HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/15/2001ONTARIO DATE: JANUARY 15, 2001 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS ROLL CALL DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS Minutes of a meeting of Council held on December 18, 2000 Minutes of a special meeting of Council held on December 28, 2000 Minutes of a special meeting of Council held on January 5, 2001 DELEGATIONS 1. Darrell and Tracey Callwood, 2459 Prestonvale Road, Courtice, L1E 2S1 - Housing/Building Inspection COMMUNICATIONS Receive for Information I- 1 Minutes of the Clarington Traffic Management Committee dated November 16, 2000 I - 2 Norman W. Sterling, Minister of Correctional Services - Private Sector Involvement in Correctional Services I - 3 Michael D. Harris, Premier of Ontario - Congratulating Council on their Victory in the Municipal Elections I - 4 Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee dated November 24, 2000 I - 5 Tony Clement, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Ministry Priorities I - 6 Sham Steffler, Implementation Manager, Durham Region Social Services - Ontario Works CORPORATION of THE MUNICIPALITY of CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET > BOWMANVILLE • ONTARIO • L1C 3A6 • (905) 623 -3379 - FAX 623 -4169 RECYCLEO PAPER WEDSITE: www .municipality.clarington.on.ca Council Agenda - 2 - January 15, 2001 I - 7 Mary Ellen Berwick, Executive Conference Developer, Insight - Managing the New Realities of Municipal Amalgamation 1- 8 Sally Barrie, Administrator, Clarington Community Care - Thanking Staff in Regard to Parking of the Community Care Van I - 9 Ihor Lohinov, Consul General of Ukraine - Events of the Year 2001 1-10 Joseph P. Dion, Director, Policy and Public Affairs, Federation of Canadian Municipalities - FCM Annual Conference I - 11 Tony Clement, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Municipal Performance Measurement Program 1-12 Minutes of the Newcastle Community Hall Board dated November 20, 2000 1-13 News Release from the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation - $300 Million Superbuild Investment 1-14 Dan Whelan, Director General, Energy Resources Branch, Natural Resources Canada - Long -Term Management of Local Low -Level Radioactive Wastes 1-15 Roy C. Forrester, Clarington Chapter Chair, Oak Ridges Trail Association - Annual Meeting of the Oak Ridges Trail 1-16 Minutes of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee dated November 21, 2000 1-17 James Flaherty, Attorney General, Minister Responsible for Native Affairs - Update on the Provincial Offences Act Transfer Initiative Receive for Direction D - 1 Neil T. McKerrell, Executive Director, Minister of the Solicitor General - National Emergency Preparedness Week D - 2 Quincy Yu, Coordinator of Proclamations, Falun Dafa Association of Canada - "Falun Dafa Week" D - 3 Brenda Carrigan, Library Board Chairman, Clarington Public Library - 2001 Budget D - 4 Robin Newell, Person to Person Coordinator, Heart & Stoke Foundation of Ontario - Heart & Stroke Month Council Agenda - 3 - January 15, 2001 D - 5 The Celebrate Canada Committee for Ontario - Celebrate Canada 2001 Activities D - 6 Mary Dunlop, Chair of the Pre & Post Natal Nutrition Project Steering Committee - Access to Services D - 7 Joanne L. McMillin, City Clerk, City of Kenora - "Vote by Mail" - Amendment/Regulation to the Municipal Elections Act D - 8 Daniel J. Potyok - Boycott the Film Making of the Bernardo Murders MOTION NOTICE OF MOTION REPORTS 1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of January 8, 2001 2. Addendum to Report PD- 114 -00 - Ontario Municipal Board Appeal of Amendment to the Durham Region Official Plan - Applicant: Joe Domitrovic, Part Lot 29, Concession 3, Former Township of Darlington, 3872 Courtice Road 18111210191000 11l�7C 71C`1 ►1�IC`1Cy 1. Appointments to the Orono Arena Community Board (Memorandum from Municipal Clerk) OTHER BUSINESS BY -LAW TO APPROVE ALL ACTIONS OF COUNCIL SUMMARY OF CORRESPONDENCE JANUARY 15, 2001 CORRESPONDENCE FOR INFORMATION I-1 Minutes of the Clarington Traffic Management Committee dated November 16, 2000. (A copy of the minutes is attached to the Summary of the Correspondence.) (Receive for Information) I - 2 Norman W. Sterling, Minister of Correctional Services, regarding private sector involvement in the delivery of correctional services in Ontario. Mr. Sterling has reviewed the Municipality of Clarington's letter and concludes that Clarington does not wish to have correctional facilities located within our boundaries. He will ensure that no planning for future correctional institutional investments in the Municipality will occur. (A copy of the correspondence is attached to the Summary of Correspondence.) (Receive for Information) I - 3 Michael D. Harris, Premier of Ontario, congratulating Mayor Mutton and Council on their victory in the municipal election. Serving as the people's representative is truly an honour and a privilege. The role, also carries with it enormous responsibility. He would like to offer the Municipality of Clarington his personal wishes for great success in serving our community and our province well. (Receive for Information) I - 4 Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee dated November 24, 2000. (A copy of the minutes is attached to the Summary of Correspondence.) (Receive for Information) I - 5 Tony Clement, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, congratulating Mayor Mutton and Council on their new mandate to serve the people. A new, stronger relationship between municipalities and the provincial government is at the top of his agenda. Mr. Clement is inviting Mayor and Council to bring forth any additional comments or suggestions regarding the new Municipal Act. Greater accountability will also be assured through the Municipal Performance Measurement Program. That program requires municipalities to report annually to their taxpayers on how they performed in nine core service areas. Other priorities we will be addressing together include: Improving Ontario's infrastructure, as we move ahead with the five -year, $20 billion SuperBuild initiative, designed to spearhead and facilitate the largest infrastructure building program in Ontario's history; Consolidating delivery of important local social services at the local level, subject to the approval of the Legislature, by transferring the administration of social housing to municipalities; Encouraging the clean -up and rejuvenation of former commercial or industrial properties through their Brownfields initiative (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 2 - January 15, 2001 I - 6 Shari Steffler, Implementation Manager, Durham Region Social Services, updating Council on the delivery of Ontario Works. The new model of Service Delivery is being implemented in two releases. Release 1 includes the introduction of a Two -Step Intake process and an Interactive Voice Response System for Social Assistance. The application process remains the same at the local Durham Region offices. Individuals applying for Ontario Works are required to verify information in the application and complete a Participation Agreement. (Receive for Information) I - 7 Mary Ellen Berwick, Executive Conference Developer, Insight, advising Council of a conference dated February 13 and 14, 2001 at the Toronto Hilton entitled "Managing the New Realities of Municipal Amalgamation." (Receive for Information) I - 8 Sally Barrie, Administrator, Clarington Community Care, thanking staff, specifically, Mike Creighton and Gord Weir and their crew at the main fire station for their complete cooperation and friendly assistance in regard to the parking of the Community Care accessible van. Ms. Barrie also must give credit to Fred Horvath for his initial suggestion of the firehall as a possible parking place. (Receive for Information) I - 9 Ihor Lohinov, Consul General of Ukraine, expressing hope that matters of cooperation between the cities of our countries will be given the most serious consideration and that grounds will be established for further mutually beneficial relations in trade, economic, social, scientific, cultural and sports matters. Mr. Lohinov would be most grateful if we could let him know our opinion on this matter, especially if we would require more details about his country, including those of business nature. Also, he wishes to draw our attention to some events of 2001 that might be of interest. Starting from February 18, the Royal Ontario Museum will be hosting the exhibition from Ukraine: Scythian Gold. On August 24, Ukraine will celebrate the 10`h Anniversary to its Independence. (Receive for Information) 1-10 Joseph P. Dion, Director, Policy and Public Affairs, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, advising Council that the FCM invites members to submit resolutions on subjects of national municipal interest for debate either at the March 7 - 10, 2001, meeting of the National Board of Directors, or at the FCM Annual Conference in Banff, Alberta, May 31 - June 3. FCM will take a stand only on issues that are clearly of national municipal interest and which fall within the jurisdiction of the federal government. Indirect municipal issues and local /regional issues will not be supported by major research and lobbying activity, unless otherwise directed by the Annual Conference or by FCM's National Board of Directors. Resolutions should be received by FCM no later than midnight on January 29, 2001. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 3 - January 15, 2001 I - 11 Tony Clement, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, writing to inform Council of the formal requirements for the Municipal Performance Measurement Program. In terms of formal obligations, municipalities are required to provide the ministry with information on the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery in nine core service areas, pursuant to Section 83.1 of the Municipal Act. Mr. Clement will be forwarding the Municipality a comprehensive handbook, detailed definitions and other information materials to help us implement,this program. (A copy of the correspondence is attached to the Summary of Correspondence.) (Receive for Information) I - 12 Minutes of the Newcastle Community Hall Board dated November 20, 2000. (A copy of the minutes is attached to the Summary of Correspondence.) (Receive for Information) 1-13 News Release from the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation, announcing a $300 million Superbuild investment to renew Ontario's community sport, culture and tourism facilities. This SuperBuild initiative was originally announced by Finance Minister Ernie Eves in the 2000 Budget and will renew, improve and expand existing community facilities, such as arenas, theatres and community centres. It will also support new construction in areas that are in need of such facilities, and will invest in major cultural and tourist attractions owned by provincial agencies or not - for - profit organizations. All applications will be evaluated through a competitive process. The deadline for submitting letters of intent is February 2, 2001. (Receive for Information) 1-14 Dan Whelan, Director General, Energy Resources Branch, Natural Resources Canada, regarding the development of a legal agreement for the long -term management of local low -level radioactive wastes. Mr. Whelan is pleased to see that an agreement has been prepared and is ready for signature. Prior to the Government of Canada being able to sign the agreement, it must be reviewed by the federal Cabinet. In the wake of the recent federal election, it is difficult to define the precise timing of that review or the subsequent signature of the agreement. However, they are working towards being in a position to have the new Cabinet review the agreement as soon as possible in the new year, and hopefully within the first quarter. Signature of the legal agreement by the federal government, as the last party to execute it, will make the agreement effective and trigger the payment of the host community assistance payments. Mr. Whelan knows that the municipality is concerned about Project implementation, and particularly the property value protection program. He would like to reassure us that, in parallel with the Cabinet review process, they are proceeding now with project planning, including developing the details of the property value protection program and the other elements to assist them in expediting Project implementation. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 4 - January 15, 2001 1-15 Roy C. Forrester, Clarington Chapter Chair, Oak Ridges Trail Association, inviting Council to the Annual Meeting of the Oak Ridges Trail Association on May 12 at the Orono Town Hall. The first step in the development of an Oak Ridges Trail was undertaken in late September, 2000, when Council gave approval for a 44 kilometer trail across the northern section of the municipality. This certainly met with member approval of the local Chapter as well as the parent body of the Association. Physical development since September finds 20 kms of trail at near completion with a few lose ends to tie. This takes one from north of the Long Sault Conservation Area to the west side of Highway 115. It covers some most interesting terrain and land form as well as being mostly on unopened road allowances. This is certainly an attraction to bring hikers out into the country to visit, exercise and enjoy the great outdoors. They do plan to develop blue bird nest communities, rest areas and look -outs to Lake Ontario. There has been objection to the trail in passing through Lot 32, Concession 8, by the owner of the property. Due to this concern the firm of Brown and Coggan was engaged to survey the property as outlined on Plan 1OR -915. This set the parameters of the Unopened Road Allowance as well as those of the Swamp Road as it crosses through Lots 32 and 31. A section of 700 feet is yet to be surveyed on the east side of Lot 32. Some trail clearing has been completed. A trail does now exist on the eastern section of Swamp Road as it passes along Lot 31. There have been no objections here. (Receive for Information) I - 16 Minutes of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee dated November 21, 2000. (A copy of the minutes is attached to the Summary of Correspondence.) (Receive for Information) 1-17 James M. Flaherty, Attorney General, Minister Responsible for Native Affairs, updating Council on the continued successful implementation of the Provincial Offences Act (POA) transfer initiative. Mr. Flaherty last wrote on August 8, 2000. Since that time, POA responsibilities have been taken over by eleven municipal partners including the Regional Municipality of Durham for the Oshawa court service area, effective December 4, 2000. (Receive for Information) CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION D - 1 Neil T. McKerrell, Executive Director, Minister of the Solicitor General, requesting Council to proclaim May 7 - 13, 2001, National Emergency Preparedness Week. The theme for Emergency Preparedness Week is Reducing the Risk: Toward Safer Communities in the 21" Century. (Motion to Proclaim) Summary of Correspondence - 5 - January 15, 2001 D-2 Quincy Yu, Coordinator of Proclamations, Falun Dafa Association of Canada, requesting the week of January 22 - 28, 2001, be proclaimed " Falun Dafa Week ". In proclaiming " Falun Dafa Week" the Municipality of Clarington would be joining elected official across Canada in celebrating this wonderful ancient traditional practice from China. It has been widely recognized as a practice that promotes better health and moral living. Improvement in these two areas on an individual level in turn improves the community as a whole. During Falun Dafa Week, they will offer many free introductory workshops and exercise demonstrations, among other activities, at locations across Ontario. These events will do more than just bring the community together: people will leave with practical tools to better their lives. (Motion to Proclaim) D - 3 Brenda Carrigan, Library Board Chairman, Clarington Public Library, advising Council that the Library Board at their regular meeting of November 22, 2000, adopted a 2001 current budget. The Library Board's current budget request, including non - controllable impact items for 2001 is $1,310,755.00. Also on November 22, 2000, the Library Board adopted a 2001 capital budget and four - year forecast. The Library Board's capital budget request for 2001 is $110,000.00 of which $65,000.00 is requested from the tax levy. The detailed budget adopted by the Board is background material for these requests. That documentation in computer readable form has been submitted directly to the Municipal Treasurer for inclusion in the overall presentation materials which will come before Members of Council in the course of the budget process. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Treasurer for inclusion in the budget process) D - 4 Robin Newell, Person to Person Coordinator, Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, requesting that the month of February be proclaimed Heart & Stroke Month. They would also like to have the Heart & Stroke flag raised for the month of February. (Motion to Proclaim) D - 5 The Celebrate Canada Committee for Ontario, providing Council a guide for application for Celebrate Canada 2001 activities. The deadline for applications is March 31, 2001. Applications submitted after this deadline will not be reviewed. (Motion to refer correspondence to the BIAS, museums and service clubs) D-6 Mary Dunlop, Chair of the Pre &Post Natal Nutrition Project Steering Committee, addressing Council on a serious issue that faces many women living in Oshawa and sits at the heart of access to services, of discrimination and of quality of life. Several agencies in our region work together in a collaborative framework to provide a variety of supports at several sites throughout the region to pregnant women and new mothers living on low- income or who are isolated. While many agencies have been able to work in partnership, they face constant frustration regarding affordable and appropriate public transportation. Summary of Correspondence - 6 - January 15, 2001 Program participants tell their front line staff of rude bus drivers, poor transit connections and inadequate scheduling. Some are actually passed by as they wait at a bus stop. The population they serve typically does not feel they have a voice to work toward change so this committee has made a decision to call all transit commissions and departments in the region to be accountable. A huge concern to the agencies involved in the Pre &Post Natal Nutrition Project is the discriminatory policy that requires women to fold strollers before boarding a bus. For many women this is physically impossible to manage with a baby, diaper bag, groceries, etc. Support agencies often face the need to pay private transportation systems because of this systemic discrimination. They invite the municipality to join the network of integrated partnerships, starting with their committee, in order to address the service delivery issues in our municipality and region. (Motion for Direction) D - 7 Joanne L. McMillin, City Clerk, City of Kenora, advising Council that the City of Kenora on December 18, 2000, passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS the provincial government authorized alternate voting methods in the Municipal Elections Act in 1996; and WHEREAS one of the methods outlined in the new legislation was "vote by mail "; and WHEREAS 1997 was the first year that the vote by mail system was used by some 20 municipalities in the province of Ontario, and 75 municipalities authorized the use of "vote by mail" in 2000; and WHEREAS the vote by mail system does provide for higher voter turn- out, more administrative control and a convenience for the electorate, it does not provide for the slitting of the secrecy envelopes and unfolding of ballots prior to the close of polls, which results in a very time consuming process before results can be tallied; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KENORA hereby requests the provincial government to adopt a regulation, or amend Section 54(1) under the Municipal Elections Act, to provide for a quicker method of counting votes, specifically for use in the vote by mail system, and to make provision for the opening of the secrecy envelopes and removal of the ballots prior to the closing of polls by way of sequestering persons to undertake this prolonged task and to complete counting in a timely fashion; and further Summary of Correspondence - 7 - January 15, 2001 THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs, Howard Hampton, MPP, the Kenora District Municipal Association, the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks & Treasurers of Ontario, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and all municipalities that used the vote by mail system for the November 13 election for their support and endorsation." (Motion for Direction) D - 8 Daniel J. Potyok, requesting Council to boycott the film malting of the Bernardo murders. We as Canadians, and concerned citizens, should speak out against this kind of exploitation and support the families of the victims in their attempt to stop this film from being made. (Motion for Direction) SUMMARY OF BY -LAWS JANUARY 15, 2001 BY -LAWS 2001 -001 being a by -law to appoint Members to the Abandoned Cemeteries Board for the Municipality of Clarington and to repeal By -law 98 -8 2001 -002 being a by -law to appoint Members to the Animal Advisory Committee for the Municipality of Clarington 2001 -003 being a by -law to amend By -law 79 -67, as amended, to repeal By -law 98 -9 and to appoint Members to the Bowmanville Museum Board 2001 -004 being a by -law to appoint Members to the Clarington Traffic Management Committee for the Municipality of Clarington 2001 -005 being a by -law to amend By -law 79 -68, as amended, to repeal By -law 97 -1 and to appoint Members to the Clarice Museum Board 2001 -006 being a by -law to amend By -law 83 -83, as amended and to repeal By -law 98 -7 and By -law 99 -158 being By -laws to constitute a Committee of Adjustment for the Municipality of Clarington pursuant to the Planning Act 1983 2001 -007 being a by -law to appoint Fence Viewers for the Municipality of Clarington and to repeal By -law 98 -4 2001 -008 being a by -law to appoint Members to the Game Commission in the Municipality of Clarington and to repeal By -law 98 -6 2001 -009 being a by -law to appoint Valuers of Livestock and Poultry for the Municipality of Clarington and to repeal By -law 98 -3 2001 -010 being a by -law to repeal By -laws 98 -10 and 99 -156 and to appoint Members to the Local Architectural Advisory Committee for the Municipality of Clarington 2001 -011 being a by -law to appoint Members to the Newcastle Arena Board and to repeal By -laws 98 -12 and 99 -157 2001 -012 being a by -law to repeal Schedule "A" to By -law 98 -2, being a by -law to amend By -law 78 -63 to establish the Orono Arena as a Community Centre in accordance with the Community Recreation Centre Act, R.S.O., (1990) C.22 and to provide for the establishment of a Community Centre Board SUMMARY OF BY -LAWS - 2 - JANUARY 15, 2001 2001 -013 being a by -law to appoint Poundkeepers in the Municipality of Clarington and to repeal By -law 98 -5 2001 -014 being a by -law to appoint Members to the Property Standards Committee for the Municipality of Clarington and to repeal By -law 98 -11 2001 -015 being a by -law to appoint Members of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee for the Municipality of Clarington 2001 -016 being a by -law to repeal By -law 94 -196, to appoint Members of the Clarington Public Library Board 2001 -017 being a by -law to adopt Amendment No. 17 to the Clarington Official Plan (902714 Ontario Inc.) (Item #5 on Report #1) 2001 -018 being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (1319164 Ontario Limited) (Item #7 of Report #1) 2001 -019 being a by -law to authorize the borrowing of $15,000,000 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year 2001