HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/27/2002Leading the Way DATE: MONDAY, MAY 27, 2002 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS PRAYERS ROLL CALL DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS Minutes of a meeting of Council held on May 13, 2002 PRESENTATIONS Newcastle Atom Stars - 2002 All Ontario Champions Clarington J & M Tire Flames - Ontario Women's Hockey Association - Midget BB - Silver Medalists DELEGATIONS 1. Brian Henshaw, Ontario Power Generation - Monitoring the Environment 2. Todd Haley, 59 Jackman Drive, Unit #6, Bowmanville, L1 C 4V5 - Confidential Report CLD- 022 -02 COMMUNICATIONS Receive for Information 1- 1 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Management of Abandoned Aggregate Properties Program 1 - 2 Frank Hoar, Secretary, Newcastle - Bond Head Ratepayers Association - Bill 124 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905) 623 -3379 Council Agenda - 2 - May 27, 2002 1 - 3 Gerald Steuart, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto, Project Director - Transportation Tomorrow Survey 1 - 4 Carl Defaria, Minister of Citizenship - 2002 Senior of the Year Awards 1- 5 Minutes of the Durham Region Economic Development (Community) Advisory Committee 1 - 6 Minutes of the Clarke Museum and Archives dated May 7, 2002 1 - 7 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Iter Negotiation Meetings 1 - 8 Minutes of the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee Minutes 1 - 9 Frank Hoar, Secretary, Newcastle - Bond Head Ratepayers Association - Request for Second Constable I - 10 Cheryl MacLeod, Executive Director, Hospice Durham - Thank You Letter I - 11 Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee 1- 12 Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Throne Speech I - 13 Scott Wilson, Secretary- Treasurer and Kathy Zammit, Chief Returning Officer, Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Nominations 1 - 14 Samuel Wilmot Nature Area -Newsletter I - 15 Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Municipal Governments 1 - 16 Bruce Taylor, City Clerk, City of Pickering -Activity of the Regional Municipality of Durham within the City of Pickering I - 17 Minutes of the Clarington Library Board dated May 22, 2002 1 - 18 Minutes of the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee 1- 19 Debra Hampson, Hope Fellowship Christian Reformed Church - New Facility 1-20 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee 1 - 21 Minutes of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee 1-22 Minutes of the Animal Advisory Committee dated April 10, 2002 Council Agenda - 3 - May 27, 2002 1- 23 Minutes of the Bowmanville Museum Board dated April 10, 2002 1- 24 Durham Region Health Department - Regional Smoking By -law Public Consultation 1-25 Gregory W. Baxter, Account Manager, Municipal Relations, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation - Municipal Relations Assistant I - 26 Evylin Stroud - Backyard Festival Receive for Direction D - 1 Tony DiGiovanni, IPM Council and Landscape Ontario - Pesticide Use D - 2 Jane Stock, Interim Project Manager, My Home -Our Environment - Pesticide Use D - 3 Debbie and Steve Tinmouth - ATV /Dirtbike Issue D - 4 Jim Kamstra - Farmers Market D - 5 Lorraine Kraemer, CAO /Clerk, Township of North Himsworth - Lottery Schemes D - 6 Louise Gartshore, City Clerk, City of Woodstock - Ontario Municipal Board D - 7 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Election of the Regional Chair D - 8 Bruce Taylor, City Clerk, City of Pickering - Waste Management MOTION NOTICE OF MOTION 04090M 1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of May 21, 2002 2. Confidential Report CLD- 022 -02 - Personnel Issue 3. Confidential Verbal Report of the Chief Administrative Officer - Personnel Matters UNFINISHED BUSINESS Council Agenda - 4 - May 27, 2002 OTHER BUSINESS (a) Regional Update (b) Boards and Committees Update (c) Appointments to the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee BY -LAW TO APPROVE ALL ACTIONS OF COUNCIL ADJOURNMENT SUMMARY OF CORRESPONDENCE MAY 27, 2002 CORRESPONDENCE FOR INFORMATION 1 - 1 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that the Region of Durham on May 8, 2002, passed the following resolution regarding the Management of Abandoned Aggregate Properties Program: "a) THAT Commissioner's Report No. 2002 -P -31 from the Commissioner of Planning be received for information; and b) THAT Commissioner's Report No. 2002 -P -31 be forwarded to the local municipalities, the Aggregate Producers Association of Ontario, MAAP Program, the Ministry of Natural Resources and MPPs." (Receive for Information) 1 - 2 Frank Hoar, Secretary, Newcastle - Bond Head Ratepayers Association, advising John O'Toole, MPP, that the Association objects to the passing of Bill 124 on outsourcing or privatizing local building inspections and permits. There was considerable discussion on the pros and cons with the consensus of the Executive, that privatizing would allow too many opportunities for patronage and possibly graft, and that the municipalities should be the ones to enforce their own by -laws. (Receive for Information) 1 - 3 Gerald Steuart, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto, Project , Director, Transportation Tomorrow Survey, informing Council that another phase of a major travel survey is about to be conducted in the community. This phase of the survey consists of telephone interviews of a randomly selected sample of households in the Greater Toronto Area and will be conducted from May until early June 2002. The financial partners in this phase are the Cities of Hamilton and Toronto, the Regional Municipality of Durham, Halton, Peel and York, GO Transit, the Toronto Transit Commission and the Ministry of Transportation Ontario. The purpose of the survey is to collect information on the travel habits of residents and provide a database for long -range planning and improvement of transportation facilities. (Receive for Information) 1 - 4 Carl Defaria, Minister of Citizenship, inviting Council to participate in the 2002 Senior of the Year Awards. This award was established in 1994 to give each municipality in Ontario the opportunity to honour one outstanding local senior. Recipients are individuals, who after age 65, have enriched the social, cultural or civic life of the community without thought of personal or financial gain. Deadline for nominees is May 31, 2002. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 2 - May 27, 2002 1- 5 Minutes of the Durham Region Economic Development (Community) Advisory Committee dated April 24, 2002. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1 - 6 Minutes of the Clarke Museum and Archives dated May 7, 2002. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1 - 7 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that the Region of Durham on May 8, 2002, received for information the Municipality of Clarington's correspondence dated May 2, 2002, regarding Iter Negotiation Meetings. (Receive for Information) 1 - 8 Minutes of the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee Minutes dated April 11, 2002. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1 - 9 Frank Hoar, Secretary, Newcastle - Bond Head Ratepayers Association, advising Durham Regional Police Chief McAlpine that the Association discussed the possibility of having a second Constable to help policing in the village and the immediate surrounding area. It is felt, that with the increase in population and the number of break -ins, particularly in the Bond Head area, another constable would be a great help in curbing violations. (Receive for Information) I - 10 Cheryl MacLeod, Executive Director, Hospice Durham, thanking Council for the generous donation at this time when Hospice Durham is facing a very severe financial crisis. (Receive for Information) I - 11 Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee (DNHC) dated April 19, 2002. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1- 12 Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), advising Council that the Throne Speech of May 9, 2002, addressed a number of issues of interest to AMO and municipal governments. This issues include: • Ontario Clean Water Legacy Trust - focus on the government's actions, policies and reporting and enforcement efforts; Summary of Correspondence - 3 - May 27, 2002 Smart Growth - continues to be supported by the government's existing financial commitment to transit, along with study of transit innovations such as multi- system transit card; continued investment to expand and maintain provincial highways; creation of tax - incentive zones in rural and northern communities to encourage business to invest, relocate or expand in these areas; support to farming and protection of family farm from unionization and commitment to Nutrient Management Bill; Exploring alternative fuels and means of improving air quality; • Opportunity Bonds (tax -free) for new water - treatment facilities, sewers and roads; • Ensuring police officers, firefighters and paramedics have tools and training to do their jobs; • On the health front, the number of nurse - practitioners are to be increased and their role expanded in long -term care facilities, and be encouraged to work in communities without physicians for some time and increasing and speeding up the certification of foreign trained doctors, Northern medical schools will see full campus in Thunder Bay as well as Sudbury. (Receive for Information) I - 13 Scott Wilson, Secretary- Treasurer and Kathy Zammit, Chief Returning Officer, Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), advising Council that AMO is seeking nominations to the 2002 -2003 Board of Directors. Nominations will be received until 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 31, 2002. (Receive for Information) 1 - 14 Samuel Wilmot Nature Area, providing Council with a copy of their Newsletter. The Newsletter was written by members of the Committee and produced by Planning staff. The Newsletter has been mailed to interested members of the public, community groups, businesses and schools. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1 - 15 Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), advising Council that on May 8, 2002, President Mulvale delivered a speech to the Canadian Public Affairs Association of Canada advising that municipal governments have been advocating the need for new sources of revenue to help them manage their service expenditures because, in many parts of Ontario, the property tax base is under significant pressure. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 4 - May 27, 2002 1 - 16 Bruce Taylor, City Clerk, City of Pickering, advising Council that the City of Pickering on May 6, 2002, passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS the City of Pickering represents approximately twenty percent of the assessment of the Regional Municipality of Durham; and WHEREAS the Region of Durham should be accountable to the taxpayers of Pickering and ensure that over time the City of Pickering receives an equitable portion of Regional projects and services relative to its weighted assessment at the Region of Durham; and WHEREAS over the last seven years and in the forecast for the next five years, very few projects have been undertaken or are forecasted to be done by the Region of Durham to address important needs within Pickering; and WHEREAS the Regional Official Plan recognizes the importance and regional significance of areas such as Pickering's downtown, Kingston Road and our waterfront but has not supported that recognition with any significant funding; NOW THEREFORE the Region of Durham be requested to prepare an annual report on the activity of the Regional Municipality of Durham within the City of Pickering that will include but not necessarily be limited to capital roads projects, economic development and capital sewer and water servicing projects; and THAT the report will bench the activity of the Region against the dollar value of our portion of the Regional assessment and the needs of the municipality (where identified by Council) in the areas covered by the report; and THAT this report identify the last ten year history and the next ten year projects for capital roads projects and capital sewer and water servicing projects servicing the City of Pickering and bench this against Pickering's portion of the Regional assessment; and THAT the report further identify the track the Region's support of projects and areas of development deemed to be regionally significant within the Regional Official Plan within the City of Pickering; and THAT this report be brought to the first Committee of the Whole meeting in November of every year; and Summary of Correspondence - 5 - May 27, 2002 THAT the City of Pickering urge the Region of Durham to support the Regional Official Plan and partner financially with the City of Pickering in areas such as our downtown, Kingston Road and our waterfront; and THAT this motion be circulated to: All area Mayors and Chairs." (Receive for Information) 1 - 17 Minutes of the Clarington Library Board dated May 22, 2002. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1 - 18 Minutes of the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee dated April 18, 2002. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1 - 19 Debra Hampson, Hope Fellowship Christian Reformed Church, introducing Council to the Hope Fellowship Christian Reformed Church. This is a new congregation that is presently searching for a meeting and worship facility in the Courtice area. Their members live mostly in Oshawa, Courtice and Bowmanville making Courtice a central, and ideal, location for a church. Recently, they became aware that Courtice South Public School would be closing, and will be available to purchase. After forming a "Facility Committee" and doing some preliminary investigation, they have decided to pursue purchasing this property for their use. If successful in this pursuit, it is their intention to construct a multi - purpose auditorium /sanctuary on the property. The parking area would also be enlarged to include the required number of parking spots while retaining the necessary green space. They have been in touch with the Planning Department and understand a rezoning is required. It is their hope that any rezoning application will be approved by Council under section 23.5.4 of the Clarington Official Plan, Non - Conforming Uses. (Receive for Information) 1-20 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee dated March 5, 2002. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1 - 21 Minutes of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee dated April 23, 2002. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1-22 Minutes of the Animal Advisory Committee dated April 10, 2002. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 6 - May 27, 2002 1- 23 Minutes of the Bowmanville Museum Board dated April 10, 2002. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1-24 Durham Region Health Department, advising Council of the notice of public consultation for a Regional By -law regulating smoking in public places and workplaces. The purpose of the Regional Municipality of Durham's public consultations is to gather input regarding the development of a regional by -law regulating smoking in public places and workplaces. The public meeting for Clarington is being held on June 26, 2002, at the Garnet B. Rickard Complex from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 P.M. (Receive for Information) 1-25 Gregory W. Baxter, Account Manager, Municipal Relations, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, introducing Anne Boivin, Municipal Relations Assistant. (Receive for Information) 1-26 Evylin Stroud, advising Council that she and her husband attended the awesome fireworks display at the end of the Backyard Festival. Ms. Stroud stated that Jennifer Cooke and all the staff who assisted her deserve a great deal of credit for all the planning and work that helped everything run smoothly. They are grateful to all of the volunteers who gave up at least one day of their first long weekend of the summer season. The only small snafu occurred at the very end when everybody wanted to leave the parking lot at once. They realized that the mass exodus would take time and they were prepared to wait their turn patiently to exit. However, they envisioned cars in stop and go lines snaking their way slowly out of the lot. They were quite puzzled that their line of cars stopped dead for 16 minutes while others seemed to be moving. There was one traffic marshall at the very end of the parking lot by the gates but she would encourage staff to have at least a couple more traffic marshalls further back in the lot next year to improve the flow of cars. (Receive for Information) CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION D - 1 Tony DiGiovanni, IPM Council and Landscape Ontario, advising Council that the issue of pesticide use in homes and gardens has polarized many communities, councillors and industry groups due to a great deal of misinformation, sensationalized claims and unfair generalizations about the safety of garden pest control products. The true facts are: 1. Lawn and garden products account for less than 2% of all pesticide use (active ingredient by weight). 96% of pesticides are used to protect the food that we eat; and Summary of Correspondence - 7 - May 27, 2002 2. Over ninety percent of what the lawn and garden industry uses is a weed killer called 2,4 -D. Over 40,000 studies have been done on the safety of 2,4 -D. Concerned municipalities should focus their efforts on studying the safety of this product. They have formed the IPM -PHC Council to develop a national accreditation program which would ensure that through a focus on plant health care (PHC) and integrated pest management (IPM) the industry can do it's part in minimizing pesticide use. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Operations) D - 2 Jane Stock, Interim Project Manager, My Home -Our Environment, providing Council with information that will assistance with discussions about pesticides. Through regulatory activities, the federal /provincial/ territorial governments' Healthy Lawns Strategy is focusing on reducing reliance on and use of pesticides for lawn care. Ms. Stock has provided details on the following elements that are being reviewed for change: • product types available to homeowners classification of domestic products • labeling requirements of pesticide products • education and training They are urging Council to look beyond the rhetoric of the pesticide debate and move toward constructive solutions. Regardless of which regulations are passed, environmentally friendly pest management requires homeowners and industry practitioners to learn how to implement fairly complex "best horticultural practices ". (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Operations) D - 3 Debbie and Steve Tinmouth, writing to Council requesting solutions to the ATV /dirtbike issue they have been having at their property on Wilcox Road in Orono. The Tinmouths have the following solutions: the paved portion of Wilcox Road and as it passes over their two parcels of private land, be designated closed to ATV /dirtbike traffic and signage erected; and Erecting signage at the parking lots located in Central Forest and Noone's Restaurant indicating road closure to ATV traffic. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Durham Regional Police and the Director of Engineering for direct response) Summary of Correspondence - 8 - May 27, 2002 D - 4 Jim Kamstra, requesting permission to start up a farmers market featuring fruits and vegetables only in the Bowmanville area on Saturday mornings. Possible locations include the municipal parking lots on King, Division and Church and the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Operations) D - 5 Lorraine Kraemer, CAO /Clerk, Township of North Himsworth, advising Council that the Township of North Himsworth on May 7, 2002, passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS Section 207(1)(A) of the Criminal Code of Canada makes it lawful for the government of a province to manage and conduct lottery schemes; AND WHEREAS without enabling legislation enacted pursuant to the provisions of Section 207(1)(A), a municipality may not conduct a lottery; AND WHEREAS Section 207(1)(B) of the Criminal Code of Canada also states it is lawful for a charitable or religious organization, pursuant to a license issued by the Lieutenant Governor in Council of a province, or by such other person or authority in the province as may be specified by the Lieutenant Governor in Council thereof, to conduct and manage a lottery scheme in that province if the proceeds from the lottery scheme are used for a charitable or religious object or purpose; AND WHEREAS the provincial downloading has caused tremendous hardship for municipalities resulting in many recreational and educational events and /or programs to be cancelled due to prioritization of services offered to its residents; AND WHEREAS many of these events were aimed towards youth sports and educational purposes; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of North Himsworth hereby petitions the Federal and Provincial Governments to amend legislation to permit municipal governments and municipal boards /committees to accept donations derived from various legal lottery events to be used solely for charitable purposes as defined in Section 4.2.1(D) of the Lottery Licensing Policy Manual, implemented by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario under the Ministry of Consumer and Business Services; Summary of Correspondence - 9 - May 27, 2002 AND FURTHER, that this resolution be circulated to the Honourable Martin Caughon, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, The Honourable Tim Hudak, Minister of Consumer and Business Services, The Honourable Chris Hodgson, Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing, local MPs and MPPs, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and all Ontario Municipalities for endorsement." (Motion for Direction) D - 6 Louise Gartshore, City Clerk, City of Woodstock, advising Council that the City of Woodstock on May 2, 2002, passed the following resolution: "THAT the following resolution passed on April 18, 2002, be circulated to all municipalities in Ontario; THAT WHEREAS a number of concerned Ontario municipalities have questioned the relevance of the Ontario Municipal Board; AND WHEREAS the County Official Plan has set out locally derived planning policies; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Woodstock requests the Government of Ontario to review the mandate and operation of the Ontario Municipal Board; AND FURTHER that Government of Ontario be requested to ask the Association of Municipalities of Ontario to establish a task force to make a recommendation on whether an adjudicating body is required and if required the composition of the adjudicating body; AND FURTHER that this motion be sent to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, MPP Chris Hodgson and MPP Ernie Hardeman." (Motion for Direction) D - 7 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that the Region of Durham on May 8, 2002, passed the following resolution: "a) THAT Report #2002 -COW -1 of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Election of the Regional Chair be received; and b) THAT Report #2002 -COW -1 of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Election of the Regional Chair be forwarded to the eight Area Municipalities for review of Options 1 to 3 and Procedural Options i) to iv), as contained in the Report, with a response and comments back to the Region of Durham by June 18, 2002." (Copy attached) (Motion for Direction) Summary of Correspondence -10- May 27, 2002 D - 8 Bruce Taylor, City Clerk, City of Pickering, advising Council that the City of Pickering on May 6, 2002, passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS the City of Pickering notified the Region of Durham that it would not be a 'participating' municipality in the Region's acceptance of all waste management powers as the matter was under review; and WHEREAS the City of Pickering has undertaken a pilot project for the curbside collection of organics and expanded recyclables which has achieved a diversion rate of over 60% in the test community of Amberlea; and WHEREAS the Region of Durham stands to financially benefit from the diversion of waste from landfill as it will not have to pay to dispose of that waste; and WHEREAS the City of Pickering is currently using Miller Waste and the Region of Durham is proposing to use the same contractor; and WHEREAS the Region of Durham can better achieve economics of scale in the contracting out of waste services; and WHEREAS it is highly desirable to achieve a high degree of waste diversion across the Region and not just in one or two municipalities; and WHEREAS the City of Pickering does not have the financial capacity to implement and organic curbside collection service or expand the current list of recyclable materials; and WHEREAS having two levels of government deliver waste services is confusing to the public and means that adoption of change is slow and conflicted by competing jurisdictions; and NOW THEREFORE the Corporation of the City of Pickering advises the Region of Durham that it is prepared to negotiate being a 'participating' municipality in the Region's acceptance of all waste management powers subject to the following; THAT Pickering's participation is contingent upon the provision of curbside organic waste collection and expanded recyclables (similar to the cart bin system that is currently provided to the residents of Amberlea in the City of Pickering's waste diversion pilot project) effective upon the Region's assumption of all waste services; and Summary of Correspondence - 11 - May 27, 2002 2. THAT the City of Pickering's participation be further contingent upon the Region of Durham's implementation of a three stream cart wheel waste collection system that achieves a waste diversion ratio no less than 50% across the participating municipalities; and 3. THAT the collection of kitchen organic waste be once a week and that garden organic materials be collected by a cart wheel system with paper bags being mandatory for all excess garden organic waste; and 4. THAT additional cost for the provision of new diversion efforts be fully borne by the Region of Durham as it will have offsetting cost decreases from reduced disposal costs; and 5. THAT the City of Pickering have input into the process and practices the Region of Durham will employ in the delivery of waste management services both through meetings with staff, Council and the broader public before agreeing to forfeit its jurisdiction over waste; and 6. THAT an extensive education program be developed and deployed by Durham Region to promote the understanding and use of the program within participating municipalities. FURTHER THAT the appropriate staff of the City of Pickering work with staff from the Region of Durham in such negotiations with the goal of successfully negotiating the conditions set out in this resolution; and FURTHER THAT this motion be circulated to the other municipalities with the Region of Durham and that they be encouraged to pass similar motions to effect positive change across the Region." (Motion for Direction) SUMMARY OF BY -LAWS MAY 27, 2002 BY -LAWS 2002 -075 being a by -law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Barry -Bryan Association (1991) Limited, Whitby, Ontario, to enter into an agreement for the Architectural Services for the Memorial Arena Expansion, Newcastle, Ontario (approved by Council on January 28, 2002) 2002 -076 being a by -law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Kraco Carpentry Services Ltd., Bowmanville, Ontario, to enter into an agreement for the construction of a Customer Services Desk, Municipal Administrative Centre, Bowmanville, Ontario, as per Report COD - 014 -01 (approved by Council on March 4, 2002) 2002 -077 being a by -law to declare Part 4 on Reference Plan 40R -XXXXX to be surplus (Item #12 of Report #1) 2002 -078 being a by -law to amend By -law 91 -58, as amended, being a By -law to Regulate Traffic on Highways, Municipal and Private Property in the Municipality of Clarington (Item #6 of Report #1) 2002 -079 being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law of the former Corporation of the Town of Newcastle (Sylvia VanHaverbeke) (Item #3 of Report #1) 2002 -080 being a by -law to amend By -law 97 -35, as amended, being a by -law to prohibit or regulate the destruction of trees in the Municipality of Clarington (Item #9 of Report #1) 2002 -081 being a by -law to appoint a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer (Item #9 of Report #1) 2002 -082 being a by -law to appoint a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer (Item #9 of Report #1) 2002 -083 being a by -law to appoint a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer (Item #9 of Report #1) 2002 -084 being a by -law to confirm Anthony S. Cannella's appointment as Director of Engineering Services