HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/12/2003i Leading the Way DATE: MONDAY, MAY 12, 2003 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS ROLL CALL DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Minutes of a special meeting of Council held on April 25, 2003 Minutes of a meeting of Council held on April 28, 2003 DELEGATIONS 1. Kim Acolina, 3 Glenelge Court, Bowmanville, L1 C 4J1 - Correspondence Item D - 12 COMMUNICATIONS Receive for Information 1- 1 Darlene Matthews and Warren Lamondin, The Clarington Project - Thank You Letter 1 - 2 The AIDS Committee of Durham -The World Has AIDS Conference 1 - 3 The Honourable Janet Ecker, Minister of Finance - Subsidized Loans to Support Critical Infrastructure Investments 1 - 4 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Funding for Conservation Authorities CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 'T (905) 623 -3379 Council Agenda - 2 - May 12, 2003 1 - 5 Dr. D.L. Reynolds, Association Medical Officer of Health - Snapshot on Cancer 1 - 6 Federation of Canadian Municipalities - National Guide for Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure 1 - 7 Peter Adams, M.P., Peterborourgh - ITER 1 - 8 Allan Hewitt, Chair, Samuel Wilmot Management Advisory Committee - Recognition of Cynthia Strike 1 - 9 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham - GeoSmart Funding 1 - 10 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Meeting 1- 11 Doris Foster, Kendal Recreation - Thank You Letter 1 - 12 Minutes of the Port Granby Project Community Meeting 1 - 13 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham - Goodyear Plant in Bowmanville 1 - 14 Debbie Brideau, Administrative Assistant, Region of Durham - Test Hill Force 1 - 15 Minutes of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee Meeting 1 - 16 Minutes of the Newcastle Village Business Improvement Association Meeting 1 - 17 Minutes of the Clarington Traffic Advisory Committee Meeting 1 - 18 Minutes of the Clarington Public Library Meeting 1 - 19 Carl DeFaria, Minister of Citizenship - Ontario's Volunteer Recognition Program 1-20 Sherri Munns - Audet, Communications Officer, Region of Durham - Jack McCorkell, Works Commissioner 1 - 21 Conservation Ontario - Watershed -Based Source Protection Planning 1-22 General Motors of Canada Limited - Great Lakes Wetlands Centre 1-23 Hugh Carmichael, Hospice Durham - 3rd Annual Hospice Durham "Helping Hearts" Walk/Run Council Agenda - 3 - May 12, 2003 1- 24 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act I - 25 Miriam J. Heinz, Regulatory Coordinator, Enbridge Gas Distribution - 2004 Test Year Rates Case I - 26 Minutes of the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities Meeting I - 27 Mayor Hazel McCallion, Chair, Central Ontario Smart Growth Panel, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Shape the Future I - 28 Jack Layton, Leader, Canada's NDP for the NDP Caucus Community Investment Advocacy Team - Community Investment Advocacy Team 1-29 Elizabeth P. Bateman, Girl Guides of Canada -Thank You Letter I - 30 Hazel McCallion, Mayor, City of Mississauga - Mayors' Megawatt Challenge I - 31 Joan Alf rey- O'Grady, Manager, Experienced Workers Information Network - "Rewired - Not Retired" I - 32 Secretary General to The Order of Ontario, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Citizenship - The Order of Ontario Award 1-33 Durham Children's Aid Society- 97th Annual Meeting Receive for Direction D - 1 Reginald and Angelique Ball - Installation of Gates in Fences D - 2 Kathleen Richardson - Hunting Concerns D - 3 Greg Farrant, Government Relations Manager, Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters - Firearms Committee D - 4 K. Bradley, Secretary, Navy League of Canada - Navy League Tag Days D - 5 Willie Woo - Goodyear Bowmanville D - 6 Employees of Goodyear Bowmanville - Carbon Black D - 7 R.J. Kyle, Commissioner and Medial Officer of Health, Region of Durham - Emergency Medical Services Week Council Agenda - 4 - May 12, 2003 D - 8 George Van Dyk - Large Retail Stores D - 9 Myno Van Dyke, President, Newcastle Village & District Historical Society, Secretary, Massey Show Committee - Rental of Ball Diamond D - 10 Paul Slemon, Member, Steering Committee, Terry Fox Run, Bowmanville -Terry Fox Dance D - 11 Brenda Colquhoun, Clerk, Township of Adjala- Tosorontio - Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act and Plan D - 12 Frank and Kim Acolina - Speeding Concerns MOTION NOTICE OF MOTION REPORTS 1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of May 5, 2003 2. Report EGD -15 -03 - Parking on Old Scugog Road and Boundary Road, Burketon and Parking on Wilcox Road, Former Clarke Township 3. Confidential Verbal Report from the Chief Administrative Officer - Property Matter 4. Confidential Verbal Report from the Director of Planning Services - Property Matter UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Report PSD- 050 -03 - Application for Removal of Holding Symbol, Applicant: 1151223 Ontario Limited (Tabled from the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting of May 5, 2003) BY -LAWS OTHER BUSINESS BY -LAW TO APPROVE ALL ACTIONS OF COUNCIL ADJOURNMENT SUMMARY OF CORRESPONDENCE MAY 12, 2003 CORRESPONDENCE FOR INFORMATION 1 - 1 Darlene Matthews and Warren Lamondin, The Clarington Project, thanking Council for their support during their 6t" Annual Gala and Silent Auction. The Clarington Project Activity Centre supports people with development disabilities. (Receive for Information) 1 - 2 The AIDS Committee of Durham, advising Council of their "The World Has AIDS Conference" on May 26 and 27, 2003, held at the Holiday Inn in Oshawa. (Receive for Information) 1 - 3 The Honourable Janet Ecker, Minister of Finance, advising Council that on April 22, 2003, the Government announced that the Ontario Municipal Economic Infrastructure Financing Authority ( OMEIFA) is ready to accept applications from municipalities for subsidized loans to support critical infrastructure investments. OMEIFA will make financing available to municipalities for key infrastructure at rates that are subsidized by 50 percent, providing them with cost - effective financing for investments in much - needed infrastructure. (Receive for Information) 1 - 4 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that the Region of Durham on April 16, 2003, passed the following resolution: "a) THAT the Region of Durham provide 50% of the funding to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority in 2003 for the purchase of the Easter Seal Property in the amount of $212,500 with the necessary financing to be determined by the Commissioner of Finance; b) The Region of Durham advance a maximum of $1,000,000 to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority in 2003 for the renovation and expansion of the CLOCA Administrative Office on the basis that the advance be repaid over a period of three years commencing in 2004 through an annual surcharge on the Conservation Authorities portion of the Regional Budget equivalent to approximately 0.15% of the total Regional Property Tax Budget; and Further, the CLOCA provide a full accounting of the costs of the above noted projects to Finance Department staff as part of the 2004 budget process: Summary of Correspondence - 2 - May 12, 2003 c) The Region of Durham provide funding to the Toronto Region Conservation Authority and the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority in 2003 in the amount of $176,557 for the following projects on the basis that the Conservation Authorities provide a full accounting of the projects to Finance Department staff as part of the 2004 budget process: Toronto Region Conservation Authority Claremont Field Centre Water System $ 92,000 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Renovation /Expansion of Administrative Office 84,557 TOTAL $176,557 And further that financing for these projects be determined by the Commissioner of Finance from any source of revenues that may become available; d) A Special Reserve Fund for Conservation Property Acquisition Purposes be established with an initial contribution of $500,000 from any available funding determined by the Commissioner of Finance and further the special funding requests received from the Lynde Creek Alliance, Friends of Second Marsh, Durham West Waterfront and the Conservation Authorities be deferred and considered as part of the 2004 -2008 Economic and Financial Forecast in order to develop Regional fiscal policy options which secure sustainable financing for the further enhancement of the Reserve Fund for Conservation Lane Acquisition Purposes and the related purchase of property for Conservation Authority purposes; (Referred back to Committee); e) The Province of Ontario be requested to provide financial assistance in the funding of Conservation Authority related projects and or the purchase of environmentally sensitive lands and copies of this report be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Minister of Finance, Durham Region's local municipalities, the five Conservation Authorities, the Lynde Marsh Alliance, Friends of the Second Marsh and the Durham Region MPP's; and f) FURTHER, that the Commissioner of Finance review this matter with representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources and specifically, that Minister Ouellette be requested to attend a meeting in this regard." (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 3 - . May 12, 2003 1 - 5 Dr. D.L. Reynolds, Associate Medical Officer of Health, providing Council with a report entitled "Snapshot on Cancer ". This report presents incidence and mortality data for Durham Region with a focus on cancers that can be prevented through public health initiatives, namely lung, oral, colorectal, breast and cervical cancer, and melanoma. (Receive for Information) 1 - 6 Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), advising Council of the National Guide for Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure. The Guide is a unique project being led by FCM in partnership with NRC, funded by Government of Canada and supplemented by in -kind contributions. The FCM Board of Directors urges all Canadian municipal governments to use the best practices and to adopt a resolution endorsing the principles of the Guide. (Receive for Information) 1 - 7 Peter Adams, M.P., Peterborourgh, thanking Council for their letter to the Prime Minister regarding ITER. Mr. Adams advises that he will mention this to the Prime Minister again. (Receive for Information) 1 - 8 Allan Hewitt, Chair, Samuel Wilmot Management Advisory Committee, bringing to Council's attention the exceptional work that has been done by Cynthia Strike, Planning Services Department. Cynthia's dedication, commitment and enthusiasm have made their committee projects achievable and successful. She has gone above and beyond what would have been the normal expectation of a staff member assigned to work with a committee. The passion and excitement that Cynthia brings to work is contagious and will be greatly missed by their group. (Receive for Information) 1 - 9 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham, thanking Council for providing him with a copy of Clarington's application for GeoSmart funding to support GIS- based information systems. This is an innovative project that is well suited for a growing municipality with such a wide variety of land use. Mr. O'Toole has provided Council with a copy of a letter he has sent to the Honourable Jerry Ouellette, Minister of Natural Resources, requesting his support on the project. (Receive for Information) I - 10 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority meeting dated April 15, 2003. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) I - 11 Doris Foster, Kendal Recreation, thanking Council for their grant. They will be using the funding for the new bats their teams are required to use this year along with uniforms, ball equipment , helmets, etc. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 4 - May 12, 2003 1 - 12 Minutes of the Port Granby Project Community meeting dated April 3, 2003. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1 - 13 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham, writing to The Honourable Chris Stockwell, Minister of the Environment, providing him with copies of letters that he has received from employees of the Goodyear Plant in Bowmanville. The employees request fairness and equity as the Ministry of Environment evaluates this matter. Mr. O'Toole advises that he is in agreement with the Mayor regarding the formation of a community relations committee. (Receive for Information) I - 14 Debbie Brideau, Administrative Assistant, Region of Durham, advising Council that the Region of Durham on April 1, 2003, passed the following resolution regarding the establishment of the Test Hill Force: "a) THAT Commissioner's Report No. 2003 -P -39 be received for information; and b) THAT a copy of Commissioner's Report No. 2003 -P -39 be forwarded to the Township of Scugog, the Municipality of Clarington, and the City of Oshawa." (Receive for Information) I - 15 Minutes of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee meeting dated April 15, 2003. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) I - 16 Minutes of the Newcastle Village Business Improvement Association meeting dated April 8, 2003. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1 - 17 Minutes of the Clarington Traffic Advisory Committee meeting dated March 20, 2003. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) I - 18 Minutes of the Clarington Public Library meeting dated March 26, 2003. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) I - 19 Carl DeFaria, Minister of Citizenship, inviting Council to participate in Ontario's volunteer recognition program for the year 2003. There are three award programs that provide for an opportunity to thank volunteers and recognize them in a significant way. The programs are: The Ontario Volunteer Service Awards The Outstanding Achievement Awards for Voluntarism in Ontario The Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 5 - May 12, 2003 1-20 Sherri Munns - Audet, Communications Officer, Region of Durham, providing Council with a copy of a media advisory regarding Jack McCorkell, Works Commissioner, being named one of "2003 Top Ten Public Works Leaders of the Year ". Mr. McCorkell is the only 2003 Canadian recipient. This award recognizes the outstanding career service achievements of individual public works officials across North America. Award winners are individuals who have devoted their time and efforts to the development and provision of successful public works programs and services. (Receive for Information) 1 - 21 Conservation Ontario, providing Council with a press release dated April 22, 2003, advising that Conservation Ontario welcomes recommendations made by the provincial government's Advisory Committee on Watershed -Based Source Protection Planning to safeguard pubic health through the protection of drinking water sources. The Report makes 55 recommendations on how to protect the province's surface and ground water resources that provide drinking water to Ontario's approximately 11 million residents. Conservation Ontario fully supports public consultation on the Report's recommendations and encourages quick action by the government thereafter. (Receive for Information) 1-22 General Motors of Canada Limited, announcing that they will donate over four acres of property to Friends of Second Marsh for the development of a state of the art Great Lakes Wetlands Centre. The Great Lakes Wetlands Centre will be a three - level, 30,000 sq. ft. state of the art facility that includes an auditorium, classroom and meeting space, a large viewing deck, permanent display space, and an Ornithological (Bird Watchers) Hall of Fame, among other features. The centre is expected to open in late 2005. (Receive for Information) 1-23 Hugh Carmichael, Hospice Durham, advising Council of the 3rd Annual Hospice Durham "Helping Hearts" walk/run on June 8, 2003. Hospice Durham is a volunteer -based organization offering non - medical support to clients facing a life- threatening illness and wishing to do so at home together with their families who willingly agree to this wish. They also offer bereavement services to those dealing with the loss of a loved one. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 6 - May 12, 2003 1- 24 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that the Region of Durham on April 16, 2003, passed the following resolution: "a) THAT Amendment No. 89 to the Durham Regional Official Plan, to integrate the policies of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, File OPA 2002 -007, as contained in Attachment 1 to Commissioner's Report No. 2003 -P -37 be adopted, that the necessary by -law be passed and the amendment be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval in accordance with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act; b) THAT Amendment No. 90 to the Durham Regional Official Plan, to adjust Map `A' - Regional Structure, for lands outside of the Oak Ridges Moraine defined by the Province, File OPA 200 -008, as contained in Attachment 2 to Commissioner's Report No. 2003 -P -37 be adopted and that the necessary by -law be passed; c) THAT the "Notice of Adoption" be sent to the Area Municipalities, Conservation Authorities, adjacent municipalities and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and all persons or public bodies who requested notification of this decision; d) THAT the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing be requested to defer the approval of Amendment No. 89 as it relates to the Altona area as shown in Attachment 4, consistent with Deferral Area 34 of the City of Pickering Official Plan, until further review of the potential implications of the Federal Airport Lands; e) THAT the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing be requested to defer the approval of Amendment No. 89 as it relates to the areas shown in Attachment 5, consistent with Deferral Areas 1 and 4 of the Township of Uxbridge Official Plan, until sufficient information is made available to determine the appropriate designations of these lands and the Township has expressed its view on how the deferrals should be resolved; and further, that consideration of the deletion of the Rural Employment Area 1 on Map A - Regional Structure be deferred until the Province has had an opportunity to conclude its review of the impact of the ORMCP on existing uses; Summary of Correspondence - 7 - May 12, 2003 f) THAT part of the recommendation to Council pertaining to Regional Official Plan Amendment No. 89 in Commissioner's Report No. 2003 -P -37 be amended to add a request that the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing defer the approval of Amendment No. 89, as it relates to the definition of the boundary between the Natural Linkage Area and the Countryside Area for the AGS Capital Corporation property in the Township of Uxbridge, as shown in Attachment 1 to Commissioner's Report No. 2003 -P -42, pending consideration of Official plan Amendment File: 2002 -001, submitted by AGS Capital Corporation to permit a golf course; g) THAT the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing be requested to approve a 1 year extension of the Minister's approval authority under the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act to allow the Region to complete the Wellhead Protection Area policies by April 22, 2004, in accordance with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan; h) THAT the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing be requested to approve a modification to the Durham Regional Official Plan to resolve Deferral 15 as contained in Attachment 6; i) THAT the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing be requested to amend the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan to allow municipalities to recognize existing uses that had received Planning Act approval as of to November 15, 2001; j) THAT the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing be requested to provide lower tier municipalities with further direction and assistance in implementing the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan in their zoning by -laws; k) THAT the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing be requested to amend the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act to extend the October 22, 2003, deadline for implementation for the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan in lower tier Official Plans and zoning by -laws; and 1) THAT copies of Commissioner's Report Nos. 2003 -P -37 and 2003 -P -42 be forwarded to the Area Municipalities, the Conservation Authorities, the City of Kawartha Lakes, the Counties of Northumberland and Peterborough, the Regions of York and Peel and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Malone Given Parsons Ltd." (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 8 - May 12, 2003 1 - 25 Miriam J. Heinz, Regulatory Coordinator, Enbridge Gas Distribution, providing Council with a copy of the Notice of Application together with the application filed by Enbridge Gas Distribution regarding 2004 Test Year Rates Case. (Receive for Information) 1- 26 Minutes of the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities meeting dated March 18, 2003. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1- 27 Mayor Hazel McCallion, Chair, Central Ontario Smart Growth Panel, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, providing Council with a copy of their final report, Shape the Future. (Receive for Information) 1-28 Jack Layton, Leader, Canada's NDP for the NDP Caucus Community Investment Advocacy Team, advising Council that the Federal budget was a great disappointment for Canadian municipalities. The budget reduces the federal government's commitment to community infrastructure. This will create an untenable situation for municipalities in the coming years - at the rate of investment announced in the budget, today's needs will not be met for 190 years. Mr. Layton has created a Community Investment Advocacy Team within the NDP caucus that will be working to raise municipal challenges over the coming months. (Receive for Information) 1-29 Elizabeth P. Bateman, Girl Guides of Canada, thanking Council for the generous donation for the Aggie 2003 event. The Clarington brochures and bags were popular with the participants. The event was a great success and the municipality's donations helped to make it possible. (Receive for Information) 1-30 Hazel McCallion, Mayor, City of Mississauga, inviting Council to join the City of Mississauga in kicking off the Mayors' Megawatt Challenge. Mayors and Councils from across the Greater Toronto Area are invited to join forces with the City of Mississauga to expand their municipal building retrofit programs for the betterment of their communities, the province and Canada. The initiative will enable municipal governments across the Greater Toronto Area to pool their energy management knowledge and experience in order to achieve at least one megawatt of electrical demand savings by the end of 2003. (Receive for Information) I - 31 Joan Alfrey- O'Grady, Manager, Experienced Workers Information Network, providing Council with a copy of their "Rewired - Not Retired" report. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 9 - May 12, 2003 1-32 Secretary General to The Order of Ontario, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Citizenship, inviting nominations for membership in The Order of Ontario. The nomination deadline is May 30, 2003. The Order of Ontario award pays tribute to exceptional people who exemplify the highest qualities of achievement and excellence in their chosen professions or in community service on an international, national or provincial level. (Receive for Information) 1-33 Durham Children's Aid Society, inviting Council to their 97th annual meeting for the year 2002/2003. This meeting will take place on Thursday, June 12, 2003, at the Whitby Mental Health Centre Auditorium from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Receive for Information) CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION D - 1 Reginald and Angelique Ball, requesting Council to give careful consideration to the passage of any by -law restricting residents from installing gates in the fence at the rear of their property. Mr. and Mrs. Ball moved to Bowmanville in December 2001 after paying a substantial lot premium to build their house at Sprucewood Crescent backing onto Soper Creek. It is important to the Balls that their son have reasonable access to the creek given his physical /intellectual restrictions. Not being able to place a gate in the fence, at their own expense, as they had planned, places a significant hardship on themselves and their son, as it would mean that they would have to access the nature and creek area at the back of their property via a public walkway located some 500 feet south of their property. Their 16 year old son has juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, global development delay and an assortment of neurological disorders that affect his balance, muscle tone and energy level. The Balls are requesting special exemption to any by -law that would prevent the placement of a gate in their rear fence, based on hardship and compassionate circumstances for their family. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Directors of Planning Services and Engineering Services) D - 2 Kathleen Richardson, voicing her concerns regarding local hunting. Mrs. Richardson breeds Hanoverians, large animals that can be spooked by gunfire or baying dogs chasing across the property, putting them and resident children and adults at grave risk. On more than one occasion she has heard gunfire alarmingly close by. Their dogs and horses have also been startled in the paddocks by the sound of gunfire and sighting of men and dogs over the past few years, in spite of her having the property signed "No Hunting" with red dots to indicate "No Trespassing ". The "Responsible Pet Owners By -law" prohibits dogs running loose on another's private property, and she would hope to have this by -law enforced. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Municipal Clerk) Summary of Correspondence - 10 - May 12, 2003 D - 3 Greg Farrant, Government Relations Manager, Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters, advising Council that they concur with the contents of Report CLD- 019 -03 pertaining to firearms in Clarington. Mr. Farrant is confirming that the Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters would be pleased to participate on the Firearms Committee. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Municipal Clerk) D - 4 K. Bradley, Secretary, Navy League of Canada, requesting permission to sell tags on October 2, 3 and 4, 2003, pertaining to Navy League Tag Days for 2003. As in the past, this is a major fundraiser for the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps and their Cadets will once again be in uniform in front of businesses throughout Clarington. (Motion to approve the selling of tags during Navy League Tag Days) D - 5 Willie Woo, writing to Council to advise of his concerns regarding the recent newspaper articles with headlines "Goodyear faces charges" and storylines "fine of up to $10 million after local residents complained of black soot emanating from the Goodyear Bowmanville plant ". Mr. Woo is an employee in the department which manufacturers the primary stages of rubber, and he can speak on this subject which is going before the courts. Goodyear has complied with directives issued by the Ministry of Environment and were well below all emission discharge regulations. If anyone would have concerns, it would primarily be the employees. Goodyear has been a part of the history of Bowmanville for over 93 years and has been a good community and corporate partner. Mr. Woo feels that the recent publicity is unwarranted along with the charges. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Ministry of the Environment) D - 6 Employees of Goodyear Bowmanville, providing Council with 41 signed letters expressing their displeasure at the unfair treatment aimed at Goodyear over the recent complaints about carbon black and the apparent lack of support from their elected officials. The Ministry of Environment needs to use a common sense approach that takes both sides of the situation into account. Many generations of Bowmanville people have worked at the Goodyear plant and Goodyear has contributed much to this community over the years. They do not want to lose their jobs because of a few dissenting neighbours who have unrealistic expectations and seem hell -bent to have the plant closed, and take away the livelihood of in excess of 1000 people (employees and dependants) in the community. (Motion to forward items of correspondence to the Ministry of the Environment) D - 7 R.J. Kyle, Commissioner and Medial Officer of Health, Region of Durham, requesting Council to proclaim the week of May 19 - 23, 2003, as Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week. (Motion to Proclaim) Summary of Correspondence - 11 - May 12, 2003 D - 8 George Van Dyk, writing to Council with deep concern pertaining to an application by large retail stores applying for building permits, zoning changes and variances on the west end of town. Large box retail stores when built around the perimeter of a town or city create a growing cancer within those places. All the businesses want to be where the action is, where the crowds are, therefore one by one the stores and businesses from the downtown core move to the perimeter where the large box stores are, especially the retailers that have enjoyed the high traffic volume before. The empty downtown stores will now be taken over by low rental businesses such as pawn shops, off track betting, x -rated stores, strip joints or just left empty. The town will experience more crime, drugs and violence. The quiet friendly place where we grew up, where everybody wanted to live, is now dead on the inside, filled with crime and drugs, where nobody dares to visit and the police force size has doubled. The town should form a "think tank" that would make recommendations for them to consider what a future plan of Bowmanville would look like. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Planning Services) D - 9 Myno Van Dyke, President, Newcastle Village & District Historical Society, Secretary, Massey Show Committee, requesting Council to sponsor the cost of renting the ball diamond for two days on June 21 and 22, 2003, during the Massey Show in Newcastle. At the 2001 show, they had over 2000 in attendance. They expect it to be a much bigger show this year. This year they will again have the indoor display at the Newcastle Community Hall and the outdoor equipment displays at the Ball Diamond across for the IGA Store. The will also have walking tours through the village and as an added attraction this year, a music jamboree featuring a number of local bands, singers and instrumentalists. (Motion for Direction) D - 10 Paul Slemon, Member, Steering Committee, Terry Fox Run, Bowmanville, requesting Council to forgo the rental fees of the Garnet Rickard Complex for their Terry Fox Dance. Most of the people in Clarington have in some way or another, been affected by cancer and a large percentage of these people would like to contribute to fight the cause. This year, the steering committee felt that they could possibly add another event to generate revenue and in so doing might get those people involved that cannot participate during the Terry Fox Run. The second event would involve a "Terry Fox Dance" which has been tentatively scheduled for Saturday, August 23, 2003. (Motion for Direction) D - 11 Brenda Colquhoun, Clerk, Township of Adjala - Tosorontio, advising Council that the Township of Adjala - Tosorontio on April 7, 2003, passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS we have been reviewing with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs our concerns relating to the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act and Plan; Summary of Correspondence - 12 - May 12, 2003 AND WHEREAS the Ministry representatives have advised that it is not within their mandate to amend, allow exceptions or resolve outstanding issues; RESOLVED THAT the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing be requested to establish a Review Board to accommodate the concerns of Municipalities; AND THAT this resolution be forwarded to Municipalities within the Moraine and MPP Jim Wilson with a request for support of our request." (Motion for Direction) D - 12 Frank and Kim Acolina, writing to Council regarding speeding on Old Scugog Road just north of Highway 57. In the past 12 months they have seen a dramatic increase in both the number of non - resident vehicles using this road and the number of people speeding excessively along it. The posted speed limit for the area is 50 km /h yet most drivers travel well in excess of 80 km /h. With the crumbling condition of the road, the limited overhead street lighting and the lack of sidewalks, this area is an accident waiting to happen. There are children, elderly people and dog owners who, while walking along the roadway, must obviously share it with vehicular traffic. Mr. and Mrs. Acolina have the following solutions: Designate Old Scugog for "local traffic" only from Highway 57 to Taunton Road; Reducing the speed limit from 50 km /h to 30 or 40 km /h. Reduction of speed limit north of Buttery Court to Taunton from 80 km /h to 50 km /h should also be strongly considered. Install speed bumps similar to the ones on Athol Street in Oshawa. (Motion for Direction) SUMMARY OF BY -LAWS MAY 12, 2003 BY -LAWS 2003 -063 being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (Bill Qualtrough) (Item #2 of Report #1) 2003 -064 being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (Towchester Developments Limited) (Item #3 of Report #1) 2003 -065 being a by -law to amend By -law 91 -58, as amended, being a by -law to Regulate Traffic on Highways, Municipal and Private property in the Municipality of Clarington (Report #2) 2003 -066 being a by -law to authorize Voting By Mail for the 2003 Municipal Election and the entering into of an agreement with Canada Post to provide Vote By Mail services (approved by Council on November 25, 2002) 2003 -067 Confidential Property Matter (Item #11 of Report #1) 2003 -068 Confidential Property Matter (Item #11 of Report #1)