HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-03-07 Minutes . Council Information 1-7 Santa Claus Parade - Minutes of Meeting (..Cl<O .r0e Special Meeting March 7, 2005 Start Time: 7.:05 PM Finish Time: 7:45PM " Attendance: Valerie,McCormick, Dawn Longmire, Roger Leetooze, Terryl Tzikas, Tracy Bayley-Buckle, Rob Flynn, Charlie Trim, Debbie Fernandes' . , Absent: Marie HarJ:Imond, Sheri Crago Valerie McCormick - Chairperson Valerie stated that this is a special meeting to give each committee member the opportunity to express their feelings towards the "non-commercial" aspect of the Parade. , Valerie read our current mission statement. Each committee member will be given approximately 5 minutes to make a statement with regards to whether or not we should continue as a "non- commercial" event, Dawn Longmire':" Buttons, Costumes Dawn stated that she would like the Parade to remain as a non-commercial event, however, maybe we could consider treating organizations differently than businesses. Should we consider allowing entries to wear clothing displaying their logos. We should encourage participants to follow our theme. Debbiewould like. the Parade to remain as non-commercial. . Debbie Fernandes - Floats and Fillers If we allow advertising, large organizations may be able to make professional floats and thi$ may discourage small businesses and families from participating . in the Parade. 1 Charlie Trim - Deputy Major Municipality of Clarington - Regional Councnlor, Region of Durham Charlie stated that' we must remember that the Parade is for the children. Have we considered a new Parade route - from new high school on Hwy 2 ,to King Street onto Liberty Street South. We should consider shortening the length of the Parade. As children are often cold and tired watching the Parade maybe we should move the Santa Float to the beginning of the Parade. We should consider eliminating the judging of the floats as it does not add to the parade. The Parade is not a sports parade and we should not allow sport teams to wear their jerseys in the Parade. Terryl Tzikas - Secretary Terryl stated that the non-commercial aspect of the Parade should be maintained. The non-commercial aspect makes our Parade unique. We should not allow advertising of any kind including sports jerseys. We must ensure the participants are aware of the rules and we should review our rules. Roger stated that he would like the Parade to remain as a non-commercial event. . Rob Flynn - Traffic Control Rob stated, " Don't fix what is not broken" Our Parade is very successful and we should be proud of it. Roger Leetooze - Judging/Posters/Rogers Cable/Button Boxes .' Suggested two minor changes to information within our Policy statement. , Tracy Bayley-Buckle - Minutes, Make-up Tracy had been to a commercial Christmas parade and stated that her children became v~ry bored watching all the different organizations march by without a float or a Christmas theme. Tracy would like the Parade to stay as a non-commercial event. Terryl put forth the following vote: All in favour of the Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade remaining as a non- commercial community event. Seven Committee members voted in favour of the Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade maintaining the non-commercial aspect of the Parade. Two Committee members were absent. Other business: Valerie McCormick informed the committee that Tammy Johnson resigned from the committee as Publicity Coordinator due to personal commitments. Tammy will continue to administer our website. " Valerie knows of an individual who is interested in being involved in organizing the Parade and will see if she would like to take on the position of Publicity Coordinator. Terryl will be having her sister assist her with her secretarial duties. " Committee members would like to have future meetings at the municipal offices and have asked Charlie Trim to book a meeting room for meetings starting in September. Committee members had discussion concerning changing the parade route to continue down King Street ending at the Zoo. This would eliminate the' congestion on Liberty Street South. We will continue this discussion in September. Meeting adjourned by Roger.