HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/10/2002Leading the Way
TIME: 7:00 P.M.
S 11
Minutes of a meeting of Council held on May 27, 2002
1. Colin Rowe, 27 Willey Drive, Bowmanville, L1C 4Z7 - Great Canadian
Band Festival
2. Jean Burnside, R.R. #2, 3595 Concession Road 8, Orono, LOB 1 MO -
Great Canadian Band Festival
3. David Climenhage, 6667 Leskard Road, Orono, LOB 1 MO - Great
Canadian Town Band Festival
Receive for Information
1- 1 Honourable Chris Hodgson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing -
Provincial Policy Statement
1 - 2 Terry Nghiem, Operations Technician, Region of Durham -Cathodic
Protection of Watermains
1 - 3 Minutes of the Village of Tyrone and Surroundings Community Centre
Council Agenda - 2 - June 10, 2002
1 - 4 Bruce Taylor, City Clerk, City of Pickering - Iter Project
1 - 5 Ann Smith on behalf of the Board of Brownsdale Community Centre -
Thank You Letter
1 - 6 Dorothy Hartford - Fireworks Display
1 - 7 Minutes of the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee Meeting
1 - 8 Deb Vice, Martin Feaver and Kevin Campbell, Co- Chairs, Protect the
Ridges - Public Meeting
1 - 9 The Native Cultural Centre of Durham Region - 5t" Annual Traditional Pow
1 - 10 Association of the Municipalities of Ontario - Volunteer Firefighters
Employment Protection Act, 2002
1 - 11 Conservation Ontario - Walkerton Inquiry
1 - 12 Minutes of the Newcastle Community Hall Board
1 - 13 Minutes of the St. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee
1 - 14 The Honourable Chris Hodgson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and
Housing - 2001 Municipal Performance Measurement Program
1 - 15 Rosaline M. Graham, Clerk, Municipality of Kincardine - Canadian
Association of Nuclear Host Communities
1 - 16 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - York, Peel, Durham
Groundwater Management Strategy Study
1 - 17 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Notice Provisions of The
Planning Act
1 - 18 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Ontario Regulation
140/02 - Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan
1 - 19 Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Reliable Energy and Consumer
Protection Act, 2002
1-20 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Hospice Durham
1 - 21 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Minutes
Council Agenda - 3 - June 10, 2002
1-22 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham -West Nile Virus
Response Plan
1-23 J.R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer, Central Lake Ontario
Conservation - Draft 2002 Budget Estimates
I - 24 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Ontario Municipal Board
Decision on Water Taking
I - 25 Carolyn Downs, Manager Council Support /City Clerk, City of Kingston -
Nurse Practitioners
I - 26 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated
May 22, 2002
I - 27 Tony Clement, Minister of Health and Long -Term Care - Physician
I - 28 Steve Jacobs, Senior Project Manager, URS Cole, Sherman & Associates
Ltd. - Planning and Preliminary Design Study Highway 35/115
I - 29 Environment Canada - Lake Ontario Lakewide Management Plan
- 30 Ontario Good Roads Association - Board of Directors' Meeting
I - 31 Roger Anderson, Regional Chair, Region of Durham - Bill 139 - University
of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002
1-32 Minutes of the Animal Advisory Committee Meeting
1-33 Sandra Kranc, City Clerk, City of Oshawa - Enactment of Bill 124
1-34 Honourable Chris Hodgson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing -
Notification Radius for Planning Applications
1-35 Sandy Archibald, Archibald Orchards & Estate Winery Ltd. - 3rd Annual
Fruit Wine & Food Festival
1- 36 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham - Highway 401 Interchanges
Receive for Direction
D-1 Jean Graham, Chairperson, Newcastle Lions Club -Walk For Dog Guides
D-2 Arnot Wotten, Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee - 20 Year Vision
for Agriculture
Council Agenda - 4 - June 10, 2002
D - 3 Robert G. Boychyn, Chair, Durham Regional Police Services Board -
Domestic Violence
D - 4 Allen Forrester, Clerk- Treasurer Administrator, Township of South -West
Oxford - 400 - Series Highways
D - 5 Richard Toms, Director, Visual Arts Centre - Storefront Art
D - 6 Brady Del Rosario - Exchange Program Canada World Youth
D - 7 Hazel McCallion, Mayor, City of Mississauga - Highway 403
D - 8 J.D. Leach, City Clerk, City of Vaughan - Additional Child Care Centres
D - 9 Jill Eagles, Clerk, Village of Merrickville - Wolford - Pediatric Cardio-
vascular Surgery Program
D - 10 Jim Potter, Coach, Darlington Under 16 Team - Request for Financial
Moved by Councillor Pingle, seconded by Councillor Robinson
WHEREAS the residents of the Municipality of Clarington pay $46.00/1000
gallons for disposal of private waste;
AND WHEREAS the residents of Port Hope pay $30.00/1000 gallons for disposal
of private waste;
AND WHEREAS the Regional Municipality of Durham sets the disposal rates:
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipality of Clarington
request the Regional Municipality of Durham to review the rates being charged
for people with septic systems.
Council Agenda - 5 - June 10, 2002
1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of
June 3, 2002
2. Confidential Verbal Report from the Solicitor re: Legal Matter
3. Confidential Verbal Report from the Chief Administrative Officer
re: Property Matter
4. Confidential Report PSD- 060 -02 re: Property Matter (to be distributed
under separate cover)
(a) Appointments to the Clarington Traffic Management Committee
JUNE 10, 2002
1 - 1 Honourable Chris Hodgson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing,
providing Council with a copy of the Summary of Consultations which
highlights the range of views of those who are directly, indirectly, affected
by the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS).
(Receive for Information)
1 - 2 Terry Nghiem, Operations Technician, Region of Durham, advising
Council that Cathodic Protection of the watermain on the following streets
is scheduled between June 3 and August 9, 2002:
Loscombe Drive
SprV Avenue
Spry Avenue
Hillier Street
Spry Avenue
Quinn Drive
Lawrence Crescent
Spry Avenue
Quinn Drive
Spry Avenue
Baseline Road
Waverly Road
(Receive for Information)
1 - 3 Minutes of the Village of Tyrone and surroundings Community Centre
Board dated May 21, 2002. (Copy attached)
(Receive for Information)
1 - 4 Bruce Taylor, City Clerk, City of Pickering, advising Council that the City of
Pickering on May 21, 2002, passed the following resolution:
"WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington in the Regional
Municipality of Durham is bidding to be the host municipality for the
International Fusion Energy Research and Development Project
(Iter); and
WHEREAS the Iter project will lead essential, international research
into the commercially viable creation of a clean, renewable energy
source to meet the energy needs of subsequent generations
through fusion; and
WHEREAS the successful bid to bring Iter to Clarington will mean
an immediate infusion of highly skilled jobs and provide a significant
economic stimulus to Durham Region while raising Canada's status
as a leader in research in development; and
WHEREAS the location of two nuclear power facilities within the
Region of Durham provides a regular source of local tritium and an
expansive base of nuclear expertise which makes Durham an ideal
location to host the Iter project; and
Summary of Correspondence - 2 - June 10, 2002
WHEREAS hosting the Iter project within the Region of Durham is
widely supported by the community and understood to be a unique
opportunity to play an important role in the genesis of a potentially
revolutionary new source of energy;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of
Pickering confirms its full support for the Iter project and strongly
urges the selection committee to opt for the Municipality of
Clarington in the Region of Durham as host for the project; and
THAT the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby confirms its
confidence in the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission's ability to
undertake a thorough and complete review of the application for the
project; and
THAT this motion be circulated to:
All area Mayors and Chairs
Dan McTeague, M.P. - Ajax- Pickering- Uxbridge
(Receive for Information)
1 - 5 Ann Smith on behalf of the Board of Brownsdale Community Centre,
thanking Council for the improvements that have been made to the
Brownsdale Community Centre.
(Receive for Information)
1 - 6 Dorothy Hartford, congratulating Council on the decision to have the
fireworks display at Mosport. The show was terrific and for a very cold
evening, the turnout was impressive. Most important, it was a community
event of the type that makes the name "Clarington" stand out and mean
something. Something to talk about in a positive manner. Ms. Hanford is
questioning the pending changes to the entrance of the Bowmanville
Valleylands. She would have preferred the money be spent to upgrade
the facility or green belt for the further enhancement of the community, not
withstanding any factors for safety, etc.
(Receive for Information)
1 - 7 Minutes of the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee Meeting dated
May 9, 2002. (Copy attached)
(Receive for Information)
1 - 8 Deb Vice, Martin Feaver and Kevin Campbell, Co- Chairs, Protect the
Ridges, advising Council that the Protect the Ridges public meeting was
held on Wednesday, June 5, 2002, at 7:30 p.m. in the Enfield United
Church. No action whatsoever has yet been taken by the York - Durham
Ministry of Environment to monitor the potential for environmental damage
from either the 'Sound -sorb' berm at the Oshawa Gun & Skeet Club, or
the composting site on Harmony Road in Oshawa.
(Receive for Information)
Summary of Correspondence - 3 - June 10, 2002
1 - 9 The Native Cultural Centre of Durham Region, inviting Council to their 5th
Annual Traditional Pow Wow - "Honouring Our Youth." This event will
take place on Saturday, June 22nd and Sunday, June 23rd, 2002, from
10:00 a.m. at Durham College in Oshawa. The Native Cultural Centre of
Durham Region is a community -based organization that has been hosting
educational and cultural events reflecting traditional Native perspectives
since 1997.
(Receive for Information)
I - 10 Association of the Municipalities of Ontario, advising Council that Bill 30,
the Volunteer Firefighters Employment Protection Act, 2002 would protect
full -time firefighters who also volunteer as firefighters from losing their
jobs. It is anticipated that the Bill will proceed to Second Reading
debate /vote as early as June 6, 2002.
(Receive for Information)
I - 11 Conservation Ontario, advising Council that they strongly support
Walkerton recommendations in the Part 2 Report. Conservation Ontario
participated in the Walkerton Inquiry at a number of expert meetings and
public hearings. Conservation Ontario submitted key position papers
entitled "The Importance of Watershed Management in Protecting
Ontario's Drinking Water" and "Valuing Benefits from Watershed
Protection ".
(Receive for Information)
1- 12 Minutes of the Newcastle Community Hall Board dated May 21, 2002.
(Copy attached)
(Receive for Information)
1- 13 Minutes of the St. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee dated
February 19, 2002. (Copy attached)
(Receive for Information)
1 - 14 The Honourable Chris Hodgson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and
Housing, advising Council that he has,extended the Ministry requirement
for the 2001 Municipal Performance Measurement Program (MPMP) filing
to July 31, 2002. The deadline for filing the Financial Information Return
(FIR) is also extended to July 31, 2002, to be consistent with the MPMP
(Receive for Information)
1- 15 Rosaline M. Graham, Clerk, Municipality of Kincardine, advising Council
that the Municipality of Kincardine on May 22, 2002, passed the following
"THAT Council endorse the Municipality of Kincardine's
membership in the Canadian Host Communities as a Class A
Voting Member; and
Summary of Correspondence - 4 - June 10, 2002
THAT Mayor Kraemer be appointed as the Municipality's
representative on the Board of Directors of the Canadian
Association of Nuclear Host Communities and, Councillor Howard
Ribey be appointed the Municipality's alternative representative and
Councillor Barry Schmidt be appointed as second alternative, for a
term to coincide with the current term of Council;
FURTHER that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the City of
Pickering, the Town of Deep River, Gentilly District (Becancour,
PQ), Point Lepreau (Muscuach Parish, NB) and the Municipality of
(Receive for Information)
1 - 16 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that the
Region of Durham on May 29, 2002, passed the following resolution
regarding York, Peel, Durham Groundwater Management Strategy Study:
"a) THAT Commissioner's Report No. 2002 -P -35 from the
Commissioner of Planning be received for information; and
b) THAT a copy of Commissioner's Report No. 2002 -P -35 be
forwarded to the Local Municipalities and Conservation
(Receive for Information)
1 - 17 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that the
Region of Durham on May 29, 2002, passed the following resolution:
"a) THAT Regional Council support the Council of the City of
Pickering's initiative to seek clarification on the notice
provisions of the Planning Act; and
b) THAT Commissioner's Report No. 2002 -P -39 from the
Commissioner of Planning be sent to the City of Pickering,
the Local Municipalities, the Association of Municipalities of
Ontario and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing."
(Receive for Information)
1 - 18 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that the
Region of Durham on May 29, 2002, passed the following resolution
regarding Ontario Regulation 140/02 - Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation
"a) THAT Commissioner's Report No. 2002 -P -36 from the
Commissioner of Planning be received for information; and
b) THAT a copy of Commissioner's Report No. 2002 -P -36 be
forwarded to the Local Municipalities in Durham."
(Receive for Information)
Summary of Correspondence - 5 - June 10, 2002
1 - 19 Association of Municipalities of Ontario, advising Council that the
Provincial Government introduced for first reading the Reliable Energy and
Consumer Protection Act, 2002. The Bill provides the Government with
the authority to pursue a variety of options for the future of Hydro One.
The Bill also proposes that the government retain ownership of
transmission corridor lands to ensure that they remain available for public
use such as transportation, recreation, and infrastructure. Hydro One
would retain a statutory right to use the land for transmission purposes
and would continue to maintain the lands. Also of importance to
municipalities, if the Bill passes, it would:
Allow the Minister to order owners of dams to prepare and
implement operation and maintenance safety management plans;
Require Hydro One to continue to serve remote northern Ontario
communities not connected to the provincial grid;
Clarify the legislative authority of municipal corporations to dispose
of their shares in municipal electricity utilities.
(Receive for Information)
1-20 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that the
Region of Durham on May 29, 2002, passed the following resolution:
"a) THAT Report #2002- MOH -26 of the Commissioner &
Medical Officer of Health, be received for information;
b) THAT Council continues to advocate for adequate, stable
and ongoing core provincial funding for Hospice Durham;
c) THAT Council revisit this matter after the 2002 -03 base
provincial funding for Hospice Durham has been determined;
d) THAT the Premier of Ontario, Minister of Health and Long -
Term Care, Durham Region's MPP's, area municipalities
and Hospice Durham, be so advised."
(Receive for Information)
1 - 21 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Minutes dated May 16, 2002.
(Copy attached)
(Receive for Information)
1-22 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that the
Region of Durham on May 29, 2002, passed the following resolution:
"a) THAT the Durham Region West Nile Virus Response Plan,
as appended to Report #2002 - MOH -27 of the Commissioner
& Medical Officer of Health, be endorsed; and
Summary of Correspondence - 6 - June 10, 2002
b) THAT Durham Region's MPP's, area municipalities,
conservation authorities, district school boards, the Chief
Medical Officer of Health and the Durham Environmental
Network, be so advised."
(Receive for Information)
1- 23 J.R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer, Central Lake Ontario
Conservation, advising Council that the Central Lake Ontario
Conservation Authority on May 22, 2002, passed the following resolution:
"THAT the Draft 2002 Budget Estimates totalling $3,536,100 be
approved as presented;
THAT the Region of Durham be requested to approve an operating
levy of $1,568,000 and approve a regional capital levy in the
amount of $468,000;
THAT projects outlined in the Budget Report be adopted as
projects of the Authority; and
THAT copies of the 2002 Budget Report be distributed to the
Region of Durham and member municipalities for their information
on projects and programs of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation
(Receive for Information)
1-24 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that the
Region of Durham on May 29, 2002, passed a resolution supporting the
Grey Association for Better Planning and the Municipality of Greg
Highlands regarding the Ontario Municipal Board decision on water taking.
(Receive for Information)
1- 25 Carolyn Downs, Manager Council Support /City Clerk, City of Kingston,
advising Council that the City of Kingston on May 7, 2002, passed a
resolution endorsing the City of Brantford's resolution regarding nurse
(Receive for Information)
I - 26 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated
May 22, 2002. (Copy attached)
(Receive for Information)
1-27 Tony Clement, Minister of Health and Long -Term Care, advising Council
that the government recognizes that having adequate physician services
throughout the province is essential for Ontario to meet its current and
future health care needs. To meet this need, the government is continuing
to take important steps to ensure that all Ontario communities have the
physician services they require. A key strategy shaping our plans is
expansion of medical education opportunities to address physician
shortages in Ontario.
Summary of Correspondence - 7 - June 10, 2002
In May and June of 2001, Mr. Clement announced several initiatives
supporting this strategy. These include: 1) an increase in medical school
enrolment by 30 %, 2) creation of a northern medical school, 3) an
increase of post - graduate training positions by up to 25 in northern and
rural communities, and 4) plans to streamline and more than double the
province's capacity to assess, train and license foreign- trained doctors.
This will produce up to 90 additional foreign- trained physicians requiring
sponsorship by underserviced communities.
(Receive for Information)
1-28 Steve Jacobs, Senior Project Manager, URS Cole, Sherman & Associates
Ltd., advising Council that the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO)
has retained URS Cole Sherman to undertake a Planning and Preliminary
Design Study to examine the future plan for Highway 35 from the junction
of Highway 115 northerly to Highway 7 in the City of Kawartha Lakes and
Regional Municipality of Durham. The purpose of this study is to develop
a plan for the Province's strategic goals for the movement of people and
goods through these areas. This study will determine the ultimate vision
for the Highway 35 corridor, and the need for interim capacity, safety and
operational improvements. The need for a median between northbound
and southbound traffic and interchanges to improve safety on Highway 35
are also being considered in this study. The opportunity for public input
will be provided throughout the course of the project. The next round of
Public Information Centres (PICS) will be held on June 18, 2002, at Ops
Community Centre, Lindsay and June 19, 2002, at the Manvers Arena and
Community Centre, Bethany.
(Receive for Information)
1-29 Environment Canada, inviting Council to a public meeting on the Lake
Ontario Lakewide Management Plan (LaMP) and the Niagara River Toxics
Management Plan (NRTMP) to be held Monday, June 17, 2002. The
purpose of the meeting will be to provide updates on the Lake Ontario
LaMP and the Niagara River Toxics Management Plan.
(Receive for Information)
1- 30 Ontario Good Roads Association, providing Council with highlights from
the Ontario Good Roads Association Board of Directors' Meeting of
April 18, 2002.
(Receive for Information)
1 - 31 Roger Anderson, Regional Chair, Region of Durham, informing Council
that he has written to the Honourable Chris Stockwell, Government House
Leader, Peter Kormos, New Democratic Party House Leader and Dwight
Duncan, Liberal House Leader, requesting support of a speedy passage
of Bill 139, the University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002.
Summary of Correspondence - 8 - June 10, 2002
This Bill is vital to the creation of the new educational institution here in
Durham Region. Creation of the University of Ontario Institute of
Technology is a positive and practical step that responds to an immediate
need for new student places in Ontario. To delay will only penalize many
of our young people at critical points in their education.
(Receive for Information)
I - 32 Minutes of the Animal Advisory Committee Meeting dated May 14, 2002.
(Copy attached)
(Receive for Information)
1-33 Sandra Kranc, City Clerk, City of Oshawa, advising Council that the City of
Oshawa on May 21, 2002, passed the following resolution:
191. THAT the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing be
advised that Oshawa City Council is supportive of the
enactment of Bill 124; but, that he be requested to amend
the Bill by:
(a) Deleting Section 4.2, which would allow applicants to
appoint registered code agencies;
(b) Deleting Subsection 8(2.1), which would require a
chief building official to issue a building permit, where
the design has been certified by a registered code
agency,, even if found to not comply with the Ontario
Building Code;
(c) By amending Section 22 of Building Code Act to
enable a chief building official to maintain to same
control over registered code agencies that he
currently has over building inspectors; and
(d) By deleting Section 7.1, which would require every
municipal Council to establish and enforce a code of
conduct for the chief building official and inspectors,
or by amending that section to provide for a uniform
code of conduct, developed by the Province and
applicable to all participants in the building
construction sector;
2. THAT a copy of Report DS -02 -122 be forwarded to all area MPP's,
the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and
Housing, the Minister's Parliamentary Assistant, Leaders of the
Opposition, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario; and all area
municipalities in the Region of Durham; and
Summary of Correspondence - 9 - June 10, 2002
3. THAT the Attorney General be urged to introduce for enactment Bill
10, `An Act to Amend the Limitation Act', to limit the liability for
building construction participants to 15 years, to complement the
intent of Bill 124."
(Receive for Information)
1-34 Honourable Chris Hodgson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing,
advising Council that he has received a copy of the resolution passed by
the Pickering City Council on April 2, 2002, requesting that the province
increase the notification radius for planning applications presently outlined
in a regulation in the Planning Act. The Planning Act establishes the
ground rules for land use planning in Ontario. It describes how land uses
may be controlled, and who may control them. The Act also outlines
certain administrative planning processes to ensure that they are fair,
open, accessible, timely and efficient. Some of these processes are
included in the regulations. Some of the regulations provide additional
detail on the administrative processes for certain planning applications.
These processes involve distance requirements for giving of notice. The
Planning Act does not prohibit a municipality from exceeding those
minimum requirements, if deemed appropriate. In addition, sections
17(18) and 34(14) of the Planning Act provide municipalities with an
opportunity to develop alternative procedures for informing the public and
obtaining its views about proposed official plan and zoning by -law
(Receive for Information)
1-35 Sandy Archibald, Archibald Orchards & Estate Winery Ltd., thanking
Council for supporting the 3rd Annual Fruit Wine & Food Festival. Guests
enjoyed award - winning wines from all across Ontario matched with
amazing foods prepared by local chefs. They had the opportunity to
demonstrate Clarington's fine hospitality to local residents, as well as a
number of visitors to the area.
(Receive for Information)
1-36 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham, advising Council that he questioned
Transportation Minister Norm Sterling regarding Durham's partnership
with the Province of Ontario for construction of Highway 401 interchanges.
Mr. Sterling has offered his commitment to working with the Region to
examine other funding options that would reduce the impact on the
Regional budget.
(Receive for Information)
Summary of Correspondence -10- June 10, 2002
D - 1 Jean Graham, Chairperson, Newcastle Lions Club, requesting permission
to hold a Walk For Dog Guides. All proceeds from the walk will be
donated to Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides. The walk is 10 km
through Newcastle on Saturday, October 5, 2002. The starting time will
be 9:00 a.m. at the Community Hall. They estimate the walk will take
approximately two hours to complete. All the money pledged goes to
providing Dog Guide Teams to assist the blind, deaf and physically
(Motion to approve provided the
organizers apply for and obtain a Road
Occupancy Permit from the Engineering
Services Department)
D - 2 Arnot Wotten, Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee, advising
Council that the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee dated
April 11, 2002, passed the following resolution:
"THAT the correspondence requesting Regional Chair Roger
Anderson to provide his 20 Year Vision for Agriculture be sent back
to Council to forward to the Regional Chair."
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Regional Chair)
D - 3 Robert G. Boychyn, Chair, Durham Regional Police Services Board,
requesting Council to pass the following resolution regarding domestic
"WHEREAS the Durham Regional Police Services Board is
committed to excellence in public safety and police governance in
the Regional Municipality of Durham;
AND WHEREAS a Coroner's inquest was recently concluded
regarding the death of Durham Region resident and domestic
violence victim Gillian Hadley;
AND WHEREAS the Coroner's Jury made a number of
recommendations, notably those related to the Justice system and
the coordination of efforts including (1) the establishment of an
implementation committee, and (2) "that the Government of Ontario
coordinate and streamline the delivery of victim services /advocacy
within the justice system in order to avoid confusion regarding the
roles and responsibilities of those involved, and to avoid the
duplication of services ";
AND WHEREAS the Government of Ontario recently established
the Ministry of Public Safety and Security;
Summary of Correspondence - 11 - June 10, 2002
THEREFORE be it resolved that the Durham Regional Police
Services Board strongly supports the Hadley Inquest
recommendations as they relate to the Justice system (2 through
22 both inclusive and 37), inter - agency coordination (1 and 49
through 52, both inclusive), and research, analysis and reporting
(53 through 58, both inclusive), and urges the Government of
Ontario to demonstrate leadership in addressing Domestic Violence
by coordinating, and where necessary funding, the full
implementation of said recommendations within one (1) year;
AND FURTHER that the Durham Regional Police Services Board
requests that the Government of Ontario provide publicly, within 6
months, a status report regarding all 58 recommendations of the
Hadley Inquest."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 4 Allen Forrester, Clerk- Treasurer Administrator, Township of South -West
Oxford, advising Council that the Township of South -West Oxford on
May 7, 2002, passed the following resolution:
"RESOLVED that whereas the number of vehicles driving well in
excess of the posted legal rate of speed has increased significantly
in recent years, especially on 400 - Series Highways;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Government of Ontario
be petitioned to implement the use of photo -radar in enforcing
speed limits on these highways."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 5 Richard Toms, Director, Visual Arts Centre, inviting Council to participate
as a sponsor in Storefront Art. In the past this event has benefited the
participating stores, the students and the professional artist who will
oversee the design and creation of these imaginative murals. Each
business will be asked to contribute $100 toward the cost of creating their
mural. The subject of these murals will be the storeowner's choice and
may include advertisements for your store or business. The mural can be
hung in the window or displayed on the wall of the business or store.
(Motion for Direction)
D - 6 Brady Del Rosario, requesting Council to contribute to his fundraising
efforts during his exchange program sponsored by Canada World Youth.
He is also requesting appropriate souvenirs, for example Canadian pins
and flags, that he could distribute during the program. It is Mr. Del
Rosairo's responsibility to raise public awareness of this exchange
program and of Canada World Youth before his departure. He has been
chosen to participate in the Quebec /Brazil program which will start in the
summer of 2002 for a seven or eight month period. The structure of the
program is as follows: eight Canadian participants are carefully selected
to represent various geographic and demographic backgrounds.
Summary of Correspondence -12- June 10, 2002
Meanwhile, eight youths are selected by a partner organization in the
exchange country. Together, this culturally diverse group of young people
lives and works in a small Canadian community for approximately 14
weeks. Each pair of participants - one from each country - lives with a
host family and works together on a local farm or in a local social
services /healthcare centre. This structure ensures that everyone in the
host community benefits from exposure to difference cultural attitudes and
(Motion for Direction)
D - 7 Hazel McCallion, Mayor, City of Mississauga, advising Council that the
City of Mississauga on May 8, 2002, passed the following resolution:
"WHEREAS the Mississauga News reported in an article dated
May 1, 2002, that the Province has studied the feasibility of
introducing tolls on Highway 403 through Mississauga;
AND WHEREAS the same article quotes a spokesperson for the
Provincial Ministry of Transportation as saying that while "...no
decision had been made on adding toll lanes to Highway 403, ... it
has not been ruled out."
AND WHEREAS Highway 403 is an important commuter route
serving Mississauga and other GTA west communities carrying
over 120,000 vehicles a day during business hours;
AND WHEREAS Highway 403, as part of a larger Provincial
highway network, plays an important role in the efficient movement
of goods and services for businesses within Mississauga and
across the GTA, including the rapid growth in trade with the U.S.;
AND WHEREAS the Ministry of Transportation, as recently as the
fall of last year, was proceeding with the design for adding two
lanes in the centre median of Highway 403, including an
environmental assessment study with public consultation, without
any mention of tolls;
AND WHEREAS the two additional planned median lanes are long
overdue in relation to the rapid growth occurring in Mississauga and
other GTA west communities, including the rapidly developing
Churchill Meadows community;
AND WHEREAS the City of Mississauga has previously expressed
support for the planned widening of Highway 403, but not as a toll
AND WHEREAS the introduction of toll lanes on Highway 403
could result in significant congestion on parallel City roads, such as
Eglinton Avenue and Burnhamthorpe Road, along with significant
delays to City buses using these important parallel corridors;
Summary of Correspondence - 13 - June 10, 2002
AND WHEREAS the introduction of tolls on an existing highway
would represent a significant departure from existing government
policy, establishing a precedent with province -wide implications;
AND WHEREAS additional development west of Mississauga,
particularly in Halton Region, could create significant congestion to
problems on Mississauga's east -west roads, as commuters seek
alternative routes to avoid paying tolls on Highway 403;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province be advised that
the City of Mississauga strongly opposes any proposals to
introduce tolls on Highway 403 through Mississuaga;
AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that this resolution be
forwarded to the Minister of Transportation, the Premier of Ontario,
all Mississauga MPPs, GTA municipalities and the Smart Growth
Panels and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 8 J.D. Leach, City Clerk, City of Vaughan, advising Council that the City of
Vaughan on May 27, 2002, passed the following resolution:
"WHEREAS York Region experienced an increase of 17,883
children age birth to 14 from 1996 to 2001 and a further increase of
39,859 children is projected to 2026;
WHEREAS there are waitlist for spaces in child care centres, child
care fee assistance and child care special needs resourcing;
WHEREAS the Province of Ontario no longer provides capital
funding to support the building of additional child care centres (in
new schools) and /or to address required upgrades to existing child
care centres;
WHEREAS the Province of Ontario has not approved an increase
in child care funding to respond to the growth in the child population
in York Region since 1996;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of Ontario be
petitioned to:
Reinstate capital funding to support the building of additional
child care centres (in new schools) and to address Health
and Safety concerns in existing child care centres; and
Approve an increase in funding to support the needs of the
rapidly growing child population of York Region for Child
Care Fee Assistance and Child Care Special Needs
Resourcing; and
Summary of Correspondence -14- June 10, 2002
THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to York Region, the
Minister of Community, Family and Children's Services, the Premier
of Ontario, the Prime Minister, Municipalities in the GTA, and the
MPP's and MP's representing York Region."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 9 Jill Eagles, Clerk, Village of Merrickville - Wolford, advising Council that the
Village of Merrickville - Wolford on May 27, 2002, passed the following
"WHEREAS the Ontario Government has decided to discontinue
the pediatric cardio - vascular surgery (PCS) program at the
Children's Hospital of Eastern .Ontario and is moving this program
to the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children in April 2003;
AND WHEREAS the rural communities of Eastern Ontario,
including the Village of Merrickville - Wolford, are currently suffering
from decreasing access to health care through doctor and nurse
shortages in their communities and with the recent announcement
are being advised special cardiac care will not be available for their
children in the immediate area;
AND WHEREAS the Province of Ontario has historically recognized
that more than one specialized medical service location is required
by residents of the Province due to its geographic size;
AND WHEREAS the discontinuance of the program could
endanger the lives of children in Eastern Ontario and Western
Quebec with special cardiac needs;
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of
the Village of Merrickville- Wolford requests the Provincial
Government re- evaluate the discontinuation of the pediatric cardio-
vascular surgery (PCS) program at the Children's Hospital of
Eastern Ontario."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 10 Jim Potter, Coach, Darlington Under 16 Team, requesting Council to help
financially support the chance of a lifetime for many young boys to
participate in the Gothia Cup in Gothenberg Sweden. Teams from 69
different countries will be participating in this prestigious event. This team
currently plays in the Premier Division of the Central Soccer League and
they are currently ranked number 52 in the entire Province of Ontario.
(Motion for Direction)
JUNE 10, 2002
2002 -086 being a by -law to amend By -law 2002 -020 being a by -law to
appoint members to the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management
Advisory Committee for the Municipality of Clarington (approved by
Council on May 27, 2002)
2002 -087 being a by -law to adopt Amendment No. 27 to the Clarington
Official Plan (St. Stephen's Estates Inc.) (Item #3 of Report #1)
2002 -088 being a by -law to amend Sign By -law 97 -157, as amended of the
Municipality of Clarington (Willsonia Industries Limited) (Item #4 of
Report #1)
2002 -089 being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning
By -law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington
(1276467 Ontario Ltd. & Ashton Development Corp. (Clarington)
Ltd.) (Item #8 of Report #1)
2002 -090 being a by -law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan
10M -832 from Part Lot Control (1276467 Ontario Ltd. & Ashton
Development Corp. (Clarington) Ltd.) (Item #8 of Report #1)
2002 -091 being a by -law respecting the appointment of a Chief Building
Official, Building Inspectors, Plumbing Inspectors and Fire Safety
Inspectors (Item #12 of Report #1)
2002 -092 being a by -law to authorize an agreement between the Corporation
of the Municipality of Clarington and Hydro One Networks Inc. to
allow construction access to cross Hydro One Networks Inc.
Transmission Line Easement (Item #13 of Report #1)