HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-09-25 Minutes 1-6 SANTA CLAUS PARADE - MINUTES OF MEETING September 25, 2006 Start Time: 7:09PM . Finish Time: 8 :22 PM Attendance: Valerie McCormick, Dawn Longmire, Tracy Bayley-Buckle, Kathy McLaughlin, Marie Hammond, Sheri Crago, Terryl Tzikas, Debbie Fernandes Absent: Rob Flynn, Roger Leetooze, Minutes were read and Valerie asked for a motioned to accept the minutes. Motioned by Dawn seconded by Sheri. All in agreement VALERIE McCORMICK - Chairperson . Valerie mentioned that she has received two calls from the Air Cadets and Sea Cadets forband participation in parade, and passed along Sheri's phone number. . Lakeridge Health Bowmanville has called Valerie and would like to be in this years parade, she mentioned to them that we are non commercial, and they were wanting to hand out bandages. Valerie will follow up with them to ensure the bandages do not have any name on theni. . The Audit on the books was completed in June. . There is a new process for our Permit this year, it is an Electronic Permit. Terryl has taken this to the Police Station. Valerie will pick it up at the Police Station and bring it to the Fire Department and forward to it Ron Baker at the municipality. Terryl requested a copy of the completed permit for her files. . We will need to pick a Saturday before parade to update Committee Float. There is a Blow up of 3 snowmen on a sleigh that we will be using this year. MARIE HAMMOND - Treasurer . Marie submitted financial statements at the meeting . . She has segregated 5% of button Sales for our 50th Parade . Question was brought up about keeping the 5% of button sales in a separate mc. This matter is to be brought up again at the next meeting when Roger is present. . Bank has changed the structure of the bank account and will not return cancelled cheques with the statement. . . Marie will forward Dawn the account number and Dawn will obtain digital images of cheques. TRACY BAYLEY- BUCKLE -Makeup . Tracy has asked for a letter to be completed and forwarded to Reids Dairy for them to donate drinks for parade - 130 bags DEBBIE FERNANDES - Floats and Fillers . Terry1 has disk for Debbie with updated letters for the Entrant's Package. . Discussion.on handing out candy from floats on parade day . The following will be. added to the rules: . 0 "If you intend to hand out candy, please carry your supply with you. Restocking from a vehicle poses a danger to participants and causes delays to the parade" . Debbie has envelopes addressed and ready to be mailed. DAWN LONGMIRE - Buttons, Costumes . Dawn has talked with David Gillespie regarding taking photo of Santa. Dawn will provide Santa's phone number to David. . The button will be in colour and not black and white. . Dawn will be in touch with Pat Lange about costumes. . Donation letters are ready to go. . Dawn was at a Board of Trade meeting and has obtained a listing of businesses in town. Terry1 would like a copy of this. . Costume handout will be Sunday November 5th, at Clubhouse from 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. . Dawn will be cleaning the costumes and will be submitted a bill for this. ROGER LEETOOZE - JudgingIPosterslRogers CableJButtons and Button boxes . Judges not confIrmed yet but will not be a problem. . Banner will be the same as last year . Val will contact Forbes to make signs for boxes (approx 38 boxes) just saying Bowmanville Santa Clause Parade, and will obtain a cost for these. TERRYL TZIKAS - Secretary . Dignitary letters have been sent, but has not yet heard back from anybody . She has a disc with form on it KATHY MCLAUGHLIN - Publicity . Is waiting for date for Costume pick up and will forward to schools SHERI CRAGO - Bands . Would like to know how much she has to spend with bands this year . Maybe cut down on bands as there were quite a few last parade . $8,000 budget . She stated that the Durham Girls Choir was really not effective and maybe would be better on a float . Durham Regional Pipe Band is booked, same price as other pipe bands . Sheri has a friend that would like to help on Committee, it was agreed that if she is interested we have a position available as TrafficNolunteer Co-ordinator . Pacers needed for parade maybe with every 3rd float . Toronto Signals have contacted Sheri, but are a lot of money . Bowmanville Legion Pipe Band need to be at front of parade Rob Flynn . Absent NEW BUSINESS . Candy Rule has been re-defined. . Santa has agreed to do button, and is not retiring Next meeting October 10, 2005 at Town HaIl Room 1 C Time 7 :00 pm.