HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/24/2002Leading the Way DATE: MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2002 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS ROLL CALL DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS Minutes of a meeting of Council held on June 10, 2002 PRESENTATIONS Awards for Academic Excellence Recognition of National Award - Courtice Secondary School DELEGATIONS 1. Peter Watson, Manager of Waste Management, Region of Durham, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, L1 N 6A3 - Update on New Waste Collection Program 2. Robert Cowle, 2682 Prestonvale Road, Courtice, LIE 2R9 - Report PSD- 062 -02 3. Derek Baird, 1603 Highway 2, Courtice, L1 E 2R7 - Rezoning of 1603 Highway 2, Courtice COMMUNICATIONS Receive for Information 1- 1 Annette Laferriere, Administrative Assistant, Office of the Commissioner & Medical Officer of Health, Region of Durham - Regional Smoking By -law CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905) 623 -3379 Council Agenda - 2 - June 24, 2002 1 - 2 J.R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - Bill 155 - Sustainable Water and Sewage Systems Act, 2001 1 - 3 Ron Trewin, Construction & Asset Management, Region of Durham - Intersection of Highway 2 at Holt Road - Hot Mix Paving /Road Rehabilitation 1 - 4 James Knight, Chief Executive Officer, Federation of Canadian Municipalities - 65th Annual FCM Conference 1 - 5 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham - Medical Practitioners 1 - 6 Norman Sterling, Minister of Transportation - Community Safety Zones 1 - 7 Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Volunteer Firefighters Employment Protection Act, 2002 1 - 8 Kim Coates, Clerk, Township of Scugog - Region Waste Management 1 - 9 Kim Coates, Clerk, Township of Scugog - Iter Project 1 - 10 Minutes of the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee Meeting I - 11 Minutes of the Kawartha Conservation Authority Meeting 1 - 12 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee Meeting 1 - 13 Steve Parish, Mayor, Town of Ajax - Iter Project 1 - 14 Lisa McNee- Baker, Executive Director, Big Brothers & Sisters of Clarington - Fruit Wine & Food Festival 1 - 15 M. de Rond, Clerk, Town of Ajax - Hadley /Coroner's Inquest 1 - 16 Power Budd Energy Update - Hydro One Distribution Rate Application 1 - 17 Association of Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario - Provincial Budget 1 - 18 M. Barbara Hicks, Conference Chair, Business and Professional Women's Club, Bowmanville - Thank You Letter 1 - 19 Hannah Yang, Coordinator, Fund Raising Events, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada - Thank You Letter Council Agenda - 3 - June 24, 2002 1-20 Cathy Abraham, Chair, Newcastle Community Hall Board -Thank You Letter 1 - 21 Susan Larsh, Communications Committee Chair, Valleys 2000 - Bowmanville Valley I - 22 Cheryl MacLeod, Executive Director, Hospice Durham - Annual Report I - 23 Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Provincial Budget Receive for Direction D - 1 David and Cindy Bosy- Courtice Highway 2 Corridor Study D - 2 Lynne Dennis, President, Port Darlington Community Association Inc. - Outside Storage - M2 Zone D - 3 David Staples, Orono Parade Chairman - Durham Central Fair Parades D - 4 William Krywucyk - Benefit Barbeque D - 5 Otto Provenzano, President, 988925 Ontario Inc. - Extending Downtown Core D - 6 Bob Rantz, C.A.O., Town of Petawawa - 2001 Labour Market Survey D - 7 Carolyn Downs, Manager Council Support /City Clerk, City of Kingston - The Continued Protection for Property Taxpayers Act, 2000 D - 8 Arnot Wotten, Chair, Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee - Master Breeder Shield D - 9 Sharon Wilkinson, Clerk Administrator, Township of Montague - Treatment of Seniors - Legislation D - 10 Grace Moores, Hampton Citizens Association - 3rd Annual Family Fun Day D - 11 Sandra Kranc, City Clerk, City of Oshawa - Vessel Replacement D - 12 Barbara L. Sampson, Clerk, Town of Minto - Fish and Bait Fish Population D - 13 Louise Gartshore, City Clerk, City of Woodstock - Minimum Wage Rate D - 14 Norman K. Kyle, CAO, Corporation of the Township of Smith- Ennismore- Lakefield - Public Fire Safety Guideline 04- 08 -12, December 2001 and March 2000 Council Agenda - 4 - June 24, 2002 D - 15 Carl DeFaria, Minister of Citizenship - 2002 Senior Achievement Award Program D - 16 Anna Halkidis, Traffic Safety Co- ordinator, Public & Government Affairs, CAA Central Ontario - Traffic Safety Officer of the Year Award D - 17 Andrea Rivest, Town Clerk, the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore - Loan Interest Rate D - 18 Jack Layton, Immediate Past President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities - Exploring Harmony Educational Resource Kit D - 19 Arnot Wotten, Chair, Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee - Protect Ontario's Water Resources D - 20 Arnot Wotten, Chair, Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee - Slow Moving Farm Vehicle Signs D - 21 Confidential Personnel Matter MOTION NOTICE OF MOTION 1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of June 10, 2002 2. Report EGD -36 -02 - Dedication of Lands on Haines Street in Part of Lot 8, Concession 1, Former Township of Bowmanville as Public Highway 3. Report PSD- 074 -02 - Option to Purchase Future Detention Pond Site from MaCourtice Developments Ltd. (to be distributed under separate cover) 4. Report PSD- 075 -02 - Ridge Pine Park Inc., Wilmot Creek Community - Phase 6 (to be distributed under separate cover) 5. Report COD- 36A -02 - Special Advertising Opportunity - Courtice High School 6. Confidential Report PSD- 076 -02 - Legal Matter (to be distributed under separate cover) 7. Confidential Verbal Report from the Director of Corporate Services - Legal Matter Council Agenda - 5 - June 24, 2002 8. Confidential Report FND- 011 -02 - Legal Matter (to be distributed under separate cover) UNFINISHED BUSINESS Addendum to Report CLD- 017 -02 - Procedural By -law 2. Addendum to Report PSD- 073 -02 - Application for Removal of Part Lot Control, 1441660 Ontario Inc. BY-LAWS OTHER BUSINESS a) Regional Update b) Boards and Committees Update BY -LAW TO APPROVE ALL ACTIONS OF COUNCIL ADJOURNMENT SUMMARY OF CORRESPONDENCE JUNE 24, 2002 CORRESPONDENCE FOR INFORMATION 1 - 1 Annette Laferriere, Administrative Assistant, Office of the Commissioner & Medical Officer of Health, Region of Durham, advising Council that the public consultation for a Regional By -law regulating smoking in public places and workplaces will take place in Clarington on June 26, 2002, at the Garnet B. Richard Complex from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (Receive for Information) 1 - 2 J.R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, providing Council with a copy of the following items regarding Bill 155 - Sustainable Water and Sewage System Act, 2001: 1. Canadian Environmental Law Association correspondence to Municipal Affairs and Housing dated February 15, 2002; and 2. Conservation Ontario correspondence to Municipal Affairs and Housing dated May 9, 2002. (Receive for Information) 1 - 3 Ron Trewin, Construction & Asset Management, Region of Durham, providing Council with a copy of their newsletter for the paving and road rehabilitation at the intersection of Highway 2 at Holt Road in Clarington. The work commenced during the week of June 10 and is expected to be completed in July. (Receive for Information) 1 - 4 James Knight, Chief Executive Officer, Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), advising Council that at the 65th Annual FCM Conference from May 30 to June 3, seven federal cabinet ministers told delegates that the time had come to develop a new relationship with Canada's municipal governments. FCM is recommending permanent mechanisms and programs to address the needs that cabinet ministers have agreed must be met. A proposal on fiscal options has been prepared; FCM will soon provide members with a summary and talking points to be used in media interviews and meetings with Members of Parliament. (Receive for Information) 1 - 5 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham, providing Council with a copy of the Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Health and Long -Term Care, response to Clarington's resolution of support for the Township of West Grey regarding the supply of medical practitioners in Ontario. In May and June of 2001, Mr. Clement announced several initiatives supporting this strategy. Summary of Correspondence - 2 - June 24, 2002 These included: 1) an increase in medical school enrolment by 30 %, 2) creation of a northern medical school, 3) an increase of post - graduate training positions by up to 25 in northern and rural communities, and 4) plans to streamline and more than double the province's capacity to assess, train and license foreign- trained doctors. This will produce up to 90 additional foreign- trained physicians each year who will be eligible to practice medicine in Ontario, with up to 40 of these physicians requiring sponsorship by underserviced communities. (Receive for Information) 1 - 6 Norman Sterling, Minister of Transportation, writing to Kaye McOustra, Chair, School Council, Clarke High School, assuring her that the Ministry of Transportation is supportive of the community -level safety initiative and is working with both the police and the community in establishing Community Safety Zones (CSZ) on provincial highways. Staff from Mr. Sterling's Central Region Traffic Office are currently preparing the technical report concerning the Clarke High School application. (Receive for Information) 1 - 7 Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), advising Council that Bill 30 proposes to protect from union sanctions those full -time firefighters who choose to volunteer for their local community fire departments (two - hatters). AMO strongly endorses the Bill as it establishes the principles of right to work as it protects these volunteers from union actions, which could result in the loss of their full -time employment as firefighters. At the same time, the interests of communities and ratepayers are protected and labour certainly is established. Two- hatters are important to many rural and small town fire departments as they provide expertise, training and leadership. (Receive for Information) 1 - 8 Kim Coates, Clerk, Township of Scugog, advising Council that the Township of Scugog on June 10, 2002, endorsed the resolution by the City of Pickering indicating their readiness to be a participating Municipality in the Region's acceptance of all waste management powers subject to certain conditions. (Receive for Information) 1 - 9 Kim Coates, Clerk, Township of Scugog, advising Council that the Township of Scugog on June 10, 2002, endorsed the resolution by the City of Pickering supporting the Municipality of Clarington's bid to host the Iter Project. (Receive for Information) 1 - 10 Minutes of the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee Meeting dated May 9, 2002. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 3 - June 24, 2002 1 - 11 Minutes of the Kawartha Conservation Authority Meeting dated May 29, 2002. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1 - 12 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee dated May 14, 2002. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1 - 13 Steve Parish, Mayor, Town of Ajax, advising Council that the Town of Ajax reconsidered Item #3 of their resolution on the Iter project and decided to leave the original resolution intact as follows: "THAT the Town of Ajax reserve the right to bring forward additional environmental issues and request that Iter Canada pay the Town's costs of hiring an Environmental Consultant, if necessary, to address outstanding issues." Mr. Parish also advised that Ajax Council wishes to emphasize that it is not requesting an additional Environmental Assessment process. Item #3 is primarily intended to cover off a situation where supplementary information may be required to address an area of concern specific to the Town of Ajax in relation to the Iter project. (Receive for Information) 1 - 14 Lisa McNee- Baker, Executive Director, Big Brothers & Sisters of Clarington, thanking Council and the Tourism Office for taking part in their annual Fruit Wine & Food Festival held on May 25th, at Archibald Orchards. This was the third year that the Municipality has agreed to assist in planning this event and generously covered the cost of promotion. Ms. McNee -Baker is pleased to say that the Fruit Wine & Food Festival is becoming one of the can't miss events of the year, proving that Clarington truly is the "greater part of the GTA ". With the generous support of the Municipality, the community and Archibald Orchards, they raised over $3000 for their children's mentoring programs. (Receive for Information) 1 - 15 M. de Rond, Clerk, Town of Ajax, advising Premier Eves that the Town of Ajax on June 10, 2002, passed the following resolution: "THAT the Council of the Town of Ajax endorse the resolution of the Durham Regional Police Services Board with respect to the Hadley Inquest recommendations." (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 4 - June 24, 2002 1 - 16 Power Budd Energy Update, advising Council that the Ontario Energy Board has released a decision on the Hydro One distribution rate application. The Board did not approve Hydro One's proposed methodology for recovering the costs of its shared low- voltage (LV) system. According to the Board, "to burden these identifiable loads with costs of a service they have not used and are not using amounts to cross - subsidization." The Board accepted the arguments of the coalition of local distribution companies (LDC) represented by Power Budd, along with the arguments of AMPCO and Toronto Hydro, that recovery of the costs of the shared LV system should be based on a "user -pay" approach. As such, Hydro One was ordered to recover the costs of its shared LV system from those LDCs and Embedded Directs that are connected to the LV system and based on their use of the LV system. The shared LV charge will now be $0.56 per kW based on use of the LV system. (Receive for Information) 1- 17 Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario, providing Council with an overview of the fiscal situation of the Provincial Budget. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1 - 18 M. Barbara Hicks, Conference Chair, Business and Professional Women's Club Bowmanville, thanking Council for the financial assistance in making the 56th annual Provincial Conference a very successful and enjoyable event. Many thanks to Councillors Rowe and MacArthur for bringing greetings from Council and supporting the opening ceremonies on Friday, May 31, 2002. Ms. Hicks would like to also thank the staff of the Communications & Tourism Department. (Receive for Information) 1 - 19 Hannah Yang, Coordinator, Fund Raising Events, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, thanking Council for helping to make the 2002 Super Cities WALKs for MS such an amazing success. The Durham WALKs raised over $200,000 on WALK day. The three Durham WALKs were part of the 41 WALKs that took place across Ontario on Sunday, April 21. Over 27,000 WALKers participated and more than $3.1 million has been raised provincially. The money raised from the Durham WALKs will be used to fund national research projects and to provide services for persons with MS and their families living in the Durham Region. (Receive for Information) 1-20 Cathy Abraham, Chair, Newcastle Community Hall Board, thanking Council for granting the money requested for some much needed equipment and projects. Of the seven projects they have laid out for themselves this year with the money received, they have accomplished three so far. Plans are now underway to see that the remaining four projects are done as soon as possible. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 5 - June 24, 2002 1 - 21 Susan Larsh, Communications Committee Chair, Valleys 2000, thanking Council for the recent successful completion of the reconstruction of the roadway leading down into the Bowmanville Valley. The improved entrance off Roenigk below King Street is certainly a more pleasing entrance to the valley and to the upgraded and newly designed trails. The co- operation of both Council and the municipal staff is much appreciated in assisting the volunteers to achieve the vision of restoring and enhancing the Bowmanville and Soper Creek Valleys as accessible, recreational and environmental amenities and to link the Waterfront Trail to the historic centre of Bowmanville. (Receive for Information) 1- 23 Cheryl MacLeod, Executive Director, Hospice Durham, providing Council with a copy of their Annual Report. (Receive for Information) 1- 24 Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), providing Council with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario's response to the Provincial Budget. AMO highlighted the following: • The balance of the 1999 commitment to a 20% reduction in residential education property tax rates is delayed until 2004; • Municipal program spending that existed prior to the budget would seem to be intact; • The Province is committed to an investment of over a half a billion dollars in the next two years on clean safe drinking water for the people of Ontario. Some $245 million of that funding is to be made available in 2002 -03, a portion to be allocated to help municipalities upgrade their water systems; • Intention to give upper tiers and single tiers the option of lowering the current farm tax rate of 25% of the residential tax rate; • The government will consult with municipalities on the introduction of tax -free opportunity bonds. The Provincial intention is to assist municipalities as they borrow funds to maintain and /or improve their infrastructure; and • The government will consult with municipalities and the private sector in an effort to develop legislation that would enable tax - incentive zones in Ontario. (Receive for Information) CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION D - 1 David and Cindy Bosy, requesting Council not to consider the Courtice Highway 2 Corridor Study until such time as the study and accompanying map are revised to include their existing property (1690 Highway 2). They have lived on this property for almost 15 years and spent a considerable amount on renovations in hopes that the cost could be recovered when the property was ultimately developed for office or commercial use. Summary of Correspondence - 6 - June 24, 2002 They are aware of the requirement of an environmental impact study to determine the top of bank. They trust that the study will be funded by the Municipality as a requirement of rezoning. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Planning Services) D - 2 Lynne Dennis, President, Port Darlington Community Association Inc., writing on behalf of the Port Darlington Community Association which represents 110 households of East Beach, West Beach, Cove, Cedarcrest Beach and Watson Roads, to express their concern and ask for assistance in regards to the matter of the unsafe, unsightly, and they believe, unlawful storage housed on the grounds of a firm in their area. The firm calls itself "Outside Storage ", which fronts on Port Darlington Road north of the railway tracks, an area zoned "M2 ". They believe that, according to Clarington's Industrial By -laws for an M2 zone, the operations of this business contravene: • Section 24.1 (b) (x): regarding outside storage of goods and materials. Presently the business provides storage for hundreds of rusty and new propane tanks, large propane supply tanks, rusty dilapidated unlicensed cars, trucks, truck trailers, junk, tent trailers, which are not "accessory and incidental to a permitted use "; • In fact, there appears to be a separate business operated upon those premises to fill and refill propane tanks. Hundreds are brought in and out by the truckload, and filled from large supply tanks; • Section 24.3 (a): contrary to this by -law, these articles are not "in rear or interior sideyard, no closer to a public street than any principal structure and no closer than 1.20 metres to rear or interior side lot line "; • Section 24.3 (b): outside storage is "in excess of 70% of total lot area" and • Section 24.3 (c): there is no "screening from public street ". (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Planning Services and the Senior Municipal Law Enforcement Officer) D - 3 David Staples, Orono Parade Chairman, requesting Council's permission to hold the following annual Durham Central Fair Parades (Orono), Elementary School Children's Parade - February, September 6, 2002 2. Fair Parade - Saturday, September 7, 2002 Summary of Correspondence - 7 - June 24, 2002 The Durham Central Fair is celebrating its 150th anniversary and there will be may special events to commemorate this occasion. (Motion to approve provided organizers apply for and obtain a road occupancy permit) D - 4 William Krywucyk, requesting permission to close Hooper Square from 61 Hooper Square to 91 Hooper Square on July 27, 2002 or rain date of July 28, 2002, for a benefit barbeque. Tim Hick is a 29 -year old father, husband, son, brother, nephew, cousin and good friend. On August 4, 2001, his life was changed in an instant. While spending the weekend at his in -laws' cottage, Tim was injured in a freak accident. He was swimming and called to his dog Georgia. She jumped off the dock and landed on his neck, crushing his C5 and C6 vertebrae, leaving him instantly immobilized. Modifications to Tim, Wendy and Evan's house are required in order for Tim to come home. Equipment needs to be purchased that will give him independence. Unfortunately, not all of these items are provided under OHIP or covered by insurance. A fundraiser is being planned to help raise money to pay for these essentials. (Motion to approve provided organizers apply for and obtain a road occupancy permit) D - 5 Otto Provenzano, President, 988925 Ontario Inc., advising Council that he feels that Courtice would greatly benefit from extending the downtown core east to Trulls Road. With this in mind, 988925 Ontario Inc. and Mr. Provenzano would be willing to share in the cost to put in the services (sewers, water, etc.) needed in relation to the frontage of 1413 King Street East (north side). Placing the service down the middle of the road, as in the rest of Highway 2 would benefit all homes and land now and in the future. With everyone assisting in the cost of the services, the reconstruction of the road would be left to the Region and the Municipality of Clarington. Incorporating the services in the road and developing the Highway 2 as commercial property would be of great benefit for Clarington's future. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Planning Services) D - 6 Bob Rantz, C.A.O., Town of Petawawa, advising Council that the Town of Petawawa on June 3, 2002, passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS the Ontario Hospital Association in its 2001 labour market survey report has indicated that: The average age of the hospital professional workforce is 42 years; and Summary of Correspondence - 8 - June 24, 2002 That approximately one- quarter of Registered Nurses, Registered Practical Nurses and Personal Support Workers are in the 50 - 59 year age range, with the majority of the remaining nursing workforce in the 40 - 49 age range; and That over 51 per cent of physicians are 50 years of age or older, with 21 per cent over 60; and WHEREAS the three main outcomes of human resources shortages related to patient care are anticipated to be emergency room overcrowding, increased waiting time for surgeries and the inability to open new beds; BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Town of Petawawa petition the Ministers of both Health and Colleges and Universities to put plans in place immediately to address the anticipated labour shortage of these groups of first line health providers; and further THAT the Town Council of Petawawa circulate this motion to the Council of the County of Renfrew, the M.P.P. for this riding and other Ontario municipalities for their endorsement." (Motion for Direction) D - 7 Carolyn Downs, Manager Council Support /City Clerk, City of Kingston, advising Council that the City of Kingston on May 21, 2002, passed the following resolution being Clause 3 of Report No. 56: "3. WHEREAS the Ontario Government passed Bill 140, The Continued Protection for Property Taxpayers Act, 2000, that results in i) a mandatory tax capping scheme for commercial, industrial and multi - residential properties, which limits assessment - related tax increases to 5 %; ii) assessment and taxation reforms, implemented in 1998, being delayed to perpetuity; iii) continuation of significant inequities in the taxation of these properties across the province; iv) protection to newly constructed properties at the expense of older properties; v) unfair, inconsistent and unaccountable system of property assessment and taxation; vi) certain properties to pay tax levels in excess of 100% and, in many instances, in excess of 200% of CVA tax (current value assessment tax rate); THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT this Council urge the Ontario Government and the Premier to either: Summary of Correspondence - 9 - June 24, 2002 A) Provide the appropriate funds to each municipality to finance the amount of foregone revenues (costs of the capping program), as determined in accordance with the application of the 5% limit on tax increases; rlti B) Amend the Municipal Act to change the tax - capping scheme (5% limit on tax increases) to be a phase -in program that will i) be effective beginning in the 2004 taxation year and end preferably in 3 years, but not more than 5 years; ii) be a fixed annual adjustment in each year, which will be, for increasing properties, the 2003 cap adjustment divided by the number of years provided in the preceding paragraph; ii) not include any properties that are new construction or new to class beginning in taxation year 2004; iv) allow municipalities to fund the program through withholding decreases or municipal budgets; v) require that the minimum yearly phase -in increase be the greater of the fixed annual adjustment (ii above) or $1,000.00, and; vi) remove a property class from the phase -in program when its tax ratio is within the range of fairness; AND FURTHER THAT Council forward this resolution for endorsement to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO); all municipal councils through the Association of Municipalities of Ontario's fax services; the Municipal Finance Officers Association (MFOA); the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO); AND FURTHER THAT the report (Report No. C118) be attached to the resolution that is being sent to the Provincial Government and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the Municipal Finance Officers Association, the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario and the Association of Municipal Tax Collectors of Ontario." (Motion for Direction) Summary of Correspondence . _10- June 24, 2002 D - 8 Arnot Wotten, Chair, Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee, advising Council that the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee on May 9, 2002, passed the following resolution: "THAT Council recognize Willsona Farms as a Master Holstein Breeder." Glenn and Lorrie Willson, owners of Willsona Farms received their first Master Breeders Shield in April 2002. The Master Breeder Shield recognizes excellent breeding and maintenance of a herd of above average animals in type and production. (Motion for Direction) D - 9 Sharon Wilkinson, Clerk Administrator, Township of Montague, advising that the Township of Montague on April 16, 2002, passed the following resolution: "THAT this Council request the Minister of Consumer and Business Services re- evaluate their legislation in regards to the treatment of seniors in regards for obtaining necessary documentation for birth certificates and other vital documents; WHEREAS the Township of Montague has many seniors as ratepayers whose birth records, school records and /or church records have been either poorly recorded or destroyed due to age; AND WHEREAS the legislation is excessively restrictive and not considerate of the needs of Ontario's seniors; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of Montague respectfully request that the legislation be changed to better reflect the current situation of Ontario's Seniors, who have been residents and ratepayers and voters, Council also requests that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of Health, as their requirements in regards to requirements for health cards and other vital health documentation is also restrictive to Ontario's seniors." (Motion for Direction) D - 10 Grace Moores, Hampton Citizens Association, requesting Council to help fund their upcoming 3rd annual Family Fun Day in Hampton on September 14, 2002. The Hampton Citizens Association has been active as a community enhancement committee since May 1999. Their primary events for this year are the Pond Recovery Project (on- going), Community Harvest Dance and their Family Fun Day. This year they will not be receiving funding from their previous local sources and feel in danger of losing the event or having to charge much larger fees for all activities and food. (Motion for Direction) Summary of Correspondence - 11 - June 24, 2002 D - 11 Sandra Kranc, City Clerk, City of Oshawa, advising Council that the City of Oshawa on June 10, 2002, passed the following resolution: 1. THAT the delegation of Brad Levantis, Commander, City of Oshawa Marine Rescue Association ( COMRA) be received for information and that City Council support COMRA's initiative on securing sources of funding from affected municipalities; 2. THAT a working Committee be struck to participate in discussions with COMRA concerning vessel replacement and that a representative from City Council, Fire Services, affected municipalities, the Region of Durham, Durham Regional Police Services and the Federal Government be requested to participate; and 3. THAT COMRA make representation to the Durham Regional Police Service for input." (Motion for Direction) D - 12 Barbara L. Sampson, Clerk, Town of Minto, advising Council that the Town of Minto passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Minto perceive there to be an unhealthy reduction in the fish and bait fish population of our streams and rivers; AND WHEREAS the harvest statistics confirm the increase in bait fish harvest; AND WHEREAS there are no quotas in a self - regulated bait fish harvest resulting in suspected violation of the intended guardianship of our streams and rivers; AND WHEREAS there is a prime concern that the inappropriate bait fish harvest is jeopardizing the future population; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Minto request the Minister of Natural Resources review and address the existing licensing and monitoring legislation and procedure to result in an increase in fish population in rural streams and rivers; AND IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED THAT: 1. A restricted bait fish harvest be implemented to control timing, licensee, quotas and area; 2. Reduce the number of bait fish allowed per angling license to three dozen in your possession; Summary of Correspondence -12- June 24, 2002 3. The Ministry of Natural Resources increase their monitoring and enforcement control throughout the Province; 4. The "transfer of live fish" section in the regulations be strictly enforced; AND FURTHER THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to all member municipalities of A.M.O. (Motion for Direction) D - 13 Louise Gartshore, City Clerk, City of Woodstock, advising Council that the City of Woodstock on June 6, 2002, passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS the Ontario minimum wage rate is below the Low Income Cut -Off (LICO) set by the Federal Government; and WHEREAS minimum wage workers are primarily adults and women; and WHEREAS the "double cohort" of high schools will graduate in 2003; and WHEREAS the minimum wage rate has been frozen since 1995 in Ontario; and WHEREAS some corporations make billions of dollars in profits, while paying a poverty wage; and WHEREAS an increase has only marginal effects on employment; and WHEREAS raising the minimum wage rate would have beneficial effects on the economy though increased consumer spending; THEREFORE be it resolved that the Government of Ontario increase the minimum wage to $8.00 per hour; and BE IT FURTHER THAT the Government of Ontario index the minimum wage to the Consumer Price Index yearly; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Woodstock Municipal Council forward this resolution to all municipalities in Ontario requesting their support." (Motion for Direction) Summary of Correspondence -13- June 24, 2002 D - 14 Norman K. Kyle, CAO, Corporation of the Township of Smith-Ennismore- Lakefield, providing Council with a copy of a letter that the Township of Smith- Ennismore- Lakefield sent to the Honourable Bob Runciman, Minister of Public Safety and Security regarding Public Fire Safety Guideline 04- 08 -12, December 2001 and March 2000. Mr. Kyle is requesting Council's support of their request. (Copy attached) (Motion for Direction) D - 15 Carl DeFaria, Minister of Citizenship, requesting Council to participate in the 2002 Senior Achievement Award Program by nominating a deserving senior. The deadline for receiving nomination forms is July 12, 2002. The province will recognize 20 individuals at a ceremony to be held this fall. This year, the Senior Achievement Awards will once again highlight the significant voluntary or professional achievements made by individuals after they have reached the age of 65. (Motion for Direction) D - 16 Anna Halkidis, Traffic Safety Co- ordinator, Public & Government Affairs, CAA Central Ontario, requesting Council to promote the Traffic Safety Officer of the Year Award. The award recognizes the officer's dedication to ensuring the safety of the citizens living in their communities, through their commitment to traffic safety programs. They would like to make all police jurisdictions and their communities aware of the awards. Police officers make a huge contribution to ensure our safety. Deadline for nominations is August 31, 2002. (Motion for Direction) 1 - 17 Andrea Rivest, Town Clerk, the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore, advising Council that the Town of Lakeshore on May 13, 2002, passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS the Tile Drainage Act empowers municipalities to pass by -laws authorizing the borrowing of money from the Treasurer of Ontario for the purpose of lending money for the construction of drainage works and the issuance of debentures by municipalities on its behalf; AND WHEREAS interest rates assessed by the Province on tile loans have remained consistent at 8% for a considerable length of time irrespective of significant reductions in interest rates which have occurred over the years; AND WHEREAS other Provincially- funded initiatives administered by municipalities have lesser interest rates attributable to various programs (i.e. Shoreline Property Assistance Loans); AND WHEREAS the agricultural community has experienced significant hardships over the past several years and has been supplemented through various Government initiatives; Summary of Correspondence -14- June 24, 2002 AND WHEREAS the Tile Drainage Act specifies that the interest rates applicable to debentures, both before and after maturity issued under the Act shall be determined from time to time by the Lieutenant Governor in Council; AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and advisable in the interests of equality and welfare to the farming community in the Province of Ontario to evaluate and reduce the interest rates assessed to loans administered under the Tile Drainage Act to a more equitable and reasonable rate; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore requests that the Province of Ontario reduce the interest rate assessed on loans administered under the Tile Drainage Act to a more equitable rate; AND FURTHER, that a copy of this resolution be circulated to all municipalities in Ontario for their support, to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, as well as, to our member of Provincial parliament." (Motion for Direction) D - 18 Jack Layton, Immediate Past President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, requesting Council to purchase the Exploring Harmony Educational Resource Kit based on the contents of the national exhibition. The kit addresses such diversity issues as race and ethnicity, class, family, gender, age, ability and regionalism. The cost of the kit is $200.00. (Motion for Direction) D - 19 Arnot Wotten, Chair, Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee, advising Council that the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee on June 13, 2002, passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS the protection of Ontario's water resources including groundwater and surface water is very important and that confidence in our drinking water must be regained; WHEREAS the agricultural community is equally concerned about the quality of Ontario's groundwater, surface water and drinking water resources; WHEREAS the agricultural community is under extreme financial pressure and that the cost of protecting Ontario's water resources shall not fall solely on the agricultural community; WHEREAS the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee invites government and government agencies to initiate a program that will make available financial incentives to the agricultural community in Durham Region, sharing the cost of those improvements that will help protect Ontario's water resources; and Summary of Correspondence -15- June 24, 2002 THAT Council be requested to endorse this resolution and forward this resolution to the Region of Durham, all local municipalities within Durham Region, all Conservation Authorities within Durham Region, Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee, Durham Watershed Stewardship Council, The Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Durham Federation of Agriculture; Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario; John O'Toole, MPP, Jerry Oullette, MPP, Honourable Jim Flaherty, MPP, Honourable Janet Ecker, MPP, and Julia Munro, MPP. (Motion for Direction) D - 20 Arnot Wotten, Chair, Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee, advising Council that the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee on June 13, 2002, passed the following resolution: "THAT Clarington take the initiative and make a proactive approach and erect slow moving farm vehicle signs on Clarington's Roads." (Motion for Direction) D - 21 Confidential Personnel Matter (to be distributed under separate cover) (Motion for Direction) SUMMARY OF BY -LAWS JUNE 24, 2002 BY -LAWS 2002 -096 being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Municipality of Clarington) (Item #7 of Report #1) 2002 -097 being a by -law to adopt Amendment No. 28 to the Clarington Official Plan (Municipality of Clarington) (Item #7 of Report #1) 2002 -098 being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (Tunney Planning Inc.) (Item #8 of Report #1) 2002 -099 being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (Orchard Park Estates (Bowmanville) Inc.) (Item #9 of Report #1) 2002 -100 being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (George Smith) (Item #13 of Report #1) 2002 -101 being a by -law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M -1994 from Part Lot Control (1441660 Ontario Inc.) (Item #14 of Report #1) 2002 -102 being a by -law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the Owners of Plan of Subdivision S -C- 2001 -003 and any Mortgagee who has an interest in the said lands, and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in respect of S -C- 2001 -003 (approved by Council on May 13, 2002) 2002 -103 being a by -law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the Owners of Plan of Subdivision 18T -99007 and any Mortgagee who has an interest in the said lands, and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in respect of 18T -99007 (approved by Council on June 25, 2001) 2002 -104 being a by -law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the Owners of Plan of Subdivision 18T -87034 and any Mortgagee who has an interest in the said lands, and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in respect of 18T -87034 (approved by Council on June 13, 1988) Summary of By -laws - 2 - June 24, 2002 2002 -105 being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle (approved by Council on May 14, 2001) 2002 -106 being a by -law to authorize the execution of a Lease Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Clarington Kids Inc. in respect of a lease for space located in the Courtice Community Complex, Courtice, Ontario (Item #28 of Report #1) 2002 -107 being a by -law to authorize the execution of an Offer to Lease Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and the Bethesda House of Mercy, in respect of a lease for the premises situated at 150 Port Darlington Road, Bowmanville, Ontario (Item #33 of Report #1) 2002 -108 being a by -law to authorize the execution of an agreement with S -N Diesel for the lease of one transit bus to be used within the Municipality of Clarington (Item #15 of Report #1) 2002 -109 being a by -law to establish rates and fares to be charged by the operator(s) of the Clarington Transit Service within the Municipality of Clarington (Item #15 of Report #1) 2002 -110 being a by -law to establish certain lands as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington (Item #16 of Report #1) 2002 -111 being a by -law to establish certain lands as public highways and to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington (Item #16 of Report #1) 2002 -112 being a by -law to establish certain lands as public highways and to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington (Item #16 of Report #1) 2002 -113 being a by -law to authorize the execution by the Mayor and Clerk of an Automatic Aid Agreement with the City of Oshawa to respond to Highway 401 for emergencies (Item #20 of Report #1) Summary of By -laws - 3 - June 24, 2002 2002 -114 being a by -law to amend By -law 95 -55, a by -law to govern the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington, any of its Committees, the conduct of its Members, and the calling of meetings (Addendum to Report CLD- 017 -02) (Unfinished Business) 2002 -115 being a by -law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M -1994 from Part Lot Control (Addendum to Report PSD- 073 -02) (Unfinished Business) 2002 -116 being a by -law to appoint Members of the Clarington Traffic Management Committee for the Municipality of Clarington (approved by Council on June 10, 2002) 2002 -117 Confidential By -law regarding a Personnel Matter (Correspondence Item D - 21) REVISED SUMMARY OF BY -LAWS JUNE 24, 2002 BY -LAWS 2002 -096 being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Municipality of Clarington) (Item #7 of Report #1) 2002 -097 being a by -law to adopt Amendment No. 28 to the Clarington Official Plan (Municipality of Clarington) (Item #7 of Report #1) 2002 -098 being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (Tunney Planning Inc.) (Item #8 of Report #1) 2002 -099 being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (Orchard Park Estates (Bowmanville) Inc.) (Item #9 of Report #1) 2002 -100 being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (George Smith) (Item #13 of Report #1) 2002 -101 being a by -law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M -1994 from Part Lot Control (1441660 Ontario Inc.) (Item #14 of Report #1) 2002 -102 being a by -law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the Owners of Plan of Subdivision S -C- 2001 -003 and any Mortgagee who has an interest in the said lands, and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in respect of S -C- 2001 -003 (approved by Council on May 13, 2002) 2002 -103 being a by -law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the Owners of Plan of Subdivision 18T -99007 and any Mortgagee who has an interest in the said lands, and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in respect of 18T -99007 (approved by Council on June 25, 2001) 2002 -104 being a by -law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the Owners of Plan of Subdivision 18T -87034 and any Mortgagee who has an interest in the said lands, and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in respect of 18T -87034 (approved by Council on June 13, 1988) Summary of By -laws - 2, June 24, 2002 2002 -105 being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle (approved by Council on May 14, 2001) 2002 -106 being a by -law to authorize the execution of a Lease Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Clarington Kids Inc. in respect of a lease for space located in the Courtice Community Complex, Courtice, Ontario (Item #28 of Report #1) 2002 -107 being a by -law to authorize the execution of an Offer to Lease Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and the Bethesda House of Mercy, in respect of a lease for the premises situated at 150 Port Darlington Road, Bowmanville, Ontario (Item #33 of Report #1) 2002 -108 being a by -law to authorize the execution of an agreement with S -N Diesel for the lease of one transit bus to be used within the Municipality of Clarington (Item #15 of Report #1) 2002 -109 being a by -law to establish rates and fares to be charged by the operator(s) of the Clarington Transit Service within the Municipality of Clarington (Item #15 of Report #1) 2002 -110 being a by -law to establish certain lands as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington (Item #16 of Report #1) 2002 -111 being a by -law to establish certain lands as public highways and to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington (Item #16 of Report #1) 2002 -112 being a by -law to establish certain lands as public highways and to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington (Item #16 of Report #1) 2002 -113 being a by -law to authorize the execution by the Mayor and Clerk of an Automatic Aid Agreement with the City of Oshawa to respond to Highway 401 for emergencies (Item #20 of Report #1) Summary of By -laws "3, June 24, 2002 2002 -114 being a by -law to amend By -law 95 -55, a by -law to govern the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington, any of its Committees, the conduct of its Members, and the calling of meetings (Addendum to Report CLD- 017 -02) (Unfinished Business) 2002 -115 being a by -law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M -1994 from Part Lot Control (Addendum to Report PSD- 073 -02) (Unfinished Business) 2002 -116 being a by -law to appoint Members of the Clarington Traffic Management Committee for the Municipality of Clarington (approved by Council on June 10, 2002) 2002 -117 being a by -law to authorize the entering into a Development Agreement with Ridge Pine Park Inc. and any Mortgagee who has an interest in the said lands and the Municipality of Clarington in respect of the development of Phase 6 of the Wilmot Creek Community (Report PSD- 075 -02) (Report #4) 2002 -118 being a by -law to approve the maintenance and operation of the public bus transportation system by the City of Oshawa within the Bowmanville Area of the Municipality of Clarington (approved by Council on March 11, 2002) 2002 -119 being a by -law to Adopt the Estimates of all Sums Required during the year and to Strike the Rates of Taxation for Municipal Purposes for the Year 2002 2002 -120 being a by -law to approve the exercise of an Option to Purchase of Part 1 on Plan 40R -13921 by the Municipality of Clarington (Report PSD- 074 -02) (Report #3) 2002 -121 being a by -law to authorize the execution of an agreement on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington, Claret Investments Ltd. and 1361189 Ontario Limited respecting costs associated with the exercise of an Option to Purchase by the Municipality Part 1 on Plan 40R -13921 (Report PSD- 074 -02) (Report #3)