HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-06-97THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Subject: GARNET B. RICKARD RECREATION COMPLEX/TWIN PAD OPERATING PROJECTIONS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report No. CS -06 -97 be received for information in conjunction with Report TR- 56 -97. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 During the 1997 Budget deliberations, staff introduced a proposal to provide for an additional ice pad at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex. Subsequently, Council approved in principle a budget allocation for the additional ice pad and requested staff to bring forth a report identifying a projected operating budget for the twin pad operation. 2.0 COMPARISONS TO SIMILAR OPERATIONS 2.1 In preparation for the past budget discussions, staff prepared a preliminary operation budget identifying other similar arena operations for two separate facilities located in Pickering and Peterborough respectively. 2.2 Attachment #1 is provided for the information of Council which identifies a proposed Twin Pad Operation projection for the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex and also provides details of the comparison operations in Pickering at the Don Beer Arena and Peterborough at the Kinsmen Civic Centre. 2.3 More recently, staff contacted the Town of Aurora for operational information of the Aurora Community Centre. (Attachment #2) This facility was very similar to our operation at the Rickard Recreation Complex in that during 1995 it was a single pad arena with community centre. Subsequently this facility was twinned in 1996 and the budget provided for the 1997 operation indicates the results of twinning. 2.4 Specifically, Members of Council will note that in 1995 as a single pad arena, the Aurora Community Centre operated with a deficit of $72,348.00. ./2 RECYCLED ERECYCLE 1000 RII 6PNNTEDQ RECYCLED PAPER REPORT CS -06 -97 - 2 - JUNE 16, 1997 In 1996 the facility operated half the season with the second pad and the deficit was reduced to $37,590.00 In 1997, Aurora has budgeted for a surplus of $31,693.00 at the Community Centre which represents a full years' operation as a twinned facility. 2.5 The following chart is provided as an overview of information submitted in comparing other twin pad arena operation. * Figure represents 1/2 season with second pad ** Figure represents full season with second pad * ** Figures for Clarington represent single pad operation * * ** Proposed figures based on 1997 dollars for twin pad operations. 3.0 CAPITAL FINANCING 3.1 The 1997 Budget deliberations approved in principle a possible financing scenario which relied on the existing development charge reserve fund contributing significantly to the project with the balance from the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund and the Arena Reserve Fund. 3.2 With the recent changes in the Development Charges legislation, the questions on the potential financing options have been referred to the Solicitor for confirmation, Once this information is received, the details on the recommended capital financing will be presented to Council either by way of an addendum to this report or as part of a subsequent report. ../3 1009 PICKERING DON BEER PETERBOROUH KINSMEN CTR. AURORA AURORA COM. CLARINGTON ACTUAL 1996 Expend. 490,169 547,099 565,191 382,649 1996 Revenues (553,500) (690,000) (527,601) (361,836) (Surplus) Sur (63,331) Sur (142,901) Def 37,590 Def 20,813 BUDGET 1997 Expend. 494,397 536,632 659,307 * * ** 565,683 1997 Revenues 563 500 6f 90,00) (691,000) (607,500) (Surplus/Det) Sur 6( 9,103) Sur (154,368) Sur(31,693) Sur (41,817) * Figure represents 1/2 season with second pad ** Figure represents full season with second pad * ** Figures for Clarington represent single pad operation * * ** Proposed figures based on 1997 dollars for twin pad operations. 3.0 CAPITAL FINANCING 3.1 The 1997 Budget deliberations approved in principle a possible financing scenario which relied on the existing development charge reserve fund contributing significantly to the project with the balance from the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund and the Arena Reserve Fund. 3.2 With the recent changes in the Development Charges legislation, the questions on the potential financing options have been referred to the Solicitor for confirmation, Once this information is received, the details on the recommended capital financing will be presented to Council either by way of an addendum to this report or as part of a subsequent report. ../3 1009 REPORT CS -06 -97 - 3 - JUNE 16, 1997 4.0 COMMENTS 4.1 It is noteworthy to recognize that in preparing budget projections that figures provided for Pad 1 reflect the current 34 week operation, and Pad 2 figures are calculated as a 30 week operation and do not duplicate day time - (non- prime) rentals which are incorporated into Pad 1 figures. It is assumed, that 100% of the prime -time hours will be rented as soon as the ice is available and all fees and rates have been calculated based on current hourly rate for ice. 4.2 Staff is projecting that the Garnet B. Rickard Arena Operation Budget would operate with an estimated surplus of $41,817 annually, this estimate is felt to be conservative and reflects a "winter ice scenario ". Should Council approve this project, it is anticipated that the second pad will be up and operating for start of the 1998/99 Skating Season (Aug. /Sept.98). A detailed budget for that operation will be presented as part of the 1998 Budget deliberations. 4.3 Report CS -06 -97 and specifically the budget projections have been reviewed by the Treasurer. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, J ty Services Department JPC: dm Attachments W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer 1010 ;,u ;ic'��� i cap= ONTARIO W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer Joseph P. Caruana, Director of Community Services January 15, 1997 RICKARD RECREATION COMPLEX - TWIN PAD ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT CS -06 -97 DN: CS0497 Please find enclosed, the Community Services Department's operational budget projection for the Twin Pad operation at the Rickard Recreation Complex. The following factors were used to determine our budget projections for the proposed budget: o STAFFING - the budget reflects an increase of 1.5 staff positions from the current operation. - Provision is also made for vacation and sick time replacement as well as shift premium. o BENEFITS - 1.5 staff reflects a 30% increase to the staff complement as a result the benefits have been increased by 30% over the existing operation. o BUILDING MAINTENANCE - although the responsibility and budget allocation rests with your dept. through the Building Services budget, we have provided those figures in our estimate to accurately reflect the total operation. o WAGES - all wage calculations reflect current rates as of January, 1997. ../2 M CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 rEMPERANCE STREET - BOW AF MLLE nONTARIO > L.1C 3A6 - (606) 622 -3379 • FAX 623-4169 RECYCLED PAPER -2- o CONCESSIONS - we have assumed that the facility design will accommodate access to the existing concession from both pads. As a result, we believe staffing the concession will not be impacted to any degree and we should be able to handle the demand from both pads within the existing operation. Further, we have provided for an increase to food and beverage supplies to meet anticipated increased sales from the second pad. o REVENUE - ICE RENTALS - the figure provided for Pad 1 reflects the current 34 week operation. Pad 2 figures are calculated on a 30 week operation and do not duplicate day time (non - prime) rentals.which are incorporated into the Pad 1 figures. Also, find enclosed additional information received from Pickering (Don Beers Twin Pad) and Peterborough (Kinsmen Arena Twin Pad) which we used as a benchmark and for comparison to our operational projections. Both operations produce a working surplus for their facilities. Finally, in determining our budget figures staff decided to take a conservative approach and feel confident that the numbers reflect a "worse case scenario ". I trust this information is as requested, if you have any questions or require clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me. 5.d Attachment cc: Marie Marano, Treasurer Scott Rose, Manager of Arenas Frederick Horvath, Property Manager 1012 dn:operproj.rrc CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES PROPOSED TWIN PAD OPERATION PROJECTIONS WAGES - F/T 5 staff - 6800 hrs @ 17.55/hr. - 119,340 WAGES - F/T VAC REP - 400 hrs @ 17.55/hr. - 7,020 WAGES - F/T SICK TIME REP - 260 hrs @ 26.32/hr. - 6,843 WAGES - F/T SHIFT PREM - 4800 hrs @ .60 /hr. - 2,880 WAGES - CASUAL (P /T) -6000 hrs @ 6.85/hr. - 41,100 BENEFITS - (approx. 30% increase to exist.oper. - 27,000 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE - 2,500 OFFICE SUPPLIES - 2,000 HEAT - 27,000 CLEANING SUPPLIES - 9,500 HYDRO - 130,000 WATER & SEWER - 9,000 SNOW REMOVAL - 51000 MECH. EQUIPMENT - 31000 R/M SUPPLIES BUILD - 15,000 R/M EQUIPMENT - 25,000 R/M EQUIPMENT (MOVEABLE) - 3,000 R/M FIRE EQUIPMENT - 1,000 TELEPHONE & FAX - 2,000 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES - 600 TRAVEL EXPENSES - 400 INSURANCE - 15,000 WASTE DISPOSAL - 5,000 WAGES CASUAL P/T - CONCESSIONS - 23,300 BENEFITS - CONCESSIONS - 2,200 FOOD & BEVERAGE SUP - CONCESSIONS - 80,000 R/M EQUIPMENT - CONCESSIONS - 1,000 TOTAL $ 565,683 REVENUE ICE RENTALS - PAD 1 - (225,000) ICE RENTALS - PAD 2 - (175,000) PUBLIC SKATING - PAD 1 - ( 7,500) PUBLIC SKATING - PAD 2 - ( 5,000) FLOOR RENTALS - ( 15,000) CONCESSION SALES - (180,000) TOTAL $(607,500) TOTAL REVENUE $(607,500) TOTAL EXPENDITURE $ 565,683 SURPLUS $( 41,817) 1013 U . to 1 PPM PICKERING RECAN. COMPLE:;s 905 418*1 P. 02 TOWNDF FX N G ...................... . ......... ... ...... . 2715 Q,$.& F. , DON BEER AREt4A 1014 1 1 1 i CLASSIFICATION S-I.FICATION 1994 ACTAL 199S _ACTUAL 1996 p2DGFzT ES TIMA 7-ED ACTUAL I "s :7997 * 01'**ET 1100 8abr1c-s 1400 ErnployGrCOMI*ikltions '1900 Uni:brms 12110 Travel 2340 SOMI'lars & EdUOStion 2395 Memberships 2399 Outside Agency SarVjc0,,, 2435 Building Repairs & MailltGrla 2478 Misc. Equipment Repairs & 1 2678 Mis(% Equipment Rentals 2082 I-And Rentals 5300 Stationery & Office SLIr.)r)lien 5302 Fowns 5510 Utilities. Water 5520 Utilities -(:,as 5530 Utilities - Hydro 6900 Gas, 011, Tires, etc, Misc. EqUIPM911t (Under $10 RE-S';rvG Contribution $202,820 3 7, 33 4 1,244 70 187 180 28,076 3 0, 45 3 122 4,500 82 513 10,746 10,8; 5 96,821 1,988 485 0 $234,804 39,701 769 57 0 300 0 25,492 16,093 0 4.500 90 319 I2,213 11,922 108,214 249 4,33 $221,016 45,422 Soo 100 200 300 0 20,000 15.000 250 4,500 $00 500 9,000 10,0X0 90,000 250 11300 $247,8.37 45,432 • 0.0 200 200' 460 0 2e,000 17,000 250 - 4,600 300 E500 9,000 12,000 110,000 5oo 1.000 5245,2,337. 1 low 200' Zoo.: .450. • : 17000,. 250• 4, 500. 300 12"000 542_6,455 _ --3-455.762 s444,748 5490_169 Sa 7.,: REVENUE DOIS Snack 8.Ar )916 VQI)dit)9 Machines 1922 Admissions - Shinn6y 1930 Rentals - Pro Shop '931 Rentals - 10A 8LjrjaCq 935 Rentals -Halls 990 Other Revenue Reserve Surcharge ($6,0m) (4,095) (2,2,5 6) (1,800) (407.2*) (18,927) (51;0) 0 (4,110) (2,000) (4,901) 0 (5,000) (4,000) (21000) (45,0,000) P'Qx) (12,500) ($6,000) (4,000) ('1300,00o) (18,000). (8,000) {12,600) ($440,7:47) ($502,000) ($5.63,5001 4 2S2 056 _ 863 331 s6f 2'52 559 03 1014 1 1 1 PICKERING RECON. CoMPLE ?{ 905 031 4181 -I- TOWN OF PICKERINC= .1997 BUDGET 71,15 DEP,kR'rmFNT OF PARKS AND FAQ1.1,ITIES 1 1.00 Salaries; & Wag Total from Find[ ,Page (Less) Cost Sharing with 0ther$: Transfers to Parks 335% of 2 mrun ter) ance salaries) Plus transfer of saILI -y J. Wacker (50 %) PLUS- I. Provision for Overti.,.».e: 2. Provision for Shift Bonus: 3. Provision for Welfare Costs: S:hedule ,� . 4270 hours (Lz) $.30 /hr 4. P :ovision for Unfilled Positions: - N1 11100 Ft11_ ulovcr's C;oni:ri uti(m Based on Historical Data 20.5% of Total Salaries .l X100 IJnz. _ folmts Boots (:>) ($80 ea.) Shirst, Trousers, Coveralls ? 11() Tr,- 1 Travel Expense-s for Forelterson 2=34 ,Sei,mina ;s & Education To cover cost of Ref6ge.ration Provision 1015 P. ia3 $236,758 (26,035) 26,675 5,000 1,450 1,389 $245,237 50,76(,1 1,000 200 200 PICKERING REC'N. COMPLE;{ 905 =t= 1 41.31 P. 01-1 .2_ :TOWN OF ERIN(' , 1997 B M1 (ET 27I5 DE)',�RTI✓IENT OF PARKS AND I<At.1L TIES 'DON BEER ARENA 2395 iViemhersllit?S Iti OMberships in Trade & Other Related Associations 150 2435 B.�,i.l.din Q Re )aii -3 & abitcna tic e Show ramoval 21000 Camtaking supplies 10,000 General, repairs (supplies) 11,000 Electrical repair' 3 000 .Pl.unabing repair; 21000 Door & lock repairs 1,Q00 ?9.000 2478 Misc. E quip. R .pgirs &: Maintenance Roffigeration repal.rs mainteIlance. and dehimidifiers (contract) 5 8,000 Fan & raotor repairs, supplies and accessories 3,000 Electric 11 & plumbing repair 2,000 Ice .Resurfacer maintenance 1,000 Misc. SMAll equipment repairs 2.()00 J.7,000 2678 lylitic. Eau7pi7.1�Ilt -tj . 250 2682 Land R�,.n.tzilS To rent Hydro Lands for Parking 4,500 5300 5jtaji L .ry & Office Supplieti To provide staff with necessary statione:.y & pens, pencils, etc. General office supplies $ 100 Computer equipment supplies 2 {x) 5302 Forms Printing of facility permits & receipt f0mis 5510 Utilities - Wat�r 5520 Utilities - Gas 5530 Udlities --Hydro 1016 300 500 9,0{)0 12,000 .l 10,000 PICKERING RECAN. COMPLEX 905 831 41'-S1 P. 05 -3- =BUQf ET 7' –'7L5))EP W�-TL TENMOFP A RTCR A%,Tll rAI-TT 5AX.) —(jjs, 0 1 Tires, �-etc, To supply necessary SC.1 vices to ice resurfacing machine 5902 Misc, t. d $ 10 0) First Aid suppjj.c,,.S (rcplacerllent) 200 Small TOOIS, etc., (re.placenje,11t.) 300 NEW safety headgear. as per directive I Resenre—Contribudw Funds to be dix•cted to Capital Rep] ace t of *Equipment - 1017 4 12,50() PICKERING REC,'N. COMPLE>I; go5 8.31 4181 ,4, TOWN OF' PI ICE TNG IM BUDGET 273:11 U P�A'RTMENT OF PARKS A, Q FACILIT'lE5 • i?ON I3EEIt 1A 9915 Si-)acck B L Under contract with Pickering Hockey Assoc.iati.on - 8 months at $750 /month 9916 Vending,iYtachine. 9922 &dmissi n�5�Shirne Daily admissions for individuals to play spinney hockey - daytime 9930 y�.n.tal.s - .Pro Shop Yearly Contract with Pickering Hockey Association 9931. Rentals - ice Surface Based mi a rental fee. average Of $100/ hr from Tin, I. to April 30/97 Based on a rental fee average of $95fhr fro).,,. Sept. 1 to Dec. 31/96 9935 Rentals - Bare. H Various ball. reij <11.5, activities 9990 Otber Revenue Revenue fro.t?). other mime. sources - roller hockey - nl.isc•. Sources REVENUE (7,500) (500) Res�e•rvz > rchar s Surcharge, on every hour of rental: ice. Eased on surcharge of 3,5 /lar.. from Aug.. 1• to .Dcc. 31/96 (:270,164) (2112-S-1 �6 P. oE. S (6,000) (4,000) (3,000) (2,000) (5.10,000) (1.8,000) (8,()()0) O N O Print bate 01/06M- DEPARTMENT - ACTNITY Onsmen Civic Centre Personnel Contractual Materials. Supplies Repair, Maintenance Fees & debt charges ;ontribution to debt reserve fund (surcharge) Travelling, Training Other TOTAL Kinsmen Civic Centre Revenue 0th er - Recoveries NET REQUIREMENT TOTAL CITY OF PETERBOROUGH 1996 operating budget - detail Over (Under) Over (Under) 1995 1995 1995 1993 Over (Under) Over (Under) 1996 1993 Projected 1995 1993 1996 Recom- Approved Actuals Budget % Bud et $ Request mended 266,087 295,094' 10.9% 29,007 293,044 292,627 98,911 97,611 ' -1.3% (1,300 97,900 97,900 4,860 3,400 - 30.0% (1,460 4,860 4,860 61,000 112,300 84.4% 51,500 61,000 61,000 20,000 20,000 - - 20,000 20,000 4,104 3,172 -22.6% (928 4,400 4,400 66,312 72,266 9.0% 5,954 71,312 66,312 321,270 604,043 15.9% 87,773 552,518 547,099 614,000 669,399 669,398 9.011A 55,399 650,000 690,000 614,000 9.0°!v _ _ 55,399 650,000 690,400 231 1996 1996 Over (Under) Over (Under) 1995 1995 8 u et % eu et $ 10.0% 26,540 7.3 °h 5.0% 12.4% 12A 300 25,629 78,000 05/30/1997 12:53 905- 727 -1992 ATTAMENT 2 AURORA FIRE /LEISURE hAUE 02 TOWN OF AURORA 1995 OPERATING D UUGET ANALYSIS BY PROGRAM ACCOUNT No 5020 DEFAR'[`WN T! tAbure Services PROGRAM: Cdtf inanity Centre Building Operatib s OBJECT"$' f ACTIVT : To eimro all aspects of the Comimu6ity Centre Physical Placid are in o erst hg cod didon to enhance facility attractiveness and facilitate the safe dud; enjoyebi e.use by all partons, and to ensure building revimue is �t►axdmlzed; minimizing operating costs, p,:: .. 1994 1994 1995 ACI�FVYR`i'��M�ASCi1t�S i ,� tl,i1, �� ,a�� Ogeratioo 16urs /week' 12S 1Z5 125 I STAIV Lc'k*.g S 2.31 2.31 PART (EQUVA>iiNP YEARS) ,1& 2.1„2 > TOTAL `.V..,kA g 4.43 ,44,1313 REVi�1 Eh $1 s (�6,St1Ul � 7i s 2�i:3 s0Ln NET 9 ; (t4 544 7 EXPtA N4T- t0iV9/wGHLIGHTSt • Couitgt t fly t� closed May I'd Sept. 1/95 due lio Arena Renovation and EXPW'siali Pri>jot , • $p;p 1D'' nrt- tiail� tsdf Badget'reduced to reflect closare in Summer. • .It v p '''iti#tCCt:iriorem� in3ae rental rates as uppr4ed by Council iA OIL, 1995 k'cae +arld Servite''C"hat^g�s: Iniuza cs' (ncl eaft by 25% in 1"S. 1021 05/30/1997 12:53 905-727-1992 AURORA FIRE/LEISURE PAGE 03 I f).) TOWN OF-AUJkORA 1997 OPERATING BUDGET ANALYSIS BV PRJOGAAIM At-COUNT N0. 5020 1 DEPAOMNT, Leisure Services Community Centre Building Operations onsumaIl aspects of the Community Centre Physical Floint are 41 ACTIVITIES: 6psratlal . toodition to anhanct facility attractiveness and facilitate the safe and d0joyable use by all partons,'and to ensure building revetiuio is tua ximized, inlAimbing operating costs. 1996 1996 1991 A&Wft:Mk" M'S' PLAN ACIUA PLAN NET 79,171 S 11.5 11 S (,1,6931 ­.. `190*iue-Rjwvts0 , isaforkiii rx Community Centre lit ice pad reflect additiotal four (4) tnonths of coni" to 1M. W reutal raNs aslapproved by Council in the 097 Fees and so Cril to -into", by 21% is Im. 0 Stu hiv*19 Iiiijii1t4d to reflect twin pad operatiob for entire year. Roard'penolty of $13436 Incurred during 19%. $TAF L FULL tlmt' 'ARS) 3,50, x.50 4.00 rd Tim PA It (EOVIVALENT YEARS) TOTAL , NET 79,171 S 11.5 11 S (,1,6931 ­.. `190*iue-Rjwvts0 , isaforkiii rx Community Centre lit ice pad reflect additiotal four (4) tnonths of coni" to 1M. W reutal raNs aslapproved by Council in the 097 Fees and so Cril to -into", by 21% is Im. 0 Stu hiv*19 Iiiijii1t4d to reflect twin pad operatiob for entire year. Roard'penolty of $13436 Incurred during 19%. r 05/30/19'07 12:53 905 -727 -1992 AURORA FIRE /LEISURE PAGE 04 FUND DEPT 0 5020 0 5020 0 6020 0 5020 0 5020 0 5020 0 5020 0 5020 0 5020 0 5020 0 5020 0 5020 0 5020 0 500 0 5020 0 5020 0 502.0 0 5020 0 5020 0 5020 0 5020 0 5020 0 5020 0 5020 0 5020 TdW�s,'+IIUR�RsA 19$71 bEPA 909i'dCMMUNtTY CENTRE OBJECT 0100 '1010 0100 1014 0100 1016 0100 110'1 0100 1103 0100 1105 0100 1107 0100 1111 0100 1113 0100 1115 0100 11'1$ 0100 1121 0200 2060 0200 2080 0200 2180 02,00 2280 000 2480 0200 2500 03CO 3040 o3C0 3060 0300 3200 03CO 3220 03CO 3240 05(0 3260 05C 0 3400 iSALARIED i Yd RS COMPEN. f�i3�� �► DFCi11� ' : • 4TRACTS 0 5020 04C'0 4018 117it�.$ 0 5020 04C'0 4820 C, ifow1'd ,UNFINANCED 0 5020 0800 8201 0 0 5020 0800 8202 IGi , M { F'ft© "1411. 0 6020 0800 8750 N �`iSALES 0 5020 0800 6660 v 3,5013 3 3.776 3 I�lry C N 'Ag 1999 START 1996 PROJEc'rm LEVEL BUDGET ACTUAL 1997 EHT 0 3,843 0 30,018 824 34,007 0 (396) 0 BUN -TO `AL 8,956 221,354 243,257 41500 4,445 7;000 1,600 1,516 1.600 33,000 36,774 40,000 20,000 29.124 30,000 130,000 125,663 13O,000 10,000 6.305 8,000 SUBTOTAL 199,100 207,826 z1 60� 25,000 36,213 30,0110 7,000 0,045 10,000 3,000 '1,041 3,000 10,000 12,797 10.000 71500 4,022 11,500 12,015 11,864 14,350 0 20 0 SUBTOTAL 64,515 74,010 77,000 0 0 62,000 52,000 - 120.000 SUB- TOTAL: 139,000 62,000 120,000 (500,000) (279,525) (280,000) 0 (199,393) (348.000) (27,000) (3S,11a) (45.000) X15,000) (13,567) (18,000) SU13-TOTAL (542,000) (527,601) (091,000) 79,671 37,588 (31,693) l��J 121,482 1 106,711 1 139,496 63,049 8 83,722 6 65,803 0 O O 0 0 0 G G,82a 0 0 0 4 4,270 0 0 0 7 7,888 0 0 3,5013 3 3.776 3 3,661 0 1 1,842 0 0 0 2 2,049 0 0 l��J MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON GARNET B. RICKARD RECREATION COMPLEX ARENA OPERATIONS ANALYSIS ATTACHMENT #3 TO REPORT CS -06 -97 Prepared by: Accounting Division, Treasury Department Note: Expenditures exclude capital and debenture costs. Excludes Multi— Purpose Facility revenues and expenditures. 1024 1996 REVENUE: Actual 6400 -36 —x Advertising Fees (1,200) 6400 -52 —x Skating Revenue (7,041) 6400 -68 —x Miscellaneous (1,471) 6510 -10 —x RRC Rentals (233,256) 6510 -11 —x Canteen Sales (101, 528) 6510 -18 —x Ball Hockey (14,661) 6510 -19 —x Other Rentals (2,679) Total Revenue (361,836) EXPENDITURE: 7606 -3 —... RRC expenses 283,570 7606 -4 —... RRC Concessions 80,160 7042 —x —... Facility Structural —RRC 14,819 Net GST 3% 4,100 Total Expenditure 382,649 (SURPLUS) /DEFICIT 20,813 Note: Expenditures exclude capital and debenture costs. Excludes Multi— Purpose Facility revenues and expenditures. 1024 ' r 1. !1Gm 1 IYU 1 <:Gt.• 1l • 4.. .J 1'1f L. •. Jr - ... -r ♦ . - -5- LINA.L PAGE WN C)•h FIC::Ii..F.,RING 1997 BUD(-.'ET 271; DEPA,RTNIENT OF PARKS AND FACILITIES • DON BEER ARENA 1 100 S° larie, & Wages 1019 Rate Hours Atno -gnt NON- BARGAINING UNIT - zaal. • Ill? BARG ;INI- TO UNIT H•7t7RLY EM.P.l.,OYF .ES Mike QLmpbell (Forepe•rson) $20.28 2,080 $42,182 Bob GDiden (Arena Maintenance) 18.08 2,080 37,606 Norm Macklem (Arena Malatenan.ce) 1.8.08 2,080 37,606 David Ptatc (Arena Maimcnance) • 18.08 2,()80 37,606 Gary Cossitt ( Arena Maintenance) .18,08 2,080 37,606 f ART -Tf /IE Chris Mclsaac (Arena Mainte..nance) 18.08 580 10,486 Arena Attendants - Steve, Stephanik - Stan Egerton - Chris Hutchings - Chris Mclsaac 9.89 3,404 33.666 TOTAL " ?36,758 ;. s: 1019