HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-01-12Clarington Clarington Anti -Black Racism Subcommittee Wednesday, January 12, 2022, 6:00 PM Microsoft Teams If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext 2131 Present: Councillor Ron Hooper Angela Todd -Anderson Jasmyne Julien Lauren Reyes -Grange Also Present: Erica Mittag - Municipality of Clarington Melissa Redden - Clarington Public Library Sajida Kadri — Clarington Diversity Advisory Committee Regrets: Hawa Mire Meera McDonald Rachel Traore Rochelle Thomas 1. Land Acknowledgement Erica shared Clarington's Land Acknowledgement Statement. 2. Review of Agenda - Declarations of Interest Members were asked if they would like to declare any items of interest. No concerns were shared. 3. Review Notes from Previous Meeting Members reviewed the notes from the December 8, 2021 meeting. 4. Human Trafficking in Clarington Detective Constable Glen Hurst attended to provide an update on Human Trafficking (HT) in Clarington and Durham Region. The Human Trafficking Unit deals and monitors underage youth at risk. They provide victim based services, treating and providing care for victims. A secondary priority is arrests. They work to get the victims out of the sex trade, supported by Children's Aid Society workers and DBSCF workers. Based on what DRPS knows, Clarington is at the lower end of the scale in terms of incidents involving HT. Along the 401 corridor is a desired area for HT. There were two confirmed incidents in Clarington in the last 3 years. There has been news of recruitment within the schools — youth recruiting youth. There is currently an education component provided to grade 9 students who are taught about HT, supported by Victim Services. Detective Constable Hurst will look into how the education is being assessed to ensure it is working. In addition, awareness training is provided to front line workers, such as hotel staff and hospitals, so they may recognize the signs of HT and report it. How and what statistics are kept is constantly evolving. DRPS needs statistics to inform their work and understand what and why things are happening. Detective Constable Hurst will provide an update back to the group on how data is being shared with the public. He suggested inviting Carly Church, Victim Services, to a future meeting as she can provide some lived experience presentation. They know HT are seeking out vulnerable youth and are using coercion to get them to do things for them in the sex trade. Some don't even realize it is happening and may refer to their trafficker as my "boyfriend" or "partner". There are mostly female victims, and some male. They prey on the needs and wants of the vulnerable — offer them what is missing. The vulnerable are then convinced the sex trade is the best thing to do for themselves. If someone suspects a friend or family member is involved in HT, they can: • Visit https://www.stopht.com/home. • Call 905-579-1520 ext 5600 (DRPS non -emergency line) • Note: Do not contact DRPS through social media in these situations Victim Services provides resources for individuals based on needs. Detective Constable Hurst will check on how information is provided to individuals of marginalized groups. DRPS does not collect demographic data on perpetrators. Reporting of incidents are done through a consistent template. Concern was raised of racist undertones in reporting on social media sites. The sites where this is happening are grassroots informal social groups and posts / conversations are mediated by site admins. Detective Constable Glen Hurst was thanked for his presentation and discussion. The members look forward to hearing back from him and his team in the future. 5. Black History Month Plans Members of the Black History Month provided an update on planned activities: • Thursday, February 17 at 6:00 p.m.: Virtual screening of Ice Breakers movie with a discussion / question and answer with Zechariah Thomas. • Clarington Public Library — Reading Challenge / Lists and more: https://www.clarington-library.on.ca/blackhistorVmonth. • Clarington Public Library looking to partner with Sgt. Samuels from DRPS for an author speaker series throughout the year. • Clarington Museum will develop resources based on digitized historical newspapers and focus on prominent Black residents and their impact in the community. Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting: Wednesday, February 9, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.