HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-10-24 Minutes Correspondence Item 1-8 SANTA CLAUS PARADE - MINUTES OF MEETING October 24, 2005 Start Time: 7:09PM Finish Time: 8:35 PM Attendance: Valerie McCormick, Roger Leetooze, Dawn Longmire, Debbie Fernandes, Tracy Bayley-Buckle, Kathy McLaughlin, Marie Hammond, Sheri Crago Absent: Rob Flynn, Terryl Tzikas Reviewed minutes from previous meeting. Motioned to accept the minutes by Tracy seconded by Roger. All in agreement VALERIE McCORMICK - Chairperson . Valerie stated that she had talked to Bud Henning's daughter Fran Sweet and they do not want to use our float this year. Bud enjoys watching the parade. . Valerie has called Fred Horvath at the Municipality to arrange for a truck and driver to pull the Committee float. . Confirmed with Fred that the Old Fire Hall will be open at 8:00 a.m. for makeup. . Contacted Mike Slocombe and Doug Moore and they are both available to commentate the parade. They will be coming to the Program meeting. . Confirmed that Roy Nichols Motors will provide cars for dignitaries. Need to call closer to parade day with the number of cars we require. . Contacted Ron Baker at the Municipality. They will drop off 75 pylons in the parking lot beside the Old Fire hall between 7:00 - 7:30 a.m. parade morning. . Tracy still has to get together with Dawn regarding makeup. . Has called make up volunteers and is waiting to hear back from them. Parking meters on King Street will have "no parking" signs placed over them. Barriers will be dropped off parade morning as per letter from Terryl. . Don Welsh will not be able to help us out this year. He usually does traffic control at the corner of King & Scugog. . Valerie presented Marie with the receipt from the Legion. . A man by the name of Blair Smyth would like to be Santa in the future. He has his own Santa Suit. Valerie has his name and phone number. Sheri mentioned that we should require a police check when a new volunteer replaces our existing Santa. . Valerie has spoken to RBC Branch Manager Sheila Comoy about service charges. RBC will waive service charges but would stop their donation. It was agreed to keep the service charges and not loose the donation. . Courtice RBC bank has been informed that we will be making our deposit on parade ':':;y at about 2:15 - 2:30. We will borrow metal money tin from them prior to parade day . Greg Belanger will marshal the parade, this has been confirmed bye-mail. . Valerie presented a sample of the new sign for parade building. All agreed that we should go ahead with this sign. . Graydon Brown will pull Santa Float. He is looking into better radios to use from the Fire Department. MARIE HAMMOND - Treasurer . Marie paid Dawn for the postage. . Approximately $1,200 received in donations to date. . Pingle Farms has donated this year. TRACY BAYLEY- BUCKLE -Makeup DEBBIE FERNANDES - Floats and Fillers . The following have contacted Debbie for Parade: o Clarington Swim Club, Clarington Project, Red Hat Society, St. Elizabeth School, Durham Regional Police, Harley (Debbie has talked to them and. reminded them that they cannot wear their jackets)" Trinity United Church . Dawn was concerned that there were not many entries yet, but it is still early. . Clarington High School would like to have their Coyote Mascot in parade but no school logo to be worn. ,. DAWN LONGMIRE - Buttons, Costumes . Dawn forwarded a bill for $352.44 for postage for donation letters to Marie. . Addresses that have the wrong Postal Code will be given back to Terryl, there is only a few that were not valid. . Dawn questioned if Marie's daughters would be on the Santa float. Marie has 4 girls, the girls have to be at parade for 9:00 a.m., and at hospital by 12:15 approximately. . Kathy volunteered to take Santa and girls to hospital. . Dawn will bring costumes for Santa's elves to next meeting. . Pat is making new fish costumes this year. . Committee Float - both of Tracy's girls will be on it along with Dawn's daughter and a friend. Debbie to see ifher son would like to be on the float. . New fish costumes to be worn by Val's son, Dawn's son and Sheri's two sons. ROGER LEETOOZE - JudginglPosters/Rogers CablelButtons and Button boxes . One judge e-mailed Roger to inform him that he will not be available on Parade day. . Weare spelling the name on the Edie Cole Volunteer Trophy incorrectly. Roger will go to Hooper's to make sure name is spelled correctly on plaques given to the wmner. . Roger has called Sharon Smith and left messages to see if she has contacted Ayren Links and ifnot to give Roger a contact name and he will do it. . Roger has talked to Rob's household regarding banners as Roger cannot locate a banner to give to Dawn. . Roger does not know if Rob has spoken to Quarry Lakes for golf carts, Valerie will follow up with Rob. TERRYL TZIKAS - Secretary . Absent KATHY MCLAUGHLIN - Publicity . Kathy stated that she has contacted Jennifer Cook at the Municipality and there will be advertisements in the Community section of the paper on October 26,2005 for Floats and Fillers and November 2, 2005 regarding Costumes and will be on the screens at the Municipal office. . Robin at McDonalds has been contacted and the advertisement for the parade will appear on their placemats . The ad for Costumes will appear in the This Week on Sunday October 30,2005 at a cost of $771.00. King and Liberty to Memorial Park 760m King and Liberty to Bowmanvlle Zoo 1000m Bowmanville Zoo to Hains Street 300m King and Liberty to Bowmanville Mall 520m . Have contacted Kawartha Public Schools regarding the Food and Toy Drive for Durham Regional Police to see if they will insert into their Newsletters. Have obtained contact name for the Separate School board who has not returned by call (Ron McNamara) . Kathy will contact KX96 to see if they will provide some air time regarding the Parade at a closer date. . Will contact paper regarding pictures taken when costumes are handed out. SHERI CRAGO - Bands . Nine bands have confirmed this year - at a price of $5,900.00 . Waiting to hear back from Cobourg Concert Band, but is not pushing it as there is quite a few bands. . There is ;:;~e and a half pipe bands, but has not heard back from Bowmanville Legion. . Sheri is still working on the Militia. . Sheri will also contact St. Stephens to see if they will be in parade. . Valerie has contacted Nancy Taylor from the Municipality regarding Certificates of Insurance for School bands and Legion bands, as the Oshawa Legion band and some school bands have stated they could not provide one. Nancy stated that there is information on file at the municipality regarding the coverage for local schools and all Legion Bands have coverage through their Legion branch. If anything goes wrong we will be able to obtain the insurance information. NEW BUSINESS . Parade Route: Discussion was held on changing the Parade Route. Valerie started the discussion by talking about her previous discussions with Ron Baker from the Municipality. Ron has access to a computer system that will calculate the distance from one point to another. He gave Val the following measurements: Ron did not like the idea ofthe parade route extending to the Bowmanville Zoo as we would have to close Mearns, Also, if we went right to the Zoo and used Hains Street as an exit for bands and floats we would be adding 540 metres onto the parade route. Ron suggested ending the parade at Frank Street. , . Tracy is concerned with how we will disperse everyone at the end of the parade. We have to be concerned with the children, the floats and the bands. Some bands have a second parade to attend and have to have easy access to Hwy 401. Roger stated the BIA is not too happy with us as it is and if we go straight down King Street businesses might be more upset with us. Liberty Street does not have too many businesses on it and they are used to the parade route. Roger also stated that going as far as Frank Street may cause problems for Emergency vehicles. Kathy expressed concern with changing the route and no longer going past the hospitaL Even if there are no children at the hospital some adult patients might look forward to watching the parade. Dawn is concerned with the children at the end of the parade. Right now we have use of Mf'Tllorial Park Clubhouse and children can use the washrooms and go inside to warm up iftheir parents are not there to meet them right away. Marie and Sheri both expressed concerns with regards to maintaining the "tradition" of the existing parade route. They feel that the people that live on Liberty Street and in that area will be upset with the change in the parade route. It is tradition for them to go to Liberty Street to watch the parade. Many families go to the same spot on Liberty Street each year. Marie also stated that if we do change the parade route we would have to advertise the new route and have volunteers on Liberty Street to ensure that people do not wait there for the parade. Valerie mentioned to everyone to think about everything that was discussed and we would have a vote on the new parade route at the next meeting. In the mean time, Valerie will contact Ron Baker and request 6 barricades for the comer of King and Liberty to help with crowd control. Valerie will also ask Ron for some other suggestions regarding this intersection. . Discussion on supplying the kids with a drink after they return their costume. Valerie asked Tracy to look into providing the kids with drinks after the parade. Tracy to contact Reid's Dairy about juice bags. Motion to adjourn the meeting by Roger. Next meeting November 7th, 2005 Time 7:00 pm. Room 1 C