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Leading the Way
TIME: 7:00 P.M.
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held December 19, 2011
There are no Presentations scheduled for this meeting.
DELEGATIONS (List as of Time of Publication)
a) Libby Racansky — Review of Hancock Neighbourhood (Correspondence Item
D -7)
Receive for Information
1- 1 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated October 18, 2011
1 - 2 Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee (DNHC) dated November 18,
1 - 3 Minutes of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board dated
November 8, 2011
1 - 4 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham - 2011 Provincial
Environmental Advisory Committees Symposium
Council Agenda - 2 - January 16, 2012
1 - 5 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham - 2012 Interim
Regional Property Tax Levy
1 - 6 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham - Timetable for
Approval of the 2012 Regional Property Tax Business Plans, Detailed Budgets
and Public Notification Provisions
1 - 7 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham - Waste Electrical
and Electronic Equipment and Porcelain Recycling Pilot Collection Programs
1 - 8 P: M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham - 2011 Inaugural
Savour the Season Culinary Event — Results and Highlights
1 - 9 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham - Region of
Durham: Food Processing Action Plan
1 - 10 Debi A. Wilcox, Town Clerk, Town of Whitby - Greater Toronto Marketing
I - 11 Janet Smolders for Paul Acquaah, P.Eng., Project Manager, Dillon Consulting —
Bowmanville Truck Inspection Facility Class Environmental Assessment (EA)
and Preliminary Design Study
Receive for Direction
D - 1 Jim Richards — Clarington Board of Trade Conflict of Interest
D - 2 Renee Giroux, Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) — Request' for
Proclamation of "International Development Week"
D - 3 Lynda Motschenbacher — Request for Building Permit Extension
D - 4 Al Strike, Co- Chairman, Fundraising Team, Bowmanville Creek Fish By -Pass
Channel — Request to Post Fundraising Campaign Thermometer on Municipal
D - 5 Ron Beer — Songwriters Music Festival
D - 6 Candice Doiron, Deputy Clerk /Admin. Assistant, Township of Cramahe —
Municipal Planning Authority for Renewable Energy Projects
D - 7 Libby Racansky — Review of Hancock Neighbourhood
D - 8 John Bolognone, City Clerk, City of Kingston - Canadian - European
Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Council Agenda - 3 - January 16, 2012
General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of January 9, 2012
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Council Meeting Minutes
DECEMBER 19, 2011
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on December 19, 2011 at 7:00 p.m., in
the Council Chambers.
Councillor Neal led the meeting in prayer.
Present Were:
Mayor A. Foster
Councillor R. Hooper
Councillor J. Neal
Councillor M. Novak
Councillor W. Partner
Councillor C. Traill
Councillor W. Woo
Also Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu
Present: Manager of Infrastructure, R. Albright
Municipal Solicitor, A. Allison
Director of Community Services, J. Caruana
Manager of Communication & Marketing, J. Cooke, attended until
7:28 p.m.
Director of Planning Services, D. Crome
Director of Operations, F. Horvath
Director of Corporate Services and Human Resources,
M. Marano
Director of Finance/Treasurer, N. Taylor
Director of Emergency Services /Fire Chief, G. Weir
Administrative Assistant to the Municipal Clerk, C. Fleming
Deputy Clerk, A. Greentree
There were no pecuniary interests stated at this meeting.
Councillor Novak extended congratulations to the Region of Durham Works
Department for receiving the Recycling Council of Ontario's Platinum Municipal
Diversion Award in recognition of waste minimization and diversion efforts and
advised of the following events she attended:
• the official opening of Charles Bowman Public School
• the Clarington Board of Trade Holiday Social
• the Firehouse Youth Centre Christmas Dinner
• the Clarington Older Adults Centre Christmas Concert
Council Meeting Minutes - 2 - December 19, 2011
Councillor Neal announced that he had also attended the following events:
• the official opening of Charles Bowman Public School
• the Clarington Board of Trade Holiday Social
• the Clarington Older Adults Centre Christmas Concert
• the Firehouse Youth Centre Christmas Dinner
Councillor Hooper announced that in addition to attending the events previously
mentioned, he also attended the Emergency and Fire Services luncheon and brought
greetings on behalf of the Mayor and Members of Council.
Councillor Woo also attended the events previously mentioned and acknowledged the
Clarington Concert Band's performance at the Clarington Older Adult Centre. He also
extended congratulations to Keith Brettell, Chair of the Clarington Accessibility
Advisory Committee who was recognized in "The Citizen ", Durham Region's Diversity
Focused Newsletter, for his entrepreneurship in starting his own business "Casper's
Tack Cleaning Service ".
Councillor Traill thanked Members of Council for attending the "Christmas in Tyrone"
event which featured a visit from Kris Kringle. She also attended the Firehouse Youth
Centre Christmas dinner and acknowledged sponsors of the event. She also enjoyed
the Christmas concert at the Clarington Older Adults Centre.
Mayor Foster announced the following:
• Durham Regional Police have laid 122 charges to date for the RIDE Program,
compared to 109 charges laid last year.
• He extended appreciation to the Courtice Lions Club for sponsoring "Skate with
Santa" at the Courtice Arena.
• He attended the Navy League's 30th Annual Ships Company Dinner
• The Municipality will be receiving a grant in the amount of $217,500 to assist
with the development of a "Green Permit" Program to encourage developers to
build more sustainable communities.
• He will be giving his Annual State of Clarington address at the first meeting in
Resolution #C- 536 -11
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held December 5, 2011, be
Council Meeting Minutes - 3 - December 19, 2011
Mayor Foster presented a Congratulatory Certificate to Dr. Kenneth W. Knox in
recognition of his Induction into the Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame and for receiving
an Honourary Doctorate from the University of Guelph in 2011.
There were no delegations scheduled for this meeting.
Resolution #C -537 -11
Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Traill
THAT the communications to be received for information be approved.
I - 1 Minutes of the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee dated
December 7, 2011
1 - 2 Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority dated
October 20, 2011
1 - 3 Minutes of the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee dated
December 8, 2011
1 - 4 Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) announcing that Gord
Miller, Environmental Commissioner of Ontario (ECO) has released his
2010/2011 Annual Report entitled "Engaging Solutions" calling upon the
Provincial government to make waste diversion one of its top
environmental priorities, providing highlights of the ECO Annual Report;
and, identifying several problems, solutions and other topics of interest to
municipal leaders.
1 - 5 URS Canada Inc. advising that the firm has been retained by the Ontario
Ministry of Transportation (MTO) to undertake a Preliminary Design and
Class Environmental Assessment Study for two Highway 401 underpasses
located at Cobbledick Road and East Town Line Road (the Boundary
Road between the Municipality of Port Hope and Clarington); indicating
Council Meeting Minutes - 4 - December 19, 2011
that the study will follow the approved environmental planning process for
Group "B" projects; that a Transportation Environmental Study Report
(TESR) will be prepared and made available for a 30 -day public review
period at the completion of the study; that one Public Information Centre
(PIC) will be held to provide interested parties with the opportunity to
discuss the project and provide input to the Project Team; forwarding a
Notice of Study Commencement; and, requesting contact information
should Clarington wish to participate in the study and continue to receive
notices of project activities and information as the study progresses.
1 - 6 Alisa Yee, Marketing Coordinator, WWF- Canada, inviting the Municipality
to participate in "National Sweater Day" on February 9, 2012, and "Earth
Hour" on March 31, 2012, two events aimed to engage Canadians in a fun
and celebratory way while raising awareness about climate change and
encouraging individual behaviour change; indicating that last year over
5,250 cities across the globe participated in "Earth Hour" reaching over 1.8
billion people worldwide; and, urging Council to pledge their support and
add their voice to the 500 cities /municipalities in Canada participating in
1 - 7 Karen Bastas, Chairperson, The Newcastle Parade Committee expressing
appreciation to Council for the grant received for their 7t" Annual Santa
Claus Parade on November 20, 2011 and to staff for their prompt,
courteous and professional manner in assisting with the event; and,
indicating the Committee is looking forward to another successful parade
in 2012.
1 - 8 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, advising
Council that on November 23, 2011, Regional Council adopted By -law
62 -2011, Amendment to Regional GO Transit Service Development
Charge By -law 86 -2001, forwarding a certified copy of By -law 62 -2011;
and, indicating that any person or organization may appeal the passing of
the by -law to the Ontario Municipal Board by filing a Notice of Appeal with
the Regional Clerk on or before the 3rd day of January, 2012.
1 - 9 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, advising
Council that on November 23, 2011, Regional Council adopted By -law
63 -2011, Amendment to Regional Transit Services Development Charge
By -law 67 -2007, forwarding a certified copy of By -law 63 -2011; and,
indicating that any person or organization may appeal the passing of the
by -law to the Ontario Municipal Board by filing a Notice of Appeal with the
Regional Clerk on or before the 3rd day of January, 2012.
Council Meeting Minutes - 5 - December 19, 2011
1 - 10 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, advising
Council that on November 23, 2011, Regional Council adopted By -law
64 -2011, Amendment to Regional Development Charge By -law 44 -2008,
forwarding a certified copy of By -law 64 -2011; and, indicating that any
person or organization may appeal the passing of the by -law to the Ontario
Municipal Board by filing a Notice of Appeal with the Regional Clerk on or
before the 3rd day of January, 2012.
Resolution #C- 538 -11
Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Partner
THAT Correspondence Items D - 1 to D - 5 be approved as per the Agenda.
D - 1 The Honourable Charles Sousa, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration,
advising of the 2012 Volunteer Service Award (VSA) Program, a long-
standing Ontario tradition recognizing volunteers from all sectors of the
community; inviting participation in the Program by nominating volunteers
and providing an opportunity to thank them in a significant way; and,
indicating that nomination forms and additional information are available on
the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration's website at
www .ontario.ca \honoursandawards. The deadline date is January 25 of
each year. All nominations received after the deadline will be considered
for the following year.
(Correspondence referred to the Municipal
Clerk to place information on the Municipal
D - 2 The Honourable Jason Kenney, P.C., M.P., Minister of Citizenship,
Immigration and Multiculturalism, advising of the Paul Yuzyk Award for
Multiculturalism, an Award to honour people dedicated to promoting
integration in Canada by acknowledging and honouring individuals who
have made exceptional contributions to multiculturalism and diversity and
includes a $20,000 grant to be given to an eligible, registered, not - for - profit
Canadian organization or association of the recipient's choice.
Nominations are being accepted until March 1; 2012. Further details are
available at www.multiculturalism. qc. ca /paulyuzyk.
(Correspondence referred to the Municipal
Clerk to place information on the Municipal
Council Meeting Minutes - 6 - December 19, 2011
D = 3 Stephen McMullen, Forest Recreation Technician, Ganaraska Region
Conservation Authority, confirming that as per the Terms of Reference for
the Ganaraska Forest Recreational User Committee, appointments to the
Committee should be made on an annual basis.
(Bill Stapleton re- appointed to the
Ganaraska Forest Recreational User
Committee for 2012)
D - 4 Annette Gray, Chair, Orono BIA, advising that the Orono BIA has received
an offer from Kevin M. Duguay, Community Planning and Consulting Inc.,
Peterborough, to have a group of graduate students from Sir Sanford
Fleming Community College examine and update their Community
Improvement Plan and prepare a report with recommendations that could
assist the community; advising the cost to the BIA is $500; and, requesting
that Council release $500 from the BIA Reserve Fund to cover the cost.
(Approval granted for the release of $500
from the BIA Reserve Fund to cover the
cost of funding an update to the Orono
BIA Community Improvement Plan)
D - 5 Jim Piper expressing concern that a new cell phone tower is proposed to
be erected beside his property line directly across from a cell phone tower
Rodgers currently has on the northeast side of his property line;
expressing concern with the health implications associated with RF waves;
indicating that the tower will drastically change his family's lifestyle and will
most likely force them to move; and, requesting Council to discuss the
effects of cell phone towers on the health of residents, especially children.
(Correspondence referred to the Director
of Planning Services)
D - 6 Braeden Lavigne, requesting that an annual go -kart race be held in
Clarington for young people in the municipality; suggesting that a
motorized go -kart race occur on a circuit or closed street and a non -
motorized go -kart race take place on Bloor Street East, finishing at
Grandview Street South; and, requesting that the races take place
between April and May.
Resolution #C- 539 -11
Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Partner
THAT Correspondence Item D - 6 from Braeden Lavigne, requesting that an annual
go -kart race be held in Clarington, be referred to staff.
Council Meeting Minutes - 7 - December 19, 2011
D - 7 Shawna Mutton, Durham Sustain Ability, providing information on the
Durham Partners in Project Green (DPPG), an initiative to assist
companies in improving their financial and environmental performance by
building stronger relationships with the business community while
providing tools and resources to assist companies in improving their
productivity and reducing their direct and indirect emissions of GHG's and
other pollutants; confirming they have funding support from Whitby Hydro,
Veridian Connections and Hydro One for the project and are awaiting
confirmation from the Region of Durham and Oshawa PUC; and,
requesting Council to consider a sponsorship of $5,000 per year for 2012,
2013 and 2014.
Resolution #C- 540 -11
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Woo
THAT Correspondence Item D — 7 from Shawna Mutton, Durham Sustain Ability,
requesting financial support for Durham Partners in Project Green (DPPG), be
referred to staff.
Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report December 12,
Resolution #C- 541 -11
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of December 12,
2011 be approved, with the exception of Items #14 and #16.
Item #14
Resolution #C- 542 -11
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
THAT Report CLD- 037 -11 be received;
Council Meeting Minutes - 8 - December 19, 2011
THAT the schedule of meetings for the term of Council be amended as follows:
(a) THAT the Council meeting scheduled for July 9, 2012 be rescheduled to
Tuesday, July 3, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. and that a Council meeting be
scheduled for Tuesday, February 21, 2012;
(b) THAT the GPA meeting scheduled for July 16, 2012 and the Council
meeting scheduled for July 23, 2012 be cancelled, and that a General
Purpose and Administration Committee meeting be scheduled for
Monday, March 12, 2012;
(c) THAT the Council meeting scheduled for July 8, 2013 be rescheduled to
Tuesday, July 2, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.;
(d) THAT the GPA meeting scheduled for July 15, 2013 and the Council
meeting scheduled for July 22, 2013 be cancelled;
(e) THAT the GPA meeting scheduled for July 14, 2014 and the Council
meeting scheduled for July 21, 2014 be cancelled; and
THAT the Municipal Clerk provide appropriate notice of the amendments to the
meeting schedule.
Resolution #C- 543 -11
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Partner
THAT Report CLD- 037 -11 be received;
THAT the schedule of meetings for the term of Council be amended as follows:
(a) THAT the Council meeting scheduled for July 9, 2012 be rescheduled to
Tuesday, July 3, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.;
(b) THAT the GPA meeting scheduled for July 16, 2012 and the Council
meeting scheduled for July 23, 2012 be cancelled;
(c) THAT the Council meeting scheduled for July 8, 2013 be rescheduled to
Tuesday, July 2, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.;
(d) THAT the GPA meeting scheduled for July 15, 2013 and the Council
meeting scheduled for July 22, 2013 be cancelled;
(e) THAT the GPA meeting scheduled for July 14, 2014 and the Council
meeting scheduled for July 21, 2014 be cancelled; and
Council Meeting Minutes - 9 - December 19, 2011
THAT the Municipal Clerk provide appropriate notice of the amendments to the
meeting schedule.
Item #16
Resolution #C- 544 -11
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT Report LGL- 012 -11 be received;
THAT the By -law attached to Report LGL- 012 -11 be approved; and
THAT Inspector Chris Ostler of the Durham Regional Police Service be advised of
Council's decision.
Council Member
Declaration of
Pecuniary Interest
Councillor Traill
Councillor Woo
Councillor Hooper
Councillor Neal
Councillor Novak
Councillor Partner
Mayor Foster
There were no Staff Reports considered under this Section of the Agenda.
There was no Unfinished Business considered under this Section of the Agenda.
Council Meeting Minutes _10- December 19, 2011
Resolution #C- 545 -11
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal
THAT leave be granted to introduce By -laws 2011 -099 and 2011 -114 to 2011 -122
2011 -099 Being a by -law to regulate and prohibit public nuisances
2011 -114 Being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-
law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle [West
Diamond Properties Inc. (Metrus)]
2011 -1.15 Being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-
law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (West
Diamond Properties Inc. and Players Business Park)
2011 -116 Being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Zoning By -law for the
Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Claret Investments Limited
and 1361189 Ontario Limited)
2011 -117 Being a by -law to exempt certain portion of Registered Plan
40M -2364 from Part Lot Control
2011 -118 Being a by -law to amend Schedule A of the Fee By -law 2010 -142
2011 -119 Being a By -law to delegate authority to the Director of Planning
2011 -120 Being a By -law to amend By -law 2011 -016, a by -law to govern the
proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington, its General
Purpose and Administration Committee and Special Committees
2011 -121 Being a by -law to amend Sign By -law 2009 -123, as amended, of the
Municipality of Clarington
2011 -122 Being a by -law to amend By -law 2006 -227, as amended, to licence,
regulate and prohibit certain animals or classes thereof within the limits
of the Municipality of Clarington, or defined areas therein; and
THAT the said by -laws be approved.
Council Meeting Minutes - 11 - December 19, 2011
There were no Procedural Notices of Motion introduced under this Section of the
Councillor Neal requested a status on the meeting to review the Provincially -
Significant Wetlands. The Director of Planning Services advised staff have
incorporated the issue into the broader Official Plan program and will be reporting
to Council in January.
Councillor Woo requested an update on the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing
regarding the No Frills Grocery store in Newcastle. The Director of Planning
Services indicated that the hearing was held on Thursday and the Board Member
issued a decision to approve the Zoning By -law and Official Plan amendments.
Staff is working on the final review of the Site Plan Application.
Councillor Hooper suggested that St. Marys Cement be invited to make a
presentation to Council regarding their algae farm project. Mayor Foster indicated
that he would facilitate the scheduling of the presentation.
Mayor Foster advised that, due to unforeseen circumstances, the Special General
Purpose and Administration Committee meeting to review the 2012 Budget has
been deferred to January 27, 2012.
Mayor Foster and Members of Council extended Season's Greetings to all.
Resolution #C- 546 -11
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal '
THAT leave be granted to introduce By -law 2011 -123, being a by -law to confirm the
proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held
on the 19t" day of December, 2011; and
THAT the said by -law be approved.
Council Meeting Minutes
Resolution #C -547 -11
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Partner
THAT the meeting adjourn at 7:36 p.m.
December 19, 2011
January 16, 2012
a) Libby Racansky — Review-of Hancock Neighbourhood (Correspondence Item
D -7)
JANUARY 16, 2012
1 - 1 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated October 18,
2011 (Copy attached)
1 - 2 Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee (DNHC) dated
November 18, 2011 (Copy attached)
1 - 3 Minutes of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board dated
November 8, 2011 (Copy attached)
I - 4 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, writing
to Karen McDonald, Chair, Durham Environmental Advisory
Committee advising that on December 14, 2011, Regional Council
adopted the following resolution pertaining to 2011 Provincial
Environmental Advisory Committees Symposium:
"a) THAT Report #2011 -P -86 of the Commissioner of Planning and
Economic Development be received for information; and
b) THAT a copy of Report 2011 -P -86 be forwarded to the Durham
Environmental Advisory Committee and the area municipalities."
1 - 5 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham,
advising Council that on December 14, 2011, Regional Council
adopted the following resolution pertaining to 2012 Interim Regional
Property Tax Levy:
"a) THAT a 2012 Interim Regional Property Tax Levy be imposed on
the Area Municipalities for all property tax classes;
b) THAT the estimated amount due from each Area Municipality be
equivalent to 50% of their respective share of the Regional
Property Taxes collected in 2011;
c) THAT the 2012 Interim Regional Property Tax Levy be paid by the
Area Municipalities seven days subsequent to the installment due
dates established by each Area Municipality for the collection of
their respective interim municipal property taxes;
d) THAT the Regional Clerk be requested to advise the Area
Municipalities of the imposition of the 2012 Interim Regional
Property Tax Levy for all property tax classes; and
Summary of Correspondence - 2 - January 16, 2012
e) THAT the requisite by -law be approved."
1 - 6 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham,
advising Council that on December 14, 2011, Regional Council
adopted the following resolution pertaining to Timetable for Approval
of the 2012 Regional Property.Tax Business Plans, Detailed Budgets
and Public Notification Provisions:
"a) THAT the following dates for approval of the 2012 Business Plans
and Budgets for Property Tax Purposes by Standing Committees
and Council be confirmed:
Standing Committee Review
Januar 17- February 2, 2012
Finance & Administration
Committee Review
February 7 -9, 2012, (if required)
Regional Council Review
February 15, 2012
b) THAT staff be authorized to notify the public of Regional Council's
.intention to adopt the 2012 Regional Business Plans and Budget
for General Property Tax Purposes, the Police Services Board
and Outside Agencies, Regional Transit and Solid Waste
Management at its regularly scheduled meeting of February 15,
2012; and
c) THAT a copy of this report be forwarded to the Police Services
Board, the Conservation Authorities, other Outside Agencies and
the local Area Municipalities."
1 - 7 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham,
advising Council that on December 14, 2011, Regional Council
adopted the following resolution pertaining to proposed changes to
curbside scrap metal goods collections to accommodate the approved
.Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Porcelain Recycling
Pilot Collection Programs:
"a) THAT staff be authorized to amend waste collection contract (RFI-
503 -2006) for collection services in the City of Pickering and the
Town of Ajax to change the existing residential curbside collection
of scrap metal goods to a call -in service and add porcelain
bathroom fixtures and waste electrical and electronic equipment to
the call -in service for the two municipalities at an estimated net
cost in 2012 of approximately $23,000 to be accommodated within
the approved 2012 property.tax guideline;
Summary of Correspondence - 3 - January 16, 2012
b) THAT the Regional Municipality of Durham's existing two item limit
for the collection of scrap metal, goods be eliminated in' all local
municipalities in order to increase waste diversion;
c) THAT By -law No. 46 -2011 be amended to reflect the
recommendations of Report No. 2011 -WR -15 of the
Commissioner of Works; and
d) THAT a copy of Report No. 2011 -WR -15 be distributed to the local
area municipalities for information."
1 - 8 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, writing
to Christine Rector, Ontario Market Investment Fund, Ministry of
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, advising that on December.14,
2011, Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to
2011 Inaugural Savour the Season Culinary Event — Results and
"a) THAT Report #2011 -EDT -4 of the Commissioner of Planning and
Economic Development be received for information; and
b) THAT a copy of Report #2011 -EDT -4 be forwarded to the area
municipalities and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural
Affairs Ontario Marketing Investment Fund for information."
1 - 9 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, writing
to Hubert Schillings, Chair, Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee,
advising that on December 14, 2011, Regional Council adopted the
following resolution pertaining to Strategy for the Development of the
Agri -Food Industry in the Region of Durham now referred to as the
Region of Durham: Food Processing Action Plan:
"a) THAT the Recommended Initiatives identified in the Regional
Municipality of Durham: Food Processing Action Plan be
endorsed as the basis for economic development activities aimed
at enhancing the agri -food industry in Durham Region; and.
b) THAT Council's resolution and a copy of the Action Plan =
Executive Summary be forwarded to Durham's Area
Municipalities, the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee, the
Durham Region Federation of Agriculture and the Greater
Toronto Area Agricultural Action Committee for information."
Summary of Correspondence - 4 January 16, 2012
1 - 10 Debi A. Wilcox, Town Clerk, Town of Whitby, writing to A. Georgieff,
Commissioner, Planning Department, Economic Development and
Tourism Division, Regional Municipality of Durham, advising that on
December 12, 2011, the Town of Whitby adopted the following
resolution pertaining to the Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance:
1. THAT Community and Marketing Services (Economic
Development Division) Report CMS No. 67 -11 regarding the
Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance be received as information;
2. THAT staff report back to Council in the first quarter of next year
pertaining to the 2012 Whitby Economic Development
Domestic /International Marketing Plan and the integration of
appropriate marketing initiatives coordinated by the Greater
Toronto Marketing Alliance into Whitby's 'proposed plan; and,
3. THAT a copy of this staff report be forwarded to the Region of
Durham Planning Department — Economic Development and
Tourism Division, and the respective departments or agencies
responsible for economic development in the area municipalities
within Durham Region."
I - 11 Janet Smolders for Paul Acquaah, P.Eng., Project Manager, Dillon
Consulting, advising that Dillon Consulting has been retained by the
Ministry of Transportation (MTO) to complete the Class
Environmental Assessment (EA) and Preliminary Design of a new
commercial vehicle inspection facility to replace the existing
Bowmanville truck inspection facility located on Highway 401, west of
the Bennett Road interchange; forwarding a notice outlining the
project including the study area for the site selection process;
advising that a second Public Information Centre (PIC) will be held on
Monday, January 23, 2012, with an Agency Drop -in Session between
3 :00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. followed by a Public Drop -in Session from
4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Newtonville Community Hall; and,
advising that representatives from MTO and Dillon will be available to
answer questions and discuss next steps in the study. Following
completion, a Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR) will
be made available for a 30 day public review period. Further
information regarding the project is available by contacting Vanessa
Odaimi, Project Engineer, .MTO, at 416- 235 -4900.
Summary of Correspondence - 5 - January 16, 2012
D - 1 Jim Richards questioning why Mayor Foster and Councillors Hooper
and Partner did not state pecuniary interests concerning the
awarding of additional funds to the Clarington Board of Trade
(CBOT) in 2011, as Mayor Foster. is a former member of CBOT and
Councillors Hooper and Partner are current members;
recommending that Council create a position of Integrity
Commissioner either on a part -time or shared basis; and, suggesting
that Council seek the advice of staff prior to responding.
(Motion to refer correspondence to
D - 2 Renee Giroux, Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) advising
that in 2012 FCM will be celebrating 25 years of international
municipal development in delivering high - quality international
programming through the involvement of Canadian municipal experts
in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and the Middle East,
and requesting that February 5 to 11, 2012, be proclaimed as
"International Development Week" to recognize the significant
contribution of FCM members and partners in improving the quality
of life in various communities around the world and to recognize
FCM as a Canadian and world leader in international municipal
(Motion to Proclaim)
D - 3 Lynda Motschenbacher requesting a six -month extension to building
permit 10.0211 for construction of a new single family home at
8535 Ormiston Road; indicating that she and her husband are
building the house themselves and listing build ing'construction
finished to date; and, requesting a six month extension to the permit
in order to allow time to fulfill all conditions of the permit required.
(Motion to approve a six month
extension for the use of temporary
living quarters at 8535 Ormiston Road
subject to signing a further Letter of
D - 4 Al Strike, Co- Chairman, Fundraising Team, Bowmanville Creek Fish
By -Pass Channel, requesting permission to post their fundraising
campaign thermometer on Municipal property in order to maximize
opportunities for the project awareness in the downtown core, enable
the public to view the campaign's progress and encourage
(Motion for Direction)
Summary of Correspondence - 6 - January 16, 2012
D 5 Ron Beer thanking Council for their support in developing a cultural
network for songwriting in Clarington; indicating that the Songwriters
Music Festival will be held January 28, 2012, with four awards to be
presented: "Songwriter of the Year ", "Song of the Year ", "Performing
Songwriter of the Year" and "New Kid in Town "; and, requesting
financial assistance in the amount of $300 and help in securing a
permanent location to display the Songwriters Awards Plaque.
(Motion for Direction)
D - 6 Candice Doiron, Deputy Clerk /Admin. Assistant, Township of
Cramahe, writing to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario
(AMO) advising that on December 6, 2011, the Township of
Cramahe adopted the following resolution pertaining to Municipal
Planning Authority for Renewable Energy Projects:
"WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of
Cramahe acknowledges the significance of the planning of
positioning of the Renewable Energy Projects for the environment;
AND WHEREAS municipalities are concerned with the Provincial
Government for undermining municipalities ability to appropriately
plan development within their borders;
Cramahe respectfully requests the Association of Municipalities of
Ontario to petition the Provincial Government about the
municipalities objection of the lack of municipal planning authority
over Renewable Energy Projects;
AND THAT staff be directed to circulate this resolution to other rural
municipalities for endorsement and to the local MPP, Rob Milligan."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 7 Libby Racansky forwarding questions together with staff responses,
regarding the Hancock Neighbourhood specific to the need for a
review of the neighbourhood, plans to enforce setbacks from
Provincially- significant wetlands, public meeting regarding park
design, linkage to the greenbelt, relocation of plantings and lighting;
suggesting that fees be increased considerably to ensure costs to
infrastructure damage are not borne by the taxpayer; and, also
including questions regarding her property's well.
(Motion for Direction)
Summary of Correspondence - 7 - January 16, 2012
D - 8 John Bolognone, City Clerk, City of Kingston, advising that on
December 20, 2011, the City of Kingston adopted the following
resolution pertaining to Canadian - European Comprehensive
Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA):
"WHEREAS with little transparency or public consultation the
Canadian Government is moving ahead with its negotiations into a
Canadian - European Comprehensive Economic and Trade
Agreement (CETA); and
WHEREAS social justice and civil society groups have raised grave
concerns throughout Canada regarding the potential impacts of
CETA; and
WHEREAS both the Association of Ontario Municipalities (AMO) and
the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) have identified
substantial risks to municipalities that must be addressed regarding
governance freedoms and practices of municipalities, which include
procurement and administration, and further risks regarding .
enforcement costs and dispute resolution, as noted by both FCM and
endorses the FCM 7 points of concern regarding CETA;
THAT the City asks that an open and transparent public process be
adopted by the Government of Canada so that Canadians may be
better informed and better heard on this important decision; and
THAT this motion be communicated to the Prime Minister of Canada,
Stephen Harper, the Leader of the Opposition, Nycole Turmel, the
Acting Liberal Leader, Bob Rae; MP Kingston and The Islands
Ted Hsu; MPP Kingston and the Islands John Gerretsen; AMO;
FCM; all Ontario municipalities with populations greater than 50,000;
and all municipalities within Frontenac County."
(Motion for Direction)
Minutes of Meeting
October 18th, 2011
David Reesor
. Karin Murphy
Allan Kirby
Tracey Ali
Karina Isert
Andrew Kozak
REGRETS: Councillor Hooper
GUESTS: Jennifer Knox, Dorothy Sno%
Isabel Little
Angela Tibbles
Ten'zin Gyaltsan
;'Martha Rutherford;- ,Conrad
1 -1
Knox Farm, Heritage House Relocation —:The Anthony Washington House
Jennifer Knox provided an. overview'of�the process that her, Jamily carried out to move
the Anthony Washington: House from nr -,, Washingt ,_Road just south of the 6th
Concession to its present location on 6585 Enfield Road., Dorothy Snowden, a local
resident who grew up in,.the Anthony Washington house also attended to provide some
historical context for what the house had bee n,.like when she was a child (1920's and
30's) and then rts'oondifi`ori before -:the -moves interior photos where shown at the
meeting .,and what it naW looks like. (See attachment for history and process).
While the house was obtained fora $1, from MTO the cost of moving and restoring the
house has been approximately $300;000 to date with another $75,000 estimated to
The Knox's have also moved the barn that is used for the pumpkin operation from
Roesel's to the farm TFe barn was taken apart and reconstructed by Mennonite
Tenzin Gyaltsan provided some additional information with regards to his house moves
in Newcastle. The process and costing is similar.
Martha provided an update on the costing and work that has occurred to date on the
Kirby Church move, one of the major impediments (in addition to funding) is the way in
which the church will be moved across the 35/115.
11.22 1 Moved by Karin Murphy, .seconded by Allan Kirby
THAT the minutes of September 20th, 2011 be accepted
MTO Properties
The heritage buildings in the path of the 407
advertized on the 407 East website and in 10 `
process will happen in Clarington, Isabel has
determine how the buildings could ,be, gated.
There are a number of options:
1) Reuse by MTO for trans�t:stat
2) Relocation on a pgtionofth�e
3) Sale to the public for relocat
(e.g. retirement lots similar to
much; of the'407 is in the Gt&
4) Sale to -the publicfor�move tc
and Hampton still have som
vacant talnds that allow for., res
5) Sale to Mur 'c pality for relocat
(Phase 1 to Harmo
cal. media. "r In antici
g some bad
id) have been
that the same
ound work to
ons, etc
property nat requ redffbr the 407 right of way
IJn to existing vacant agricultural lots or lots of record
the. Knox farm) that would .allow for a residential use;
nbel%;and new 1and severances are not an option).
an existi'n vacant lot iris a hamlet, Enniskillen, Solina
lots available within the hamlet boundary; or other
dertial lot
on t6 municipal lands for public use
Comments have been - forward6d to MTO on the timing they are requesting for the move
as it is not achievable.
Candidates for Designation
A letter has been forwarded to the Region of Durham Works Department to obtain their
position on the possibility of designating the property owned by the Region at 156
Church Street in Bowmanville.
11.23 Moved by Andrew Kozak, seconded by Angela Tibbles
THAT the Clarington Council be requested to 'add 156 Church Street
to the Municipal Register and the Region of Durham be informed of the
recommendation of the Clarington Heritage Committee..
Staff have contacted Paul.Riss, the owner of 5290 Main Street in Orono,, the house is
adjacent to the CIBC property, the property owner has just received a CIP grant for
facade restoration improvements. CHC member Tenzin Gyaltsan, who owns the two
cement block houses on Beaver Street, the Massey Factory and 15 King Avenue West
in -Newcastle Village, has been requested to consider designation.
20 Horsey Street owners have requested .design
Supermarket Proposal
The CHC members were informed of the p
and how the applicant is trying to tie in h
adjacent buildings.
CHO newsletter and membership re
Andrew providing an update on Bowmanville CIP, a number of grants have been issued
which have helped ~address some of the:heritage facades, most notably Vanstone Mill
and the,0ak Unlimited' (multiple addressed,'on south side of King at Scugog). Work is
progressing slowly on the former Leisure Lady building.
Karin provided'an update on the Newcastle CIP which has been reviewing a number of
issues that affect heritage matters, such as the naming of an appropriate site for Joseph
Atkinson, the Walbridge House and its condition, the new supermarket, and the
excellent works that have occurred on the Home Hardware building.
Karina provided an update on Orono CIP, grants have been provided to the Armouries
and 5290 Main Street and Orono Town Hall, John Slater, former chair of the CIP has
passed away and the group is looking for a way to honour him and his works on the CIP
and Orono Crown Lands. Orono BIA have been in contact with some graduate students
from Fleming College which will be working on a "refresh" to the CIP.
Heritage Inventory
The photography is ongoing.
The articles for the website are underway and
Kingsville example. The welcome, about us, insu
pages have been completed. There are 80 indi
n has been based on the
resource sources and links
mated properties. Thirty of
the designated property write -ups have been-finished. Angele(has offered to assist with
the fifty remaining. The balance of the website will contain,." pages on signage,
rehabilitation projects, frequently asked questions, the heritage conservation district, the
Municipal Register, and the heritage inventory.
Mapping of the properties will be c
of the heritage resources and their
a push pin that will guide the
corresponding write up.
Marketing Minds Seminar
A Hosting Events and Buil(
25th at 7:34 am: David Re€
The cost 1,s`_'$1 5.00 per pers
Opening balance',. Aug 26
mpleted internally: ,The maps will show the location
nuen #aryr-status. Each designated property will have
newer fo a`,photograph. of the building and the
:nerships seminar will be held in Orono on October
Karma Isert will be attending to represent the CHC.
el Little will. be attending as the staff representative.
Aug 31 0.04
Sept 23 $4,556.22.
Sale of 1 Darlington Township and 1 Clarke township book for a total of $24.00.
11.24 Moved by Karin Murphy, seconded by Angela Tibbles
THAT the financial report be received:
15 King Avenue West, Newcastle Village
The CHC members where provided with before and after photographs of the facade
restoration of Tenzin Gyaltsan's building at the southwest corner of King and Mill Street
in Newcastle Village. The project qualified for CIP grants for the facade improvements
(x2 as it is a corner lot), building code and signage. Tenzin provided details at the
meeting about some of the issues he has had to address as he has progressed. The
utility companies have been less than accommodating.
11.24 Moved by Andrew Kozak, seconded` by Karina Isert
THAT a $200 donation to fund for the moving; of KirbyChurch be approved.
There was discussion at the end of the meeting with'; regard to Jennifer Knox being
provided with a "gift certificate",, for. her work on- heritage in the *- moving of the
Anthony Washington House and also the barn that'was moved from Roesel's farm.
This will need to be formalized at the" next, meeting.
Meeting adjourned.
jext meeting
ovember- 291h
,kive Centre at,;7:00 p.m. in Room 1C
Heritage House Relocation —The Anthony Washington. House
Relocation of 28-'x 34' heritage home from 5541 Washington Rd. to -Knox Farm, 6585 Enfield Rd.
Anthony Washington House History
This fieldstone farmhouse'was constructed in the NeoClassical style for Anthony Washing and his wife,
Elizabeth Annis and their eighteen children. The farm on which it was originally located was purchased
from the Crown in 1834. It is presumed that the home was built by Daniel White and sons William and
Daniel, who came to Canada from Cornwall, England. They were stone masons and brick layers who
settled in this area and built many homes.
In 1882 Thomas and Margaret Pascoe (nine chiidren)purchased the property. in 1890 the Pascoe farm
was awarded the silver medal for the best producing farm in Durham County. Lewis Pascoe inherited
the property from his father Thomas and carried on farming with his wife Emma Jane and two girls. in
1922 ownership was transferred to Isaac and Emily Hardy and their two children, who were also expert
farmers. The property became known as "Hardivue" after Isaac switched from beef cattle to purebred
Holsteins. It remained in the Hardy ownership until Isaac retired in 1974, when it transferred to Mike
and Colleen Vetzal (now Pingle).
This one and one half storey house was built in the 1850's. It is three bays wide and three bays long and
still retains its raised German white pointing in the south fa §ade above the old porch line,
The stone farmhouse was recommended for designation at its new location under the Ontario Hertiage
Act for its cultural heritage significance and the following exterior architectural features:
• The Ashlar granite stone of the south fagade
• The east and west facades' square faced granite
• The north facade's random rubble
• The main entrance rectangular transom and sidelights
End of designation information.
From Dorothy Snowden (Hardy),'daughter of Isaac and Emily Hardy, originally a verandah surrounded
three sides. Upstairs there were four bedrooms and a large linen closet. On the main floor there were
two bedrooms, dining room with pantry, parlour and entrance hall.
An old addition to the north housed a large summer kitchen, pantry and woodshed with a stairway
leading to the upper open area. It is believed this was the living area while the stone part was being
built. Both sections were joined and sealed together. The Vetzal family removed the frame part.
Recent History
The Knox Family became Interested in saving the home in 2003 after it was purchased by the Ministry of
Transportation and was no longer inhabited by tenants. The house was easily vandalized, damage
included a campfire in the middle of the front room floor, snapping all of the banister rails, stealing the
railing (which neighbours found in the ditch and returned to us), making holes in all wooden cross and
bible doors and on all walls, and smashing windows. Knowing that it was one of the oldest houses in the
community of Soiina, we wanted to somehow save the house.
A Family Decision
Ken's quote at the beginning was "form follows function rule." We had to decide what it would be for.
We considered living in it, renting it put, a bed and breakfast or'school tour base, antique shop etc. We
still haven't decided. Though we had wanted to move the house to a more private area of the farm, the
weight of the building prohibited it. The lot which had been severed by John and Jean Knox in May of
1974 was chosen as the future site of the building (moving it to the back of the property was our
preference but it was impossible due to its weight).
MTO and RFP's
When we contacted NITO to express interest in the saving the house, we were brought into the RFP
process in July 2003 with Jim and Margaret Coombes. The Coombes family was trying to save Jim's
family home located at 5690 Acres Road. Together we bid on the RFP at the end of August. MTO
notified us a month later that we had received the house, on September 22, 2003. The final paperwork
was completed In December 2003.
Finding a Mover and Getting Permits
We were told that the local movers, Laurie McCullough and Pollard the Mover didn't have the
equipment to handle the weight of the house, and were directed to CDS movers. CDS quoted the move
at $102K plus GST. We were conned into giving a sub - contractor $50K deposit ($40K deposit for the
move plus $10K for a birch floor). When we contacted CDS, they hadn't received the money, the
contractor had disappeared and their employee who quoted the job had recently died of a heart attack.
The con -man went to Jail for conning a few people, but we lost the $50K. CDS provided a new moving
quote at $80K plus gst. In January 2004 we started the permitting process, and received a demolition
permit in February to remove the house, and a building permit to construct a new foundation was
received in March 2004:
Municipal Conservation Easement
In 2004 the planning department established the Heritage Home Grant Program, intended to assist
property owners with financing the relocation of Heritage Homes. The Grant is equivalent to the
amount"of the Clarington portion of the Residential. Development Charge. In exchange, we signed a
conservation easement the grant and the cost of the municipal portion of the development charge was
reimbursed. The conservation easement was based on the format provided by'the Ontario Heritage
Foundation, and under the easement the heritage attributes of the house named (Ashlar stone exterior
and front entrance transom and sidelights) are protected.
The Big Day
Due to the weight of the house, it had to be moved on a day when the ground was frozen solid. The
move was schedule for Sunday, February Wh 2004 at dawn. There were about 100 people in total, who
were either interested observers or working on the move. Many local neighbours and heritage home
buffs came out. The road was blocked off by police officers, and Bell and Hydro One were on hand to
move wires. The pace was slow.
The move took all day; ending at dark. DRPD was directing traffic around the move for eleven hours,
At the move site, a ramp had been dug down into the basement, and the house had been balanced on
6x6 piers with the foundation stones removed.
At the new site, excavation had been completed and clear stone was placed in the bottom, on which 6x6
piers would be built after the house was relocated. Following that step, a foundation was constructed
under the home 3' thick using concrete block.
Remaining Work
There has been significant work done since the move. A driveway was laid out and landscaping done.
The east wall caved in due to moisture from the old eavestrough leaking Into the wall and freezing. A
well was dug In the summer of 2006 by Kawartha well drillers and is 132 feet deep. A quote was
received for a new roof in historically- accurate looking shingles for 20K. Having spent a lot of money by
this point, a metal roof was supplied by Havelock Metal Products installed over the existing roof by us in
the spring of 2006. It cost four thousand and we installed it ourselves. A new furnace was installed.
And there is remaining work to be done... decisions need to be made on a new veranda /south entrance
and garage /summer kitchen addition. Basement stairs are required and at some point the basement
should be finished.
For future projects Ken's quote is "take your wildest dreams and then times them by a factor of four — a
project like this could eat some alive." Margaret Coombes said that we could spend not only 10K a year
for seven years (our original plan), but 10K a month for seven years and we still wouldn't be finished this
latest Knox Farm project.
Author. Jennifer Knox, October 2011
1-J, b-
Ajax Community Centre
75 Centennial Road
Commodore's Meeting Room on the Second Floo
Town of Ajax, Ontario
JAN 33 20'12
November 18, 2011
1:00 PM
Pickering Nuclear
Dr. Robert Kyle, Durham Region Health Deprtm.
Ms. Mary-Anne Pietrusiak, DRHD REVIEWED 0
Mr. Raphael McCalla, Ontario Power Generati.anc OPG) ❑ COUNCIL ❑ FILE
Mr. Dave Fisher, Ministry of the Er
Dr. Barry Neil, Public Member
Mr. Carl Ferencz, Public Member OF COUNCIL
Mr. Hardev Bains, Public Member ❑ COMMUNITY C1 CORPORATE ❑ EMERGENCY
Mr. Frank Bajurny, Public Member - SERVICES SLRVICES
Mr. Marc Landry, Public Member SERVICES CLERK'S
Mr. Jansen Wu, Public Member ❑ PLANNING ❑ SOLICITOR Cl TREASURY
Dr. David Gorman, Public Member SERVICES
Mr. Brian Devitt, DRHD (Secretary)
Mr. Philip Webster, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)
Ms. Donna Pawlowski, OPG (Presenter)
Ms. Jennifer Knox, OPG (Presenter)
Mr. Allan Webster, OPG
Mr. Richard MacEacheron, OPG
Mr. Sam Ledo, OPG
Ms. Judy Herod, Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI) (Presenter)
Mr. Buddy Taylor, PHAI (Presenter)
Ms. Janice Szwarz, Municipality of Clarington
Mr. Bill Todd, Observer
Mr. Chad Kavanaugh, Observer
Mr. Gavin Lowe, Observer
REGRETS Mr. Don Terry, OPG
Dr. Tony Waker, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Mr. Phil Dunn, Ministry of the Environment
Robert Kyle opened the meeting, welcomed everyone.
Robert Kyle thanked Jennifer Knox on behalf of Don Terry and Pickering Nuclear for
hosting the meeting today.
Robert Kyle also thanked Jennifer Knox for organizing an excellent tour of the
Darlington Nuclear Generating Station on November 15, 2011 for the DNHC.
1.0 Adoption of the DN$C Agenda
The Revised Agenda was adopted.
2.0 Adoption of the DNHC Minutes of the September 16, 2011 meeting
The Minutes were adopted as written.
3.0 Correspondence
3.1 Robert Kyle's office received the minutes of the Pickering Nuclear Generating
Station Community Advisory Council for June 2011.
3.2 Robert Kyle's office received the CNSC's Staff Report of the Integrated Safety
Assessment of Canadian Nuclear Power Plants for 2010 dated September 2011.
3.3 Robert Kyle's office received the CNSC's Annual Report for 2010 -11, Keeping
Nuclear Safe —Looking Back and Looking Beyond, dated September 2011
3.4 Robert Kyle's office received the staff report from the Regional Municipality of
Durham concerning the New Nuclear Darlington Project Update — Results of the
Joint Review Panel dated October 20, 2011.
3.5 Robert Kyle's office received the staff report from the Regional Municipality of
Durham concerning the Regional Peer Review of the Draft Environmental
Assessment Reports for the Proposed Refurbishment of the Darlington Nuclear
Generating Station dated October 20, 2011.
3.6 Robert Kyle's office received a letter from Albert Sweetnam, Executive Vice
President Nuclear Projects, providing an Update on the Darlington New Nuclear
Power Plant Project Environmental Assessment dated October 21, 2011.
3.7 Robert Kyle's office received a letter from Christine Fahey, Project Director, Port
Hope Area Initiative Management Office, thanking Robert Kyle and the DNHC
for the letter of support received at the CNSC's Public Hearing, on the Port
Granby Project, held on September 27, 2011 and Christine's letter was dated
October 28, 2011.
4.0 Nuclear Power / Environmental Issues
4.1 Report from the CNSC concerning Compliance Issues at Pickering and Darlington
Nuclear Generating Stations
Philip Webster, Director, Darlington Regulatory Program for the CNSC, provided a
report on the CNSC's Staff Integration Safety Assessment of Pickering and
Darlington Nuclear Power Plants for 2010. The highlights of Philip's presentation
• The CNSC Safety Performance Ratings for 2010 were:
o Fully Satisfactory (FS)
o Satisfactory (S)
o Below Expectations (BE)
o Unacceptable (U)
• For 2010, the CNSC used 14 Safety Control Areas to determine Safety
Performance Ratings.
• The CNSC Safety Performance Ratings Summary for Pickering A &B and
Darlington Nuclear Power Plants for 2010 were:
Safety & Control Areas
Pick A
Pick B
Management Systems
Human Performance Mgmt
Operating Performance
Safety Analysis
Physical Design
Fitness for Service
Radiation Protection
Conventional Health & Safety
Environmental Protection
Emergency Mgmt & Fire Protection
Integrated Plant Rating
Waste Management
Packaging .& Transport
The conclusions of the Safety Assessment of Pickering and Darlington Nuclear
Power Plants were:
• Pickering A & B were rated as Satisfactory.
® Pickering A & B Operating Licences expire on June 30, 2013.
• Darlington was rated as Fully Satisfactory.
• Darlington Operating Licence expires on February 28, 2013.
In summary, Philip indicated Pickering and Darlington Power Plants were operated
safely in 2010 and there were:
• No serious process failures occurred.
• No members of the public received a radiation dose in excess of the CNSC
regulatory limit.
• No workers were confirmed to receive a radiation dose in excess of the
CNSC regulatory limits.
• The severity of non - radiological injuries was minimal.
• All environmental emissions from the stations were well below the CNSC
regulatory limits.
• Pickering and Darlington complied with their licence conditions concerning
Canada's international obligations for peaceful use of nuclear energy.
Philip Webster indicated more information on the Safety Assessment of Pickering
and Darlington Nuclear Power Plants can be found at www.nuclearsafety.gc.ca and
he can be contacted at Philip .webstergensc- ccsn.g_c.ca. The slides Philip used are
attached as Appendix 1.
4.2 Report from the CNSC concerning the Lessons Learned Fukushima Accident
Philip Webster, Director, Director, Darlington Regulatory Program Division,
provided a very interesting and educational presentation on the Lessons Learned
from the Fukushima nuclear plant event and the implications for Canadian Nuclear
Power Plants. The highlights of Philip's presentation were:
• March 11, 2011, the Fukushima event occurred.
• March 17, 2011, the CNSC issued an order to all Canadian Nuclear Power
Plants to review initial lessons learned from the event and prepare
implementation plans to address any significant gaps.
• March 21 to 25, 2011, CNSC inspectors verified some aspects of the event at
Canadian Nuclear Power Plants.
• March 30, 2011, CNSC staff updated the Commission.
• April 20, 2011, Terms of Reference issued for a safety review.
• June 8, 2011, CNSC staff updated the Commission on all short-term actions
• July 7, 2011, Safety Criteria issued for the safety review.'
• July 28, 2011, all Canadian .Nuclear Power Plants submitted safety case re-
assessments for long -term measures to improve safety.
• August 5, 2011, the External Advisory Committee was convened to provide
an independent review of the CNSC's actions in response to the Fukushima
• October 28, 2011, the Fukushima Task Force Report was issued.
Philip provided a detailed explanation of the Fukushima event including the nuclear
design of the power plant and lessons learned to date. The path forward for the
CNSC will include:
• October 28 to December 1, 2011, public comment on the Task Force Report
and Management Response.
• December 15 to January 20, 2012 (tentative); posting of the CNSC Action
• January 20 to February 8, 2012 (tentative), disposition of the comments
received from the public and stakeholders on the CNSC Action Plan.
• February 15, 2012 (tentative), Commission Meeting on the CNSC Action
• Early 2012, report from the External Advisory Committee of the CNSC's
actions as a result of the Fukushima event.
• August 2012, participate in the Convention of Nuclear Safety Extraordinary
Meeting and Peer Review 'of National Responses concerning the event.
Philip summarized that the Canadian Nuclear Power Plants are safe and pose a very
small risk to the health and safety of Canadians or to the environment. The current
status of nuclear emergency preparedness is adequate and the CNSC regulatory
framework is effective in ensuring the safe operation of nuclear power plants in
Philip also indicated the CNSC Task Force will review proposed long -term
measures to enhance safety of nuclear power plants and implement any required
long -term corrective measures.
Philip Webster or his associates will continue to update the DNHC on compliance
issues at Pickering and Darlington Nuclear Power Plants. The slides Philip used for
the Lessons Learned from the Fukushima Event are attached as Appendix 2.
.4.3 Progress Report by OPG concerning the Darlington New Nuclear Power Plant
Donna Pawlowski, Manager, Social Aspects Environmental Assessments, provided
an update on the Darlington New Nuclear Project. The highlights of Donna's
presentation were:
• The Joint Review Panel (JRP) Report issued in August 2011 concurred with .
OPG's findings that the Project is unlikely to result in significant adverse
• The JRP Report had 67 recommendations but only 5 applied to OPG, the
Municipality of Claringion and the Province of Ontario.
• The Governor in Council approval is pending on the federal departmental
review of the Project.
• An application for a Judicial Review by several non - governmental
organizations in Federal Court was filed on September 26, 2011 and may take
several months for a decision on their application.
• OPG is maintaining readiness and the Next Steps will include:
o Preparation of the site for turnover to a vendor
o Development of cost estimates/business case /cost recovery
o Obtain appropriate approvals to allow execution of the Project
Donna Pawlowski or her associates will regularly update the DNHC on the
Darlington New Nuclear Power Plant Project. More information on the Project can
be accessed at www.opg,.com/newbuild or by telephone at 1 -866 487 -4600. The
slides Donna used are attached as Appendix 3,
4.4 Progress Report from OPG concerning the Refurbishment and Continued Operation
at Darlington Environmental Assessment (EA) Project
Donna Pawlowski, Manager, Social Aspects Environmental Assessments, provided
a progress report on the Refurbishment and Continued Operation of the Darlington
Nuclear Generating Station (DNGS). The highlights of Donna's presentation were:
• February 2010, OPG made a business decision to refurbish DNGS and the
planning phase began with a thorough EA and Safety Review that will lead to
an Integrated Improvement Plan.
• Refurbishment will allow DNGS to continue operations for an additional 25
to 30 years.
• The Refurbishment Phase at DNGS from 2013 -2024 will include:
o Construct used reactor component and other support buildings
o Shutdown, defuel and dewater the reactors
o Replace major reactor components and store the parts in the new
Waste Storage Buildings to be constructed on -site
• The Continued Operation Phase at DNGS from 2019 -2055 will include:
o Continued generation of electricity for 25 to 30 years
o Ongoing maintenance, improvements and upgrades that will include
replacement of major components if necessary
o Placement into safe storage prior to decommissioning
o Construct/operate the fourth used fuel dry storage building at the
Darlington Waste Management Facility
Donna indicated the following Comprehensive Environmental Studies and Public
Consultation are underway.
• More than 13 areas of Environmental Study that include:
o Atmospheric Environment
o Terrestrial Environment
o Surface Water Environment
o Aquatic Environment
o Geology and Hydrogeology
o Land Use
o Traffic and Transportation
• The Public Consultation Components include:
o Four Community Information Sessions in Clarington and Oshawa
o EA Newsletters, Project Web -Site and 1 -800 phone number
o Stakeholder Workshops
o Two Municipal Peer Reviews of draft materials resulting in over 600
comments received and addressed
Donna indicated the Preliminary EA Results of the Project suggests it will not
result in any significant adverse effects, taking into account proposed design and
mitigation measures. The minor negative effects primarily during the
Refurbishment Phase of the Project will be within the site and can be managed by
mitigation and monitoring.
The Next Steps in the EA Schedule for the Project are:
• The Environmental Impact Statement and Technical Support Documents will
be submitted to the CNSC by year end 2011.
• The CNSC will issue Draft Documents for Public Review by the Summer
• The CNSC wiil hold a Public Hearing in the Fall 2012.
• The CNSC will issue the EA Decision in 2012 or 2013.
• The CNSC Licence Amendment Process will be in 2012 or 2013.
Donna Pawlowski indicated she or her associates would bring regular progress
reports to the DNHC. More information on the Project can be accessed at
www.opg.com/darlingtonrefurb or by telephone at 1 -866 487 -6006. The slides used
by Donna on the Darlington Refurbishment and Continued Operation Project are
attached as Appendix 4.
4.5 . Progress Report from the Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI) concerning the Port
Granby Project
Buddy Taylor, Manager, Regulatory Affairs, and Judy Herod, Stakeholder
Relations for the PHAI Management Office, provided a presentation concerning the
Port Granby Project. The highlights of Judy and Buddy's presentation were:
• September 27, 2011, the CNSC's Public Hearing on the Port Granby Project
was held in Courtice with 22 interveners including the DNHC.
• AECL had requested a 10 -year Waste Nuclear Substance Licence to allow:
o Management and operation of the Port Granby Waste Management
o Construction of a new long -term Waste Management Facility
including a new waste water treatment plant
o . Safe clean-up of 450,000 cubic metres of historic low -level
radioactive waste
o AECL is currently waiting for the CNSC's Decision on Licencing
• Baseline Environmental Monitoring studies for the Project include:
o Atmospheric monitoring for particulate and radon and also for noise
o Geological and Groundwater monitoring to determine groundwater
levels, private wells and soil sampling
o Aquatic monitoring storm levels, surface water and lake Ontario
pipeline outflow
o Terrestrial monitoring of trees along Elliot Road and "species at risk"
vegetation survey
• Socio- Economic Monitoring studies for the Project include:
o Tourism and business
o Traffic and transportation system
o Archaeological and heritage resources
o Traditional uses and land and resources
• Public attitudes
• Property values protection program
Dust Management studies include:
• Site - specific daily dust management plans
• On -site dust suppression equipment and materials
o Wind fencing as needed
• Monitoring real -time of dust on -site by prime contractor, an independent
contractor and PHAI Management Office will allow prompt corrective action
to be taken to control visible dust.
• Upcoming Activities will include:
o Initiate the tender process for Elliot Road upgrades and construction
of the new Waste Water Treatment Plant
• Assume the Port Granby Waste Management Facility subject to the
CNSC Decision
• Continue community consultation through the Port Granby Discussion
Buddy and Judy indicated the DNHC will be updated regularly on the Port Granby
Project. For more information on the Project, contact Judy Herod at herodj@aecl.ca
or by telephone at (905) 885 -8830.
5.0 Health Effects
5.1 No Report Presented Today
6.0 Communications
6.1 Community Issues at Pickering Nuclear
Jennifer Knox, Manager, Public Affairs, provided an update on Community Issues
at Pickering Nuclear. The highlights of Jennifer's presentation were:
• Pickering A employees have worked approximately 939,000 hours without a
lost -time injury and Pickering B employees have worked. more than 6.6
million hours without a lost -time injury.
• Units 1, 5, 7 and 8 at Pickering are operating at high power.
• Units 4 & 6 are shut down for planned maintenance and will be completed in
mid- December.
• The fish diversion system continues to perform well and OPG expects to meet
its year -end impingement target of 80% as required by the CNSC.
• Pickering will be partnering with KX96 and CKDO for their "Million Penny
Drive ".
Don Terry, Manager, Public Affairs, at Pickering Nuclear, can be reached at (905)
839 -1151 extension 5966 or by e -mail at don.terr Popp com for more information.
6.2 Community Issues at Darlington Nuclear
Jennifer Knox provided an update on the Community Issues at Darlington Nuclear.
The highlights of Jennifer's presentation were:
• Employees at Darlington Nuclear have worked approximately 11.7 million
hours without a lost -time injury dating back to May 2008.
• Units 1, 2, 3 and 4 at Darlington are all operating at high power.
• Darlington is planning a tour of their facilities for the Ontario Minis of
in conducted a very successful tour for the DNHC on November
15, 2011.
• Darlington received the prestigious Corporate Habitat of the Year Award this
week from the Wild Life Habitat Council. This the second time Darlington
has received the Award and Pickering has also received it twice.
• Darlington was also nominated for the Pollinator Award and recognized for
their strong community partnership with Courtice High School.
Jennifer Knox, Manager, Public Affairs, at Darlington Nuclear, can be reached at
(905) 697 -7443 by e -mail at Jennifer.knoxgopg_com for more information.
6.3 Community Issues at OPG
Jennifer Knox provided an update on the Community Issues that OPG is
supporting. The highlights of Jennifer's presentation were:
• OPG is a sponsor of the Tourism Summit and Durham Art of Transition
Creative Awards with Don Terry serving on the Judging Panel.
• OPG received the Stewardship Award from the Central Lake Ontario
Conservation Authority in recognition of their ongoing support of the
Durham Children's Groundwater Festival.
• OPG participated in the "Take your Kids to Work" program and
approximately 400 students participated.
• OPG employees support several holiday - themed events in December to help
the less fortunate and ensure they are not forgotten by the community.
7.0 Other Business
7.1 Topics Inventory Update
Robert Kyle indicated the Topics Inventory will be , revised to include the
presentations made today and it is attached as Appendix 5.
7.2 Scheduled DNHC meetings for 2012
Robert Kyle indicated the scheduled DNHC meetings for 2012 are:
• .January 13th to be hosted by Darlington Nuclear
• April 13th to be hosted by the Health Department
• June 15th to be hosted Pickering Nuclear
• September 14th to be hosted by UOIT
• November 16th to be hosted by Darlington Nuclear
73 Future Topics for the DNHC to Consider
Robert Kyle indicated the topics for discussion at the next meeting on January 13,
2012 or future DNHC meetings may include:
• Progress. Report from NWMO on the Site Selection Process
• Progress Report from DEMO on the Emergency Preparedness in Durham
• Progress Report from OPG on Emergency Preparedness
• Report from the Ministry of Health and Long -Term Care on their new
Radiological Nuclear Health Crisis Response Plan
8.0 Next Meeting
Date January 13, 2012
Time 12:00 PM Lunch served
1:00 PM Meeting begins
Host Darlington Nuclear
Location Courtice Community Complex
2950 Courtice Road
Meeting Room A
Municipality of Clarington, Ontario
9.0 Adjournment at 3:45 PM
1 -3
Newcastle Manorial Arena AllangZe ie't Boaid
Municipality Of'ClatAii �io,tOn
Minutes of Meeting — Tuesday November 8`r', 2011
(Not vet approved by Committee)
In Attendance — Gord Lee, Chair Larry Burke, Vice Chair°
Carol Little, A -Anne Raymond, Gary Oliver, Bob Holmes, Councillor, Willie Moo
Arena Manager, Bryan Wiltshire
Regrets - Gord Blaker, Councillor, Wendy Partner
1. Call to Order — 7:12 P.M.
2. Adoption of Minutes — Motion # 11 -130 was proposed:
THAT: The minutes of October 11, 2011 is approved, as presented; with no
additions, deletions or, changes.
Moved by: Gary Oliver Seconded by: Larry Burke
3. Arena Manager's Report —Brian advised that NVMHA wanted to meet with us
early in the New Year for discussions on fitture ice rental times for the 2012 -13
seasons. Adjustments need to be made, due to the lack ofAIE Teams in their
league, now. There are also concerns with OMHA amalgamation of certain ice
centres and Newcastle — Orono may be part of that scenario.
Also, the energy rebate application to Veridian had been completed for the new
lighting installed and a cheque would be forwarded to us within 8 -10 weeks.
Regarding maintenance, concerns of water leakage from the showers to the hall
area need to be addressed. He was going to try a silicone sealer to the floor tiles
in the hall. Barring that not working, we would need to address the issue this
spring, once the ice is out.
4. Financial Report — YTD Income statement was provided along with Accounts
Receivable — Gord Lee advised. $40, 000.00 had been removed from the GIC to
cover the lighting project and the new compressor for the refrigeration plant.
Requests to Mr. Horvath for some financial help on these projects had been
unsuccessful. Although, these items appear to fall under the `Building Envelope "
Which is part of the Operations Department, they need to be requested and
budgeted much sooner in advance for us to receive any financial help. In
addition, if the funds are available through the business operation of the arena, it
would be logical to use those monies for arena improvements. Projects like those
two we just completed, in the fall only help to reduce our future operating costs.
If the money is available in our account, we need not be asking the municipality
.for funding assistance. Our board members can be commended for the current
financial shape the arena is in and the way the arena business is being handled.
Our biggest financial operating concern is attempting to provide a profit fi°om the
snack bar. Again this year, even with board volunteer management and a
reduction of $8, 000.00 in wages on the snack bar payroll, we will not make a
profit Having a Tim's around the corner, doesn't help the situation. Minimum
wages of $9.60 to $10.25 per hour is also difficult to budget. Several evenings
throughout the season; wages are more than revenue. Games bring families —
practices don't.
Business Follow -up from Previous Meetings
• Lobby Bleachers —Getting closer to reality —According to Gord Blaker; they are
built and now being painted. Stay tuned.
5. New Business: Nothing to report at this time.
6 Next Meeting — Christmas Dinner at Massey House Restaurant
December 12, 2011— 6:45 P.M.
7, Adjournment — Motion # 11 -131 was proposed:
THAT: The meeting is adjourned
Moved by: Bob Holmes Seconded by: Carol Little
ikizaela 1
(a) EGD- 001 -12 Train Whistle Cessation
THAT the delegation of Mr. Gary Jeffrey, regarding the annual update from the
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington, be received with thanks.
THAT Report PSD- 001 -12 be received; and
THAT any interested parties to Report PSD- 001 -12 be notified of Council's
THAT Report PSD- 002 -12 be received; and
THAT any interested parties listed in Report PSD- 002 -12 be notified of Council's
Report #1 - 2 - . January 16, 2012
THAT Report PSD- 003 -12 be received;
THAT the application submitted by Kaitlin Homes Aspen IV Ltd. to remove the
Holding (H) symbol be approved;
THAT the By -law attached to Report PSD- 003 -12 to remove the Holding (H) ,
symbol be passed and a copy forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham;
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 003 -12, any delegations and the
Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department be advised of Council's
THAT Report PSD- 004 -12 be received;
THAT the rezoning application submitted by Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, on behalf
of Bruce and Karen Ellis, be approved and that the proposed Zoning By -law
contained in Attachment 2 of Report PSD- 004 -12 be passed and that no further
public meeting be deemed necessary; and
THAT the Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department, all interested
parties listed in Report PSD- 004 -12 and any delegations be advised of Council's
THAT Report EGD- 002 -12 be received;
THAT the Region of Durham be requested to provide Bikelinx funding for sheltered
bicycle parking in Clarington at the locations identified in Report EGD- 002 -12; and
THAT, should Clarington receive funding,
authorized to execute an agreement with
the funds.
the Mayor and Municipal Clerk be
the Region governing the expenditure of
Report #1 - 3 - January 16, 2012
THAT all Members of Council be provided with copies of the job postings for the
new employee positions proposed in the 2012 budget.
THAT Staff report to Council with the detailed information regarding the cost and
feasibility of potentially implementing whistle cessation at all urban area crossings,
including but not limited to Mearns Avenue, Lambs Road, Cobbledick Road and
Bennett Road crossings; and
THAT Staff describe the steps that would need to be taken to implement said
January 16, 2012
2012 -001 Being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning
By -law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (Kaitlin
Homes Aspen IV Ltd. (Item 5 of Report 41)
2012 -002 Being a by -law to amend By -law 8463, the Comprehensive Zoning
By -law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (Bruce
and Karen Ellis (Item 6 of Report #1)
C dig
Leading the Ways
To: Mayor Foster and Members of Council
From: Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk
Date: January 13, 2012
Subject: COUNCIL AGENDA — JANUARY 16, 2012
Please be advised of the following regarding Monday's meeting:
See final list of eg tions attached.
Patti L. Barrie, CMO
Municipal Clerk
PLB /cf
cc: Frank Wu, Chief Administrative Officer
Department Heads
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1 C 3A6 T 905 - 623 -3379 F 905 - 623 -6506
January 16, 2412
a) Libby Racansky -- Review of Hancock Neighbourhood (Correspondence Item
D -7)
� �i
Why there is concern about this review?
• This Neighbourhood review was promised to
us at first by Mayor Mutton Council
• ...again by Mayor Abernethy Council
• ...and now we need concrete assurance in
writing from you that this review will be finally
W hy?
DATE, Saptenber 14, 1994
S.R_t 3759 -94
KAMO TO: The Chaixra and Members of the Aumh —ity
8ROX: Chris Conti, Conservaticn Sexvicos Manager
SUBJECT= Corrccpoadcncp Ltem #9'8832 rc§drda ,e' protcctlDO
4.f E=VXC0=MCntX1Z1y Soasitivc Areas is CUastioc
As are aware, de're.l opewnt Flea been Occurring -n the CourtiGc
area GinCe ow nid- 1g70's. NvuLerous environmental and water
managemeat concerns for urbza3zati�an of the area- have been apperent
for many years,_
the Avrthority'a Environmental Scrositiwity napping Project identified_
aoe% of the exitting Covrtiex ur -bar. Brea sa Scirg aithan the two
' highest level -B of environmental ssnsiti.Pity. As part of the La7c0
iroquais shoreline, the area- providrai— m —Tcai recharge function
othe groandwatcr cupply. nt. onctimc, mucfY oEthC area s•.z3
forosted -ith a perched watez tab_e. This created "extensive areas
of wet iorast.which provided' unique habitat.
The X thorny ha.^, azprcaacs coaa>":rs for t2+c cnvironrncntal aenaitivity
of the area a number of tiuca ever the years. A detailed
environaental analy:lia for _he orhan area was eaftpleeted in 5981_
.�omc re eosnmendnt3ana of .hie repo =t Were incarporatdd into
aeighboushood plans. Also, stosmwatcr management plane and master
dzairage studies have been. completed La= wich of the Couctice area
:Aartly as a restait o£ the AVthori.ty "s 3ffortz tsee attached reports).
The abovr.-notad rorrPCprrva¢nre, hove -ex, is dE= scribing environmental
eh.=Ves which have occurred. While, not every Statement in the
tetber may be totally accurate, the Changes descxib6d are the type
that tov.ld he expected to result tram arbanization_ Large 2orested M
areas havft Yenwn e1An -raF; on land_S designated as open space prior
to approve or approp•rxate official plate amendments. Tha area
Is vastly different than it was is the mid- sovsRtios when
nrh,tn;xa tj.ran of thv a.rva hogAn.
'The area bas changed partly because not 411 controls on activities
-rn l,rote t environmental gun S; trc;.ty -arc.' fnllnvaR„ A"A be AJ'ae
oaatrols on some types of activities are nn Ysnfflci.ent fif-e. tree
clearixg). ffo,ove,r•' change react likoly woad have resulted anyway
because the .special envirenment of the Courticee area is not
oencistent with the, type of arban.irs°_ien that Ass occurred. it
simply is not a suitabla; area for this degrees of urbaxrization.
TbeL letter le propor ing that Stronger eavirenroental controls 15-a
exercised to protect what is rQ-1 --irs in eourtice. -Staff azo
not aware of moans to iaeorpccrate such :asttrols is the Sovitoanental
9SMI of Aighta ao ouggcatcd in. the- 0000na laaE paragraph.
Fro the Autluaritly'a peropect.ive, wbmt ie. required is a roecbaniffim
to maseao "the existing state of the envirenaeat th determine if
it really has been damaged and to what extent. The potential for
impacts from future deVelopment ahouid then be e14luatc41 based
mpon the goals -and objectives of the cc- suaity -din ludiag the author
vf, the letter}, for the xeaoorces :L. the vaterahed. This evaluation
crag best be. carried out through pxcp.+ratioa of a watershed plan
for the Yrarewell Creek vatexahed.
cont.'d: ...... 2-
fL ��
Figwe is t�adc�nor�r ESreal�s R deBgif�ralio�s sad dtsr�e to st►��
P9gr 10 d27
4 � �
4 sAa
� i'oer
!'Rensuµ fllNl:i/aWp
ayeMmpiri964laS �!M
— nytn asm
41R 'ESY
Figwe is t�adc�nor�r ESreal�s R deBgif�ralio�s sad dtsr�e to st►��
P9gr 10 d27
There was no interest by our sta' Si r
to r „,l, _ rf i ferestto
conduct EA to find out
which areas could and could not be devehcpd �`M1,J`LOCA, MMAH)
Even though Amendment # 19 ESAs were approved in 1978 and the Amendment # 12 for
development was approved in 1980. and the principle of development earlier is not proven.
Drawdown in 3A was ittle bit less than 1m according to Golder
Drawdown in 3B was L % meter, according to Gartner Lee and
Drawdown in 3C (Hancock Neighbourhood) was established to be by 50 cm
according to Gibson
What is then the cumulative impact on the water basin located below this
development ? ?? CLOCA watershed study 2011 did not give us this answer.
" What we do on the land reflects in our water" (fisheries)
VV--WWTFr-rCWect PPS and then they
the EIS will establish buffers.
r;peen House to obtain feedback from
after the project is approved in the
Iget. if approved in the 2012 budget
- FlFi r I
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Profile of wells and groundwater on Han000k Road
Based on GItrson study 1991
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