HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/12/2002I Leading the Way DATE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2002 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS PRAYERS ROLL CALL DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Minutes of a meeting of Council held on October 28, 2002 PRESENTATION Ken Nash, Vice President, Nuclear Waste Management, Ontario Power Generation - Darlington Used Fuel Dry Storage Facility COMMUNICATIONS Receive for Information 1- 1 Clay Switzer, Chair, Ministry of Environment and Energy - Municipal Use of Pesticides 1 - 2 Ian A. Johncox, President and K.R. Malcolmson, CEO, Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce - Review of Municipal Government 1 - 3 Ian Johncox, President and K.R. Malcolmson, CEO, Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce - Highway 407 Extension 1 - 4 Minutes of the Newcastle Village Business Improvement Association Meeting 1 - 5 Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Meeting CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905) 623 -3379 Council Agenda - 2 - November 12, 2002 1 - 6 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Meeting 1 - 7 Joint Press Release- ITER 1 - 8 Maureen Gmitrowicz, Chair, Durham Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Council - Underserviced for General /Family Physicians 1 - 9 Michael Gundry, Project Manager, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates - Water Supply Capacity for the Newcastle Urban Area 1 - 10 Bruce Taylor, City Clerk, City of Pickering -Nuclear Host Communities I - 11 Federation of Canadian Municipalities - Telecommunications 1- 12 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Healthy Futures for Ontario Agriculture Program I - 13 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - North Pickering Land Exchange and Development 1 - 14 Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Conservation Authority -Newsletter 1- 15 Helen Break, Chairperson, Durham Land Stewardship Council - Brochure I - 16 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham - Jobs and Opportunity Bonds I - 17 Janet Ecker, Minister of Finance - Ontario Jobs and Opportunity Bonds, the Ontario Municipal Economic Infrastructure Financing Authority and Tax Incentive Zone Incentive Zone Initiatives I - 18 The Honourable Chris Hodgson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Municipal Act 2001 Regulations 1 - 19 Segal & Partners Inc. -Royal Crest Lifecare Group 1-20 Phil LeSauvage, Ontario Power Generation -Nuclear Waste Management Organization I - 21 John Baird, Minister, Ontario Energy Board - Ontario Energy Board's Mandate I - 22 Sheldon Libfeld, President, Greater Toronto Home Builders' Association - Powerhouse Council Agenda - 3 - November 12, 2002 1-23 Hazel McCallion, Mayor, City of Mississauga -Separate and Single -Tier City - 24 Cheryl MacLeod, Executive Director, Hospice Durham - Hospice Durham Receive for Direction D - 1 Linda J. Laliberte, General Manager /Secretary- Treasurer, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority - 2003 Preliminary Budget D - 2 Denis Kelly, Regional Clerk, York Region - Growth Management Initiatives D - 3 Dianne McKenzie, Development Co- ordinator and Amey Mezzabotta, Community Project Assistant, Durham Region, The Lung Association - The Lung Association Awareness Month D - 4 Prevention Educator, AIDS Committee of Durham - AIDS Awareness Week D - 5 Elizabeth Allaway, The Working Together on Homelessness Issues Group - National Housing Day D - 6 Kim Wildman, Program Coordinator - Person to Person Campaign, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario - Durham East Chapter - Heart Month D - 7 Connie Martinell, Secretary, Environmental Advisory Committee, The Municipality of Port Hope - Informal Session D - 8 Shelly Elliott, Member of the Hampton Citizens Association on behalf of the Children of Hampton - Recreational Skatepark Facility D — 9 Paul Martin, 7 Jane Street, Bowmanville, ON, L1 C 1 G2 requesting resolve to traffic concerns T•. •01 NOTICE OF MOTION 1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of November 4, 2002 UNFINISHED BUSINESS BY-LAWS Council Agenda - 4 - November 12, 2002 OTHER BUSINESS a) Appointments to the Port Granby Community Advisory Committee b) Regional Update c) Boards and Committees Update BY -LAW TO APPROVE ALL ACTIONS OF COUNCIL ' • 'l\l_\ SUMMARY OF CORRESPONDENCE NOVEMBER 12, 2002 CORRESPONDENCE FOR INFORMATION 1 - 1 Clay Switzer, Chair, Ministry of Environment and Energy, providing Council with a copy of the report on the "Municipal Use of Pesticides ". (Receive for Information) 1 - 2 Ian A. Johncox, President and K.R. Malcolmson, CEO, Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce, writing to the Honourable Chris Hodgson, requesting that the Minister of Municipal Affairs immediately start an independent review of municipal government across the GTA. The intent of the review is to improve delivery of municipal services, reducing tax burdens, and the elimination of two levels of municipal government and ensuring the quality of life for local residents. (Receive for Information) 1 - 3 Ian Johncox, President and K.R. Malcolmson, CEO, Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce, writing to the Honourable Norman Sterling, advising that the Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce does not wish to see projects like the Highway 407 extension unduly delayed if environmental concerns can be mitigated through proper design. As the business community, they expect due diligence and adherence to property processes in reviewing environmental, safety and other concerns. They support the City of Pickering's motion and request that the Honourable Norman Sterling: Direct that the Terms of Reference for the Environmental Assessment for Highway 407 completion from Brock Road in Pickering to Highway 35/115 be completed no later than December 31, 2002; That the Environmental Assessment for the Route Location /Concept Design be completed no later than December 31, 2003; and Further agree that the Ministry under his direction set a deadline of I o later than December 31, 2005, for the commencement of construction for the extension of Highway 407 beyond Brock Road in Pickering. (Receive for Information) 1 - 4 Minutes of the Newcastle Village Business Improvement Association meeting dated October 10, 2002. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1 - 5 Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority meeting dated October 17, 2002. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 2 - November 12, 2002 1 - 6 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority meeting dated October 16, 2002. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1 -7 Joint Press Release, advising Council that at their Sixth Negotiations Meeting held in Japan on October 30, 2002, delegations from Canada, the European Union, Japan and the Russian Federation continued to progress on negotiating the implementation of the ITER fusion energy research project. Significant progress was made on a wide range of other issues including matters such as the treaty to implement ITER (the Joint Implementation Agreement), procurement allocation and the intellectual property rights that would accrue to participants in the project. The Negotiators agreed that the international organization responsible for implementing the project would be called the ITER International Fusion Energy Organization. Further meetings are planned for the negotiators and technical experts over the next few months. It is intended to finalize the Joint Assessment of Specific Sites by early next year and complete the drafting of the Agreement by mid -2003. (Receive for Information) 1 - 8 Maureen Gmitrowicz, Chair, Durham Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Council (DHKPR DHC), advising Council that Durham Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Council supports the application of the Municipality of Clarington as underserviced for General /Family physicians. According to the 2001 census, the unadjusted count indicates that there has been a 15.2% growth in the population of Clarington between 1996 and 2001 compared to 6.1 % for Ontario. The population growth trend for the area is expected to continue. Unfortunately, the supply of family physicians within Clarington has not kept pace with the service demands of its growing patient base. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1 - 9 Michael Gundry, Project Manager, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, informing Council of the ongoing work related to the Class Environmental Assessment for the provision of additional water supply capacity for the Newcastle Urban Area. This project is being undertaken in accordance with the procedures set out in the Municipal Class Environment Assessment, dated June 2000. (Receive for Information) I - 10 Bruce Taylor, City Clerk, City of Pickering, advising Council that the City of Pickering on October 21, 2002, passed the following resolution: 91. THAT Council receive Report CAO 06 -02 regarding Bill 148; and Summary of Correspondence - 3 - November 12, 2002 2. THAT Council endorse the attached (Clarington) resolution requesting the Federal and Provincial Governments to provide special emergency management funding for all municipalities that host nuclear facilities; and 3. THAT this Report be circulated to the Ontario Minister of Public Safety and Security, the local Members of Parliament, the local Members of Provincial Parliament, the Region of Durham, all Durham area municipalities and the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities." (Receive for Information) I - 11 Federation of Canadian Municipalities, advising Council that the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and five municipal governments will make appeal arguments regarding CRTC Decision 2001 - 23 in Federal Court. The January 2001 CRTC ruling denied municipal governments the full authority to manage their public lands or charge for their use and occupation by telecommunications companies. (Receive for Information) 1- 12 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that the Region of Durham on October 23, 2002, passed the following resolution: "a) THAT the following be endorsed in support of the resolutions put forward by the Municipality of Clarington in Council Correspondence No. 2002 -315 and the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee in resolution 3. a) of its September 3, 2002 meeting; "THAT the Ministry of Agriculture and Food be requested to consider reinstating the Healthy Futures for Ontario Agriculture program, or a similar program, that would provide funding to Ontario farmers to assist with the implementation of improvements that protect water quality and quantity;" and b) THAT this resolution and a copy of Commissioner's Report No. 2002 -P -72 be forwarded to the Honourable Janet Ecker, MPP, the Honourable Jim Flaherty, MPP, John O'Toole, MPP, Jerry Ouelette, MPP, Julia Monroe, MPP, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, all area municipalities within Durham Region, all Conservation Authorities within Durham Region, Durham Watershed Stewardship Council, Durham Federation of Agriculture, Christian Farmer's Federation of Ontario, the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee and the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee." (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 4 - November 12, 2002 1- 13 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that the Region of Durham on October 23, 2002, passed the following resolution: "a) THAT Commissioners' Report No. 2002 -J -20, save and except Principle 3, Recommendation 3A - first bullet and Principle 6, be endorsed as the Region's response to the North Pickering Land Exchange Review Panel - Draft Principles on North Pickering Land Exchange and Development; b) THAT Region of Durham staff prepare for consideration of Regional Council at their earliest convenience, the Region's principles for the development of the Seaton Lands and the North Pickering Land Exchange, based on concerns raised in Report #2002 -J -20, as well as related official plans and related studies; c) THAT Principle 3, Recommendation 3A - first bullet and Principle #6 as contained in Report #2002 -J -20, be referred back to staff for further consideration and report on the history of the area, historical and current land ownership and rights, the agricultural easements, the applicability of the Durham Regional Official Plan, Pickering Official Plan and the Pickering Growth Management Study; and d) THAT a copy of Commissioners' Report No. 2002 -J -20, as amended, be forwarded to the North Pickering Land Exchange Review Panel, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and all Durham area municipalities." (Receive for Information) 1- 14 Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Conservation Authority, providing Council with a copy of their newsletter. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1- 15 Helen Break, Chairperson, Durham Land Stewardship Council, providing Council with a copy of their brochure. The mandate of the Durham Land Stewardship Council is "to work toward and promote the healthy and sustainable stewardship of the agricultural, forest and water resources of Durham Region for present and future generations ". (Receive for Information) 1 - 16 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham, providing Council with a copy of a Consultation Paper on Jobs and Opportunity Bonds. Opportunity Bonds and tax incentive zones are tools that support the government's Smart Growth strategies. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 5 - November 12, 2002 1 - 17 Janet Ecker, Minister of Finance, providing Council with the status of the Ontario Jobs and Opportunity Bonds, the Ontario Municipal Economic Infrastructure Financing Authority and Tax Incentive Zone Incentive Zone initiatives. The legislation for these initiatives was introduced on October 30, 2002. The introduction of this legislation is the next step in fulfilling the Government's commitments to help municipalities make critical infrastructure investments and stimulate economic development and job creation within communities across the Province. (Receive for Information) 1- 18 The Honourable Chris Hodgson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, informing Council about a number of regulations he has recently filed under the Municipal Act, and Municipal Act 2001, including: • Municipal licensing, effective January 1, 2003 • User fees, effective January 1, 2003 • Leasing, effective September 20, 2002 • Eligible investments (commercial paper and asset backed securities), effective September 20, 2002 Bank loans, effective January 1, 2003 • Construction financing, effective January 1, 2003 (Receive for Information) 1 - 19 Segal & Partners Inc., Court Appointed CCAA Monitor of the Royal Crest Group, advising Council that the Royal Crest Lifecare Group announced on October 21, 2002, that it, along with five affiliated companies (the "Royal Crest Group "), applied for and obtained protection from its creditors under the Companies Creditors' Arrangement Act (CCAA) in Hamilton, Ontario. The Court has appointed the firm of Segal & Partners Inc., to act as monitor. The Royal Crest Group sought protection under the CCAA in order to explore restructuring and refinancing opportunities, while at the same time providing uninterrupted operation of its nursing and retirement homes. (Martino Residential Care, 26 Elgin Street, Bowmanville, Martino Nursing Centres, 264 King Street East, Bowmanville) (Receive for Information) 1- 20 Phil LeSauvage, Ontario Power Generation, providing Council with an announcement and backgrounders on Elizabeth Dowdeswell the President of the newly- created Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) which will investigate long -term approaches for managing Canada's used nuclear fuel. (Receive for Information) 1 - 21 John Baird, Minister, Ontario Energy Board, providing Council with a copy of a consultation paper regarding the review of Ontario Energy Board's Mandate. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 6 - November 12, 2002 1 - 22 Sheldon Libfeld, President, Greater Toronto Home Builders' Association, providing Council with a copy of Powerhouse, a new document that highlights the vital contribution residential construction makes to the economic well being of Canada and the Greater Toronto Area. (Receive for Information) 1-23 Hazel McCallion, Mayor, City of Mississauga, advising Council that the City of Mississauga on October 23, 2002, passed a resolution calling on the Ontario government to allow the City of Mississauga to become independent of the Region of Peel and form a separate, single -tier city. They are asking the provincial government to recognize their status as the third largest city in Ontario and pass the necessary legislation to allow them to withdraw from the Region of Peel. They have been seeking this independence for the past decade and the time has come for action. In addition, they are recommending the establishment of a legislated GTA - wide coordinating body that focuses on GTA -wide issues such as transit, gridlock and waste management. (Receive for Information) 1- 24 Cheryl MacLeod, Executive Director, Hospice Durham, providing Council with a copy of an article about Hospice Durham clients and their volunteer, as well as an article about their Volunteer of the Year, Hugh Carmichael. They are now being approached by other newspaper, radio and television outlets who are interested in their story. (Receive for Information) CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION D - 1 Linda J. Laliberte, General Manager /Secretary- Treasurer, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, providing Council with a copy of the 2003 preliminary budget. Ms. Laliberte is requesting Council's comments prior to December 12, 2002. The 2003 preliminary budget was prepared using the following budget criteria: 3% assessment growth and 3% economic adjustment. The general levy for the Municipality is $187,752.09. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Finance/Treasurer) D - 2 Denis Kelly, Regional Clerk, York Region, advising Council that York Regional Council on October 17, 2002, passed the following resolution: 11. This report, which outlines a number of growth management initiatives currently under preparation by York Region, be received for information purposes; 2. This report be circulated to local municipalities, GTA municipalities and the Cities of Hamilton and Toronto, the Central Ontario Smart Growth Panel, and the Provincial and Federal Governments; Summary of Correspondence - 7 - November 12, 2002 3. That the municipalities within the GTA set up a Task Force to consider the various initiatives and to send their findings on to the Central Ontario Smart Growth Panel and the Provincial and Federal Governments." (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Planning Services) D - 3 Dianne McKenzie, Development Co- ordinator and Amey Mezzabotta, Community Project Assistant, Durham Region, The Lung Association, requesting Council to proclaim the month of December 2002 as The Lung Association Awareness month. Through their Christmas Seal Campaign, the Lung Association is promoting lunch health awareness during the months of November and December. (Motion to Proclaim) D - 4 Prevention Educator, AIDS Committee of Durham, requesting Council to declare the week of November 25 - 30, 2002, as AIDS Awareness Week. They hope to gain increased awareness that HIV /AIDS is no longer confined to one group. Anyone can, and does, become infected with HIV. (Motion to Proclaim) D - 5 Elizabeth Allaway, The Working Together on Homelessness Issues Group, requesting Council to proclaim November 22, 2002, as National Housing Day. Each year thousands of individuals and families access emergency services in Durham Region because they are homeless. The escalating need in the community is signaled by the fact that area shelters are often full and the demand at area food banks in increasing as families are forced to choose between paying their rent or putting food on the table. (Motion to Proclaim) D - 6 Kim Wildman, Program Coordinator - Person to Person Campaign, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario - Durham East Chapter, requesting Council to proclaim the month of February as Heart Month and they are also requesting permission to hold a flag raising ceremony. Every February the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario celebrates Heart Month by holding its Person -to- Person Giving Campaign. This annual campaign raises funds by canvassing neighbourhoods throughout Ontario. (Motion to proclaim and permission granted to hold a flag raising ceremony) D - 7 Connie Martinell, Secretary, Environmental Advisory Committee, The Municipality of Port Hope, inviting Clarington to attend an informal session, where everyone can meet and share views, ideas and concerns on similar environmental issues. The focus of the meeting is to determine if there is sufficient interest in forming a partnership for the sharing of information, ideas and concerns that would be beneficial to all. Summary of Correspondence - 8 - November 12, 2002 As their committee is very involved in grass root initiatives, some of the items to be discussed will include preparing a naturalization policy, common waste reduction initiatives and determining approaches to public awareness and promotion of events such as Earth Day, Recycling Week and Waste Reduction Week. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Planning Services) D - 8 Shelly Elliott, Member of the Hampton Citizens Association on behalf of the children of Hampton, submitting to Council a petition collected by the children requesting the need of a recreational skatepark facility. Skateboarding, rollerskating and trick biking has become more popular than ever. At the present time, there is no local and safe area for their children to participate in this activity. As records would show, the Clarington Mobile Skatepark was a tremendous success leaving their children wanting more. A permanent facility would keep their children safe from the ever increasing traffic flow incurred from the placement of a permanent liquor store outlet. At the present time, Hampton has a new generation of families and children moving to this area and the only summer activity is organized soccer. All they are requesting for consideration is a smooth skating surface with some grinding rails and some ramps. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Engineering) D - 9 Paul Martin, a resident for the past seven years of 7Jane Street, Bowmanville, is requesting Council to review the traffic situation at the corner of Jane Street. Over the past few years the corner has become very dangerous for children and elderly residents of their neighbourhood as there are no sidewalks. Their street also seems to be used as a short cut between Liberty Street and Simpson Avenue and the speed is ridiculous. There is also a problem with the storm sewer on the corner. This problem has been reported twice before with no resolve. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Engineering) SUMMARY OF BY -LAW NOVEMBER 12, 2002 BY -LAW 2002 -165 being a by -law to amend By -law 91 -58, as amended, being a By -law to Regulate Traffic on Highways, Municipal and Private Property in the Municipality of Clarington (approved by Council on October 28, 2002) 2002 -173 being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (Item #7 of Report #1) (1064055 Ontario Limited) 2002 -174 being a by -law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M -2005 from Part Lot Control (Item #6 of Report #1) (Green Martin Holdings Ltd.) 2002 -175 being a by -law to amend Sign By -law 97 -157, as amended of the Municipality of Clarington (Item #8 of Report #1) (Baywood Homes) 2002 -176 being a by -law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Jeffrey G. Wallan's Construction, Brighton, Ontario, to enter into an agreement for the Splash Pad Renovations, Orono Park (Item #2 a of Report #1) 2002 -177 being a by -law to limit the gross weight of any vehicle or any class thereof passing over a bridge under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, as amended (Item #9 of Report #1) 2002 -178 being a by -law to limit the gross weight of any vehicle or any class thereof passing over a bridge under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, as amended (Item #9 of Report #1) By -law Summary - 2" November 12, 2002 2002 -179 being a by -law to limit the gross weight of any vehicle or any class thereof passing over a bridge under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, as amended (Item #9 of Report #1) 2002 -180 being a by -law to limit the gross weight of any vehicle or any class thereof passing over a bridge under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, as amended (Item #9 of Report #1) 2002 -181 being a by -law to limit the gross weight of any vehicle or any class thereof passing over a bridge under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, as amended (Item #9 of Report #1) 2002 -182 being a by -law to limit the gross weight of any vehicle or any class thereof passing over a bridge under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, as amended (Item #9 of Report #1) 2002 -183 being a by -law to limit the gross weight of any vehicle or any class thereof passing over a bridge under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, as amended (Item #9 of Report #1) 2002 -184 being a by -law to limit the gross weight of any vehicle or any class thereof passing over a bridge under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, as amended (Item #9 of Report #1) 2002 -185 being a by -law to limit the gross weight of any vehicle or any class thereof passing over a bridge under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, as amended (Item #9 of Report #1)