HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-11-16 Minutes 1-5 SANTA CLAUS PARADE - MINUTES OF MEETING REVISED November 16, 2005 Start Time: 7:01PM Finish Time: 8:10 PM Attendance: Valerie McCormick, Roger Leetooze, Dawn Longmire, Tracy Bayley- Buckle, Kathy McLaughlin, Marie Hammond, Sheri Crago, Terryl Tzikas, Debbie Fernandes Absent: Rob Flynn Minutes were read and motion to accept the minutes by Roger seconded by Tracy. All in agreement VALERIE McCORMICK - Chairperson . Valerie stated that the cars and drivers have been arranged for dignitaries . Val has picked up the "caution" tape . There will be a donation sent from St. Marys Cement to Marie . Sue St. John received bill from "This Week" for ad. . Volunteer is needed for Ontario and Brown Street. . We will discuss parade route at our Wrap up meeting. . trying to collect all 44 buttons and list the years we are missing. It would be nice for the Committee to have a complete set. MARIE HAMMOND - Treasurer . $5,300 has been donated about $1,000 down from last year TRACY BAYLEY- BUCKLE -Makeup . Tracy has quite a few volunteers for this year's parade. . Reids Dairy: 120 bags have been ordered, we must pay for these this year and if we inform them earlier there will be no charge . Dawn has ordered more make up DEBBIE FERL".NDES - Floats and Fillers . Floats and fillers are all set. DAWN LONGMIRE - Buttons, Costumes . Buttons will be picked up on Friday and delivered to Legion on Friday . Rita Jenkin will open up Memorial Park at 10:00 on parade day ROGER LEETOOZE - JudginglPosters/Rogers Cable/Buttons and Button boxes . Val has trophies. . Roger has a 3rd judge . Boxes have been moved to the Legion . Posters have been delivered, to Newcastle, Orono, Newtonville, Bowmanville, Courtice and areas . Roger will pick up programs from James Publishing and deliver to Legion . There maybe a charge for generator this year . Val, Mark and Lome will set up table, chairs and Canopy TERRYL TZIKAS - Secretary . Permits are all in place . Terryl has not been able to get a hold of Rick at Bank of Montreal to use their space . The school is confirmed but she will double check KATHY MCLAUGHLIN - Publicity . There was an ad in This Week on the front page with Ken Hockin . Will put Thank you ad in paper SHERI CRAGO - Bands . Durham Girls Choir would like to be in parade and will participate for free . We will start the parade off with this Group (Durham Girls Choir) . This group will also receive $200.00 for participating NEW BUSINESS . Parade Route: It was decided to hold off on vote for parade route until wrap up meeting, Take a poll on parade day to crowd to see their opinion. Next meeting N.o: . ember 28, 2005 - Wrap up meeting and Pot Luck Time 7:00 pm. At Val's Home