HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/29/2001MUNICIPALITY OF _61arington ONTARIO DATE: TUESDAY, MAY 29, 2001 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS PRAYERS ROLL CALL DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS Minutes of a special meeting of Council held on May 3, 2001 Minutes of a meeting of Council held on May 14, 2001 PRESENTATIONS Dr. Donna L. Reynolds, Associate Medical Officer of Health and Mr. Ross MacEachern, Manager, Environmental Health, Regional Municipality of Durham Health Department - West Nile Virus in Durham Region Myno VanDyke, Audrey Murdoch and Don Venton - In memory of the late Sydney Venton, Chief of Police DELEGATIONS 1 Elizabeth Alchin, 189 Guildwood Drive, Bowmanville, Ll C 3M9 - Guildwood Park Final Design 2. Bill Humber, 15 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville, Ll C 3A1 - Report WD-20-01 3. Don Welsh, Clarington Older Adult Association, 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville, Ll C 3A1 - Report WD-20-01 4. Les-Lee Bell, 1970 Taunton Road, Hampton, LOB 1 JO - Report CD-27-01 5. Stanislawa Michalska, 3455 Solina Road, Courtice, Ll C 3K4 — Report CD -31 -01 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALATY OF CLARINGTON & 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE ON FARIO L1 C 3A6 (905) 623-3319 • FAX 623-4169 RECYCLED PAPER Council Agenda - 2 - May 29, 2001 COMMUNICATIONS Receive for Information 1-1 Minutes of the Bowmanville Museum Board dated April 11, 2001 1 - 2 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee dated February 13, March 13 and April 10, 2001 1 - 3 Minutes of the Blue Circle Community Relations Committee dated November 27, 2000 and January 22, 2001 1 - 4 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Protection of Federally Owned Portions of the Oak Ridges Moraine and Areas Around Rouge Park for Green Space I - 5 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Hospital Capital Funding 1 - 6 Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Ontario Property Assessment Corporation Act, 1997 1 - 7 Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Ontario Budget 1 - 8 Carl G. Amrhein, Professor and Dean, Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto - Gridlock - A Deterrent to Economic Growth: Solutions for Tomorrow 1 - 9 Ministry of Municipal affairs and Housing - Smart Growth to Protect Oak Ridges Moraine, Renew Brownfields 1 - 10 Richard Toms, Administrator, Visual Arts Centre of Clarington - `Shadowbox Junction' Association of Municipalities of Ontario - An Act Respecting the Accountability of Public Sector Organizations 1 - 12 Honourable John C. Snobelen, Minister of Natural Resources - Pit or Quarry Licences 1 - 13 Ontario's Promise, The Partnership for Children and Youth 1 - 14 Bowmanville Horticultural Society - Application to the Trillium Foundation 1 - 15 Marcel L. Brunelle, Mayor, Corporation of the Town of Whitby - Greater Toronto Services Board Expanded Mandate Council Agenda _ 3 _ May 29, 2001 1 - 16 Don Terry, Public Affairs, Darlington Nuclear, Ontario Power Generation - Darlington Nuclear's Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program I - 17 Minutes of the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee dated April 19, 2001 1 - 18 Minutes of the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee dated April 19, 2001 1 - 19 Bruce Taylor, City Clerk, City of Pickering - "Made -in- Durham" Governance Study 1-20 Roger M. Anderson, Regional Chair, Region of Durham - GO Transit Lands Receive for Direction D -1 Ian Parrott, Senior Waste Engineer, Ministry of the Environment - Detox Environmental D - 2 Ron Hope, President, Newcastle BIA - Street Closing D - 3 Gary Cole, Parade Chairman, Orange Lodge - Annual Orange Parade D - 4 Peter Balaban, District Manager, York - Durham District Office, Ministry of the Environment - Atlantic Packaging Ltd. and Courtice Auto Wreckers Ltd. D - 5 Nestor Chornobay, Director, Strategic Planning Branch, Region of Durham - Use of Pesticides, Herbicides and Insecticides D - 6 Rose Valley Neighbours - Petition against Mearns' Avenue Neighbourhood Park Design D - 7 Bill Thompson - Parking Concerns D - 8 A. Craig Fromstein - Verbal Tax Information D - 9 Barbara L. King - Separate School Board Development Charge D - 10 lain Maciver - Volunteer Memorial Cairn at the Bowmanville Creek Valley D - 11 Brenda Sigouin, Clerk- Administrator, Township of Essa - Photo Radar D - 12 Arnot Wotten, Chair, Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee - Various Motions passed by the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee Council Agenda - 4 - May 29, 2001 D - 13 Jayne Carman, Deputy Clerk, County of Brant - Cross - Municipality Ambulance Services Costs D - 14 John Fletcher, Orono Downtown Business Improvement Association - Canada Day Events MOTION NOTICES OF MOTION Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Schell WHEREAS the storage and /or spreading of biosolids, especially paper sludge, has been and continues to be under regulation by the Ministry of the Environment, however, when this same waste mixed with sand and called Soundsorb is being stored in enormous quantities on lands bordering Clarington on the Oak Ridges Moraine, it is not subject to these same regulations; AND WHEREAS the effects of both the biosolids (i.e. paper sludge) and Soundsorb on the soil, the air through bioaerosols, and most significantly, on the water are unknown but which may have a direct, detrimental, indirect or cumulative long -term impact on this sensitive Moraine environment and the health of residents of the Municipality of Clarington; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT a letter be sent to the Ministry of the Environment urging immediate attention to timely well and water testing in the affected areas and that the results be released on an on -going basis. Also that the information from the Biosolids Coordinator, the Benefits Study and the Bioaerosol testing be made available in a timely, on -going basis and that the Ministry include biosolid waste products such as Soundsorb under its regulations; AND FURTHER THAT a letter of support be sent to Mr. John O'Toole, M.P.P. encouraging him to redraft his Private Member's Bill (formerly known as Bill 149), a Bill to amend the Environmental Protection Act to regulate the spreading of sewage sludge and biosolids; AND FURTHER THAT letters be sent to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and the Ministry of Natural Resources, expressing our concerns regarding health and environmental issues relating to the unregulated storage of biosolids such as the paper sludge in Soundsorb on the lands on the Oak Ridges Moraine in north Oshawa bordering on Clarington; Council Agenda - 5 - May 29, 2001 AND FURTHER THAT a letter be sent to the Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations expressing our concerns regarding the biosolid waste (paper sludge) in Soundsorb and requesting that they allow the Ministry of the Environment to regulate the use of Soundsorb in the same manner that biosolid waste is regulated; AND FURTHER THAT the Municipal staff investigate options available to Council to control the use and distribution of Soundsorb in the Municipality; AND FURTHER THAT the City of Oshawa, the Township of Scugog, the Protect the Ridges Coalition, the Durham Region Health Unit and Mr. John O'Toole, M.P.P. be advised of this resolution. 2. Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Schell WHEREAS the storage and /or spreading of paper and sewage sludge in Clarington, as well as on neighbouring lands in Oshawa and Scugog, is of concern to the Municipality of Clarington; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipality of Clarington notify the Ministry of the Environment's York - Durham District office that the Municipality urges the Ministry of the Environment to release the results of the groundwater sampling taken from the areas of paper sludge storage and spreading; AND FURTHER THAT the Municipality of Clarington advise the Durham Region Health Department of our continuing interest in this matter; AND FURTHER THAT copies of this resolution be sent to the City of Oshawa, the Township of Scugog and the Protection the Ridges Coalition. REPORTS General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of May 22, 2001 2. Report CD -31 -01 — Vicious Dog Declaration - Michalska UNFINISHED BUSINESS Report CD -27 -01 - Vicious Dog Declaration - Bell (Tabled at May 14, 2001, meeting) 2. Addendum to Report CS -17 -01 - Award for Academic Excellence (Referred from the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting of May 22, 2001) (to be distributed under separate cover) Council Agenda - 6 - May 29, 2001 3. Report TR -27 -01 - Tax Certificates (Tabled at the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting of May 22, 2001) BY -LAWS OTHER BUSINESS (a) Regional Update (b) Committee /Boards Update BY -LAW TO APPROVE ALL ACTIONS OF COUNCIL ADJOURNMENT SUMMARY OF CORRESPONDENCE MAY 29, 2001 CORRESPONDENCE FOR INFORMATION 1 - 1 Minutes of the Bowmanville Museum Board dated April 11, 2001. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1 - 2 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee dated February 13, March 13 and April 10, 2001. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1 - 3 Minutes of the Blue Circle Community Relations Committee dated November 27, 2000 and January 22, 2001. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) 1 - 4 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising The Honourable David Collenette, Minister of Transport, that the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham on May 2, 2001, passed the following resolution: "a) THAT the Minister of Transport, David Collenette, be advised that the Region of Durham wishes to participate in the process of developing a strategy for protection of the Federally owned lands in Durham Region for green space; and b) THAT Commissioner's Report No. 2001 -P -34 be forwarded to the Minister of Transport, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Greater Toronto Airports Authority, the GTA Regions, the Rouge Park Alliance, the Greater Toronto Services Board, and the Conservation Authorities and the Area Municipalities in Durham Region, for information." (Receive for Information) 1 - 5 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising The Honourable Michael Harris, Premier of Ontario, that the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham on May 2, 2001, passed the following resolution: "1. THAT the Regional Municipality of Durham restate its position that hospital capital funding is not a core service responsibility of local governments; 2. THAT notwithstanding the foregoing the Regional Municipality of Durham is prepared to become a partner in funding Durham's hospital capital requirements subject to the following conditions: Summary of Correspondence - 2 - May 29, 2001 a) THAT the Province of Ontario commit to funding at least 70% of the capital cost of Durham's hospitals; b) THAT the Province be requested to allow municipalities to levy development charges for the growth related capital needs of local hospitals by amending the Development Charges Act to include hospitals, as defined in the Public Hospital Act, as an eligible service with additional amendments to allow any hospital DC full exemption from consideration of the historical service level provision and municipal contributions (existing or forecast); c) THAT the allocation of any Regional funding, including development charges revenue, be subject to the mutual agreement of the Region of Durham and the local hospitals within Durham Region and further that hospitals receiving such allocations be required to provide financial statements to Regional Council as specified by the Regional Treasurer. AND THAT this resolution be circulated to The Honourable Mike Harris, Premier of Ontario, The Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Health and all MPP's in Durham Region." (Receive for Information) 1 - 6 Association of Municipalities of Ontario, advising Council that the Government is expected to move very quickly on amendments to the Ontario Property Assessment Corporation Act, 1997. AMO is concerned with the proposed composition of a re- constituted Board. They are pressing the Ministry of Finance to restore a clear municipal majority on the OPAC Board. This is critical to supporting the "say for pay" principle that was the basis of the Local Services Restructuring. AMO agrees that the relationship between provincial policy, OPAC implementation and municipal governments is critical. AMO is pleased that this will be enhanced through a Joint Committee and a more transparent and accountable reporting process will be put in place. In order to ensure that any regulatory changes can be implemented effectively, AMO has recommended that the Minister provide the opportunity for a draft review of amendments as they come forward. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 3 - May 29, 2001 I - 7 Association of Municipalities of Ontario, advising reaction to the Ontar io Budget. AMO and its members designation of $500 million to transportation and environment. It is imperative that SuperBuild moves quickly to release this money. Municipalities have been frustrated with the slow process of awarding money under SuperBuild to date. Nearly a year after OSTAR funding for water and sewer projects was announced, only 3 million out of $240 million has been awarded. (Receive for Information) 1 - 8 Carl G. Amrhein, Professor and Dean, Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto, providing Council with a copy of the Proceedings of the conference Gridlock - A Deterrent to Economic Growth: Solutions for Tomorrow. The conference benefited from the knowledge and creative thinking of politicians, civil servants, academics and representatives from the private sector. (Receive for Information) 1 - 9 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, advising Council that the Ontario government is moving forward on Smart Growth with new legislation intended to protect the environmentally sensitive Oak Ridges Moraine and promote the cleanup of brownfields. Legislation being introduced would freeze development on the Oak Ridges Moraine for six months while a long -term action plan to protect the moraine is developed through consultation. (Receive for Information) I - 10 Richard Toms, Administrator, Visual Arts Centre of Clarington, inviting Council to their fundraising event `Shadowbox Junction' from June 6 to 10, 2001, with an opening reception on June 8th at 7:00 p.m. This is a silent auction event featuring 30 respected area artists. (Receive for Information) Association of Municipalities of Ontario, advising Council that AMO is calling for reconsideration of applicability of Public Sector Accountability Act to Municipal Government. AMO's initial review of the Bill raised a number of alarm bells and the President has sent a letter to Minister Flaherty with a clear message that he reconsider including municipalities. The Bill fails to recognize the difference between democratically elected municipal governments and other public bodies as defined in the legislation. It will result in duplication and does not recognize the accountability framework that municipalities already operate under, adding more cost to municipal government. AMO will be reviewing the legislation in greater detail over the coming weeks in order to meet with the Province and to convince them to exempt municipalities from this legislation in light of the other activities underway. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 4 - May 29, 2001 1 - 12 Honourable John C. Snobelen, Minister of Natural Resources, responding to the municipality's letter regarding the adopted resolution from the Regional Municipality of Durham rculatephe applicatiloneand /or cerptlain nts for a pit or quarry licence m amendments to the upper- and lower -tier municipalities, which represent the interest of ratepayers. It is anticipated that in the near future, these applications will be posted on the Environmental Bill of Rights Registry, through which all interested parties, including neighbouring municipalities, may provide comments. In 1997, when Bill 52 amended the Aggregate Resources Act, circulation of information to municipalities was changed to be in line with the Planning Act. For this reason, he is not prepared, at this time, to amend the regulations under the Aggregate Resources Act. (Receive for Information) 1 - 13 Ontario's Promise, The Partnership for Children and Youth, advising Council that on November 3, 2000, Premier Mike Harris launched Ontario's Promise - The Partnership for Children and Youth. The initiative is bringing businesses, non - profit agencies serving children, community leaders, parents and individuals together to make and keep five promises to the province's young people. At its core, Ontario's Promise is really five promises -each made poi es encompass om youth of elements that together, these five pro p are essential to the successful development of children and youth. 1. A healthy start 2. An adult who cares 3. Safe places to learn and grow 4. The tools to succeed 5. A chance to make a difference (Receive for Information) I - 14 Bowmanville Hortic�i ®nrforStheietBeautification o a�d Naturalization at'oln Projects. the Trillium Foundation for Information) I - 15 Marcel L. Brunelle, Mayor, Corporation of the Town of Whitby, writing to the Honourable J. Flaherty, M.P.P., regarding the Greater Toronto Services Board expanded mandate. (Copy fora hedmation) Summary of Correspondence _ 5 _ May 29, 2001 1 - 16 Don Terry, Public Affairs, Darlington Nuclear, Ontario Power Generation, (OPG), advising Council that the Oandr ®shawaPower residents Generation staff ummebe interviewing about 300 Clarington about such things as where their food comes from as part of an enhancement to Darlington Nuclear's Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. The existing program monitors the local area, however, in recent years the local community has grown and its demographic characteristics have changed. OPG will be better able to coordinate routine sampling of local foodstuff. Regular monitoring is part of Darlington's licensing condition from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. Radiological emissions m Ontario Generation's nuclear facilities are typically we le� ulatory limits. The additional data from this upgrade is expected to confirm that Darlington's emissions remain far below regulatory requirement and represent only a small fraction of naturally occurring addiati for sources. I - 17 Minutes of the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee dated April 19, 2001. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) I - 18 Minutes of the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee dated April 19, 2001. (Copy attached) (Receive for Information) I - 19 Bruce Taylor, City Clerk, City of Pickering, advising Council that the City of Pickering on May 7, 2001, passed the following resolution: THAT City Council receive process p Durham MO 01 -01 on the govern ance Region. 2. THAT City Council request Durham Council to not establish a final position on governance reform until the "Made -in- Durham" governance study being undertaken for the City of Pickering and the City of Oshawa by The Berkeley Consulting Group is completed. 3. THAT pending eh City t'of Pickering onlfirm that it remains Group's study, supportive of: a) A modified 2 -tier system with a "slimmed down" Region acting as an agent of the lower tier; b) Potential municipal amalgamations, including the amalgamation of Pickering and Ajax; and Summary of Correspondence - 6 - May 29, 2001 c) A review of a reduction in the number of politicians in Durham Region. 4. THAT a copy of Report to Council MO 01 -01 be forwarded to Regional Council and all other municipalities in Durham Region. (Receive for Information) 1-20 Roger M. Anderson, Regional Chair, Region of Durham, writing to Gary McNeil, Managing Director, GO Transit, requesting that GO take the necessary steps to budget for and secure lands west of Martin Road in Bowmanville within the next five years, so that a station location can be protected. In 1994, DS Lea Associates completed a GO Station Location Study for the Municipality of Clarington, identifying a preferred site. Since the completion of this study, both the Region and the Municipality of Clarington have protected this preferred site. The owner of these lands has recently approached both the Region and Clarington requesting that these lands be secured by GO, or alternatively that these lands be allowed to develop for residential purposes. The owner of the site prefers the latter if a process to secure the site is not imminent. (Receive for Information) CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION D - 1 Ian Parrott, Senior Waste Engineer, Ministry of the Environment, advising Council that the Ministry has received an application from Detox Environmental for the amendment of their Provisional Certificate of Approval located at 322 Bennett Road. It is requested that the Municipality make comments with respect to the application and confirm that the property is properly zoned. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Planning and Development) D - 2 Ron Hope, President, Newcastle BIA, requesting that King Street (east of Baldwin /North Streets to the west side of Beaver Street) in the Village of Newcastle be closed from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 P.M. on June 16, 2001, for the Massey Show. The main north -south street, Mill Street, will remain open. (Motion to approve provided the organizers apply for and obtain a Road Occupancy Permit) Summary of Correspondence - 7 - May 29, 2001 D - 3 Gary Cole, Parade Chairman, Orange Lodge, requesting street closures for the Annual Orange Parade. The event will take place July 12, 2001, from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. in the Village of Orono. The parade route will depart from the arena, march along Centre Street to Main Street. The parade will then continue along Main Street south to Station Street and then back to the arena. The parade will taken no longer than 12 - 15 minutes to pass any given point. (Motion to approve provided the organizers apply for and obtain a Road Occupancy Permit) D - 4 Peter Balaban, District Manager, York - Durham District Office, Minister of the Environment, advising Council that Atlantic Packaging Ltd. and Courtice Auto Wreckers Ltd. have submitted an application to the Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch of the Ministry of Environment. The request is for an Amendment to Provisional Certificate of Approval. Under Section 32, Part V of the Environmental Protection Act, the Director has the discretion to hold public hearings on applications for waste disposal site approvals. (Copy attached) (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Planning and Development and the Director of Public Works) D - 5 Nestor Chornobay, Director, Strategic Planning Branch, Region of Durham, advising that the Regional Planning Committee considered Commissioner's Report 2001 -J -5 which reported on correspondence from the City of Waterloo requesting support for a resolution asking the Province of Ontario to authorize Municipalities to pass by -laws to regulate the application and use of pesticides. Regional Planning Committee tabled the report and requested that it be circulated to the area municipalities for comment. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Public Works) D - 6 Rose Valley Neighbours, providing a petition to Council indicating their displeasure and opposition to any design of Mearns' Avenue Neighbourhood Park (Appleblossom) that would include a baseball (softball) diamond, additional soccer pitch, or other sports facilities and /or parking lot. In addition to the potential for property damage to the surrounding homes, they feel that an added sports facility of any size would increase traffic, therefore jeopardizing the safety of their children. Those homeowners agreeing to pay an additional park -lot premium were led to believe the park would include a small play structure, pathways and a seating area. Summary of Correspondence _ 8 _ May 29, 2001 They were also advised that the existing trees would be preserved, in addition to several new trees and vegetation being planted. Had there existed an intent or even speculation an of t gem would field and lots parking lot at Appleblossom Park, y elsewhere in the subdivision. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Public Works) D - 7 Bill Thompson, wishing to add his name on's wife list of ape selnior raising parking concerns. Mr. Th p citizens who like to take a walk several times a day. The daytime hours are not really a problem but during the evening hours people insist on parking on the boulevard and blocking the sidewalks forcing people to go Also the overn out to the road to get around their vehi t with a resident al aigea and is anf large trucks in the area is not consistent eyesore. (Motion to refer correspondence tot the Senior Municipal Law Enforcement Officer) D - 8 A. Craig Fromstein,_ advising Council that redenying s No justification for denying e phone will prove counterproductive. T J that information to the vendor or the vendor's antagonize vender who all be to the vendor's lawyer will serve only t g forced to obtain the information from s will gave'no'hesitation lawyer. vo voicing Fromstein is sure that many taxpayer their displeasure to the tax clerks because an they have v wil inadvertently is situation and because, without doubt, many obtain incomplete tax information t will ill resultrin in taxpayers, again. The proposal, if implemented, frustrated lawyers, wasted time, declining municipal tax clerk morale and increasing tax account delinquenc(Mot on to advise of Council's decision with respect to Report TR- 27 -01) D - 9 Barbara L. King, requesting e the Separate eterborough County to h e School Board development charges be withdrawn from agricultural structures. of Clarke. She Ke e t y applied operates a farm in the former Township for a building permit only to find out e square is now building per tt ost appraise the agricultural building sh her almost $1000 more than it would t her last old that hearbuilding'permit Ms. King's second surprise was wh en she was was ready, she would need an $800-00+ to have her developmentpund!t Ms. released to her due to the Separate School King contacted the Catholic u forth an appealdto has the these Peterborough County has p development taxes withdrawn. Summary of Correspondence - 9 - May 29, 2001 Ms. King would like to show her support in favour of having the development tax abolished and is requesting that the Municipality show opposition to the Separate School Board. (Motion for Direction) D - 10 lain Maciver, requesting that Council provide leadership and erect a memorial cairn at the Bowmanville Creek Valley to remember volunteers. Recently, a very close friend to Mr. Maciver, Bob Simpson, died. Mr. Simpson's significant contributions range from the Rubber Duck Derby, Campbell House and the Lions Club amongst others. Few knew he gave his time to anyone in need from individuals to the Brownies. A week or so before his death they were at a Provincial presentation where his efforts were acknowledged by the Province. Mr. Maciver is requesting that names of volunteers who have died since the start of the Year 2000 be added to the cairn. The deceased would have a small plaque affixed to the cairn in their memory. He is also requesting that Council appoint a Councillor to convene a meeting of Presidents of the 250 or so organizations in town along with representatives from the Funeral Homes and Nursing Homes in order to build on this idea and create same before the summer is out. (Motion for Direction) D - 11 Brenda Sigouin, Clerk- Administrator, Township of Essa, advising Council that the Township of Essa passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS in 1994 the Ontario Government approved a six month pilot project for photo radar on selected Greater Toronto and Peterborough area highways with high collision experience; AND WHEREAS the pilot project was found to have resulted in a 15% to 29% reduction in speeding at the two lane test site, a 25% to 34% reduction at the four lane test site, and a 30% to 60% reduction at the six lane test site; AND WHEREAS the media coverage of the introduction of these units at the time, is believed to have resulted in an overall reduction in speeding on all highways in the Province; AND WHEREAS a reduction in the speed of vehicles results in a reduction in fatalities and major injuries; AND WHEREAS in 1995 the Ontario Government discontinued this photo radar program; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Premier of Ontario be requested to reinstitute the photo radar program on all major Provincial highways in an effort to reduce motor vehicle accidents and resulting injuries and deaths;, Summary of Correspondence - 10 - May 29, 2001 AND FURTHER, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to all Municipalities for their endorsement and that said Municipalities be requested to advise their local M.P.P.'s and the Premier's office of their endorsement; AND FURTHER, that the Association of Municipalities of Ontario be requested to place this resolution on the floor at this year's AMO Conference; AND FURTHER, that the Ontario Provincial Police, the Ontario Police Association and the Ontario Police Chiefs Association be requested to support the resolution. (Motion for Direction) D - 12 Arnot Wotten, Chair, Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee, advising Council of various resolutions passed by the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee at their meeting of April 19, 2001. (Copy attached) (Motion for Direction) D - 13 Jayne Carman, Deputy Clerk, County of Brant, advising Council that the County of Brant on May 1, 2001, passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS the Ambulance Act requires ambulances to respond to calls received from Dispatch Services; AND WHEREAS this commonly results in cross - border ambulance services that are billed to the recipient municipality; AND WHEREAS these costs are based on the provider municipality's average cost per call as prescribed in Part IV of Ontario Regulation 129/99 made under The Ambulance Act; AND WHEREAS the cost for these cross - border ambulance services are unfair to municipalities with lower average costs per call; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Brant and the City of Brantford request the Association of Municipalities of Ontario to lobby the Ministry of Health to initiate the standardization of cross - municipality ambulance services costs; AND THAT this resolution be forwarded to municipalities province wide for endorsement and for the purpose of lobbying the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the Ministry of Health to standardize these costs." (Motion for Direction) Summary of Correspondence - 11 - May 29, 2001 D - 14 John Fletcher, Orono Downtown Business Improvement Association, requesting that the parking fees be waived at the Orono Park on Sunday, July 1, 2001. The Orono DBIA is once again organizing events for Canada Day at the Orono Park, this will include free swimming at the pool, a performance by the Clarington Band and children's activities. (Motion to waive parking fees for Sunday, July 1, 2001, at the Orono Park) SUMMARY OF BY -LAWS MAY 29, 2001 BY -LAWS 2001 -092 being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Item #4 of Report #1) 2001 -093 being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Item #5 of Report #1) 2001 -094 being a by -law to amend By-law n3 f r Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the Municipality oClaington (em #6 of Report #1) 2001 -095 being a by -law to authorize an agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and the Regional Municipality of Durham to continue delegating the responsibility for administration and enforcement of the Building Code Act and the Ontario Building Code in respect of sewage systems (Item #7 of Report #1) 2001 -096 being a by -law to authorize the execution by the Mayor and Clerk of a Licencing Agreementdro One Telecom Inc Clarington . (Item #8 of Repot Hydro One Inc. and Hy #1) 2001 -097 being a by -law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Municipality of Clarington and coordinate thepConcerts d Mr. B. Purdy to organize in the Park series at Rotary Park (Item #22 of Report #1) 2001 -098 being a by -law to prohibit and regulate the discharge of guns or other firearms, air -guns, spring -guns, cross -bows, long -bows in the Municipality of Clarington and to repeal By -law 2001 -052 (Memo dated May 22, 2001, from Municipal Clerk) 2001 -099 being a by -law to amend By-law of the$orm3er Town ofpNewcastle Zoning By-law for the Corporation (Approved by Council on July 5, 1999) 2001 -100 Confidential Property Matter (Item #25 of Report #1)