HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-03-09Clarington Clarington Anti -Black Racism Subcommittee Wednesday, March 9, 2022, 6:00 PM Microsoft Teams If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext 2131 Present: Councillor Ron Hooper Jasmyne Julien Meera McDonald Rochelle Thomas Also Present: Erica Mittag - Municipality of Clarington Melissa Redden - Clarington Public Library Regrets: Angela Todd -Anderson Hawa Mire Lauren Reyes -Grange Rachel Traore 1. Land Acknowledgement Rochelle shared Clarington's Land Acknowledgement Statement. 2. Review of Agenda - Declarations of Interest Members were asked if they would like to declare any items of interest. No concerns were shared. 3. Presentation — Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board Jeannie Armstrong, Superintendent, and Mante Molepo, Equity Advisor, shared an update on equity and inclusion activities conducted recently at the Board. They are currently consulting on their equity and inclusion policy. Current document released in 2013. All Boards must have a similar policy. Board has gone further than what has been mandated as much has changed in the landscape of diversity and inclusion over the last 10 years. They are looking to embed anti -racism, reconciliation, and human rights to the policy. They will incorporate ways to ensure they can measure their progress. Within Clarington, the Board held consultations on anti -Black racism in November / December 2021. They are currently looking at ways to implement the findings and ensure concerns are being addressed and measured over time. One item that was recently reviewed but has been identified as a concern for Black students who may be disproportionately affected, is the Dress Code policy. They are currently looking at this policy as well. The Board has procured books that reflect diverse social identities — will be distributed to the schools. They are also conducting a review of HR documents for recruitment of Black, racialized, and Indigenous staff across the Board. The Board wants to be set up to ensure these employees know they have a voice at the table. There is work being done on the progression for staff and professional development for all, including principals. They have offered board wide anti -racism training for all staff — in person and virtual (includes inclusive and equitable education). The Board is looking at ways to incorporate celebrating Black history throughout the year and not just in February. They have been also offering support for response to various situations and increasing partnerships with communities as it is important that the committees of the Board represent the community they serve. They are currently recruiting members for the Faith and Equity Advisory Committee. Jeannie will share the Terms of Reference of the Advisory Committee (albeit it is currently under review) and the mandate so members can determine if they, or someone from their network, would like to be involved. Mante shared that the Board is seeking feedback on their draft Equity and Inclusive Education Policy (shared with meeting minutes). Please provide comments through the feedback form by March 22, 2022. 4. Review Notes from Previous Meeting Members reviewed the notes from the February 9, 2022, meeting. Members discussed the Black History Month event movie screening and expressed a gratitude and appreciation for the event. The speaker, Zechariah Thomas, would like to connect with the Diversity Advisory Committee and Anti -Black Racism Subcommittee, to look at ways to work with sports organizations to address racism within sport. Melissa and the team at the Clarington Public Library were thanked for their great support in hosting and their technology for the event. 5. Clarington Community Safety Advisory Council The Durham Regional Police Service is looking at race -based data collection, which is part of the four -point plan to address systemic barriers. There will be town hall events to consult on gathering this data. There will be a four-part series. The first session is invitation only for elected representatives, anti -racism task force members and other stakeholders. Erica will confirm and share the invitation with the appropriate individuals to attend. Jasmyne will follow up on what and who will be the audience for the remaining three events. 6. DAC and ABRSC Activity Log Rochelle and Erica had met offline to develop a template for an activity log of work accomplished and in progress by the DAC, ABRSC and the internal Staff team. Erica shared on the screen but will send out a link to an accessible version of the document so that members can view it and see the accomplishments to date. This will be a good tool to track progress and initiatives. 7. Other Business Melissa shared that she's been looking into a speaker series. DRPS has been contacted to partner on a book club and wanted to be sure there was a broader initiative across the Region however they have not followed up with Melissa. Melissa has also connected with other Durham Libraries to see if they are interested in partnering with DRPS to do a speaker series. There were concerns raised on partnering with the DRPS and the Durham Libraries would like to move forward in partnership to move the speaker series forward. Members were supportive of this approach. Meera shared that an individual from Bowmanville Rotary Club who represents their diversity committee has reached out to discuss partnership. Meera and Erica will work together to invite the representative to an upcoming meeting. Rochelle and Councillor Hooper shared concerns about the recent display of symbols of hate in the community and elsewhere, which coincided with the Ottawa protests. Rochelle shared an about links between the protestors and extremist organizations. Erica shared that Bill C-229 — An Act to amend the criminal code (banning symbols of hate) has passed its first reading on February 3, 2022. Councillor Hooper shared that the communication for advocacy to Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the Federal Coalition of Municipalities could be shared with the Region to support it from that level. Erica will share with Allison Hector -Alexander for discussion at the Anti -Racism Task Force. Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting: Wednesday, April 13, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.