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Leading the Way
TIME: 7:00 P.M.
Minutes of .a meeting of Council held on September 10, 2001
Senior of the Year Award to R.B. Rickard
Local Architectural Advisory Committee - Presentation of Plaques
John Loreto, President, Memorial Hospital Foundation - Presentation of Golf
T -shirt
1. Iry Harrell, 1414 Harmony Road, Oshawa, L1 H 7K5 - Oak Ridges Moraine
2. Tom Herd, 1703 Rudell Road, Newcastle, L1 B 1 G8 - Traffic on Rudell
Receive for Information
I- 1 Sylvia Terpstra, Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board - Award of
Academic Excellence
RIO L1C 3A6 T (905) 623 -3379
nil Agenda
_ 2 _ September 24, 2001
1-2 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham - Rural Economic Development Initiative
_ 3 Denis Kelly, Regional Clerk, the Regional Municipality of York - The Oak
I Appendices
Ridges Moraine - Strategic Directions App
1 - 4 Hans Verkruisen, President, Newcastle d District Chamber of
Commerce - Proposed Street Name Changes
I -5
Gene Chartier, Manager, Transportation Planning and
Design, hair,
Durham Mobility Study Management , Region Durham
Draft Durham Transportation Master Plan
1 - 6 J.R. Powell, Chief Administrative officer,
rs Lake Ontario
Conservation - 2001 CLOCA Watershed Awards
1 - 7 Rick Johnson, Chair, Central Lake Ontario Conservation ( CLOCA) -
Highway 407
1 _ g P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Tri1RReport egional
Groundwater Management Strategy Y - Phase
1-9 g W. Warren Holmes, Senior Vice - President, Canadian Mining Operations,
Falconbridge Ltd., Chair, CIPEC Executive Board - 1999/2000 Annual
owmanville Museum Board dated June 13,
I - 10 Minutes of the B
- 11 Jack Layton, President, Federation of Canadian an Century
- FCM s
National Symposium: Communities m an
Regional Municipality of Durham -
I - 12 Carol Smitton, Committee 401 Intea hange Improvements
Status Report - Highway
P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Nutrient Management Act
1-14 14 Frank Hoar, Secretary, Newcastle - Bond Head Ratepayers Association -
Street Name Changes
I - 15 Denis Goulet, Divisional Vice President, A'alicat ions Services
Official Plan and Zoning By -law Amendment pp
Waste Services Inc.
1 - 16 Ralph and Barb Tukker - Memorial and Prayer Service
_ 17 Brian Coburn, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs - Healthy
'I A enda -3- _ September 24, 2001
Counci g
I -18
Minutes of the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee dated
August 16, 2001
Manager - Security Measures Darlington
1-19 Phil LeSauvage, Public Affairs
Nuclear Plant
I - 20 Protect The Ridges - Paper Sludge
Sustainable Energy Development, Ontario
Power Generation (OPG) -
1-21 Helen Howes, Vice President, proving Air Quality"
1-22 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Oak Ridges Moraine
1-23 Steven R. Marchi, Coordinator, Training &Education, Durham Region -
Hazard Analysis /Risk Assessment
1- 24 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham - Oak Ridges Moraine
Receive for Direction
arington /Newcastle Block Parent -Block Parent Program
D - 1 Louise Button, Cl
D - 2 Donna Schinkel, Chairperson,
Durham Regional Breastfeeding Coalition -
Breastfeeding in the Information Age
3 Sall Barrie, Administrator, Durham Region Community Care Association -
D y
Community Supp ort Month
D - 4 Ron Hope, Newcastle BIA - BIA Fall Festival
- 5 Ron Wilson, Whetter, Oaklin Insurance Brokers Inc. - Courtice Corridor
D - 6 Lynda J. Townsend Renaud - Courtice Corridor Study
D _ 7 Petition from the residents ofherner St Ditches et in Michell's Corners -
Unacceptable Conditions of
- 8 Robert Runciman, Minister of Economic Development and Trade - 2001
Ontario Global Traders Awards
D _ 9 Tom Herd - Traffic on Rudell Road
- 10 Dale Bannerman, Texans Steakhouse - Permit for Refreshment Vehicle
Council Agenda - 4 - September 24, 2001
D - 11 R.G. Lee, Chairman, Newcastle Arena Management Board - Ice Allocation
D - 12 Ronald F. Worboy - Development Charge By -law
D - 13 Mr. Aubin and Ms. Deschenes - Sidewalks at 1514 Rudell Road,
D - 14 Mary A. Wood, Program Specialist /EA Project Manager, Radiation and
Environmental Protection Division, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
- Iter Institute Environmental Assessment Draft Scoping Document
D - 15 Honourable David M. Collenette, Minister of Transport - Urban
Transportation Showcase Program
D - 16 Dave Levac, MPP, Brant, Liberal Solicitor General and Corrections Critic -
Remembrance for Fallen Fire Fighters across Ontario
D - 17 Petition from the residents of Summerlea Court in Courtice - Parking
D - 18 Township of Armour - Assisting the American People
D - 19 Jane Koene - Historical Plaque for the Foundation Garden
1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of
September 17, 2001
2. Report COD - 008 -01 - CL2001 -35, Sidewalk Construction - Various
Locations, Municipality of Clarington
(a) Regional Update
(b) Committee /Boards Update
Council Agenda - 5 - September 24, 2001
SEPTEMBER 24, 2001
2001 -170 being a by -law to amend By -law 99 -90, as amended, being a by-
law to license, regulate and prohibit certain animals or classes
thereof within the limits of the Municipality of Clarington, or defined
areas therein, and to repeal By -laws 87 -156, 87 -189, 88 -42,
88 -193, 91 -82, 93 -58, 93 -111, 96 -31 and 97 -167 (Item #14 of
Report #1)
2001 -171 being a By -law to amend By -law 91 -58, as amended, being a
By -law to Regulate Traffic on Highways, Municipal and Private
Property in the Municipality of Clarington (Item #12 of Report #1)
2001 -172 being a By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement between
the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and The
Corporation of the Town of Port Hope and Hope to provide
assistance in the matter of Fire protection (Item #2 b)
2001 -173 being a By -law to authorize the execution of a Memorandum of
Understanding between the Corporation of the Municipality of
Clarington and 1138337 Ontario Incorporated (item #11 of
Report #1)
2001 -174 being a By -law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of
the Municipality of Clarington and Aloia Bros. Concrete Contractors
Ltd., Toronto, Ontario for the Sidewalk Construction - Various
Locations within the Municipality of Clarington (Report #2)
2001 -175 being a By -law to approve an agreement of the shareholders of
Veridian Corporation and the Corporation of the Municipality of
Clarington, an agreement amending the merger agreement dated
November 3, 2000, as amended, among the shareholders of
Veridian Corporation et al. and an agreement respecting the
amendment and replacement of promissory notes issued by
Veridian Corporation, Veridian Connections Inc. and two of the
successor corporations to the electricity distribution business of the
Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (approved by Council
on September 7, 2001)
SEPTEMBER 24, 2001
1 - 1 Sylvia Terpstra, Superintendent of Schools, Kawartha Pine Ridge District
School Board, advising Council that the Kawartha Pine Ridge District
School Board on August 30, 2001, approved the establishment of the
Municipality of Clarington Award of Academic Excellence, commencing
June 2002, for Grade 8 and secondary graduating students of schools
within the Municipality.
(Receive for Information)
1 - 2 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, providing Council with a copy of an
information folder regarding the Rural Economic Development initiative of
Ontario Small Town and Rural Development (OSTAR).
(Receive for Information)
1 - 3 Denis Kelly, Regional Clerk, the Regional Municipality of York, providing
Council with a copy of The Oak Ridges Moraine - Strategic Directions
(Receive for Information)
1 - 4 Hans Verkruisen, President, Newcastle and District Chamber of
Commerce, expressing concerns on behalf of approximately 100
members to Council regarding the proposed street name changes. It is
totally unfair and completely unacceptable that only those individuals and
businesses affected by the forced name changes should bear the cost. All
taxpayers share the cost of this safety initiative, not just those benefiting
from the installation, and they do not feel that village dwellers should now
be penalized for the implementation of this non - negotiable safety initiative
in their neighbourhoods. All residents of Clarington are entitled to equal
911 coverage, and none should have to pay extra for it. They would like
to propose that all residential properties affected receive some sort of
rebate on their tax bill to partially compensate for the expense and
inconvenience of changing their addresses. They further propose that
those businesses affected be permitted to submit invoices and a detailed
explanation following a set criteria for reasonable expenses incurred in
adapting to this change.
(Receive for Information)
1 - 5 Gene Chartier, Manager, Transportation Planning and Design, and Chair,
Durham Mobility Study Project Management Team, Region of Durham,
providing Council with a copy of the Draft Durham Transportation Master
Plan, the product of the Durham Mobility Study. The Draft Plan identifies
the new and improved facilities needed to serve future growth, and
recommends ways to make the best use of existing transportation
(Receive for Information)
Summary of Correspondence - 2 -
September 24, 2001
1 - 6 J.R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer, Central Lake Ontario
Conservation ( CLOCA), advising Council that they are seeking nomination
suggestions from their watershed partners concerning contributions made
by individuals, community groups and businesses/corporations Awe that meet
the criteria for the 2001 CLOCA Watershed
for Information)
1 - 7 Rick Johnson, Chair, Central Lake Ontario Conservation ( CLOCA), writing
to the Honourable Brad Clarke, Minister of Transportation, advising that
they have been monitoring the ongoing construction of Highway 407 with
particular interest as it approaches Brock Road in the City of Pickering and
nears CLOCA's west watershed boundary. Consequently, they have
some concerns regarding the further eastward construction of Highway
407 into the CLOCA watersheds, from perspective of
progresses eastward
into It
that should also be acknowledged, as Highway 407
into the CLOCA watershed and towards Highway 115, it will traverse
some of the most significant and sensitive coldwater stream systems in
southern Ontario (eg. Oshawa, Wilmot and Bowmanville -Soper Creeks).
It is hoped that through strong lines of communication between all of the
stakeholders, areas of environmental through identified
and accommodated in highway design and
management of construction practices.
(Receive for Information)
1 - 8 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that the
Region of Durham on September 13, 2001, passed the following
resolution regarding Tri- Regional Groundwater Management Strategy
Study - Phase 1 Report:
"a) THAT Commissioner's Report No. 2001 -P -75 be received for
information; and
b) THAT a copy of Commissioner's Report No. 2001 -P -75 be
forwarded to the Area Municipalities and Conservation
(Receive for Information)
1 - g W. Warren Holmes, Senior Vice- President, Canadian Mining Operations,
Falconbridge Ltd., Chair, CIPEC Executive Board, providing Council with a
copy of the 25th anniversary, Canadian Industry Program for Energy
Conservation ( CIPEC) 199o9//a �s Annual
industry's solid progress (Receive for Information)
1 - 10 Minutes of the Bowmanville Museum Board dated June 13, 2001. (Copy
(Receive for Information)
Summary of Correspondence
_ 3 _ September 24, 2001
I - 11 Jack Layton, President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities
providing Council with a copy of the Preliminary m
Information regarding the FCM's National Symposium: Communities in an
Urban Century. (Receive for Information)
1- 12 Carol Smitton, Committee Secretary,
o , Durham on Municipality of
29,D2001 rn
advising Mr. Ito Robi that the Reg
passed the following resolution regarding Status Report - Highway 401
Interchange Improvements:
"THAT a copy of Report #2001 -W -109 of the o ner of
Works be received for information and a copy Report
#2001 -W -109 be forwarded to the Area Municipalities; Mr. I. Robi
and Councillor Crawford. (Receive for Information)
I - 13 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of advising
September 12, onourable
Brian Shaw Coburn that the Region of Durham on
passed the following resolution:
°a) THAT the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, be
requested to give municipalities the opportunity to review
and comment on the regulations poved;nand Nutrient
Management Act, before they are app
b) THAT a copy of Commissioner's Report No. 200 -1 P -74 be
forwarded to Durham MPP's, Area Municipalities in Durham
and the Durham Region Receevde for ture."
I - 14 Frank Hoar, Secretary, Newcastle - Bond d Head Ratepayers Associat on
advising Council that the Newcastle
feels that all business and residents a expenses, as the whole name
changes should be compensa ted for thei
Municipality will benefit from these change for Information)
1 - 15 Denis Goulet, Divisional Vice President, Canadian Waste Services Inc.,
writing to the Ministry of Transportation regarding Official Plan and Zoning
By -law Amendment Applications - Canadian an2Waste oken Front Con ess on,
2 and 3, Plan 40R- 19913, Part Lots 25 a
Former Township of Darlington. Canadian Waste Services Inc.,
understands that the lands in question 1 e 40hin Freeway the
Te Link. iclly Preferred
Corridor for the Oshawa - Caarington 40
Summary of Correspondence - 4 -
September 24, 2001
As a result, the Ministry of Transportation is unable to provide favourable
comments to the Region of Durham in relation to the requested
amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By -law No. 84 -63 of the
Municipality of Clarington. Given the status of the proposed Oshawa -
Clarington 401 - 407 Freeway Link, the anticipated timing of construction
of the easterly extension of Highway No. 407, and the nature of
construction of the proposed solid, non - hazardous waste transfer station
and /or material recovery facility, this will confirm that Canadian Waste
Services Inc., is prepared to enter into an agreement with the Province of
Ontario to provide for the dismantling, demolition and removal of the
proposed transfer station should the lands ultimately be required by the
Province of Ontario for the construction of the 401 - 407 Oshawa -
Clarington Freeway Link.
(Receive for Information)
1 - 16 Ralph and Barb Tukker, expressing their appreciation to Council for the
call of a community memorial and prayer service held on Wednesday
afternoon. It was uplifting to see when trouble strikes, even if it is far from
our home, that we do rally together and in our own way show our concern,
support and grief in the face of this horrendous tragedy. It was good to
see many of our area gh thogsad events They are also grat ful that
guidance in dealing with
Council has such a dedication to keeping our community as a focal point
and issue in so many ways. Keep up the good work.
(Receive for Information)
1 - 17 Brian Coburn, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, providing
Council with a package of material r explains a d
describes how and whe o pp Y that
ofunding The Healthy Futures for
Ontario Agriculture Secretariat will be promoting the program at the
upcoming International Plowing Match in Navan, Ontario, from September
18 - 22, 2001. Healthy Future is helping to ensure that our dynamic agri-
food industry continues to generate jobs and economic growth, maintain
the safety and quality of our food production system, and safeguard the
environment on which it depends.
(Receive for Information)
1 - 18 Minutes of the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee dated
August 16, 2001. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information)
I - 19 Phil LeSauvage, Public Affairs
Manager, dg advising to the
Council nse enhanced
security measures remain
terrorist attacks in the United States on Tuesday, September 11, 2001.
Darlington security patrols on site are being augmented by personnel from
the Durham Regional Police Department. The additional security
measures include tighter controls on access to the operating island and
restrictions on shipments into the site.
Summary of Correspondence - 5 -
September 24, 2001
For staff entering the protected areas, the increased security requires that
each employee be wanded by security staff. This measure will create
some delays during shift changes and arrangements are in place to
ensure this is carried out as quickly and smoothly as possible. To
minimize delays, all employees are requested to keep discretionary trips
to the protected area at a minimum until these additional security
measures are scaled back. Visits to the protected area by non - Darlington
staff should be rescheduled to a later date.
(Receive for Information)
1-20 Protect The Ridges, writing to The Honourable Elizabeth Witmer advising
of their concern with the paper sludge being dealt with as a regulated
waste by the Ministry of Environment (MOE) only under some
circumstances. Nothing concrete is happening, and many of their
questions /concerns remain unanswered despite MOE promises to
respond /take action.
(Receive for Information)
1 - 21 Helen Howes, Vice President, Sustainable Energy Development, Ontario
Power Generation (OPG), providing Council with a copy of a
backgrounder, "Improving Air Quality" which will provide you with
information about the environment initiatives OPG has underway to help
improve Ontario's air quality.
(Receive for Information)
1- 22 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, The Honourable Chris
Hodgson that the Region of Durham on September 12, 2001, passed the
following resolution:
"a) THAT Commissioner's Report No. 2001 -P -78 and the Oak
Ridges Moraine Proposals for the Protection and
Management of a Unique Landscape - Results of Public
Participation and Recommendations, August 2001 be
b) THAT the Planning Department be authorized to continue to
work on the Strategic Directions identified in Commissioner's
Report No. 2001 -P -78, monitor the Provincial Oak Ridges
Moraine process, and report back to Council on a regular
c) THAT Commissioner's Report No. 2001 -P -78 and
attachments be submitted to the Province of Ontario as input
to the Provincial proposal on the Oak Ridges Moraine;
Summary of Correspondence - 6 -
September 24, 2001
d) THAT a copy of Commissioner's Report No. 2001 -P -78 be
sent to the area municipalities in Durham Region, adjacent
Regions and area municipalities, Counties, Conservation
Authorities, the Province of Ontario, and to all those persons
and public bodies that made submissions, and further, that
Commissioner's Report No. 2001 -P -78 be made available
for distribution at the public meeting held on August 28,
2001, in Uxbridge; and
e) AND FURTHER THAT the Province of Ontario be requested
to have a full public hearing process on any legislation
including open meetings and full public hearings before a
committee of MPPs representing all parties in the legislature,
and that the freeze on the Moraine be extended until such
time as the public participation process has been completed
and the legislation passed."
(Received for Information)
1-23 Steven R. Marchi, Coordinator, Training & Education, Durham Region,
advising Council that the Durham Emergency Measures Office (DEMO)
has contracted Stevenato & Associates and John Newton Associates to
conduct a Hazard Analysis /Risk Assessment for the Regional of Durham,
including all area municipalities. In addition to performing a Hazard
Impact Assessment, the team will conduct an evaluation of risk as it
relates to the likelihood of occurrence and magnitude of impact. The team
will also produce a resource directory of contacts for primary agencies that
may be involved during an emergency. Both a report and copy of the
resource list will be made available to the municipalities for their own use
and will be invaluable in helping assess the level of preparedness for both
the Region and the municipalities.
(Received for Information)
1-24 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, writing to The Honourable Chris Hodgson
that he had an opportunity to attend a meeting of Clarington Council in
which the Oak Ridges Moraine was on the agenda. Clarington Council
has asked that the Ministry hold a meeting in Clarington. For most
residents Cobourg is the closest venue for a meeting on the moraine
consultation process. Although he agrees there is a connection between
Cobourg and the Oak Ridges Moraine, there are even more issues
affecting Clarington. Some of these include the route of Highway 407,
residential growth, agricultural impacts, recreational use of the moraine,
protection of groundwater, and aggregate extraction. In the interest of
ensuring that Clarington has adequate opportunity to participate fully in the
consultation process, Mr. O'Toole is requesting that a consultation
meeting take place here. A Clarington meeting would also be helpful to
residents to Scugog, Oshawa, and other neighbouring municipalities who
have not yet had the opportunity to be heard.
(Receive for Information)
Summary of Correspondence - 7 -
September 24, 2001
D - 1 Louise Button, Clarington /Newcastle Block Parent, requesting Council to
proclaim October 21 - 27 as Block Parent Week. In recognition of this
week they are requesting that the Block Parent flag fly at the municipal
office on Temperance Street. Ms. Button is also requesting that
Community Services advertise Block Parent Week on the two service
boards ie. Garnet Rickard Complex and near the Bank of Montreal.
(Motion to Proclaim)
D - 2 Donna Schinkel, Chairperson, Durham Region Breastfeeding Coalition,
requesting Council to proclaim October 1 - 7, 2001, as World
Breastfeeding Week in Canada. World Breastfeeding Week celebrates
the importance of breastfeeding for all women, children, families and
communities. This year's theme is "Breastfeeding in the Information Age."
It recognizes the importance of clear and accurate breastfeeding
information and the need to use many channels to communicate
effectively about breastfeeding.
(Motion to Proclaim)
D - 3 Sally Barrie, Administrator, Durham Region Community Care Association,
requesting Council to proclaim the month of October as Community
Support Month. This celebration is being held across the province and
includes Meals on Wheels Week, October 1 - 7 and Community Care
Worker Week, October 14 - 20, 2001. Each fall, community -based
agencies mark the benefits which home care and community support bring
to people across the province.
(Motion to Proclaim)
D - 4 Ron Hope, Chairman, Newcastle BIA, requesting Council to approve road
closings for the BIA Fall Festival on Saturday, September 29, 2001, from
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The following roads would be affected:
• King Street west of Beaver Street to the east of Mill Street;
• King Street west of Mill Street, east of Baldwin and North Streets;
• Church Street at King Street.
(Motion to approve provided the
organization applies for and obtains a
road occupancy permit)
D - 5 Ron Wilson, Whetter, Oaklin Insurance Brokers Inc., advising Council that
he is not in favor of blocking the Courtice Corridor Plan and therefore Mr.
Wilson is rescinding his name from the petition he has signed previously.
He is in full support of the Courtice Corridor Plan.
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Director of Planning Services)
Summary of Correspondence - 8 - September 24, 2001
D - 6 Lynda J. Townsend Renaud, advising Council that she is the solicitor
representing Valiant Property Management with respect to the Courtice
Corridor Study. Mrs. Townsend Renaud states that it is imperative that
the policies approved by Council:
1. lay down the roots required to secure this area as a commercial
node; and
2. provide for direction ongoing development on the site.
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Director of Planning Services)
D - 7 Petition from the residents of Firner Street in Michell's Corners, advising
Council that they have concerns over the unacceptable conditions of the
ditches. The depths of these ditches pose a potentially dangerous
situation. Residents are experiencing extreme difficulties in maintaining
this property. To date the road and ditches have been upgraded on Tyler
and Bradley and the residents of Firner Street feel that the same service
should be provided on Firner Street.
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Director of Operations)
D - 8 Robert Runciman, Minister of Economic Development and Trade,
providing Council with a copy of the 2001 Ontario Global Traders Awards
Nomination Guide. Now in their fourth year, the Ontario Global Traders
Awards have recognized export success among Ontario's small and
medium -size enterprises in virtually all sectors of the economy, from
construction, to telecommunications, manufacturing, health care, design,
and the agri -food industry. All nominations must be received by
November 2, 2001.
(Motion to authorize the Municipal Clerk
to place an advertisement in the local
D - 9 Tom Herd, advising Council of his concerns regarding the traffic on Rudell
Road near the Newcastle Catholic School. Mr. Herd suggests that signs
be posted on the right of way informing cars that children live in the area
and to please slow down. Stop signs should be installed at the
intersection of Edward Street and Rudell Road. These stop signs will
force people to slow down in the school area as the sign would be located
in the school zone. This would make it much safer for the area children
and motorists reversing down their driveways.
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Director of Engineering Services)
Summary of Correspondence - 9 -
September 24, 2001
D - 10 Dale Bannerman, Texans Steakhouse, requesting Council to rectify an
issue that he has each time an event happens that closes King Street in
Bowmanville. Hanc's French fry truck parks in front of his restaurant at
every event. Mr. Bannerman is requesting that Council issue a permit for
the truck in another location other than in front of his establishment.
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Senior Municipal Law Enforcement
D - 11 R.G. Lee, Chairman, Newcastle Arena Management Board, advising
Council that the Newcastle Arena Management Board does not support or
endorse the Ice Allocation Policy. This document does not represent the
efforts of, among others, the Newcastle Arena Board and its user groups.
Suggestions or changes brought forward by the Board Members do not
appear to have had any impact or change to the original draft.
Implementation of this ice Allocation Policy will adversely affect their user
groups, particularly their adult and oldtimers programs and ultimately, their
bottom line.
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Director of Community Services)
D - 12 Ronald F. Worboy representing his client Mr. Watson, requesting that
Council review the application of Development Charge By -law to Storage
Depot Inc., 1632 Baseline Road, Courtice, Ontario - Warehousing Units.
Mr. Worboy is requesting confirmation that Storage Depot Inc., could
obtain building permits without payment of the $45,000.00 in development
charges to the Municipality of Clarington and the Regional Municipality of
Durham. Mr. Watson, the principle shareholder, director and officer of
Storage Depot Inc. feels that the construction of warehousing units is
exempt as "Industrial" pursuant to Section 1 (1) of By -law 2000 -108.
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Director of Planning Services)
D - 13 Mr. Aubin and Ms. Deschenes, requesting Council to reconsider placing a
sidewalk at 1514 Rudell Road, Newcastle. It has been brought to their
attention that the Municipality and the School Board is planning to place a
sidewalk on the west side of Rudell Street. This sidewalk is going from
the proposed new school north to Edward Street where a crosswalk or
crossing is scheduled to be. They have also been informed that a
sidewalk is proposed to be placed going south across their property. They
have been in constant touch with the School Board on all matters involving
the school and had a verbal agreement that no sidewalk would be built in
front of their house.
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Director of Engineering Services)
Summary of Correspondence
-10- September 24, 2001
- 14 Mary A. Wood, Program Specialist/EA ProjectNMana Safety Commis
Environmental Protection Division, to aldnstitute Environmental
providing Council with a copy of the
Assessment Draft Scoping Document. The Canadian Nuclear Safety
Commission (CNSC) invites public comment he the
roposed construction of
assessment screening scope document
facility in Clarington.
the Iter International Fusion Energy Motion to refer to the Director of
Planning Services to take appropriate
D - 15 Honourable David M. Collenette,
Minister of Transport, announcing the
Urban Transportation Showcase Program, ion Plan 2000non Climat'etChange.
under the Government of Canada's of this guide for information. To be
Mr. Collenette has provided a copy
eligible for program funding, municipalities must submit a brief Expression
of Interest by October 31, 2001. This new program, which has a budget of
$40 million over five years, will hp reenhouste gas (GHG) emissions.
transportation systems and reduce (Motion for Direction)
- 16 Dave Levac, MPP, Brant, Liberal Solicitor General 001�the fist official alCday
requesting Council to commemorate October ,
of remembrance for fallen fire fighters across g Mr. Levac is
requesting that the Municipality do one the follow
• minute of silence to remind citizens
• letter to the editor of the local newspaper
• and /or hold other local memo otion to Proclaim)
D - 17 Petition from the residents of Summerle ac °ons'omitted'from applying to
Council to have the following parking infractions
Summerlea Court only during the months when there is no snow:
1 Parked within 1 metre of driveway;
2. Parked on a roadway t than 15 cm from c rb�; and
3. Parked with right wheels more
4. Parked longer than 3 hours.
Reasons for requesting the removal of these infractions are as follows:
1 Between 3 - 5 a.m. parking poses no danger problems for
residents; ermits 1
2. Between the driveways where the sidewalk s only p
vehicle; here on the court; and
3. Overnight guests cannot park anywhere
Summary of Correspondence - 11 - September 24, 2001
4. A court location should not be considered a thoroughway and only
residents and visitors use it.
(Motion for Direction)
D - 18 Township of Armour, advising Council that the Township of Armour on
September 11, 2001, passed the following resolution:
"THAT the Council of the Township of Armour on behalf of the
people of our community, request our MP, the Honourable Andy
Mitchell, to express our heartfelt concerns to our neighbours, the
American people, during this tragic period in their history; and
WE FURTHER request that the Canadian Government do
everything within its power to assist the American people in this
their hour of crisis."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 19 Jane Koene, requesting Council's assistance in erecting a Historical
Plaque for the Foundation Garden. Behind Tyrone United Church, in the
Village of Tyrone, they have built a beautiful garden in the foundation of
the old driving shed. It is 40 X feet
Tou and has garden
been visited by many
the Bowmanville Horticultural Garden
local groups. Several businesses uted to donated toward the
thus fagarden and
contributed about 100 volunteers have (Motion for Direction)