Community Hall
Board dated January 17, 2023, be received for information.
8.3 Minutes of the Solina Hall Board dated February 21, 2023
Resolution # JC-019-23
That Communication Item 8.3, Minutes of the Solina Hall Board dated February
21, 2023, be received for information.
8.2 Libby Racansky, Regarding Flooding in Courtice
Resolution # JC-020-23
Moved by Mayor Foster
Seconded by Councillor Woo
That Correspondence Item 8.2, Libby Racansky, Regarding Flooding in Courtice,
be referred to Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority.
8.4 Hydro One/Ontario Power Generation - Notice of Commencement and
Invitation to Community Open House for Connect New Darlington Project
Resolution # JC-021-23
Moved by Mayor Foster
Seconded by Councillor Zwart
That Correspondence Item 8.4, Hydro One/Ontario Power Generation - Notice of
Commencement and Invitation to Community Open House for Connect New
Darlington Project, be referred to Staff.
9. Staff Reports and Staff Memos
9.1 Public Works
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Joint General Government and Planning and Development Committees Minutes -
February 27, 2023
9.1.1 New Business - Truck Traffic in Enniskillen (Councillor Anderson)
Councillor Zwart chaired this portion of the meeting.
Resolution # JC-022-23
Moved by Councillor Anderson
Seconded by Councillor Rang
Whereas the noise from gravel trucks early in the morning and on the weekends
along Durham Regional Road 3 is disturbing the residents in the Hamlet of
Whereas the heavy truck traffic is due to the transportation of construction
materials to support housing construction west of Clarington, that is being
prioritized by the Provincial government, and
Whereas we do not wish to restrict commercial traffic to certain roads or times
but wish to respect the neighbourhoods and safety of local residents,
Now therefore be it resolved that we call upon the Province to make an alternate
route available, namely the 407, as free to use for trucks carrying aggregates in
North Durham for the period of one year; and
That this resolution be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Local
Yes (6): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Rang, Councillor Traill,
Councillor Woo, and Councillor Zwart
Absent (1): Councillor Elhajjeh
Carried on a recorded vote (6 to 0)
9.2 Legislative Services
Councillor Anderson chaired this portion of the meeting.
Resolution # JC-023-23
Moved by Mayor Foster
Seconded by Councillor Zwart
That Items 9.2.1 to 9.2.4 be approved in accordance with the agenda.
9.2.1 LGS-009-23 Assumptions of Road Widenings
Resolution # JC-024-23
That Report LGS-009-23 be received; and
That the By-law attached to Report LGS-009-23, as attachment 1, be approved.
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Joint General Government and Planning and Development Committees Minutes -
February 27, 2023
9.2.2 LGS-010-23 Durham -Hospice Clarington
Resolution # JC-025-23
That Report LGS-010-23 and any related delegations or communication items,
be received;
That the Deputy CAO/Solicitor be authorized to execute an amendment to the
agreement dated April 23, 2021, between Durham Hospice-Clarington and the
Municipality to extend the Construction Commencement Date to December 31,
2023; and
That all interested parties listed in Report LGS-010-23 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
9.2.3 LGS-011-23 Municipal On -street Parking Permits Traffic By-law Amendment
Resolution # JC-026-23
That Report LGS-011-23 and any related delegations or communication items,
be received;
That the By-law attached to Report LGS-011-23, as Attachment 1, be approved;
That all interested parties listed in Report LGS-011-23 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
9.2.4 Memo-004-23 Appointment to the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee
Resolution # JC-027-23
That Tom Barrie be nominated to the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee
for the 2023-2027 term.
9.2.5 New Business - Council Member Attendance (Mayor Foster)
Mayor Foster withdrew this motion.
9.3 Financial Services
Resolution # JC-028-23
Moved by Mayor Foster
Seconded by Councillor Woo
That Items 9.3.1 and 9.3.3 be approved in accordance with the agenda.
9.3.1 FSD-005-23 2022 Annual Leasing Report
Resolution # JC-029-23
That Report FSD-005-23 be received for information.
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9.3.3 FSD-008-23 Capital Project Overexpenditure for the Supply and Installation
of a Roller Pro Flusher Attachment on one of the Tandem Axle Cab and
Chassis Plow Trucks awarded under CL2022-14
Resolution # JC-030-23
That Report FSD-008-23 and any related delegations or communication items,
be received;
That Winslow Gerolamy Motors Limited with a quoted amount of $143,526.04
(Net HST Rebate) be awarded the supply and installation of a roller pro flusher
attachment for one of the tandem axle cab and chassis plow trucks purchased
under CL2022-14 Supply and Delivery of One Single Axle and Three Tandem
Axle Cab and Chassis Units;
That the total estimated funds required for this purchase in the amount of
$143,526.04 (Net HST Rebate) be funded by the Municipality as follows, from a
reallocation of project 5.1.4 Flusher approved in the 2022 Capital Budget:
Description Account Number Amount
New Equip -Roads -Cap Exp (2022) 110-36-388-83643-7401 $143,526.04
That all interested parties listed in Report FSD-008-23 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
9.3.2 FSD-007-23 2022 Council Remuneration
Resolution # JC-031-23
Moved by Mayor Foster
Seconded by Councillor Rang
That Report FSD-007-23 be received for information.
Carried as Amended
Later in the meeting, see following motion.
Resolution # JC-032-23
Moved by Mayor Foster
Seconded by Councillor Traill
That Staff be directed to bring forward a report to compare the remuneration of
Council Members with Members of other municipalities.
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Joint General Government and Planning and Development Committees Minutes -
February 27, 2023
Main Motion as Amended:
Resolution # JC-033-23
That Report FSD-007-23 be received for information; and
That Staff be directed to bring forward a report to compare the remuneration of
Council Members with Members of other municipalities.
9.4 CAO Office
9.4.1 CAO-004-23 2022 Annual Accessibility Update
Resolution # JC-034-23
Moved by Mayor Foster
Seconded by Councillor Zwart
That Report CAO-004-23 and any related communication items, be received;
That Report CAO-004-23 be placed on the Municipal website to meet AODA
requirements; and
That all interested parties listed in Report CAO-004-23 be notified of Council's
9.4.2 CAO-005-23 2019-2022 Strategic Plan Final Report
Resolution # JC-035-23
Moved by Mayor Foster
Seconded by Councillor Rang
That Report CAO-005-23 be received for information.
Resolution # JC-036-23
Moved by Councillor Woo
Seconded by Councillor Rang
That Committee recess for their one hour scheduled break at 11.50 a.m.
The meeting reconvened at 12.55 p.m. with Councillor Anderson in the Chair.
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9.4.3 CAO-006-23 Update on Proposed South Bowmanville Recreation Centre
Resolution # JC-037-23
Moved by Mayor Foster
Seconded by Councillor Zwart
That Report CAO-006-23 and any related delegations or communication items,
be received;
That Staff pause the South Bowmanville Recreation Centre project due to
significant cost escalation;
That Staff expedite the development of our Parks, Recreation and Culture Master
Plans to inform how best to utilize the previously approved debenture to enhance
the recreation and culture offerings available in Clarington;
That Staff be directed to prepare a design and costing proposal to create an
outdoor refrigerated skating surface (trail and/or pad) with a budget not to exceed
$20 million of the funds earmarked for the South Bowmanville Recreation
That a central skating location be explored first, with a Western (Courtice) and
Eastern (Newcastle/Orono) to be considered based on budgetary feasibility;
That the changes in the project scope be funded by the previously approved
debenture and development charges for the South Bowmanville Recreation
Centre; and
That all interested parties listed in Report CAO-006-23 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
Carried Later in the Meeting, see following motion.
Resolution # JC-038-23
Moved by Councillor Rang
Seconded by Mayor Foster
That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Committee to
speak to the foregoing Resolution #JC-037-23 for a second time.
The foregoing Resolution #JC-037-23 was then put to a vote and carried
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9.4.4 CAO-007-23 Naming Rights and Dedication of Municipal Facilities
Resolution # JC-039-23
Moved by Mayor Foster
Seconded by Councillor Zwart
That Report CAO-007-23 and any related delegations or communication items,
be received;
That the policy attached to Report CAO-007-23, as Attachment 1, be approved;
That Staff be directed to create a comprehensive book of business to support the
Naming Rights, Sponsorship and Advertising Policy;
That staff be directed to create a Dedication and Civic Recognition program
aimed at providing a means to recognize individuals and organizations for
outstanding contributions to the community;
That Council revoke the existing Policy for Naming of Facilities; and
That all interested parties listed in Report CAO-007-23 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
9.4.5 CAO-008-23 Appointment of Fire Chief/Director of Emergency Services
Resolution # JC-040-23
Moved by Mayor Foster
Seconded by Councillor Woo
That Memo-008-23 be received; and
That the By-law attached, as Attachment 1, appointing David Speed as the
Director of Emergency and Fire Services and Fire Chief, be approved.
10. Unfinished Business
11. Questions to Department Heads/Request for Staff Report(s)
Members of Committee asked questions to the Department Heads.
12. Confidential Items
13. Adjournment
Resolution # JC-041-23
Moved by Mayor Foster
Seconded by Councillor Zwart
That the meeting adjourn at 2.00 p.m.
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If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the
Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131
Planning and Development Committee
Date: March 6, 2023
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Council Chambers or Microsoft Teams
Municipal Administrative Centre
40 Temperance Street, 2nd Floor
Bowmanville, Ontario
Members Present: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor C. Traill,
Councillor M. Zwart, Councillor W. Woo, Councillor S. Elhajjeh
Regrets: Councillor L. Rang
Staff Present: R. Maciver, J. Newman, L. Patenaude, K. Richardson, C.
Salazar, A. Tapp
Other Staff Present: J. O'Meara, T. Webster, S. Parish, N. Zambri, A. Vandyk
1. Call to Order
Councillor Anderson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
2. Land Acknowledgment Statement
Mayor Foster led the meeting in the Land Acknowledgement Statement.
3. Declaration of Interest
There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting.
4. Announcements
Members of Committee announced upcoming community events and matters of
community interest.
5. Public Meetings
5.1 Public Meeting for a Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law
Dave Higgins was present in opposition to the application. Dave provided the
background of the proposal, zoning change, and the studies completed. D.
Higgins explained that residents paid a premium price when purchasing their
home, for backing onto environmentally protected lands.
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Dave stated that having the by-law changed is appalling to homeowners and
requested Committee to deny the application as it was done in the past. D.
Higgins added that the lands should remain environmentally protected and
answered questions from Members of Committee.
Jill Turcotte was present in opposition to the application. Jill explained that the
proposal is not consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, Greenbelt Plan,
Region of Durham Official Plan, and Clarington Official Plan. Jill explained that
the hydrogeological report was completed with one sample and does comply with
ministry guidelines. J. Turcotte expressed concerns regarding safety, nitrate
dilution, and wildlife and answered questions from Members of Committee.
Doug Timms was present to question if the Region of Durham has approved the
additional lots in relation to water supply. Doug expressed concerns regarding
water pressure and storm water management.
David Keenan was present via electronic means in opposition to the application.
David expressed concerns regarding the nitrate dilution and wildlife species.
Susan Crocker was present in opposition to the application. Susan expressed
concerns regarding the nitrate dilution, septic systems, safety, and wildlife.
John O'Donnell questioned why the 100ft land was taken and zoned agricultural
and now considering a new development. John expressed concerns regarding
Ian Mcilwham was present in opposition to the application. Ian provided an
overview of the proposed area for development, forest watershed, and the
background of the existing homes. I. Mcilwham expressed concerns regarding
the zoning change, industrial fence through the forest, and wildlife and answered
questions from Members of Committee.
Tony Molino was present to express concerns regarding the nitrogen load and
wildlife in the area. Tony added that the area could have nitrogen concentration
that raises above the limit.
Stuart Day was present and provided an overview of the area's nitrate dilution
field. Stuart stated that residents were charged more for the premium lots and is
unethical for the builder to not acknowledge it. S. Day added that the premium
charge should be considered with the application.
Jeremy McQuay was present to express concerns regarding the water table and
questioned what the flow and height of the water table is.
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Planning and Development Committee Minutes March 6, 2023
Bob Clark, Clark Consulting Services was present on behalf of the applicant. Bob
provided an overview of the location and development. B. Clark outlined the site
description and history of the lands. Bob stated that the area has an opportunity
for additional development which will maintain the nitrate dilution capacity. B.
Clark provided an overview of Phase 3 and stated the application complies with
the Provincial Policy Statement, Greenbelt Plan, Region of Durham Official Plan,
and Clarington Official Plan. Bob added that the zoning by-law complies based
on preliminary review of the nitrate dilution required. B. Clark outlined the plan of
subdivision, the storm water management report, and hydrogeological
assessment. Bob stated that there is sewage disposal, utilizing a class four
septic system, and answered questions from Members of Committee.
5.1.1 PDS-012-23 Rezoning and Draft Plan of Subdivision for 12 Residential Units
in Newtonville
Resolution # PD-014-23
Moved by Mayor Foster
Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh
That Report PDS-012-23 and any related communication items, be received for
information only;
That Staff receive and consider comments from the public and Council with
respect to the Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision
applications submitted by 1044960 Ontario Limited (Veltri and Sons Limited) and
continue processing the applications including preparation of a subsequent
report; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-012-23 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
Resolution # PD-015-23
Moved by Mayor Foster
Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh
That the Committee recess for 5 minutes.
The meeting reconvened at 7:55 p.m. with Councillor Anderson in the Chair.
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Planning and Development Committee Minutes March 6, 2023
5.2 Public Meeting for a Proposed Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law
Billy Tung, KLM Planning Partners Inc. was present on behalf of the applicant.
Billy provided an overview of the subject lands and future extension of
Meadowglade Road. B. Tung outlined the proposed subdivision, proposed Active
Transportation Plan, and answered questions from Members of Committee.
5.2.1 PDS-013-23 Rezoning and Draft Plan of Subdivision for 140 Residential
Units in Courtice
Resolution # PD-016-23
Moved by Mayor Foster
Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh
That Report PDS-013-23 and any related communication items, be received for
information only;
That Staff receive and consider comments from the public and Council with
respect to the applications; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-013-23 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
5.3 Public Meeting for a Proposed Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law
Kevin Annett was present to express concerns regarding the safety of
construction. Kevin explained that the developer raised a trench wall over the
property while the children were in the backyard. K. Annett expressed concerns
regarding the condition of the silk fence, water pressure, and the location of the
portable washroom and construction trailer. Kevin answered questions from
Members of Committee.
Michael Fry, D.G. Biddle and Associates was present on behalf of the applicant.
Michael provided an overview of the site and neighborhood context. M. Fry
outlined the proposed development and Foster Creek Northwest Plan of
Subdivision. Michael stated that the proposal satisfies the Provincial Policy
Statement and Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. M. Fry explained
that a booster pump is being constructed for increased water pressure for the
entire subdivision and existing subdivisions and answered questions from
Members of Committee.
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Planning and Development Committee Minutes March 6, 2023
5.3.1 PDS-014-23 Rezoning and Draft Plan of Subdivision for 7 Residential Units
within the Foster Northwest Secondary Plan in Newcastle
Resolution # PD-017-23
Moved by Mayor Foster
Seconded by Councillor Woo
That Report PDS-014-23 and any related communication items, be received;
That the rezoning application submitted by 2103386 Ontario Ltd., be approved
and the By-law in Attachment 1 to Report PDS-014-23 be passed;
That the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2022-0013 submitted by
2103386 Ontario Ltd., to permit the development of 7 detached dwelling lots, be
supported subject to conditions approved by the Director of Planning and
Infrastructure Services;
That any Council and/or Public concerns regarding the subdivision be addressed
through the conditions of draft approval;
That once all requirements of the draft subdivision approval are satisfied, the By-
law authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be approved;
That the Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Department
and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report
PDS-014-23 and Council's decision; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-014-23 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
5.4 Public Meeting for a Proposed Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law
Paul Dillon and Karine Kirchner were present via electronic means in opposition
to the application. Karine expressed concerns regarding the increasing
development in the area and lack of greenspace. Paul expressed concerns
regarding destruction of wildlife and habitat, tree removal, and the effects of the
development. Paul and Karine answered questions from Members of Committee.
Brendan Graham, LANDxDevelopments, was present via electronic means on
behalf of the applicant. Brendan provided an overview of the subject property and
proposed development. B. Graham stated that the application is compliant with
the Durham Region Official Plan, Clarington Official Plan, and the Provincial
Policy Statement. Brendan provided an overview of the zoning proposals,
Bayview (southwest Courtice) Secondary Plan, and the local context. G. Graham
outlined the proposed development plan including pedestrian connectivity and
answered questions from Members of Committee.
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5.4.1 PDS-015-23 Rezoning and Draft Plan of Subdivision for a Total of 63
Residential Units in Courtice
Resolution # PD-018-23
Moved by Mayor Foster
Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh
That Report PDS-015-23 and any related communication items, be received for
information only;
That Staff receive and consider comments from the public and Council with
respect to the Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment
applications submitted by Plan Developments Inc. (Holland Homes) and continue
processing the applications including preparation of a subsequent report; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-015-23 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
The Public Meeting concluded at 8:53 p.m.
6. Presentations/Delegations
6.1 Delegation by Michael Fry, D.G. Biddle and Associates Ltd., Regarding
Report PDS-011-23 Rezoning for the Removal of a Holding (H) Symbol, An
Application by Trinity Star Developments
At the request of the Committee, Michael Fry, D.G. Biddle and Associates Ltd.
withdrew the delegation.
7. Reports/Correspondence Related to Presentations/Delegations
7.1 PDS-011-23 Rezoning for the Removal of a Holding (H) Symbol, An
Application by Trinity Star Developments Inc.
Resolution # PD-019-23
Moved by Mayor Foster
Seconded by Councillor Traill
That Report PDS-011-23 be received.
That the application submitted by Trinity Star Developments Inc. to remove the
Holding (H) symbol be approved as contained in Attachment 1 to Report PDS-
That Council's decision and a copy of Report PDS-011-23 be forwarded to the
applicant, the Region of Durham and the Municipal Property Assessment
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8. Communications
9. Staff Reports and Staff Memos
Resolution # PD-020-23
Moved by Mayor Foster
Seconded by Councillor Zwart
That Items 9.1 to 9.3, be approved in accordance with the agenda.
9.1 PDS-010-23 Hancock Neighborhood Phase 1Aand 1B, Certificate of
Acceptance and Assumption By -Law, and Final and Other Related Works
Resolution # PD-021-23
That Report PDS-010-23 and any related delegations or communication items,
be received;
That the Director of Planning and Infrastructure Services be authorized to issue a
Certificate of Acceptance for the Final Works, which includes final stage roads
and other related works constructed within Plan 40M-2364;
That the draft By-law Attachment 1, assuming certain streets and blocks within
Plan 40M-2364 be approved; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-010-23 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
9.2 Memo-006-23 Letter of Undertaking 2786 Maple Grove Road
Resolution # PD-022-23
That Jeffery Rostek be granted a 6-month extension for the use of temporary
living quarters at 2786 Maple Grove Road, subject to signing a further Letter of
9.3 Memo-007-23 Request of Bowmanville Hospital Foundation for Mobile Sign
Locations on Public Properties for the We Care, We Can Awareness
Resolution # PD-023-23
The request of the Bowmanville Hospital Foundation We Care, We Can
Awareness Month Campaign to locate mobile signs on the following publicly
owned lands be approved for the following locations:
Liberty & Baseline — at Tourism property
King St between the CP Rail and Bowmanville Ave.
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Planning and Development Committee Minutes March 6, 2023
King Avenue (north side) between Massey Drive and Given Road
Newcastle Public Library (Joseph Atkinson Parkette)
Fire Hall Property located at 3333 Highway 2
Corner of Highway 2 and Trulls Rd. (north side) Trulls Road Parkette
Community Services Facilities
Courtice Community Complex
Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Centre
Diane Hamre Complex
South Courtice Arena
That the approval be in accordance with the following provisions:
• Mobile signs must maintain a minimum 1 metre setback from any road
allowance and cannot be located within any portion of a visibility.
• A visibility triangle is defined as the triangular space area of land
abutting a road allowance or driveway that is required to be kept free of
obstructions that could impede the vision of a pedestrian or the driver
of a motor vehicle exiting onto or driving on the street. The visibility
triangle adjacent to the street shall be the area enclosed by each of the
street lines measured to a point 7.5 metres back from the intersection
of the street lines, and a diagonal line drawn between these two points.
The visibility triangle for a driveway shall be the area enclosed by the
line along the limits of the driveway measured to a point 3.0 metres
back from the intersection of the street lines and the limits of the
driveway, and a diagonal line drawn between these two points.
• The maximum size of a mobile sign is 3.0 square metres.
• Mobile signs are not allowed to have fluorescent lettering or
That the permits and fees be waived for this request;
That the approval be for the duration of four months (i.e., 17 weeks and 3 days),
May 1 st to August 31 St, 2023; and
That the application and permit fee required under Sign By-law 2009-123 for the
mobile sign to be placed on the lawn of the Bowmanville Hospital property
(Liberty St. S between Prince St. and Queen St.) also be waived.
10. New Business - Consideration
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Planning and Development Committee Minutes March 6, 2023
11. Unfinished Business
12. Questions to Department Heads/Request for Staff Report(s)
There were no questions to the Director of Planning and Development Services.
13. Confidential Items
14. Adjournment
Resolution # PD-024-23
Moved by Mayor Foster
Seconded by Councillor Zwart
That the meeting adjourn at 8:57 p.m.
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Municipality of Clarington
Council Meeting
Resolution #
Date: March 13, 2023
Moved By: Councillor Zwart
Seconded By: Councillor Woo
Whereas the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board (KPRDSB) has decided
to move younger students to the Pines Senior Public School (PSPS) on Highway
35/115 due to over capacity issues (209 students above capacity with 11
And whereas the speed limit on Highway 35/115 is 90 km/hr, while most school
zones are 40 km/hr;
And whereas younger students, including those with special needs, are at a
higher risk of possibly fleeing from the classroom, which puts them at risk to
Highway 35/115 road dangers;
And whereas housing development is anticipated to add an additional 1,300 units
into the catchment by 2027, with a potential to generate an additional 230
And whereas the increased enrolment is also impacting the development and
maintenance of physical buildings and playground stability, as well as creating
transportation issues;
And whereas the building of a new school in Newcastle would resolve these
issues and protect Clarington children;
And whereas the KPRDSB has resubmitted a Capital Priorities funding Request
to the Ministry of Education for a Kindergarten to Grade 12 school in Newcastle;
Now therefore be it resolved:
1. That the Municipality of Clarington supports the KPRDSB's funding
request to the Ministry of Education for a K-12 school in Newcastle;
2. That this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of Education, Stephen
Lecce, local MPP, David Piccini, and KPRDSB Clarington Trustees.
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