HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-02-08General Meeting Minutes- February 8th, 2023 Attendees: Jonathan, Carolyn, Brenda, Janet, Crystal, Katherine, Michelle, Jenn, (Kelly and Rick by phone) Regrets: Chairing: Katherine Recorders: Michelle (audio recording), Jenn (detailed notes taken), minutes generated by Kelly using audio and notes. Called to order (no timetaker to record time) Agenda items: 1. Chairs notes 2. Treasurer's report 3. Positions to be discussed 4. New business (open to floor) Agenda item 1. Chairs notes Discussion 1. Website, float entries via email committee emails. Action: update facebook page and roles Discussion 2. Santa breakfast Action: third party (licensed kitchen) prepared food, seek donations Discussion 3. Approval to issue tax receipts Action: Municipality to issue receipts to donator and money to us Discussion 4. Grant in review (email sent by Katherine) Action: Treasurer to follow up in March Discussion 5. Walkies purchased and tested by Johnathan Action: n/a Discussion 6. Broken trailers. A. Both in poor shape/need of replacement B. Santa float deemed not road worthy, Katherine leans toward prioritizing santa float, Jonathan indicted wheel issues with committee float C. Cheapest way to get rid of old trailers and materials Action: Rick and Jonathan to further assess and research best options Agenda item 3 Positions to be discussed Discussion 1. Committee roles; Clarification of roles, voting, democracy of committee and requirement of operating procedure, full disclosure Actions: MOTION: by Kelly to add a Vice Chair, seconded by Jenn, vote taken, 7/10, motion passed. MOTION: by Jonathon to use new role list, seconded by Brenda, vote taken, 10/10: motion passed. (additions below in bold) New Roles assumed by way of volunteering for roles. A. Chairperson: Katherine B. Vice Chair: Brenda C. Correspondence and recording (secretary): Kelly D. Treasurer: Jonathan (Brenda assists) E. Floats and Bands coordinator: Crystal, Katherine, Brenda F. Publicity/events coordinator: Michelle and Jenn G. Traffic control coordinator: Carolyn, Jenn, Jonathan H. Costumes and make up coordinators: Janet and Crystal I. Volunteers/filler coordinator: Janet and Crystal I Fundraising/sponsorship coordinator: Katherine Agenda item 2. Treasurer's report Discussion 1. Banking info - Jonathan, Katherine, Brenda are the only people with access to committee banking information. Current balance $16,155.64. Action: n/a Discussion 2. Fundraising letters need to be sent out by April 1. Action: bowmanvillesantaclausparadena gmail.com to be used Discussion 3. Proposal to change webhost Canhost - 10 emails, paid up until Oct, cost $100/yr, limited widgets, same storage Hostupon-unlimited email addresses, $71.40 USD/yr, variety of widgets, same storage Action: MOTION: Katherine to switch to Hostupon, Janet seconds, vote 7/7 (remaining committee members) motion passed. Discussion 4. Domain name "Bowmanvillesantaclausparade.com" "SantaClausparade.ca" Action: MOTION: by Janet to use Bowmanvillesantaclausparade.com, Seconded by Jenn, 7/7 motion passed. Emails will follow roles as people in the roles change they will be given access to the email for continuity sake. Discussion 5. Website access. Web designer/maintainer and publicist need access. Action: MOTION: by Michelle for Designer/maintainer (Jonathan) and Publicity coordinator (Michelle) to have access only. Jonathan seconds motion, 7/7 motion passed. Discussion 6. Parade day helpers and float entries. Action: Unanimously agreed to suspend formal registration until Sept 1. Emails can be sent to the main email before Sept 1. Discussion 7. Potential conflicts of interest with unsavoury/criminal business entrants. Vetting or denial process to protect integrity of parade. Right of refusal Action: Ask Corina Trail Re: legal ramifications, protecting integrity of parade. Revisit float agreement/terms of service ensure ethics clause is in it. Katherine to send out email with terms and conditions agreement. Agenda item 4. New business/open to floor Discussion 1. One costume outstanding, not retrieved from volunteer yet. Volunteers, budgets for costumes, etc Seek donated materials. Action: Crystal and Janet to take lead, Jenn to get contact info from St. Stephens Discussion 2. Date for Next meeting. Action: Wednesday March 22, 2023 location to be determined. Discussion 3. Breakfast with Santa (revisited) Action: approach Oympia, sunset grill, Bowmanville family restaurant, St. Joseph's knights of columbus, Stacked, monster Tentative date November 12th, 2023 Keep it simple: sausage/bacon/pancakes or have the restaurant determine. Discussion 4. Parade route - major complaints. Action: Tabled for future meeting Meeting adjourned. (Secretary's note, timetaker will be assigned at next meeting)