HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/19/2004Leading the Way PRAYERS ROLL CALL DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING DATE: MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 2004 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS Minutes of a meeting of Council held on December 15, 2003 PRESENTATION Presentation of plaques to Members of the Sports Hall of Fame Committee � DELEGATIONS a) Rob Taylor, 193 Sandringham Drive, Courtice, L1 E 2A3 - OVERT Presentation b) Peter Jobe, Fire Prevention Advisor, Office of the Fire Marshal, 2284 Nursery Road, Midhurst, LOL 1X0 - Survey Presentation c) Linda Gasser, P.O. Box 399, 7421 Best Road, Orono, LOB 1 MO - Report ort p d) Susan Daniel, York Region Printing, 1183 Ringwell Drive, Newmarket, L3Y 7V1 - Report COD-044-03 e) Alice Thom, 56 Monck Street, Kendal, LOA 1 EO - Confidential Report CLD -01 -04 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905) 623 -3379 Council Agenda - 2 - January 19, 2004 COMMUNICATIONS Receive for Information 1- 1 Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Meeting 1 - 2 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham -Highway 407 East Completion Project 1 - 3 Yves Ducharme, President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities - New Deal for Canadian Cities, Towns and Villages 1 - 4 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham -Public Health and Safe Drinking Water 1 - 5 Nestor Chronobay, Director, Strategic Planning Branch - Update on Initiative to Develop a Greater Toronto Area Agricultural Action Plan 1 - 6 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - 2004 Interim Regional Tax Levy 1 - 7 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Public Inquiry 1 - 8 John Stephenson - Canadian Environmental Assessment Act 1 - 9 John Stephenson - Port Granby Project 1 - 10 Betty Irving, Committee Co- Chair, Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade- Thank You Letter I - 11 Bruce Taylor, City Clerk, City of Pickering - Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities I - 12 Minutes of the Clarington Public Library Meeting I - 13 Minutes of the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting 1- 14 Greg Sorbara, MPP, Vaughan- King- Aurora - New Generation of Economic Growth in Ontario 1- 15 G. Glenn Case, Director, Port Hope Area Initiative, Low -Level Radioactive Waste Management - Expo 03 1 - 16 Federation of Canadian Municipalities -New Federal Team I - 17 Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Water Taking Permits Council Agenda - 3 - January 19, 2004 I - 18 John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs, Minister Responsible for Housing, Minister Responsible for Seniors - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Municipal Assistance Program I - 19 Greg Sorbara, Minister of Finance and John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs - 2004 Community Reinvestment Fund (CRF) Allocations 1-20 Minutes of the Newcastle Village Business Improvement Association Meeting 1 - 21 Minutes of the Newcastle Community Hall Board Meeting 1-22 Barbara Mullally Pauly, Senior Chief, Housing Programs, Office of Energy Efficiency, Natural Resources Canada - EnerGuide for Houses 1-23 John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs - 2003 Municipal Performance Measurement Program Receive for Direction D - 1 Victor Harrison, Vice President and Senior Warden, Orono Masonic Hall #325 - Opportunity to Purchase the Orono Masonic Hall D - 2 Eva Ligeti, Executive Director, The Clean Air Partnership - Smog Summit D - 3 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham - Hunting Issues D - 4 Dianne McKenzie, Executive Director, Epilepsy Durham Region - Epilepsy Awareness Month D - 5 Kimberley Kitteringham, Deputy City Clerk, City of Oshawa - Level of Elected Representation on Regional Council D - 6 Martha Rutherford Conrad, Administrator, Clarington Museums and Archives - Naming for Building at 62 Temperance Street D - 7 Nancy Noel - Requesting a Day to Honour Dr. Ross Tilley D - 8 Brian W. Knott, City Solicitor /Clerk, City of Sarnia - Current Assessment System D - 9 Brian W. Knott, City Solicitor /Clerk, City of Sarnia - MPAC's Role and Responsibility Council Agenda - 4 - January 19, 2004 D - 10 Carol Grylls, Committee Secretary, Region of Durham - Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee and the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee D - 11 Neil Verbeek and Mike Roy - Request to Change Date of Public Meeting MOTION NOTICE OF MOTION Moved by Councillor Pingle, seconded by Councillor Trim WHEREAS at its meeting held on June 2, 2003, Council adopted a policy to address gate access to municipal open space; AND WHEREAS the policy does not allow for gate access where private properties abut natural open space areas such as valley land, woodlots or storm water ponds; AND WHEREAS Gate Requests have been received from Mr. James Tower, 105 Galbraith Court and from Ms. Tiffany Recoski, 109 Galbraith Court, to install gates in their fences to allow access to their rear yards with lawn and garden equipment; AND WHEREAS these requests have been denied by the Director of Engineering as they do not meet the requirements outlined in the policy adopted by Council: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Gate Access to Municipal Open Space policy be waived in these instances as the homeowners do not have access to their back yards except through their houses, provided the gates are constructed in accordance with municipal standards. REPORTS General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of January 12, 2004 2. Report FND- 001 -04 - 2004 Community Reinvestment Fund 3. Report EGD -03 -04 - Superbuild: Bowmanville Waterfront Lands 4. Report PSD- 009 -04 - Orono Masonic Hall Council Agenda - 5 - January 19, 2004 5. Report CLD -02 -04 - Membership of Clarington Museums and Archives Board, Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee and Clarington Highway 407 Community Advisory Committee 6. Confidential Report CLD -01 -04 - Personnel Issue 7. Confidential Verbal Report from the Director of Planning Services - Property Matter UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Report COD - 044 -03 - Request for Proposal - RFP- 2003 -14, Printing Requirements (tabled at the Council meeting held on December 15, 2003) BY -LAWS OTHER BUSINESS a) Boards and Committees Update b) Regional Update BY -LAW TO APPROVE ALL ACTIONS OF COUNCIL ADJOURNMENT M C-J! the Way REPORT #1 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 19, 2004 SUBJECT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 2004 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION (a) Report EGD -01 -04 - Traffic Watch Program — Status Report (b) Report EGD -02 -04 - Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for November, 2003 (c) Report ESD- 001 -04 - Monthly Response Report — November, 2003 2. FORTHWITH RECOMMENDATION FOR COUNCIL'S RATIFICATION (a) Amalgamation of Local Transit Services in Durham Region 3. MONITORING OF THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 4 2003 THAT Report PSD- 001 -04 be received; and THAT Council concurs with the decision of the Committee of Adjustment made on December 4, 2003 for applications A2003/036 and A2003/037 and that Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905) 623 -3379 Report #1 - 2 - January 19, 2004 4. APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF PART LOT CONTROL APPLICANT: GLEN GENGE (D.G. BIDDLE & ASSOCIATES LTD.) FOR 1319164 ONTARIO LIMITED THAT Report PSD- 002 -04 be received; THAT the request for Removal of Part Lot Control with respect to Lots 25 to 30, 57 to 74, 77 and 78, 81 to 83, 86 to 95, 98 to 100, 103, 105 to 111, 113 and 114 on Plan 40M -2166 be approved and that the Part Lot Control By -law attached to Report PSD- 002 -04 be passed pursuant to Section 50 (7.1) of the Planning Act; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 002 -04 and any delegations and the Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department be advised of Council's decision. 5. APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF PART LOT CONTROL APPLICANT: LEGENDS CONSULTING ON BEHALF OF ST. STEPHEN'S ESTATES INC. THAT Report PSD- 003 -04 be received; THAT the request for removal of Part Lot Control with respect to Lots 32 to 66 and Blocks 67 to 69 inclusive on Plan 40M -2133 be approved and that the Part Lot Control By -law attached to Report PSD- 003 -04 be passed pursuant to Section 50 (7.1) of the Planning Act; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 003 -04 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 6. SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD ROBERT ADAMS DRIVE SOUTH OF MULHOLLAND COURT AT WHITTAKER WALKWAY COURTICE THAT Report PSD- 004 -04 be received; THAT an Adult School Crossing Guard be approved for the location on Robert Adams Drive south of Mulholland Court at Whittaker Walkway, Courtice; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 004 -04 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 7. BILL 27, GREENBELT PROTECTION ACT, 2003 MINISTER'S ZONING ORDER FOR GREENBELT STUDY AREA THAT Report PSD- 005 -04 be received for information; and THAT the applicants affected be notified. Report #1 - 3 - January 19, 2004 8. BILL 26, STRONG COMMUNITIES ACT (PLANNING AMENDMENT), 2003 — EFFECT ON APPLICATIONS THAT Report PSD- 006 -04 be received for information; and THAT the applicants affected be notified. 9. PROTOCOL FOR COUNCIL — APPOINTED ADVISORY COMMITTEES THAT Report PSD- 007 -04 be received; THAT the Protocol for Council — Appointed Advisory Committees be approved; and THAT a senior management member from the Department responsible for each committee to which the protocol applies be directed to attend the first meeting of each new term to advise the Committee of their role and mandate, and to review the Protocol. 10. STEWARDSHIP INITIATIVES THAT Report PSD- 008 -04 be received; THAT the Manager of Special Projects continue to investigate potential stewardship initiatives and partnerships with community groups and report to Council on further actions that have and could be undertaken; THAT the remaining funds be carried over to 2004 and, the guidelines to be used for stewardship funding assistance be established with the underlying principle that the funding benefit our partners and ultimately the Municipality; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 008 -04 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 11. CLARINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY MAIN BRANCH COFFEE KIOSK OPERATION — SIX MONTH REVIEW THAT Report CSD -01 -04 be received; THAT the Community Services Department extend the Library Coffee Kiosk pilot project for a further six months; and THAT the Clarington Public Library Board be advised of the decision. Report #1 - 4 - January 19, 2004 12. CL2003 -31, RENOVATIONS TO THE VISUAL ARTS CENTRE THAT Report COD - 001 -04 be received; THAT Kraco Carpentry Service Ltd., Bowmanville, Ontario with a total bid in the amount of $50,718.00 (Including G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender CL2003- 31, be awarded the contract for the Renovations of the Visual Arts Centre, Part "A "; THAT $20,000.00 be drawn from the Department of Operations Account No. 8190 - 03500 -1401 for the 2003 budget amount, $17,035.99 from Account No. 2900 -17 -X carried over from prior years, and $13,682.01 from Account No. 1110 -159 -X also carried over from prior years; and THAT the By -law attached to Report COD - 001 -04 marked Schedule "A" authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the necessary agreement be approved. 13. DELEGATION OF ANDREW MCCREATH THAT Andrew McCreath be thanked for his delegation and that the Port Granby Annual Report be referred to staff. 14. DELEGATION OF SUZANNE ELSTON THAT Suzanne Elston be thanked for her delegation and that the handout be referred to the Planning Services Department for suggestions for nominations. 15. ACTIONS - "CLOSED" MEETING THAT the actions taken at the "closed" meeting be ratified. 16. APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMITTEES a) Abandoned Cemeteries Board THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Abandoned Cemeteries Board of Clarington; and THAT the appropriate By -law be approved: Gordon Barrie John Bate Nancy Healer Blair Smyth Paul Vaneyk Councillor Adrian Foster Report #1 - 5 - January 19, 2004 b) Animal Advisory Committee THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Animal Advisory Committee of Clarington; and THAT the appropriate By -law be approved: Kathleen Blundell Laurie Davis (Durham Animal Adoption) Charmaine Dunn Julie Price Byron Rehder John Stoner Councillor Adrian Foster c) Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee; and THAT the appropriate By -law be approved: Neil Allin (Durham Federation of Agriculture) Tom Barrie Eric Bowman Gerald Brown Dave Davidson William Hasiuk Gary Jeffery Jennifer Knox Brenda Metcalf John Vaneyk Ted Watson Councillor Gord Robinson d) Clarington Highway 407 Advisory Committee THAT the following individuals be appointed to represent Ward 1 on the Clarington Highway 407 Advisory Committee; and THAT the appropriate By -law be approved: George Khouri J. Bradford Soles on Report #1 - 6 - January 19, 2004 THAT the following individuals be appointed to represent Ward 2 on the Clarington Highway 407 Advisory Committee; and THAT the appropriate By -law be approved: Fred Biesenthal Albert Werry THAT the following individuals be appointed to represent Ward 3 on the Clarington Highway 407 Advisory Committee; and THAT the appropriate By -law be approved: Mark Canning William Harford AND THAT the following individuals be appointed to represent Ward 4 on the Clarington Highway 407 Advisory Committee: Linda Gasser Murray Paterson; THAT Councillor Jim Schell be appointed as the Council representative on the Clarington Highway 407 Advisory Committee; and THAT the appropriate By -law be approved. N THAT Staff bring forward an amending by -law to include a representative of the Durham Regional Police Services as a voting member on the Clarington Highway 407 Community Advisory Committee. e) Clarington Museums and Archives Board THAT the appointments to the Clarington Museums and Archives Board be tabled; THAT the By -law establishing the Board of Management to operate the museums be reviewed to address the issue of Ward representation; and Report #1 - 7 - January 19, 2004 THAT Staff re- advertise for interested individuals to fill the composition of the Board. f) Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee THAT the following individuals be appointed to represent Ward 1 on the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee; and THAT the appropriate By -law be approved: Glenda Baker Ross Libbey Dirk Zinner `►l THAT the following individuals be appointed to represent Ward 2 on the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee; and THAT the appropriate By -law be approved: Andrew Kozak Glenn Wallis Teresa Williams THAT the following individuals be appointed to represent Ward 3 on the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee; and THAT the appropriate By -law be approved: David Duffie Clayton Morgan Brendon Nightingale E THAT the following individuals be appointed to represent Ward 4 on the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee; Wayne Godwin Gord Lee; THAT Ron Radcliffe be appointed as the Road Watch Committee representative on the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee; Report #1 - 8 - January 19, 2004 THAT Councillor Don MacArthur be appointed as the Council representative on the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee; THAT the appropriate By -law be approved; and THAT Staff re- advertise for interested persons to fill the remaining position from Ward 4. g) Committee of Adiustment THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Committee of Adjustment; and THAT the appropriate By -law be approved: John Bellman Ellen Cowan Craig Greentree Jean - Michel Komarnicki Harold St. Croix Ralph Tukker h) Fence Viewers THAT the following individuals be appointed as Fence Viewers in the Municipality of Clarington; and THAT the appropriate By -law be approved: William Gordon Glenn Smith John Stewart Jim Vinson i) Game Commission THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Game Commission: Tim Boucher Debbie Dilling; THAT the appropriate By -law be approved: and THAT Staff re- advertise for applications from interested persons to fill the remaining positions. Report #1 j) Livestock Valuers - 9 - January 19, 2004 THAT the following individuals be appointed as Livestock Valuers in the Municipality of Clarington; and THAT the appropriate By -law be approved: James E. Coombes John Scanlan k) Municipal Heritage Committee (formerly LACAC) THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Municipal Heritage Committee; and THAT the appropriate By -law be approved: Don Brown Johanna DeBoer Karina Isert Jennifer Knox Andrew Kozak Clayton M. Morgan Karin Murphy Jennifer Nicholls David Reesor Victor Suppan Councillor Don MacArthur 1) Newcastle Arena Board THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Newcastle Arena Board; and THAT the appropriate By -law be approved: Lawrence Burke Earl T. Foster Gord Lee Carol Little Byron Reader Donald Michael Rogers Herman Valckx Councillor Gord Robinson Report #1 -10- January 19, 2004 m) Orono Arena Community Centre Board THAT the following individual be appointed to the Orono Arena Community Centre Board: THAT Councillor Charlie Trim be appointed as the Council representative on the Orono Arena Community Centre Board; THAT the appropriate By -law be approved; and THAT Staff re- advertise for interested individuals to fill the remaining position. n) Pound Keepers THAT the following individuals be appointed as Pound Keepers for the Municipality of Clarington; and THAT the appropriate By -law be approved: James E. Coombes John Scanlan o) Property Standards Committee THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Property Standards Committee for the Municipality of Clarington; and THAT the appropriate By -law be approved: Douglas Browning Jack Julicher Dana Kerr Andre O'Bumsawin Peter Reynolds p) Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee for the Municipality of Clarington; and THAT the appropriate By -law be approved: David Best Lorraine Bird Arthur A. Burrows Report #1 - 11 - January 19, 2004 Jim Cleland Allan Hewitt Ilse Kreimes Duncan Scott McCann M. Cathrine McKeever Joe McKenna Karin Murphy Leanne Sobol Councillor Don MacArthur q) Clarington Public Library Board THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Clarington Public Library Board; and THAT the appropriate By -law be approved: Brenda Carrigan Judy Hagerman Allan Hewitt Dianne McKenzie Don Peebles Brian Purdy Gail Rickard Councillor Don MacArthur Mayor John Mutton SUMMARY OF CORRESPONDENCE JANUARY 19, 2004 CORRESPONDENCE FOR INFORMATION 1 - 1 Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority meeting dated December 11, 2003. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1 - 2 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham, providing Council with a copy of The Honourable Harinder Takhar, Minister of Transportation, reply regarding Highway 407 being a key priority and that the Scugog Council resolution concerning the eastward extension of Highway 407 will be considered as the Highway 407 East Completion Project is reviewed. (Receive for Information) 1 - 3 Yves Ducharme, President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, requesting Mayor Mutton to call or meet with the local Members of Parliament during the week of December 9 regarding Paul Martin's commitment to a New Deal for Canadian cities, towns and villages. The Federation of Canadian Municipalities is looking for progress on four key points: The appointment of a senior minister; a cabinet committee to spearhead change; a clear commitment to the New Deal in the upcoming Speech from the Throne; and action of the fiscal plan in the Spring Budget. (Receive for Information) 1 - 4 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham, providing Council with a copy of the Minister of the Environment's letter regarding Public Health and Safe Drinking Water. Minister Dombrowsky makes several commitments, including the establishment of an Expert Scientific Panel and a Sound -Sorb web link that will help all interested parties keep up -to -date on the latest Sound - Sorb information. The Minister adds that the Ministry is continuing to undertake additional testing and studies to further ensure there are no adverse effects associated with materials containing paper fibre biosolids. (Receive for Information) 1 - 5 Nestor Chronobay, Director, Strategic Planning Branch, advising Council that the Durham Regional Planning Committee on December 9, 2003, passed the following resolution regarding the Update on Initiative to Develop a Greater Toronto Area Agricultural Action Plan: "a) THAT Commissioner's Report No. 2003 -P -105 be received for information; and b) THAT a copy of Commissioner's Report No. 2003 -P -105 be forwarded to the Area Municipalities and the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee (DAAC) for information." (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 2 - January 19, 2004 1 - 6 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that the Region of Durham on December 17, 2003, passed the following resolution: "a) THAT a 2004 Interim Regional Tax Levy be imposed on the Area Municipalities for all property tax classes; b) THAT the amount due from each Area Municipality be equivalent to 50% of their respective share of the Regional Taxes collected in 2003; c) THAT the 2004 Interim Regional Tax Levy be paid by the Area Municipalities seven days subsequent to the installment due dates established by each Area Municipality for the collection of their respective interim municipal property taxes; d) THAT the Regional Clerk be requested to advise the Area Municipalities of the imposition of the 2004 Interim Regional Tax Levy for all property tax classes; and e) THAT the requisite by -law be approved." (Receive for Information) 1 - 7 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that the Region of Durham on December 17, 2003, passed the following resolution: "a) THAT the resolution of the Municipality of Clarington regarding a Public Inquiry into the Ministry of Environment be endorsed; and b) THAT the Municipality of Clarington, the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of the Environment, Durham Region's MPP's, all municipalities within the Region of Durham and Protect the Ridges, be so advised." (Receive for Information) 1 - 8 John Stephenson, writing to Linda Keene, President and CEO, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, asking that radon -222 and its daughters be excluded from Regulation 19 g (ii) of the Consolidated Regulations under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. Recent calculations of the inventory of radio - nuclides at the Port Granby Low -Level Radioactive Waste Management Facility (LLRWMF), by the proponent of the project to build a waste storage facility at Port Granby to hold the waste for a period of at least 500 years, exclude radon and its daughters with T1/2 >1 year, based on the exclusion in clause 19 g (ii) B of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act regulations. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 3 - January 19, 2004 1 - 9 John Stephenson, writing to The Honourable David Anderson, Federal Minister of the Environment, providing him with a copy of a letter from Dr. Peter Brown, Director of the Uranium and Radioactive Waste Division of NRCan. Mr. Stephenson believes that Dr. Brown is incorrect when he claims that the option to excavate the wastes stored at Port Granby and move them to a new location, is an `alternate means' of carrying out the project. (Receive for Information) 1 - 10 Betty Irving, Committee Co- Chair, Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade, thanking Council and staff for all their support this year. (Receive for Information) I - 11 Bruce Taylor, City Clerk, City of Pickering, advising Council that the City of Pickering appointed Mayor David Ryan to the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities for a term to expire on November 30, 2006. Councillor Mark Holland was appointed as the Mayor's alternate for the same term. (Receive for Information) 1 - 12 Minutes of the Clarington Public Library meeting dated November 26, 2003. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1 - 13 Minutes of the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting dated December 4, 2003. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1- 14 Greg Sorbara, MPP, Vaughan- King- Aurora, advising Council that he is looking forward to working together to inspire a new generation of economic growth in Ontario, strengthen public education, improve health care, grow vibrant communities, protect the environment and ensure that the magnificent cultural diversity is reflected. (Receive for Information) 1 - 15 G. Glenn Case, Director, Port Hope Area Initiative, Low -Level Radioactive Waste Management, responding to John Stephenson's letter dated November 14, 2003. Mr. Case notes that they appreciate Mr. Stephenson's compliments on the exhibits and staffing at Expo 03. The geology and groundwater presentation prepared for Expo 03 was based on a working draft report and was intended to provide a good general overview of the kind of studies being carried out for the Environmental Assessment. The results were preliminary and may need some corrections. Mr. Stephenson's example of information on the elevation of the Middle Till in the vicinity of the East Gorge will be checked very carefully. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence -4- January 19, 2004 I - 16 Federation of Canadian Municipalities, providing Council with the following points should Council be requested to comment on the new federal team: Swearing in of Paul Martin as Canada's 21St Prime Minister is good news for Canada's municipalities; commitment The new Prime Minister h alities by emonstrated ng strong as to a New Deal form p Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister with special emphasis on cities; This makes the New Deal a Prime Ministerial Canada's d speaks to the Prime Minister s deep Mr. Godfrey will municipalities. With the d o lead Ministe effectively; have the clout need They are also encouraged by the appointment of Andy Scott as Minister of State for Infrastructure. This demonstrates t anada'stgrowi growing Minister's strong commitment to dealing / infrastructure deficit, a problem that affects both the quality of life and productivity; Delivering the New Deal will t negotiation at onh- among federal and on and coordination - and patient ego provincial /territorial /municip(Re ei e ore Information) I - 17 Association of Municipalities of Ontario, advising Council that the one -year moratorium on certain water taking permits and the next phase in the preparation aration of a source protection framework asa been nno s ford: The moratorium prohibits the issuance of new or p d Beverage manufacturing, including the manufacturing or production of bottled water or water in other containers; Fruit or vegetable canning or pickling; Ready -mix concrete manufacturing; ate and the water taken are Aggregate processing where the aggregate and incorporated into a product in rnroductsl of a where more than a The manufacturing or product ion of p total of 50,000 litres of the oan h day in the nor of incorporated into a product an manufacturing or producing the product. The moratorium would not apply to: Water taken for agricultural purposes, including aquaculture, nurseries, tree farms and sod farms; Water taken for municipal water supplies or sewage treatment plants; quarries, and aggregate ate washing; Dewatering of pits and g Renewals of existing permits for Se e same volume from the same location and for the same purpose; Summary of Correspondence _ 5 - January 19, 2004 Existing permits to take water. However, n at the current amount of water permit holder may take will be frozen being taken. Therefore, permits that allow for its will be rease issued implement water takings will be revoked and new p implement the freeze. (Receive for Information) Minister Responsible for 1 - 18 John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs, Council that their Housing, Minister Responsible for Seniors, advising government's their Severe application for financial assistance SARS) Municipal pal Ass sgtance Program has Acute Respiratory Syndrome ( the municipality, been approved. In recognition of e Payment of $485 costs v3. the Province will make an electronic for Information) Greg Sorbara, Minister of Finance and John Gerretsen, Community f I 19 g the release o Municipal Affairs, announcing Reinvestment Fund (CRF) allocations. The McGuinty government is pr 9 ovidin $618 million to municipalities through th This s an increase of CRF, including continuation of the $ million S for 200 . Continuation of the $24 million over grants Stabilization Bonus will ensure that municipalities'2004 I�Ces W l� a� o is a least at the same level as their 2003 funding. p pro ram costs receive $50 million in CRF adjustment payments for 2002 p g dated 2003 payments. Staff will receive additional information on and u p Clarington's 2004 CRF allocation ( Receeive for Information) Minutes of the Newcastle Village Business Improvement Association 1-20 attached) meeting dated December 9, 2003 (Receive for Information) - 21 Minutes of the New Community Hall Board meeting dated I attached) December 16, 2003. (Copy (Receive for Information) Barbara Mullally Pauly, Senior Chief, Housing Programs, Office of Energy I - 22 Council with a brochure Efficiency, Natural Resources Canada, providing about the EnerGuide for Houses s(Receive for Information) 1-23 John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs, writing to Council to provide the requirements for reporting under the 2003 Municipal Performance Measurement Program (MPMP). The 2003 2 PZP measures MPMPr man Advisory largely the same as those used for the year ram remain stable for this Committee has recommended that the program ram for the fourth year while technical committees work to expand the prog 2004 reporting year. (Receive for Information Summary of Correspondence " 6 _ January 19, 2004 CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION Orono Masonic Hall D - 1 Victor Harrison, Vice President and Senior Warden to to purchase the the #325, advising Council that they rito t bei g listed with a real estate Orono Masonic Lodge building prior ritten replay no later than Wednesday, agent. Mr. Harrison requests a w January 21, 2004. (Motion to advise of actions taken with respect to Report PSD- 009 -04) The Clean Air Partnership, providing D - 2 Eva Ligeti, Executive Director, summary of what 10 towns, 1 Council with a copy of their 58-page government departments and 2 municipality, 6 cities, 4 regions, 4 federal g ial ministries are doing to improve air quality in the Greater Toronto provincial inviting government leaders to consider the numerous s and Area. They initiatives that are already underway for the GTA Clean Air Council improve efficiency. Clarington s support GTA -CAC) in working cooperatively to improve the air we breathe is ( sharing ideas and best practices, GTA -CAC members crucial because by g quality, protect public are developing solutions to improve regin' thatCoun�lp note June 21, and environmental health. MSSumma• requests 2004, as the 5t" annual Smog (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Planning and Development) 3 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham, writing to The Honourable David Ramsay, D a letter from Eric Atkins Minister of Natural Resources, regarding pertaining to hunting issues in Clarington. Mr. Atkins Officers, wrtes Ministry e d to p g By -law resolve the various jurisdictions (Police, onsibilities concerning Natural Resources personnel) who each have resp the enforcement of laws governing Motiongto refer correspondence to the Municipal Clerk) D - 4 Dianne McKenzie, Executive Director, Epilepsy Durham Region, 2004 as Epilepsy requesting Council to proclaim the monun of ality a d across Ontario will Awareness Month. Residents m the m be acknowledging their organization by wearing lavender ribbons to show their commitment to improving the quality of life for those living with a seizure disorder. (Motion to Proclaim) Summary of Correspondence - 7 _ January 19, 2004 Kimberley Kitteringham, Deputy City Clerk, City f OOshawa, December D 5 Kim Y Regional Municipality following resolution: onClty o 15, 2003, passed th "THAT whereas it has been raised at Regional Council that the Town of Whitby has concerns I of the Regional Municipality of representation on the ounc Durham; AND WHEREAS these concerns may be shared by other municipalities; o ulation of the Town of Whitby and AND WHEREAS the grow o eem to warrant additional the City of Pickering representation on the Regional Council; AND WHEREAS additional seats may allow for the opportunity for changes to the committee system without drastic changes to all committees; AND WHEREAS it would be es problematic wit in the to Coudnci to accommodate representation of municipalities within this population growth; � AND WHEREAS the Co y respects the concerns raised by the Town of Whitby and wishes in a spirit of cooperation to offer a resolve for Regional Council's consideration; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED {o the ref presentation on supports the addition of two sea the Council of the Regional Municipality DO plus the Regional total of Regional Council representati on to apportioned one to the Town of Whitby a Chair, and one to the City oftPickering; THAT the additional seats be added at a time of the o be chosen by the Regional Council but no later than the en Regional Council; THAT the City continue to support the current representation in the City of Oshawa, Municipality of Clari gron, Tow of Ajax and Townships of Scugog, Uxbridge and THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to egi nal Co Is it our immediate consideration and copies be sent partner municipalities for th(Motionrfor Direction) Summary of Correspondence -8- January 19, 2004 D - 6 Martha Rutherford Conrad, Administrator, Clarington Museums and es advising Council that the Clarington Museum Transitional Board Archives, assed the following resolu on October 22, 2003, p "THAT the Clarington Museum Transitional Board requests at 62 permission from Council to provide a name for the building Temperance Street. n order to do so they would like to set up a Napc maSon)ction Committee. i (Motion for Council to consider creating a day to honour Dr. D _ 7 Nancy Noel, requesting eon in the RCAF during World Ross Tilley, who served as a plastic surgeon Ward II and went on to become a pioneer in reconstructive placed onsport surgery. ars and seems a shame that such a great reat emphasis i such little attention to war time heroes. Dr. Tilley ueen Victoria Hospital The in England to act as surgeon -in -chief at the Q d that burns that the Battle of Britain airmen suffered were n dianfrequently facial and hand burns. Dr. Tilley was in charge of the the war, he unit had one of the highest rat f rs fundergraduate i� ou se in plastic returned and taught Canada's to was n surgery. The burn unit at the Wellesley H der pital in of the To Brit nsh Emp re and'n his honour. Dr. Tilley was awarded the Or di also awarded the Order of Ca Motion for pDirection) ) 2 ( Brian W. Knott, City Solicitor /Clerk, City of Sarnia, advising Council that D - 8 Br passed the following resolution: the City of Sarnia on December 15, 2003, p "THAT Sarnia City Council ask the new McGuinty government to immediately review the current assessment asnystee m n dat correct a number of the injustices that are occurring review the so- called "tax fairness Ingrom'multhresident multi-residential mandating communities to shift the tax burden commercial to residential; and THAT this resolution be sent to the Association of suanid alilities of o Ontario, MPAC, the Institute of Municipal Assess municipalities for endorsement d support." Direction) Brian W. Knott, City Solicitor /Clerk, City of Sarnia, advising Council that D - 9 B passed the following resolution: the City of Sarnia on December 15, 2003, p "THAT Sarnia City Council request nd Minister of Finance with ao view, in undertake a review of MPAC s role quality of assessment service delivered particular, to improve the q Y the and to improve customer service, and that C oro City's wit h a City's MPP, be provided with a copy of request for her support; and January 19, 2004 Summary of Correspondence " 9 " solution be sent to the Association f Municipalities Ontario THAT this re al Assessors Ontario, MPAC, the Institute of Municipal otion municipalities for endorsement d for Direction) Region of Durham, advising Council D - 10 Carol Grylls, Committee Secretary, Reg passed the following that the Region of Durham on December 9, 2003, resolution: « Report No. 2003 -P -104 of the Commisfi mation ofthefng be THAT Rep ricultural referred to the area municipal ve member to the Durham Ag i appointment of their p Advisory Committee and the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee." (Motion for Direction) Council with a petition containing 42 providing time from Monday, D - 11 Neil Verbeek and requesting a ROY, of public meeting signatures requesting time of 7:00 or 7:30 p.m. January 26, 2004 at 9:30 a.m. to an evening gag many as possible would like residents work during the day, Many public meeting forum, which would allow them o to be able to attend the p er, CL, Council Members and input with the subdivision developer, meeting. They feel the give inp regular Council other rep they hope to have cannot happen at a meaning exchange meeting. (Motion for Direction) SUMMARY OF BY -LAWS JANUARY 19, 2004 BY -LAWS 2004 -001 being a by -law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the owners of Plan of Subdivision 18T -98012 and any Mortgagee who has an interest in the said lands, and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in respect of 18T -98012 (approved by Council on July 26, 1999) 2004 -002 being a by -law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the Owners of Plan of Subdivision S -C- 2002 -001 and any Mortgagee who has an interest in the said lands, and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in respect to S -C- 2002 -001 (approved by Council on November 25, 2002) 2004 -003 being a by -law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the Owners of Plan of Subdivision 18T -96014 and any Mortgagee who has an interest in the said lands, and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in respect of 18T -96014 (approved by Council on September 28, 1998) 2004 -004 being a by -law to authorize an agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and ESRI Canada for the purposes of the GeoSmart programme software and training purchase to facilitate the further development of the Geographic Information System (GIS) and web -base applications (approved by Council on April 14, 2003) 2004 -005 being a by -law to authorize the borrowing of $15,000,000 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year 2004 2004 -006 being a by -law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M -2166 from Part Lot Control (Item #4 of Report #1) 2004 -007 being a by -law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M -2133 from Part Lot Control (Item # 5 of Report #1) 2004 -008 being a by -law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Kraco Carpentry Service Ltd. Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Renovations of the Visual Arts Centre (Item #12 of Report #1) _ 2 _ January 19, 2004 By -law Summary 04 -009 being a by -law to authorize the execution vatiofn an Authority amendment the the 20 Central Lake Ontario Cons Lease by Municipality of Clarington dated January ost Lands, Boat Ramp and Bowmanville Valley Lands, the F oR #3 Associated Lands as described in the Lease (Rep ) y- 2004 -010 being a by-law to amend By -law 2002 -045, a by -law to establish a Board of Management to operate Board and to repe alBy -law Clarington Museums and Arc hive 2003 -196 (Report #5) 2004-011 being a by -law to appoint Members of the Abandoned Cemeteries Board for the Municipality of Clarington and to repeal By-law 2001 -001 (Item #16 of Report #1) 2004 -012 being a by -law to appoint Members to the Animal Advisory Committee for the Municipality of Clarington and to repeal By -law 2001 -002 (Item #16 of Report #1) 2004-013 being a by -law to appoint Members to the of Clarington Agricultural repeal Advisory Committee 74t (Item of Report By -law 20 2004 -014 being a by -law to appoint Members of the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee for the 16 M Repotlity f Clarington and to repeal By-law 2001 -004 (Item # 2004-015 being a by -law to amend By -law 83 -83, as amended and to repeal the By -law 2001 -006 to constitute a C omhe Plannidng justment Act 1983r(It m Municipality of Clarington pursuant #16 of Report #1) 04 -016 being a by -law to appoint Fence Viewers for the Municipality of 20 law 2001 -007 (Item #16 of Report #1) Clarington and to repeal By 2004-017 being a By -law to appoint Members tre the Game -1 Commission 01 008 (Item the Municipality of Clarington and to repeal #16 of Report #1) 200ry for the 4-018 being a By -law to appoint Valuers of Livestock and ult (Item #16 Municipality of Clarington and to repeal By of Report #1) 3 _ January 19, 2004 By-law Summary -019 being a By -law to appoint Members of the Municipal Heritage 2004 repeat dvi By-law Committee (formerly Local Architectural and to Advisory Committee�temt #16 of Report #1) 2001 -010 2004 -020 b 9 ein a By -law to appoint Members to the Newcastle Arena Board and to repeal By -law 2001 -011 (Item #16 o p 2004 -021 being a By -law to repeal Schedule " A" to By-law 2001 -012, being a as a by -law to amend By -law 78 -63 to es ttbthe Community Recreation Centre Community Centre in accordance 22 and to provide for the Centre Act, R.S.O., (1990) establishment of a Community Centre Board (Item #16 of Report #1) 2004 -022 being a By-law to appoint Poundkeepers for the MunicipalitYo� f #1 Clarington and to repeal By -law 2001 -013 (Item #16 of Rep being a By -law to appoint Members to the Property Standards 2004 023 ton and to repeal By -law Committee fort #16 of Report #1)Claring 2001 -014 (Item 4 being a By -law to appoint Members to the Samuel Wilmot Nature 2004 02 oft #1) Area Management Advisory Committee m #16 of Repo Clarington and to repeal By -law 20 being a By -law to appoint Members to the ClRep noro# Library Board 2004 -025 b g #16 o and to repeal By -law 2001 -016 (Item bein a By -law to appoint Members to the Clarington Highway 407 2004-026 g Community Advisory Committee for the Municipality of Claring on (Item #16 of Report #1) being a By -law to appoint Members of Council to Various Boards 2004 -027 g ton and to repeal and Committees in the Municipality of Clarington By -law 2001 -024 2004-028 Confidential By -law pertaining to a legal matter (Item #15 of Report #1) 2004 -029 Confidential By -law pertaining to a property matter (Report #7)