HomeMy WebLinkAboutPDS-054-21Clarington Staff Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Joint Committees Date of Meeting: October 25, 2021 Report Number: PDS-054-21 Submitted By: Ryan Windle, Director of Planning and Development Services Andrew Reviewed By: C. Allison, CAO By-law Number: PLN15.18 File Number: Resolution#: JC-054-21 Report Subject: Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan Update Recommendation: 1. That Report PDS-054-21 be received for information. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-054-21 Report Overview Page 2 The purpose of this report is to inform Council of the completion of an update to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for the Lower Trent Region, Ganaraska Region and Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority shoreline areas, review the findings and recommendations for Clarington, and outline proposed next steps for implementation of the Plan. 1. Background 1.1 In 1990, the Central Lake Ontario (CLOCA), Lower Trent Region (LTRCA) and Ganaraska Region (GRCA) Conservation Authorities completed a shoreline management plan for the Lake Ontario shoreline within their respective jurisdictions. The Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan (Sandwell Swan Wooster Inc., December 1990) provided shoreline management direction, including defining flood and erosion limits, identifying concentrations of natural hazards in conflict with existing development ("Damage Centres"), and identifying land use considerations. 1.2 In 2017, an update of this Plan was jointly initiated by the three Conservation Authorities, with funding support from the National Disaster Mitigation Program and the affected municipalities (locally from Durham Region), with the Municipality providing in - kind support. The update provided an opportunity to account for physical shoreline changes that have occurred since completion of the original Plan, changing lake conditions as a result of new water level planning, climate change forecasting, and technological advances that contribute to improved data collection and modelling. 1.3 The objective of the renewed Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan (Zuzek Inc., Nov. 2020) (Plan) is to provide updated information and mapping of coastal hazards and to increase the resilience of coastal communities by providing information and direction for mitigating risk. The conceptual management approaches recommended in the Plan include a hierarchy of four approaches: Avoid, Accommodate, Protect and Retreat. 1.4 The Plan area covers a shoreline length of approximately 135 kilometers from Ajax to Carrying Place (Quinte West), including the entirety of Clarington's Lake Ontario shoreline area (approximately 35 kilometers). It further sub -divides the Plan area into 12 reaches, delineated based on sediment transport, sediment deposition and physical barrier (e.g. headlands and jetties) information and observations. 1.5 A Notice of Study commencement was released for the project in October 2018. Staff from Planning & Development Services and Public Works participated in a Steering Committee of municipal, provincial, federal, and Conservation Authority staff, receiving information and presentations throughout the project and providing input. Staff attended Municipality of Clarington Page 3 Report PDS-054-21 Council and Public Information Sessions held in November 2019 and provided comments on the Draft Plan released in June 2020. 1.6 The Plan contains information to assist the Conservation Authorities, municipalities, and shoreline property owners within the Plan area, including: • Shoreline photo inventories (2018 and 2019); • A breakdown of shoreline structure types presents along the shoreline and their current condition; • Updated flood, erosion and dynamic beach hazard limits and hazard maps; and • A reach -by -reach summary of conditions, threats, and recommendations. 1.7 The Plan defines hazards for the purposes of managing development along the shoreline to minimize / avoid future property damage and risk to life. It does not comment on or provide direction regarding the management of Lake Ontario outflows, as this is within the jurisdiction of the International Joint Commission. 1.8 The completed Plan and hazard mapping is available to the public on both the CLOCA website (https://www.cloca.com/lake-ontario-shoreline-hazard-manag) and GRCA website (https://www.grca.on.ca/programs-management/). An overall summary of the Plan is provided in CLOCA Board report SR5723-21. The Plan was endorsed by the CLOCA and GRCA Boards earlier this year. 2. Planning Policy Framework 2.1 The Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 (PPS) sets out the policy foundation for regulating the development and use of land in Ontario. Section 3.1 deals with the protection of public health and safety relating to natural hazards and requires that development be directed to areas outside of hazardous shoreline lands which are impacted by flooding, erosion and/or dynamic beach hazards. Section 3.1.2 of the PPS sets out specific prohibitions for development and site alteration in the dynamic beach hazard and areas where safe access cannot be maintained as a result of present natural hazards. In addition, Section 3.1.3 of the PPS requires that "Planning Authorities shall prepare for the impacts of a changing climate that may increase the risk associated with natural hazards." 2.2 A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2020 (Growth Plan) provides a framework for implementation of the PPS in the region. In implementing the PPS, the Growth Plan requires that growth management planning direct development away from hazardous lands (Policy 2.2.1 e)). Municipality of Clarington Page 4 Report PDS-054-21 2.3 The Durham Region Official Plan (DROP) designates the majority of Clarington's shoreline as "Waterfront Areas." Lands in the "Waterfront Areas" designation are to be developed as people -places, except for significant natural areas, which are to be protected in their natural states. The DROP recognizes development areas adjacent to the shoreline in Newcastle, Wilmot Creek and Port Darlington east of Bowmanville Creek as designated Living Areas. Notwithstanding, environment policies contained in Section 2 conform with the policy direction set out by the PPS, prohibiting development and site alteration within the dynamic beach hazard and areas that would not have safe access appropriate for the nature of the development and the natural hazard. 2.4 The Clarington Official Plan generally designates Clarington's Lake Ontario shoreline reach Environmental Protection Area and Waterfront Greenway. Similar to the DROP, the Official Plan recognizes the development areas adjacent to the shoreline in Newcastle, Wilmot Creek and Port Darlington east of Bowmanville Creek, designating these areas Urban Residential. The predominant use of land in the Waterfront Greenway designation is recreation, tourism uses, conservation and agricultural uses. Within areas designated Environmental Protection, permitted development is limited to low -intensity recreation and uses related to forest, fish and wildlife management or erosion control and stormwater management. 2.5 Some properties along the edge of Lake Ontario are designated in the Official Plan as being within the Regulatory Shoreline Area. Policies of the Regulatory Shoreline Area do not permit the construction of new buildings or structures of any type. Further, if an existing dwelling is destroyed or demolished, reconstruction must commence within a 24 month period, after which reconstruction is not permitted 2.6 Implementation of the policies set out in the Official Plan is achieved through zoning by- laws. A comprehensive review of Clarington's zoning by-laws to implement the Official Plan is underway and includes the updating of regulations for development along Clarington's shoreline to be consistent with provincial natural hazard policies. It is important to note, however, that an existing building or structure which is lawfully in existence prior to the passing of the relevant zoning by-law and which does not conform to the Official Plan, but continues to be used for such purposes, shall be deemed legal non -conforming. I Summary of Findings for Clarington Shoreline Reaches 3.1 The Plan includes 21 hazard maps for the Clarington shoreline, which identify updated erosion, flood and dynamic beach hazard limits across the entirety of Clarington's shoreline area. The hazard maps applicable to Clarington are provided in Attachment 1. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-054-21 Page 5 3.2 In general, the updated hazard mapping reflects a higher 100-year flood elevation of +76.01 m (IGLD85). In addition, the 100-year erosion rates for non -dynamic beach areas range from 0.17 to 0.59 m/year. For dynamic beaches, the 100-year erosion rates range from 0.11 to 0.25 m/year. 3.3 Existing buildings and structures are present within shoreline hazard limits in older development areas across Clarington, including in the Port Darlington, Wilmot Creek, and Bond Head areas, as well as along Lakeshore Road between Newcastle and Port Granby. The setback of new development from shoreline hazards can be seen in both the Lakebreeze and Port of Newcastle communities. The updated hazard mapping will change development limits across Clarington, generally increasing setbacks. 3.4 The Plan sub -divides Clarington's shoreline area amongst four reaches, as follows: • Reach 3 — Oshawa Harbour to St. Marys; • Reach 4 — St. Marys to Bowmanville Harbour; • Reach 5 — Port Darlington to Port of Newcastle; and • Reach 6 — Bond Head to Port Hope West Beach. 3.5 The summary of conditions and recommendations for each of these reaches is provided in Attachment 2. 3.6 Infrastructure (engineered and natural) threats identified along Clarington's shoreline include the following: • Inland migration of the barrier beach in Darlington Provincial Park; • Unprotected shoreline area at the end of the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station; • Poor structural condition of the west jetty at Bowmanville Creek; • Sediment transmission into the navigation channels at Bowmanville Creek and Graham Creek; • Flooding and/or erosion threat for existing development areas within hazard limits; and • Erosion threat, compounded by sediment deficit, for Port Darlington East Beach Park and Bond Head Park. 3.7 The Plan provides management recommendations for each reach, which will require both public and private landowner action to implement. The management recommendations for the reaches that capture Clarington's shoreline have been divided into four categories and are summarized in Table 1. Reach -specific recommendations are provided in Attachment 2. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-054-21 Page 6 Table 1. Summary of Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan (Zuzek Inc., Nov. 2020) Recommendations for Clarington's Shoreline Reaches Category Summary of Recommendations Ecosystem - Maintain natural bluff environments and buffers - Continue dune restoration at Port Darlington West Beach Park Monitoring - Conduct routine monitoring of the existing shore protection at Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, St. Marys Cement and Wilmot Creek Retirement Community - Monitor the waterfront trail location relative to the eroding bluffs at the Port of Newcastle - Monitor bluff crest regression and slope stability along the Bond Head Bluffs and implement frequent hazard map updating Infrastructure - Structural upgrades to the west jetty at Bowmanville Creek and the jetties at Graham Creek - Development of sediment by-passing programs at Bowmanville Creek and Graham Creek to nourish eroding park areas to the east of these locations - Implementation of flood proofing measures for development on low lying lands within the hazard limit Land Use Planning - Avoid further development on hazardous lands - Consideration of community scale solutions for hazard protection or retreat for land subject to acute hazard risk 3.8 Climate change impacts are also assessed in the Plan and it is noted that warmer winters will cause a reduction in ice cover on Lake Ontario, with ice -free winters predicted by late century. Winter ice cover and shoreline ice accumulations in spring protect shoreline areas from wave impacts. Without ice protection, winter and spring wind events will drive waves into the shoreline and cause greater shoreline erosion. 4. Implementation 4.1 A collaboration of municipal, Conservation Authority, provincial and federal agencies, and shoreline property owners will be needed to meet the objectives of the Plan and implement strategies to mitigate risks. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-054-21 4.2 Initiatives already completed or underway include: Page 7 • Adoption of the Clarington Flood Response Plan by Council in December 2017 and its incorporation into the Municipality of Clarington Emergency Plan; • Updating of natural hazard mapping by CLOCA and GRCA to reflect shoreline flood hazard, erosion hazard, and dynamic beach hazards as mapping in the Plan; • An Erosion Analysis and Report for the jetty at Bond Head Park to identify solutions to identify long-term strategies for beach nourishment and erosion prevention and conceptual design alternatives for repair of the jetty and beach area; • A comprehensive review of Clarington's zoning by-laws, which will implement shoreline natural hazard policies of the Clarington Official Plan, as amended by Official Plan Amendment 107, and updated natural hazard mapping; • Submission of correspondence by the Municipality to Fisheries and Oceans Canada — Small Craft Harbours, the federal agency responsible for piers on the east and west of the channel entrance at Bowmanville Creek, requesting they carry out the work identified by the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan (Attachment 3); • Initiation by CLOCA of a Lake Ontario Shoreline Hazard Summary, Risk Assessment and Management Plan to better understand and quantify the risks associated with the hazards where existing development has been identified within the shoreline hazard limits and to identify potential mitigation solutions to eliminate or reduce the risks; • Integration of relevant shoreline hazard management recommendations into the Clarington Corporate Climate Action Plan, supporting coordination of mitigation and resiliency planning for areas of Municipal authority; and • Development of flood risk assessment data and public communications strategy by the Region of Durham, in consultation with local municipalities and community stakeholders, to raise awareness across Durham Region about climate change related flood risks, improve flood preparedness. 4.3 The potential cost implications to address management recommendations for existing development within the shoreline hazard limits will be significant and requires support from local Conservation Authorities and other levels of government. The Municipality and the local Conservation Authorities continually explore funding options to contribute to addressing shoreline changes in the community. 4.4 The frequency for future updating the plan to reflect notable changes in natural hazard policy, Lake Ontario water level regulation, or physical changes to the shoreline will need to be further explored with the Conservation Authorities. In addition, Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-054-21 Page 8 implementation will need to consider roles and responsibilities for shoreline erosion monitoring. 4.5 To support the prioritization of actions that are the responsibility of the Municipality to implement from the updated Plan, the Planning & Development Services Department has budget allocated to undertake an update to the Municipality of Clarington Waterfront Study completed in 1993. This Study outlined the need for land acquisition and development of waterfront parks for the Courtice, Bowmanville and Newcastle urban centres. In particular it emphasized public access to the waterfront and was the basis for the Waterfront Trail linkages through Clarington. The recommendations of this Study have been largely implemented. Compiling data and background information gathering will continue through the fall, drafting and issuance of Terms of Reference for the engagement of consulting services to undertake the update study is anticipated early in 2022. 5. Concurrence This report has been reviewed by the Director of Public Works who concurs with the recommendation. 6. Conclusion 6.1 The updated Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan (Zuzek Inc., November 2020) provides updated hazard limits and management recommendations for the shoreline reaches within the Municipality. 6.2 The information contained in the Plan provides the Municipality with important information to address provincial land use planning policy requirements for shoreline areas. Beyond implementing the updated shoreline hazard mapping, the Municipality, the Region of Durham, GRCA and CLOCA have a number of initiatives underway or planned that will contribute to reducing coastal risks and increasing community resilience. 6.3 Implementation of the Plan will require resources and collaboration, both public and private. Where shoreline hazards pose a significant risk to human safety and property, collaboration with senior levels of government will be needed to implement strategies to mitigate the risk. Staff will continue to seek funding opportunities to support Municipal projects that will contribute to implementation of the Plan. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-054-21 Page 9 Staff Contact: Amy Burke, Senior Planner, 905-623-3379 ext. 2423 or aburke@clarington.net. Attachments: Attachment 1 — Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan (2020) Hazard Maps — Clarington Attachment 2 — Summary of Conditions and Recommendation, Reach 3 — 6 (Clarington) Attachment 3 — Letter to Small Crafts and Harbours regarding West Jetty at Bowmanville Interested Parties: The following interested parties will be notified of Council's decision: Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Port Darlington Community Association St. Marys Cement Ontario Power Generation Attachment 1 to Report PDS-054-21 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping` 100 Year Flood Level o The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded 100 Year Flood Level during any year of 1% (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Year v Combined Flood Level elevation for CLOCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 (+75.55 m CGVD2013) e"e.•'' Erosion Hazard Limit . N❖` Flood Hazard Limit Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit Base Mapping_ Geographical Names o Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) — Road Network Topographic Contours (2 m interval) CLOCA Administrative Boundary Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves For embayments, the standardized 15 m setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Toe of Bluff The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. 0 Stable Slope Allowance 0 0 The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. Erosion Hazard Limit The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverme erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood Shoreline Management Plan. The hazard limits are not the official Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. Local conditions may o0 regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the require a modified mapping approach if the beach is eroding and/or a 00 barrier beach. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Mana ement Plan � Conservation Authority for additional details on the regulatory limit g v and implications for new development. report for additional details. DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2018 Orthophotography provided by © First Base Solutions Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.46 to (average) Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 2018 Digital Terrain Model provided by © First Base Solutions 0.46 in. Note: There are local variations along the reaches 2016 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. within CLOCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMPfor Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. O 5� 1�0 additional details. N 2�� Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X W E I in Inset Map: © OpenStreetMap contributors S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° Oxf aereae. zu m S.J.lAGa11 �� 100189144 Zuzek inc. ° ° ENGINEERING ocofi ONE WORLD tvwrek. sip 7A This map was published March 2020 for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (CLOCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic CLOCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability beach areas, is subject to change. The proponent of e, proposed development on or adjacent arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or to the hazardous lands should contact CLOCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. 1r 'a 28 ss oi5Yars f 36 't37 4 % Oshawa I1 ` %� �`� 3 34 35 3 r� •6 _ _« 36 sz ''. mr9 ` \ ���apa/� 31 3 Ers�alb f/f a� I Whitby ` �� ��f 18 19 t � zs"ta3eyzs 29 30 '1.. oaa�1 10 I I 12 13 ° �l 3 7 N� 0 4 5 8 9 o t 2 ^� 1 LAKE O N T A R I O 676800 677000 677200 677400 677600 677800 b �'O a` 9 1 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, .s with support from Durham Region. 0 5 1 i i i i -1km hf Central CLOCA 100 Whiting Avenue Lake Ontario Oshawa, Ontario4113T3 PhonC O N S E R V A T I O N Web: ww5cloca.cow Web: www.cloca.com/ Durham Region 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Telephone: 905-668-7711 Toll -Free: 1-800-372-1102 Web: www.durham.ca CLOCA Map 21 of 37 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Ma 100 Year Flood Level 0 o N In The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and 10 storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded 100 Year Flood Level during any year of 1 % (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Year Combined Flood Level elevation for CLOCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 �`°...•'' Erosion Hazard Limit (+75.55 in CGVD2013). . N❖` Flood Hazard Limit Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit Base Mapping; Geographical Names o Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) — Road Network Topographic Contours (2 m interval) CLOCA Administrative Boundary Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves For embayments, the standardized 15 in setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Toe of Bluff The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. o 0 0 Stable Slope Allowance oOo The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff Erosion Hazard Limit The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood c Shoreline Management Plan. The hazard limits are not the official Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. Local conditions may regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the require a modified mapping approach if the beach is eroding and/or a Conservation Authority for additional details on the regulatory limit barrier beach. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan v and implications for new development. report for additional details. DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2018 Orthophotography provided by © First Base Solutions Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.46 m (average) Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 2018 Digital Terrain Model provided by © First Base Solutions 0.46 m. Note: There are local variations along the reaches 2016 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. within CLOCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMPfor Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. O 5� l�� 2�� Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X w E I Ira Inset Map: ©OpenStreetMap contributors S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° v rerEae. zu� m � S.J.IAGaa �� 100189144 Zuzek inc. ° ° ENGINEERING oco� ONE WORLD tvwrdn sip Z�W This map was published March 2020 for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (CLOCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic CLOCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability beach areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or to the hazardous lands should contact CLOCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. '\ 'r 2s ss 'r 135Y+r 4 % Oshawa zz ` i� !�� 3 34 3531 \. f/f z5raa39/Fz \.. Whitby ` �✓ � ✓� 18 19 r 29 30 oa✓�� 10 11 12 13 ° �l 4 5 8 Y o\r� 2- o r , raj 1 LAKE O N T A R I O Reach M O b O\ h 00 V 677800 678000 678200 678400 678600 678800 b �'O o` 9 �1 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, with support from Durham Region. 0 5 1 i i i i -1 km off Central CLOCA 100 Whiting Avenue Lake Ontario Oshawa, Ontario3T3 phone:5411 CO N S E R V A T I O N Web:www.cloca.com/ Durham Region 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Telephone: 905-668-7711 Toll -Free: 1-800-372-1102 Web: www.durham.ca CLOCA Map 22 of 37 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Ma 100 Year Flood Level 0 o N In The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and 10 storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded 100 Year Flood Level during any year of 1 % (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Year Combined Flood Level elevation for CLOCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 �`°...•'' Erosion Hazard Limit (+75.55 in CGVD2013). . N❖` Flood Hazard Limit Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit Base Mapping; Geographical Names o Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) — Road Network Topographic Contours (2 m interval) CLOCA Administrative Boundary Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves For embayments, the standardized 15 in setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Toe of Bluff The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. o 0 0 Stable Slope Allowance oOo The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent `r to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff Erosion Hazard Limit The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood c Shoreline Management Plan. The hazard limits are not the official Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. Local conditions may regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the require a modified mapping approach if the beach is eroding and/or a Conservation Authority for additional details on the regulatory limit barrier beach. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan v and implications for new development. report for additional details. DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2018 Orthophotography provided by © First Base Solutions Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.46 m (average) Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 2018 Digital Terrain Model provided by © First Base Solutions 0.46 m. Note: There are local variations along the reaches 2016 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. within CLOCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMPfor Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. O 5� l�� 2�� Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X w E I Ira Inset Map: ©OpenStreetMap contributors S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° v rerEae. zu� m � S.J.IAGaa �� 100189144 Zuzek inc. ° ° ENGINEERING oco� ONE WORLD tvwrdn sip Z�W This map was published March 2020 for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (CLOCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic CLOCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability beach areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or to the hazardous lands should contact CLOCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. '\ 'r 2s ss 'r 135Y+r 4 % Oshawa zz ` i� ��� 3 34 3531 \. '`1so' �.. S`GI6 f/f a� I Wh flay ` �n; ✓� 18 19 t sz5~ 1 �y 29 30 •\ oa✓�� 10 11 12 13 ° �l N� 0 4 8 9 o\r� 2- o r , mi 1 LAKE O N T A R I O Reach M O b O\ h 00 V 678800 679000 679200 679400 679600 679800 b �'O o` 9 �1 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, with support from Durham Region. 0 5 1 i i i i -1 km off Central CLOCA 100 Whiting Avenue Lake Ontario Oshawa, Ontario3T3 phone:5411 CO N S E R V A T I O N Web:www.cloca.com/ Durham Region 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Telephone: 905-668-7711 Toll -Free: 1-800-372-1102 Web: www.durham.ca CLOCA Map 23 of 37 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Ma 100 Year Flood Level 0 o N In The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and 10 storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded 100 Year Flood Level during any year of 1 % (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Year Combined Flood Level elevation for CLOCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 �`°...•'' Erosion Hazard Limit (+75.55 in CGVD2013). . N❖` Flood Hazard Limit Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit Base Mapping; Geographical Names o Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) — Road Network Topographic Contours (2 m interval) CLOCA Administrative Boundary Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves For embayments, the standardized 15 in setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Toe of Bluff The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. o 0 0 Stable Slope Allowance oOo The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff Erosion Hazard Limit The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood c Shoreline Management Plan. The hazard limits are not the official Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. Local conditions may regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the require a modified mapping approach if the beach is eroding and/or a Conservation Authority for additional details on the regulatory limit barrier beach. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan v and implications for new development. report for additional details. DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2018 Orthophotography provided by © First Base Solutions Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.46 m (average) Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 2018 Digital Terrain Model provided by © First Base Solutions 0.46 m. Note: There are local variations along the reaches 2016 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. within CLOCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMPfor Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. 0 50 1�0 20� Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X w E I Ira Inset Map: ©OpenStreetMap contributors S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° v rerEae. zu� m � S.J.IAGaa �� 100189144 Zuzek inc. ° ° ENGINEERING oco� ONE WORLD tvwrdn sip Z�W This map was published March 2020 for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (CLOCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic CLOCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability beach areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or to the hazardous lands should contact CLOCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. 2s ss '3 'r ni5Ya3 ` % , s36 \37 a : Oshawa 11 ` ��� 3 34 35 t 3 31 tt a� I Whitby 5� 18 19 t .r 1e ass 29 30 '1.. 10 11 12 13 8 9 ° �l 5 n o 'try 2 1 LAKE O N T A R I O Reach M O b O� h 00 V 679800 680000 680200 680400 680600 680800 b �'O o` 9 �1 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, .t with support from Durham Region. 0 5 1 i i i i -1 km off Central CLOCA 100 Whiting Avenue Lake Ontario Oshawa, Ontario3T3 phone:5411 CO N S E R V A T I O N Web:www.cloca.com/ Durham Region 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Telephone: 905-668-7711 Toll -Free: 1-800-372-1102 Web: www.durham.ca CLOCA Map 24 of 37 680800 681000 681200 681400 681600 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and stone surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded 100 Year Flood Level during any year of 1 % (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Year Combined Flood Level elevation for CLOCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 �`°...•'' Erosion Hazard Limit (+75.55 in CGVD2013). . N❖` Flood Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 in setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Toe of Bluff The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the Base Mapping; steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. Geographical Names Stable Slope Allowance The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent O Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) Erosion Hazard Limit The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year — Road Network erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from Topographic Contours (2 m interval) the toe of the bank or bluff. r - CLOCA Administrative BOUriClary The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood Shoreline Management Plan. The hazard limits are not the official Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. Local conditions may regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the require a modified mapping approach if the beach is eroding and/or a Conservation Authority for additional details on the regulatory limit barrier beach. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan and implications for new development. report for additional details. 0 0 v DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2018 Orthophotography provided by © First Base Solutions Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.46 to (average) Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract O 2018 Digital Terrain Model provided by © First Base Solutions 0.46 m. ID Note: There are local variations along the reaches h 2016 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. within CLOCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMPfor � Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence - Ontario. additional details. Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X O 50 100 N 2.�� W E I Ira Inset Map: ©OpenStreetMap contributors S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° Oxf rerEae. zu m S.J.IAGatI �� 100189144 Zuzek inc. ° ° ENGINEERING ocofi ONE WORLD tvWrck. ill 7A This map was published March 2020 for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (CLOCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic CLOCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability beach areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty, of any kind, either expressed or to the hazardous lands should contact CLOCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. 4\yam ar a� I Whitby 1 a a l �! 3 Ajax T�� 0 4 5 r 2s ss ss Oshawa —fQ1e II 12 13 L A K E O N T A R I O isY+rs s� ` 36 7 2131 3 34 35 \ 3 � �\ 20 30 28 O' ah 0 0 10 v 680800 681000 681200 681400 681600 b �O n y�9 1 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, with support from Durham Region. 0 5 �km off Central 10Whi 100 Whiting Avenue Lake Ontario Oshawa, Ontario3T3 phone:5411 CO N S E R V A T I O N Web:www.cloca.cow/ Durham Region 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Telephone: 905-668-7711 Toll -Free: 1-800-372-1102 Web: www.durham.ca 0 0 0 v 0 0 v CLOCA Map 25 of 37 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded 100 Year Flood Level during any year of 1 % (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Year Combined Flood Level elevation for CLOCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 �`°...•'' Erosion Hazard Limit (+75.55 in CGVD2013). . N❖` Flood Hazard Limit Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit Base Mapping; Geographical Names o Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) — Road Network Topographic Contours (2 m interval) CLOCA Administrative Boundary Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave o effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. o 10 For embayments, the standardized 15 in setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Toe of Bluff The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. Stable Slope Allowance The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. Erosion Hazard Limit The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood Shoreline Management Plan. The hazard limits are not the official Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. Local conditions may regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the require a modified mapping approach if the beach is eroding and/or a Conservation Authority for additional details on the regulatory limit barrier beach. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan and implications for new development. report for additional details. DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2018 Orthophotography provided by © First Base Solutions Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.46 to (average) Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 2018 Digital Terrain Model provided by © First Base Solutions 0.46 m. Note: There are local variations along the reaches 2016 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. within CLOCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMPfor Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. O 5� l�� 2.�� Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X W E I Ira Inset Map: ©OpenStreetMap contributors S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° Oxf rerEae. zu m S.J.IAGaa �� 100189144 Zuzek inc. ° ° ENGINEERING ocofi ONE WORLD tvWrck. ill 7A This map was published March 2020 for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (CLOCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic CLOCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability beach areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty, of any kind, either expressed or to the hazardous lands should contact CLOCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. -_ '\ 28 ss r Y+rs ni5 S36\37 4 % Oshawa \ u ��� 3 3431 35 \ E �iSS�alb f/f a� I Whitby ` ✓! 18 19 t 39yz5 29 30 6 14 3 7 10 11 12 13 N� 0 4 5 8 9 Pl 1 LAKE O N T A R I O Reach M 0 0 O O 00 01 h 7 0 0 10 v 681800 682000 682200 682400 682600 682800 ra t'o o� 9 �1 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, with support from Durham Region. 0 5 1 i i i i -1km CLOCA off Central W'00 100 Whiting Avenue Lake Ontario Oshawa, Ontario3T3 phone:5411 CO N S E R V A T I O N Web:www.cloca.com/ Durham Region 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Telephone: 905-668-7711 Toll -Free: 1-800-372-1102 Web: www.durham.ca CLOCA Map 26 of 37 O 0 0 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded 100 Year Flood Level during any year of 1 % (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Year Combined Flood Level elevation for CLOCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 �`°...•'' Erosion Hazard Limit (+75.55 in CGVD2013). . N❖` Flood Hazard Limit Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit Base Mapping; Geographical Names o Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) — Road Network Topographic Contours (2 m interval) CLOCA Administrative Boundary Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave o effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. o For embayments, the standardized 15 in setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Toe of Bluff The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. Stable Slope Allowance The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. Erosion Hazard Limit The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood Shoreline Management Plan. The hazard limits are not the official Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. Local conditions may regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the require a modified mapping approach if the beach is eroding and/or a Conservation Authority for additional details on the regulatory limit barrier beach. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan and implications for new development. report for additional details. DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2018 Orthophotography provided by © First Base Solutions Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.46 to (average) Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 2018 Digital Terrain Model provided by © First Base Solutions 0.46 m. Note: There are local variations along the reaches 2016 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. within CLOCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMPfor Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence - Ontario. additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. O 5� l�� 2�� Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X W E I Ira Inset Map: ©OpenStreetMap contributors S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° Oxf rerEae. zu m S.J.IAGaa �� 100189144 Zuzek inc. ° ° ENGINEERING ocofi ONE WORLD tvWrck. ill 7A This map was published March 2020 for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (CLOCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic CLOCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability beach areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty, of any kind, either expressed or to the hazardous lands should contact CLOCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. -_ '\ 28 ss r Y+rs ni5 S36\37 4 % Oshawa \ u ��� 3 3431 35 \ E �iSS�alb f/f a� I Whitby ` ✓! 18 19 t 39yz5 29 30 6 14 3 7 10 II 12 13 y\— N� 0 4 5 8 9 Pl 1 LAKE O N T A R I O Reach M 0 0 O O 00 01 h 7 0 0 v 682800 683000 683200 683400 683600 683800 ra t'o o� 9 �1 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, with support from Durham Region. 0 5 1 i i i i -1km off Central 10Whi 100 Whiting Avenue Lake Ontario Oshawa, Ontario3T3 phone:5411 CO N S E R V A T I O N Web:www.cloca.com/ Durham Region 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Telephone: 905-668-7711 Toll -Free: 1-800-372-1102 Web: www.durham.ca CLOCA Map 27 of 37 0 0 10 0 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and stonn surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded 100 Year Flood Level during any year of 1 % (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Year Combined Flood Level elevation for CLOCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 �`°...•'' Erosion Hazard Limit (+75.55 in CGVD2013). . N❖` Flood Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 in setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Toe of Bluff The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the Base Mapping; steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. Geographical Names Stable Slope Allowance The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent O Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) Erosion Hazard Limit The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year — Road Network erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from Topographic Contours (2 m interval) the toe of the bank or bluff. r - CLOCA Administrative BOUriClary The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood Shoreline Management Plan. The hazard limits are not the official Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. Local conditions may regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the require a modified mapping approach if the beach is eroding and/or a Conservation Authority for additional details on the regulatory limit barrier beach. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan and implications for new development. report for additional details. DATA SOURCES: 0 o0 2018 Orthophotography provided by © First Base Solutions Datums: Datum Conversion: Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.46 to (average) 10 00 Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 7 2018 Digital Terrain Model provided by © First Base Solutions 0.46 m. Note: There are local variations along the reaches 2016 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. within CLOCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMPfor Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. additional details. Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X N O 5� l�� 2�� W E I Im Inset Map: ©OpenStreetMap contributors S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° Oxf rerEae. zu m S.J.IAGatI o �� 100189144 Zuzek inc. 2, ENGINEERING ocofi °` m ONE WORLD tve.r4l sip7A This map was published March 2020 for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (CLOCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic CLOCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability beach areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty, of any kind, either expressed or to the hazardous lands should contact CLOCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. <\yam ar Whitby 1 mkt a l �! 3 Ajax T�� 0 4 5 r :s ss 13` i Oshawa 22 aa� L A K E O N T A R I O t• o :t m v a•0f N� ` c! o n y�9 1 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, .t with support from Durham Region. 0 5 �km 683800 684000 684200 684400 684600 off Central 10Whi 100 Whiting Avenue Lake Ontario Oshawa, Ontario3T3 phone:5411 CO N S E R V A T I O N Web:www.cloca.com/ Durham Region 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Telephone: 905-668-7711 Toll -Free: 1-800-372-1102 Web: www.durham.ca 0 O m 7 CLOCA Map 28 of 37 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: 0 0 Hazard Mapping 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and stone surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded 100 Year Flood Level during any year of 1 % (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Year Combined Flood Level elevation for CLOCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 �`°...•'' Erosion Hazard Limit (+75.55 in CGVD2013). . N❖` Flood Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 in setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Toe of Bluff o The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the C:1 Base Mapping; steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. Geographical Names Stable Slope Allowance The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent O Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) Erosion Hazard Limit The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year — Road Network erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from Topographic Contours (2 m interval) the toe of the bank or bluff. r - CLOCA Administrative BOUriClary The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit 0 The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood o Shoreline Management Plan. The hazard limits are not the official Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. Local conditions may regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the require a modified mapping approach if the beach is eroding and/or a Conservation Authority for additional details on the regulatory limit barrier beach. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan and implications for new development. report for additional details. DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2018 Orthophotography provided by © First Base Solutions Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.46 to (average) Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 2018 Digital Terrain Model provided by © First Base Solutions 0.46 m. Note: There are local variations along the reaches 2016 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. within CLOCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMPfor Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. O 5� l�� 2�� Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X W E o I i i I I I i i Ira Inset Map: © OpenSacctMap contributors S o0 V PREPARED BY: •"` °°° Oxf rerEae. zu m S.J.lAGa11 �� 100189144 Zuzek inc. ° ° ENGINEERING ocofi ONE WORLD tvwrrk. sip 7A This map was published March 2020 for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (CLOCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic CLOCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability beach areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty, of any kind, either expressed or to the hazardous lands should contact CLOCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. 0 N 0 00 '\ : 2e 55 ; 5Y o1^rs / ` '\37 < % Oshawa \ u � / ��� 3 34 35 36 \ y� 1 ar _31 3 ,\ a� I aa Whitby ` �. 5f 18 ` 19 t 29y 25 29 30 20 21 J 22 23 24 25 26 2] 28 .rlr�h1 FJ17 3 7 10 II 12 13 N�� 0 4 5 8 9 o 1 LAKE O N T A R I O 684800 685000 685200 685400 685600 b �'O o` 9 �1 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, with support from Durham Region. 0 5 1 i i i i -1km ff Central CLOCA Wha 100 Whiting Avenue Lake Ontario Oshawa, Ontario4113T3 C O N S E R V A T I O N phone: 905- loca., 11 Web: www.cloca.com/ Durham Region 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Telephone: 905-668-7711 Toll -Free: 1-800-372-1102 Web: www.durham.ca 0 10 v 0 O W V 0 N 0 c CLOCA Map 29 of 37 0 N Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and stonn surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded 100 Year Flood Level during any year of 1 % (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Year Combined Flood Level elevation for CLOCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 �`°...•'' Erosion Hazard Limit (+75.55 in CGVD2013). . N❖` Flood Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 in setback is applied. Refer to the o Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. � Toe of Bluff The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the Base Mapping; steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. Geographical Names Stable Slope Allowance The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent O Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) Erosion Hazard Limit The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year — Road Network erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from Topographic Contours (2 m interval) the toe of the bank or bluff. r - CLOCA Administrative BOUriClary The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized is by c shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and subject to review o the Conservation Authority. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood Shoreline Management Plan. The hazard limits are not the official Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. Local conditions may regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the require a modified mapping approach if the beach is eroding and/or a Conservation Authority for additional details on the regulatory limit barrier beach. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan and implications for new development. report for additional details. DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2018 Orthophotography provided by © First Base Solutions Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.46 to (average) Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 2018 Digital Terrain Model provided by © First Base Solutions 0.46 m. Note: There are local variations along the reaches 2016 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. within CLOCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMPfor C Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence - Ontario. additional details. N 10 Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. 0 50 100 200 Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X W E I Ira Inset Map: ©OpenStreetMap contributors S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° Oxf rerEae. zu m S.J.lAGa11 �� 100189144 Zuzek inc. ° ° ENGINEERING ocofi ONE WORLD tvwrdn sip Z�W 0 0 c This map was published March 2020 for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither b (CLOCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic CLOCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability c0 beach areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty, of any kind, either expressed or to the hazardous lands should contact CLOCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. Louroce 2 '\ 28 ss r 135Y^rs < % Oshawa 22 !f ` 3 34 35 \ % 3\ 31 E 2S" a� i aa Whitby 18 19 t 39>•f25 29 30 F r¢ A 20 21 J 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .r lr�hl FJ 3 7 10 II 12 13 j_j ffig Pl 5 8 9 o�+^..— 1 LAKE O N T A R I O 685800 686000 686200 686400 686600 b �'O o` 9 �1 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, with support from Durham Region. 0 5 1 i i i i -1km CLOCA off Central W'00 100 Whiting Avenue Lake Ontario Oshawa, Ontario3T3 phone:5411 CO N S E R V A T I O N Web:www.cloca.cow/ Durham Region 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Telephone: 905-668-7711 Toll -Free: 1-800-372-1102 Web: www.durham.ca 000 m v O V 0 0 c b V CLOCA Map 30 of 37 0 N N Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and stonn surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded 100 Year Flood Level during any year of 1 % (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Year Combined Flood Level elevation for CLOCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 �`°...•'' Erosion Hazard Limit (+75.55 in CGVD2013). . N❖` Flood Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 in setback is applied. Refer to the o Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Toe of Bluff The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the Base Mapping; steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. Geographical Names Stable Slope Allowance The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent O Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) Erosion Hazard Limit The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year — Road Network erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from Topographic Contours (2 m interval) the toe of the bank or bluff. r - CLOCA Administrative BOUriClary The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized is byLo c shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and subject to review the Conservation Authority. 10 INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit v The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood Shoreline Management Plan. The hazard limits are not the official Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. Local conditions may regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the require a modified mapping approach if the beach is eroding and/or a Conservation Authority for additional details on the regulatory limit barrier beach. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan and implications for new development. report for additional details. DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2018 Orthophotography provided by © First Base Solutions Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.46 to (average) Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 2018 Digital Terrain Model provided by © First Base Solutions 0.46 m. Note: There are local variations along the reaches 2016 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. within CLOCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMPfor C Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence - Ontario. additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. 0 50 100 200 V Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X W I Ira Inset Map: ©OpenStreetMap contributors S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° Oxf aereae. zu m S.J.lAGa11 �� 100189144 Zuzek inc. ° ° ENGINEERING ocofi ONE WORLD tvwr4sip Z�W 0 0 v This map was published March 2020 for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (CLOCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic CLOCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability beach areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty, of any kind, either expressed or to the hazardous lands should contact CLOCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. Louroce 3 2 '\ 28 ss ni5Ya3c \ ` `' _ 36 '\17 < % Oshawa 22 y %31 ;\ �16 2S" Whtby �.� 18 19 t ' S.,ta3e2`3020 21 J 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .rlr�hl FJ 3 7 10 II 12 13 - RmW"'-Pl 5 8 9 o�^..— 2 1 LAKE O N T A R I O 686000 686200 686400 686600 686800 b �'O o` 9 �1 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, with support from Durham Region. 0 5 1--i i i i -1 km CLOCA off Central W'00 100 Whiting Avenue Lake Ontario Oshawa, Ontario3T3 phone:5411 CO N S E R V A T I O N Web:www.cloca.cow/ Durham Region 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Telephone: 905-668-7711 Toll -Free: 1-800-372-1102 Web: www.durham.ca O V 0 0 c b V CLOCA Map 31 of 37 0 N M 14 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and stonn surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded 100 Year Flood Level during any year of 1 % (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Year Combined Flood Level elevation for CLOCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 �`°...•'' Erosion Hazard Limit (+75.55 in CGVD2013). . N❖` Flood Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 in setback is applied. Refer to the o Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. 10 Toe of Bluff The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the Base Mapping; steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. Geographical Names Stable Slope Allowance The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent O Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) Erosion Hazard Limit The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year — Road Network erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from Topographic Contours (2 m interval) the toe of the bank or bluff. r - CLOCA Administrative BOUriClary The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, c localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by N the Conservation Authority. 10 v INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood Shoreline Management Plan. The hazard limits are not the official Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. Local conditions may regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the require a modified mapping approach if the beach is eroding and/or a Conservation Authority for additional details on the regulatory limit barrier beach. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan and implications for new development. report for additional details. DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2018 Orthophotography provided by © First Base Solutions Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.46 to (average) Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 2018 Digital Terrain Model provided by © First Base Solutions 0.46 m. Note: There are local variations along the reaches o 2016 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. within CLOCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMPfor Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. additional details. b N N 10 Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. 0 5� l�� 20� ` ` 00 V Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X W E I Im Inset Map: ©OpenStreetMap contributors S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° Oxf rerEae. zu m S.J.lAGa11 �� 100189144 Zuzek inc. ° ° ENGINEERING ocofi ONE WORLD tvwr4sip Z�W 0 0 c This map was published March 2020 for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (CLOCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic CLOCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability o0 7 beach areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty, of any kind, either expressed or to the hazardous lands should contact CLOCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. Louroce 2 '\ 28 ss r 135Y^rs < % Oshawa ` �/� 32 34 3512 \ 22 %\ 31 E 2S" a� I aa Whitby ` �.� � 18 19 t 3ey 26 29 30 \� 26 21 J 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .r:Yr nl FJ 3 7 10 II 12 13 - RmW"'-Pl 5 8 9 o�^..— 1 LAKE O N T A R I O cM lea, 686400 686600 686800 687000 687200 b �'O o` 9 �1 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, with support from Durham Region. 0 5 1 i i i i -1km CLOCA off Central W'00 100 Whiting Avenue Lake Ontario Oshawa, Ontario3T3 phone:5411 CO N S E R V A T I O N Web:www.cloca.cow/ Durham Region 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Telephone: 905-668-7711 Toll -Free: 1-800-372-1102 Web: www.durham.ca 0 10 00 0 b b v 0 0 c b V CLOCA Map 32 of 37 0 0 00 N 00 7 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping_ 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded 100 Year Flood Level during any year of 1 % (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Year Combined Flood Level elevation for CLOCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 Erosion Hazard Limit (+75.55 in CGVD2013). Flood Hazard Limit Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit Base Mapping; 11 Geographical Names O Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) — Road Network Topographic Contours (2 in interval) CLOCA Administrative Boundary Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 in setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Toe of Bluff The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. Stable Slope Allowance The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. Erosion Hazard Limit 0 v The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year C`1 erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood Shoreline Management Plan. The hazard limits are not the official Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. Local conditions may regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the require a modified mapping approach if the beach is eroding and/or a Conservation Authority for additional details on the regulatory limit barrier beach. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan and implications for new development. report for additional details. DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2018 Orthophotography provided by © First Base Solutions Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.46 m (average) Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 2018 Digital Terrain Model provided by © First Base Solutions 0.46 m. Note: There are local variations along the reaches 2016 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. within CLOCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMPfor Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence - Ontario. additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. O 5� I�� 2�� Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X W E I Ira Inset Map: ©OpenStreetMap contributors S PREPARED BY: , e e� QQpFEBalpy� s P v9®� v w TT � GTy a tWiERJ.ZI K o V L SJ.89144 'y .J. LO144 Zuzek inc. ° ENGINEERING N ryeE of ONE WORLD t1, 20 Z1 This map was published March 2020 for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (CLOCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic CLOCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability beach areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or to the hazardous lands should contact CLOCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. ro I ®� u •-r. '� r, 4isYsr6 Oaf 4 6 Oshawa - I/� 3 34 35 131 Whitby Is II 12 13 L A K E O N T A R I O Reach O O O v 687000 687200 687400 687600 687800 ra t'o 0 y�9 1 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, .1 with support from Durham Region. 0 5 MAP PUBLISHED MARCH 2O20 km Revised April 2021 off Central 10Whi 100 Whiting Avenue Lake Ontario Oshawa, Ontario4113T3 C O N S E R V A T I O N phone: 905- 579-Web: www.cloca 11 loca.com/ Durham Region 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Telephone: 905-668-7711 Toll -Free: 1-800-372-1102 Web: www.durham.ca 0 0 ao N 00 7 0 v v O O CLOCA Map 33 of 37 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and stonn surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded 100 Year Flood Level during any year of 1 % (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Year Combined Flood Level elevation for CLOCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 �`°...•'' Erosion Hazard Limit (+75.55 in CGVD2013). . N❖` Flood Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 in setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Toe of Bluff The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the Base Mapping; steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. Geographical Names Stable Slope Allowance The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent O Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) Erosion Hazard Limit The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year — Road Network erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from Topographic Contours (2 m interval) the toe of the bank or bluff. r - CLOCA Administrative BOUriClary The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood Shoreline Management Plan. The hazard limits are not the official Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. Local conditions may regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the require a modified mapping approach if the beach is eroding and/or a Conservation Authority for additional details on the regulatory limit barrier beach. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan and implications for new development. report for additional details. DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2018 Orthophotography provided by © First Base Solutions Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.46 to (average) Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 2018 Digital Terrain Model provided by © First Base Solutions 0.46 m. Note: There are local variations along the reaches 2016 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. within CLOCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMPfor Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence - Ontario. additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. O 5� l�� 2�� Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X W ` ` E I Ira Inset Map: ©OpenStreetMap contributors S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° Oxf rerEae. zu m S.J.IAGatI �� 100189144 Zuzek inc. ° ° ENGINEERING ocofi ONE WORLD tvwrrk. sip 7A 0 0 0 N v O O V b c This map was published March 2020 for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither o (CLOCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic CLOCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability N beach areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty, of any kind, either expressed or N to the hazardous lands should contact CLOCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. R <\yam ar z_ Whitby 1 a °e l 4! 3 Ajax T�� 0 4 5 r 2s ss ss Oshawa —fQ1e L A K E O N T A R I O isY+rs s� ` 36 7 ���� 3 34 35 \ 3 31 29 30 28 688000 688200 688400 688600 688800 b �O n y�9 1 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, with support from Durham Region. 0 5 �km off Central 10Whi 100 Whiting Avenue Lake Ontario Oshawa, Ontario3T3 phone:5411 CO N S E R V A T I O N Web:www.cloca.cow/ Durham Region 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Telephone: 905-668-7711 Toll -Free: 1-800-372-1102 Web: www.durham.ca 0 010 0 N v O O V b c 0 N N 10 It CLOCA Map 34 of 37 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and stonn surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded 100 Year Flood Level during any year of 1 % (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Year Combined Flood Level elevation for CLOCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 �`°...•'' Erosion Hazard Limit (+75.55 in CGVD2013). . N❖` Flood Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 in setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Toe of Bluff The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the Base Mapping; steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. Geographical Names Stable Slope Allowance The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent O Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) Erosion Hazard Limit The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year — Road Network erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from Topographic Contours (2 m interval) the toe of the bank or bluff. r - CLOCA Administrative BOUriClary The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood Shoreline Management Plan. The hazard limits are not the official Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. Local conditions may regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the require a modified mapping approach if the beach is eroding and/or a Conservation Authority for additional details on the regulatory limit barrier beach. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan and implications for new development. report for additional details. DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2018 Orthophotography provided by © First Base Solutions Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.46 to (average) Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 2018 Digital Terrain Model provided by © First Base Solutions 0.46 m. Note: There are local variations along the reaches 2016 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. within CLOCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMPfor Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence - Ontario. additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. O 5� l�� 2�� Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X W ` ` E I i i I I 1 i i Ira Inset Map: © OpenSacctMap contributors S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° Oxf rerEae. zu m S.J.IAGatI �� 100189144 Zuzek inc. ° ° ENGINEERING `c�ocofi ONE WORLD tvwrrk. sip 7A 0 0 v 0 0 0 M v 0 N v O 0 10 N 7 This map was published March 2020 for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither o (CLOCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic CLOCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability beach areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty, of any kind, either expressed or 10 to the hazardous lands should contact CLOCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. <\yam ar a� I Whitby 1 a a� a l �! 3 Ajax T�� 0 4 5 r 2s ss ss Oshawa —fQ1e L A K E O N T A R I O aisY+rs s� ` 36 7 ���� 3 3 34 35 \ 31 20 30 28 O' ah 689000 689200 689400 689600 689800 b �O n y�9 1 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, with support from Durham Region. 0 5 �km off Central 10Whi 100 Whiting Avenue Lake Ontario Oshawa, Ontario3T3 phone:5411 CO N S E R V A T I O N Web:www.cloca.cow/ Durham Region 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Telephone: 905-668-7711 Toll -Free: 1-800-372-1102 Web: www.durham.ca 0 0 v O 0 10 10 7 0 7 10 7 CLOCA Map 35 of37 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and c stone surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded r� 100 Year Flood Level during any year of 1 % (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Year Combined Flood Level elevation for CLOCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 �`°...•'' Erosion Hazard Limit (+75.55 in CGVD2013). . N❖` Flood Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 in setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Toe of Bluff The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the Base Mapping; steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. Geographical Names Stable Slope Allowance 0 o The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent 10 O Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. v • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) Erosion Hazard Limit The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year — Road Network erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from Topographic Contours (2 m interval) the toe of the bank or bluff. r - CLOCA Administrative BOUriClary The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood Shoreline Management Plan. The hazard limits are not the official Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. Local conditions may O regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the require a modified mapping approach if the beach is eroding and/or a o0 Conservation Authority for additional details on the regulatory limit barrier beach. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan M and implications for new development. report for additional details. DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2018 Orthophotography provided by © First Base Solutions Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.46 to (average) Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 2018 Digital Terrain Model provided by © First Base Solutions 0.46 m. Note: There are local variations along the reaches 2016 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. within CLOCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMPfor Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. O 5� l�� 2�� Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X W E I Ira Inset Map: ©OpenStreetMap contributors S O O W PREPARED BY: i r�'{•r��pp \O 'IT rerrae. zu� m � S.J.lAGa11 �� 100189144 Zuzek inc. o o ENGINEERING ocofi ONE WORLD tvwrdn sip Z�W This map was published March 2020 for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (CLOCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic CLOCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability beach areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty, of any kind, either expressed or to the hazardous lands should contact CLOCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. '\ 28 ss '` / i 435Y13b cl < % Oshawa 22 ` !6� 3 34 35 \31 t>D E ��1S�a16 f/f Whitby ` �. 18 19 t J 39>•f25 20 30 F r¢ A 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .r lr�hl FJ 10 II 12 13 3 N�� 0 4 5 8 9 o\l5 2 1 LAKE O N T A R I O 690000 690200 690400 690600 690800 b �'O o` 9 �1 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, with support from Durham Region. 0 5 1 i i i i -1km CLOCA off Central W'00 100 Whiting Avenue Lake Ontario Oshawa, Ontario3T3 phone:5411 CO N S E R V A T I O N Web:www.cloca.cow/ Durham Region 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Telephone: 905-668-7711 Toll -Free: 1-800-372-1102 Web: www.durham.ca 0 v M O O M 10 co CLOCA Map 36 of 37 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapin 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and CD stone surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded M 100 Year Flood Level during any year of 1 % (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Year Combined Flood Level elevation for CLOCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 e"•...•'' Erosion Hazard Limit (+75.55 in CGVD2013). . N❖` Flood Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 in setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Toe of Bluff The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the Base Mapping; steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. 0 Geographical Names Stable SlopeAllowance The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent O Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) Erosion Hazard Limit The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year — Road Network erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from Topographic Contours (2 m interval) the toe of the bank or bluff. r - CLOCA Administrative BOUriClary The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood Shoreline Management Plan. The hazard limits are not the official Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. Local conditions may O regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the require a modified mapping approach if the beach is eroding and/or a c N Conservation Authority for additional details on the regulatory limit barrier beach. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan and implications for new development. report for additional details. DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2018 Orthophotography provided by © First Base Solutions Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.46 to (average) Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 2018 Digital Terrain Model provided by © First Base Solutions 0.46 m. Note: There are local variations along the reaches 2016 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. within CLOCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMPfor Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. O 5� 1�� 2�� Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X W E I Ira Inset Map: ©OpenStreetMap contributors S O O O M PREPARED BY: •"`^°p° rerrae. zu� m � S.J.lAGa11 �� 100189144 Zuzek inc. o ° ENGINEERING ocofi ONE WORLD tvwrdn sip Z�W This map was published March 2020 for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (CLOCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic CLOCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability beach areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty, of any kind, either expressed or to the hazardous lands should contact CLOCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. N 2e 55 ; 135Ya36 •\ ` ` 36 37Cq < % Oshawa 22 i� !31 � 3 34 35 4 la E �1S�a16 f/f Whitby ` �.� � 18 19 t 39>•f26 20 30 F ,�A 20 21 J 22 23 24 25 26 2] 28 .rlr�hl FJ17 3 7 10 II 12 13 8 Y o '\r� 2 1 LAKE O N T A R I O 691000 691200 691400 691600 691800 b �'O o` 9 �1 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, with support from Durham Region. 0 5 1 i i i i -1km off Central 10Wha 100 Whiting Avenue Lake Ontario Oshawa, Ontario4113T3 C O N S E R V A T I O N phone: 905- loca., 11 Web: www.cloca.com/ Durham Region 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Telephone: 905-668-7711 Toll -Free: 1-800-372-1102 Web: www.durham.ca C> 0 N 00 v O O O M 10 CLOCA Map 37 of 37 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping; 100 Year Flood Level O The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and C> 100 Year Flood Level storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or 10 exceeded during any year of 1% (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Flood Hazard Limit Year Combined Flood Level elevation for GRCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 »•° (+75.55 in to+75.60 in CGVD2013). 1*vo Erosion Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an F7 Dynamic Beach Setback allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 to setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Base Mapping Toe of Bluff n Geographical Names The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the O steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. o Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) Stable Slope Allowance • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. — Road Network Erosion Hazard Limit GRCA Administrative Boundary The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan. Wetland and riverine floodplains are not included on these hazard maps. The Dynamic Beach Setback is the onshore limit of the shaded pink polygon. The offshore limit in the lake highlights the linkages between overall beach stability and health, nearshore sediment resources, and longshore sediment transport. The hazard limit(s) are not the official regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the Conservation Authority for details on the regulatory limit and implications for any proposed work. The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. Dvnamic Beach Hazard Limit The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood oc Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. If the dynamic beach is M eroding, an additional erosion allowance is included and a separate 1 3 Erosion Hazard Limit is not shown. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline I a Management Plan report for additional details DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2019 Orthophotogaphy and Digital Surface Model (DSM) provided by the Ministry of Natural Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD 1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.42 on (average) Resources and Forestry Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 0.42 m. 2016-2017 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Note: There are local variations along the reaches Forestry. Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. within GRCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMP for additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X 0 50 100 200 W Inset Map: C OpenStreetMap contributors M E S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° w $ At WX Is" PEraad. zu m S.J.lAGM7 100189144 2, Zuzek inc. ° ° ENGINEERING ocofi ONE WORLD aw.r4n sip ZdG This map was published March 2020 for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (GRCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic beach GRCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent to the arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or hazardous lands should contact GRCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. .:—�jj I'sr E �t Bo 34 35 36 37 38 ! •t' 1)j� \i � se9 s:oR 29 30 31 32 33 Y € 7` 28 1 75 26 Ho7 /24V __ C i° • .�. ,.� - ...,e ' 20 21 22 23 /� 19 --,W— U 16 17 '•t - .. 1s 14 �- 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 3 4'S 6 LAKE 0NTARI0 O N M b V Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. 691200 691400 691600 691800 692000 GRCA Main Office 2216 County Road 28 r�� Port Hope, Ontario LlA3V8 t1r4J a Phone:(905)885-8173 CONSERVATION Web: www.grca.on.ca C> M 0 M 7 GRCA Map 1 of 43 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping; 100 Year Flood Level o The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and ov 100 Year Flood Level storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded during any year of 1% (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 c Flood Hazard Limit Year Combined Flood Level elevation for GRCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 »•° (+75.55 in to+75.60 in CGVD2013). 1*vo Erosion Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an F7 Dynamic Beach Setback allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 to setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Base Mapping Toe of Bluff n Geographical Names The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. c O Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) Stable Slope Allowance • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. — Road Network Erosion Hazard Limit GRCA Administrative Boundary The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan. Wetland and riverine floodplains are not included on these hazard maps. The Dynamic Beach Setback is the onshore limit of the shaded pink polygon. The offshore limit in the lake highlights the linkages between overall beach stability and health, nearshore sediment resources, and longshore sediment transport. The hazard limit(s) are not the official regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the Conservation Authority for details on the regulatory limit and implications for any proposed work. The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. Dvnamic Beach Hazard Limit The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood o Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. If the dynamic beach is M eroding, an additional erosion allowance is included and a separate Erosion Hazard Limit is not shown. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline v Management Plan report for additional details DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2019 Orthophotogaphy and Digital Surface Model (DSM) provided by the Ministry of Natural Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD 1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.42 on (average) Resources and Forestry Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 0.42 m. 2016-2017 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Note: There are local variations along the reaches Forestry. Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. within GRCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMP for additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X 0 50 100 200 W Inset Map: C OpenStreetMap contributors M E S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° w $ At WX Is" PEraad. zu m S.J.lAGM7 100189144 2, Zuzek inc. ° ° ENGINEERING ocofi ONE WORLD aw.r4n sip ZdG This map was published March 2020 for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (GRCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic beach GRCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent to the arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or hazardous lands should contact GRCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. -T � �rA��'i r_,..� i e as i�\ sa.e� 39 40 41 34 35 36 37 38 28 30 31 32 33 y, Ho723 / V 19 --,W U 17 ^•t 14 �— 9 10 11 12 13 2 3 4'S 6 7 LAKE 0NTARI0 O O N M v Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. 692200 692400 692600 692800 693000 GRCA Main Office 2216 County Road 28 r�� Port Hope, Ontario LlA3V8 t1r4J a Phone:(905)885-8173 CONSERVATION Web: www.grca.on.ca GRCA Map 2 of 43 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping; 100 Year Flood Level O The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and ov 100 Year Flood Level storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded during any year of 1% (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 v Flood Hazard Limit Year Combined Flood Level elevation for GRCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 »•° (+75.55 in to+75.60 in CGVD2013). 1*vo Erosion Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an F7 Dynamic Beach Setback allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 to setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Base Mapping Toe of Bluff n Geographical Names The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. c o Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) O M `10 Stable Slope Allowance • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. — Road Network Erosion Hazard Limit GRCA Administrative Boundary The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan. Wetland and riverine floodplains are not included on these hazard maps. The Dynamic Beach Setback is the onshore limit of the shaded pink polygon. The offshore limit in the lake highlights the linkages between overall beach stability and health, nearshore sediment resources, and longshore sediment transport. The hazard limit(s) are not the official regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the Conservation Authority for details on the regulatory limit and implications for any proposed work. The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. Dvnamic Beach Hazard Limit The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood o Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. If the dynamic beach is c eroding, an additional erosion allowance is included and a separate Erosion Hazard Limit is not shown. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan report for additional details DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2019 Orthophotogaphy and Digital Surface Model (DSM) provided by the Ministry of Natural Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD 1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.42 on (average) Resources and Forestry Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 0.42 m. 2016-2017 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Note: There are local variations along the reaches Forestry. Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. within GRCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMP for additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X 0 50 100 200 W Inset Map: C OpenStreetMap contributors M E S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° w $ At WX \s" PEraad. zu m S.J.lAGM7 100189144 2, Zuzek inc. ° ° ENGINEERING V`caocofi ONE WORLD aw.r4n sip ZdG This map was published March 2020 for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (GRCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic beach GRCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent to the arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or hazardous lands should contact GRCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. 43 _-____ 38 39 40 4142 36 28 29 30 31 32 33 'S 2G 27 24 19 '•t16 17 23 4 °"f•'% 1 '2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 LAKE 0NTARI0 O O N M v Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. 693200 693400 693600 693800 694000 GRCA Main Office 2216 County Road 28 r�� Port Hope, Ontario LlA3V8 t1r4J a Phone:(905)885-8173 CONSERVATION Web: www.grca.on.ca GRCA Map 3 of 43 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping; 100 Year Flood Level O The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and ov 100 Year Flood Level storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded during any year of 1% (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 v Flood Hazard Limit Year Combined Flood Level elevation for GRCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 »•° (+75.55 in to+75.60 in CGVD2013). 1*vo Erosion Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an F7 Dynamic Beach Setback allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 to setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Base Mapping Toe of Bluff n Geographical Names The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. c o Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) M Stable Slope Allowance • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. — Road Network Erosion Hazard Limit GRCA Administrative Boundary The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan. Wetland and riverine floodplains are not included on these hazard maps. The Dynamic Beach Setback is the onshore limit of the shaded pink polygon. The offshore limit in the lake highlights the linkages between overall beach stability and health, nearshore sediment resources, and longshore sediment transport. The hazard limit(s) are not the official regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the Conservation Authority for details on the regulatory limit and implications for any proposed work. The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. Dvnamic Beach Hazard Limit The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood o Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. If the dynamic beach is eroding, an additional erosion allowance is included and a separate Erosion Hazard Limit is not shown. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan report for additional details DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2019 Orthophotogaphy and Digital Surface Model (DSM) provided by the Ministry of Natural Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD 1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.42 on (average) Resources and Forestry Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 0.42 m. 2016-2017 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Note: There are local variations along the reaches Forestry. Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. within GRCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMP for additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X 0 50 100 200 W Inset Map: C OpenStreetMap contributors M E S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° w $ At WX Is" PEraad. zu m S.J.lAGM7 100189144 2, Zuzek inc. ° ° ENGINEERING ocofi ONE WORLD aw.r4n sip ZdG This map was published March 2020 for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (GRCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic beach GRCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent to the arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or hazardous lands should contact GRCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. -T � �rA��'i r_,..� i e as ie\ sa.e� 39 40 41 34 35 36 37 38 29 30 31 32 33 H°e 28 /2423 _ 19 U _ ... 16 17 14 11 12 13 — d --'�° LAKE 0NTARI0 O O N M v Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. 694200 694400 694600 694800 695000 GRCA Main Office 2216 County Road 28 r�� Port Hope, Ontario L lA 3V8 t1r4J a Phone: (905) 885-8173 CONSERVATION Web: www.grca.on.ca 0 M v GRCA Map 4 of 43 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping; 100 Year Flood Level o The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and w 100 Year Flood Level storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or M exceeded during any year of 1% (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Flood Hazard Limit Year Combined Flood Level elevation for GRCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 »•° (+75.55 in to+75.60 in CGVD2013). 1*vo Erosion Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an F7 Dynamic Beach Setback allowance for wave runup and upmsh. For the exposed shoreline, wave effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 In setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Base Mapping Toe of Bluff Geographical Names The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the g y p g o steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. � o Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) 10 Stable Slope Allowance • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. — Road Network Erosion Hazard Limit GRCA Administrative Boundary The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan. Wetland and riverine floodplains are not included on these hazard maps. The Dynamic Beach Setback is the onshore limit of the shaded pink polygon. The offshore limit in the lake highlights the linkages between overall beach stability and health, nearshore sediment resources, and longshore sediment transport. The hazard limit(s) are not the official regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the Conservation Authority for details on the regulatory limit and implications for any proposed work. The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood c Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. If the dynamic beach is M eroding, an additional erosion allowance is included and a separate Erosion Hazard Limit is not shown. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan report for additional details. DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2019 Orthophotogaphy and Digital Surface Model (DSM) provided by the Ministry of Natural Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD 1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.42 on (average) Resources and Forestry Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 0.42 m. 2016-2017 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Note: There are local variations along the reaches Forestry. Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. within GRCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMP for additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X 0 50 100 200 Inset Map: C OpenStreetMap contributors M W E S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° w $ At WX Is" PEraad. zu m S.J.lAGM7 100189144 2, JL:o Zuzek inc. ° ° ENGINEERING ocofi ONE WORLD aw.r4sip ZdG This map was published March 2020 for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (GRCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic beach GRCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent to the arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or hazardous lands should contact GRCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. - �rs9% i ^ _,..� E as 43 42 39 40 41 ]4 35 36 37 38 \4s 29 30 31 32 33 y, — 25 26 Ho7 / V 23 19 --,W U 16 17 ^•t 14 �— 2 9 10 11 12 13 1 3 45 6 7 8 LAKE 0NTARI0 O N M W Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. 695200 695400 695600 695800 696000 GRCA Main Office 2216 County Road 28 r�� Port Hope, Ontario L lA 3V8 t1r4J a Phone: (905) 885-8173 CONSERVATION Web: www.grca.on.ca CD M O N M W 0 0 0 M 7 GRCA Map 5 of 43 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping; 100 Year Flood Level O The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and oho 100 Year Flood Level storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or 10 00 exceeded during any year of 1% (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Flood Hazard Limit Year Combined Flood Level elevation for GRCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 »•° (+75.55 in to+75.60 in CGVD2013). 1*vo Erosion Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an F7 Dynamic Beach Setback allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 to setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Base Mapping Toe of Bluff n Geographical Names The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the O steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. CD O Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) Stable Slope Allowance • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. — Road Network Erosion Hazard Limit GRCA Administrative Boundary The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan. Wetland and riverine floodplains are not included on these hazard maps. The Dynamic Beach Setback is the onshore limit of the shaded pink polygon. The offshore limit in the lake highlights the linkages between overall beach stability and health, nearshore sediment resources, and longshore sediment transport. The hazard limit(s) are not the official regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the Conservation Authority for details on the regulatory limit and implications for any proposed work. The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. Dvnamic Beach Hazard Limit The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood o0 Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. If the dynamic beach is M eroding, an additional erosion allowance is included and a separate 1 3 Erosion Hazard Limit is not shown. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline I v Management Plan report for additional details DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2019 Orthophotogaphy and Digital Surface Model (DSM) provided by the Ministry of Natural Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD 1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.42 on (average) Resources and Forestry Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 0.42 m. 2016-2017 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Note: There are local variations along the reaches Forestry. Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence - Ontario. within GRCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMP for additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X 0 50 100 200 W Inset Map: C OpenStreetMap contributors M E S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° w $ At WX Is" PEraad. zu m S.J.lAGM7 100189144 2, Zuzek inc. ° ° ENGINEERING ocofi ONE WORLD aw.r4n sip ZdG This map was published March 2020 for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (GRCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic beach GRCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent to the arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or hazardous lands should contact GRCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. -T I'sr A v`t `Yr-...� M tE- Bo i�\ sa.e� 39 40 41 '4 / 14 35 36 37 38 29 30 31 32 33 28 y, Ho7 / V -__ C-'x ,�• ,.� _ ...,e ' 20 21 22 23 W 19 ,W U m t 7 newca xx• _ ."�.. 10 17 ^•t 14 9 10 11 12 2 3 4 5\ 6 7 8 _ d LAKE 0NTARI0 O N M b V Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. 696200 696400 696600 696800 697000 GRCA Main Office 2216 County Road 28 r�� Port Hope, Ontario LlA3V8 t1r4J a Phone:(905)885-8173 CONSERVATION Web: www.grca.on.ca 0 M 7 GRCA Map 6 of 43 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping; 100 Year Flood Level O The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and °Oo ov 100 Year Flood Level storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded during any year of 1% (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 tr Flood Hazard Limit Year Combined Flood Level elevation for GRCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 »•° (+75.55 in to+75.60 in CGVD2013). 1*vo Erosion Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an F7 Dynamic Beach Setback allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 In setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Base Mapping Toe of Bluff n Geographical Names The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the o steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. o o Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) Stable Slope Allowance • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. — Road Network Erosion Hazard Limit GRCA Administrative Boundary The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan. Wetland and riverine floodplains are not included on these hazard maps. The Dynamic Beach Setback is the onshore limit of the shaded pink polygon. The offshore limit in the lake highlights the linkages between overall beach stability and health, nearshore sediment resources, and longshore sediment transport. The hazard limit(s) are not the official regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the Conservation Authority for details on the regulatory limit and implications for any proposed work. The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood o0 Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. If the dynamic beach is eroding, an additional erosion allowance is included and a separate Erosion Hazard Limit is not shown. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan report for additional details. DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2019 Orthophotogaphy and Digital Surface Model (DSM) provided by the Ministry of Natural Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD 1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.42 on (average) Resources and Forestry Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 0.42 m. 2016-2017 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Note: There are local variations along the reaches Forestry. Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence - Ontario. within GRCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMP for additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X 0 50 100 200 W Inset Map: C OpenStreetMap contributors M E S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° w $ At WX Is" PEraad. zu m S.J.lAGM7 100189144 2, Zuzek inc. ° ° ENGINEERING ocofi ONE WORLD aw.r4n sip ZdG This map was published March 2020 for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (GRCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic beach GRCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent to the arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or hazardous lands should contact GRCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. -T I" �rS,^;��—i �°, � ^ r_,..� "" t e �.as i�\ sa.e� 39 40 41 '4 / �]4 35 36 37 A� Se9 s:oR 29 30 31 32 3 27 3 t' / °` 28 y, 25 =6 H / V -__ C-'x ,�• ,.� _ ...,e ' 20 21 22 23 is m t 7 newca xx• _ ."�.. 10 17 ^•t la - 9 10 11 12 13 �� 1 2 3 4 5\ 6 7 LAKE 0NTARI0 O O N M b v V Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. 697200 697400 697600 697800 698000 GRCA Main Office 2216 County Road 28 r�� Port Hope, Ontario LlA3V8 t1r4J a Phone:(905)885-8173 CONSERVATION Web: www.grca.on.ca co M10 7 0 v M m v O O N M b v 0 0 0 M 7 GRCA Map 7 of 43 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: 0 c Hazard Mapping; 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and 100 Year Flood Level storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded during any year of 1% (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Flood Hazard Limit Year Combined Flood Level elevation for GRCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 »•° (+75.55 in to+75.60 in CGVD2013). 1*vo Erosion Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an F7 Dynamic Beach Setback allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 m setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Base Mapping: o Toe of Bluff °O n GCOgYaphlCal Names The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. o Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) Stable Slope Allowance • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. — Road Network Erosion Hazard Limit GRCA Administrative Boundary The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan. Wetland and riverine floodplains are not included on these hazard maps. The Dynamic Beach Setback is the onshore limit of the shaded pink polygon. The offshore limit in the lake highlights the linkages between overall beach stability and health, nearshore sediment resources, and longshore sediment transport. The hazard limit(s) are not the official regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the Conservation Authority for details on the regulatory limit and implications for any proposed work. DATA SOURCES: 2019 Orthophotography and Digital Surface Model (DSM) provided by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry 2016-2017 LiDAR Digital Tannin Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X Inset Map: C OpenStreetMap contributors The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. 0 0 Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit `M° The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood v Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. If the dynamic beach is eroding, an additional erosion allowance is included and a separate Erosion Hazard Limit is not shown. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan report for additional details Datum Conversion: IGLD 1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.42 m (average) To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 0.42 m. Note: There are local variations along the reaches within GRCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMP for additional details. N 0 50 100 200 0 I IM w E M S W 7 Datums: Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. Vertical: CGVD2013, metres PREPARED BY: •"` °°° At r+eraae. zu m S.J.IAGaR �� 100189144 2, VLEERINGZuzek inc. ° ° ocofi ONE WORLD TV\10- do sip 7A This map was published March 2020 for the Ganmaska Region Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (GRCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic beach GRCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent to the arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or o hazardous lands should contact GRCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. o N M lC G RCA 7 t E B u'dar 14 35 36 37 3g !� mil• }�>. \\s � ve9 ss��p _ oR 29 30 31 32 33 'y • `' _�� �' 23 25 26 H2 7 ram, `23 1 20 21 22 1, � 17 14 " 7 g 9 10 11 12 13 "� a L A K E 0 N T A R I 0 Reach 5 0 5 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. 698200 698400 698600 698800 699000 GRCA Main Office 2216 County Road 28 r�� Port Hope, Ontario L lA 3V8 t1r4J a Phone: (905) 885-8173 CONSERVATION web: www.grea.on.ca 0 0 tr 0 0 M O O M GRCA Map 8 of 43 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping; 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and w 100 Year Flood Level storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or c exceeded during any year of 1% (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Flood Hazard Limit Year Combined Flood Level elevation for GRCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 »•° (+75.55 in to+75.60 in CGVD2013). 1*vo Erosion Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an F7 Dynamic Beach Setback allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 In setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Base Mapping Toe of Bluff n Geographical Names The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. o Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) o Stable Slope Allowance o • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. — Road Network Erosion Hazard Limit GRCA Administrative Boundary The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan. Wetland and riverine floodplains are not included on these hazard maps. The Dynamic Beach Setback is the onshore limit of the shaded pink polygon. The offshore limit in the lake highlights the linkages between overall beach stability and health, nearshore sediment resources, and longshore sediment transport. The hazard limit(s) are not the official regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the Conservation Authority for details on the regulatory limit and implications for any proposed work. The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. If the dynamic beach is eroding, an additional erosion allowance is included and a separate o0 Erosion Hazard Limit is not shown. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan report for additional details. DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2019 Orthophotogaphy and Digital Surface Model (DSM) provided by the Ministry of Natural Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD 1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.42 on (average) Resources and Forestry Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 0.42 m. 2016-2017 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Note: There are local variations along the reaches Forestry. Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. within GRCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMP for additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X 0 50 100 200 W Inset Map: C OpenStreetMap contributors M E S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° At r+araae. zu m S.J.lAGa11 �� 100189144 2, VLEERINGZuzek inc. ° ° ocofi ONE WORLD TV\z)- do sip 7A This map was published March 2020 for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (GRCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic beach GRCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent to the arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or hazardous lands should contact GRCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. t •tom — • 7 newca+ � •t 1 2 3 45 6 7 $ „9 Hwa o� 20 21 22 19 4 IS 15... r 17 14 13 ' 29 30 31 32 33 3• oR oe 2H 2G eo7 24 75 23 L A K E O N T A R I O O O M 7 j East B... dar 0 0 as � az � 0 5 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. 699200 699400 699600 699800 700000 GRCA Main Office 2216 County Road 28 rr���� Port Hope, Ontario LlA3V8 CONSERVATION Phone: (905) 885-8173 Web: www.grca.on.ca 0 v 0 v 0 oMo 0 v M GRCA Map 9 of 43 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping; 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and ov 100 Year Flood Level storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or o exceeded during any year of 1% (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Flood Hazard Limit Year Combined Flood Level elevation for GRCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 »•° (+75.55 in to+75.60 in CGVD2013). 1*vo Erosion Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an F7 Dynamic Beach Setback allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 In setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Base Mapping Toe of Bluff n Geographical Names The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. o Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) o Stable Slope Allowance e • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. — Road Network Erosion Hazard Limit GRCA Administrative Boundary The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan. Wetland and riverine floodplains are not included on these hazard maps. The Dynamic Beach Setback is the onshore limit of the shaded pink polygon. The offshore limit in the lake highlights the linkages between overall beach stability and health, nearshore sediment resources, and longshore sediment transport. The hazard limit(s) are not the official regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the Conservation Authority for details on the regulatory limit and implications for any proposed work. The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. If the dynamic beach is eroding, an additional erosion allowance is included and a separate c Erosion Hazard Limit is not shown. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline r°O Management Plan report for additional details. oOo v DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2019 Orthophotogaphy and Digital Surface Model (DSM) provided by the Ministry of Natural Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD 1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.42 on (average) Resources and Forestry Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 0.42 m. 2016-2017 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Note: There are local variations along the reaches Forestry. Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. within GRCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMP for additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X 0 50 100 200 W Inset Map: C OpenStreetMap contributors M E S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° w At PEraad. ZU R o S.J.lAGM7 �� 100189144 2, VLEERINGZuzek inc. ° ° ocofi ONE WORLD TV\z)-A� sip 7A This map was published March 2020 for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (GRCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic beach GRCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent to the arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or hazardous lands should contact GRCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. 43 34 p oR 29 30 31 32 33 y- Ho7 /1420 23 - 19� U 17 �hd LAKE ONTARIO O O 10 b 7 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. 700200 700400 700600 700800 701000 GRCA Main Office 2216 County Road 28 r�� Port Hope, Ontario LlA3V8 t1r4J a Phone:(905)885-8173 CONSERVATION Web: www.grca.on.ca 0 v 10 O O 10 b V O 7 M 7 GRCA Map 10 of 43 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping; 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and 100 Year Flood Level storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded during any year of 1% (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Flood Hazard Limit Year Combined Flood Level elevation for GRCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 »•° (+75.55 in to+75.60 in CGVD2013). 1*-V Erosion Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an F7 Dynamic Beach Setback allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 to setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Base Mapping Toe of Bluff n Geographical Names The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. o Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) Stable Slope Allowance • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. — Road Network Erosion Hazard Limit GRCA Administrative Boundary The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan. Wetland and riverine floodplains are not included on these hazard maps. The Dynamic Beach Setback is the onshore limit of the shaded pink polygon. The offshore limit in the lake highlights the linkages between overall beach stability and health, nearshore sediment resources, and longshore sediment transport. The hazard limit(s) are not the official regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the Conservation Authority for details on the regulatory limit and implications for any proposed work. The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, o localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review o00 by the Conservation Authority. v Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. If the dynamic beach is eroding, an additional erosion allowance is included and a separate Erosion Hazard Limit is not shown. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan report for additional details DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2019 Orthophotography and Digital Surface Model (DSM) provided by the Ministry of Natural Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD 1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.42 on (average) Resources and Forestry Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 0.42 m. 2016-2017 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Note: There are local variations along the reaches Forestry. Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence - Ontario. within GRCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMP for additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X 0 50 100 200 Inset Map: C OpenStreetMap contributors M W E S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° w $ At Is" PEraad. zu m S.J.lAGM7 �� 100189144 2, VLEERINGZuzek inc. ° ° ocofi ONE WORLD TV\z)-A� sip 7A M 9 0 This map was published March 2020 for the Ganazaska Region Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither o (GRCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic beach GRCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent to the arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or °p hazardous lands should contact GRCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. t / _43 i�\ sa.e� 39 40 4142 34 35 36 37 38 30 31 32 33 27 16 / 2423 t7 lJ 11 20 21 22 .A—� U c4•• � _—�� _ I __� I I P.. t•`7 newca '� IS 1� 17 S 14 ry « 9 10 11 12 13 -�° L A K E 0 N T A R I 0 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. 701200 701400 701600 701800 702000 GRCA Main Office 2216 County Road 28 r�� Port Hope, Ontario LlA3V8 t1r4J a Phone:(905)885-8173 CONSERVATION Web: www.grca.on.ca b M10 0 c b V GRCA Map 11 of 43 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping; 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and 100 Year Flood Level storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded during any year of 1% (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Flood Hazard Limit Year Combined Flood Level elevation for GRCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 »•° (+75.55 in to+75.60 in CGVD2013). 1*-V Erosion Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an F7 Dynamic Beach Setback allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 to setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Base Mapping Toe of Bluff n Geographical Names The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. o Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) Stable Slope Allowance • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. — Road Network Erosion Hazard Limit GRCA Administrative Boundary The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan. Wetland and riverine floodplains are not included on these hazard maps. The Dynamic Beach Setback is the onshore limit of the shaded pink polygon. The offshore limit in the lake highlights the linkages between overall beach stability and health, nearshore sediment resources, and longshore sediment transport. The hazard limit(s) are not the official regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the Conservation Authority for details on the regulatory limit and implications for any proposed work. The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, o localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review C:1 by the Conservation Authority. v Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. If the dynamic beach is eroding, an additional erosion allowance is included and a separate Erosion Hazard Limit is not shown. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan report for additional details DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2019 Orthophotography and Digital Surface Model (DSM) provided by the Ministry of Natural Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD 1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.42 on (average) Resources and Forestry Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 0.42 m. 2016-2017 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Note: There are local variations along the reaches Forestry. Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence - Ontario. within GRCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMP for additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X 0 50 100 200 Inset Map: C OpenStreetMap contributors M W E S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° w $ At Is" PEraad. zu m S.J.lAGM7 �� 100189144 2, VLEERINGZuzek inc. ° ° ocofi ONE WORLD TV\z)-A� sip 7A 13 b V 0 This map was published March 2020 for the Ganazaska Region Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither o (GRCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic beach GRCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability M areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent to the arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or hazardous lands should contact GRCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. t / _43 i�\ sa.e� 39 40 4142 34 35 36 37 38 30 31 32 33 y, H2 723 22 / V 19 --,W— U n..... - ... 16 17 ^•t � la ,- �- 9 10 It 12 13 2 3 4 'S \ 6 7 8 _ - a - V L A K E O N T A R I O Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. 702200 702400 702600 702800 703000 GRCA Main Office 2216 County Road 28 r�� Port Hope, Ontario LlA3V8 t1r4J a Phone:(905)885-8173 CONSERVATION Web: www.grca.on.ca 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 C:1 v 10 b V GRCA Map 12 of 43 Ganaraska Re LEGEND: Hazard Mapping; 100 Year Flood Level »•° Flood Hazard Limit 1*-V Erosion Hazard Limit F7 Dynamic Beach Setback ion Conservation Authority (GRCA) DEFINITIONS: 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded during any year of 1% (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Year Combined Flood Level elevation for GRCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 (+75.55 in to+75.60 in CGVD2013). Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an o allowance for wave runup and upmsh. For the exposed shoreline, wave a effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 to setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Base Mapping Toe of Bluff n Geographical Names The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. o Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) Stable Slope Allowance • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. — Road Network Erosion Hazard Limit GRCA Administrative Boundary The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan. Wetland and riverine floodplains are not included on these hazard maps. The Dynamic Beach Setback is the onshore limit of the shaded pink polygon. The offshore limit in the lake highlights the linkages between overall beach stability and health, nearshore sediment resources, and longshore sediment transport. The hazard limit(s) are not the official regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the Conservation Authority for details on the regulatory limit and implications for any proposed work. The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. If the dynamic beach is eroding, an additional erosion allowance is included and a separate Erosion Hazard Limit is not shown. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan report for additional details. DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2019 Orthophotogaphy and Digital Surface Model (DSM) provided by the Ministry of Natural Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD 1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.42 on (average) Resources and Forestry Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract ID O 2016-2017 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and 0.42 m. Note: There are local variations along the reaches O I Forestry. Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. within GRCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMP for eo V Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. additional details. N Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X 0 50 100 200 W E Inset Map: C OpenStreetMap contributors M S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° w $ At Is" PEraad. zu m S.J.lAGM7 �� 100189144 2, VLEERINGZuzek inc. ° ° ocofi ONE WORLD TV\z)-A� sip 7A This map was published March 2020 for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (GRCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic beach GRCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent to the arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or hazardous lands should contact GRCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. t / _43 i�\ sa.e� 39 40 4142 34 35 36 37 38 30 31 32 33 �• / °` 28 y, H2 723 22 / V 19 --,W— U 17 ^•t 14 11 12 13 2 3 4 'S \ 6 7 8 — d --'�° LAKE 0NTARI0 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. 703200 703400 703600 703800 704000 GRCA Main Office 2216 County Road 28 rr��J PortonHope, Ontario LlA3V8 i1 4a Phe:(905)885-8173 CONSERVATION Web: www.grca.on.ca 0 V O 00 10 v GRCA Map 13 of 43 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping; 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and 100 Year Flood Level storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded during any year of 1% (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Flood Hazard Limit Year Combined Flood Level elevation for GRCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 »•° (+75.55 in to+75.60 in CGVD2013). 1*vo Erosion Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an o Dynamic Beach Setback allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and °O v waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 to setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Base Mapping Toe of Bluff F1 Geographical Names The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. o Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) Stable Slope Allowance • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. — Road Network Erosion Hazard Limit GRCA Administrative Boundary The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year o0 erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. D INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan. Wetland and riverine floodplains are not included on these hazard maps. The Dynamic Beach Setback is the onshore limit of the shaded pink polygon. The offshore limit in the lake highlights the linkages between overall beach stability and health, nearshore sediment resources, and longshore sediment transport. The hazard limit(s) are not the official regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the Conservation Authority for details on the regulatory limit and implications for any proposed work. The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. If the dynamic beach is eroding, an additional erosion allowance is included and a separate Erosion Hazard Limit is not shown. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan report for additional details. DATA SOURCES: 2019 Orthophotogaphy and Digital Surface Model (DSM) provided by the Ministry of Natural Datums: Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. Datum Conversion: IGLD 1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.42 on (average) Resources and Forestry Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 0.42 m. 2016-2017 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Note: There are local variations along the reaches Forestry. Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. within GRCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMP for Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. additional details. N Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X 0 50 100 200 W E Inset Map: C OpenStreetMap contributors M S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° w $ At Is" PEraad. zu m S.J.lAGM7 �� 100189144 2, VLEERINGZuzek inc. ° ° ocofi ONE WORLD TV\z)-A� sip 7A This map was published March 2020 for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (GRCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic beach GRCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent to the arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or hazardous lands should contact GRCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. — S^l 9%'ir.Least 43 42 i�\ sa.e� 39 40 41 34 35 36 37 38 30 31 32 33 �• / °` 28 y, H2 7 � -no /23 V 22 02, 19 U mP t,7 newcxni _ - .. �.. 1(i 17 / LAKE 0NTARI0 a Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. 704200 704400 704600 704800 705000 GRCA Main Office 2216 County Road 28 r�� Port Hope, Ontario LlA3V8 t1r4J a Phone:(905)885-8173 CONSERVATION Web: www.grca.on.ca 0 0 h 0 v O N v GRCA Map 14 of 43 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: o Hazard Mapping; 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and v 100 Year Flood Level storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded during any year of 1% (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Flood Hazard Limit Year Combined Flood Level elevation for GRCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 »•° (+75.55 in to+75.60 in CGVD2013). 1*vo Erosion Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an F7 Dynamic Beach Setback allowance for wave runup and upmsh. For the exposed shoreline, wave effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 in setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Base Mapping Toe of Bluff o0 Geographical Names The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the slo beach to the gently ping g v� steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. O Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) Stable Slope Allowance • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. — Road Network Erosion Hazard Limit GRCA Administrative Boundary The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan. Wetland and riverine floodplains are not included on these hazard maps. The Dynamic Beach Setback is the onshore limit of the shaded pink polygon. The offshore limit in the lake highlights the linkages between overall beach stability and health, nearshore sediment resources, and longshore sediment transport. The hazard limit(s) are not the official regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the Conservation Authority for details on the regulatory limit and implications for any proposed work. DATA SOURCES: 2019 Orthophotography and Digital Surface Model (DSM) provided by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry 2016-2017 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X Inset Map: C OpenStreetMap contributors The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. 0 Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit N The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the., he Flood Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. If the dynamic beach is eroding, an additional erosion allowance is included and a separate Erosion Hazard Limit is not shown. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan report for additional details. Datum Conversion: IGLD 1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.42 m (average) To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 0.42 m. Note: There are local variations along the reaches within GRCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMP for additional details. N 0 50 100 200 I Im W E c S � W V Datums: Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. Vertical: CGVD2013, metres PREPARED BY: •"` °°° v r+eraae. zu� m � S.J.IAGaR �� 100189144 Zuzek inc. ° ° ENGINEERING ocofi ONE WORLD TV\10- do sip 7A This map was published March 2020 for the Ganmaska Region Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (GRCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic beach GRCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent to the arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or hazardous lands should contact GRCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. o 00 GRCA r E Boundar � JJe•�`1�..``.. 5 �sa.e�� _ _-____ _38 41 7 �za 39 40 34 35 36 37 29 30 31 32 33 ^R}j t ve 28 ` Ho7 24 25 26 20 21 22 23 19 17 -' LAKE 0NTARI0 Reach 5 0 5 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. 705200 705400 705600 705800 706000 GRCA Main Office 2216 County Road 28 r�� Port Hope, Ontario LlA3V8 t1r4J a Phone:(905)885-8173 CONSERVATION web: www.grea.on.ca 0 0 N c 0 v 7 GRCA Map 15 of 43 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) LEGEND: DEFINITIONS: Hazard Mapping; 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and o0 100 Year Flood Level storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded during any year of 1% (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Flood Hazard Limit Year Combined Flood Level elevation for GRCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 »•° (+75.55 in to+75.60 in CGVD2013). 1*vo Erosion Hazard Limit Flood Hazard Limit The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an F7 Dynamic Beach Setback allowance for wave runup and uprush. For the exposed shoreline, wave effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 to setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Base Mapping Toe of Bluff n Geographical Names The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. o o Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) Stable Slope Allowance • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. — Road Network Erosion Hazard Limit GRCA Administrative Boundary The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan. Wetland and riverine floodplains are not included on these hazard maps. The Dynamic Beach Setback is the onshore limit of the shaded pink polygon. The offshore limit in the lake highlights the linkages between overall beach stability and health, nearshore sediment resources, and longshore sediment transport. The hazard limit(s) are not the official regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the Conservation Authority for details on the regulatory limit and implications for any proposed work. The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. Dvnamic Beach Hazard Limit The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. If the dynamic beach is eroding, an additional erosion allowance is included and a separate Erosion Hazard Limit is not shown. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline v Management Plan report for additional details DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2019 Orthophotography and Digital Surface Model (DSM) provided by the Ministry of Natural Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD 1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.42 on (average) Resources and Forestry Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 0.42 m. 2016-2017 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Note: There are local variations along the reaches Forestry. Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. within GRCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMP for additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X 0 50 100 200 Inset Map: C OpenStreetMap contributors M W E S O O N h PREPARED BY: •"` °°° At r+araae. zu m S.J.lAGa11 �� 100189144 Zuzek inc. ° ° ENGINEERING ocofi ONE WORLD tvw+^dn sip Z�W This map was published March 2020 for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (GRCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic beach GRCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent to the arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or hazardous lands should contact GRCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. t rrs'�i T Reach 5 East ®®®®®®®® Reach 8 m 11—® Reach 7 706200 706400 706600 706800 707000 O O N 10 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the ^.J oo Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. IRNW GRCA Main Office GRCA Map Port Hope, Ontario L lA 3 V 8 Ganaraska Phone: (905) 885-8173 16 of 43 0 5 CONSERVATION Web: www.grca.on.ca MAP PITBLISHF,D MARCH 2O20 Ganaraska Re LEGEND: Hazard Mapping; 100 Year Flood Level »•° Flood Hazard Limit 1*-V Erosion Hazard Limit F7 Dynamic Beach Setback ion Conservation Authority (GRCA) DEFINITIONS: 100 Year Flood Level The 100 Year Combined Flood Level considers both static lake level and storm surge, having a combined probability of being equalled or exceeded during any year of 1% (i.e., probability, P=0.01). The 100 Year Combined Flood Level elevation for GRCA is +76.01 in IGLD85 (+75.55 in to+75.60 in CGVD2013). o Flood Hazard Limit °O v The Flood Hazard Limit is defined as the 100-Year Flood Level plus an allowance for wave runup and upmsh. For the exposed shoreline, wave effects are calculated based on localized nearshore conditions and waves. For embayments, the standardized 15 to setback is applied. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan for additional details. Base Mapping Toe of Bluff n Geographical Names The Toe of Bluff is the transition from the gently sloping beach to the steep portion of the bank or bluff slope. o Dynamic Beach (Start Pt) Stable Slope Allowance • Dynamic Beach (End Pt) The Stable Slope Allowance is defined as a horizontal setback equivalent to 3.0 times the height of the bank or bluff. o0 — Road Network Erosion Hazard Limit `O GRCA Administrative Boundary The landward extent of the Erosion Hazard is the sum of the 100 year erosion rate plus the Stable Slope Allowance, measured horizontally from the toe of the bank or bluff. INTERPRETATION OF THE HAZARD MAPS: The hazard maps were prepared to support the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan. Wetland and riverine floodplains are not included on these hazard maps. The Dynamic Beach Setback is the onshore limit of the shaded pink polygon. The offshore limit in the lake highlights the linkages between overall beach stability and health, nearshore sediment resources, and longshore sediment transport. The hazard limit(s) are not the official regulatory limits of the Conservation Authority. Please contact the Conservation Authority for details on the regulatory limit and implications for any proposed work. The Erosion Hazard Limit is not mapped in sheltered waters, however, localized shoreline/riverine erosion may occur and is subject to review by the Conservation Authority. Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit The Dynamic Beach Hazard Limit is defined as the sum of the Flood Hazard plus 30 metres measured horizontally. If the dynamic beach is eroding, an additional erosion allowance is included and a separate Erosion Hazard Limit is not shown. Refer to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan report for additional details. DATA SOURCES: Datums: Datum Conversion: 2019 Orthophotogaphy and Digital Surface Model (DSM) provided by the Ministry of Natural Horizontal: UTM 17N NAD1983, metres. IGLD 1985 - CGVD2013 = 0.42 on (average) Resources and Forestry Vertical: CGVD2013, metres To convert from IGLD85 to CGVD2013, subtract 0.42 m. 2016-2017 LiDAR Digital Terrain Model obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Note: There are local variations along the reaches Forestry. Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. within GRCA. Refer to the Lake Ontario SMP for additional details. N Geographical Names obtained from Natural Resources Canada Road Network File, 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-500-X 0 50 100 200 W Inset Map: C OpenStreetMap contributors M E S PREPARED BY: •"` °°° At r+araae. zu m S.J.IAGaR �� 100189144 2, VLEERINGZuzek inc. ° ° ocofi ONE WORLD TV\z)- do sip 7A This map was published March 2020 for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. However, neither (GRCA). The mapping of hazardous lands, including erosion, flooding, and dynamic beach GRCA, Zuzek Inc., SJL Engineering, or any other affiliated party assume any liability areas, is subject to change. The proponent of a proposed development on or adjacent to the arising from its use. This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or hazardous lands should contact GRCA to discuss permit requirements. implied. l'�► - — -- �4y y ve9„',n °` 28 29 30 31 32 33 t 21 23 _ 27 19 1 yg111 U t• 7 ...... - 1617 15 14 1 2 3 45 \ 6 7 8 d LAKE 0NTARI0 0 0 7 O 0 j East Bo..d — 43 42 O N u 0 5 Mapping prepared by Zuzek Inc. for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. 707200 707400 707600 707800 708000 GRCA Main Office 2216 County Road 28 r�� Port Hope, Ontario LlA3V8 t1r4J a Phone:(905)885-8173 CONSERVATION web: www.grea.on.ca 0 0 N 00 7 O CD10 GRCA Map 17 of 43 Attachment 2 to Report PDS-054-21 Reach 3 — Oshawa Harbour to St. Mary's rC-a�F ,� •.tY r �_ '�� � .irCyr� ' f- - - :��- .Lr•— .fr �^ • i �x� B . Y' t. ''44 x• eC f � 20 1 Local Conditions • Reach Length = approximately 11 km. • The Port of Oshawa and St. Mary's loading facility represent the boundaries of a sub - littoral cell. • The McLaughlin Bay Wildlife Reserve, Second Marsh Wildlife Area, and Darlington Provincial Park represent a significant natural heritage corridor in Reach 3. • The three natural areas feature extensive coastal wetlands. • The Darlington Nuclear Generating Station is also a significant development and covers approximately two kilometres of shoreline in Reach 3. • There is no residential development along the shoreline in Reach 3 and a small amount of agricultural land. Natural Beach & Embryo Dunes at Darlington Shore Protection fronting Darlington Nuclear Prov. Park. Power Plant . F T1- 1020.01 Lake Ontario p.l Shoreline Management Plan Shoreline Structures • Reach 3 is 28% armoured, 72% natural. • Armoured portions of shoreline are limited to shoreline immediately east of Oshawa Harbour, and the shoreline fronting Darlington Nuclear Power Plant and St. Mary's Cement Plant. • Shoreline protection throughout the reach is generally well engineered armour stone revetments in moderate to good condition. • Shoreline protection fronting St. Mary's is ad -hoc in places and should be monitored and maintained as required. • Tolerance for additional shoreline armouring (low/medium/high): 000 • Sample statistics (for armoured portion of shoreline): Structure Type (Reath 3) Structure Condition (Reach 3) i� 49% 51% ■ Revetment ■ Seawall ■ Failed ❑ Jetty ❑ Poor O Groyne ❑ Moderate — 0 Headland ❑ Good ■ Breakwater ■ Excellent 0 Other 0 Unknown Sediment Supply and Longshore Sediment Transport • Longshore sediment transport potential is very low (0 to 5,000 m3/year) west of Darlington Provincial Park, with nearly equal eastward and westward components. • Longshore sediment transport potential east of Darlington Provincial Park is very high, with the net transport potential being upwards of 100,000 m3/year from west to east. Actual transport is however likely less than 10% of the potential due to the limited sediment supply, which is predominantly from eroding bluffs between the Provincial Park and Nuclear Power Plant. • A significant shoal offshore of Darlington Provincial Park likely creates a depositional area in its lee (i.e. Darlington Beach). • The Nuclear Power Plant and St. Mary's Cement Plant both present partial obstructions to longshore transport, however this effect is likely secondary to the small amount of 1020.01 Lake Ontario p.2 Shoreline Management Plan actual sediment availability and transport through the reach, as is evident by the lack of significant fillet beaches on the west side of these landmarks. y, c • • QQ 10M ■ West Transport Potential ❑ East Transport Potential Q Wave Climate Output Location 111111 km Summary of Natural Hazards • 100-year Erosion Rate (Stable Slope not included): Start End 100-year Erosion Rate Bluff Crest or (lat, long) (lat, long) (m/year) Waterline 43.8649,-78.8209 43.8686,-78.8185 0.25 Bluff Crest 43.8691,-78.7793 43.87,-78.7376 0.25 Bluff Crest 43.8672,-78.7169 43.8738, -78.7 0.25 Bluff Crest 43.8749,-78.6951 43.8725,-78.6863 0.25 Bluff Crest • 100-year Flood Level and Flood Hazard Limit (including wave uprush): Start End 100-year Flood Level Flood Hazard (lat, long) (lat, long) (m IGLD85') (m IGLD85') 43.8648,-78.8209 43.8684,-78.8187 +76.01 +77.88 43.8684,-78.8187 43.8684,-78.7762 +76.01 +77.64 43.8684,-78.7762 43.8749,-78.6952 +76.01 +77.74 43.8749,-78.6952 43.8782,-78.6843 +76.01 +77.83 • Dynamic Beach(es): Start End 100-year Erosion Rate Dynamic Beach Name (lat, long) (lat, long) (m/year) or Stable 43.8686,-78.8185 43.8696,-78.8131 0.25 Oshawa East Beach 43.8696,-78.8131 43.869,-78.8038 0.73 McLaughlin Bay Barrier Beach A 43.869,-78.8038 43.868,-78.7999 0.25 McLaughlin Bay Beach 43.868,-78.7999 43.8693,-78.7867 0.73 McLaughlin Bay Barrier Beach B 43.8693,-78.7867 43.8691,-78.7793 0.25 Port Darlington PP Beach 43.87,-78.7376 43.8694,-78.7318 0.25 Port Darlington Power Plant Fillet Beach 43.8738, -78.7 43.8749,-78.6951 Stable St. Mary's West Fillet Beach 1020.01 Lake Ontario p.3 Shoreline Management Plan • Wave climate —1 km offshore (output location W3): ARI (years) Depth (m) Hs (m) DIR (deg) Tp (s) 5 12.4 4.55 213 9.0 10 12.4 4.85 211 9.5 25 12.4 5.03 211 9.5 50 12.4 5.20 209 10.0 100 12.4 5.27 209 10.0 Infrastructure and Ecosystem Threats • Barrier beach in Provincial Park (McLaughlin Bay) is actively migrating inland. • Nuclear Plant: unprotected shoreline at east end of the plant will require shore protection. Shoreline Management Recommendations • Maintain natural bluff environments and buffers. • Monitor existing shoreline protection at the Nuclear Plant. • Monitor shore protection at St. Mary's Plant. Use Disclaimer The information in this reach summary was prepared for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, and the Lower Trent Region Conservation Authority. If used by a third party, they agree that the information is subject to change without notice. Zuzek Inc. and SJL Engineering Inc. assume no responsibility for the consequences of such use or changes in the information. Under no circumstance will Zuzek Inc. or SJL Engineering Inc. be liable for direct, indirect, special, or incidental damages resulting from, arising out of, or in connection with the use of the information in this summary by a third party. 1020.01 Lake Ontario p.4 Shoreline Management Plan Reach 4 — St. Mary's to Bowmanville Harbour wit TZ , it REACH 4 Local Conditions • Reach Length = approximately 2.5 km. • St. Mary's to Bowmanville Harbour is a small littoral sub -cell in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority jurisdiction. • The Cedar Crest Beach Road community in the western half of the Reach features lakefront properties constructed on the sand spit that separated the lake from the marsh. The buildings are close to the lake and vulnerable to coastal flooding. • The St. Mary's quarry is located inland of Cedar Crest Beach. St. Mary's Pier is located at the west end of the sub -cell and features land reclamation and pier infrastructure protruding approximately 600 m into Lake Ontario from the historical shoreline location. • The eastern half of the reach features Port Darlington West Barrier Beach, with Bowmanville Marsh in lee. The homes along the beach are setback approximately 50 m from the lake and less vulnerable to coastal hazards than the western half of the reach. The east end of the beach is public, accessible by boardwalks which were constructed to protect the native dune grasses and beach material. • Two armour stone jetties stabilize the navigation channel for the outlet of Bowmanville Creek and have been trapping sand on the west side since at least the early 1950s. Cedar Crest Beach Blvd. during Record High Fillet Beach and Jetties at Port Darlington Water Levels (May 2019) (November 2018) i► =- 1020.01 Lake Ontario p.l Shoreline Management Plan Shoreline Structures • Reach 4 is 57% armoured, 43% natural. • The east facing shoreline of St. Mary's land is armoured with an ad -hoc rubble revetment. This protection may require upgrades to prevent erosion and should be monitored. • The shoreline fronting Cedar Crest Beach Road is almost entirely armoured and features a wide variety of structure types, levels of design and condition. All structures have a very low crest due to the low land elevation and suffer from settlement during periods of high lake levels due to ongoing vertical erosion of the lakebed. • The west jetty at Bowmanville Creek is in extremely poor condition and requires significant repairs and/or upgrades. The structure has limited ability to trap sand or to dissipate wave energy due to its porosity and low crest. The structure roundhead which features a navigation light is in good condition. • Tolerance for additional shoreline armouring (low/medium/high): 000 • Sample statistics (for armoured portion of shoreline): ■ itevetmer ■ Seawall ❑ Jetty ❑ Groyne 0 Headland ■ Breakwater ❑ Other Structure Type (Reach 4) 2%_ 1% Waited O Poor ❑ Moderate M Good ■ Excellent ■ Unknown Structure Condition (Reach 4) 2% - Rl Sediment Supply and Longshore Sediment Transport • Longshore sediment transport potential is generally very low in Reach 4 with sediment moving in both directions depending on wave conditions, away from the centre of the reach. • Deposition occurs at the west end of the reach against the St. Mary's lands, and at the east end of the reach in the form of a fillet beach against the Bowmanville Creek west jetty. 1020.01 Lake Ontario p.2 Shoreline Management Plan • The majority of the reach is a barrier beach complex that protects a marsh in its lee. The natural migration of the barrier has been altered through residential development and shore protection. DerlA / ■ West Transport Potential ❑ East Transport Potential Q Wave Climate Output Location Summary of Natural Hazards • 100-year Erosion Rate (Stable Slope not included): Start End 100-year Erosion Rate Bluff Crest or (lat, long) (lat, long) (m/year) Waterline 43.8725,-78.6863 43.8781,-78.6843 0.25 Bluff Crest 43.8793,-78.6826 43.8805,-78.681 0.33 Bluff Crest • 100-year Flood Level and Flood Hazard Limit (including wave uprush): Start End 100-year Flood Level Flood Hazard (lat, long) (lat, long) (m IGLD85') (m IGLD85') 43.8782,-78.6843 43.8857,-78.6750 +76.01 +77.74 43.8857,-78.6750 43.8878,-78.6648 +76.01 +77.64 • Dynamic Beach(es): Start End 100-year Erosion Rate Dynamic Beach Name (lat, long) (lat, long) (m/year) or Stable 43.8781,-78.6843 43.8793,-78.6826 Stable St. Mary's East Fillet Beach 43.8805,-78.681 43.8857,-78.6748 0.22 Cedar Crest Beach Rd. 43.8857,-78.6748 43.8873, -78.67 0.22 Cove Road 43.8873, -78.67 43.8877,-78.6648 Stable Port Darlington West Fillet Beach • Wave climate —1 km offshore (output location W4): ARI (years) Depth (m) Hs (m) DIR (deg) Tp (s) 5 14.1 3.01 206 9.0 10 14.1 3.28 204 9.5 25 14.1 3.51 203 9.5 50 14.1 3.84 201 10.0 100 14.1 4.06 201 10.0 1020.01 Lake Ontario p.3 Shoreline Management Plan Infrastructure and Ecosystem Threats • Flooding and erosion threats for existing development along Cedar Crest Beach Road. • West jetty at Bowmanville Creek requires a significant structural upgrade. Shoreline Management Recommendations Cedar Crest Beach Road and West Beach Road: • Long-term incremental voluntary land disposition program required for the lands subject to acute risks due to lack of safe access during the 100-year flood and the location of development on a low-lying eroding dynamic barrier beach. • Short- and medium -term management options include continuing to facilitate private shore protection works by individual or, preferably, community scale beach nourishment and shore protection; road reprofiling. • West Jetty at Bowmanville Creek: structure requires upgrade to eliminate wave and sediment transmission into the navigation channel. Dune restoration to eliminate aeolian transport into the channel from the west fillet beach. • Sediment dredged from the navigation channel and fillet beach could be hydraulically bypassed to nourish the Port Darlington East Beach Park. Use Disclaimer The information in this reach summary was prepared for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, and the Lower Trent Region Conservation Authority. If used by a third party, they agree that the information is subject to change without notice. Zuzek Inc. and SJL Engineering Inc. assume no responsibility for the consequences of such use or changes in the information. Under no circumstance will Zuzek Inc. or SJL Engineering Inc. be liable for direct, indirect, special, or incidental damages resulting from, arising out of, or in connection with the use of the information in this summary by a third party. 1020.01 Lake Ontario pA Shoreline Management Plan Reach 5 — Port Darlington to Port of Newcastle a. kill Local Conditions • Reach Length = approximately 7.1 km. • The jettied entrances to Port Darlington the Port of Newcastle define a littoral sub -cell along the north shore of Lake Ontario. • The boundary between the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority is in the centre of Reach 5. • Significant sedimentation is ongoing in the navigation channel in Port Darlington. • Two new residential developments are under construction along the eroding bluff shoreline east and west of Lambs Road. • The Wilmont Creek Community stretches along almost 3 km of the eroding bluffs. • The Port of Newcastle community is located west of the jettied rivermouth. Eroding Bluffs and Failed Shore Protection Cobble Fillet Beach and Jetties at Port of East ofPort Darlington Newcastle t 1020.01 Lake Ontario p.1 Shoreline Management Plan Shoreline Structures • Reach 5 is 25% armoured, 75% natural. • The west end of the reach features well engineered and recently constructed shore protection fronting Port Darlington East Beach. This structure is robust and in excellent condition. • Immediately east of Port Darlington East Beach there are a number of properties sitting atop a high, rapidly eroding bluff. Some properties feature shore protection of varying quality and condition, while others are unprotected and continue to erode. These properties are at high risk due to their proximity to the bluff crust. • The majority of shore protection within the reach is found in along the shores of Wilmot Creek, a retirement community that spans the border between the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. This structure has been engineered and implemented in the last decade, however it is only an interim, porous structure comprised of an armour stone berm resting directly on the beach at the toe of the bluff. Some vertical beach erosion and horizontal recession of the bluff is expected to continue behind the structure during periods of extreme lake levels. • The jetties at Graham Creek (Port of Newcastle) are composite gravity structures and are both in moderate condition. The root of both structures is comprised of native fill material with a thin layer of minimal rock protection. These areas have suffered significant damage during the high-water periods in 2017 and 2019 and have nearly breached, particularly on the east side at Bond Head Parkette. These structures should be repaired and upgraded to prevent the propagation of waves and sediment into Graham Creek. • Tolerance for additional shoreline armouring (low/medium/high): 000 • Sample statistics (for armoured portion of shoreline): Structure Type (Reach 5) Structure Condition (Reach 5) 3% ■ Reve4 ■ Seam ❑ Jetty ❑ Groyne ❑ Headland * Breakwater o Other Z Good • Excellent • Unknown 1020.01 Lake Ontario p.2 Shoreline Management Plan Sediment Supply and Longshore Sediment Transport • Net longshore sediment transport potential is from west to east through reach 5 with a potential volume of 80,000 to 100,000 m3/year. The actual transport is likely less than 10,000 m3/year as the supply of sediment is predominantly limited to local bluff erosion within the reach. • Deposition occurs primarily in the fillet beach to the west of the Graham Creek jetties, as is evident by the significant offset in shoreline position from the west side to the east (— 140 m). • Some deposition occurs at the west end of the cell at Port Darlington East Beach during periods of wave action from the southeast quadrant. • The significant amount of hardened shoreline fronting the Wilmot Creek Retirement Community reduces the sediment supply to the reach, however the structure is reasonably low crested and porous and therefore does not completely mitigate the bluff erosion that contributes sediment to the region. • Foitof NewGastle ro is ■ West Transport Potential ■ East Transport Potential Wave Climate Output Location 1 Summary of Natural Hazards • 100-year Erosion Rate (Stable Slope not included): Start End 100-year Erosion Rate Bluff Crest or (lat, long) (lat, long) (m/year) Waterline 43.8891,-78.663 43.8976,-78.6203 0.24 Bluff Crest 43.8976,-78.6203 43.8959,-78.5975 0.24 Bluff Crest 43.8962,-78.5947 43.8953,-78.5815 0.24 Bluff Crest • 100-year Flood Level and Flood Hazard Limit (including wave uprush): Start End 100-year Flood Level Flood Hazard (lat, long) (lat, long) (m IGLD85') (m IGLD85') 43.8885,-78.6624 43.8895,-78.6617 +76.01 +77.64 43.8895,-78.6617 43.8967,-78.6257 +76.01 +77.77 43.8967,-78.6257 43.8956,-78.5767 +76.01 +77.77 • Dynamic Beach(es): 1020.01 Lake Ontario p.3 Shoreline Management Plan Start End 100-year Erosion Rate Dynamic Beach Name (lat, long) (lat, long) (m/year) or Stable 43.8885,-78.6641 43.8891,-78.663 Stable Port Darlington East Park 43.8959,-78.5975 43.8962,-78.5947 0.11 Wilmot Creek Barrier Beach 43.8953,-78.5815 43.8955,-78.5764 Stable Newcastle Beach • Wave climate —1 km offshore (output location W5): ARI (years) Depth (m) Hs (m) DIR (deg) Tp (s) 5 13.1 4.72 211 9.5 10 13.1 4.82 211 9.5 25 13.1 5.02 208 10.0 50 13.1 5.08 208 10.0 100 13.1 5.13 208 10.0 Infrastructure and Ecosystem Threats • West jetty at Bowmanville Creek requires a significant structural upgrade to mitigate wave and sediment transmission into the navigation channel (reported in Reach 4). • Port Darlington East Beach suffers from a sediment deficit. • Residences atop bluff east of Port Darlington East Beach are threatened by erosion. • Wilmot Creek: interim shore protection that only provides partial erosion mitigation. • Jetties at Graham Creek require significant repairs/upgrades to their roots to mitigate wave and sediment transmission into Graham Creek. • Jetties at the Graham Creek trap longshore sediment transport and starve the downdrift shoreline to the east (Bond Head). Shoreline Management Recommendations • Impacts of additional shoreline armouring: moderate impacts within Reach 5 but significant negative impacts to Reach 6 to the east. • West jetty at Bowmanville Creek requires significant structural upgrade to mitigate wave and sediment transmission into the navigation channel. • Implement a sediment bypassing program from the Port Darlington west fillet beach to nourish Port Darlington East Beach Park. • A long-term community scale solution is required for Port Darlington East Beach community to reduce erosion and flood hazards, such as protection or retreat. For example, a long-term voluntary land acquisition program for lands subject to acute hazards could be implemented to return the shore lands to public open space. • Maintain naturally eroding bluff environments. • Wilmot Creek Development: monitor shore protection and upgrade structures as required to provide the necessary protection. • Monitor trail location at Newcastle and relocate inland when threatened by erosion. • No further development in the floodplain west of Graham Creek (Port of Newcastle). • Root of jetties at Graham Creek require significant repairs/upgrades. • Implement a sediment bypassing program for the west fillet beach at Port of Newcastle to nourish the eroding east beach (Bond Head Parkette, Boulton Street). 1020.01 Lake Ontario p.4 Shoreline Management Plan Use Disclaimer The information in this reach summary was prepared for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, and the Lower Trent Region Conservation Authority. If used by a third party, they agree that the information is subject to change without notice. Zuzek Inc. and SJL Engineering Inc. assume no responsibility for the consequences of such use or changes in the information. Under no circumstance will Zuzek Inc. or SJL Engineering Inc. be liable for direct, indirect, special, or incidental damages resulting from, arising out of, or in connection with the use of the information in this summary by a third party. 1020.01 Lake Ontario p.5 Shoreline Management Plan Reach 6 — Bond Head to Port Hope West Beach rid H 1rn • 1 ` kin Local Conditions • Reach Length = approximately 23.4 km. • This long reach stretches from the Port of Newcastle to Port Hope West Beach. • East of the Port of Newcastle, the Bond Head bluffs and gullies dominate the shoreline. • The central portion of the reach features large tracks of agricultural land and small shoreline communities, such as Port Granby and Port Britain. • The Ontario Power Generation Wesleyville Storage is located 8 km west of Port Hope. • Port Hope west beach is a large deposition sink for the sand and gravel transported west to each in this reach. • Immediately west of West Beach, the railway into Port Hope runs right along the bluff crest and will soon require shoreline protection to stabilize the slope. Eroding Bluffs at Bond Head Port Hope West Beach and Jetties Quc •tom _ 1020.01 Lake Ontario p.1 Shoreline Management Plan Shoreline Structures • Reach 6 is 7% armoured, 93% natural. • The jetties at Graham Creek at the west end of the reach are in poor condition at their root, where the structures were close to breaching during record high lake levels in 2019. • There is a significant offset in shoreline position from the west side of Graham Creek (Reach 5) to the east side, where the Bond Head Parkette and properties along Boulton street have suffered significant erosion due to a lack of sediment supply. The Parkette and neighbouring properties have all been hardened to some degree to mitigate ongoing erosion. These structures are mostly well engineered and in good condition, with a few exceptions. • Lakeshore Road is protected by an engineered armour stone revetment and is in generally good condition. • The high bluff shoreline from Bond Head to Port Britain, a distance of over 17 km, is entirely natural and unprotected. • Many private properties at Port Britain feature mostly ad -hoc shore protection. This protection is generally in poor to moderate condition and may require upgrades. • Tolerance for additional shoreline armouring (low/medium/high): 000 • Sample statistics (for armoured portion of shoreline): 2� ■ Revetmi ■ Seawall ❑Jetty 0 Groyne ■ Headland ■ Breakwater ■ Other Structure Type (Reach 6) Failed * Poor LIMode bit Good • Excellent • Unknown Structure Condition (Reach 6) Sediment Supply and Longshore Sediment Transport • Longshore sediment transport potential is very low in the embayment at the west end of the reach (Boulton Street), with very little sediment entering this region from either direction. 1020.01 Lake Ontario p.2 Shoreline Management Plan • Net longshore sediment transport potential from Bond Head to Port Hope is from west to east with net potential transport volumes in excess of 100,000 m3/year at several locations. • A significant percentage of this transport potential is likely realized, perhaps up to 50% and particularly during high lake levels, due to the significant length of unprotected eroding bluff that contributes sediment to the reach and the nearshore lakebed which is comprised primarily of sand and cobble. • Deposition occurs primarily at the Port Hope west fillet beach to the west of Port Hope Harbour jetties, as is evident by the significant offset in shoreline position from the west side of the harbour to the east (over 300 m). VO •e w ' NenvcasOe .. • ® West Transport Potential ❑ East Transport Potential KUA aWage Climate Lemtput Location kill Summary of Natural Hazards • 100-year Erosion Rate (Stable Slope not included): Start End 100-year Erosion Rate Bluff Crest or (lat, long) flat, long) (m/year) Waterline 43.8956,-78.5759 43.8965,-78.4836 0.59 Bluff Crest 43.8965,-78.4836 43.9033,-78.4591 0.17 Bluff Crest 43.9033,-78.4591 43.9134,-78.4132 0.41 Bluff Crest 43.9134,-78.4132 43.9166,-78.408 0.29 Waterline 43.9202,-78.3955 43.9229,-78.3889 0.29 Waterline 43.9229,-78.3889 43.9282,-78.3803 0.2 Bluff Crest 43.9308,-78.3605 43.936,-78.3355 0.2 Bluff Crest 43.936,-78.3355 43.9372,-78.3337 0.29 Waterline 43.9384,-78.3286 43.9409,-78.3019 0.2 Bluff Crest • 100-year Flood Level and Flood Hazard Limit (including wave uprush): Start End 100-year Flood Level Flood Hazard (lat, long) (lat, long) (m IGLD85') (m IGLD85') 43.8965,-78.5766 43.8973,-78.5718 +76.01 +77.67 43.8973,-78.5718 43.8958,-78.5656 +76.01 +77.77 43.8958,-78.5656 43.8961,-78.5567 +76.01 +77.85 43.8961,-78.5567 43.9045,-78.4563 +76.01 +77.77 43.9045,-78.4563 43.9335,-78.3393 +76.01 +77.77 1020.01 Lake Ontario p.3 Shoreline Management Plan 43.9335,-78.3393 43.9406,-78.3032 +76.01 +77.86 43.9406,-78.3032 43.9408,-78.2913 +76.01 +77.77 • Dynamic Beach(es): Start End 100-year Erosion Rate Dynamic Beach Name (lat, long) (lat, long) (m/year) or Stable 43.9166,-78.408 43.918,-78.4046 0.2 Wesleyville Beach 43.918,-78.4046 43.9191,-78.4003 0.29 Wesleyville Beach 43.9191,-78.4003 43.9195,-78.3975 0.2 Wesleyville Beach 43.9195,-78.3975 43.9202,-78.3955 0.29 Wesleyville Beach 43.9282,-78.3803 43.9299,-78.3731 0.2 Willow Beach 43.9299,-78.3731 43.9302,-78.3681 0.29 Willow Beach 43.9302,-78.3681 43.9308,-78.3605 0.2 Port Britain Road 43.9372,-78.3337 43.9384,-78.3286 0.2 Unknown 43.9409,-78.3019 43.9409,-78.2926 Stable Port Hope West Beach • Wave climate -1 km offshore, west portion (output location W6a): ARI (years) Depth (m) Hs (m) DIR (deg) Tp (s) 5 12.5 4.03 207 9.5 10 12.5 4.20 207 9.5 25 12.5 4.59 205 10.0 50 12.5 4.77 205 10.0 100 12.5 4.94 205 10.0 • Wave climate -1 km offshore, east portion (output location W6b): ARI (years) Depth (m) Hs (m) DIR (deg) Tp (s) 5 12.2 4.34 210 9.5 10 12.2 4.51 210 9.5 25 12.2 4.90 208 10.0 50 12.2 5.06 208 10.0 100 12.2 5.22 208 10.0 Infrastructure and Ecosystem Threats • Jetties at Graham Creek are at risk of breaching at their structure roots (north of composite sections). • Boulton Street and Bond Head Parkette threated by erosion due to sediment deficit. • Bond Head Bluffs: high erosion rates and large gullies threaten homes close to the bluff edge. • West rail line (CN and CP) entering Port Hope is at the crest of an eroding bluff. Shoreline Management Recommendations • Sediment bypassing from west fillet beach at Graham Creek to sediment starved shoreline fronting Bond Head Parkette and Boulton Street. • Bond Head Bluffs: Avoid further development on hazardous lands. Monitor proximity of bluff crest to existing development and slope stability. Relocate homes at risk. • Conservation Authority should regularly update hazard mapping at Bond Head to account for latest toe of slope, slope stability, and erosion. The 2020 hazard mapping must be updated frequently. 1020.01 Lake Ontario p.4 Shoreline Management Plan • Maintain naturally eroding bluff environments. Avoid rezoning agricultural land for residential development along gully dominated shoreline. • Relocated buildings along high bluff environments susceptible to erosion and slope stability hazards. • Implement floodproofing measures for development on low lying lands adjacent to the lake (Port Granby, Port Britain). • Monitor rail line west of Port Hope and upgrade shore protection as required. • West Beach at Port Hope would benefit from dune and vegetation restoration to stabilize the back beach and enhance local habitat. • Mechanical bypassing of sediment from Port Hope West Beach to East Beach to avoid sedimentation in the navigation channel. Use Disclaimer The information in this reach summary was prepared for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, and the Lower Trent Region Conservation Authority. If used by a third party, they agree that the information is subject to change without notice. Zuzek Inc. and SJL Engineering Inc. assume no responsibility for the consequences of such use or changes in the information. Under no circumstance will Zuzek Inc. or SJL Engineering Inc. be liable for direct, indirect, special, or incidental damages resulting from, arising out of, or in connection with the use of the information in this summary by a third party. 1020.01 Lake Ontario p.5 Shoreline Management Plan Attachment 3 to Report PDS-054-21 ciffft"11 October 14, 2021 Small Craft Harbours - Regional Director Fisheries and Oceans Canada 501 University Cres Winnipeg MB R3T 21\16 Email: Jacqueline.blanchette(o)_dfo-mpo.gc.ca Dear Ms. Blanchette, Re: Maintenance and Repair of Federal Piers at Bowmanville Harbour The piers (breakwater structures) at Bowmanville (Port Darlington) Harbour are federally owned (see attached letter). Recently two studies have been completed in partnership with the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) regarding shoreline erosion and disposition. The two studies were being undertaken simultaneously. The Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan spanned three conservation authority boundaries from Pickering to Trenton on Lake Ontario and then a more specific study of the Cedar Crest Beach Embayment Area to the west of the piers at Bowmanville. The consultant on the projects made observations and comments on the condition of the west pier at Bowmanville Harbour as it is lower, less substantial and starting to have breeches along its length. The first study can be viewed at https://www.cloca.com/lake-ontario- shoreline-hazard-manag and the second study is attached to the Clarington staff report at httDs://weblink.clarinaton.net/weblink/0/edoc/340831/PDS-007-21.Ddf. The first study noted on Appendix A, Page 110 under Reach 4 "The west jetty at Bowmanville Creek is in extremely poor condition and requires significant repairs and/or upgrades. The structure has limited ability to trap sand or to dissipate wave energy due to its porosity and low crest. The structure roundhead which features a navigation light is in good condition." We are bringing the condition of the west pier to your attention as it needs maintenance and repair. The piers at Bowmanville are integral to the operation of Port Darlington Harbour Company owned by Wiggers Custom Yachts, Bowmanville Marina and the municipal boat launch with serves many recreational boaters and fishers. Clarington Council has allocated funding for improvements to the municipal boat launch as recreational fishing is an important economic development and tourism generator. The trespass of sands from the littoral drift through the western pier affects navigation and the increase in siltation build up has markedly increased overtime. The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, ON L1 C 3A6 1-800-563-1195 1 Local:905-623-3379 1 info@clarington.net I www.clarington.net Page 2 Please let us know the schedule for when the repairs will be undertaken. Yours sincerely, Faye Langmaid Manager of Special Projects Planning and Development Services FL*av Attachment 1- Letter from Fisheries and Oceans Canada Cc: Steve Brake, Director of Works Ryan Windle, Director of Planning and Development Services Lindsey Park, MPP David Piccini, MPP Erin O'Toole, MP Chris Darling, CAO, CLOCA Attachment 1 Fisheries and Nches at oceans Canada Oc6ans Canada Small Craft Harbours Ports pour petits Warm Contra and Arctic Reglan R6gion du Cantle at de I'Arclpue P-O- Sox 85120 C.P. 65120 3027 Harveater Road 3027. chemin Harvester Suite 506 Bureau SW Gurlingtor% 6rdarlo Burlington. Ontario UR 4K3 UR 4K3 TEL W5]889-4= TEL t905)GX-4= FAX (905) 639-5975 FAX [ap5] 639ZO75 04 January 2002 Corporation of the Municipality ofClarington 40 'reinperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 Attention: Ms. Cynthia Strike, Planner Community Planning Branch :Y14 Jr1s�i d 2002 NAIIAIL�fI';IIkY01-Cl-fdi11610N k�l.r�i',•tifil• '-k'1d;Ilbl!:id! 111ld 15.2.1 Dar f k Ar frr rrferom 5882 "l3" &nvnianville Dear Ms. Strike: Ile: Sinn]] Craft Harbours Facility: Bowmanville, Ontario Receipt of your letter, dated November 30, 2001, is hereby acknowledged with thanks. In answer to your query, the following is confirmed: ■ The federal Crown has fee simple ownership of the breakwater structures; and • Subject to a reversionary interest in favour of the Provincc of Ontario, title to the land upon which the breakwater structures are located (Parts 1 and 2, Plan IOR-880), rests with the federal Crown, For further information regarding; the federal property at Bowmanville, please refer to the following enclosures: i , Letter: Shipley/Strike, dated October 23, 1995 (minus enclosures); 2. Letter: Blanchard/Stockwell, dated January 21, 1997 (minus enclosures)-, 1 Provincial Order -in -Council, O.C. 652179, date March 7, 1979; 4. Federal Order -in -Council, P.C. 1979-2974, dated November 1, 1979; 5, Plan 10R-880 (referred to in 3 and 4 above); CanadIII a Ms. Cynthia Strike 5882 " D" Bowmanville January 4, 2002 Page 2 b, Grant of Easement, Instrument No. 125392 (The Port Darlington Harbour Company to the federal Crown), over Part 1, Plan IOR- 1484; 7. Quit Claim, Instrument No. 120097 (Town of Newcastle to the federal Crown), to Part 1, Plan l OR-1484, and 8. Plan IOR-1484 (referred to in 5 and 7 above), If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office, urs sincerely D.G. Blanchar�4 Director