HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-10-23 Minutes SANTA CLAUS PARADE - MINUTES OF MEETING October 23, 2006 Start Time: 7:10 PM Finish Time: 8:35 PM Attendance: Valerie McCormick, Dawn Longmire, Kathy McLaughlin, Marie Hammond Sheri Crago, Tracy Bayley-Buckle, Roger Letooze, Debbie Fernandes Absent: Terryl Tzikas VALERIE McCORMICK - Chairperson . Valerie has been in contact with the following people: o Gord Weir - Fire Chief to drive car in parade o Ken Hockin - Parade Announcer o Bill Reid at Fire department for Walkie Talkies o Doug and Mike - Commentators o Roy Nichols Motors for cars for dignitaries o Fred Horvath for Municipal Truck to pull our Float and to have Court house open for make up o Graydon Brown will pull Santa Float o Jim Connell- Legion to sell buttons . Jim Connell from Legion requires a cheque for $250.00. . Val has been in contact with 4BZ signs and Roger has dropped off button boxes. They can make the two signs 8 ft X 2 ft and be able to change the year for us, $275.00 for two signs. o Dawn make the motion to have two signs made up for $275.00 for two, seconded by Marie. All in favour - Motion accepted . Val has contacted Flags Unlimited and ordered Provincial and Canadian Flag along with 5 carrying slings (5 finials for free) at a cost of$293.84 and has given bill to Marie. . The existing Santa Flags will be cleaned. Tracy will be cleaning the flags and painting the Flag Poles where there is some rust. . She has requested a quote for new Santa flags from Flags Unlimited at a cost of . $120.00 for each flag. . 4BZ signs may be able to do flags for less. This will have to be looked into for next year. . Val gave "Flag Rules" to Dawn so that the flags are lined up in the proper arrangement on Parade day. . Val showed this years button design, we will be going with 9,000 buttons this year, the unit price will remain the same for less buttons. . Valerie would like to know if we know of anyone that would be interested in joining committee for traffic/volunteers. Organize volunteers for parade day. . Volunteer of the year was discussed. o Marie made the motion that Ken Hockin to be our Volunteer of the year award, seconded by She"i. All in favour - Motion accepted . James Publishing called to say their donation is a reduction on the cost of our programs. Cost is $375.00 and they charge us $200.00. Their name must be put on program. . Committee Float looks great - need children to sit on float. . Santa float has been cleaned. . Rogers Cable has been in contact with Val, if we require them. Roger to send e- mail to them as he usually does. . Dinner Wrap up meeting will be held at Bobby C's on November 29th. Meeting will start at 6:30 p.m followed by dinner at 7:00 p.m. We will be inviting Santa and his wife, also Mike and Doug our Commentators. . Greg Belanger will Marshal the parade once again this year. Sue St. John will help with traffic control and Tammy Johnson is not available to help out as she is working that day. Kathy will take pictures on Parade day. MARIE HAMMOND - Treasurer . Marie gave cheque for $250.00 for Legion to Val. . No donations have come in yet. . Marie has four drivers for dignitary cars. TRACY BAYLEY-BUCKLE -Makeup . Tracy has her calls out for Make up help. . . She will be placing a sign up on Costwne Pick Up day for anyone interested in helping with make up on Parade morning. . Reid's Dairy has donated 75 cartons of apple juice; if these are small boxes she will order 50 more juice bags. DEBBIE FERNANDES - Floats and Fillers . Floats and Fillers are slow coming in. . The Kendal Pipe and Drum have contacted her regarding handing out candy. Asked ifkids pulling a wagon can hand out candy and Committee decided that yes they can. . Ministry of Transportation will be a new entry in the Parade this year. . Val has asked Ministry of Transportation to help with traffic control at the end of the parade. DAWN LONGMIRE - Buttons, Costumes . Dawn has some bills for Marie: o Invoice for Letterhead - $358.45 o Pat Lange - Costwne Fabric etc. $420.80 . Dawn forwarded copies of cheques from Bank to Marie . Dawn has a concern regarding the end of parade. Could there be barriers on Park Street. Val suggested for Dawn to go to Memorial Park at the beginning of the Parade and block off the parking area with caution tape. ROGER LEETOOZE - JudgingIPosterslRogers Cable/Buttons and Button boxes . Roger has 2 carts from Ayren Links, and 2 carts and 1 Gator from Quarry Lakes. He has contacted Bob's Towing for transportation of these carts on parade day. Waiting for call back. . Roger discussed visibility of Button Sellers with Jim from the Legion and Roger told him that we have purchased Santa hats for them to wear - Button sellers may wear Santa hats but cannot force them to wear them. . There is one definite judge, but still working on this. TERRYL TZIKAS - Secretary . Terryl was absent from meeting; however, Valerie presented her report. . Terryl is currently completing the Permit process. . Central School has been booked for the bands. . John O'Toole will be in the parade. . Bev Oda has not confirmed yet and Terryl will follow up. . Roger Anderson will not be in the parade. . Mayor to be followed up after the election. . Overt has a new contact person and Terryl is trying to contact him. . St. John's Ambulance will be in the parade. KATHY MCLAUGHLIN - Publicity . There will be an ad in this Friday's (October 27th) paper for Costume pickup at a cost of $77 1.00. . Hoping to get ad in Community Corner of Statesman for November I sl for Costume pick up and floats and fillers. SHERI CRAGO - Bands . Clarington Concert Band is booked and on a Float. . With bands on floats we require insurance certificate. Vehicles must have Ontario Licence plates. . There are nine confirmed bands plus St. Stephens High School Band. . Sheri is still waiting for a call back from the Sea Cadets. . Emily Stowe is in parade with their school band. Will need Certificate of Insurance as they are on a float. NEW BUSINESS: . Roger mentioned that 2008 would be the 50th Parade. His wife would like to do a book on the History of Parade. This will be further discussed with the Committee. Motion to end meeting by Roger, seconded by Tracy. All in favour - Motion Accepted Next meeting Monday November 6, 2006 Room IC -7:00 p.m.